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The microcosmic and macrocosmic manifestations
of movements, colors, sounds, rhythms, melody,
behaviors and the emotional relationships; amongst
the nonliving and living forms; are intricate and
subtle. They are beyond one’s intellectual
comprehension and even imagination.

All that we see and even perceive; is defined and

restricted by the characteristics of our sensory
receptors and the limitations of cerebral cortex and
hence; forms a small fraction of what actually
“exists” around! Actually the concept of “existence”
has also been born from our physiologically limited;
though cumulative framework of intelligence;
through the civilizations. We are entrained to
assume; that whatever we “perceive” or
“experience”; exists, and what we do not; does not
“exist”! Thus we have “learnt” to conceptualize
birth and death separated by existence! It is kind of
addiction to such belief that we feel extremely
uncomfortable and sorry with even the thought of
nonexistence or death.
Hence; truly speaking; even the fraction we perceive
may not be in congruence or in consonance with the
core of nature. This alienation or separation from
the core of the nature or cosmic consciousness; is the
cause of inherent restlessness in most of us.

This separation from the core; and the addiction of

individual “existence” or “living” manifests in the
behavior; as; e.g. struggle for existence, which is
apparently governed and directed by physical needs.

The separation from the core; manifests later, in the

struggles and wars motivated by instincts and
passions, aspirations, and ambitions of imposing,
possessing, controlling, and owning and so on.

This separation from the core of nature; also

manifests at personal levels in the dissatisfaction,
from moment to moment; and dissatisfaction in
different personal interactions. The separation from
the core of nature gives rise to strong or weak
prejudices and likes and dislikes; in our minds; and
these manifest in different walks of life we work in!
The process of study and practice of Total Stress
Management involves the understanding of our
alienation or separation from the core of the nature
or cosmic consciousness in the first place; and our
reunification with this same core (our true self)
subsequently; which I call conscious evolutionary
transformation or simultaneous individual and
global blossoming.

The clear vision and appreciation of the universe

and its; such unfolding at all times, is a blossoming
experience. On the backdrop of this orchestra
individuals get freed from the subjectivity and
blossom into objective “existence” merged with the
core of nature, when there is no “struggle” for
individual existence! This is the root of DHARMA
as well as soul of DHARMA.

Through such blossoming experience; we realize

that individual subjectivity, individual constitutions,
intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical
needs and capabilities and skills are variable and
such variations are inevitable; at most of the stages
of evolution, in different people, and at different
ages and at different situations. Through such
understanding different individuals are delegated
different sacred activities or duties (which constitute
the blossomed tree or body of DHARMA); so that
the natural or divine orchestra or the cosmic dance
continues with all its melody and charms; while
simultaneously opening all the possibilities and
opportunities for every individual to blossom to
his/her fullest potentials!

The traditions, customs, conventions, and even

manners and etiquettes are evolved in congruence
and consonance with this essence of DHARMA and
when applied to individual life; they are referred to
as SWADHARMA (the sacred duties i.e. the duties,
which ensure holistic health, i.e. individual and
global blossoming, i.e. one’s merging with true self
and being culminated into objectivity).

This is why; DHARMA and SWADHARMA have

such paramount importance in our life. If we
understand this; then we would be able to transcend
the conflicts, controversies, chaos and confusion;
over different ideologies, theism, atheism, organized
religions, conversions and so on!

As there is and assurance that; all subjectivity is

contingent in the “objectivity in and around, which
is the eternal master and manager of the cosmic
orchestra”; everything is done in an extremely
assured manner with certainty and no element of
any doubt, anxiety, worry or tension. This happy
global society that is effulgent with innate harmony;
and vibrant with orchestrated rhythm; is in the

DHARMA; thus means emulation of this cosmic

orchestra at individual, social, global and universal
levels, by identifying and performing one’s role! The
greater the accuracy in emulation, the greater would
the individual and the society; experience harmony
and melody in universe and vice versa.

This state of identification of one’s role and its

assertion; marked by victory over restlessness (born
out of separation from the core of nature), is implied
in the preaching of Marathi saints; “THEVILE
DYAVE SAMADHAN” (Perceive the divine plan of
the Almighty i.e. the comic consciousness; and live
and blossom happily in it)!

In view of the “fall of the leaves” of the tree of

DHARMA; i.e. decline and disappearance of most of
the traditions and customs; there is a need for new
traditions, new customs and new way of life; which
can be developed with global consensus; through
realization of the innate unity through the universal
practice of NAMASMARAN.

In other words, NAMASMARAN is the way to

rejuvenation of DHARMA. But the enriching
experience of persistent NAMASMARAN is ecstatic;
and subjective as well as objective experience and
hence it is the core of DHARMA also! Last but not
the least; it is said that being happily immersed in
the NAMASMARAN is the culmination of pinnacle
or DHARMA (life lived in NAMASMARAN).
We should not merely believe or disbelieve or keep
on vacillating, guessing, imagining, conjecturing;
but rather verify the validity of this vision; through

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