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Prayer Defined
Prayers That Get Answered – Part 1

Give all you worries and cares to God for He cares for you.
— 1 PETER 5:7 NLT

Peter tells us that we can give ALL our worries and cares to God because He cares
about us. The question is: Do we really believe that God cares about everything that
concerns us? Sometimes it can be difficult for us to believe He could – or should –
care about the seemingly insignificant details in our lives, but God’s Word is true and
it assures us that He does.

According to the second half of James 4:2, why don’t we have the things we want or
need? How does this apply in your life?

Matthew 7:7-8 encourages us to be persistent in our prayer. Are there things in your
life that you have been “knocking and asking” about for a long time? Take a moment
to examine your heart, are there things in your life that you have given up on? What
do you need to keep on asking God for in your life?

There are times in our lives when we want things that may not be good for us. Jesus
helps us understand this in Matthew 7:9-11 by comparing our relationship with God
to a parent’s relationship with their child. What are some things that you are going to
be persistent in prayer about?

Oftentimes when we pray, we can begin to feel like God is moving too slowly, but Paul
gives us the key to enjoying our lives no matter what our circumstances may be in
Philippians 4:11-13. According to this passage, what has Paul learned to do in
abundance and in times of need?

You can talk to God about anything and everything that concerns you!


Prayers That Get Answered – Part 2

If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue
to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.
— JOHN 15:7 AMPC

When we pray it is so important that we back it up with faith. We need to trust that
God hears our prayers, that He is concerned about the things that we are concerned
about and that His will for our lives is better than our own. We need to get to the
place where the things that we want line up with the things that He wants.

John 15:7 gives us an amazing promise about prayer. Look up the word “abide” in
the dictionary. What stands out to you? What does it reveal to you about your
relationship with Jesus?

Abiding or living in God means that we must live in peace with others. According to
Matthew 6:14, what happens when we don’t forgive others?

Believing that the plan God has for us is the best thing we can want for ourselves will
lead us to a closer walk with Him. David conveys this sentiment beautifully in Psalm
139:23. Take some time today and allow God to search your heart; trust Him to help
you deal with the things He shows you.

Now that we have aligned our will with God’s, the next step is to engage our faith.
How does Hebrews 11:1 define faith? Is there an issue or area of your life that you’re
struggling with because you’re lacking faith in God to handle it?

In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus describes the power of faith. How does this passage
strengthen your faith?

Prayers that Get Answered – Part 3

…Your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him!

Wrong mindsets or thought patterns can keep us stuck in a rut, feeling that we will
never move forward in life. If our lives are going to change, we are going to have to
change the way we think—and we have to do it on purpose. In Philippians 4:8 Paul
encourages us to resist wrong mindsets and choose good thoughts instead. Let’s
look at some of the ways we can overcome wrong mindsets and learn to think the
way God wants us to think.

Did you know that our prayer lives can be natural and enjoyable because of our
personal relationship with Him? Prayer is simply communication with God, and He
wants us to be free to be honest with Him and to come to Him with our heartfelt
needs; un-encumbered by the rules and regulations that religion can put on us. He
intends prayer to be an integral part of our everyday lives – the easiest thing we do
each day.

The most effective prayer is often the simplest prayer. Jesus gives us some insight
on this in Matthew 6:7-8. How do these verses help you in your approach to prayer?

Joyce says there was a time in her life when God challenged her to pray with as few
words as possible. How could this approach help you to grow in your prayer life if you
try it too?

Read James 1:5-6. What does God want us to boldly ask Him to do for us? What
happens if we do this but doubt He will answer?

Doubt will always try to creep into our prayer lives, but when we stand on the Word
of God instead of following our feelings, we can face doubt head-on. What does 2
Corinthians 4:13 encourage us to do in times of doubt?

Hebrews offers us a beautiful image of Christ as our High Priest, who understands
our weaknesses and needs. How does Hebrews 4:15-16 tell us to approach prayer
when we have placed our faith in Jesus?

Our imperfection has nothing to do with God’s ability or willingness to 

answer our prayers.

Prayers that Get Answered – Part 4

And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in
Him: [we are sure] that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in
agreement with His own plan), He listens to and hears us.
— 1 JOHN 5:14 AMPC

What does it really mean to pray according to the will of God? How do we know what
the will of God is? These are questions that can be crippling to our prayer lives, but
the answers are found in God’s Word! Today as we study the Word, we will learn how
to get in-step with God and pray the way He wants us to pray.

Jesus shows us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. What does verse 10 teach us about
praying according to God’s will?

The Lord’s Prayer is such a great reminder of how we should structure our prayers.
Take some time right now and pray the Lord’s Prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13.

We find the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14. 

What differences do you see in these two prayers? How can you apply this to your
prayer life?

In Mark 8:34 Jesus gives a clear indication of what it means to pursue God’s will
instead of our own. How does this verse challenge you in your pursuit of Jesus?

Sometimes it can feel like we are missing the mark as Christians, especially 

when it comes to prayer. What does James 1:5 promise us that will help us overcome
this issue?

When you don’t know what to pray, pray the Word of God!

Bible Study – Matthew 7

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the 

door will be opened to you.

The Word of God contains the answers to all of life’s questions. When we study the
Bible – not just read it – it has the power to change our lives. Today we are going to
study the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 7. Let’s get started!

The principle of sowing and reaping is a constant theme throughout the Bible. What
does Jesus warn us not to sow because of the harvest we will reap in Matthew 7:1-2?

What kind of person does Jesus describe in Matthew 7:3-5? How can we avoid
behaving like this ourselves?

In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus tells us to ask God for the things we need. What does Jesus
promise us in verse 11?

According to Matthew 7:12, how should we treat others? Try to memorize this verse
this week.

How does Jesus tell us we will recognize His followers in verse 16? Do people
recognize you as a Christ follower?

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