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This shows how familiar with films

based on Stephen King novels the

recipients are. It tells me that just
over half of people asked are familiar
with other Stephen King adaptations.

For the 57% how were familiar with

the adaptations, they gave examples.
The most recurring example was IT
which was recently re-filmed.

This chart shows how people felt

about horror films. The results are
fairly equil, with the same amount
of of people who say they are a fan
(35.7%), and those who say they
aren't a fan (35.7%).
This question was aimed to find
out whether or not people pay
for Netflix, just for a Netflix
original show. From the data
gathered I can conclude that,
with exception to a very small
amount of people, people do not
subscribe to Netflix for original

The response to this question tells

me that Netflix’s competitors are not
as commonly used as Netflix. This
may be due to how Netflix is

These charts can support the statement that this show is aimed at a young adults
audience. As this film is a thriller/ horror film the age classification would be an 18, due
to the gory, violent style of the film. It is likely the the film will appeal to a varied
demographic for a few reasons. It may appeal to an young adult age group (18-30) as
that is the main following of Stephen King books. You can also argue that as more
women read books they may be interested in the film based on a well known authors
novel. The socio-economic group that this film would most likely be C2-B, due to the
how the viewer is required to think, and consider various different aspects during the
film, such as the enigma codes used.
I conducted my primary research in a questionnaire because it meant I could adapt the
questions to find out what information I require. For example, finding out whether or not
people knew about Stephen King’s work has helped me determine whether the films
popularity has been brought in through his fame or Netflix’s advertisement.

The primary audience for this film will vary. The primary audience for a film is a group of
people who will receive the advertisement directly. For a film like 1922, the primary
audience will mainly consist of young adults, through social media. As 1922 is owned
primarily by Netflix, it advertisements are usually heavily exploited on social media as it
is an effective method to show the advert to the target audience. The secondary
audience of the film may be an older age group of 40-55, who may be big Stephen King
fans. The secondary audiences will also see the advertisements through social media.

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