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MGT 491 Business Plan Project Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

General Description of the Business 2
Company Background 3

Objectives pg. number…

Key Success Factors

Research & Analysis
Market Analysis
Industry Analysis
Competitive Edge
Marketing Plan
Marketing Strategy
Public Relations Strategy
Sales Strategy
Strengths & Weaknesses

III. RESEARCH, DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT (Omit this section if your business is not mfg)
Design & Development
R&D Costs

Business Location
Location Needs
Labor Supply

Management Team
Personnel Plan
Legal Structure
Regulations, Licenses & Permits


Potential Risks
Action Plan


Start-Up Summary
Cash Flow Statement
Break-Even Analysis


Company Logo
Press Release
[Owner’s Name] Resume
MGT 491 Business Plan Project
Required Components
Format: Please use 12-point double-spaced Times New Roman or Arial font and print on regular 8.5 x
11” paper with 1-inch margins. Your plan can range from 15-30 pages, but there is no length requirement.
The goal is to completely answer the questions about the business and provide the details specified below.

TITLE PAGE (1 page) Include the following:

1. Company name (with logo).
2. Contact information (owner names, company address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and
website address).
3. Date this version of the plan was completed.
4. Proprietary statement to protect your ideas: “This document contains confidential and
proprietary information belonging exclusively to [your company’s name]. Do not copy, fax,
reproduce, or distribute without permission.”
5. Securities disclaimer: “This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.”


1. Use the format provided above.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (1-2 pages) Answer the following:

1. Include a statement of purpose (see page 471 for an example).
2. In this section, be sure to briefly answer all the fundamental questions (what, how, why and
where) about your business (Some people provide a one paragraph summary for each of 2-4 of
the most important sections of the business plan).

BUSINESS DESCRIPTION SEGMENT (2-6 pages) Answer the following:

1. General Description of the Business: Start with a concise, one-sentence description of what the
business will do (be sure to identify the business by name). Also, explain the type of business you
are planning, describe (in general) the products/services you will sell, and describe the growth
2. Company Background: Identify the business opportunity (new, expansion, purchasing existing
business, franchise, etc.), the location of the business, identify the state in which it will be
registered, and the names of the owner(s).
3. Objectives: Include a list of 3-5 numbered business objectives.
4. Vision/Mission: Include a business mission and/or vision.
5. Key Success Factors: Include a list of 3-5 keys to success (in doing so, make clear how your
business is unique).

MARKETING SEGMENT (3-8 pages) Answer the following:

1. Research & Analysis
a. Market Analysis: describe your potential customers, identify your target market
(demographics), and explain how your business is unique.
b. Industry Analysis: explain the size of your market (for example, see the “industry
analysis” section of the Twirl business plan).
c. Competition: identify your competitors (direct and indirect) and explain the amount of
market share you anticipate (for example, see the “competition and buying patterns”
section of the Twirl business plan).
d. Competitive Edge: Explain your business’s competitive edge.
2. Marketing Plan
a. Products: Describe the products or services you will sell.
b. Pricing: Describe how you will price your product or service. Explain any promotional
pricing strategies.
c. Marketing Strategy: Describe how you will promote sales through marketing and
advertising (include all forms of marketing you plan to employ… for example, radio,
newspaper, billboards, direct mail, telemarketing, web advertising, e-mail, etc.).
d. Public Relations Strategy: Explain how you will promote sales through events, media and
the press.
e. Sales Strategy: Explain how customers can purchase your products/services (i.e. in store,
via web, via telephone, etc.).

3. Strengths & Weaknesses

a. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing opportunities.

RESEARCH, DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT (0-4 pages) Answer the following:

Omit this section if your business is not a manufacturing firm
1. Design & Development: explain the design or development of your product and describe whether
you have received any technical assistance.
2. Research: explain the research needs that you anticipate to develop your product.
3. R&D Costs: Describe whether the costs involved in research and development are feasible.

LOCATION SEGMENT (1-3 pages) Answer the following:

1. Business Location: Explain where your business will be located and describe the influencing
factors on your choice of location. Describe how the location needs to be zoned for your business.
2. Location Needs: For manufacturing businesses, describe the needs for production (facilities and
equipment) and manufacturing costs. For retail/service businesses, describe the needs you have
and justify how the selected location meets those needs. Describe the advantages of the selected
location (i.e. affordable wages in that city, favorable zoning or business tax incentives, easily
accessible for customers via public transportation, etc.).
3. Suppliers: Explain who your suppliers will be (for example, in the Twirl business plan, she listed
some potential designer lines to carry in her store) and describe the types of transportation
available to get supplies to your business location.
4. Labor Supply: Describe the local supply of available labor (for example, for a business required
skilled employees who hold a bachelor’s degree, what is the percent of population in the selected
city who actually have this degree?).

MANAGEMENT SEGMENT (1-3 pages) Answer the following:

1. Management Team: Describe who will manage the business and what qualifications they have.
2. Personnel Plan: Describe how many employees you will need and what they will do, describe
your plans for employee salaries and benefits (be sure to adhere to minimum wage and other
requirements in the state in which your business will be located).
3. Advisors: Explain whether you will employ any consultants or specialists and why you will need
them. Explain whether or not you will have an advisory board for your company.
4. Legal Structure: Explain your legal form of ownership and why you chose it.
5. Regulations, Licenses & Permits: Describe any licenses and permits you will need for your
business and discuss any regulations that might affect your business.

CRITICAL RISKS SEGMENT (1-3 pages) Answer the following:

1. Potential Risks: Describe potential problems you have identified overall (identify them before a
potential investor does) and explain obstacles you foresee. Explain whether you have calculated
the risks.
2. Action Plan: Describe your alternative courses of action should these potential risks actually
occur. (Note: page 497 of the sample business plan in the book gives a good example of a critical
risks section).

FINANCIAL SEGMENT (3-6 pages) Provide the following:

1. Start-Up Summary: Provide a start up summary which details the sources of capital and start up
expenses (for example, see the “summary statement” in the Twirl business plan).
2. Cash Flow Statement: Provide a cash flow statement.
3. Break-Even Analysis: Provide a breakeven analysis including a chart and calculation (see the
example of page 510).

MILESTONE SCHEDULE SEGMENT (1-2 pages) Answer the following:

1. Outline the timing schedule you have projected for your business and explain why you have set
those objectives. Ensure that you have set up deadlines for each stage of your venture.

APPENDIX SEGMENT (3-7 pages) Provide the following:

1. Include a unique company logo and/or word mark that you have designed at the top of one page.
At the bottom of the page, list the colors included within the logo (detail PMS colors if you can)
and briefly describe (1-2 sentences) how the logo visually represents your company.
2. Write and include a one page press release announcing the launch of your new business. Ensure
that it is in the correct format and includes a quote from one of the owners.
3. Provide resumes for each owner of your business.
4. Include any other pertinent supporting documents.

Business Plan Project Presentation Requirements

1. Introductory Slide: Include your company name, logo, and name(s) of owner(s). Introduce
yourself and your partners and as you introduce each person, mention 1-2 skills/talents they bring
to the venture. Then, present your elevator pitch (1 minute).
2. Product/Service Slide: Demonstrate the product or service in terms of the benefit it provides to
customers or the problem it solves. If possible, include a picture on this slide. Describe the
product or service in detail. Give the size of the overall market and your target market. Show how
the market has already accepted your product/service or ones like it. (1-2 minutes)
3. Strategy Slide: Focus on a one or two line explanation of your strategy as it relates to your
making profits (your overall strategy). Explain how you plan to make the majority of your sales
(your sales strategy). (2-3 minutes)
4. Risk Slide: Admit the 2-3 greatest risks or challenges facing your business and for each, explain
how you will prevent or monitor the situations. (1-2 minutes)
5. Financial Slide: Provide the start up summary for your business and explain your break-even
projection (i.e. how long it will take to break even). (2-3 minutes)
6. Summary Slide: Give a one-to-two line summary of the business in a positive, upbeat manner.
Specifically ask for the investment (“loan of $25,000, “investment of $50,000”, etc.). Be
confident in delivering this part. End by asking for questions. (1 minute)

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