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Degree / Branch / Semester B.E. / B.TECH / All First Year / I Semester


Note : Portions for CIA-1 Unit II & Unit III (marked in red color)

Note : Portions for CIA-2 Unit IV & Unit I (marked in Blue color)


Q. No Questions Type
1 Construct an ellipse when the distance of its focus from its directrix equal to 50 M
mm and eccentricity is 2/3. Also draw a tangent and a normal to the ellipse.
2 Draw the locus of point P moving so that the ratio of the distance from a fixed D
point F to its distance from a fixed straight line DD’ is 3/4. Point F is at a distance
of 70 mm from DD’. Also draw a tangent and a normal to the curve.
3 Draw a parabola when the distance of the focus from the directrix is equal to 40 M
mm. Also draw the tangent and normal at any point on curve.
4 Draw the locus of a point P moving so that the ratio of the distance from a fixed D
point F to its distance from a fixed straight line is 1. The point P is at a distance of
30 mm from the fixed straight line. Also draw the tangent and normal to the
generated curve.
5 Construct a hyperbola when the distance from the focus to the directrix = 60 mm, M
eccentricity = 3/2. Draw the tangent and normal at any point on the curve.
6 Draw a hyperbola when the distance of the focus from the directrix is 70 mm and D
the eccentricity is 1.5. Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at a point P with a
distance of 50 mm from the directrix.
7 Construct a cycloid given the radius of the generating circle is 30 mm. E

8 A circular disc of radius 25 mm rolls on a plane surface without slipping, trace a D

point “p” on the circumference of a circle for a complete revolution. Draw the
tangent and normal at any point on the curve.
9 Construct one convolution of an involute of a circle of diameter 30 mm. Draw M
tangent and normal at a point on the involute 65 mm distance from the centre of
the circle.
10 An inelastic string of 150 mm long has its one end attached to the circumference D
of a circular disc of 40 mm diameter. Draw the curve traced out by the other end
of the string when it is completely wound around the disc keeping the string
always tight. Name the curve obtained. Draw the tangent and normal to the curve
at a point distant 100 mm from the canter of the disc.
11 Draw the front, top and side views of the object shown in Figure by free hand. M
12 Draw the front, top and side views of the object shown in Figure by free hand. D

13 Draw the front view, top view and right side view of the object as shown in figure M
by free hand sketching.
14 Draw the plan, elevation and right side view of the following object shown below D
by free hand.

15 Draw the front, top and side views of the object shown in Figure by free hand. M
16 Draw the front, top and side views of the component shown in Figure by free D

17 Draw the front, top and side views of the object shown in Figure by free hand. M
18 Draw the front, top and side views of the object shown in Figure by free hand. D

19 Draw the front, top and side views for the object shown below by free hand M
20 Draw the front view, top view and left side view of the object as shown in figure D
by free hand sketching:


Q. No Questions Type
1 (a) Draw the projection of points on a common reference line. Take 20 mm E
distance between the projectors. (10 marks)
(i) Point A is 10 mm above HP and 25 mm in front of VP
(ii) Point B is 10 mm above HP and on the VP
(iii) Point C is 25 mm below HP and 20 mm behind VP
(iv) Point D is 20 mm below HP and 20 mm in front of VP
(v) Point E is in both HP and VP.

(b) Mark the projections of the following points on a common reference line,
keeping the projectors 30 mm apart. (10 marks)
2 One end P of a line PQ, 55 mm long is 35 mm in front of the VP and 25 mm above M
the HP. The line is inclined at 40° to HP and 30° VP. Draw the projections of PQ.
3 A line NS, 80 mm long has its end N, 10 mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of D
the VP. The other end S is 65 mm above the HP and 50 mm in front of the VP.
Draw the projections of the line and find its true inclinations with the HP and VP.
4 The distance between the projectors of two points A and B is 70 mm. Point A is 10 D
mm above the H.P. and 15 mm in front of the V.P. Point B is 50 mm above the
H.P and 40 mm in front of the V.P. Find the shortest distance between A and B by
the rotating line method. Measure the true inclinations of the line AB with the V.P
and the H.P. Also mark the traces.
5 The end P of a line PQ, 70 mm long is 15 mm above HP and 20 mm in front of D
VP. Q is 40 mm above the HP. Its top view is inclined at 45° to the VP. Draw the
projection of the line and find its true inclinations with HP and VP.
6 A line EF, 85 mm long has its end E, 25 mm above HP and 20 mm in front of VP. D
The top and front views of the line have lengths of 55 mm and 70 mm
respectively. Draw the projection of the line and find its true inclinations with VP
and HP.
7 The end P of a line PQ is 30 mm above HP and 35 mm in front of VP. The line is D
inclined at 35° to HP. Its top view is 70 mm long and inclined at 40° to xy. Draw
the projections of the straight line. Locate the traces. Find the true length and
inclination of the line with VP.
8 One end S of a line SR, 70 mm long is in both the HP and VP. The line is inclined D
at an 40° to HP and 35° VP. Draw its projections.
9 A line AB measuring 75mm long has one of its ends 50 mm in front of the VP & D
15mm above the HP. The top view of line is 50 mm long. The other end is 15 mm
in front of the VP & is above the HP. Draw and measure the Front view.
Determine its inclinations with the HP and the VP.
10 The mid-point of a straight line AB 90 mm long is 60 mm above the HP and 50 D
mm in front of the VP. It is inclined at 30° to HP and 45° to VP. Draw its
11 An equilateral triangle plate PQR has 50mm sides. It rests on the ground on the M
edge PQ making an angle of 45°with the VP. The other edge PR and QR have
length of 40mm each in the top view. Draw the projections of the plate and find its
inclination with HP.
12 A square lamina PQRS of the side 40mm rests on the ground on its corner P in M
such a way that the diagonal PR is inclined at 45° to the HP and apparently
inclined at 30° to the VP. Draw its projections.
13 A thin rectangular plate of sides 50 mm × 25 mm has its shorter side in the HP and D
inclined at an angle of 45° to the VP. Project its front view when its top view is a
perfect square of 25 mmside. Also, find the true inclination of its surface with the
14 A rectangular plate measuring 50 mm × 30 mm is resting on its shorter side on the M
HP inclined at 30° to the VP. Its surface is inclined at 60° to the HP. Draw its
15 A pentagon of side 30mm rests on the ground on one of its corners with the sides D
containing the corner being equally inclined to the ground. The side opposite to
the corner on which it rests is inclined at 30° to the VP and is parallel to the HP.
The surface of the pentagon makes 50° with the ground. Draw the top and front
views of the pentagon.
16 A regular pentagonal lamina ABCDE of side 30 mm has one of its edges parallel D
to the VP and inclined at 30° to the HP. The pentagon is inclined at 45° to the VP.
Draw the projections.
17 A hexagonal plate of side 20 mm rests on the HP on one of its sides inclined at 45° D
to the VP. The surfaces of the plate makes an angle of 30° with the HP. Draw the
front and front and top views of the plate.
18 A hexagonal plate of side 30 mm is resting on one of its sides on the VP and D
inclined at 40° to the HP and 35° to the VP. Draw its projections.
19 A circular plate of diameter 70mm has the end P of the diameter PQ in the HP and D
the plate is inclined at 40° to the HP. Draw its projections when the diameter PQ
appears to be inclined at 45° to the VP in the top view
20 Draw the projections of a circle of 60 mm diameter resting on the H.P on a point A D
of the circumference. The plane is inclined to the HP such that the top view of it is
an ellipse of minor axis 40 mm. The top view of the diameter, through the point A
is making an angle of 45ᵒ with the V.P. determine the inclination of the plane with
the HP.


Q. No Questions Type
1 A square pyramid of base side 30 mm, axis length 50 mm has one of its triangular M
faces in the VP and the axis parallel to and 25 mm above the HP. Draw its
2 A square prism of base side 35 mm and axis length 60 mm rests on one its base M
edges on the HP with its axis inclined at 30° to the HP and parallel to the VP.
Draw its top and front views.
3 A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 40 mm and altitude 80 mm rests in one of its D
base edges on the HP with its axis inclined at 30° to the HP and parallel to the VP.
Draw its top and front views using change of position method
4 A pentagonal pyramid of base edge 25 mm and axis length 60 mm rests on the D
base side on HP such that he highest base corner is 20 mm above HP. Its axis is
parallel to the VP. Draw its top and front Views
5 A pentagonal pyramid has an altitude of 60 mm and base side 35 mm. The D
pyramid rests with one of its sides of the base on HP such that the triangular face
containing that side is perpendicular to both HP and VP
6 Draw the projections of a pentagonal prism of 30 mm base edges and axis 60 mm D
long when the axis is inclined at 45° to the HP and parallel to the VP with an edge
of the base on the HP.
7 A right regular hexagonal pyramid, edge of base 25 mm and height 50 mm, rests D
on one of its base edges on HP with its axis parallel to VP. Draw the projections of
the pyramid when its base makes an angle of 45° to the HP.
8 An equilateral triangular prism 20 mm side of base and 50 mm long rests with one D
of its shorter edges on HP such that the rectangular face containing the edge on
which the prism rests is inclined at 30° to H.P. The shorter edge resting on HP and
is inclined 60° to VP.
9 A cone of base diameter 40 mm and altitude 80 mm rests on the HP with its axis D
inclined at 30° to the HP and parallel to the VP. Draw its front and top views
10 A cyliner diameter of base 60 mm and height 70 mm is having a point of its D
periphery of base on HP with axis of the cyliner inclined to HP at 45° and parallel
to VP. Draw the projections of the cylinder.
11 Draw the projections of a square pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis 50 mm M
when it is resting on the HP on one of its base corners with a base side containing
the corner making 35° with HP. The axis is inclined at 30° to the VP and is
parallel to the HP and the vertex is away from the VP.
12 A hexagonal pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis length 70 mm is resting on the M
HP on one of its base corners with its axis inclined at 35° to the VP and parallel to
the HP. Draw its projections when the base sides containing the resting corners
are equally inclined to the HP..
13 Draw the top and front views of a rectangular pyramid of sides of base 20 × 25 D
mm and height 35 mm when it lies with one of its triangular faces containing the
longer edge of the base on HP. This longer edge containing the triangular face
lying on HP is perpendicular to VP.
14 A hexagonal prism of base side 35 mm and height 60 mm rests with one of its D
rectangular faces on HP. If the axis is inclined at 30° to VP draw its projections.
15 A cylinder of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 70 mm is resting on HP on one D
of its generators with its axis inclined at 50° to VP. Draw its projections.
16 A tetrahedron of 40 mm side rests with one of its edges and perpendicular to VP. M
The triangular face containing that edge is inclined at 30° to HP. Draw its
17 Draw the projections of a cube of side 40 mm when it rests on one of its corners M
with a diagonal of the solid vertical.
18 A pentagonal pyramid 30 mm base sides and 60 mm long axis, is freely suspended D
from one corner of base so that a plane containing its axis remains parallel to VP.
Draw it’s views.
19 A cone of base diameter 40 mm and height 56 mm is freely suspended from one of D
its base points such that its axis is parallel to the VP. Draw its projections.
20 A hexagonal pyramid of base side 35 mm and axis height 80 mm is freely D
suspended from one of its corners, such that the axis is parallel to VP. Draw the
projections of the solid.

Q. No Questions Type
1 A Hexagonal prism of base side 30 mm and axis length 60 mm rests on one of its M
ends on the HP with two base edges parallel to VP. It is cut by a plane
perpendicular to the VP and inclined at 30° to the HP. The cutting plane meets the
axis at 30 mm from the top. Draw the front view, sectional top view and true shape
of section.
2 A pentagonal pyramid of base side 20 mm and altitude 55 mm rests on its base on M
HP with one of the base edges perpendicular to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at
50° to the base. The cutting plane meets the axis at 15 mm below the Apex. Draw
the front view, sectional top view and true shape
3 A cone of base diameter 50mm and axis length 60 mm is resting on HP on its D
base. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 75° to HP and
passing through 20 mm below the apex of the cone. Draw its front view, sectional
top view and true shape of the section
4 A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long has its base on HP and D
all the edges of the base are equally inclined to VP. It is cut by a section plane
perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45° to HP and bisecting the axis. Draw its
sectional top view and the true shape of the section
5 A cube of 70 mm long edges has its vertical faces equally inclined to the VP. It is D
cut by an auxiliary inclined plane in such a way that the true shape of the cut part
is a regular hexagon. Determine the inclination of the cutting plane with the HP.
Draw the front view, sectional top view and true shape of the section.
6 A vertical cylinder 40 mm diameter is cut by a vertical section plane making 30° M
to VP in such a way that the true shape of the section is a rectangle of 25 mm and
60 mm sides. Draw the projections and true shape of the section
7 A hexagonal pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis length 65 mm rests on the HP D
on its base with a side of base being perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a plane
perpendicular to both the HP and the VP and 10 mm away from the axis. Draw its
top view, front view and true shape of the section.
8 A square prism of base side 30 mm and axis length 60 mm is resting on the HP on D
one of its bases, with a base side inclined at 25° to the VP. It is cut by a plane
inclined at 40° to the HP and perpendicular to the VP and is bisecting the axis of
the prism. Draw its front view, sectional top view and true shape of the section.
9 A pentagonal prism of base side 30 mm and axis length 60 mm is resting on the D
HP on one of its base with its base edge perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a
plane inclined at 40° to the VP and perpendicular to the HP and passing through a
point 10 mm from the axis of the prism. Draw its top view, sectional front view
and true shape of the section
10 A cone of base 75 mm diameter and axis 80 mm long is resting on its base on HP. D
It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to the VP and parallel to and 12 mm
away from one of its generators. Draw its front view, sectional top view and true
shape of the section
11 A square prism of base side 30 mm and axis length 60 mm is resting on HP on its M
base with a side of base inclined at 30° to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 40°
to HP and perpendicular to VP and is bisecting the axis. Draw the development of
the remaining portion of the prism
12 A square pyramid of base side 30mm and altitude 65mm is resting on HP on its M
base with a side of base inclined at 25° to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 35° to
HP and perpendicular to VP and bisects the axis. Draw the development of the
remaining lower portion of the pyramid.
13 A pentagonal prism of bas side 30mm and axis length 60mm is resting on HP on D
its base with a side of base is parallel to VP. It is cut by a plane inclined at 35° to
HP and perpendicular to VP and meets the axis at a distance 35mm from the base.
Draw the development of the lower portion of the prism.

14 A regular hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and height 60 mm is resting D

vertically on its base on HP such that two of its sides of the base are perpendicular
to VP. It is cut by a plane 40˚ to HP and perpendicular to VP. The cutting plane
bisects the axis of the pyramid. Obtain the Development of the lateral surface of
the truncated pyramid
15 Draw the development of the lower portion of a cylinder of diameter 50 mm and D
axis 70 mm when sectioned by a plane inclined at 40° to HP and perpendicular to
VP and bisecting the axis
16 A cone of base diameter 50 mm and axis length 70mm rests with its bas on HP. A M
section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 35° to HP bisects the axis of the
cone. Draw the development of the truncated cone
17 A pentagonal pyramid of base side 30 mm and axis length 60 mm is resting on HP M
on its base with side of base is perpendicular to VP. It is cut by a plane
perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP and meets the axis at a distance 25mm
from the vertex. Draw the development of the remaining portion of the pyramid
18 A pentagonal prism of base side 25 mm and height 50 mm is cut by a plane D
perpendicular to the VP and inclined at 30° to the HP. The cutting plane bisects
the axis. Draw the development of lateral surface.
19 A hexagonal prism of base side 25 mm and axis 55 mm long rests with its base on D
the HP and an edge of the base is inclined at 45° to the VP. It is cut by a plane
perpendicular to the VP and inclined at 30° to the HP and passing through a point
on the axis at a distance of 35 mm from the base. Develop the lateral surface of
the truncated prism.
20 A cone of diameter 50 mm and axis 60 mm is resting on the HP on its base. It is D
cut by a section plane perpendicular to both HP and VP 8mm away from the axis.
Draw the development of the lateral surface of the larger portion of the cone.


Q. No Questions Type
1 A pentagonal pyramid base 25 mm and height 65 mm stands with its base on HP M
an edge of the base parallel to VP an nearer to it. A section plane cuts the pyramid
at 30ᵒ inclined to HP and passes through a point on the axis at a distance of 20 mm
from the apex. Draw the isometric view of the truncated pyramid.
2 A cylinder, with diameter of base 35 mm and axis 55 mm long, is resting on its M
base on HP. A section plane, perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45° to HP passes
through the axis at a distances of 15 mm from its top end. Draw the isometric
projection of the truncated cylinder.
3 A hexagonal prism side of base 25 mm and height 50 mm rests on HP and one of D
the edges of its base is parallel to VP. A section plane perpendicular to VP and
inclined at 50° to HP bisects the axis of the prism. Draw the isometric projection
of the truncated prism
4 A cone diameter of base 40 mm and height 50 mm rests with its base on HP. A D
cutting plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to 45° to HP cuts the cone such that
it passes through a point on the axis at a distance of 25 mm above the base of the
cone. Draw the isometric projection of the truncated cone showing the cut surface.
5 Draw the isometric view of the frustum of a hexagonal pyramid when it is resting M
on its base on the H.P with two sides of the base parallel to the VP. The pyramid
has base side of 30 mm and top side of 10 mm. The height of the frustum is 60
6 A cone of diameter 50 mm base and height 40 mm rests centrally on top of a E
square block of 80 mm side and 20 mm thick. Draw the isometric projection of the
two solids.
7 A hemisphere of 90 mm in diameter is centrally joined to the end of a cylinder of D
60 mm in diameter. The height of the cylinder is 90 mm. Draw the isometric
projection of this combination when the hemisphere is on the top
8 A cube of size 40 mm is resting on the ground on one of its faces, surmounting D
centrally a sphere of radius 30 mm. Draw the isometric projection set up and also
show the isometric length scale.
9 A sphere of radius 50 mm is kept centrally over a frustum of square pyramid of D
side 120 mm at the bottom an 80 mm at the top an height 100 mm. Draw the
isometric view of the assembly.
10 A cylindrical slab of 60 mm diameter and 30 mm height is resting on HP with one D
of the base. A cube of 30 mm side is placed over the circular slab centrally. A
square pyramid of base side 20mm and axis height 20 mm placed centrally over
the cube. Draw the isometric view.
11 Draw the perspective view of pentagonal prism of base side 20 mm and height 40 M
mm when it rests on the ground plane with one of its rectangular faces parallel to
and 20 mm behind the picture plane. The station point is 45 mm in front of the PP
and 60 mm above the GP. The observer is 30 mm to the left of the axis. Draw the
perspective by visual ray method. Use the top view and front view.
12 A hexagonal prism side of base 25 mm and height 50 mm has one of its M
rectangular faces inclined at 30°to picture plane and the vertical edge nearer to PP
is 15 mm behind it. The station point is 45 mm in front of picture plane, 70 mm
above the ground plane and lies in a central plane which is 15 mm to the left of the
vertical edge nearer to the picture plane. Draw the perspective projection of the
13 A square prism 25 x 25mm and height 40 mm is resting on the GP on its square D
base with a right side rectangular face making 60ᵒ with picture plane. The corner
nearest to the PP is 40 mm to the left of the station point and 20 mm behind the
PP. The station point is 60 mm above the GP and 50 mm in front of the PP. Draw
the perspective view of the prism by using Visual Ray Method.
14 A rectangular pyramid, base 30 mm x 20 mm x and axis 35 mm long, is placed on D
the ground plane on its base, with the longer edge of the base parallel to and 30
mm behind the PP. The CP is 30 mm to the left of the apex and station point is 50
mm in front of the PP and 25 mm above the GP. Draw the perspective view of the
15 A cylinder 30 mm diameter and 50 mm length, lies on the ground on one of its D
generators with its axis perpendicular to the PP. Draw the perspective view of the
cylinder if the station point is 50 mm above GP an 100 mm in front of pp
16 Draw the perspective projection of a cube of 25 mm edge, lying on a face on the M
ground plane, with an edge touching the picture plane an all vertical faces equally
inclined to the picture plane, 35 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central
plane which is 10 mm to the left of the center of the cube.
17 A cube of side 25 mm rests on one end of its faces on the ground the nearest M
vertical edge being 20 mm behind the picture plane and 40mm to the left of the
station point. A face containing the nearest vertical edge is inclined at 60° to the
PP. The station point is 40 mm above the ground and 60 mm in front of the PP.
Draw the perspective view of the cube.
18 A rectangular pyramid of sides of base 30 mm and 20 mm and height 35 mm rests D
with its base on the ground such that one of the longer base edges is parallel to the
picture plane and 10 mm infront of it. The observer is 50 mm in front of the
picture plane, 30 mm to the left of the axis of the Pyramid and 50 mm above the
ground. Draw the perspective view of the pyramid.
19 A square pyramid of base 30 mm side and axis 60 mm height rests on the ground D
vertically with a base corner in Picture Plane (PP) and the base edge equally
inclined to the PP. The station point is 50 mm in front of the PP and 70 mm above
the ground. The central plane is 15 mm to the left of the axis of the solid. Draw the
perspective projection.
20 A rectangular prism of base 30 mm × 15 mm and height 40 mm rests on the D
ground on one of its base ends with one of the lateral edges touching the PP and
the shortest edge of the base inclined at angle of 40° to the PP. The nearest vertical
edge is 15 mm to the left of the station point which is at a distance of 55 mm in
front of the PP and 30 mm above the ground. Draw the perspective view of the

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