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The Other Israel

The ezine of the Israeli Peace Bloc -
Issue: Sept. 15th. 2010
Editor Adam Keller takes a grim look at the probable outcome of a peace
settlement negotiated within one year and implemented over thirty, as is being
proposed, in a brief insight into the lives of a Palestinian family in Hebron whose
home has been commandeered by the IDF. John V. Whitbeck calls for a ‘One
citizen one vote’, single state solution in a convincing case against a two state
solution in his piece ‘Two September Deadlines, one strategy for hope’. Plus links
to various articles and letters posted on

Compiled and edited by Adam Keller and Beate Zilversmith, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
published in pdf format by
Negotiations in the air
The Other Israel's weekly email update:

1) Occupation Magazine - today's headlines & some recommended articles of past week
2) Crazy Country: Politeness x 2 Peace Summit in Hebron

Occupation Magazine September 14, 2010

ng beyond peace processes past

East Jerusalem housing plans cast new shadow over Israel-Palestinian peace talks
Nir Hasson - Haaretz - "Sadly, East Jerusalem is once again being used as a
battleground for provocative and irresponsible activities, and once again it`s especially
horrible timing" says Ir Amim

B`tselem: IDF consistently does not investigate killings of Palestinians by soldiers

B`tselem - During the First Intifada, every case of a Palestinian killed by soldiers was
investigated by the Military Police Investigation Unit. In the Second Intifada, such killings
are in general defined as "part of an armed conflict," and investigations are "to be
opened only in exceptional cases". The B`tselem report points out that in numerous
cases killings were not investiagated though there were grounds to suspect criminal
behaviour by the soldiers.

Answer to PACBI`s belittling of the actors` refusal to appear in Ariel

Reuven Kaminer - Precisely out of concern for the campaign of the Israeli left against the occupation it is
necessary to come out clearly against Palestinian friends who desire to insult with callousness and
derision courageous and effective protest.

National Jewish State: Not a Good Idea, for Palestinian and Jews Alike
Ofra Yeshua-Lyth - Huffington Post - Middle East pundits would be well advised to ask Israel to move
towards secularity and real democracy. This will be a real step to enable "moving beyond the differences"
for the parties in our long suffering region. En route they will be doing a favor to many Israeli Jews.

Settlers Break Into The Yards Of The Al Aqsa Mosque

Saed Bannoura - IMEMC - Local sources reported that nearly 130 settlers broke into the yards of the Al
Aqsa mosque on Monday morning while the Israeli police kept the Palestinians away.

Two September deadlines, one strategy for hope

John V. Whitbeck - Jerusalem Post - Framing the choice with such clarity would ensure that the Israeli
leadership would, at last, be inspired – indeed, compelled – to make the most attractive twostate offer
which Israeli public opinion could conceivably find acceptable.

Bedouin village razed for 5th time

Ilana Curiel - Ynet - A day after the conclusion of Eid al-Fitr, the village was razed once again. However,
as soon as Land Administration members and police officers left the scene, the residents promptly began
reconstruction work. The police claim they were taking measures to charge the residents of al-Arakib with
demolition expenses, estimated at millions of shekels.

"They don`t want our boys educated"

Jody McIntyre - Electronic Intifada - They asked my husband where his son was, and he told them that he
was working in Jericho. Then, they forced him into a separate room, and asked our children the same
question, one-by-one, but they all gave the same answer: "Our brother works in Jericho." They tried to
trick my husband by telling him that one of the kids had informed them that Ammar was in the village, but
he replied, "I know that none of my children said that to you, and it is simply from your mind."

Ahava letter to business partners reveals settler company`s sensitivity to boycott campaign
Nancy Kricorian and Rae Abileah - CODEPINK - The Ahava cosmetics comapny, based on the nothern
shore of the Dead Sea which is part of the occupied West Bank, circulated a letter among cosmetics
retailers, full of factual inaccuaracies and misrepresenations - indicating the company`s sensitivity to the
world-wide boycott campaign against its products, conducted by CODEPINK.

IDF: 2 Gazans killed at border Sunday were not terrorists

Yaakov Katz - Jerusalem Post - The army now officially admitted that the 91-year-old and his grandson,
killed on the Gaza Strip border on Sunday, had not been involved in any terrorist activity. According to the
army, they were hit becuase of standing next to a man holding RPG, and "This is not the type of result
that we would like from such incidents".

Recommended earlier articles

The Military and the Academy - The Silence of the Israeli Intelligentsia
Lisa Taraki - CounterPunch - "It is instructive to note that while American academics are up in arms about
the collaboration of their colleagues with the army under the Pentagons Human Terrain Teams and the
Minerva Research Initiative, we find no similar protest from the professional associations of physicists,
geographers, mathematicians, political scientists and others in Israel about the moral and professional
implications of collaboration with their army"

Settler Violence Report, July-August 2010

Time for disengagement

Gideon Levy - Haaretz - After the (limited ) success of the disengagement from Gaza, the time has come
for another disengagement - that which will release Israel from the chains of the corrupting influence of
wealthy Jewish men.

Ariel and us
DAVID ROSENBERG - Jerusalem Post - The settlers are Israeli citizens, and the government has done
everything it can to make it seem as if the settlements are no different than Holon or Kiryat Ono. Indeed,
settlers are not just equal citizens, they are more equal.

Settlers vow to keep on building - at any cost

Catrina Stewart in Kiryat Arba - Independent - As Israeli and Palestinian leaders prepare for key peace
talks in Egypt, hardline Jewish settlers are vowing to sabotage a political process that they fear, if
successful, could endanger the survival of the Jewish state.

Tel Aviv Apt. Vacancy Sign Stipulates "Israeli Tenants Only"

Haggai Matar: "there is something different – something new and frightening in the way the sign is posted
on the street. Since it appeared sometime in the last month, many people have passed it daily"
Legitimizing an obstacle to peace
By Theodore Bikel - Haaretz "I have often spoken out in opposition to cultural boycotts... but in the
political arena, artists make a statement by their presence or their absence."

Ramadan in Aida Camp

by Rich Wiles - Al-Ahram Weekly "What is Ramadan like for the inhabitants of the Palestinian refugee

Jeff Halper to Pete Seeger: ditch the JNF and honour the boycott
All the best from your friends in Israel/Palestine. In that spirit, I was surprised to hear of your planned
participation in With Earth and Each Other: A Virtual Rally for a Better Middle East. While at first blush it
might seem to have something in common with the work of ICAHD and other Israeli and Palestinian
peace groups -- attempting to build bridges between peoples -- it is actually something quite different.
One of the lead partners in the effort is the Jewish National Fund, which is responsible for the allocation
of land in Israel. As such, it is a mainstay of the ever-increasing apartheid system there.

This time in Washington, honest brokerage is not going to be enough

Avi Shlaim - Guardian - "...there are two possible solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict the realistic and the
miraculous. The realistic solution involves divine intervention; the miraculous solution involves a voluntary
agreement between the parties themselves."

Occupation Magazine is updated daily by different editors - in English and in Hebrew (not the
same selection) ‫ תירבעל‬ You can also search for information using the powerfull
search function or scrolling down through the sections. For action alerts, see the Activism box.


Crazy Country - Adam Keller's blog

Politeness x 2
Peace Summit in Hebron (English) (‫)תירבע‬

TOI-Billboard is the 'ezine' of THE OTHER ISRAEL - a peace-oriented news service existing since 1983,
editors Adam Keller & Beate Zilversmidt. The billboard includes relevant articles from the Israeli press as
well as Occupation Magazine updates from within Israel/Palestine & from international media. Apart from
that you find Adam Keller's comments, in his blog. No longer will there be a bi-monthly printed issue. An
archive of old issues covering 26 years is under construction - at the pace of one or two additional issues
put on line each week. Some of the oldest ones have already been posted, as well as those of recent
years. A complete set of issues from 1994 through 2003 had already been made available

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TOI_picks 3, June 2010 a printable selection
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