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The future of comminution modelling

Article in International Journal of Mineral Processing · October 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.minpro.2006.08.003


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2 authors:

Malcolm S. Powell Rob Morrison

University of Queensland University of Queensland


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Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228 – 239

The future of comminution modelling

M.S. Powell a,⁎, R.D. Morrison b
Mineral Processing Research Unit, University of Cape Town, PB Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa
JKMRC, the University of Queensland, Indooroopilly, Queensland, 4068, Australia
Received 5 May 2006; received in revised form 17 August 2006; accepted 18 August 2006
Available online 4 October 2006


The current status of the modelling of comminution processes is assessed in light of its capabilities and weaknesses. The
principles required for a major upgrade in modelling capability are proposed. The use of advanced computational techniques to
provide detailed information on the mechanical environment in comminution devices, linked in with correctly designed breakage
tests, underpin this development. These will lead us into more fundamentally correct models that include mineral liberation and can
be applied to the design of novel comminution devices.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Comminution; Modelling; Computational methods; DEM; Breakage testing; Liberation

1. Introduction conditions, almost every engineering company will use

detailed finite element analysis to examine any design
It is appropriate to consider the future of comminution under serious consideration for construction.
modelling in this special issue, as Prof. Peter King has The underlying driver in both cases is the enormous
always been a leading thinker in this area. He has always (and continuing) reduction in the real cost of compu-
worked towards major advances in comminution models tation. This drives more complex (and hopefully better)
and their potential applicability. measurement and models.
It is well past time to move on from the slide rules and In a keynote address presented at the IMPC (King,
log tables that limited the comminution models to single- 1993) king noted that “a fundamental understanding of
number descriptions. The comminution design, opera- the basic micro-processes associated with the dynamics
tion, and modelling world has clung to these as though of particulate systems – their transport and fracture – is
they have holy significance. While these methods have still lacking”. He followed this by stating “…the really
the virtue of simplicity, they have many shortcomings significant advances in comminution technology in the
when applied to real designs. forthcoming decade will only come from the exploitation
Perhaps an instructive parallel occurs in structural of basic fundamental understanding of the fracture
engineering. Even though there are many analytical so- process to improve industrial comminution processes.”
lutions for ideal beams at ideal loading and constraint King postulated that breakage in a complex system “…
can be synthesised from the universal single-particle
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +27 21 6503861; fax: +27 21 650 5501. breakage functions once the patterns of energy distribu-
E-mail address: (M.S. Powell). tion and stress application are known”. These key
0301-7516/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239 229

statements demonstrate a conviction that the process and Barratt (1989) successfully used this technique. The
must be better understood in order to be better modelled. correlations are usually restricted to in-house use, as they
carry the designer's intellectual property and business
2. Modelling status value. The user has to basically have faith in the out-
comes—usually based on a track record of the designer.
The following is a brief overview of the status and The strength, and limitation, of these empirical tech-
potential for development of comminution modelling. niques is the credibility of their database. That is, the
This overview is not intended to be comprehensive or correlation between measured production data and the
complete, and the authors apologise in advance to the laboratory or pilot tests on the same ore type. The
many investigators whose work is not mentioned. The strength is that if the design operation is in the same
motivation for this outline is to set the scene for pro- regime as the database, then the predictions are generally
spective areas for comminution research over the next good. The limitation is if the new design is outside of the
decade, not to provide a comprehensive summary of all database range, then predictions are likely to be un-
comminution models. reliable. The weakness is that it is dangerous to use these
techniques to extrapolate to very new operating condi-
2.1. Power-based models tions or ore types, let alone new types of applications.

The wonderfully elegant Bond descriptions (Bond, 2.2. Population balance-based models
1952, 1961) are used and abused with little or no
consideration of their origins or intended use. Fred Bond As comminution modelling progressed in the 1970s,
did a great job of correlating a well-controlled laboratory and the investigators strove to describe a wider range of
test to the standard rod and ball mills of his time. He never equipment, a step change in the concept of modelling
proposed these to cover all milling applications under the was introduced. The fine work of investigators such as
sun. Bond always made very clear his key requirement/ Austin et al. (1984), Herbst and Fuerstenau (1980),
assumption that the cumulative feed and product size Whiten (1972), Morrell et al. (1993) (to mention but a
distributions plot as at least approximately parallel lines few) moved modelling a large step forward with the
on log–log or Rosin–Rammler axes. The need to modify introduction of the population balance model (PBM).
the Bond correlations is evident in the many variations If we consider the notional contents of any commi-
and ‘improvements’ developed over the years, to cover nution device, we can reduce what is happening inside
larger mills, wider ball size ranges, changes to mill speed, the machine to three relationships. The first is the
etc. Morrell (2004) has recently published on the weak- proportion of a specified particle type which is selected
ness of these improvements and provided the most up- for breakage per unit of residence time. This is usually
dated and reasonable modification to the Bond Technique called the selection function. The second is the degree to
to improve its predictive capability. which the selected particle type undergoes breakage.
The most notable downfall of the application of the This is called the appearance or breakage function. Note
Bond method was its inappropriate application to SAG that it relates to an event not to a time or rate. The product
mill design, with calamitous results with respect to mill of the selection function and the appearance function is
sizing. It was also found that the techniques fall apart commonly called the breakage rate. The third relation-
when applied to fine grinding devices, such as tower ship describes the selection of particles which are to be
mills. However, AG/SAG mills, crushers and many fine removed from the process. This is called the discharge
grinding devices do not satisfy the Bond requirement of function. If it describes the proportion of a particular type
parallel size distributions. to be removed per unit time, then it is a discharge rate.
A number of new empirical testing and modelling Many researchers use these terms interchangeably
techniques, generally based on correlations between a without clear indication of which sense is intended, hence,
laboratory or pilot test and the full-scale application, the level of confusion over the PBM. With careful defi-
were developed in answer to the shortfalls of the Bond nition, it is a quite general description and can be applied
technique by investigators such as MacPherson (1989) to whatever types of particles we can distinguish—even
and Starkey and Dobby (1996). Alternatively, a number though the standard usage is particle size.
of standard laboratory tests, such as BBWI, BCWI, JK Breakage within a ball or rod mill is reasonably self
DWT, etc., were correlated to the performance of similar with size and the PBM can be used to generate
operating mills via empirical relationships. Designers quite simple models of size reduction. Where appropri-
such as Siddall of Oreway Minerals (Siddall et al., 1996) ate, various mixing conditions can also be applied to the
230 M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239

mill contents. For a detailed comparison of PBM as Whiten developed the ingenious t10 concept that
developed by researchers worldwide, see chapter 2 of related the degree of breakage to the input energy, and
Napier-Munn et al. (1996). The PBM along with the this led to the well-known A, b, and ta breakage param-
measured self-similarity of breakage with progressive eters (Narayanan, 1983; Narayanan and Whiten, 1988;
size reduction leads to the concept of a breakage and Andersen and Napier-Munn, 1989; Napier-Munn et al.,
selection function which underlies all the current models 1996). The crusher model uses the same technique, but
and forms a powerful framework for a self-consistent without the abrasion component. This gives an excellent
model. A key to this is the appearance function, that is, a prediction of size reduction, and a prediction of power
description of the size distribution of a particle once it is draw (Narayanan, 1985; Kojovic et al., 1997) based
broken. This is ore-specific, and an issue with applying directly on the drop weight test data, until packed bed
these models has always been obtaining the appearance inter-particle crushing begins to dominate. The standard
function of the ore under consideration. Exhaustive crushing models utilise only a breakage and classifica-
laboratory test work by the above list of authors was used tion function and assume that all materials left in the
to establish the breakage and appearance functions and chamber after selection for discharge are subject to the
prove the validity of the theory. However, these cannot same force and energy of breakage. This simplification
be directly obtained in industrial test work. The appear- may be an additional reason for the breakdown of the
ance function of coarser material was obtained through models under packed bed conditions.
pendulum breakage tests developed in the 1980s An essential parameter for all of the comminution
(Narayanan, 1983, 1985) that were replaced in 1992 by models is the discharge function or the rate at which
the simpler drop weight breakage tests, as tested and material leaves the device. The general form of the equa-
implemented at the JKMRC (Napier-Munn et al., 1996). tion is Pi = disi, where i refers to a particular size range, P
The appearance function at fine sizes (less than a few is the product, d the discharge function, and s the contents
millimetres) can currently only be obtained through of the device. The product from a device can be measured,
laborious batch milling tests, so in reality, it is seldom but as d and s are both unknowns, at least one has to be
obtained. measured to derive the other. This is feasible (but hard
In 1962 the Australian Mineral Industries Research work) in pilot applications, but generally not feasible in
Association (AMIRA) P9 project was established, with industrial applications. A good strategy to overcome this
the JKMRC as the primary investigators, to pursue “The is to lump the discharge function into the breakage rate, as
optimisation of mineral processes by modelling and implemented by Whiten in the ball mill model (Napier-
simulation”. The project, which is ongoing to this date, Munn et al., 1996). The PBM is then used to derive the
initiated an extensive research campaign that has made a mill contents, s, by fitting a breakage rate for each size, ri,
major contribution to the applied modelling of commi- to form the breakage function. For SAG mill modelling, it
nution devices. A significant development was a new is not feasible to hide the discharge function in the break-
model for SAG and AG mills developed by Leung et al. age function, as the breakage is explicitly worked out as a
(1987) and later extensively enhanced by Morrell and function of input energy. A simple discharge function was
Morrison (1989). An updated version of the model that derived by Leung et al. (1987), to account for grate
enhances the mechanistic nature of the model and is discharge. In fitting the SAG mill model, the discharge
intrinsically dynamic was developed by Valery (Valery function and breakage function are interdependent and
and Morrell, 1995; Valery, 1998). The dynamic model have to be resolved stepwise in an iterative manner. How-
has been applied in industry by Valery (1998), Schroder ever, it is clear when working with these models that the
et al. (1997), Schroder and Holtham (2004), and others. breakage rate function is not unique, as it is dependent
Within the AMIRA P9 project, a number of other upon both s and d, which are interdependent, and it is
devices were modelled, notably the crusher, the high- sensitive to changes in d. It has been found that this causes
pressure grinding roll, the tower mill, and a simplified ball major issues when scaling and modelling. The discharge
mill model (Napier-Munn et al., 1996). These models efficiency is dramatically different in pilot- and full-scale
built on the work of other researchers worldwide, who had SAG/AG mills, and sufficiently realistic scaling relation-
developed many of the principles, such as presented in ships do not yet exist.
King (2001). All of these models build on the PBM and It can be seen that the major issues with fitting
breakage and selection functions, plus they utilise a semi- breakage rates is that they are both ore and machine
mechanistic approach. The SAG/AG mill model utilises a dependent, are a function of interdependent variables, and
combined impact and abrasion appearance function that is may well be an artifact of the modelling technique rather
strongly particle size and energy dependent. than an estimate of the rates of breakage in a comminution
M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239 231

device. The breakage rates are used to absorb all the element method (DEM), as proposed by Cundall and
unknowns, and then are used to scale between different Strack (1979). This was applied for the first time to
applications. Although this works remarkably well over comminution devices by Mishra (1991) and Mishra and
limited and controlled changes (as proven by the world- Rajamani (1994) in their pioneering work of modelling
wide success of this technique), one must always start charge motion in mills. Mishra (2003a) provides a useful
with an application that is closely similar in both ore type review of the techniques underlying the application of
and general dimensions to ensure successful design simu- DEM to milling.
lations, or survey the application under consideration to A more recent variation is to consider a fluid as an
reliably model it. assemblage of pseudo-particles and this is called
High-pressure grinding rolls can be successfully smoothed particles hydrodynamics (SPH). SPH has
modelled by a combination of conventional crusher in proved to be very useful for simulation of fluids which
the pre-crushing zone, compressed bed breakage, and a change physical properties as a variable such as tem-
bypass of the bed. The simulation of the compressed bed perature changes (Cleary, 1998a). The interaction rules
breakage is dependent upon scale-up from laboratory or can also depend on the relationship between the fluid
pilot tests, based on the equivalent operating pressures. particles. Hence, non-Newtonian fluids can also be mod-
elled with the interactions related to shear at any point in a
2.3. Energy-based models slurry. This provides a link between fluid transport and
fine particles in a slurry, using the slurry viscosity model
A noticeable exception to the general PBM models developed by (Shi and Napier-Munn, 1996, 2002).
are the energy-based models that can be used in impact Clearly the practical limit for these approaches is the
crushers, such as the vertical or horizontal shaft impact “cost of computation”. With computer power doubling
crushers. With these the energy of each impacting par- about every 18 months (“Moore's Law”) for at least the
ticle can be explicitly calculated and it is reasonable to last 20 years, these approaches have become much more
assume that the impacts are independent, and that each feasible although computational limits are still impor-
particle receives a single impact. Utilising standard drop tant. It became feasible to undertake simple two-dimen-
weight test data the breakage product is well modelled in sional (2D) DEM and CFD simulations in the late 1980s.
an explicit manner (Napier-Munn et al., 1996). However, Because of Moore's Law these applications rapidly
the models cannot predict the product for more complex gained in speed and size of feasible problem, with
devices, such as the Barmac crusher, that utilise inter- application to 3D starting in the mid-1990s.
particle impacts and the range of impact energies re- Both CFD and DEM can produce complex images as
quires more sophisticated models. These are well suited output. Particles or cells can be coloured according to
to the computational techniques presented in the next velocity (or any other simulated variable) and even out-
section. put as animated images with suitable simulated lighting.
Because humans are well adapted to receiving high band
2.4. Computationally intensive techniques with visual information, there is a tendency – even
among researchers – to accept these images as “reality”.
Many problems in science and engineering can be Objective verification and testing of the predictions of
considered as a series of small zones which are related to numerically intensive computer codes is absolutely
one another by a set of (relatively) simple rules. The user essential, an area in which Powell et al. have applied
specifies a grid of points, appropriate boundary condi- considerable effort (Powell and Nurick, 1996a,b,c;
tions and a set of starting values. A similar calculation is Govender et al., 2002, 2004).
then carried out for each grid point in turn, the values are Cleary et al. (2001) reported a detailed comparison
updated and a test for convergence or stability is applied. between measured mill charge position and particle
When the test is satisfied, the simulation is complete. velocity in a scaled 600-mm-diameter AG mill. These
These methods can be made quite general but require simulations used 250,000–300,000 particles for a
substantial computation. complete size-based description of the scaled charge
Computational fluid dynamics and finite element over a wide range of operating conditions. The results
methods exactly fit this scheme. An interesting variation demonstrated that 2D simulation with circles could only
is to use a particle as a point on a “moveable grid” and predict over a very narrow range. 2D simulation with
subject it to motion according to its interactions with “shaped” particles was an improvement but 3D simula-
surrounding particles and boundaries. A powerful tech- tion with spheres predicted similar charge shapes and
nique based on this meshless method is the discrete particle velocities over a wide range of conditions. This
232 M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239

was a surprising result as the experimental charge applied to the modelling of stirred mills (Cleary et al.,
consisted of crushed rock and was strongly non- 2006b; Sinnott et al., 2006) by assuming that all break-
spherical. While this success in prediction is reassuring, age is due to shear and utilising the shear energies cal-
it does not imply that the collision models are in any way culated form the DEM.
“exact.” Further work is continuing to test simple
collisions in detail (Chandramohan and Powell, 2005). 2.5. Wear issues
An analysis of normal and shear (tangential) energy
distribution for spheres with the same size distribution DEM provides detailed estimates of the forces
(from top size of 180 mm down to 20 mm) as an industrial between particles and the equipment surfaces. Hence,
SAG mill was carried out by Cleary et al. (2001) The wear rates based on various frictional interactions can be
results did produce a reasonable estimate of net power at used to estimate relative wear and evolution of key
two different operating conditions. However, they did not components such as SAG mill lifters (Herbst and
correlate in any obvious way with the JKMRC SAG Nordell, 2001; Cleary 1998b; Kalaya et al., 2005).
model estimates of impact and abrasion energy. More Wear should also be calibrated in terms of wear material
interestingly, the predicted impact energy spectra con- and ore, such as the procedure being developed by
tained almost no impacts of sufficient energy to break Radziszewski (2001).
even a 20-mm particle in a single event according to
particle strength as measured by a JK Drop Weight test. 2.6. Mineral liberation
To examine this issue in more detail, a simulation of a
“Hardinge” style 6 ft by 2 ft (1.8 m by 0.6 m) pilot AG/ It has long been the holy grail of comminution mod-
SAG was run for 350,000 particles to match a measured elling to incorporate liberation, for after all, that is the
size distribution from 150 mm to 5 mm. Within the objective of comminuting the particles in mineral pro-
charge, collision histories were tracked for a selection of cessing. A number of investigators have contributed to
particles within each size fraction. As for the large mill, this goal, but the models have been limited by assump-
collisions which might produce even moderate breakage tions of random breakage, and are generally applicable to
in a single impact were still rare. a specific ore and process. Until the 1990s a major
In applying the DEM outputs to predicting the break- limitation to developing liberation models was the limited
age product from mills, Datta and Rajamani (2002) capability of collecting data, and this seriously hamstrung
applied the impact energy spectra derived from 2D DEM this goal. With scanning electron microscope (SEM)
simulations to batch ball mill modelling. The authors techniques becoming more accessible, this allowed the
simplified the breakage environment by assuming that acceleration of research in this area.
the main form of energy transfer in a batch ball mill was Peter King has been dedicated to this objective
similar to the energy transfer achieved by dropping balls throughout his long career. From pioneering work at the
onto a bed of four layers of particles. They reported that University of the Witwatersrand, King (1979) wrote his
the progeny of a small batch mill could be predicted from landmark paper on linking liberation and comminution
the product of the bed breakage tests and the impact (King and Schneider, 1998). This paper tackles non-
energy distribution as predicted by the DEM simulation. random breakage through a generic approach within the
The authors suggested that shear could be added if a PBM framework. Six non-random breakage processes
suitable bed shear test could be used to characterise the are defined: selective phase breakage; differential break-
ore breakage. Mishra (2003b) reviews the application of age; preferential breakage; liberation by detachment; and
DEM to milling, which picks up no more advanced boundary-region fracture. These are well defined in the
practical applications to product size prediction than that paper and are considered to be the most useful and rig-
of Datta and Rajamani (2002). Most recently, Herbst orous definitions of the modes of non-random fracture.
(2004) has published on the methodology of utilising the In this work, it was demonstrated how to simplify the
outputs of the discrete element method (DEM) to en- general solution to non-random breakage and introduce
hance the modelling of SAG mills. These are still es- any of the six processes in a manageable manner. The
sentially the same PBM methods, with an energy solution is bounded by the regions of feasible liberation
distribution function and scaling relationship derived and particle size, as expressed in the Andrews–Mika
from the DEM used to derive the breakage. diagram. It is shown how this solution changes dra-
Djordjevic et al. (2003) have demonstrated that DEM matically with the non-random breakage. Application of
techniques are well suited to extend the explicit models the technique is tested on ores, with good correspondence
for impact crushers. DEM techniques have also been of outcomes. The power of this technique is that it can be
M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239 233

applied to any comminution model that is structured comminution equipment and do not have the flexibility
within the PBM framework. to do so.
It is considered that this route represents the way As a result of the outputs of DEM simulations, a
forward of incorporating liberation into comminution detailed investigation of incremental breakage is in
modelling in a universally applicable manner. King and progress at the JKMRC (Whyte, 2005) and at the
Schneider do warn that “The mode of stress application University of Cape Town (Bbosa et al., 2006). Shi and
in the grinding mill can influence the liberation Kojovic (private communication, P9N AMIRA report 5)
characteristics of an ore”. That is, the mode of non- have developed a new breakage testing technique that
random breakage is a function of breakage mode, such as can rapidly test a large sample of particles at accurate
compression versus impact. So the next challenge lies in energies over a wide range and incorporate measure-
linking the liberation modelling to breakage testing. ments of incremental breakage. This links in well with
With the routine use of mineral liberation techniques the work on probability of breakage that Vogel and
such as the JK-FEI-MLA (Cameron et al., 1998; Peukert (2003) developed and is currently being
Guerney and Gu, 1999) and QemScan (Gottlieb et al., modified to be incorporated into existing model struc-
2000) becoming more common, the full evolution of tures by Shi and Kojovic (in press).
non-random breakage models is a realistic objective.
Although the liberation modelling shows promise it is 2.8. Model limitations
barely used. The PBM is structured to deal with size, and
the liberation outputs are tacked on top of the commi- A major pitfall of the comminution model develop-
nution model outputs. The technique provides a limited ment has been that each type of equipment has different
predictive capability so long as the breakage mode does models, with different structures and limited overlap of
not vary, but essentially has to be recalibrated for each the key principles. Each new piece of equipment seems
new application. to attract a new researcher with an all new model. This
means that advances in modelling techniques filter only
2.7. Breakage testing slowly across the board, and many research groups and
investigators are involved in incrementally updating the
In a general sense, the current breakage testing tech- plethora of models.
niques are a simplified imitation of the major perceived The current form of the models can take model outputs
modes of breakage that occur in the comminution equip- to a point but no further. The models are essentially a
ment. Although useful, we must accept that they are description of the output of the equipment, not of the
crude. Regardless of the actual modes in the equipment, a process. The PBM is not actually a model, it is a frame-
correlation is developed with the equipment and integrat- work that maintains mass integrity. It has turned out to be
ed into the models. These correlations can be quite suc- a major and essential step in the advance of comminution
cessful, provided that they are used in the window over modelling, but does not describe the breakage process; it
which the correlation was developed. However, as the merely keeps track of the product.
window is widened, more and more factors are added and The authors are of the opinion that the modelled
the original vision of a simple correlation is lost. This is an breakage rate has no physical significance; rather, it is
explicit indication that the test does not correlate with the merely a construct of the model structure and the as-
conditions in the equipment. The Bond Work Index and sumptions made regarding selection and discharge
Starkey Power Index are examples of this. functions. Those who have worked with these models
The JKMRC drop-weight test simulates impact would have noted that strange breakage rates are derived,
breakage and the associated abrasion test simulates low especially at the extremes of size. For example, the
stress abrasion. DEM simulation indicates that most likely classic wave format of the SAG/AG mill breakage rate
almost no breakage in an AG/SAG mill is due to single curve gives an extremely high breakage rate for the
impact breakage (Cleary and Morrison, 2004). It is also coarsest rocks, yet they are known to be reduced slowly
clear that there is a wide range of abrasion that occurs at a by abrasion. It is also apparent that the fitted rates are
considerably higher stress than in the laboratory test. Thus, strongly dependent upon the fitted discharge function for
even this well-used breakage test that is based on the a device. The breakage rates are used to absorb all
agreed major modes of breakage requires improvement. unknowns and inaccuracies of the models and hold both
The current testing techniques are seen as a major equipment and ore information.
limitation to the modelling progress, as they do not cor- Power or energy input is not directly used in the
rectly reproduce the modes of breakage found in models. Although some models do predict a power draw,
234 M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239

this is quite independent from the calculation of the The population balance (PB) will still be a critical
breakage product, which is driven by breakage and selec- structure underlying all modelling, tracking the products
tion functions. Even SAG mill models that use an energy and ensuring the integrity of the outcomes, but will not
type driver do not correlate this to the mill power draw. be a model. The PB will be used as a framework in
No models truly incorporate liberation. Some useful which the mechanistic models of the processes will be
advances have been made in correlating liberation to the housed. An excellent example of this exists in the
degree of breakage, but these are always a tack-on, the chemical engineering field of crystallisation, which has
models do not intrinsically predict the liberation pro- both formation and breakage of particles, feed, and
perties of the product particles. For models to have a product streams in a reactor (Hounslow et al., 2005).
predictive capability – as opposed to a back-fitted cor- Powell (2006) has proposed the development of a
relation – the mineralogical liberation information needs Unified Comminution Model to achieve this goal.
to be a direct output of the breakage events in the com-
minution device. Other than the application to the batch 4.1. Internal equipment mechanics
grinding equation, King and Schneider (1998), no cur-
rent models can accommodate this. In moving to models that are based on the mechanics
of the equipment, it is clearly necessary to develop a
3. So where to from here? good understanding of the mechanical environment in-
side each comminution device. To achieve this, it is
The authors see the future of comminution modelling necessary to measure, model, and simulate the mechan-
taking a step change from empirical, single-number ics of particle motion in the devices. Computational
models to techniques are used to produce the simulated outputs,
and it is essential that these outputs are validated before
• mechanistically based models, they are applied to comminution modelling. The particle
• driven by energy input, interactions can be used to derive the rate at which each
• and the mechanism/particle interface, particle is hit, with what force, and by what. This is what
• with distributed breakage functions, determines the damage and breakage of particles. The
• utilising available computational power, simulation outcomes can be bundled into distributions
• with mineralogical liberation integral to the models. representing a history of the mechanical environment for
each class of particle. The classes are size, ore type,
The models will model breakage as a result of simu- density, mineralogy, degree of liberation, etc. This can
lated interactions within the equipment, rather than as then yield a manageable volume of data that is used to
equipment outputs. It will then be possible to apply the predict the rate of breakage of each class of particle in the
models to any piece of equipment. The models will truly comminution device.
separate ore and machine properties. They will not be One of the more difficult areas in applying DEM to
driven by breakage functions; they will instead be particle real grinding processes is to predict the interaction
based. Each particle will be subjected to a local collision between fine ore particles and the grinding media (in
environment, that will determine what will happen to it. PBM terms this is the selection function). The authors are
The product of the equipment is the sum of the products of the opinion that this issue has not yet been satis-
from all the individual breakage interactions. factorily addressed. In wet mills this is linked with the
transport and slurry suspension of the particles. The
4. How may this be achieved? simplified contact models (e.g., spring and dashpot) are
sufficiently efficient numerically to enable simulations
It is necessary to dissect the process. Measuring the with large numbers of particles to be carried out on
outcome of the pieces of equipment will never give the currently available high end desktop computers. How-
full picture, as there are too many interacting processes. ever, these models provide at best a gross approximation
It is necessary to understand and model the processes of what might happen in a collision where breakage
independently and then assemble them into a compre- occurs. It may be necessary to implement independent
hensive model. The outcomes can then be tested against breakage detection and adjust the collision model ac-
the equipment. This is a fundamental change in the cordingly. Some of the inferences made that are based on
philosophy of modelling, where the equipment is not DEM outputs may be more a consequence of simplified
used to develop the models—which is the intuitively collision models than the actual process. It is the opinion
obvious route to follow. of the authors that this whole area of contact and energy
M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239 235

transfer and breakage is a key research aspect in the 4.3. Breakage testing
meaningful application of computational techniques to
prediction of the progeny of comminution devices. The route to correct breakage testing techniques is to
test the breakage modes found in the equipment, and
4.2. Transport under the correct range of forces and rates of inter-
action. A fine illustration of this is the HPGR, where
An adequate description of the transport of the excellent scale-up is achieved from pilot to full scale,
particles through and out of the device is an essential as they can be operated at the same pressure. This is not
part of a model. This determines the residence time of achievable for the cascading action in tumbling mills,
particles, and where they will reside and for how long in as laboratory mills have forces that are orders of mag-
the various regions in a device. This discharge rate nitude less than the full-scale mills. For some equip-
determines the limit to the feed rate of a device, so is the ment, a small-scale laboratory or pilot test that mimics
key feed rate controller. the full-scale equipment may be the best breakage
It is suggested that initially for slurry and air swept testing technique, provided that the realistic forces and
devices the flow can be measured under realistic con- rates of interaction are achieved. But for most equip-
ditions in laboratory tests, and these outputs fed into ment, this is not achievable, and the tests are locked
mechanistic models of the flow environment for each into being equipment specific.
device. The more generic the laboratory tests, the wider The analysis of the mechanical environment in the
the applicability of the data. Appropriate mechanistic comminution equipment will inform the design of break-
models can then be used to customise the flow to par- age testing techniques. The testing techniques must cover
ticular pieces of equipment. Thus, it is proposed that the the modes of breakage and the interaction forces that are
development of these flow relationships should not be by found in the equipment. It is proposed that the tests
equipment type, e.g., grate discharge SAG mill, but by should measure the distribution of breakage products,
flow mode. Thus, for an SAG mill, the modes would be rather than reducing them to an over-smoothed average.
flow through the cascading mill charge, flow through the Hitting 20 apparently identical particles each with the
grate holes, flow along pulp lifters, flow out the discharge same force will produce 20 size distributions. Currently,
aperture, flow back through grate holes into the mill. The these are combined into one. However, breaking a single
flow characteristics of each mode are independently particle does not produce an adequately defined progeny
studied and then combined through the use of a mecha- distribution. Two different ore types may yield the same
nistic model. The same test results can then be applied to a average product size distribution, but if one ore is a lot
different piece of equipment, provided that the flow more variable in structure, it will give a far wider range of
modes are the same, by utilising a new mechanistic model distributions and, thus, in reality give a considerably
that describes the physical environment of that device. wider product size distribution than the more homoge-
In the longer term, the flow needs to be studied and nous ore. This has implications for classification, sliming,
modelled in a fundamental manner so as to have a truly oversize carry-over, and undoubtedly for liberation and
predictive capability, such that it can be applied to new recovery.
types of devices. For this coupled particle–fluid compu- Liberation should be measured as an integral part of
tational techniques are required, such as smoothed particle the breakage tests. This will reveal the liberation as a
hydrodynamics (SPH), computational fluid dynamics function of the breakage mode and the energy/force
(CFD), or Lattice Boltzmann techniques linked with environment. The outcomes are only likely to be usefully
DEM techniques. These techniques exist and are already accurate for properly designed breakage tests. That is,
applied in some areas of research and industry (Potapov liberation is usually a function of how you got there, not
et al., 2001), but require further development and testing, just the final product size distribution, as discussed by
and do have an extremely high computing power over- King and Schneider (1998). To successfully incorpor-
head, that is, simulations currently take in the order of ate liberation information into the breakage testing out-
weeks. Cleary et al. (2006a) have demonstrated its ap- puts, fast and relatively cheap analysis techniques are
plication to milling. required—not a strong point of traditional liberation analy-
For dry large particle applications, such as crushers, sis, although it is undoubtedly moving in that direction with
the DEM techniques are adequate to simulate the flow systems like the JK-FEI MLA and QemScan. It is
and discharge of the device. suggested that techniques such as X-ray micro-tomogra-
For positive displacement devices, such as rolls and phy, that can deal with particles down to about 100 μm in
HPGR crushers, no special transport function is required. size, will play a central role. These combined with MLA
236 M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239

and assaying can be used to reveal the liberation at finer 5. Where will the new generation of models take us?
With the development of more sophisticated breakage A step change in capability will be the fully predictive
tests, sight must not be lost of the need for simple and structure of the models; this means that novel devices can
cheap indicator tests that can be used to check for ore be designed and trialled through thorough and meaningful
variability and indicate where more detailed tests are simulation prior to any laboratory work. The concept of
required in an ore body. the Virtual Comminution Device (VCM) has been pro-
The involvement of geologists and mineralogists posed by Morrison to facilitate the rapid prototype devel-
(especially the new breed of process mineralogists) to opment of new equipment and concepts in comminution
quantitatively correlate mineralogical variation in the ore design. The VCM should also allow the optimisation of
body to its breakage and liberation properties is an existing designs in terms of the desired modes of break-
essential long-term goal. The emergence of the geo- age, as determined by improved understanding of break-
metallurgist, who will make extensive use of process age and liberation, instead of merely aiming to minimise
mineralogy, should fulfil the position of the ‘deposit to wear, correct what are clearly poor operation practices, or
product’ integrator. identify circuit constraints.
The fundamental modelling of breakage is a whole This technology will be linked into predictive wear
new approach that will hopefully enter in the modelling modelling of liners, which will present a tremendous
techniques that follow this next major step on improving opportunity to save on the cost of wear components. But
comminution modelling. While these fundamental mod- well beyond this, a prediction of the evolution of wear
els are being developed, they can be expected to provide profiles will enable the design to be based on maximising
improved understanding to the breakage process and this the operating efficiency over the complete wear cycle of
knowledge will supplement and bolster the testing and liners.
modelling techniques. With such sensitivity to breakage modes and with
liberation integrated into the models, they will be ideally
4.4. Non-mechanical breakage positioned to link to up- and downstream integrated
This applies to techniques such as pulsed microwave Modelling of liberation is seen as one of the most
heating, which hold great promise as comminution important aspects of the step change in modelling capa-
enhancing devices. It is proposed that the new higher bility—noting that it will be integral to the predictive
quality breakage tests can be applied to the ores pre- and capabilities of the models, not a post-modelling add-on.
post-such treatment. The breakage tests would then Additionally, the capability of predicting other properties,
provide an accurate measure of the resultant effect of such as micro-cracking and surface state, that can be
the treatment, and this can be related to the modes of linked to downstream recovery processes can readily be
breakage. The resultant predictions can then be integrated incorporated into the model structure, provided the re-
into the mechanical environment, using the new commi- quired information is modelled or fitted as a sub-process.
nution models. As the models will be capable of dealing with in-
The modelling of these non-mechanical modes of dividual particle classes, they will intrinsically cope with
breakage can start with empirical relationships, but the widely varying ore blends, and the consequences of
true modelling is a whole new arena of materials fracture blending.
modelling. Integrated circuit design can become a reality. With
liberation linked to the recovery process the modelling
4.5. Mine-to-mill objective can be to design the optimal circuit for
recovery—rather than size reduction.
Comminution starts at the rock face; thus, comminu- Integral power prediction in the models will ensure
tion modelling should be linked to the mining technique. that the specific power consumptions are a consistent
Part of the requirement to achieve this is to develop a and meaningful output.
common language and purpose between the two currently The intrinsic dynamic nature of the models will assist
segregated fields of application and research. Although in the design of the most operable and stable circuit
some progress has been made in this arena, with excellent configurations, with the capability of avoiding bottle
industrial success, this is undoubtedly an area that requires necks; simulating realistic variations in feed type, size,
considerable input to achieve a properly integrated and blend; and simulating the effect of downtime on
approach. various sections of the circuit.
M.S. Powell, R.D. Morrison / Int. J. Miner. Process. 84 (2007) 228–239 237

Faster commissioning can be obtained through more major progress in comminution modelling. It is imper-
accurate design and a better understanding of the op- ative that in this endeavour, we researchers take full
erating window and variation of the circuit. This can advantage of new measurement techniques, such as fast
ensure that the circuit is ramped up to full capacity far and routine MLA analysis, and tomographic analysis of
more rapidly, leading to lower capital and operating costs. mineral structure, fracture, and liberation in coarser
particles. As researchers we are also obliged to use the
6. Conclusions enormously improved computational power that is ever
becoming available, to better understand the process—
The proposed direction for the future of comminution and to not delude ourselves with pretty pictures that may
modelling may appear rather ambitious, but it has both only reinforce our existing preconceptions.
short-term benefits in potential to improve existing mod- King (1993) rounds off his visionary paper with the
els and long-term benefits. Rather than the short-term conclusion that “… it will be the application of very
view of models with limited use and life span, the fundamental physical principles that is likely to bring the
research can build in a coherent and consistent direction major advances in comminution modelling”. The
that brings continuous improvement and the long-term progress may not have been as significant as he hoped
objective of a step-change in modelling capability. The in the decade since then, but it is undoubtedly in that
massive increase in computing power over the past de- direction. It is proposed that a concerted effort by com-
cade, and extending into the future, and the enormous minution researchers in a common direction should
improvement in measurement techniques, such as micro- ensure that the dream of the new comminution models is
tomography and quantitative mineral liberation analysis, brought to fruition in the next decade.
are the tools that can enable such an approach.
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