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Evaluating the efficacy of a bioactive synthetic graft material in

the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects

Ranjit Singh Uppal,1 Paramjit Kaur Khinda,2 Atamjit Singh Pal,3 Gagandeep Gupta,4
Rajveer Kaur 5
allogenic, and alloplastic implants in the treatment of
periodontal osseous defects(4).
ABSTRACT Among alloplastic graft materials, bioactive
Patri, 2 Yoshaskam Agnihotri, S.Balagopal including Hydroxyapatite,
Background: Bioactive ceramic fillers are synthetic materials
ceramics is a group of osteoconductive materials
Flouroapatite, Bioactive glass
which have shown the potential to enhance bone formation. The and Tricalcium phosphate. Discovery of bioceramics
purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a bioactive was made in 1969 by a ceramic engineer Lary L.
synthetic graft material in the treatment of intrabony periodontal
Hench(5). Bioactive glass is a ceramic composed
Method: Fourteen intrabony defects in twelve systemically
principally of SiO2. The original composition of bioactive
healthy subjects having moderate to severe chronic periodontitis glass approved by FDA , designated 45S5 was, 45mol%
were evaluated after bone grafting with bioactive ceramic filler of SiO2 , 26.9 mol% CaO, 24.4 mol% Na2O ,2.5mol%
for a period of 6 months. Clinical and radiographic evaluations P2O5. This material can bond to bone through
were made at baseline, at 3 and 6 months following surgery. development of a surface layer of carbonated
Results: Mean radiographic defect fill of 64.76% (2.49+0.5mm) hydroxyapatite, in situ. The calcium phosphate layer
was observed in 6 months, which was statistically significant. A thought to promote adsorption and concentration of
statistically significant relative attachment level gain of osteoblast derived protein necessary for mineralization
2.71+1.13mm and probing pocket depth reduction of
of extracellular matrix(6).
4.21+1.18mm was recorded at the end of the study. A significant
decrease in mobility and gingival index was observed.
In the present study, an effort has been made to
Conlusions: Bioactive glass is an efficacious treatment option for evaluate the efficacy of bioactive synthetic graft, as a
the reconstruction of intrabony periodontal defects as it led to periodontal regenerative material in the treatment of
statistically significant improvements in the clinical and periodontal endosseous defects.
radiographic parameters.

KEY WORDS: Periodontitis; intrabony defects; regeneration,

Materials and Method
bioactive glass. Material

Commercially available bioactive glass (Novabone

Introduction Dental Putty) was used as the material for study.
According to manufacturer’s claims Novabone Dental
The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is to prevent Putty is a premixed composite of bioactive calcium-
further attachment loss and predictably restore the phospho-silicate particulate which is composed solely of
periodontal supporting structures that were lost elements that exist naturally in normal bone (Ca, P, Na,
because of the disease or trauma in a way that the Si, O) and an absorbable binder which is a combination
architecture and function of the lost structures can be of polyethylene glycol and glycerine. The material
re-established(1). requires no mixing or preparation prior to application.
Functional reconstruction requires periodontal This non hardening putty is ready to use and is to be
regeneration, which aims at the restoration of lost applied directly to the intended graft site.
periodontium or supporting tissues and includes
formation of new alveolar bone, new cementum and Study Method
new periodontal ligament(2). Current literature Patient Selection
suggests that only guided tissue regeneration and 12 systemically healthy subjects (8 males and 4 females)
osseous grafting have resulted in successful periodontal suffering from moderate to severe chronic
regeneration(3). The efforts to obtain optimal periodontitis, aging between 30-65 years, having
regeneration of the periodontium has created a radiographic evidence of one or more vertical defects
renaissance of research in the utilization of autologous, (two or three walled) and probing pocket depth of 6mm
allogenic, and alloplastic implants in the treatment of
or • 2(4)
more at the experimental site were enrolled.
periodontal osseous defects(4). © 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry
Patients who had any medical condition or were on
Among alloplastic graft materials, bioactive
(two or three walled) and probing pocket depth of 6mm Antibiotics Doxycycline hyclate (100mg every 12 hours
or more at the experimental site were enrolled. on the day of surgery and every 24 hours for
subsequent 7 days) were prescribed and Chlorhexidine
Patients who had any medical condition or were on mouthrinse (0.12%) twice daily for 14 days. Subjects
therapeutic regimen that could decrease the probability were recalled after 7 days for suture removal. Scaling
of soft tissue or bone healing, pregnant or lactating and root planing, motivation and oral hygiene
women, teeth with furcation involvement, non vital or instructions were reinforced at 1, 3 and 6 months recall
endodontically treated teeth, third molars, one walled visits. Clinical and radiographic parameters were re-
defects, patients with parafunctional habits i.e. bruxism evaluated at 3 and 6 months postsurgery.
and who had periodontal surgery in last 6 months,
allergic to tetracycline, chlorhexidine were excluded. Statistical Analysis
The study was approved by the institutional ethical The statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical
committee. Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
version 15.0 for Windows). All quantitative variables
Clinical parameters were estimated using measures of central location
The graft material was assessed on the basis of (mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation
evaluation of certain selected clinical parameters, soft and standard error). For time related comparison
and hard tissue measurements of the experimental Paired t-test was applied. All statistical tests were two-
defect. The clinical parameters i.e Probing pocket sided and performed at a significance level of α=.05.
depth, Relative attachment level, Gingival recession,
Mobility, Plaque index, Gingival index and Radiographic
parameters(depth of intrabony defect) were recorded
by a single investigator just before surgery as baseline Results
data, and then were re-evaluated at 3 and 6 months Twelve patients in age group 30-65 years ( M:F of 8:4)
postsurgery. had participated in this study. Fourteen intrabony
Probing pocket depth was measured as the distance defects were treated with Novabone Dental Putty. All
from the gingival margin to the base of the pocket using the treated sites resulted in uneventful healing. No
University of North Carolina probe. Relative attachment complications such as allergic reaction, abscesses, or
level and Gingival recession was measured with same infections were observed throughout the study period,
periodontal probe from a reference notch on a vaccum in any of the patients.
formed acrylic stent. Vertical grooving in the stent made Statistically significant mean radiographic osseous
proper alignment of the probe possible and ensured defect fill of 64.76% (2.49mm) was observed from
reliability and reproducibility for future comparisons. baseline to 6 months (Table 1, Figure 1-3). About 85% of
To facilitate serial radiographic comparisons, intraoral the intrabony defects studied, had a defect fill of equal
periapical radiographs with attached X- ray grid, to or more than 50%, whereas 15% of the defects had
standardized by means of paralleling technique were less than 50% defect fill at the end of 6 months (Table
utilized. The grid was calibrated in millimeters, which 2).
could be counted to measure the osseous defect fill on To analyze the association of radiographic osseous
the radiograph. defect fill to initial radiographic osseous defect depth,
the defects were categorized in to two groups for
Study protocol descriptive purposes: Group I : Defects with baseline
After completing oral prophylaxis, subjects were re- radiographic depth less than or equal to 3mm.(n=7) ,
evaluated after 4 weeks. The subject showing Group II; Defects with baseline radiographic depth of
acceptable oral hygiene were selected for the study and defect more than 3mm.(n=7)
signed written consents were obtained from the In group I radiographic osseous defect fill of 76.19%
patients. was observed from baseline to 6months, which was
statistically significant (Table 3). In this group, all the
Surgical Protocol defects had 50% or greater radiographic osseous defect
Surgical procedure was performed under local fill after 6 months. Group II had a radiographic osseous
anesthesia. It included intrasulcular incisions, full defect fill of 53.3% over a period of 6 months (Table 3).
thickness flap elevation, meticulous debridement and Intergroup comparisons revealed that the difference in
root planing, endosseous defect filling with bioactive radiographic osseous defect fill was statistically
glass, flap repositioning. Pre-suturing was done prior to significant for group I as compared to group II.
the placement of graft material to prevent the A statistically significant probing pocket depth reduction
dislodgment of the graft material with suture needle. of 4.21+1.18mm was recorded after 6 months,(p<0.001)
Care was taken to avoid the overfilling of the defect so (Table 4). A mean relative attachment level gain of
as to ensure adequate closure of the flap. Suturing was 2.71+1.13mm was observed at the end of study period
done with interrupted 3-0 silk sutures. Periodontal (Table 4), which was statistically significant. A
dressing was placed. Routine Postoperative instructions statistically significant (p=0.003) decrease of 0.71 +0.72
were given to all the subjects.
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© 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry

Radiographic parameter Mean % change

RD1-RD2 37.76%
RD1-RD3 64.76%
RD2-RD3 43.09%

Table 1- Mean percentage change in radiographic osseous defect measurements

at different periods of observation.

1-2 (Change from baseline to 3months) HS: Statistically highly significant.

1-3 (Change from baseline to 6 months) S: Statistically significant 2-3 (Change from 3to 6months)
NS: Statistically non significant.

>50% defect fill <50% defect fill

No. of defects 12 2
% of defects 85% 15%

Table 2 - Showing defects with 50% or greater defect fill

Radiographic Group Mean % fill Standard deviation

RD1-RD3 Group I 76.19% 16.26
Group II 53.33% 16.07

Table 3 -Summary of mean percentage radiographic osseous defect fill after 6 months in Group I and Group II.

Clinical parameter Mean Standard p- Value Significance

Difference Deviation
(in mm)
Probing pocket depth
PPD1-PPD2 2.71 0.99 <0.001 HS
PPD1-PPD3 4.21 1.18 <0.001 HS
PPD2-PPD3 1.50 0.85 <0.001 HS
Relative attachment level
RAL1-RAL3 1.50 0.85 <0.001 HS
RAL2-RAL3 2.71 1.13 <0.001 HS
1.21 0.80 <0.001 HS
Gingival Recession
GR1-GR2 -1.28 0.46 <0.001 HS
GR1-GR3 -1.50 0.65 <0.001 HS
GR2-GR3 -0.21 0.42 0.082 NS

Table 4 -Summary of mean differences of Probing pocket depth, Relative attachment level and Gingival recession at
different periods of observation.

1-2 (Change from baseline to 3months) HS: Statistically highly significant.

1-3 (Change from baseline to 6 months) S: Statistically significant 2-3 (Change from 3 to 6months)
NS: Statistically non significant.

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53 © 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry

Clinical parameter Mean Difference Standard p-Value Significance

M1-M2 0.42 0.51 0.008 HS
M1-M3 0.71 0.72 0.003 HS
M2-M3 0.28 0.46 0.040 S
Plaque Index
PI1-PI2 0.17 0.37 0.96 NS
PI1-PI3 -0.50 0.28 0.52 NS
PI2-PI3 -0.22 0.42 0.06 NS
Gingival Index
GI1-GI2 0.69 0.41 <0.001 HS
GI1-GI3 0.44 0.46 0.003 HS
GI2-GI3 -0.25 0.41 0.043 S

Table 5 - Summary of mean differences of Mobility, Plaque index, Gingival index at different periods of observation.

1-2 (Change from baseline to 3months) HS: Statistically highly significant.

1-3 (Change from baseline to 6 months) S: Statistically significant 2-3 (Change from 3to 6months)
NS: Statistically non significant.

Negative value indicates increase in mean score.

Fig 1 Fig 2

Fig 3

IJCD • AUGUST, 2011 • 2(4) 54

© 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry
was observed in mean mobility score from baseline to 6 of equal to or greater than 50%, whereas 15% of the
months (Table 5). A decrease of score by 0.44+0.46 in defects had a defect fill of less than 50%.
gingival index over a period 6months (Table 5) was It is difficult to compare measurements of osseous
observed, which was statistically significant (p=0.003). defect fill in the present study with previous studies
An increase in gingival recession had also been because of mode of measurement. In majority of earlier
observed. studies, re-entry measurements were made whereas
only radiographic interpretation was used in this study.
The re-entry procedure was not performed because it
Discussion causes a degree of ethical concern and is usually not
accepted by the patient. Furthermore, during second
Successful periodontal regeneration relies on the surgery, the new connective tissue attachment may be
reformation of an epithelial seal, deposition of new disturbed and replaced by long junctional epithelium.
acellular extrinsic fiber cementum and insertion of Also the problem of loss of crestal alveolar bone
functionally oriented connective tissue fibers in to the following the second intervention remains
root surface and restoration of alveolar bone height(1). unresolved(5).
Bone grafting is the most common form of regenerative Comparing a graft material to open flap debridement
therapy and is usually essential for restoring all types of for any study purpose does not seem to be ethical
periodontal supporting tissues(5). because we intentionally leave a site without grafting
For some years, so called bioactive glass products have where it is indicated. So clinician’s goal to do the best
been available for the treatment of intrabony possible for the patient can not be accomplished.
defects(7). Bioactive glass has a good manageability, Secondly comparison of the two graft materials on
hemostatic and osteoconductive properties, and it may contra-lateral sites seems to be controversial because it
also act as a barrier retarding epithelial downgrowth(8- is not possible to find out exactly morphologically
13). Wide spread use, popularity among the clinicians similar osseous defects on both the sides. Histology is
and manufacturer’s claims made us interested to study the ultimate standard to assess periodontal
this particular material. The present study has regeneration but cannot be performed due the ethical
evaluated the efficacy of bioactive synthetic graft concern as the tooth is needed to be sacrificed.
material( Novabone Dental Putty) in the treatment of Previous literature suggests that osseous defect fill is
intrabony periodontal osseous defects. ranged between 10-30% for open flap debridement
The amount of mean radiographic osseous defect fill procedures(19) , whereas with the use of Novabone
was measured to be 64.76% (2.49mm) after 6 months, Dental Putty in the present study, 64.76% defect fill was
which was statistically significant (p<0.001). These recorded, which was statistically significant.
findings are in accordance with studies of Mengel R et A statistically significant mean probing pocket depth
al (14), Froum SJ et al (15) and Lovelace TB et al (16) reduction of 4.21+1.18mm was observed from baseline
who reported a mean bone fill of 65.0%, 62.0% and to 6months. This reduction in probing pocket depth can
61.8% respectively, in the bioactive glass treated sites. be attributed to soft and hard tissue improvements
Park JS et al (17) reported that a mean bone fill of following resolution of inflammation and to the
2.8mm was observed in the intrabony defects which osteogenic potential of the bone graft material used in
were treated with bioactive glass, which is favorably the study. Our results are in agreement to the previous
comparable to our study results of 2.49mm. studies of Froum SJ et al (15), Lovelace TB et al (16),
Group I (Subjects with initial radiographic osseous Mengel R et al (7) who had reported 4.26mm, 3.07mm,
defect measurement equal to 3mm) had a mean 3.8mm reduction in probing pocket depth respectively
percentage radiographic osseous defect fill of 76.19% over a period of 6 months, in sites treated with
and Group II(subjects having initial radiographic osseous bioactive glass. Other studies by Ong MA et al (20),
defect measurement more than 3mm) showed 53.33% Park JS et al (17), Zamet JS et al (21) have also
osseous defect fill. These findings are strikingly demonstrated statistically significant reductions in
different from as reported by Rummelhart JM , probing pocket depth over a period of 6 months in
Mellonig JT et al (18) who had stated that greater bioactive glass treated sites.
regeneration is anticipated in deeper defects. In our Relative attachment level gain of 2.71+1.139mm was
study, Group II had lesser osseous defect fill as statistically significant from baseline to 6 months. This
compared to group I, despite of having greater initial gain in attachment level can be attributed to
radiographic osseous defect depth. This could possibly periodontal regeneration, long junctional epithelium
be attributed to a variety of factors which can affect the formation and/or soft tissue healing at the base of the
outcome of regenerative periodontal therapy like pocket. These findings are in accordance to the studies
defect characteristics (no. of walls, circumference, of Lovelace TB et al (16), Froum SJ et al (15) who
depth of defect, width of defect), mobility, wound reported approximately similar mean attachment level
stability, plaque index, operator’s technique and host gain of 2.27+0.8mm and 2.96mm respectively, in the
factors etc. Amongst all the defects, about 85% had a fill sites treated with bioactive glass. Mengel R (14), Park JS
et al (17), Singh MP et al (5) also reported that the sites
treated with bioactive glass have shown statistically
IJCD • AUGUST, 2011 • 2(4)
55 © 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry
significant gain of attachment levels 6 months amorphous because it is thin, but with time as the layer
postsurgery. builds up in thickness and size crystallinity is detected, it
A statistically significant decrease in mobility scores was becomes a crystalline hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA)
recorded and the decrease patterns seemed to be a layer which is identical to bone material. This apatite
reflection of decrease of inflammatory state, formation layer provides the basis for the bonding of bone and
of new fibrous attachment and alveolar bone in the this material. This surface reaction occurs until all of the
grafted sites. This decrease may also be attributed to ions in the internal part of the glass have undergone
mechanical support provided by the graft material. ionic exchange and ultimately HCA layer becomes
These findings are in accordance to the studies of remodeled and incorporated into the bone. The primary
Froum SJ et al (15), Meffert RM et al (22) who reported advantage of bioactive glasses is their rapid rate of
a decrease in mobility in the teeth which were treated surface reaction which leads to the fast tissue
with bioactive glass. bonding(28). The silica rich layer has a negatively
An increase in gingival recession may be attributed to charged surface. This increases the electrostatic charges
the shrinkage of gingival tissues with the resolution of enough so that water is absorbed quickly. Hydrogen
inflammation. These findings are in consistency with bonding occurs between water molecule and the
Froum SJ et al (15), Mengel R et al (14), Sculean A et al hydroxyl groups of the silanol which gives bioactive
(8) who reported an increase of 1.29mm, 1.20mm, glass cohesiveness(29). The negative charged surface of
1.28mm in gingival recession respectively, after 6 HCA layer attract proteins such as growth factors and
months of the implantation of graft material. Plaque fibrin which act like an “organic glue’’ attracting
index was monitored throughout the study period and a osteoblastic stem cells to the layer which differentiate
non significant change was observed. This variable is into osteoblasts and produce bone. Collagen attaches to
totally dependent on the patient’s compliance and the surface and embeds in to HCA layer. Apical
his/her efficacy to maintain oral hygiene. As the migration of the junctional epithelium is indirectly
subjects were on continuous periodic recall, constant inhibited by the extension of the collagen up to the
motivation, education and oral hygiene instructions junctional epithelium(30). Bioactive glass can promote
revision have led to almost similar plaque scores at all cementum repair(31).
the periods of observation, which have negated the The results of this study demonstrate that treatment of
possibility of the elucidation of effect of this variable on intrabony periodontal osseous defects with Novabone
regeneration. Similarly non significant changes in Dental Putty has lead to statistically significant probing
plaque scores have also been reported in previous depth reduction, relative attachment level gain and
studies(14,23). A statistically significant improvement in radiographic osseous defect fill.
gingival index may be attributed to the resolution of
inflammation and return of the gingival tissues from a
diseased state to health. These findings are in
accordance to that of Park JS et al (17), Sculean A et al
(8), Demir B et al (24). Novabone Dental Putty resulted in statistically
The results of this study demonstrate that treatment of significant improvements in radiographic osseous defect
intrabony periodontal osseous defects with Novabone measurements and clinical parameters. It was very well
Dental Putty (A bioactive glass synthetic graft) has led to tolerated by the subjects.
clinically and statistically significant probing depth No adverse effects such as periodontal abscess,
reduction, relative attachment level gain and inflammation and/or allergic reaction in the treated
radiographic osseous defect fill. The improved clinical surgical sites were reported. Although the clinical
soft and hard tissue responses at the grafted sites may parameters i.e probing pocket depth reduction, clinical
be a function of the chemical reactivity of the material. attachment level gain and radiographic evidence of
When the material comes in contact with body fluids a bone fill are proved to be consistent with the successful
unique surface reaction occurs within minutes of regenerative therapy, but these findings cannot be
implantation. Initially there is an ionic exchange directly extrapolated as an outcome of periodontal
whereby the cations are leached from the surface of the regeneration, as these are not supported by histologic
material in exchange for hydronium or hydrogen ions evidence.
forming silanol groups (SiOH). This ion exchange process So future studies with more critically designed
leads to an increase in interfacial pH(25). Silanol groups protocols, larger sample size and inclusion of histologic
bond to adjacent silanol group through a evidence as a criteria for periodontal regeneration, are
polycondensation reaction forming a silica rich gel layer warranted to further explore the potential of the
on the particular surface. Silica plays a key role in Novabone Dental Putty as a periodontal regenerative
developing the bone bonding of bioactive glass(26). The material.
silica rich gel layer has high surface area which creates a
site for the redeposition of calcium and phosphorous
from the graft material and the blood(27). Within hours
a calcium phosphorous layer forms on the top of the
silica gel layer. Initially this calcium phosphorous layer is
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glasses in-vitro. In: Wilson J, Hench L.L,
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international sysmposium on ceramics in
medicine; Bioceramics, volume 8. London 1. Dr. Ranjit Singh Uppal
:Pergamon;1995:477-482. MDS
28. Hench LL. Anderson OH. Introduction . In: Assistant Professor
Hench LL, Wilson J. eds. An introduction to Department of Periodontology
bioceramics, Advanced Series in Ceramics & Oral Implantology,
Volume I. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Company;1993:41-62. Ferozepur, Punjab.
29. Hench LL. Bioactive ceramics. Ann NY Acad Sci Telephone : +919988485616
1988;523:54-71. e-mail :
30. Wilson J, Low SB. Bioactive ceramics for
periodontal treatment: Comparative studies in
2. Dr. Paramjeet Kaur Khinda
the Patus monkey. J Appl Biomat 1992;3:123-
31. Reiddy MEA, Yukna RA. Bone replacement
Department of Periodontology
grafts. Dent Clin N Am 1998;42:491-503.
& Oral Implantology.
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Telephone: +9198156050594

3. Dr. Atamjit Singh

PG Student
Department of Periodontology
& Oral Implantology,
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Telephone : +919530954572

4. Dr. Gagandeep
PG student
Department of Periodontology
& Oral Implantology,
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Telephone: +919463127392

5. Dr. Ravjeer Kaur

PG Student
Department of Periodontology
& Oral Implantology,
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Telephone: +919888521014

Address for Correspondence

Dr. Ranjit Singh Uppal MDS

Assistant Professor
Department of Periodontology & Oral Implantology,
Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research
Ferozepur, Punjab
Telephone : +919988485616
e-mail :

IJCD • AUGUST, 2011 • 2(4)

© 2011 Int. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry

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