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{10S VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT : 2 PAGE - EVENTE: (710073619 SPECIFIC CRIME: ACTIVE SHOGTER /MURDER DATEOCCURRED: 10-01-17. TIME OCCURRED: 2208 HOURS \LOpATIN OF OECUERENES) ania aes aecomt ap jasing : SASVEGAS.NIVaptie : HY OF LAS yeas CLARK COUNTY. <<< | oo — ce ex ———————————— ‘The following 1s the transcnption of a tape-recorded Imerview conducted by DETECTIVE A. UBBENS (AU), P# 13118, LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION TEAM, on 10-10-17 el 443 hours, 2 AU. This is Detective Usbens with the Force investigation Team reference Event # BE...) fii GB «prone sure: tM Tovey ociober 10, 2017 t 4449 hours. Currey lvate at 400 South MLK, Bulking’ A, Fit Floor ore Room: Okay, um, s0 one of tho officers just told me thet you came in and said thet You hed some information about a cent thet was gettng hs ha cut. SS Yes {9 VEGAS NETROPOLITAN POLICE OEPARTHENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT "PAGES E its: 110019618 STATEMENT: ‘AU: Okay, And do you remember about wnen this was? SS {remember tas in the morning ‘AU: Imean, when, lke what month? SS: Iwan te ay t was in dune, but! m aot quite sue AU Oy SS: I want to say the thie or fourth week of June, but cou have been the frst week of "= uy, and Ym oaly.ealyuncertan AU. Orgy. Um, wen MMII is were you vor, rate? ee Se . ‘AU: When people goto asta hcut there do they have fo ve thek name and fhe does information go on the computer? S _ SS: We usually ask for their phone number fst. e AUS Okay. $8. Mihere's ta profile does not come up on - under ther phone number we create new phone, uh, cite @ new profle asking for he first name and the last name. if ‘they don't give us the last namie we don't putt down. We request seo ack thom i {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT _ VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES a __ snes: oo oie: RE As tod al Tar tides ica y tie They AU. Olay. Se sadn ic onniaee AU: Okay. When did you lak to the FB? SS. On Seturday night. : - AU! Okay. Do you remember who you spoke to? AU: ~ And you gave their al this intormation? 6S They actualy coniniea me penis by warn to rinronae pe apd tone at ‘WOuld bein @ lot of woubla if they sent thew uber geeks and ua mio the computer, Dal es ik sande. nght now Blere's nein ste eompuler end you Kiow # hey render - they go in and they don't render anything that's gonna be helpfuim gonna ein. lot of rouble, And Mey don’ belt's not that they think Im lying, but for me to “tel em teeth. "you resant your sisement rant mow, then wel ust wk avy ‘and it and wel ust say have a nice day to each other.” | got 80 unset that! said *You know what? Just put an there that | recant, fm done,” and Lgot out ofthe car AU Did they sid they seek you out or. SS: They did sock mo out, but | had already spoke fo two FB} Agents, u MMI 2c 05 wesnesday of at 4 o'clock at the Starbucks night neve on MLK. AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE EVENT: 10013549 SPECIPIGORIME: ACIVESHOOTERINUROSR DATE OCCURRED: -10.01-17 TIME OCCURRED: 2208 HOURS onmmenmmons wl ane EAS VEGAS NV-OS118 corsa aman _ NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: Cy es ae a sex were: pre PHONE 1 PHONE: Telieeh ieee ais eran ea by DETECTIVE B HODSON (BH) PR 9034, LVMPD FORGE INVESTIGATION TEAM, of 1042-47 ai urs: Also present are’ FBI Special Agent J: Mollica (IM), and Soe SH Operator, his Detect Sex Hodson, PF 9O24 wih ie Las Voges Metopoltan Police Department Force investigation Team conducting a taped statement reference fren 171001619 oe GU Yes, sir oH a on on Inienvew is gonna be, uh, conducted on Oclober 12th, 2017. et approxmetely 1544 hous. Also present is Special Molice? | keep saying Rwiong. JM, Molla, BH BH GU: AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT : _ VOLUNTARY STATEMENT = PAGES. EVENTR: eriout oie © STATEMENT OF, Okay. : But i was her second day. Uh, we vieie geting ready to Ciass I te, un, wo femal, We wore geting ready for tenspor and over Oficer Henrie redo we ‘ould heer that there wes @ mass shooting going on across the erect tthe fest ‘rounds atthe Route 91, Un, tbeteve twas rset, SA =o ST since we wer al tres inthe heldng area. Un, we gol ap wih Mec. We began to ‘escort ‘om towards, uh, the Boulevard. ‘Cause al the “shots ‘Kept saying over his. radio tht there was a shooter athe concert. Since they kept saying there was 2 thooler ane concon, we were. atompting io 6 othe upper dive by the Las Vegas ‘Boulevard in the off chance: that ‘the erie coming towards us to. intercept him. Un, outing the court of when while we were tying - while we were making our way. though the casino, over my fade | heard, ub, was ether olspster or 1 vat RBM 2201 cute scamber, 812 someone sai that UMM novgnt ne was nit hy 8 ballet gun on the Sst or the 32nd floor. oe “Okay. Greet na wl BG i ae {rsines got ver to the higheise elevetors._Um, we then look ~ who ese wes = RIB 2s es us in the elevator, We, uh, we got off on the 31st floor ‘cause that's where | thought | orginally head the oor number. When we got ofthe elevator we went down the 100 wing hallway, and that's where we could fear the ‘machine «sounded ike machine gunfire, Un, Hendro-callea over te raslethat ne could hear i He called out his locaton, where he was at, on the 31st floor. And he {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN FOLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. 2 5 an ‘s7i00ts5i8 ‘GU: Thal is what caused the confusion. Un, checked on 29 before | came back to 31 STATEMENT ‘There was'no shooter on 29 that | could find. Un, 1 did direct quite @ few quests to tin tre oom, lek he door and nat cone os Um, care back noua be 9 floor, let Metro know I-was coming back down the: ‘stairs. Rejeined up with the - it ‘as grup of fv tat we were kindof nthe siaiwel together wating for a guy to ‘try and escape: Un, SWAT came - or prior to SWAT coming we could hear. Somebody moving in the, uh, slairwal below us. SWAT got tere, they started ‘coming up. Since they were coming up from that stairwell we figured they were ‘checking everything as they came up. So they didn't nd anything. Uh, they gat “there, ‘we went ito - 1 wanna ‘say i wae right before the breach, tt was myself, i ee ee Ws NGL Lous Hepner ae ceen a ect nea cd ‘threw ‘ern in the stairwell, We broke ne uh the light bulbs inte starwel Thatwas Z ‘Metr iit uo Gumans ame Re cared dans Beh pe les ie 82, hey were geting ready to make entry. Blasted the deor down, 1 ‘shooter deceased. think they. made their way into the adjoining toom sioce ho did le BMRB cst et 00 te casino foor. Walked Back towards the biting room and that was it; That was pretty much i BH. Okey Um, so the time - do you know what time it was epproximately when Hendrix's ‘adio started going off initially about the “the first shootings occurring? {AS VEGAS METROPOUTAR POLICE DEPARTIEENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. PAGE VENTE: 71001-3690 SPECIFG GRE: ACTIVE SHOOTER MURDER DATE OCCURRED: 100117 TIME OCCURRED: 2200 HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: _ MANDALAY BAY RESORT AND CASINO 4350.8 [ASVeGAS EOULEVARD PDR CONTETIES CITY OF LAS VEGAS ‘SLARK counTy Sa —S—CtC<‘C~CSCS*? oo coon scons SD RAGE: sex. HEIGHT: WEIGHT: HAIR: : eves: — ST lc —— ‘The following Ie the transcription of a tape-recorded Interview conducted Sy DETECTIVE 8. HODSON (BH), Pa 9034, LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION TEAM, on 10-10-17 gt 1545. hours Also present ere FBI Special Agent C. ‘MeCamey (GM), and BH Operator, this ic Detective Brock Hodson, PH 9034, at the Les Vogas Metropolitan Police Gepartmont; Foros Investigation Team. This will He 9 taped statement reference 17100-3519, Be taker a satomert wit AIS Ce gonna be conducted at eporximetly 1848 ove st Mandeay Bay localed at 2060 Sou Las Vegas Houlevors Las Vegas, Nevada. Un: aso present win me daring the nteview nl be Special Agent Gay MeComey MC C.AM EY and MIR or crate 20), un. soot you comin tay, BH: BH: {AS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT ‘VOLUNTARY STATEMENT : PAGES even: 130013618 : STATEMENTOF, Un, negaive. He told me after the fact he fag orginally called because the door coming from the 100 Wing starwall was = or there was something instal into the door to where he couldn't open the door, Okay, He must have époken to another dispatcher about that becauee {said -| guess he ‘ald dispaton, dispatch transferred him to-engineerng, and he called engineering about the door fay Bo you know who may have okon at phore cal? oe eee kay: So when, uh, when you're on the phone and you hear - you hear the shots in the baexGround, um, wer you aware of any als Dein made to potce at tat pont or to medial fo MID or eryng ttt re? AW Ie ne were siphoned 10 lore | heat te pinsop gud of we vere ‘gore be sending a report witer up to check on his condition, you Know, s06 he Needed paramedic attention. and, lke | said, then the gunshots went off and | loped ip ier eaaee, ee EE cen oe one of the two behind me, got on the phone with Metro and, you know, tld them, “Heyy have on ace anole Send foot Reon 135° Se they rabaned me = ihe ine with Mato, whereas | was tyr te keen MM 0° the prone to keep ue updates {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. PAGES EVENT: 174001:3519 SPECIFOORIE: AGiIVE SHOGTER/ MURDER ‘DATE OCCURRED! sD0%7 TE OCCURRED: 7200 HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: MANDALAY BAY fe: ! TAS VEGAS AVENE ‘CITY OF LAS VEGAS Cuan COUNTY TANCOrresovounesTaToncny iay coe A soci secon: Sm nace: Sex: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: HAR: en BES - = _— —_ a ig ‘The following 1s the tanscription of a tape-recorded Interview conducted by. DETECTIVE ©. JEX (CJ), P# 5597, LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION TEAM. ‘on 10-07-17 at 1621 hours. Aiso present are Sergeant J. MacDonald (JM). Pa ~~ G, MeCaney (GM). and Wynn Resorts: attorney ‘Ci: Operator this ig Detective C Jex, PH $597, wih the Force Investigation Team. conducting a clizen interview reference Everitt 171001-3519, The starting time for {Bie nterview ie 1621 and tie person being terviewed ne ir nano cD «2 MANNED 1 2008 20104 ae RE -...-.:- Si i RE es Resons - nis ocoupaton +; 2h, SI i. si AR Ce ow fl» {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGE 2 : 1710013518 STATEMENT OF Hours are 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm and pis days off are Sunday Monday. Also present rdeneven 5 ee, PD 6s, at6015, an, Detectve Sergeant Jerry McDonald, Las Vegas Mettopoltan ‘Special Agent Gary McCaney - N-C-C-AN-E-Y with the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Ah, all hat information correct that. Poliee and, Gortect. _Vgottoryou there Mrs okay 1 cal you A Sue We ae her investigating obvoUsl hi, 2h eh mass soatng thet Be Sele ae ore, ‘Meo-hi. And the son ey Vrs Voli fh you enuse ol the association that you ave nad however tig oF small wit the suspect in - in this, eh, Sloten, ah. PPaikiock And, ah, So whet ke for you to do, ahs go back as far as you possibly ‘can remember and els tak about how you became aware of him, ah, to know bim - whether you were afi or comeing alee and jel walk us through your relabonship vith him? : | aidn't realy have the relationship with him, um, 1 knew of hin -} can remember ‘bout roughly four weeks ago seeing, ah, checking the accrual isk which is basically ‘2 log that we keep of high-end gamers that are In-house. And | just remember ‘LAB VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT. VOLUNTARY STATEMENT pace 5 EVENTS: ieoti8 SPECI CRE: - ACtiVe SuoOFER J MRoER DATE OCCURRED: 100 TYME OCCURRED: ze HOLRS ee eee case "TAS VEGAS. NVastiC 2 SITY OF LAS VEGAS SLARK COUNTY. S (NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: CC ) e | following Te the transeriplion of a lape-fecorded Interview conducted by DETECTIVE B. HODSON (8H), P# 9034. LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION TEAM, 09 104117 apd rs Algo: prosent are’ FBI Special Agent G. MeCamey (GM) and = "BH Operator, this is Detective Breck Hodson, Pa 9034 wih tne Las Vegas Metropoitan ‘Police Department Fores Investigation Team conducing e taped statement reference Event 17001-9518. Interview gong 10 be conaucted win SAR MIB 1002s sets is October 11, 2017 and its approximately 1527 hours. Also. resent inthe room win me along wih {MINIM is Specie! Agent Cary econey, MOCAMEY as vc 2s IIIB ron n= cn properties a well coriducling statement wil. be inside the Mandalay Bay at 2950 {Us VEGAS METROPOLITAN rOUce DEPATUENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. PAGE? - £ EVENT: 97400-9618 ‘peoo owe seve Sucuesmusoen eee tm iopeer acc LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: 3 : ee CITY OF LAS VEGAS ‘CLARK COUNTY NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: SEemeERO ‘pon: 5 SOCIAL SECURITY #: RACE HEIGHT: ig is the transcription of @ tape-recorded Interview conducted by DETECTIVE “8. PENNY (BP), P# 6042, LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION i 17 at 195! Se rete nc ee BP. Operator, this is = this is Detective Penny with the Force Investigation Team ‘conducting a recorded interview wt a | fest —— oe ol i re ONE 5 oreo oi be vers Mandalay Bay. His occupation i | His shit pours on Wednesdays and Thursdays he works 0800 to 1600 2nd Friday, Saturday, Sundsy is 4200 fo 2000. ‘This interview will bo'In reference to LVMPO Event # 171001-3519 {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTIEENT. ‘VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES : EVENTS: 73001-3610 SPECIFICGRIME: ACTIVE SHOOTER (MURDER DATECCCURRED: 40.0017 TIME OCCURRED: 7208 HOURS LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE: - MANDALAY BAY RESORT ANDGASINO carer nsvesns unc sourr ‘NAME OF PERSON GIVING STATEMENT: [ vom ie = | Race sex HEIGHT: : reich: OME ADDRESS: —_. on! PHONE 2 ‘WORK ADDRESS: re The following ie the Wanscriovon of a tape-Tecoroad Ineniew conducted by DETECTIVE J. PATTON UP), Pa 8289. LVMPD FORCE INVESTIGATION ‘TEAM, on {0-06-17 at 1795 hours. Aiso present FBI Special Agent E. Lopez. hi J Coffey (IC), and JP. Operator, this: is Detective Joe Patton, P-A-T-T-ON, P# 8280, wit the Force Investigation Team. fm conducting an interview with, umf I east sames scotes I He ote of ths Socal ID address eR orcs oo | ee His phone number apprentice engineer at The Mandalay Bay Resorts. He works 3:00 prt to 71:00 pm He is @ ‘with Monday and Tuesday off. Un. be has been employed with Mandalay Bay since 88. WP = 8s {LAS vhs METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT ay of 2017. This interview fs taking place reference the, uh, active shooter event 2017 at opproceately 2208 ours under LVMPO Event# 17107-3549. Uh, the address for Mandalay Bey was, which occured, um, at Mansalsy Bay on October th, 2860 South Las Vegas Boulevard, aso the lation ofthe evant. Today's date is Gee Interview staking place onthe S2nd Noor of Mandalay Bay side of room 118. Ard sic present fo his tow ich | ge I, aoe Serpe ue NTES. apd FBI Special Agent Jason Coffey, CO-F BEY. he See _ 99 ahead end slate you fst. last name afd date of bith forme, (yan, ohare yout te ced? RRB 02s. Ue Magy et at 0b, ertoyrentintormation coer te lo fe si i “Okey. And you vo of song ot ee 900 1011:00 and. you're off Monday and Tuesdey? = Yes {LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT _ VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES : e Tt 171001 361 “STATEMENT OF! ‘88: | jumped In front of the door fo the left of me and the rounds passed, Kwas not even 3.0¢4 seconds when the fring stopped fom him shooting outside to when he rounds. red coming sour ne boivey S| sont hi wes leat «ence. ‘Qvhching guns. [don"t kfow. Ard the founds sated coming down the balay. | poe Ged [fun Css untewandine | pubes msn eps ese have keys to every room ard tried to open the door behind me but the guest had ead bots And I hovaht, "You know wa, e's coming down the Ralway, Ps probably bel tat | dont go incite that room, caves then 7m rapped” Sol yled. vr the rai, “Shoe fred. Shots fred" UN. Mm ny supers had sa Ne ‘was on is way, over the tedlo, before he knew anything was hanpening. | said "Shots fired. Shots fred q@MMNNMlN gei the police. Dd not come down 100 hallway. Hes shoating down the halve. De not come down the hallway.” And then atthat ‘ime {Just thought "Watt for Him to reload” 1.was thinking If could gst oAaNamp! wanted to-{ did Know if he could wal or not. ihad seen he was shot the eg "He was about to or hree doors steed of me: I cenit reriember te exdct amount doors towards the end ofthe haway. thought l-mean it was fo sky ym head {0-10 cross that Nalvay and get closer So Iwalted. As soon as the rounds stopped, {otarted fo take off down the helway. Twas Keeping dose fo the wall In my nead | just thought. you know, ‘Allright, now he's had fime to re- reload,” and i and it's as. s00n as | thought tht | jump in font of anoter door and another vole ot tre ‘came out. | couldn’t tell, I was so loud and the- the echoes and the reverberations Ue veans METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT VOLUNTARY STATEMENT PAGES EVENTS: 1790019619 “STATEMENT OF, of the wals, | couldnt tell if he wes shooting down the alway again o:- or back outside. And at this time R clicked in’my ming, ‘cause 14 been working in the Mandalay Bay Yower the whole weekend, | knew that show was going op. It cickad in/my mind, tke, "He's shooting ef these people.” | know exacly where tht room points. So, ub, | waited for hi te stop again ard me anc@gllsterted runout ofthe alway. | don't know exactly where he was: Ihe was tying leave behind me or. _- farther back and another secunly guaid started to enter te 100 halvay. I was suited Security guatd who carries & sidearm. | yelled out at him. “Get out of the halinay, Gat out ofthe habwny We al wert to Come Core and hat ie were. _ we just had 16 si there and fsten we couldn't do anything, Wh iL knew we just hed to sit there and listen to him shoot. This probably went on for hwo oF thee minutes Um, and 28 s00n a pole starting showing un, un, sme pole came i the Center Core: We tet in, HMMM pe share J cok ‘Hey 1d hin me, “Heya pt a pressure on kW ween’ bleeding. | was gonna use my bell as @ oumiguel but es 00n/@s | was about to 40 that (neerd something fom behind me and:itwas polce Kleking in doors in the 300 alway. So me and my eupervgot who was usher, ah, yelled at tba, ke, “Hoy he's he's inthis Halway. He's tthe end of tis hal. ‘The 100 hallway.” And- and uh by that time the fre-the- the shots hed stopped and. ry supers: Rae handed he his maser Keys adhe al“ ‘eed you to go down to- tothe lower eve, the lowest lve Shut of al the quost elevators 50 no one ca come up here.” So took the quest elevator down. | started to shut them down and, uh, | met @- another engineer wes there. His name ‘sillier + 20171006 17247 12 1a» Pas re FL sevomarnrnaon ar es ‘STATEMENT 479007003519 Tear easier eo 13360 South Lns Vonas Boulovers TEASER eee ae Pruahin, = RON I0-06 17348 a > a8

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