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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Chapter Trigonometric Functions and

1 Identities
Day – 1

Trigonometric Ratio and Identities

Angle and its Measurement
Let a revolving line, starting from OX, revolve about O in a plane in the direction of arrow (in
anticlockwise direction) and occupy the position OP. Then it is said to trace an angle XOP. OP is
called the final (or terminal) position of OX which is the initial position. The point O is called the
vertex. More precisely an angle may be defined as a measured of the rotation of a half ray about its
origin. An angle XOP is positive if it is traced by a ray revolving in the anticlockwise direction
and negative if it is traced by a ray revolving in the clockwise direction.

Measurement of an Angle
There are three system of measurement of an angle:
(i) Sexagesimal system or English System.
(ii) Centesimal system or French System
(iii) Circular System

Sexagesimal System (degree measure)

In this system an angle is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. One complete revolution in
360º where one degree is written as 1º. Further 1º is divided into 60 equal parts where one part is
one minute (written as 1`). Again one minute is divided into 60 equal part and one part is one
second (written as 1``). Thus 1º = 60 minutes (or 60`) and 1` = 60 seconds (or 60``). An angle of
90º is also called a right angle.

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Centesimal System (grade measure)

In this system an angle is measured in grades, minutes and seconds.
Here 1 right angle = 100 grades, written as 100 g,
1 grade = 100 minutes, written as 100`,
and 1 minute = 100 second, written as 100``.

Circular System (radian measure)

In this system an angle is measured in radius. A radius is an angle subtended at the centre of a
circle by an arc whose length is equal to its radius.
Let AB be an arc of a circle of radius r such that length of the arc AB = r. Then ∠AOB = 1 radian
(written as 1c).
Since the whole circle subtends an angle of 360º (4 right angles) at the centre and the angles at the
centre of circle are in the ratio of substending arcs,

Number of radians in an Angle subtended by an Arc of a Circle at the Centre

Let ∠AOP = θ radian be the angle subtended by an arc AP (1 unit) of a circle at the centre O. An
arc AB = r is cut off from AP. Then,

∠AOB = 1 radiant and

Hence number of radians in .

Definitions of Trigonometric Ratio or Circular Functions

Let a revolving line starting from OX trace an angle ‘θ’ in any of the four quadrants. Let M be the
foot of the perpendicular from P upon X`OX. Regarding OM and MP as directed length (taking
OP positive), the ratio of OM, MP and OP with one another are called circular functions or
trigonometric ratio of angle θ.

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Let OM = x, MP = y and OP = r > 0. The circular functions are defined as:

Trigonometric ratio (or functions) may also be defined with respect to a triangle.
In a right angled triangle ABC, ∠CAB = A and ∠BCA = 90º = π/2. AC is the base, BC the altitude
and AB is the hypotenuse. We refer to the base as the adjacent side and the altitude as the opposite
side. With reference to angle A. the six trigonometric ratio are:

is called the sine of A, and written as sin A.

is called the cosine of A, and written as cos A.

is called the tangent of A, and written as tan A.

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Obviously, . The reciprocals of sine, cosine and tangent are called cosecant, secant
and cotangent of A respectively. We write these as cosec A, sec A cot A respectively. Since the
hypotenuse is the greatest side in a right angle triangle , sin A and cos A can never be greater than
unity and cosec A and sec A can never be less than unity.
Hence while tan A and cot A may take any
numerical value.
→ All the six trigonometric functions have got a very important property in common that is of
→ Remember that the trigonometrically ratios are real numbers and remain same as long as angle
A is real.

Signs of Trigonometric Ratios

The following table describes the signs of various trigonometric ratios:

1st quadrant 2nd quadrant 3rd quadrant 4th quadrant

All positive sin θ, cosec θ positive tan θ, cot θ positive sec θ, cos θ positive

Trigonometrical Identities
An identity is a relation which is true for all values of the independent variables. There are three
fundamental identities involving trigonometrical ratios:
(i) In triangle OPM;

Dividing both sides of (1) by OP 2, we get

(ii) Dividing both sides of (1) by OM 2 we get:

(iii) Dividing both sides of (1) by MP 2 we get

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Functions and Identities

Trigonometric Ratio of Standard Angles

Trigonometric Ratios of 45º
In the adjacent figure OM = PM = y and
∠POM = 45⁰. Here

Trigonometric Ratios of 30º

Let the revolving line trace POM = 30º. Let PM = y. Let P`
be the image of P in OX so that OPP` is an equilateral triangle.
Then OP = PP` = 2y

Trigonometric Ratio of 60°

Let a revolving line, starting from OX, trace ∠XOP = 60°.
PM is perpendicular from P and OX, P` is appoint on OX such
that ΔOPP` is equilateral.
Let OP = 2y and OP` = 2y

Trigonometric Ratio of 0o
Let a revolving line, starting from OX, trace ∠XOP = 0⁰.
So that P lies on OX. Here PM = 0.

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Equations

Trigonometric Equations
Day – 1

Trigonometric Equations and Inequations

and write the values of θ in the interval
The given equation can be written as;

For the given interval, n = 0 and n = 1.

Solve cos θ + cos 3θ + cos 3θ + cos 5θ + cos 7θ = 0.
We have,
cos θ + cos 3θ + cos 3θ + cos 5θ + cos 7θ = 0
⇒ (cos θ + cos 7θ) + (cos 3θ + cos 5θ) = 0
⇒ 2 cos 4θ . cos 3θ + 2 cos 4θ . cos θ = 0
⇒ cos 4θ (cos 3θ + cos θ) = 0
⇒ cos 4θ (2 cos 2θ + cos θ) = 0
⇒ either cos θ = 0 ⇒ θ = (2n + 1) π/2
⇒ cos 2θ = 0 ⇒ θ = (2n + 1) π/4.

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⇒ cos 4θ = 0 ⇒ θ = (2n + 1) π/8.

Find the general solutions of:


Solve 3 tan2θ – 2 sin θ = 0.

∵ We work under the condition cos θ ≠ 0, in this problem any solution for θ, for which cos θ = 0
is to be rejected.
sin θ (3 sin θ – 2 cos2 θ) = 0
∴ sin θ = 0 …(i)
or 3 sin θ – 2 cos θ = 0 …(ii)
From (i);
sin θ = 0
Here principal angle is θ = 0.
∴ General solution is;

Again from (ii),

3 sin θ – 2 cos2 θ = 0
⇒ 3 sin θ – 2 (1 – sin2 θ) = 0

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⇒ 2 sin2 θ + 3 sin θ – 2 = 0
⇒ (sin θ + 2) (2 sin θ – 1) = 0
⇒ sin θ = – 2 or sin θ = ½

⇒ sin θ = – 2 is not possible.

Here principal angle is

∴ The general solution is;

∴ From (A) and (B);

Solutions are,

Solve the equation;

sin 3θ + cos 2θ = 0

Taking positive sign;

We get,

Taking (– ve) sign;

We get,

From (i) and (ii), the solutions belonging to

Note: If the equation contains one of the expressions (sin x + cos x) or (sin x – cos x) and the functions sin
2x(or the product sin x cos x) then use the fact.

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sin 2x = (sin x + cos x)2 – 1 = 1 – (sin x – cos x)2

Solve tan θ + tan 2θ + tan 3θ = 0.
We have,
(tan θ + tan 2θ) + tan 3θ = 0

⇒ tan (θ + 2θ) (1 – tan θ tan 2θ) + tan 3θ = 0

⇒ tan 3θ [1 – tan θ tan 2θ + 1] = 0
⇒ either tan 3θ = 0 or 2 – tan θ tan 2θ = 0

Find all the solutions of;
4 cos2 x sin x – 2 sin2 x = 3 sin x
4 cos2 x sin x – 2 sin2 x = 3 sin x
4 (1 – sin2 x) sinx -2 sin2 x – 3 sin x = 0
∴ 4 sin x – 4 sin3 x – 2 sin2 x – 3 sin x = 0

∴ General solution set

Properties and Solutions of Triangles

Sine Law
In any triangle ABC, the sides are proportional to sines of the opposite angles,

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Kaysons Education Trigonometric Equations

Let us consider an acute angled ∆ABC.
Where AD is perpendicular to BC, as shown in figure.

Thus from (i) and (ii),

Cosine Law
Here we express cosine of an angle in terms of sides.

Let us consider ∆ABC to be acute angled triangle. Where AD is perpendicular to BC, as shown
in figure.
AB2 = AD2 + BD2
⇒ AB2 = AD2 + (BC – CD)2 {as BC = BD + DC}
⇒ AB2 = AD2 + BD2 – 2BC. CD
⇒ AB2 = AC2 + BC2 – 2BC.(AC cos C)

{given AB = c, BC = a, AC = b}


Projection Law

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Kaysons Education Logarithms and Their Properties

Chapter Logarithms and Their

3 Properties
Day – 1

Logarithmic Function
If a > 0 ≠ 1, then logarithm of a positive number m is defined as the index x of that power of ‘a’
which equals m. i.e. log a m = x iff ax = m.

The function defined by f(x) = log a x, > 0 a ≠ 1 is called logarithmic function. Its domain is (0, ∞)
and range is R. When base I s ‘e’ then the logarithmic function is called natural logarithmic
function and when base is 10, then it is called common logarithmic function.

Graph of Logarithmic Function

(i):- y = loga x, a > 1

When 0 < x < 1
That is, we have to chose those values of y
for which 0 < ay < 1

(ii):- y = loga x, 0 < a < 1

x = ay
When 0 < x < 1
We have to choose those values of y
for which 0 < ay < 1.
Since 0 < a < 1 ⇒ y > 0
When x > 1
We have to choose those values of y for which ay > 1
Since a < 1 ⇒ y < 0.
Properties of Logarithmic Function
Let us consider

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… …. ….
… …. ….

Multiplying these n equations

or we can write it as

(i):- loga xn = n logax


Changing of Base

If ln 2.logb 625 = log1016. ln 10 then find the value of b.
ln 2. logb54 = log1024. ln 10

If in right angled triangle, a and b are the lengths of sides and c is the length of hypotenuse and c –
b ≠ 1, c + b ≠ 1, then show that
logc+ba + logc–ba = 2logc+ba. logc–ba.

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We know that in a right angled triangle
c2 = a 2 + b 2
c2 – b 2 = a 2 …(i)

= 2 logc+ba. log(c – b)a = R.H.S.

The sum of the series upto n terms

loga2 + loga4 + loga8 +….. upto n terms
= loga2 + 2 loga2 + 3 loga2 +….. n loga2

The value of ‘b’ satisfying
(a) 30 (b) 31
(c) 32 (d) 33

For 0 < x < 1, the value of log(1 + x) + log(1 + x2) + …. to ∞ is
(a) log (1 – x) (b) – log (1 – x)
(c) log x (d) – log x

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log [(1 + x) + log(1 + x2) + …. to ∞]
= log [1 + x + x2 + x3 +…. to ∞]

= – log (1 – x)
The value of x satisfying
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 3 (d) 4

Taking log on both sides

⇒ x = 6.

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Self Efforts

1. If logax, logbx, logcx, are in A.P. where x ≠ 1, then shown that

2. Prove that logan logbn + logbn logcn + logcn logan

3. If a2 + b2 = 7ab,

4. Solve that following equation for x,


6. Prove that xlogy – logz.ylogz – logx.zlogx – logy = 1.


8. Solve the equation,

x + log10(1 + 2x) = x log105 + log106.

9. The value of x satisfying inequalities log0.3(x2 + 8) > log0.39x lies in

(a) 1 < x < 8 (b) 8 < x < 13
(c) x > 8 (d) None of these

(a) a > 0, b > 0 (b) a < 0, b < 0
(c) a > 0, b < 0 (d) a < 0, b > 0

11. The value of x, satisfying

(a) x = 0 (b) x = 1
(c) x = 2 (d) x = 3

12. then the value of is equal to

(c) logca (d) None of these

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(a) log 2 (b) log 3
(c) 0 (d) None of these

14. Values of x satisfying the equation

15. Values of x, satisfying the equation

(a) logab (b) logba
(c) – logab (d) None of these

17. The values of x, satisfying the equation for are

–2 –1 –1/2 –1
(a) a , a (b) a , a
(c) a–3, a–1 (d) a–4/3, a–1/2

18. The value of x, satisfying the equation

(a) – 3 (b) – 4
(c) – 5 (d) – 6


6. x = 2 8. x = 1 9. 1 < x < 8 10. a > 0, b > 0

11. x = 1 12. 13. log 2 14.

15. 16. – logab 17. a–4/3, a–1/2 18. – 4

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