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Hujah Daripada Pihak Pembangkang( Ketua Pembangkang).

Salam aspresiasi and salam one Malaysia for Mr. President, friends in governmental
deliberations, opposition peers and all glorified councilors. Mr. Speaker of the Council, after the
definition of the proposals literally by the government, I think is so interesting, it's totally taken

From the Kamus Dewan Dictionaries , we from the legacy of the opposition understand the
proposal submitted. However, it has become customary in the arena of the debate where it is
our responsibility to examine some errors and lacking. First on this day, the President, we are
still unclear about the implementation of the abolition of this public examination. This is
because, the government It has just been said that the public examinations were abolished
because of the students only study oriented exams solely. If without an examination, how to
evaluate the efforts of students and teachers in teaching sessions and learning?

And the second Yang Dipertua, they state that The abolition of this public examination is to
reduce the cost of spending government. It is true that the abolition of this public examination
can save you money government spending on why these public examinations were not
repealed in the year In 1997, when our country is experiencing a severe economic recession? At
what is the reason for submitting the government's deliberative argument? We hope to this
question was answered by the government shortly.

Mr. President, It is not true that the repeal of the examination This public can improve the
student's performance as discussed by the parties government, even on our behalf, we have
seen that the abolition of UPSR and PMR will affect the assessment of student-based level of
performance standardized examination.

This is because teachers in school are less likely to provide standard and equivalent questions
with UPSR or PMR. They are only able to provide monthly tests according to their respective
schools to evaluate student progress. Evaluation of the performance of such student
performance as if there were no specific directions besides not being able to evaluate progress
precise student performance. This is far different when UPSR can assess the ability of students
to master the basic things of 3M ie reading, writing and calculate.
In addition, the UPSR is also important to determine the level of achievement students just
before they go to the secondary school again. PMR is also important because it can determine
the trend that will be taken by before they have entered the form four and five in addition to
assessing the ability of the program in certain areas.

Obviously, the UPSR public examination and PMRs need to be maintained for the evaluation of
the development of a standard student's performance. My argument will be continued by the
next opposition partner, and with this I resigned. Please continue to rebel.

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