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Volume 12 Issue 134 Modem Sniping Rifles

Light Cruisers of World Wu I

Modern Combat Shotgns
r-c ;si' ro Ltd 1986 Raiders and Armed Merchantmen of
Modern Riot Control Equipment

-::: )rb
ishing Ltd,

lf rleetting: :, :r^^ccs:ng Lid

Consultant Editor: Major General Sir
F m work: :-=: -.: _:itc Ltd Jeremy Moore KCB OBE MC, Comman-
A"rt sts:
der of British Land Forces during the
Falklands campaign.
::::' :.-.:- & Tory Bryan

Distribution and marketing offices: Picture acknowledgements

--:a: Orbls Publishing Ltd Covet photoqtraph: Bntish HovercFlt Corporation. 2661: Bntrsh Hovercraft Corporatior/British Hovercrafi
Orbls House Corporatron. 2662: British Hovercraft Corporation 2663: US NavyruS Navy,A/osper Thornycroft 2664:
20-22 Bedfordbury Westlild HelicopteryBell Halter. 2665: Brltish Hovercraft Colporation/British Hovercraft Corporation
: - :t - :-=.: 3rtaln London WC2N 4BT 2666r Bitish Hovercraft Corporation/Bntish Hovercralt Corporahon/British Hovercraft Corcoration 266?:
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';6rs;)iii. a-,ti.Ve tlte:;'lLt.y,lf 4f:'C,
'['he cr:ly curre.r]t ltavr:]'cr ett liJtejy fo.see acdr:tt at e the 5E.i''J6:: d ilre :'
'\jil r:!1.i..;tjturi' !t;ti:: cJ i:r'sif eti'ira.n , ;tritl, itt.r: :;i;: 5E.I{6s of I ra,q. The liii .7 " ;.- .
flre :,r-rf:jr.r'l rlsr:nre ol f:ie lloya I ltlaly's I',li.nt {-ouiltu! rtleesLr.res t1r; i'. .
: t::i:, a:taL(ie ij).!:lo, t;! i]:re;rir-cr,r.slrioa ir:-hrc{s,rr-rorzedifssuil;liiJity ftir ii:te rttJe

D:soite ihe iact lhai the horre.r:craft or /.\OV (Air Cusliion Vehicle) truas a rL vi;33 1s11631ed ihat senror Brrtrsh shLp d.esrq;ners arL:l ,,:. :
Eliish rr,veniio.i firore ihan 25 )/ears ago lhe leaC irr desrgn and Lrse ol 'riioulci be spencllng a month or so siuCyrng the US l\.Jav-i.-r S::
-cucli r:rail has long srnr:e been losi by lhe UK- to the USljR.
I'lVtth ihe d,-rnn.q its er-qhi month denronstraLron Jrjl
ic ...1 cus E.,.,,..=.
hr_ctosl f Leet oioperaiicrrerl ACVs olhrre dillereni classeg, lhe Sor,'iet navy navles
-rasconsisienlly dernonslrated lhe crafi'-q qreal versatilily ancl vrabilrty as ln ih-^ Far East the People s Repubhc ol Chrna is ,,r.- ..,., -
vehrcle, loqiistrc il:ansport and ri rs belLeved nine watriatre
:Ln assa.L-rl.i /\CV clesiqns both lbr rnrlrlary l?Llrlloses and. re-:.i I -

ruessel ln additron the USSF i:; aclrvely e,.,plorrnq1 lhe tv,/o related ai:eas of Jing-sah r:iass is srnrlar to a scaled dovirrr Brrtrsh SF. l'l-, ..' -.
iie Fjuiiace Eliect Sfrlp (SES) ancf ihe l1vrng In-C;i:ou,nc1 ellecl (-'/VIG) and is equal rr rnos: respecls to any Western oi: St . - . .
I ril \ ,11l or rs type.
Allhough the LItl l'Ja-/y h;rs realizcd the nulilary poi--ntial of AC\1 arLd The GullWar l:eLriveen lraq and. lran r,,rhich is s--t
i:l-iS teclinolog-y so iarr ii has hmited iis acquisitron ol ihe former lo lhe given /\C)Vs ll-ierl first exiencled use,n a lotal w.11 .,.. .-
LCI'fJ lanclinc; crait pius a. nrrmber oi earlrr:r inals crali, ernd oi lhe laiier piaevlcus operational ca) in a cornbai zone ha'L -- ,--
io several IJHS prototyp--s and the r-rern, iMCi] Cardrnai' class ior inrne ihe Vieinan-r War in lhe rnid 1960s urher ihe LJS |Ja\r.- u;-
cor-r"n ierffreasures ciuiies built copies ol the SR.1\5 in ihe ltl-ol<ono cielta regrr:r
in Er,rrope only Fiance has shorrvn a c;enuln-o rnier.esi rn SES rruarships, j:lrrlt.:ltLllizer:*a!'t j-88':!arnerrlsfu";ies
r:i J't)r l.fte aiy,ct:'sltii:ttvehrci-^ :- ,,-...
vyhilst the Royal irlavy has been iorced lo abandon hovercrafi derrelop
meat (paying oliits lasi ACV in tl'ie auiumn ol 1985) because olthe lack ol aslrrTia t,3al il'ia I llA ;-ter tertt r:f t !t: r,t oi"Jd',rr.b.r.:r."h r:s ca;i i:e l;:nl,:^,t) t):: ' -
luncls aLnd lack cl inlelest on the part of the MoD ]ronically, early tn 1986 ;ls {iF;li-liirlij J.r J 7 f ei ceir l u rG ti? lalt gr-1yyg1|ii.jnai afip:1i! } j. ti:a [. ':, .:

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French air-cushion vehicles

- :: Dubiqeon-Normandie Naviplan during minor repair work to its skirts. lems which caused high unser- Specification
N500 was a civilian passenqrer/car fer- The second (N500-02 Ingenieur Jean vrceability The N50O was characte- Naviplan N500
:.- ACV designed for use on cross- Berfin) was subsequently modrfied to rtzed in appearance by an aft-mounted Dimensions: lenqth 50 O m (164. I ft);
::annej operations. Like the British incorporate a br-conical skirt aranqe horizontal stabrlizer that carried the beam 23.0 m (75. I ft)
Si. N4 hovercraft it could in wartime ment that increased the cushion area three Avco Lycoming propuision qas Propulsion: five 3 200-shp (3877-kW)
::ve been used safely as an emergen- by some 10 per cent and enabled the turbrnes tn separate nacelles gras turbines driving two lift fans and
:;i logistrc transport on routes througth bodstern ramp equipped craft to lift Although no longer rn use, the destgn three propellers
:-ispected enemy mineflelds that 4lB passenqers and 65 vehrcles wrth- was the largest ACV produced rn Weights: maximum 260 tons; payload
,',ould have stopped conventional out any increase of installed power. France and provided much valuable see text
.,rrps. Allhough rwo c.aft were o"igr Unfortunately the N500-2 was with data indirectly to the French nalry for Speed:75 kts
.al1y b*rlL. one (Lhe N500-l; was wrl- drawn from service in late l9B3 be any future investment it may make in Electronics: one navigatron radar
:en off after a severe flre that started cause of continuous technical prob- ACV technoiogy.


French SES types

As part of an overall plan to meet the to be followed rnto sewrce by a 196,43- a iarge hangar and flight deck aft for a 4 800-hp (3579-kW) to two shafts
needs of the French nar,ry for the 1990s ton NES-200 prototype which will number of ASW helicopters. It will also Weight: maximum displacement 3, 930
and beyond, the Direction T6chnique confirm the feasibility of such craft in have a full complement of air, surface tons
des Constructrons Navales set up a the ASW role and to investiqrate SES and sub-surface sensors, Speed: on cushion 65 kts, and
special division to study surface-effect capabrlities in other mrlrtary and com- hullborne 25 kts on qas turbrnes or
shrps for use in the ocean-qoinq ASW mercial roles. The design is being l6 }<ts on dresels.
ro1e.In 1981 a 54-ton 12.l-m (39.7-ft) used to obviate the need for the de- Armament:two single 76 or 100-mm
lonq seagoing trial craft, called the velopment of any special components Specification (3- or 3.94-in) DP gmns, one CIWS
MOLENES (Moddl Libre Exp6rimental such as hft fans or propulsron plant as NE5-4000 mounting, and ASW torpedo tubes
de Navire A lEff6t de Surface) was they can all be bought off-the-shelffor Dimensions: lenqth 111.2 m (364 B ft) Aircraft: four to slr ASW helicopters
launched to study all the systems re- such craft. The information qained beam30.9 m(101.4 ft); draughton Electronics: one air-search radar, one
quired by an SES ofa higher length-to- from both trials craft will, if satisfactory, cushion 2,7 m (B B ft) surface-search radar one navrgtation/
beam ratio to confirm the data pro- be used in the construction ofthe pro- Propulsion: two 4O 000-shp (29824-kW) heltcop'^1-s.. rol radar one action
duced by water-tank model trials and jected 3,930{on NES-4000 SES warship and one tO 750-shp (12489-kW) gas information system, one ESM suite and
to investrgate the effect of acceleratron for the next century The vessel will be turbines driving two hydrojets and two two sonar systems (including one
and manoeuvrability on the structure fltted with medium-calibre guns, lift fans respectively; hullborne towed-array type)
equipment and crew members Thrs rs CIWS surface-to-surface missrles and propulsion uses two dresels deliverrng Complement: 130-150

ffi $n.N+ 'Mountbatten' class air-cushion vehicle

The BHC SR.N4 Mk 2 'Mountbatten' speeds of around 65 kts, It is probable
class ACV is a passengerlcar ferry that ifstripped ofall interior furnishings
surtable for lB5-km (115-mile) pas- a bodstern ramp-equipped civilian
sages on coastal routes. Although crvi- SR N4 could carry similar loads rn the
lian-owned, these craft could have an logstic transport role which means for
impoftant wartime loqristics role of fer- exampie that all the men of a Royal
ryrng reinforcement equrpment and Marine Commando or an infantry
supplies across the English Channel battalion plus most of their equipment
without having to worry too much ab- could be carrred. The only limitation
out damaged port facrlitres or enemy would be the sea state which rf too
minefields. Only six 'Mountbatten hiqh would limrt the craft's perform-
class craft have been built to date, of ance,
which four were convefied from the
original SR.N4 Mk I to the Mk 2 stan-
dard whrlst the remaining two went Specification
direct to the heavier SR,N4 Mk 3 Super SR.N4
4 configmration with a 16.76-m (55-ft) Dimensions: length (Mk 2) 39.68 m
long insert amidships that also in- (]30, 17 ft) or (Mk 3) 56,38 m (185.0 ft);
creased the beam slightly. The Mk 2s beam (Mk 2) 23 77 m (78,0 ft) or (Mk 3)
currently cafiy 2BZ passengrers and 37 28,04m(920ft)
vehicles in a single lift, whilst the Mk 3s Propuision: four 3,400-shp (2535-kW)
can carry 4lB passengrers and 60 vehi qas turbrnes driving four hft fans and
cles A military variant, ihe Military 4, four propellers
-,vas announced in l9B0 and this can Weiqhts: maximum (Mk 2) 200 tons or The British Hovercraft Corporadon's SRJ{4 is lh e iargest hovercraft in regulai
:arry a payload of up to 165 tons of (Mk 3) 300 tons: payload see text service.ln an amphr'brbus assault role it can carr.r' up lo ) .a00 fully-equipped
supplies andl/or vehicles or a max- Speed: (Mk 2) 70 kts (Mk 3) 65 kts troops, or light tanks. It is similar in size lo tl'e -<o;lel ,&sf 'cla.s.s, which is a
mum of 1 000 fully-equipped troops at Electronics: two navigation radars purpose-designed amphibious assaui r ffaii.

SR.N4'Mountbatten' class mine countermeasures hovercraft

_- r - _ _trah,VeIStOnOl
-re BHC SR.N4 Mk 4'Mountbatten' operations room, crew quarters and _ -r rrrlr!rur I
class MCMH (mine countermeasures workshops can be located in the twin = :. .=. . . =: ::,r- has been Purch-
:-:-;ercraft) is identical rn most re- side-cabin structures or on the central
:pects to the Britrsh Hovercraft Cor- deck area forward of the main winch
!:ratlons SR.N4 Mk 2 civrlian passen- position. All the signiflcant fittinqs in
;::r car ferry version but with a much the cargo area are erected on palle-
-=:ger fuel load At its maximum weight tized modules in order to facilitate role
- capable ofcarryingup to 59875 kq chanqes for MCM missions and con
- i2 000 lb) of mission payload in addi- version, rf required, to the logistic
--:: to its fuel for a lO-hour sortie. As transport role. A comprehensive com-
:::,gned it is able to perform all the munications and navigTation fit is car-
.=s-<s carried out by a conventional ried, as is an MCM orrentated action
:-::sweeper with wire and/or rnflu- information system
-:.1: sweeps or a mrnehunter usrng On an operation several MCMHs
- .';:i sonar and either a Gemini ding- would normally be deployed to form a
:-',' ; -tn drsposal divers or a remote- Forward Support Unit that would set up
,,..::l]ed PAP-104 submersible, The a Mobile Advanced Base for up to

l'line Wqrfcre Hovercrcrff
With the increase ln size of modern hovercraft, which pre-
supposes an increase in carrying capacity, it is naturil that
naval planners should begin to look at a variety of roies for
which the unique qualities of air cushion vehicles may be
ap pl i c ab le - p ar ticularly in mine w arf are.

Although the Royal Navy has tested hovercraft extensrvely tn the firine coun-
termeasures role and found them ideal platforms because (amongst other
they are relatrvely invulnerable to underwater explos ons, the sad fact
remains that f urther development work has been curtailed because of the lack
of funds and lack of interest at high levels of the Ministry of Defence. The last
ioy al ltavy ^ove-cra[1. a BH7, was rer-r-ed n 1'e dLluff n o. t 985 to rq bu,lders
{Brltish Hovercraft Corporation) for disposal.
As usual this contrasts sharply with the position rn the UK's c osest al y, the
USA, whose navy placed an order with Bell Halter lncorporated for the USS
Cardinal (MSH-l ), the prototype of a class of glass relnforced plast c m ne
sweeper,rminehunters with an SES (Surface-Effect Shlpt tvpe hull. Lil.e a hover-

craft the SES rides on a 'bubble' of air but, instead of being contained by a
iiexrble all-round skirt. the air is contalned by r oid s dewalls (that penetrate the Given the intenseSovief jnlerestin surface skimmers of all kinds, together
!\dterqsurlacero.rorovestab.l ty nrougn.eattanc, l,e>b,esi'is'orea^dalt. with a realistic appreciation of the potentials of mine warfare, it wotild seer,
Thrs means that an MCM SES craft rs more resrstant to underwater shocks f rom natural for the USSR to have attempted ta combine the two. One of f.he mosi
a mine explosion than a conventional-hulled MCM craft as the cushion's lrft suitable craft for such use would be the 27A-bn'Aisf 'class yessej-
reeos o'tosL ol Lne null crear ol rne wdter s.,rrac.e rTne novercraf r s more
'es sla-l sl:i'as ls nul > ,s,al y I rr 3.3 tr or more aoove 11e r,ta1o'. r ding on a
cush on of air that can absorb a arge part of the shcck wave.) The air cushion
also reduces the SES's underwater magnet c, acoustic and pressure stgnatures,
thereby considerably reducrng the chances of detonating a mine before rt can be
detected by the sensors aboard. The sonar system fitted s n tially to be of the
n-1.-mo-^Leo SOO-30 variab e-deptn Trrne-delecr o- dno classricdr or r\pe idn
upgraded SOO-14) but because of rts limrtatrons th s rs to be replaced as s6on as
possible by the brand new SOO 32 set The craft wiil also carry the SSN-2
Dleciie lnltrgrdteo \av:gaton S\stems rDl\Si w t^ a co.r-a^d a^Ll conrrol
suite for dlsplaying data on mine locations and exchanginq information wrth
other MCM unrts.
1n the conventional mrnesweeprng ro e the Cardinalwill carry and use a Size

mechanicai sweep, a Mk 5 magnetic sweep and sinqle Mli 4V and Mk 6G

acousiic sweeps; for minehunting the Cardrnalwill be able to deploy a single
cable-controlled Min.e Neutralization Vehicle (MNV) to examrne and destroy
Below: Originatly acquired by theRoyalNavy for trials in the togistic support Above:TheUS Navy's LCAC amphibious hovercra{t programme sa;1. :;r':
role, theVosper ThornycroftVT-2 was extensively modified for mine m ain design s produced, with the contr act gaing to Belrs AALC. J E F I i ;
countefineasure support. It proved much less vulnerable to underwater Iosing design from Aerojet, has been retained for research into-m:ne
explosions than did conveniional displacemenl yesse,ls. countermeasures, Arctic operations and large- scale medical ev ac,J a : : :.


& 5
]i o iern Military Hovercraft
- -:: -.e 3 8'm (12 long MNV w ll be on the end oi a 1525-i. i a,'-' .:.ied ll<
'.., - .e g,r about 9985Jt)
kg {2,200 ib), be capable of 6 <ts under ware- .-: :- -J'eo
T03 mechanrcal,
Mk 104 acoustic, Mk 105 maqnetic or M.
- .-:r \\ tn a c osed-c rcuit TV camera in the nose . cco JsLc \arr -'
c sled sr','eeps normalty -seo oy LS
:. -:
and wtth faci 1,es.or s:.
.')r e)o'rooedn nesor'otoanlnedn€'\o.o( lt - ,-:; .: .- :-_- s'r,'eep:ng helrcopters. The Mk 103 is towed at speeds up to 12 kts, the Mk " --
: ai rp to 30 kts, and the other two at up to 28 kts.
C For minehunting the MCMH configuralions can be changed and the sea-_
Some 17 MSH craft are to be bu t so that tnree -a:i be bese: a. \,--,..c:.:, sp.ed reo-ceo ro bel\ ee^ 2 ano 5'or the sona' nu^fnq pnase O...
ihode lsland and Groton, Connect cut, {ive at Norfoik, Virg n a, s x ai Cr:r e sio:.-, Lo^'acL has been rrade t^e sona' s switcned ro lls cldss f car-on rode. ar:
South Carolrna, and three at Mayport, Flcrida wttn ti^re pr,.rarv riiss o" of the target rs confirmed as a m ne a remotely-controlled wire-guided PAP-.1 i-
protecting US strateg c misstle submarine bases, tne approaches to the bases mrne-disposal vehicle is sent down to confirm by TV camera and lay an F!
and the SSBNs' transit routes to deep warer. charge as near to it as possible. The PAP-I 04 ls then recovered and the charq=
n the U K BHC has capttalized on the expe lence gai ned by the Royal Navy and
I detonated to destrov the mine. lf a mine,disoosal vehicle is not used. a Gerr.'r
has designed mine countermeasures valants of lts SB N4 lthe SR.N4 Mk 4 dinghy is launched with divers aboard to do the work bv hand.
MCMH) lnd BH7 {the BH7 Mk 20 MCMH) During the var ous navy trials of As n r-e Amer;can 'Card nal c,ass and conten-pora'y B- t,h TVCMVc
novercra'T lvpes Lwds proveo Indt d ^ove'crarr. w^en co^lpo.ed w tn a co-vp1 precise navigatton system and a command and control cbntre are fitted. The
Io^a'm nesweeoer, ^aq o n-rcJ- 'as1e.l.ans I soeeo /up lo i ve r,-es gredterJ 1o bonus oT the MCMHs rs that because of their modularized,'pal et zed pavloac-
the operat ng area, a much better track-keeping ability in rough weather, and the l.lev eaa be o' m ne warare equ prrenr ro se,ve as .oq sl c s-pply r a
al"e"dy rre.r oneo Iowe' Jnoerware- signaL-'es. "tripoeo
ln time of need. ln the llqht of the hovercraft's success in the MCM fieLd it s
Dlr ng lre n iai searce 16 r i^se ar >peeos bel!\aen 12 ana 2a.t". 1ov\tro t-.prisi^g lrtar '^e Royal Navy wenl lor a con\onl o^a -'x o- ne\\-qenerd .'
s dc-scon. va'oble-deol- o' r-l motnted eiracldb e bona.s ea- be erp'9ypj surface vessels instead of a more radicai hovercraftisurface ship package
the sJbseqJenl >\ eep ng be ng po16'-"d by ar rne- conr"enr.onal Io'reo qed' espec ally as the cost of a 'Brecon' class MCMV is now approach ng that o"' .
found aboard RN minesweepeTS or, as in the case of the BH7, by the American fu1ly equipped MCMH.

Left: AIso invoived in the RoyalNavy

M C MH trials, the B ritish Havercraf t
BH.7 Mk 2 demonstrated the \ow
magnetic and acaustic signatures,
together with much greater speed
tha n con v en tional minesweeper s.
The major problem was o! course
expense, as ACV| cost a lot to run.

Below: The US Naty has ordered the

first of a new generation of harbaur
mine sw ee p e r s from B e I I- T e x tr an.
They will be Surface Effect Ships -
rigid-w alle d hover cr alt. w hich
cgmp!9 naly o! th.e advantases o:
the ACV and the catamaran. This ts
theSES-20A. wfircfi rs resting the SES

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ffi Hn.NO 'Winchester' class air-cushion vehicle
Designed originally as a fast ferry for missiles as alternatives to the more
operations in sheltered waters, the usual 7, 62-mm medrum machtne-gruns,
BHC SR.N6'Winchester' class ACV has The Iraqi customs service also uses the
evolved rnto a number ofvariants over same hovercraft, but as the SR.N6 Mk
the years, Although extensively tested 6C general-purpose model, with a lar-
by the Royal Narry and British army al1 ger cabin to accommodate uP to 55
over the world including the Falk- passenqers or between 5 and 6 tons of
Iands, the SR.N6 craft used were sold supplies. Six are in use, and are known
in 1982 followrng the demise of the to have been used for combat duties in
Hovercraft Trials Unit. The basic SR.N6 the Gulf War,
Mk I can accommodate either 38 Pas- Saudi Arabia also has eight units of
sengers or 3 tons ofsupplies, and is in the SR.N6 Mk 8 type in service, This is
use with the Egyptian nalry (one) and the latest of the mrlitary variants to be
the Royal Saudr Arabian Frontier produced: it can carry up to 55 fully-
Force and Coast Guard (eight) This equipped troops in the assault role, or
model was followed bY the whollY have the same armament alternatives
miiitary logristic support SR.N6 Mk 2 as the Mk 4 when used as a patrol craft
and SR.N6 Mk 3 variants, which feature It differs from the earlier variants in
a roof loading hatch and sPectallY having only a single propeller and the
addition of two air condittoningtunits on Above : SR.N 6'W inchester' is the
strenqthened srde decks for longi loads
weighing up to 0.5 ton; a roof-mounted the roof aft of the cockpit, military variant of the widely-used
SR.N6 fastferry.It can be used in the
armament of one7.62- or 12.7-mm (0,3'
Specification logistics role over swampy terrain or.
or 0.5-in) machine-eun is carried for as here, as a fast coastal patrol craft'
defensLve purposes. The maximum SR.N6 MK 8
payioad is increased to 5 tons of sup- Dimensions:iength 18.3 m (60.0 ft); It canbe armedwith20-mm cannon
plies or between 20 and 30 fully armed beam 8.5 m (28,0 ft) or with short-range SSMs.
troops, Only the Egyptian (two Mk 2s) Propulsion: one 1, 05O-shp (785-kW)
gas turbine driving one lift fan and one Left:The SR.NG Mk 213 is a mifitarizeC
and Iranian (two Mk 2s) navies have version of the standard civil ferry.
this type in service, thougrh the former propeller
Weights: maximum tons; payioad and unlike the Later Mk 6 seen abote
has had all three of its SR,N6s modified I 6. 7
see text is powered by a single propeller.
to cary srx 500-kg (1,105{b) qround This modelwas operated by the
mines J required. The lranian nauY Speed:50 kts
Electronics: one Royal Navy trials unit in locations as
also has six SR.N6 Mk 4 variants in diverse as Hong Kong and the
service, These are used for coastal de- naviQlator radar
F alklands (ironic ally. practis ing
fence duties and can carrY either a
amphibious landings ! ).
20-mm cannon or SS, 12 wire-gruided
Variants of the SR.N6 are in service I

worldwide, involved in seismic

survey, search and rescue, freight
haulage, crash rescue and
fir efighting, among s t othe r tas ks. J
The twin-propelleredMk 6 has a i;
payload of between five and six tons u$.
of equipment or up to 55 passengers.

>K iiHz 'Wellingrton' class air-cushion vehicle
The BHC BHZ 'WellinSrton' class was to keep the load-carrying capabilrty.
designed specifically for navy and However, rnstead of the 30-mm tuffet
military use, the BH7 Mk 2 prototype two single 20-mm cannon can be
sewing with the Royal Navy (from 1970 mounted on the rool posrtions pre
to late 1985, when funds ran out) as an viously used for machine-guns
advanced{echnoloW trials craft to ev- A follow-on version is the BH7 Mk 20
aluare hovercrafl rn the logrsric sup- multi-role craft, which is a stretched
port, hshery protection, ASW and mode] with greater payload and the
MCM roles. This machine was fol- latest advances in skrrt technology. To
lowed on the productton line by two date no country has bouqrht this variarit
BHZ Mk 4 logistic support and four BHZ
Mk 5 combat versions for the lranian Specification
former, armed with medium
nar,ry. The BH?MK5A
machine-guns on each srde of the Dimensions: Iength 23.9 m (78.33 ft);
cabtn, can carry loads such as 170 ful- beam 13.9 m (45 5 ft)
ly-armed troops or 60 troops wrth Propulsion: one 4, 250-shp (3 I 69-kW)
three l,and Rovers and trailers, or two gas turbine dnving one lift fan and one
light armoured vehicles, or up to 14
tons of supplies The Mk 5s were de- Weiqhts: maximum 55 tons; payload Above: The latest variant of the BH7'Wellington' is the Mk 20 Fast Attack Craft,
signed for coastal defence duties and see text which can carry an impressiveweaponfit, in this case a pair of Rarden 30-mm
have recesses on their side decks for Speed:58 kts cannon andfour,Sea Skua surface-to-surface missi/es.,Sea Cat SAMs orExocet
two medium-range anti-ship SSMs Electronics: one navigation radar SSMs are alternative amaments.
(such as the MM 38 Exocet) plus the
ability to carry a radar-controlled tuvin
30-mm turret on the foredeck in front of
the centre cabin, which is used as the
operations centre, Although not armed
as such rn Irantan servrce, the Mk 5s
and the logtistic Mk 4s have seen con-
siderable combat service during the
Gulf War
In l9B2 the Saudr Arabian navy
ordered eig'ht BH7 Mk 5A combaV
Iogistrc hovercraft, which are essen-
tially similar to the Mk 5 but retain the
bow door of the logistic model in order

Right: Seen here speeding past HMS

Kent, the BHZwas evaluated by the
RoyalNavy from 1970 until 1985 in
both combat and logistic support
roles, but the funds for this important
workranoutin 1985.

Below: The Mk 5 is capable of 58 kts

and can carry four Exocet surface-to-
surface missiles. The Iranians have
made great use of their logistic
support version, which can carry up
to 170 fully-equipped troops.

>K VtZ air-cushion vehicle Modern Military Hovercraft
The Vosper Thornycroft VT2 hover- trials, the prototype was further rebuill system and a 5.4 m (17.7-ft) long Sea the Royal Nalry and other armed ser-
crait was extensively tested by the to investiqate lts operational capabrli- Rider workboat. Again the craft vices has been reduced to the barest
Royal Nary from the mid- 1970s until ties in the MCM support role, This re- proved highly successful, especially in minimum so that the forces can say that
1982 when the Hovercraft Trials Unit quired the fltting of an electronic and the towrng of vanous types of sweep- interesl rs still oerng snown
(HTU)wasdisbandedaspartofexten- communications outfit compatible in ing gear and rn shock trials, in which it
srve defence cuts, Used origdnally in allrespectstothatofthecontemporary proved almost inr,ulnerable to under- Specification
the logistrc support role the prototype 'Hunt class MCM vessel an Atlas 5002 water explostons near or practically vT2
VT2-001 (P234) was modifled in 1978 to hydraulic crane, a larqer roof hatch beneath the hull to simulate the de- Dimensions: ienqth 30 18 m (99,0 ft);
carry palletized carqo from ships lyinq and rmproved rnternal carqo-handling tonation of various seamine types. De- beam 13.3 m (43.6 ft)
ofishore to a beach-head. The mod- .. spite this and the success of the other Propulsion: two 4 250-shp (3169-kW)
-r-callons rncluded lLe firtrng of a load hovercraft types used to test various qas turbrnes driving four hft fans and
.:.o hatch in the ma-n sLpersrructLre , roles the VT2 was sold to commercral two variable pitch ducted drive fans
: on
. r ard rhe laying of roller tracking
concerns following the demrse of the Weights:maximum 108 tons; payload
-he deck l:elow rhe harch lor the move- 3l 4 tons
1 HTU, and the use of hovercraft within
:r.. ':.1 of rhe cargo around rhe enclosed # Speed:60/70 kts
ieck area Afler several successful *l;, TheVTZ proved an enormous Electronics: one navigation radar
successrn theMCM(Mine
Countermeasures) rcle, but the
Hovercraft Trials Unit was
disbanded in ffte disasfrous defence
cuts made by the Government in
19B2.The RoyalNavy now shows only
." token mteresf in a mmesweeper
:- - .. invulnerableromostmines.

>K Hm*" series air-cushion vehicles

The Skima series of small air-cushion
vehicles are based on the original
Grifton designs now being
manufactured byVosper
Hovermarine. The smallest of these
craft can be transported on the back
of a pick-up truck, and has been
evaluated both in the UK and USA.

Weiqhts:empty 225 kq (495 lb)r

payload see text
Speed:30 kts

Dimensions: ienqth6, 19 m (20 31 ft);
bean2 62 m (B 6 ft)
Propulsion: one 60-hp (44.7-kW) petrol
or diesel enqine drivinqra single lift
and two propulsion propellers
Weights: empty 670 kg ( 1 474 lb);
payload see text
Speed:30 kts

Skima 12
Dlmensions: lenqth 7.77 m (25 5 ft);
beam3.5 m (11.5 ft)
Propulsion: one 250-hp (186-kW)
petrol or diesel engine drivinq a single
lift and propulsion propeller
Weights: empty 990 kg (2 178 lb);
payload see text
Speed:35 kts
Electronics: one navigatron radar

The various Skima ACYs keep down

their weight and reduce overall cost
by inc orpo r ating infl ata ble
sttuctutes into the basic design. This
alsogives improved buoyancy and
stability, and endows them with
impres sive obstacle- crossing ability.
il Et r"n"olan wingr-in-ground effect machines
Since 1965 the Soviets have been ex- then directed downwards so that therr flying over them, Specifi cation (provisional)
perrmentrng in the Caspian Sea area exhausts create an arr-cushion effect A smaller Turboprop Ekranoplan rs Ekranoplan
with what has become known as the under the vehicle's main wrnq. The also under test, Based on the 'sea Dimensions:span40 0 m(131.23 ft);
Ekranoplan or 'Caspran Sea Monster', growing lift then raises the vehicle monster' concept, this has improved lensth 91,4 m (300.0 ft)
This machine has a potential speed of clear of the water so that the forward aerodynamic shape and the rear- Propulsion: 10 gas turbines
300 kts km/h; 346 mph) or more,
(556 engines can be reonentated to direct mounted gas turbines replaced by a Weights: maximum 307,4 tons; payload
and operates at a height ofbetween 3 5 their blast back over the upper surface single 15,000'shp (11184-kW) turbo-
to i4m (115 to 46 ft) above water, of the wing to estabhsh additional lift prop. The forward engines are also Speed:300 kts
marshland or other such terrarn. Wrth a and so rapidly increase the forward replaced by two internally-mounted
main hull like that of a wide-body air- motion untri the cruising speed at gas turbines to provide the power aug- Specification
liner, the Ekranoplan can carry a which flight can be sustarned is estab- mentation for take-off and the initial lift Turboprop Ekranoplan
payload of over 90 tons, or some 900 lished. By flying in and out of this The newvariant has also been used for Dimensions: span 30 5 m (100.0 ft);
fully-equipped troops or Naval Infan- ground-effect cushion the Ekranoplan amphibious assault trials with a swing- length 60 9 m (200.0 ft)
try. Its propuision system compnses can clear shipping shorehnes and nose arrangement to allow for the car- Propulsion: one i5 000-shp (11184-kW)
eiqht marinized gas turbines mounted other obstructions as required Such a riage of vehrcles and outsized loads. A turboprop and two gas turbines
above a forward stub wingr and two capability is particularly useful to the missrie attack variant (with two singTle Weights: maximum 216 tons; payload
propulsion turbines aft installed at the Soviet nalry for amphibrous assault and underwing containerlaunchers for SS- 59 tons ofcargo or 500 troops
base of a dihedral tailplane. The mode logristic support duties as this type of N-22 anti-ship crurse mtssiles) has also Speed:280 kts
ol operaLron ts that all tle engines ore vehicle effectrvely overcomes the been seen, although no production de- Armament:see text
LSed to start The Ekranoplan movinq problems of sea conditions, tidal cur- ctsion on any Ekranoplan version rs
whilst the machine is in contact with rents, underwater obstacles, and de- believed yet to have been taken
Lhe warer: lhe Iorward engr-tes are fensive sea and land minefields by

ffLu"a' class air-cushion vehicle

The NATO reporting named'Lebed'
class multr-duty surface-effect landing
craft was first seen in prototype form in
1973 and entered series production in
1976-7, Used as amphrbious initial
assault landing and Iogristics-over-the-
shore (LOTS), 'Lebeds' are normally
carried tn pairs by the 'lvan Rogov
class LPDs rn their stern weil decks,
For an assault the 'Lebeds' wouid be
preloaded before embarking. The de-
siqn is an origrnal Soviet one, and Ls
thought to have been undertaken by
the Soviet narry's High-Speed Ship De-
sign Bureau rn Leningrad, Eighteen
'Lebeds' are rn service, with some
three or four more in varying states of
completion 'lrebeds' are now found
wrth the Baltrc, Black Sea and Pacific
Fleets as weil as aboard the LPDs. A
bow ramp is provided for vehicle Ioad-
ing and unloading, whrlst personnel
can use doors located aft Typical This is now beheved to be entenng Armament: one ADMGO 30 sx-barrel Mounted on the deckof aSoviet
payloads include two PT-76 iight series production on lne construclior CIWS mountrng on forward quarter of transport vessel, the'Lebed' class of
amphibrous tanks, two BTR-60/70/ line that was used for the 'Lebed' class. the starboard superstructure ampfirbrous assault hovercraft is
BMP-1/2 APCs two loaded trucks up to Electronics: one navigation radar and somewhat smaller than the
a total weight of 34.38 tons, 120 Naval Specification one 'High Pole-B IFF sysrem American LCAC or the BritishVosper
Infantry or some 40 tons of supp[es. 'Lebed'class W2. The class has been designed to
In 1982 the prototype of what rs ex- Dimensions: lenqth24,B m (81 4 ft); operate out of the docking wells of
pected to be the 'Lebed'successor beam i0.B m (35.4 ft) The cockpit of the 'Lebed' is on the ' I van Rogov' class amphibious
the lO0{on 'Tsaplya class, was seen Propulsion: three 3 600-shp (2684-kW) port side of the craft, balanced by a assauilsfups.
gas turbines drivrngr four lift fans and turret-mounted ADMG 30 -mm
two propellers r em ote - controlle d G atling- type a
Weights: maximum BS tonsj payload cannon to the starboard. Typical
see text payloads would include two PT-76
Speed: 70 kts (60/65 kts normal) lighttanks or twoBMP infantry
combatvehicles, or up to 35 tons of


efr ll;1f=

il ii]Lr' class air-cushion vehicle Modern Military Hovercraft
Developed from the 50 seater Skate two 'Lebed class ACVs and one Specification The'Gus' class logistic support ACV
class amphibious passengter ferry 'Ondatra' class LCM usually 'Gus'class is roughly equivalent to the British
ACV t-e 'Gus class log sl c supporr embarked Some sx or so of the 36 Dimensions: length 21.33 m (70,0 ft); SR.N6, although used by theSoviets
ACV was tested rn prototype form from umts were completed with two pilot beam 7. I m (23.3 ft) in combat roles much more than
1969 onwards, series production of 36 posittons and have been rssued to the Propulsion: three 780-shp (582 kW) those in thewest. Used extensively
craft takinq place between 1970 and 'Gus class ACV battalions of the fleets gas turbines dnvinqrone lift fan and two bySoviet naval infantry on river
l9B2 at a steady rate of two or three as operational conv^.rsron ralners propellers patrol, small-unit insertions and
units per year. Deployed by all four There has also been at least one furth- Weights: maxtmum 26,7 tons; payload assaujts, lft e cJass seryes with all
Sovret fleets (the Northern, Baltic er denvative of the desiqn with twin see text Sovietfleets. .i
Black Sea and Paciflc), the Gus can ducted propellers but thrs rs beheved Speed: 60 kts (40 kts normai) :1

carry either a lull Naval Infantry pla

ioon of 25 men or several tons of sup-
not to have progressed beyond the
prototype staqe It is likely that the
Armament: small arms and LMGs
Electronics: one navigatron radar, and
plies It is used extensrvely for river long term successor of the 'Gus'wiil be one 'High Pole-B IFF system ...l:fl
patrol, special forces small-unit troop a much larger ACV whose flrst pro-
.nseTlrons, beach-head reconna ss- totype is due soon
ance, and amphibrous assauit and
loctstic missions. For the last, the 'lvan
P.ogtov' class LPDs can each carry
:l.uee 'Gus' class ACVs in place of the

I ,'.

.. ;'

fiL* Soviet air-cushion vehicles

In the early l980s two new Sovret naval
ACV prototypes were sighted by
class, is slightly longer but smaller
overall, and appears to be desiqtned to
'Lebeds' and 'Utenoks, or 'Lebeds or
'Tsaplya', or'Tsaplya and'Utenoks' by
navigation radar and one High Pole-B
IFF system
NATO reconnaissance units. The flrst carry one T-54/55/62/7474 MBT as its the end of the l980s the actual mtx
named the'Tsaplya'class by NATO, is primary payload. With two 'Utenoks' depending upon the operation to be Specifi cation (provisional)
:houqht to be the successor to the currently undergorngt extensive test- mounted. 'Utenok'class
i,ebed class which is about to end its ing along wiht the srngle 'Tsaplya, it is Dimensions: lenqth 26.3 m (86.3 ft);
croductron run. -t is srmilar rn slze, con- possible that both desrgns are actually Specifi cation (provrsional) beam 13.0 m(42.7 ft)
iguration and performance to the Brit complementary to one another with 'Tsaplya'class Propulsion: not known
sh BH7 Mk 4 and incorporates a bow the aim that the 'lvan Rogov' class LPDs Dimensions: Ienqth24.0 m (78,75 ft; Weights: maximum B0 tons; payload
Coor and central load weli Desrgned will eventually have the ability to deliv- beam140m(459ft) see text
-or use aboard the 'lvan Rogtov' class er MBTs beyond the water line of a Propulsion: not known Speed:65 kts
-PDs and their successors the craft beach-head rather than relyinq on the Weights:maxtmum 100 tons; payload Armament:two 30-mm twin turrets
can carry one PT-76 light amphibious more conventional 'Ondatra' class see text Electronics: one 'Spin Trough'
rark and B0 Naval Infantry, 160 Naval LCM carrred at present. 1l thrs assump- Speed:65 kts navigation radar and one 'High Pole-B
Lriantry, or some 25 tons ofcargo The tion is correct, rt is probable that the Armament: two 30-mm twin turets TrE ^,,^+^-
second design, named the 'Utenok' LPDs will be carrying mxed loads of Electronics: one 'Spin Trough'

il iHist' class air-cushion vehicle

Built at the Leninqrrad Shipyards, the tions, and typrcal payloads for the craft
aLr-cushion vehicle known to NATO as are two MBTs of the T 54/T-55/T-62/T-
he'Aist'class is the Sovrets'frrst large 72 or T-74lype, four PT-76 light amphi-
ACV design, and while similar rn brous tanks and 50 Naval Infantry,
Eeneral appearance to the British three BTR-60/7A/BMP-I/2 APCs and
SR.N4 Mk 2 'Mountbatten class is 100 Naval lnfantry, four trucks and 100
nuch heavier. The prototype was Naval Infantry 220 Navai Infantry or up
iaunched in i970 and foilowing exten- to 50 or 60 tons of supplies.
s-ve testing the class entered series
productron in 1975, Since then several
';ariants have been built, these differ- Specification
ing in f,n herght, overall length, super- 'Aist'class
structure detail and armament con- Dimensions: length 47 B m (156.8 ft);
rlguration. Some 17 'Aisls' are in ser- beam 17,5 m (57,4 ft)
\'1ce atpresent and more are being Propulsion: two 24,000-shp (17894-kW)
bullt. Used as an amphrbious assault gas turbines drivinqr four hft fans and
arid logistic supply ACV, the 'Aist' can four propellers
deliver Naval Infantry, armoured vehi- Weights: maximum 270 tons payload
cles and supplies to beach-heads see text
',vhich can be well inland. Only two of Speed:80 kts (60/65 kts normal)
the Soviet fleets (the Baltic and Black Armament:two twin 30-mm turrets
Sea Fleets) deploy the 'Aists, the for- over the bow
mer havinq its units extensively photo- Electronics: one 'Spin Trough
graphed by NATO aircralt and ships naviqation radar, one 'Drum Tilt' flre Seenoperatingwith MilMi-8'Hip'helicopters off the Baltic coast of the
Curirg Warsaw Pact landing exer- control radar one 'Hrgh Pole-B' IFF German Democratic Republic, the Leningrad-built 'Aist' class large
cises. Largte bow and stern loadinqt system, andone 'Square Head' IFF amphibious ACY is about the same size as the 'Mountbatten' class used on the
:'amps provide througn-shrp opera- system English Channel, although giving the impression of being more rugged.

Aist' class air-cushion vehicle (continued)

Modern Military Hovercraft


USSR Aist'Class
lcrge Naval Air-cushion Vehicle
In servicewith the BlackSea and Baltic Fleets of the Soviet navy, the'Aist' class
has been in production since J975 at a rate of approximately two completior.s
peryear. Atypical load duringoperations on theBaiticwould be twoT-72
MBTs and two platoons (60 men) of anavalinfantry company. Armament
comprises two twin 30-mm DP turrets together with an associated 'Drum TiJt'
AA fire control radar.

'Aist'class hovercraft are drivenby twin marinizedNK-: *is' _=-:*-;_:=i

originally developed by Kuznetsov to power the Tu-35 'Ber- bc.=-bc-: -i;:-::
models had the engine air intake at the mouth of a long dorsa-:,:::.=- --
here, but this was later eliminated. "--*.:
I'lekong I'lonsters
The Mekong Delta is the'rice bowl'of
Vietnam. W ith five thou s and squ are
miles of paddyfields andwaterways, it is
a tortuous area to navigate in both
vehicles and ships, but it proved no
obstacle for hovercraft.

During the Vietnam War one of the major areas

of concern to the US armed forces was the
Mekong delta, a largJe area to the southwest of
the capital Saigon, .fhrs region contains over
3900 km (2 425 miles) of navigable waterways
oi which some 1290 km (800 miies) are canals
with a mean water depth of 2 m (6.6 ft) at low
tide and the remainder natural or improvised
waterways spreading out from the Mekong,
Vaiso, Dong Nar and Saigon rivers. l'he 13000-
km' (5,020 sq mile) alluvral basrn whrch iorms
the delta is bordered to the north by the poorly
drained and low-fertilitv Plam oI Reeds with
some 5300 km (2 045 sq mrles) oi its TOOO-km
(2 700-sq mile) total area actually wlthin the
borders of South Vietnam. What was important,
however, was that the delta was consrdered to
be the 'rice bowl' of Indochina with an atten-
dant high concentration of population in
numerous hamlets and few real towns,
This made the delta a primary ob;ective for
the North Vietnamese and local Vietconq both
as a major food source and as a recruiting and
base camp area. The network of waterways
was ideal for supplying guerrilla units and for
transporting war materials from Cambodian
sanctuary areas to the vrcrnity of Saigon and
some of the towns near it
Inshore surveillance
In September 1965 Operation'Game War-
den' was initiated, the flrst US Navy unrts
assigned to it becoming operational in Febru- PBR Mk L Thrs was rapidly followed into ser- The crew of aPatrolAir CushionVehicle(PACV)
ary 1966, Their assigned mission was the provi- vice by an enlarged version, the PBR Mk 2, rnspect a samp an forViet Cong supplies while
sion of inshore surveillance and dayhght pat- However, it was soon realized that the PBRs another PACV stands by. One disadvantage of the
rols aiong the major waterways to reduce to a were too valuable an asset to commit to the craft as an offshore patrolvessel was that in order
to stop and search it had to deflate its air cushion,
minimum the Vietcong infrltration and supply remoter parts of the delta, and surveillance of leaving itvulnerable.
operations by junk, Later, as the unitsQained in these areas was left to overflights by helicop-
experience they were also used to undertake ters and irregular patrols by South Vietnamese
lengthy night patrols, to support ihe Viet- troops in navy assault boats, Not daunted by Americanized version of the Brrtish SR,N5 de-
namese River Force in its operations and to thrs, the US Navy began looking at other forms sign, Accordingly three such vehicles, desrg-
insert and extract 6/10-man SEAL reconnaiss- of transportation, amonq which was the air- nated Patrol Air Cushion Vehicles (PACV)-l to
ance and raiding parties in communist base cushion vehicle, Of these the most'promising 3, were dehvered late in 1965, and over the
camp areas. The craft used first was a modified appeared to be the Beli Aerosystems SK-S next four years they were twice deployed to
commercial sports boat design destgnated the Model 7255, an 8.5-ton 118-rn:(3875-ft) lonq South Vietnam for testing, In the coastal and

Disappointing as coastal patrol craft, the

hovercraft proved a great success when deployed
to the Plain ofReeds, particularly during the
rnonsoon sea,son when the weather often
prohibited helicopter operations.

Modern Military Hovercra ft

.::i!i!:::::=:-:i.:i_:-;*ri:rri..$1{...-: ::::..

= rr*
.1,!ter their combat debut in Operation'QuaiVat' tron two single 7.62 mm (0,3-rn) machrne-guns coastai'patrol craft Once thrs i:,: , : : -
' monster' inVietnamese), the PACVs adopted the on each srde of the cabrn in amidshrps window cro'i, ca led Horor I 3 wer: c= :
:all sign'Monster' and their crews adorned them positions, two 40-mm grenade-launchers and In addition to the PACVs il= , i .,
.'t ith this ferocious slark's-mo uth des iqn.
the various prstols sub-machine guns and auto- -S Mar,ne Corps also e'.a .. - : ...'- ..
matLc rifles of the embarked personnel The 1960s and early 1970s l0 Chr.,-s,:: I - - ,

unfortunaie thing was that when searching a Riverine Utility Craft (RUC), rh:..= :,- :
,-shore patrol roles they were found to be suspectlunk the PACVs had to come alongside was based on the marsh (rr . - . .
.iequate in terms of mobility, but also much and deflate their skirts rn order to marntain screw concept (two propelhn;r : . :- -:=:.
:: noisy and requrrrng considerable mainte- positron Followlng their return from Vietnam wr h h^lic"l /anes mo*n.- - --. .

..-rce to retain operational status lor long in May 1969 they wete transferred to the US underside on the fore-and a,: ..-,,-. '-
::riods. Coasi Guard durlng October ol the same year, 20I long625 lonpero e :.
and underwent an overhaul in 1970 belore ''l o\o otar deep s"ramp-
--- - ..
In-country success startrng a perrod ol evaluation as unarmed Cres as well as water or Cr. -:.: i .-

Despite this inrtial disappointment it was

:.:n found that the craft were highly successful il ;, ;lT\qiii6$qff$&ilirtr;;rrra, :.
'.':en moved in-country to the remote marshy . -*,{.,rrir ,rr,,1,: .r,i*Fi

.::as ol the Plarn of Reeds, especially during

:-: -,vel season when weather conditions sev
=::1y limrted aerial activity Operating usually
,:. -cairs or as a trio (and occasionally as single-
,:-s) the PACVs could travel at speeds of up to
, :r 60 kts wrth a crew of three pius 2 tons of
.-r:ohes or up to J.7 passengers. Apart from
:--:rr use as high speed transports and cargo
,::ners the PACVs were also used as patrol
r-it for whrch a high-definition surlace-
.::rch/navrgtatron radar was fitted.. The arma
-:nt varied, although lor the flnal 1968-9 de-
:-"-ment 1t vras ofhcially flxed at a twin 12 7-
,:: (0.5 rn) calibre heavy machine-gun mount-
:n the cabin roof just aft of the prlot's posi

)peration'QuaiVat' in progress, 2l November

capturedViet Cong Euerrilla is taken
. :66: a
:baard by US Navy personnel near Moc Hoa in the
.:.ajn ofReeds. Seventy sampans and a similar
:.:rr'ber of dwellings were destroyed, with I )
::jsoners laken and 23 enemy KIA. ,Sr r,. i ij'19lrliill,llfitlrtili,,it,r,rrl
Mekong Monsters
significantly hmited in the herght of obstacles
they could climb. A maxrmum ground speed of
I0 to 12 kts was possible, though in water thrs
was reduced somewhat, The payload was
etther I ton of supplies or six fuily-equrpped
troops in addition to its crew of two enlisted
men. If required, an armament of one 7.62-mm
mediurn machine-gun and one 4O-mm gre-
nade-launcher could be mounted lor use
alongside the crew's and passenQrers' own per-
sonnel weapons. In ihis confignrration it was
possible to mount limited offensive actrons,
No further development
Surprisingly, throughout the Vretnam War
the ACV remained an experimental craft, and
after the type's retirement ln 1969 ACVs were
not developed further even though the ques
tron of therr relative usefulness rn comparison
qrrth helicopters had not been answered in fu]],
In many quarters it was felt that coastal patrol Above:The three PatrolAir CushionVehicles skim over land and sea alike. They proved able tomove at
roles could be adequately covered by the speed through vegetation two metres high and clear ditches up to four metres across, much to the
readily-avallable helicopter wlthout any signi' discomfitureof theVietCong,whohaddominated thePlainof Reedsfor manyyears.
licant loss in operational efflciency.
The usefulness of ACVs (especially in logis-
trcal roles) was not forgotten, however, and
during the 1970s the ACV was resurrected in
the form of the IEFF(A) and IEFF(B) prototypes
lor use as landing craft, For the other answers rt
remains to be seen what the Soviets and
Chinese can do, for these are now the largest
users of military hovercraft in the world. As
such they will not stand by and let a new con-
cept in warfare stagnate, but will strive to ex-
plore all lts possrbilitres rf only to justify the
iarge amounts of money and effort they have
expended rn developrng the technology.

Below: The PACVs roar beneath the bridge atAn Above: A PACV kicks up a dramatic cloud of mud Above: The original PACVswerewithdrawn in
Long en route for Cat Lo after the action in the Plain and spray as itmanoeuvres across a marsh near 1969, but Bell built three hovercraft to a IJS Army
o.fReeds. The PACYs gave a creditable the Cambodian border in search of the elusiveViet specification and flew them tovietnam for combat
performance, but their price tagwas against them; Cong. The single 0.50-cal machine-gun seen here evaluation. This machine operated with the 9th
each one cost nearly $lm and their running costs was soon supplemented by0.3-calweapons and Infantry Division in the summer of 1968. Note the
werephenomenal. 4 0 - mm gre n ad e J au nc h er s. s/ab sides, which distinguish it trom the PACYs.

Bell Model7467 LACV-3O

The LACV-30 (Liqhter Air-Cushion Specification two propeilers

Vehicle 3O-short ton payload) is a LACV30 Weights: maximum 5 l, 34 tonsj payload The Bell Aerospace Canada Texton
slretched version of Bell Aerospace Dimensions: Iength 23.32 m (76,5 ft); see text Voyageur heavy-haulage ACY was
Textron's Voyageur civilian model. A beam I 1.18 m (36,7 ft) Speed:33,5 ks (normal) developed in I 97 I , and was used as
:3tal of 24 of these vehicles (company Propulsion: two I 800-shp (1342-kW) Electronics: one navigation radar the basis for development of the US
iesignation Bell Model 7476) is in the gas turbines driving two lift fans and Army'SLACV-31.
-Drocess of being dellered to replace
:re wheeled LARC-5 and LARC-]S
irighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo
5 and 15{on) models currently in ser-
-.rce with the US Army's light and
redium amphibian companies. The
::ew craft will be used as high-speed
:rnphibious vehicles for LOTS (Liqht-
:r-Over-The-Shore) operations where
:,c port facilities exist. The LACV-3O
:al lrave] over water, land, snow ice,
::a-rshes, swamps, low brush and other
snall obstacles or through 2.44-m (B{t)
::qrh surf carrying a variety of contain-
:rized cargo, wheeled or tracked
-;elLrcles, heavy engineeringr plant or
:ter supp[es such as fue] and water
:trntainers, It can be carried fully
=ssembled on a ship, be launched by
:e crew and be fully operatronal with-
-:- several hours or, altenatively, it can
:e broken down into 15 sectrons for
:.-.nage by truck, rail or aircraft and
--:en reassembled at its destination, In
.-:e srmple drive-on/drive-off role us-
:-9r rts bow ramp the craft can carry the
:---axrmum load of 30 tons with an en-
r-Jance of 2 hours. Il however tt is
-ed as a self-unloading platform for
-rcplies via its swing crane in the Below:The LACY-3j is much more Below: Operable over an enormous Above : T he first of 30 MCV 4As was
::'"./s the load is reduced to 26.5 tons efficient than previous LOTS (Lighter variety of terrains from the Arctic to delivered to MERADCOM ( the US
,:-::-rgh endurance remains the same Over The Shore)s/stems, and will the tropics, the LACY-3O can ensure Army's M obility E quipmen t
l--:er roles (such as medical evacua- eventually replace the LARC-5 and dry landingot thewiderange of Research and Development
:::. troop transport and water or fuel LARC - I 5 amphibious vehicles carg oes c ar rie d. T h es e can inclu de Command) in J,981. Unlike the sa=e
::supply) give greater endurance, currently in sewice. Secondary roles ISO containers, tracked and wheeled company's LCAC, the MCY is noi e:
::::es of between 5 and t hours being could include coastal, harbour and vehicles, eng ineer ing eq uipme nt, assault craft butrs desi'gmed fo,ir€
;:ssible depending upon the actual riverine patrol, search and tescue pallets and barrels, water, fuel, fire- used solely for the transpofiatic: s:
;a-.1oad figmre. and fire control. fighting equipment or troops. goods from ship to shorc.


€ i,anAir,g Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)
The Bell Aerospace Textron LCAC is formance. Typical loads rnclude a 52-
the definitive production version ofthe ton M60Al MBT with five loaded jeeps
IEFF(B) amphrbious assault landing or a complete howrtzer battery of six
craft that was tested alongside the i05-mm/155-mm (4. 13-ir/6. 1-in) gnrns
Aerojet-Generai IEFF(A) prototype and their loaded truck tractors and
for over five years by the US Navy. crews. The LCAC is fully skirted and
Incorporating the best attributes of can clear land obstacles up to 1 22 m
both, 107 LCACs were to have been (4 ft) hiqh Bow and stem ramps are
built, but this has been cut to about 90, fitted to allow ease of loading and un-
of which some 45 are to be based at the Ioadrng.
Ltttle Creek Naval Amphibious Base,
Virginia for the Atlantic Fleet and the
remainrng 45 at the US Marine Corps Specification
base at Camp Pendleton, California for LCAC
the Pacifrc Fleet The LCACs are Dimensions: len glh 26.82 m (BB. O ft);
being deployed in units of six to amphr beam 14.33 m (47.0 ft)
bious squadrons (PHIBRONS) and will Propulsion: four 3, 070-shp (2289-kW)
be carried by the LHA, LPD, LHD and gas turbines drivingr four hft fans and
LSD classes (one, two, three and four two propellers
craft respectively) to the disembarka- Weights: maximum 170 tons; payioad
tion pornts. The open cargo deck area see text
is 168.06m (l B09sq t-) in area and Speed: 50 kts. or 40 kts witn maximum
capable of accommodatinq 60 tons of payload
cargo under normal condrtions or up to Armament: smallarms
75 tons in the maximum overload state Electronics: one surface-search/
with a consequent decrease i.
per- navigatron radar

The firstproductionLCAC enters thewelldeck of U,S,S Pensacola(LSD 38) Above: Operating off the coast of
during the first underway mating of an LCAC and an LSD. The LCAC carries Florida, the Bell Aerospace Textron
an M60 MBT, anMl5l Jeep and anLAV-25 LightArmoredVehicle. AALC (Am p hibiou s As s au I t L anding
C raft) J EFF (B ) approaches the
Below:With a range of 300 nautical d oc king we Il of the Landing S hip
miles (approximately 550 km) at a Dock U.SS Spiegel Grove. The JEFF(B)
speed of35 kls , the LCAC can ferry formed the prototype for the tJS
large loads fastfrom vessels Navy'snewLCAC.
standingwell out to sea and can
d carry those loads (more than 60 tons, Right : J EFF(B ) underway off the coas t
which could include an MBT and of F lorida early in I I 84, with a cargo
dl light vehicles, or a full artillery including an M60 MBT and two i'55-
battery) safely inland- mm howitzers" The LCAC
programmewillgive theUS Navy the
capacity to land at high speed US I
Marine units with their heavy u

equipment, while standing some *,r

distance off the coast.

lvlcrine Corps Assaufi
As aresultof the Pacific campaigns of number of special forces operations were bled ashore the combined force moved on :,-
WorldWar II, the USAhas an berng conducted, One involved the rescue by reiieve Government House at 07,00, mee:ii:
unpar alle led amphibious w arfare 22 SEALs of the island's Britrsh appornted gov lrttle resistance on the way save lrom a BRDN: _
capacity. That capability is about to be ernor from his offlcial residence on the out- armoured car which was demohshed ]:i-
skirts of the capital, St George's, As a result of round lrom one oi the lanks,
dramatically enhanced with the the unexpected strength and reaction of the
introduction of the LCAC. delending forces the SEALs were surrounded
in the house and became a priority problem to
.wo incidents durrng Operation 'Fury the the Joint Task Force 120 commander, Admiral
lctober l9B3 actron against the Provrsional Re Metcall Initral aid in the form of close air sup
',-olutionary Government of Grenada and its port from a US Air Force Lockheed AC-130H
Juban allies, showed yet again to the US Navy Spectre gmnship and two US Marrne Corps Bell
,visdom of havrng LCAC (Landlng Craft Arr AH-1T SeaCobra helicopters resulted in both
Cushion) vehicles as part of its future amphr- of the latter being shot down by AA fire, thiee
bious warfare fleet, On the night of lhe 24125 out of their four crew beinq kilted,,rA.subse
October several groups of US Navy SEAL (Sea, quent ground attack on the house by People's
Air and Land) special forces troops landed Revolutionary Army (PRA) troops led by three
irom rubber rardrng craft on the north eastern BTR-60 APCs was then beaten off by return fire
coast of Grenada to reconnoitre the beaches from the SEALs and the AC-130H, whrch des
near Pearls Airport (and its defences) for an troyed one of the BTRs and stopped the other
assault by one US Marine company rn amphi- two with fire from its heavy weapons, This,
brous tractors and two others aboard helicop together with a follow-up strike on the AA posi,
:ers during the following day, The SEALs dis- tions 1n the area by US Navy Vought A 7 Cor-
:overed that around the beaches were reefs sair IIs, was sufficient to effect a stalemate situa
.hat made impossible the use of landing craft to tion overnight, A rescue operatron was then
oring the heavy equipment ashore and also in mounted, the amphrbious warfare ships not
all probabrlity, the approach ol infantry laden used rn the Pearls Airport operation being sent
emtracs. Once this was reported back the re- around the top of the island nearer to the capit-
-.-elatron forced the task force commanders to ai, In the meantime in the early hours of the
:ancel the beach assault and rely instead total mornrng a marine company was helicoptered
-;r on the success of the heliborne assault by across the island to a landing zone by Grand
: ruo marine companies on the atrfreld and the Mal Bay just to the north of St George's, Here it
::wn of Grenville to the south to attain the US met a second company that had made an
i{avy's ob;ectrves, Luckrly, this force met llttle amphibious assault on the beach from 13
:esistance and both the targets were secured LVTP-7s launched from the LST USS Manito-
: y early morning wiLhorL casuall-es, Whrlst thrs woc. Heavy equrpment (in the form of flve
r:rack and the Ranger airborne assault (lo 'he M60Al MBTs) was also landed by landing craft
south at the Poinl Salines airfield) went jn, a from the LSD USS Fort Snelling. Once assem-

Since the large-scale adoption of the helicopter in

t warfare, the US Marines have become specjafisfs

inthe art of Yertical Envelopment' - large-scale
:}eftboine assa alts - as a result of the inability oI
conventional landing craft to use 83 per cent ofthe
,world's beaches. The adoption af the LCAC has
dropped that figare to 30 per cent; which means
fr that the heliborne riflemen can make.their assault
: in the larcwledge that their heavy support is much
more likely to be there when they need it.


Marine Corps Assault

Above: Helicopters have Above: The Grenada operation proved once more
revoltptionized w afi are. but remain the difficulty in attac king vigorous Ly- defended
extremely vu Iner able to determined positions, with the lightly-armed People's
opposition. In the IJS operation to Revolutionary Army and theirCuban advisers
take G renada, numbers of U H -60 putting up stiff resistance against overwhelming
B lack H awks and AH - I s were shot US power.

Left: To the SEALs trapped in the

G overnor's house, S oviet- built BTR-
60 APCs were a real threat, but had
LCACs been available the original
beach landingwould have gone
ahead, and the rescue mission would
have had M60 tankswith itall the

.,:,r ll
Modern Military Hovercraft
These episodes showed to the US Navy that
jre presence of a few LCACs aboard the land-
:g shrps would have allowed the landing on
-r day at the beach near Pearls Airport to con
:-nue without hindrance from the reef obsta-
:1es, with considerable tactical surprise to the
jefenders as they obviously thought such an
:peration impracticable. In addrtion, the range
and speed of the new craft would also have
ailowed the rescue landing to take place much
inore quickly and without the need to move the
-anding ships too far from their original posi-
:ron, The added bonus would have been that
heavy equipment such as tanks could also have
been taken ashore by the LCACs at the same
.rme, In fact the LCAC by virtue of its inde-
endence oftidal and hydrographic conditions
ras increased the percentage of the world's
beaches available to amphibious landings from
7 to 70 per cent. The LCAC's advantages in
payload, speed, range, surprise elfect and
-cross-ihe-beach capabrlity will also allow 50
per cent more tonnagte of combat equipment
-nd supplies to be delivered rn a given time
,-, hen compared with conventional hull-type

-anding craft, This is even more remarkable

','.-hen it is realized that the latter are operating
:om vessels in a hrghly vulnerable position but
,:ss than 1O km (6 2 miles) offshore, whereas Above: USS Wasp, firct of the new LHD class '*'i;c:
re former would shuttle from vessels relatively will be optimized for LCAC opera trons. is
safely posrtroned up to 50km (more than 31 scheduledfor delivery in 1989. Slightly larger ie:
the'T ar aw a' class, the s e 40,0 0 0 - to n v e s s e I s''o1I
:liies) out to sea, It should also be noted that the replace the muchsmaller'lwoJima'class on a
-CAC wrll be working ln conjunction with a one-for-one basis.
,-ariety of other platforms such as the Srkorsky
lH-53E Super Stallion heavy-lift helicopter
-ble to carry a l6-ton payload over the same Left: At the heart of the change which is to su;ee;
.nip-to-shore distance, the tilt-rotor Bell MV- through US amphibious capabilify in the nez:
r2A Osprey medium-lift aircraft which is to decade, the air-cushioned landing cralt ma,.",n'e--
be the most significantdevelopmentin the fel=
r}. replace the elderly Boeing-Vertol CH-46 Sea
Kniqrht hehcopter, and the upgraded LVTP-
since the introduction ofthe origina,l assauii
vessels during World War I I .
,Al and new LVT-B amphibious assault
=rmoured personnel carners.
The Osprey is particularly important as a
:crce-builder rn the Amphibious Operationai
,irea (AOA) as it wrll be able to make two
separate 460-lar/h (286-mph) deliveries of 24
:dly equipped marines to a landing zone 48 km
:om the host shrp within 90 minutes and with-
:ut the need to refuel. In addition it is capable
:i self.deploylnent throuEhout the world using
;:ihght-refuelliner ii heeded, With first deliver-
-:s due in 1991 the ultimate fleet goal is 16 give the US Navy and US Marine Corps the
active and two resewe MV-22A squadrons, strategic lift capacity to deliver several Marine
To ensure that the LCACs get to assigned Air-Ground Task Forces (MAGTF) ol brigade
:_OAs, the US Na,,ry has begun procurement of or divisional size simultaneously in several
re Whidbey lsland' orT,SD-41 and the'Wasp' parts of the wcrld,
-r 'LHD-]' dock landing ship classes. By lhe
::::d-1990s this new-bulld effort (plus the con-
;ersion of existing ships to take LCACs) wlll
The revalution in IIS Marine . .

operations is takinE place in stages:

lhe Light Anqared,T,eiicJd a,ndltre:..,,
CAC entering seruice now, the ndw
amp hibiou s trac ked ve hicld in the
!1ext few years, the 'Wasp' clAss LHD
n the early I 990s, and fte MV-22 tilt'
lctor aircraft at about the sazne tine
'replacing the venerable CH-46 Sea
Knigh\. TheACY is central to the
:ew style of operations, as the
)'larines think that the vessels oI an
.-ssault force may have to stand off at
.east 40 km (25 miles) from any
:efended shoreline.
€ iilrr SEs-IOOB and SES
-Z0o surface-effect test ships

Based at the Patuxent River NavaL Air Station, the SES-200 is a stretched
version of the Bell Halter Model I 10, and has been used in thel}S Navy's
Advanced NavalVehicle Concept Evaluation Effort. It has been sent io Europe
for six months in an attempt to initiate a collaborative alliance project to
develop large, sea-going surface- effect warships.

The Bell Aerospace Textron SES-I00B with the US Coast Guard as the USCG
was part of a long{erm US Nalry prog- Dorado (WSES-1), the USCG then
ramme ro develop laroe ocean-gorng buying three units similar to the origdn-
ships with speeds of B0 kts or more for al, The marn change involved a 15.24-
military uses, Stemming from research m (50-ft) insert in the huli in order to
beqnrn in 1960 and the expedmental increase the available fuel load and to
17{on XR-l which was completed in allow the US Navy to assess the per-
1963 with a top speed of 34 kts, the formance of a higher lenglh-to-beam
92-kt 100{on 23.7-m (77,75-ft) SES-1008 ratro, The aft deckinq was also streng-
was launched in 1971 and used thened ro allow hehcoprer operations.
toqether with Aerojet-General's SES- The SES-200 was shipped to Europe in
100A 75-kt 11O-ton 24,4-m (80-ft) long January l986 for an eight-month tech-
craft through the 1970s to test perform- mcal demonstration period for various
ance, stability and sea-keeping char, NATO navres,
actenstics, structural loadinqs and the
various operatronal tasks that a Sur-
face-Effects Ship miqht undertake, ln Specification
April 1976 the SES-1008 travelling at sEs-200
60 kts successfully fired a vertically- Dimensions: lenqth 48.77 m (160,0 ft);
launched RIM-66B Standard SM-]MR beam ll,BB m(39.0 ft); draught 1,7to
air-defence missile against a surface 2.6 m (5,5 to 8.5 ft)
target moored some 9.7km (6 miles) Propulsion: two 1,600-hp( l193-kW)
away. The SES-100A was subsequent- diesels dnving two propellers and two
ly scrapped in l9B2 after the evaluation 445 hp (332-kW) diesels driving hvo
had been finished, whilst the SES- 1008 lift fans
was placed on static display at the Weights: maximum drsplacement 200
David W, Taylor Naval Research and tons; payload see text
Development Center, Annapolis in the Speed:32 kts
same year, The latest US Navy SES Armament:none
research vessel is the Bell Halter SES- Aircraft: provtsion for one helicopter The pioneer US Navy surface-effect
200 Model 730A which was modified in Electronics: one sudace-search/ vessel, SES-1008, is seen in April 1976
1982 from the Bell Haiter 110 Model navigation radar when she launched an SM- l
2I0A demonstratlon SES after trials Complement:13 S tandard surface- to-air missile while
making a steady 60 kts. It was also
the firstvertical launch of the SM-l
from any ship. On 27 J anuary I 980,
SES- I00B set a surface effect vessel
speedrecordof 91.9 kts(170.25 km/
l,05.8 miles) per hour.

Following the successful six-month

trial of the BH 1 I 0, the US Coast
Guard ordered three similar vessels
for use out of Key West, Florida, in the
war againstdrug-smuggling in the
C aribbean and the G ulf of Mexico.
Known as the 'Seabird'class, the
Above : The original B e II- H alter B H / / 0 SES rs seen bef ore she was acquir ed f or lftree yesse/s are Seahawk (I,VSES-Z),
a joint US Navy/Coast Guard evaluation programme in I 980. After sii months' Shearwater (l,Y,Sg,S-3) and Petrel
Coast Guard appraisal she was handed to the Navy, where she was converted (wsES-4).
into the SES-200 by the addition of a 15.24-m (50-ft) hull extension.

Armed Forces of the World

In time of war Denmark would have a vital role to
play in the defence of the West as it is situated on
the approaches to the Baltic through which the
Soviet Baltlc Fleet (which is known to have more
than 30 conventional and nuclear submarines, sur-
face craft, many amphibious warfare vessels and
over 20 hovercraft) would have to pass.
Denmark has a population of just over f ive million
and its armed forces have a peacetime strength of
31,000 officers and men of whom 9,800 are con-
scripts doing their nine months' national servlce.
The Danish forces are being modernized, with the
air force recerving the bulk of funds, especially for
the General Dynamics F-1 6 fighter which is being
built in Europe for service also with Norway, Bel-
gium and the Netherlands. The Danish army is,
however, in need of major modernization, especially
in artillery and air defence weapons. The navy has
plans for new submarines and surface craft but, as
wrth a number of NATO countries, there are insuf-
ficient funds to allow all arms to be modernized at
No NATO forces are based in Denmark per-
manently although other NATO countries, including
the Allied Mobile Force, do train in Denmark on a
regular basis. Until 1963 Denmark did not allow any
foreign troops on its soil, including NATO troops, towed howitzers,i'12 203-mm (8-in) M1'1 5 towed HDMS Huitfeld is one of 10'Willemoes' class Fast
howitzers, 72 'l 55-mm M109 series seltpropelled Attack Craft designed by Lurssen and built at
and still does not allow nuclear weapons within the
howitzers and 36 Bofors 40-mm (1.57-in) towed Frederikshavn. Her three Rolls-Royce gas turbines
country. give a maximum speed of 38 kts, and she is armed
antl-arrcraft quns. with eight H arpoon surface-to-surface mrssrTes
The Army Danish Army reserves consist of 6.000 in the and a76-mm/62 (3-in) Compactgan.
The Danish Army has a peacetime strength of Augmentation Force which is subiect to immedrate
about 18,000 officers and men of whom 7.000 are recall, 35,000 in the Field Army Reserve of which
conscripts doing their nine months' national service.
5.000 are in the Covertng Force Reserve (these Thorshavn (in the Faeroes) and Grsnnedal (in Green-
Denmark is dlvided into Western Land Command would bring units up to full strength and also add one land).
which covers Jutland and has three brigades, East- mechanized infantry battalion to each of the five Strength of the Danish Navy includes two 'Narh-
ern Land Command which covers Zealand and has infantry brigades). and a further 20,000 to provide valen' class submarines built in the Royal Dockyard,
two brgades, and Bornholm region which has a combat and logistical support. The Regional De- Copenhagen, between 1965-70 and armed with
battalion of rnf antry plus supporting armour and artil- fence Force has a strength oI 24,000 with 2'1 infan- eight 2'1-in (533-mm) torpedo tubes; and two 'Del
lery. try battalions, two tank battlions, seven artillery finen' class submarines built tn the Royal Dockyard
The Army has two divisional headquarters and is battalions, anti-tank squadrons and support unlts. between 1954-64 armed with eight 21-in torpedo
organized into f ive infantry brigades, each of whlch There is also an Army Home Guard with a strength tubes. Two 'Peder Skram' class frigates commis-
has one tank battalron, two mechanized infantry of 60,000 including 8,000 women. sioned in 1966-67 are armed with eight Harpoon
battalions, one artillery battalion, one air defence surface-to-surface missiles, Sea Sparrow surface-
battery, one englneer company and the usual sup- The Navy to-air missiles, two 5-in (127-mm) guns, four Bofors
port units. There are also five regimenlal combat The Danish Navy has a total strength of 4,500
teams each with two infantry battalions, one artillery regularofficers and men, 1,300 men doing theirnine The Saab MFI- I 7 Supporter is one of the lightest
battalion, one anti-tank group and reconnaissance months' national service and 2.600 civilians. Re- of all current trainer and light attack aircraft,
elements. There is a single Army aviation group with serves include '10,000 for the navy and 5,000 in the having a maximum speed of 235 [an/h ( I 46 mph)'
eight Saab T-'17 light aircraft and '1 2 Hughes 500M naval home guard. The Dlnish air force acquired 32 examples for
light helicopters. Naval headquarters is at Arhus, with additional side-by-sid.e dual training. This machine is one of
lnfantry weapons used include 9-mm (0.35 in) naval bases at Copenhagen, Korssr, Frederikshavn, the eight operated by the army aviation group.
SIG P210, P220 and Browning pistols, 9-mm M49
Hovea sub-machine guns. 7.62-mm (0.3-in) Heckler
and Koch G3 and 7.62-mm Garand (converted from
0.30 calibre) riIles,12.7 mm (0.50 calibre) Browning
M2 HB and MG42l59 machine guns; 60-
mm M2, 8'l -mm M/57 and 2O-mm Thomson

Brandt mortars; anti-tank weapons include FFV 84-

mm Carl Gustav, 106-mm M40A1 recoilless rifles,
and Cobra, Dragon and TOW ATGWs. Air defence ls
provided by the General Dynamics Redeye surface-
to-air missile known in Danish service as the Ham-
Armoured vehicles in service include 120 Leopard
1(delivered between 1976 and 1978) and BB Centu-
rion MBTs armed with '1 05-mm (4.13-in) guns, 48
lvl41 light tanks armed with 90 mm guns (3.54-in)
which now fire new ammunition and are to be fitted
with a new powerpack in the future,650 M113
series armoured personnel carriers,68 M106 mor-
tar carriers armed wlth 107-mm \4.2-tn) morIars,24
M59 155-mm (6.1O-in) Long Tom guns, 144 105-
mm M'l 01 towed howitzers,96 Ml14 155-mm
Armed Forces of the World
40=mm (1.57-in) L/60 anti-aircraft guns, depth mrnelayers commissioned between 1963-64, each The Air Force
charges and anti-submarine torpedoes. Three'Niels of which can lay 400 mines and is armed with four The Danish Air Force has 7,500 officers and men
Juel' class frigates commissioned between 1980- 76-mm guns in twin mounts; twog'Lindormen'class of whom 'l ,500 are conscripts doing their national
82 are armed with eight Harpoon surface-to-surface coastal minelayers commissioned in 1978, each of service. Reserves total 9,400 off icers and men with
missiles, Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles, one which can lay 60 mines arn ed with two the air force home guard having an additional 12,400
OTO Melara 76-mm (3-in) Compact gun, four torpe- 20-mm cannon; one 'Langeland' class minelayer officers and other ranks of whom 1,800 are women.
do tubes for Mk 32 anti-submarine torpedoes and armed with two 40-mm and two 20-mm guns; and The Royal Danish Air Force is assigned to Allied Air
depth charges. These frigates can also lay mines. six US-built'Sund' class coastal mineweepers each Forces Northern Europe.
One modified 'Hvidbjornen' class frigate, commis- armed with a single 40-mm gun. The Tactical Air Command has three fighter
sioned in 1976 and strengthened for navigation in Support craft include one torpedo/recovery ves- ground attack squadrons with 48 General Dynamics
ice, is armed with a single 76-mm gun and can carry sel, the Dannebrog royal yacht. two tankers. four ice F-1 64/8 aircraft (Numberc723,72l and 730 squad-
a Westland Lynx helicopter aft. Four 'Hvidbjarnen' breakers, plus fishery protection, survey vessels rons); one fighter ground attack/interceptor squad-
class frigates commissioned in 1962-63 are each and environmental patrol craft. The icebreakers are, ron (Number 725) with 16 Saab Draken F-35XD
armed with a single 76-mm gun and have a helicop- however. run by the Ministry of Trade and Shipping fighters; and one fighter ground attack/reconnaiss-
ter platform; these can also carry depth charges. although maintained by the navy, while the Ministry ance squadron (Number 729) with 16 RF-35XD
Light forces, well sulted to the Baltic, include 10 of the Environment controls such ships that are Draken aircraft. A total of 51 Drakens was purch-
'Willemoes' class fast attack craft commissioned maintbined and manned by the navy. ased from Sweden and modified to meet Danish
between 1976-78 and armed with one 76-mm Oto The naval air arm has eight Westland Lynx heli- requirements. Missiles used by the aircraft include
Melara Compact gun, two or four 21-in torpedo copters which are flown by naval crews but main- Sidewinder AAMs and Bullpup ASMs.
tubes and eight Harpoon surface-to-surface mis- tained by the air force. Air Material Command has one transport squad-
siles; six 'Solaven' class fast attack craft each have Like Norway and Sweden, Denmark malntains ron (Number 721)and three communications flights
two or four 21-in torpedo tubes and a single 40-mm coastal defence with forts armed with 150-mm (5.9- with three Lockheed C-1 30H Hercules transports,
Bofors gun forward. Commissioned between 1965- in) and 40-mm guns at Stevns and Langland, plus three Grumman Gulfstream llls (used for VIP trans-
67. all of these 'Solsven' class are in reserve (two of small coast-watching positions and radars. port and maritime reconnaissance) and seven Saab
them will be used for spares). The Danish Navy also has a special road-borne T-1 7s. There is also a search and rescue squadron
There are also eight 'Daphne' class seaward de- support unit for its coastal forces, as in time of war (Number 722) with seven Slkorsky 5-61A helicop-
:ence craft commissioned between '1960-65, of these would operate away from their main bases to ters and 1 5 T-17s are used for flying training.
which four were built with US funds; these are avoid detection. This unit, called the MOBA, has two The Danish Air Force also mans and operates an
armed with one 40-mm Bofors glln, flare launchers sections: operations and logistics. The former has Air Defence Group with Raytheon lmproved Hawk
and depth charges; there are also three'Agdlek' vehicles with communications equipment, com- su rface-to-air. missiles.
class large patrol craft armed with two 20-mm can- mand facilities and radar, while the larger logistics The main air bases are located at Avno, Aalborg,
non and used off Greenland; two 'Miigen' class element has vehicles carrying stores, fuel, provi- Skrydstrup. Karup and Vaerlsse.
large patrol craft armed with two 20-mm cannon; sions, torpedoes and ammL-rnition.
n:ne 'Q' class large patrol craft armed with two Modernization plans include the procurement of
Commissioned in I 980, HDMS NielsJuelis ffie
2Gmm cannon; and 28 small coastal craft armed four submarines, additional helicopters, new mine name ship of a three-strong class of frigates armed
with a 20-mm cannon or a 12.7-mm machine-gun. countermeasures vessels and updates for some of with Harpoon SSMs and Sea Sparrow SAMs, as well
Mine warfare vessels include four 'Falster' class the attack craft. as an OTO-Melara 7 6-mm Compact gun.

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