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Education Pshycology (Mini Research)


SMKN 2 MEDAN T.A 2016/2017

Compiled By:

Nur Aini (4163322004)


BAB I PRELIMINARY........................................................................................... 1
A. Bayground of Problem .................................................................................. 1
B. Identifity of Problem...................................................................................... 2
C. Scope of the problem .................................................................................... 2
D. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................................... 2
E. Purpose of the Research ............................................................................... 3
F. Benefit of the Research ................................................................................ 3
BAB II LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 4
A. Theoritical framework ................................................................................... 4
1. Understanding Learning .................................................................... 4
2. Result Learning Physics .................................................................... 6
3. Learning Style ................................................................................... 8
B. Relevent Learning Theory with Learning Style............................................. 15
BAB III METODOLOGI RESEARCH................................................................. 18
A. Location and time of Research ...................................................................... 18
B. Subject and Object of Research..................................................................... 18
C. Parties that are involved Reserach ................................................................ 18
D. Procedure Research ....................................................................................... 19
BAB IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION RESEARCH ........................................... 23
A. Result Research.............................................................................................. 23
B. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 24
BAB V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTON ....................................................... 28
A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 28
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................... 28

A. Bayground Of Problem
Most teachers have realized that learners have a variety of ways to learn. Some
students learn best just by seeing others do it. Usually they have liked the presentation of
information in orderly fashion. They prefer to write what the teacher says. During the lessons,
they are usually silent and rarely disturbed by the noise. These visual learners differ from
auditory learners, who usually do not hesitate to pay attention to what is done by the teacher,
and make notes. They rely on the ability to hear and remember. During study, they may be
talkative and easily distracted by noise or noise. Kinesthetic learners learn mainly by directly
engaging in the activity. They tend to be impulsive, I arbitrarily and impatient. During the
lessons, they might be anxious if they do not bias free to move and do something. The way
they learn may seem arbitrary and frivolous.
SMK N 2 Medan is located at Jl. STM, MEDAN is one of the formal educational
institutions that educate students / student. Based on the observation that researchers do in
SMK N 2 Terrain precisely in class XI there are problems that the majority of students in this
class learning style varied, but the model applied learning teacher refers to the learning styles
of visual and auditory (learning by seeing and hearing). This problem is because most
teachers to communicate more with the subject matter and lecture notes. Students listen to the
subject matter through the records on the board and the speeches made by the teacher. For
children who have a kinesthetic learning style, use the lecture method tends to be boring even
no interest and passion in the course.
Based on this research will be conducted with regard to the influence of learning
styles on learning results. Where the subjects that became the benchmark is a physics lesson
The role played by physics with everyday life requires compulsory subjects taught physics
and dikuasa vocational students. By looking at the influence of learning styles of students are
expected to acquire in accordance with the learning styles of learning physics so that students
are more excited and motivated in learning.

B. Identification of Problem
Based on the background described above, the issue can be identified as follows:
1. The teacher realizes that students have a variety of ways to learn.
2. The teacher does not know the learning style appropriate to the learning and
teaching of physics right tricks.
3. During this time the students did not know their individual learning styles in the
learning process.
4. Students are still focused on only one learning style.
5. The low result of learning physics.

C. Scope of Problem

Based on the problems mentioned in the identification of the problem, then that limit
the problem in this study as follows: "The influence of learning styles on learning outcomes
physics class XI student of SMK Negeri 2 Medan T. A 2016/2017".

D. Formulation of the problem

The study is essentially a search for answers to the problems of the background.
Therefore, the formulation of the problem of this research is how

E. Purpose of Research
Based on the formulation of the problem that has formulated the goal of this research
is the Effect of learning styles on learning outcomes physics class XI student of SMK Negeri
2 Medan.

F. Benefit of Research

The benefits of this research is reviewed from two aspects, namely:

1. Benefits theoretically research
a. Adding to the depth of knowledge to the author in the influence of learning styles in
b. For consideration by the authors in conducting further research, starting from this mini

2. Benefits practical research

a. As an input to the teachers to optimize teaching and learning activities by choosing
approaches and media to follow the students' learning styles in the classroom.
b. For students to improve learning outcomes, so that students do not just use their individual
learning styles but can vary or try to use some other learning styles in learning physics.
c. Contributions to other writers who will learn about Learning Styles.
d. To maximize the knowledge of researchers in the preparation of scientific research.


One of the capabilities that must be held by teachers to be able to implement effective
learning is the understanding of how students learn. Learning is often associated with the
expansion of knowledge. Understanding other study raised by Fontana (1981), learning is a
process of change that is relatively fixed in the behavior of individuals as a result of the
experience. Such as Fontana, Gagne (1985) also states that learning is a change in the ability
of a lasting and not from the growth process.
This understanding is in line with the understanding of learning proposed by Bower and
Hilgard (1981), namely that the study refers to a change in behavior or potential of
individuals as a result of the experience and the change is not caused by instinct, maturity or
fatigue and habit. Learning is an activity that process, and an element that is fundamental to
every peyelenggaraan types and levels of education. This means that the success or failure of
the education goals is highly dependent on the learning process experienced by students, both
when he was at school and home environment or his own family.
Meanwhile, according to Anthony Robbins (Trianto, 2009), learning is defined as the
process of creating a relationship between something (knowledge) that has been understood
and something (knowledge) are new. In line with what was stated by Jerume Brunner
(Romberg & Kaput, 1999), that learning is an active process in which students build
(construct) a new penegtahuan based on experience / knowledge he already owns.
According to the psychological sense, learning is a process of change is a change in
behavior as a result of interaction with the environment to meet the needs of life. The changes
are evident in all aspects of behavior. This is in line with the understanding of learning
proposed by Sanjaya Vienna (2008), learning is the mental activity of a person in interacting
with the environment, resulting in behavioral changes that are positive, both changes in
aspects of knowledge, affective, and psychomotor.
According to James O. Whittaker learning process where behavior is caused or altered by
training or experience. From some expert opinion on the definition of learning mentioned
above can be understood studying changes in the behaviors associated with the knowledge
that he already has as a result of individual experience in interaction with the environment
regarding the cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

a. Characteristic of Learning

According to the understanding, learning not only with respect to the amount of knowledge,
but also includes all of the abilities of individuals. Understanding the sense to focus on three
First, the study should allow the occurrence of a change in behavior of the individual
self. Such changes not only in the aspect of knowledge or cognitive but also covers aspects of
attitudes and values (affective) and skills (psychomotor).
Second, the change must be the fruit of experience. Behavioral changes that happen to
individuals because of the interaction between himself and the environment. These
interactions can be either physical interaction. For example, someone the child knows that the
fire was hot as hell after he touched the flame lit candle. Besides the physical interactions,
changes in these capabilities can be obtained through the interaction of the psychic. For
example, a child will be careful crossing the road after she saw a man hit by a vehicle. The
ability to change is formed by the interaction of individuals with their environment.
Third, the changes are relatively sedentary. Changes in behavior as a result of drugs,
booze, and the other can not be categorized as behavioral learning outcomes. An athlete who
can do the pole vault to exceed the record of others as taking medication can not be
categorized as a result of learning. The changes are not permanent. Changes in behavior as a
result of learning will be fairly permanent.

b. Factors that affect learning oucomes

Factors that affect learning outcomes of many kinds, but can be classified into two
categories only: factors internal and external factors. In the internal factors are factors that
exist within the individual that is being studied, while external factors are factors that are
outside the individual.
a. Factors of the students that influence learning outcomes of which are skills,
interests, talents, business motivation, attention, learning styles, weakness and health and
habits of students. One of the things that are important in learning activities that must be
instilled in students that learning has to do is he needs.
b. Factors outside students affect student learning outcomes among others, is the
physical environment and non-physical (including class atmosphere in belajr, as chirpy
and fun), socio-cultural environment, family environment, school programs (including
support for school committees), teachers, implementation learning and school friends.
Teachers are the foundation of the most influence on the process and outcomes of
learning, because the teacher is a manager or director in the classroom.


Results of study consists of two words, namely "Results" and "Learning". The results
are the result of which is caused by a process of activity. While learning is a series of
activities to obtain a change in behavior as a result of individual experiences in interaction
with the environment.
Juliah in Jihad (2013: 15), the learning outcomes are all things that belong to the
students as a result of learning activities are done. According Hamalik (2003), the learning
outcomes are patterns of actions, values, notions and attitudes, as well as apperception and
Meanwhile, according to A. J. Romizowski in Jihad (2013: 14), an output of learning
outcomes (outputs) of a processing system inputs (input). The process of teaching and
learning in class has a goal transactional, meaning known clearly and operationally by
teachers and students. Objectives achieved if students acquire the learning outcomes as
expected in the learning process. Therefore, the learning outcomes should be formulated
properly to be evaluated at the end of learning.
The learning result is essentially a change in the behavior of individuals who are
relatively sedentary as a result of interaction with the environment. Results physics course
must be associated with the goal of physics education is not mentioned in the outlines of
physics teaching programs in schools with not forgetting the nature of physics it self.
Learning outcomes achieved can be seen when held measurement of the student's
knowledge. To measure the level of students' knowledge samapai where there should be a
certain difungsinya measurement tool is to measure learning outcomes.
Results are due, the end of an exam and so on (the Drafting Team KBBI, 2002: 139).
Slameto (2003), formulating learning as a process carried out pliers effort for someone to
obtain a new change in behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction
with the environment.
Results of the study appear as behavioral changes in self-esteem, which can be
observed and measured in terms of changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills. Such changes
may imply an increase and a better development than ever before, such as not knowing to
knowing, disrespectful attitude and so on.
Physics learning outcomes are the result of an activity which can be seen the changes
in the knowledge, skills and attitude score after passing exams in the field of Physics.
Physics proper understanding can not be determined with certainty. This is because the
branches of Physics growing and increasingly mingle with each other. But according to Beth
& Piaget in 1956 (in Runtukahu, 2013: 28), Math is knowledge concerning the structure of
the abstract and the relationships between these structures is well organized. While Kline in
1972 (in Runtukahu, 2013: 28), Math is knowledge that can not stand alone, but it can help
people to understand and solve social problems, economic and others.
Today a physics lesson preferably on learning in high school or vocational tailored to
learning styles, needs of students and the real world. Physics study results can be seen from
the ability of learners to receive the learning process with the ability and learning style of
each after a test.

3. Learning Style

a. Understanding of learning Style

Learning style refers to the way learners learn preferred. Generally, it is considered
that the person's learning style comes from personality variables, including cognitive and
psychological makeup socio-cultural background and educational experience (Nunan, 1991:
Diversity learning styles of students need to know at the beginning of the beginning
accepted in an institution that will he live. This will make it easier for learners to learn and to
teach learners in the learning process. Learners will be able to learn well and good learning
results, if he understands his learning style. It facilitates the learner can apply the learning
easily and precisely (Kolb: 1984).
Each individual has a specific birth and enriched through life experiences. To be sure
everyone learns through sensory tool, either visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Everyone has
the power of learning or learning style. The more we know the better we learning styles it
will be easier and more confidence in mastering a skill and concepts in life.
Here is the definition of learning styles (Nasution, 2006: 94), namely:
(1) learning style, "Refers to a student's consistent way of responding to and using
stimuli in the context of learning.
(2) cognitive style: cognitive characteristic modes of functioning that we reveal
trroughout our perceptual and intellectual activities in highlyconsisten and pervasive way
(3) cognitive style is a "superordinate construct the which is Involved in many
cognitive operations, and roomates axxounts for individual differences in a variety of
cognitive, perceptual, and personality variables "(Vernon), and
(4) cognitive style represent a person's typical modes of perceiving, remembering,
thinking and problem solving (Messick).
According DePorter and Hernacki in Purnawati (2014: 63), is a combination of
learning styles to absorb, manage, and process information. Easy way, you have five senses,
which is to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. Of the five senses, only three are used to learn,
which is to see (visual), listening (auditory), and feel (touch).
Actually, learning styles appear influenced by heredity or already-evident. There are
children who are physically strong and fit so it tends to have a kinesthetic learning style. Or
there are also children who have a high sense of art so that the visual learning style is inherent
in him.
If one of the senses is not functioning optimally, it is generally other senses will
replace it. If the sight of a child is not functioning, then the sense of hearing is more
prominent that it is more sensitive to sounds or noises. For example, the blind typically has a
very keen sense of hearing.
Moreover, parenting also plays an important role in the appearance of one's learning
style. That is, the learning style is determined by the extent to which parents do stimulation of
each of his senses. Children who are read fairy tales from childhood accustomed to, may be
used to hone the ability of hearing. He also can quickly digest the words of the storyteller. As
a result, the child will tend to be an auditory learner in the learning style. While the majority
of the son of a painter who devoted more time to examine the details of the image of his
parents will usually be someone with the type of visual learning.
So if the media best children's learning through reading and viewing images, they are
called "visual learning style". If media learning best through hearing, they are called
"auditory learning style", whereas if the media is a learning exercise to get the best results,
they are called "touching learning style". By knowing this, teachers can help children learn
more effectively.
From the definition of learning can be concluded that learning styles are ways in
which a person in the process of learning include how to capture, organize and process
information received so that learning becomes effective.
b. Type Of Style Learning
There are several types of learning styles that must be observed by teachers, namely:
visual learning styles (visual learner), auditory learning styles (auditory learner), and
kinesthetic learning style (tactual learner). The learning styles have emphases respectively,
although the combination of all three is very good, but at a certain moment the student will
use one of these three learning styles.
1. Type of Learning Visual (Visual Learner)
Visual learner is learning style where the idea, the concept of data and other
information packed in drawing and engineering. Students who have a visual learning style
has a high interest when shown pictures, graphics, graphic organizer, such as webs, concept
maps and map ideas, plots and other visual illustrations. Some of the techniques used in
visual learning to improve thinking skills and learning, emphasizes the important role of eye
sight (visual).
Individuals who have a visual learning style is very interested in striking colors. They
tend to sit in the limelight or at the front to avoid visual obstructions (of obstruction other
students). They often seem dreamy, but actually paying close attention to the gestures
interlocutor or the person who is being explained to him. Individuals who like this style
requires instruction in writing. Usually, children who have visual favored by the teachers.
Children with this style easily learn the subject matter in the classroom because it is usually
the method presented by the teacher is a visual method, ie reading, writing daan see the
The characteristics and weaknesses of visual learning style is as follows:
 Difficulty understanding the message conveyed verbally.
 Has a tendency to pay attention to posture and lip movements of teachers who
are teaching or someone who is being explained.
 Sign unfavorable category listeners when communicating.
 Tend passive when in group activities or discussions.
 Requires props when the explanation is done.
 Do not disturbed by any noise blaring.
Allocation of the three learning styles, which dominate the visual learning style as
Table 2.1.Learning Style Allocation

Learning Style Allocation

Visual Auditory Touch (Kinestetik)

35, 190 % 34, 896 % 29, 912 %

In this learning style takes a lot of models and methods that are used to focus on the
show. Media learning objects that are related to these subjects, or by showing peraganya tools
directly to students or described in a whiteboard or blackboard. Body language and facial
expressions the teacher is also a very important role to convey the subject matter. They tend
to sit at the front so you can see clearly. They think using pictures in the brain and learn faster
by using visual displays such as diagrams, illustrated textbooks, interactive CDs, digital
content and video (MTV). In the classroom, the child prefers visual record until the details to
obtain information.

2. Learning Type Auditif (Auditory Learner)

Auditory learner is a learning style where students learn through listening, the listener
senses to interpret the intent of information obtained by watching the intonation, tone of
voice, speed of speech, and feel the heart of the speaker. Students who have auditory learning
styles will rely on success in learning by ear (hearing instrument), therefore, teachers should
pay attention to their students up to the hearing instrument. Children who have auditory
learning style can learn more quickly by using verbal discussions and listening what the
teacher says. Their love of learning through lectures, oral lectures, discussions, talking things
through questions and answers, and listening to people about something. Children with this
type of learning can digest the meaning conveyed by the teacher through verbal symbols or
voice, pitch, speed of speech and other auditory things. Such children can memorize more
quickly through the text read aloud or listening to audio media.

The characteristics and weaknesses of auditory learning styles are as follows:

 The child is able to become an accomplished listener and easy to master the material /
topic through sound.
 Glad to debate, discuss, communicate.
 Lack of attention to the announcement or the information written on the wall
magazine (bulletin), for example.
 Tends to speak in large portions.

3. Type Kinesthetic Learning (Tactual Learner)

Tactual learner students learn by doing, touching, feeling, moving, and experience.
Children who have a kinesthetic learning style to rely on learning through moving, touching
and take action. For example, if the anatomy lesson, then it takes the doll's touched so easy
to remember. Kids like this is hard to sit still for hours because of their desire for activity and
exploration is very strong. Students who learn like this style of learning through movement
and touch. Therefore, learning what is needed is a more contextual learning and practice.

The characteristics and weaknesses of kinesthetic learning styles are as follows:

 Touching everything he sees, including the current study.
 Always moving, like the game / physical activity.
 Always carry out activities that may be seen by teachers as drawing activity was
disturbing when the teacher explained.
 Have trouble learning while studying a map of blind, symbols and emblems.
 Likes activities in the laboratory, eg by conducting lab experiments.
 Tends to rush in doing something project.

Similarly, the uniqueness of each individual, each person has their own learning style.
The difference was even exist in children from one family, as different from the brother, sister
or a twin brother though. For example, while attending classes, there are students who so
assiduously listened even though teachers delivering course material is like a talk for hours.
Some are impressed only cursory attention, despite the fact they make little notes in his book.
But do not ask how many students are bored with learning approach that puts students as
loyal listeners.
Actually, learning styles is owned by a child is influenced by heredity or already-
evident. The learning style of the child born just show A man wearing a medium where the
most good. There are children who are physically strong and fit so it tends to have a
kinesthetic learning style. Or there are also children who have a high sense of art so that the
visual learning style is inherent in him. If one senses is not functioning optimally, then
generally the other senses will replace it. If the sight of a child is not functioning, then the
sense of hearing is more prominent that it is more sensitive to sounds or noises. For example,
the blind typically has a very keen sense of hearing.
Moreover, parenting also plays an important role in the appearance of one's learning
style. That is, the learning style is determined by the extent to which parents do stimulation of
each of his senses. Children who are read fairy tales from childhood accustomed to, may be
used to hone the ability of hearing. He also can quickly digest the words of the storyteller. As
a result, the child will tend to be an auditory learner in the learning style. While the majority
of the son of a painter who devoted more time to examine the details of the image of his
parents will usually be someone with the type of visual learning.
Overall, there are students who are easier to capture the subject content when
accompanied practice. Students like prefer to dwell in the laboratory observing and studying
a variety of real things instead of listening to the explanation of the teacher. Meanwhile,
another friend might be interested to follow the lessons with the various aspects of
movement. For example, teachers who explain the subject matter of art while occasionally
interspersed with chants and applause.
Not only that, There are students who should be meditated and closed the bedroom door
shut so he could learn concentration. But pretty much admitted it open mind when studying
while listening to music, whether playing melodious or even frenetic. Some felt the need to
change the subject matter into comics or doodles are easy to "read".
Whatever the learning styles have basically have the same goal, namely that he can
catch the subject matter as well as possible and give optimum results. Is not each lesson also
delivered by different teachers with different teaching character. That is why, the teacher
needs to intervene to observe the learning styles of each student. By understanding it, in fact
the teacher has made a major contribution in the success of students learning because students
become easily capture the subject matter. The proof, incomprehension of teachers to students'
learning styles often cause misunderstandings. There are teachers who are not happy to see
their students engrossed in making graffiti while in class. Or there are also teachers who are
directly visible admonishing students can not keep quiet when being taught. In fact, the
behavior of doodles while learning does not necessarily mean he was reluctant to defend

Table 2. 2 Various of style learning

Learning Style Karakteristik Tips Dalam Mengajar

Visual Viewing, Teaching with charts, graphs, images,

reading animations, transparencies, video, or the
information presentation tool.
Auditory Listening, Question and answer, teaching with regard
speaking intonation, tone of voice, speed of speech,
and feel the heart of the speaker.
Kinestetik Moving, Approach with direct motion, which is in
working contact with the physical world around

B. Relevant Learning Theory with Learning Styles

Premises of the theory of Bruner looked at that man as pemeroses, thinkers and
creators of information. Bruner stated learning is an active process that allows people to
discover new things beyond the information given to him.
In the process of learning physics, students have different learning styles vary. The
learning styles affect learning outcomes in the form of assessment of each student.
Besides the theory, behaviorism learning theory also underlies for example in the assessment.
According to Sanjaya (2010: 268) the conventional learning process is often done when the
teacher is usually concerned with the intellectual aspect of development, so that the
evaluation tool used is limited to the use of the test. With the test it can be seen how far the
student has mastered the subject matter.
By using the test, then that becomes the primary ratings adalaha things that can be
observed is the result of learning. Because this theory prioritizes measurement, because the
measurement is an important thing to see happen whether or not the change in behavior.


A. Location and Time Research

The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Medan in Jalan STM. This location was
chosen as a place to study with the following considerations:
1. This school is a school equals that included intermediate category, not a superior school or
school retarded.
2. The school is open to research that can improve learning.
3. The class is experiencing learning styles vary.
4. The existence of such problems were revealed on problem identification.
As its title suggests, this research conducted on T. A 2016/2017 in Class XI Semester
II. The timing of the planned research from April to May 2016.

B. Subject and Object Research

Subjects in this study is a class XI student of SMK Negeri 2 Medan T. A 2016/2017 of 25
people consisting of all male students. The object of this study is the Influence of learning
style on learning outcomes physics.

C. Parties that are involved in Research

The parties involved in this study were (1) Research, (2) Master Class XI Drs. Jonesman

D. Procedure Research
Teachers like usually do the learning of Physics and researcher studied. During the
learning process the researchers observed the learning styles of each student.

E. Operational Definition
Based on the title of the study above, there are some terms that need to be explained
operationally in order to avoid misinterpretation. Some of these terms are Contextual
Approach, media, activity and learning outcomes.
1. Learning styles are ways in which a person in the process of learning include how to
capture, organize and process information received so that learning becomes effective.
There are several types of learning styles that must be observed by teachers, namely:
visual learning styles (visual learner), auditory learning styles (auditory learner), and
kinesthetic learning style (tactual learner).
2. The results of studying physics can be seen from the ability of learners to receive the
learning process with the ability and learning style of each after an exam.

F. Data Collection Techniques

The tools used in collecting the data in this study are:

a. Test
The test is a tool to obtain the extent of students' abilities and see the success rate of
students from a study submitted. And the test is a tool used in collecting the data in this
study. The test used is a matter of reasoning tests students in Electric Circuits material.

b. Observation
Observations conducted an independent observations of all teaching activities from
beginning to end, especially the learning styles of students in response to the teacher.
c. Interview
Interviews in this study is open, which is conducted informally. Interviews were
conducted focused on questions about the results of learning, learning styles at school and
at home.


The results were obtained from observations, observation and questionnaires class XI
SMKN 2 Medan Terrain is as follows:

Table 4.1 Observations Students

No. Style Learning Many Students Persent (%)

1. Visual 5 20

2. Auditori 15 60

3. Kinestetik 5 20

Sum 25 100

Of the three learning styles, visual learning looks to dominate. That's because almost
all children find comfort learned by listening. They are more interested when given pehaman
or explain something with examples of facts, and more.

B. Discussion
The learning style of the child born just show A man wearing a medium where the
most good. While it looks at the learning outcomes above that of children with a visual
learning style dominates with better learning outcomes than other learning styles. It could
have been influenced by the model and teaching methods of teachers and the environment
when the child is learning.
Each of these learning styles can not be said to be good or bad, just not the same, each
child determine which one is preferable, whichever is more convenient for them to
understand a teaching eye. Again, learning styles is not an ability, just preferences of each
Learning styles used children had a combination with other learning styles, it's just
that there is a learning style that dominates. If the forces and capabilities are combined
together, a combination of both will result in a full and very clear. What is more impressive of
the three types of learning styles and learning styles ketidakbisaan stand alone, born of a
combination of learning styles of children and treatment suggestions that can help parents and
teachers better understand the child.
The combination of learning styles are as follows:
1. Learning Styles With Combination (Dominant) Visual - Auditory - Kinesthetic /
(Dominant) Visual - Kinesthetic - Auditory.

Usually, people who have this learning style can be characterized as follows:
1. Learning through visual aids such as charts, diagrams, and pictures.
2. Good follow lectures and can follow spoken instructions.
3. Readers active
4. Easy memorization of texts were read by recording and talking to himself.
5. Easy to remember things seen / read.
6. Can learn by imitating the actions of others.
7. It is difficult to follow verbal instructions.
8. Have considerable energy.
9. Could be a leader
10. Expressing feelings well.
11. Playful.
12. Easy to memorize words .
13. Can play the word.
14. Keep repeating the word to remember.

Suggestions for handling this combination of learning styles are as follows:

Children with visual dominant does not have the verbal skills as well as the auditory,
so not too pressing. Children with visual dominant have the need for individual activities
and artistic creativity of the individual. They took adapt to new environments. If you
already feel nayaman, they will easily be able to adapt. Kids like this are not good
listeners when communicating so that at the time wanted communication with her,
approached in a whisper or a face-to-eye dominant secaraberhadapan because children
tend to visually see attitude, movement and lip interlocutors. Give them a place to learn a
comfortable, attractive and colorful, flexible schedules, and give instructions in writing.

1. Learning Styles With Combination (Dominant) Auditory - Visual - Kinesthetic /

(Dominant) Auditory - Kinesthetic - Visual.

Children with this learning style has some features as follows:

1. Learn by listening sound.
2. Keep repeating information by voice.
3. Given the information presented well with rhythmic tones.
4. Tend not pay attention to the person speaking.
5. Glad to argue or argumentative.
6. Glad to be read or listened to.
7. Glad to read aloud, can repeat what he heard.
8. Glad discussion, talk or describe at length.
9. In general, enjoys music and easily learn a foreign language.
10. Tend to talk much, can not learn in an atmosphere of noisy or rambunctious,
especially if the child has a weak concentration.
11. More attention to information he heard, so less keen attention to new things in their

Suggestions for handling this combination of learning styles are as follows:

Children with auditory dominant talker, ability to pay attention and sit still very small so
do not be too demanding to be silent. Provide children with a tape recorder to record all
the material taught at school. Involve children in discussions, ask or try to read the
information, and then send him to summarize the oral form, for the next record to be
heard and understood.

2. Learning Styles With Combination (Dominant) Kinesthetic - Auditory - Visual /

(Dominant) Kinesthetic - Visual - Auditory.

Children with this learning style has several characteristics as follows:

1. oriented on physical activity.
2. Looks are always moving up and hold objects.
3. When should sit quietly, they look ngentakkan foot-stamping and looks nervous.
4. Viewing the touch, do, and experience it yourself.
5. It's hard to concentrate on visual material.
6. It's hard to sit still.
7. Doing everything possible hands active, for example when the teacher explains
something, he listened while drawing.
8. Always perform the motion. Tend to rush or careless in doing something.
9. Less liked reading because less able to remember well what you have just read
10. Less proficient in writing because it is more fun and proficient in oral form / talk.
11. Glad to discuss / chatting with friends.

Suggestions for handling this combination of learning styles are as follows:

Type (dominant) kinesthetic be very depressed against excessive desire perfection and
learning tend to be monotonous. Learn by physically involved, such as the exploration
and experimentation is the choice. Children with this type can be given properly
perform certain movements. Communicate everything with intonation clear,
unequivocal and enthusiastic.
To reduce carelessness, then every day give exercise to remember details of what
he saw in their daily life (eg, when they go to school, he was asked to call / write
twenty objects contained class). Use the method of learning by involving physical
such as role playing and moving.

A. Conclusion
This study shows that students in class XI SMK N 2 Medan have different learning
styles of various types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The results were obtained from the
observation, observation, and reasoning students are there 5 students who have a visual
learning style, 15 students have auditory learning style, dan5 students with kinesthetic
learning style.
From these results it can be said that learning styles are dominating in class XI N 2
Terrain namely auditory learning style. That's because almost all children find comfort
learned by listening.

B. Suggestions
Teacher / homeroom can learn and study the learning styles of students each with
attention to the characteristics of these learning styles. After learning the student's learning
style further teachers are expected to provide the right strategy with the student's learning
This research is still necessary to develop and still has shortcomings that can later be
used as material for relevant research. There is still need for improvement in this study, so
expect criticism and suggestions are better so as to improve the study.


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Nama :
Kelas :
Sekolah :

Berilah tanda ceklish dibawah ini yang sesuai dengan diri kamu!
1. ( … ) Saya perlu satu ilustrasi dari apa yang diajarkan supaya bisa memahaminya.
2. ( … ) Saya tertarik pada obyek yang mencolok, berwarna, dan yang merangsang mata.

3. ( …) Saya lebih menyukai buku-buku yang menyertakan gambar atau ilustrasi.

4. ( … ) Saya terkesan sedang “melamun”, saat membayangkan apa yang sedang saya dengar.

5. ( … ) Saya mudah mengingat apabila saya bisa melihat orang yang sedang berbicara.

6. (… ) Apa yang harus saya ingat harus saya ucapkan dulu.

7. ( … ) Saya harus membicarakan suatu masalah dengan suara keras untuk memecahkannya.

8. ( … ) Saya akan mudah menghafal dengan mengucapkannya berkali-kali.

9. ( … ) Saya mudah mengingat sesuatu apabila itu didendangkan.

10. ( … ) Saya lebih suka mendengarkan rekamannya daripada duduk dan membaca

11. ( … ) Saya tidak bisa duduk diam berlama-lama.

12. ( … ) Saya lebih mudah belajar apablla ada keterlibatan sejumlah anggota tubuh.

13. ( …) Saya hampir selalu melakukan gerakan tubuh.

14. ( … ) Saya lebih suka membaca buku atau mendengarkan cerita-cerita action.

Keterangan :
Bila lebih banyak memilih pernyataan :
a. Nomor 1 s.d 5 : tipe Visual
b. Nomor 6 s.d 10 : tipe Auditori
c. Nomor 11 s.d 14 : tipe Kinetik

LEARNING MODALITY (Visual, Kinestetik, Auditori)

1. Ketika merangkai suatu barang, kamu lebih suka:

a. Mengikuti ilustrasi cara merangkainya.(V)
b. Mendengarkan orang membacakan instruksinya untukmu. (A)
c. Langsung mengerjakannya tanpa mengikuti instruksi. (K)

2. Jika akan menghadapi ulangan, kamu mudah hafal jika:

a. Menghafal materi ulangan sambil mengucapkannya keras-keras. (A)
b. Berjalan bolak-balik sambil menghafal. (K)
c. Membolak-balik buku membaca materi ulangan. (V)
3. Saat membaca suatu buku, yang sering kamu lakukan adalah:
a. Menelusuri tiap-tiap kata dengan jari telunjukmu. (K)
b. Membacanya dengan tenang, cepat dan tekun. (V)
c. Membaca sambil menggerakkan bibir dan mengucapkannya. (A)

4. Saat berbicara, kamu:

a. Berbicara dengan cepat (V)
b. Berbicara dengan kecepatan sedang (A)
c. Berbicara dengan kecepatan lambat (K)

5. Di waktu luang, kamu biasanya:

a. Mendengarkan radio, mengobrol (A)
b. Berjalan-jalan, olah raga, hiking (K)
c. Menonton televisi, membaca, mengisi TTS (V)

6. Kalau kamu marah, biasanya paling terlihat dari:

a. Ekspresi wajah. (V)
b. Intonasi suara.(A)
c. Gerak tubuh.(K)

7. Biasanya pada saat kamu tidak ada kegiatan:

a. Gelisah tak bisa duduk tenang. (K)
b. Bebicara dengan diri sendiri. (A)
c. Melamun, menatap ke angkasa. (V)

8. Pilih kegiatan yang kamu merasa nyaman melakukannya:

a. Menulis -V
b. Menari -K
c. Berolahraga -K
d. Menggambar -V
e. Membuat kerajinan tangan -K
f. Berdebat -A
g. Bercerita -A
h. Mendesain -V
i. Bermain Musik –A

9. Kata-kata khas kamu saat berbicara:

a. "Lihat baik-baik…" V
b. "Dengarkan baik-baik…" A
c. "Rasakan baik-baik…" K

10. Mana yang paling sering terjadi saat di sekolah:

a. Saat guru menerangkan, tangan kamu tidak bisa diam, memain-mainkan ballpoint. -K
b. Kamu mendengarkan saja waktu guru menerangkan. -A
c. Kamu memperhatikan wajah guru saat beliau berbicara/menerangkan. –V

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