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1. The pupil of the eye grows smaller:

a. in conditions of reduced light
b. in conditions of increased light
c. to focus the fovea

2. The area of the brain which interprets information from the eye is known as:
a. the visual canal
b. the visual cortex
c. the visual gland

3. Peripheral vision is obtained by the part of the eye known as:

a. the rods
b. the cones
c. the iris

4. Information in the short term memory:

a. is not affected by the arrival of new information
b. must be actively rehearsed to ensure long term retention
c. can be retained for long periods

5. Following consumption of alcohol it is safe to fly or work on an aircraft:

a. at a time after the last drink dependent on the amount of alcohol
b. 12 hours after the last drink
c. 16 hours after the last drink

6. Long sightedness is caused by:

a. the eyeball being shorter than normal
b. the eyeball being longer than normal
c. the retina being too concave

7. Free running circadian rhythms exhibit a periodicity of about:

a. 28 days
b. 25 days
c. 23 days

8. Motor programmes
a. are stored as working rules in long term memory
b. are behavioural sub-routines
c. require conscious thought to engage
9. Risky shift is:
a. usually associated with a disruption to the normal sleep pattern
b. most likely when the natural circadian rhythm of the body temperature puts
the core temperature at the lowest, usually about 0500 local time
c. the tendency of a group of individuals to take a more risky decision
than the average individual in the group

10. During visual scanning the eye movement should be:

a. large and frequent
b. small and infrequent
c. small and frequent

11. The amount of stress experienced with a particular task is dependent on:
a. the perceived demand and perceived ability
b. the actual demand and actual ability
c. the perceived demand and the actual ability

12. Excessive noise level would increase performance:

a. during periods of low arousal
b. during periods of high arousal
c. never

13. The cycle of REM sleep and stages 1 – 4 sleep occurs:

a. about every hour
b. about every 90 minutes
c. about every 30 minutes in early sleep extending to 2 hours later in the night

14. The alerting system for an important system failure should be:
a. A flashing visual signal, preferably red
b. A dolls-eye indicator
c. An audio warning

15. One of the main problems encountered when using a routine check list is that:
a. individual responses may become automatic rather than diligent
b. the use of coloured pages to highlight important points make them useless at
c. too much information in the lists remove the need for engineers to know their
immediate actions

16. Long and short sightedness is caused by:

a. distortion of the lens
b. distortion of the eyeball
c. distortion of the iris
17. The part of the retina which has the highest visual acuity is:
a. the fovea
b. the optic nerve entry point
c. the retina optical focus point

18. The capacity of the working memory may be expanded by:

a. chunking the information
b. constant repetition of material
c. immediate transfer of the material to the long term memory

19. A man is considered to be obese if his body mass index is over:

a. 20
b. 25
c. 30

20. Loss of hearing due to damage in the eardrum or auditory ossicles is known as:
a. presbycusis
b. noise induced hearing loss (NIHL)
c. conductive deafness

21. The physiological response to high level of stress are:

a. sweating, dryness of the mouth, breathing difficulties
b. indecision, inattention, withdrawal
c. fear, anxiety, depression

22. The working memory is limited in its capacity to store unrelated items. The
number of such items which may be stored with full retention is:
a. 7 + 2
b. 5 + 2
c. 4 + 2

23. If information in the working memory is not rehearsed it will be lost in:
a. 1 to 2 minutes
b. 10 to 20 seconds
c. 5 to 10 minutes

24. Anthropometry is:

a. the study of human behaviour in response to stress
b. the study of human measurement
c. the study of the relationship between man and his working environment
25. Strengthening and organizing the human memory when learning new tasks is
believed to occur in:
a. slow wave sleep
b. stages 1 and 2 sleep
c. REM sleep

26. The area on the retina where the optic nerve receives all the information from
the nerves of the retina is:
a. the fovea
b. the blind spot
c. the rod and cone interception point

27. The eye adjusts to changing light intensities by varying the diameter of the iris.
This can reduce the amount of light on the retina by a factor of:
a. 10:1
b. 20:1
c. 5:1

28. The ideal behaviour of a professional aircraft engineer is:

a. goal directed rather than person directed
b. both person and goal directed
c. neither person nor goal directed

29. Decisions made by a group are generally:

a. better than the problem solving ability of the most able member of the group
b. better in quality than the average decisions made by the individual
group members
c. better than the problem solving ability of the least able member of the group

30. Which of the following personality types would be the most likely to have an
accident through risk taking
a. anxious introvert
b. stable extrovert
c. anxious extrovert

31. The lower threshold of noise that will cause permanent damage to hearing if
exposed for a long period is:
a. 75 db
b. 100 db
c. 90 db
32. The part of the eye most responsible for focusing an image on the retina is:
a. the cornea
b. the iris
c. the fovea

33. Myopia is ………….. and a ……………. lens is needed to correct it. The missing
words are:
a. short sightedness concave
b. short sightedness convex
c. long sightedness concave

34. Amnesia tends to affect:

a. Episodic memory
b. Semantic memory
c. Working memory

35. As we get older our response to stimuli generally tends to become:

a. slower and less accurate
b. slower and more accurate
c. faster and less accurate

36. Absenteeism is an extreme form of the stress coping strategy known as:
a. Passive coping
b. Cognitive coping
c. Action coping

37. During a typical night sleep most time is spent in which stage of sleep:
a. 1
b. 2
c. REM

38. The sleep cycle of REM sleep and stage 1 – 4 sleep repeats during the night
approximately every:
a. 4 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 90 minutes

39. The best visual scan pattern to enable maximum information to be obtained is
achieved by:
a. random eye movements
b. keeping the head still and moving the eyes
c. making as many eye movements as possible
40. The most common cause of focusing problems for people with uncorrected vision
a. An elongated eye
b. A foreshortened eye
c. A weak lens

41. The maximum duration for which visual and sensory memory can store
information is approximately:
a. 10 seconds
b. 1 second
c. 5 seconds

42. Risky shift is the name given to the occasion when:

a. the shift which covers the 02.00 to 05.00 time scale
b. it is called the risky shift when engineers work a double shift and they carry
on into the night covering the hours of midnight to 05.00 hrs
c. an individual member of the group is persuaded by the group to
make a more risky decision than he would have made alone

43. The behaviour pattern used to carry out a procedure such as an ultra sonic NDT
check of an undercarriage is an example of:
a. rule based procedure
b. skill based procedure
c. a motor programme procedure

44. Stress management programmes involve:

a. the prevention of stress only
b. the removal of stress only
c. the prevention and/or removal of stress
d. none of the above

45. The extent of damage suffered by an ear following exposure to loud noise is
dependent upon:
a. the intensity and duration
b. the intensity but not the duration
c. the duration but not the intensity

46. The ability to hear your name mentioned while concentrating on another task is
known as:
a. perception
b. central decision making
c. the cocktail party effect
47. Physical and visual stimuli are:
a. stored in the working memory
b. stored in the working memory for a short time until required
c. stored in the long term memory

48. A domestic problem will:

a. affect flying by increasing arousal and hence performance
b. affect concentration and decision making abilities
c. counter any work stresses

49. The credit and debit system for measuring sleep/wake cycles allocates:
a. 2 points for sleep, 1 point awake
b. 2 points for asleep, 2 points for sleep
c. 1 point for sleep, 2 points for awake

50. The circadian rhythm exhibits an uncontrolled cycle of:

a. 24 hours
b. 25 hours
c. 90 minutes

51. A group decision is more likely to be:

a. longer to make than that of an individual
b. riskier than that of an individual
c. dominated by the lower status members of the group

52. The iconic memory, the visual store of short term memory, will hold information
a. 5 to 9 seconds
b. 15 to 20 seconds
c. ½ to 1 second

53. A unit of alcohol is equivalent to a half pint of beer or a standard glass of wine or
measure of spirit. After two or three units of alcohol in an evening the effect on
sleep will be:
a. loss of REM sleep
b. increase of REM sleep
c. loss of slow wave sleep

54. The part of the eye which bends most light is the:
a. lens
b. cornea
c. iris
55. An attention mechanism is required in the human information processing
sequence because:
a. working memory and processing capacity is limited
b. processing capacity is limited
c. long term memory is otherwise restricted

56. A motor programme is:

a. rule based behaviour not requiring conscious thought
b. learned behaviour not requiring conscious thought
c. skill based behaviour requiring conscious thought

57. Before making a non-urgent decision a good Leader should:

a. encourage suggestions before stating his own opinion
b. state his own opinion then invite comment
c. make a decision without consultation to avoid the impression of weakness
d. ensure that the group is fully aware of the decision he has made before he
asks what they would have done

58. If during an engine run you experience a fire, and you carry out the required
drill, you exhibit:
a. skill based behaviour
b. rule based behaviour
c. knowledge based behaviour

59. Slow wave sleep:

a. restores the body and occurs early in the sleep period
b. restores the body and occurs late in the sleep period
c. restores the mind and occurs early in the sleep period

60. A unit of alcohol is equivalent to a half pint of beer or a standard glass of wine or
measure of spirit. In excess of 21 units for a male or 14 units for a female will
damage vital organs if consumed regularly in a period of:
a. 1 day
b. 1 week
c. 2 weeks

61. The group decision is ………………… than are made by an individual member and
…………………… extreme. Which of the following fills the blanks correctly?
a. worse more
b. worse less
c. better more
62. Taking alcohol before sleep has an effect upon the sleep pattern:
a. increase REM sleep and induces early waking
b. reduces REM sleep and induces late waking
c. reduces REM sleep and induces early waking

63. In the dimensions of personality a changeable aggressive is:

a. An anxious introvert
b. An anxious extrovert
c. A stable extrovert

64. In the eye details is seen best by ………………, and movement …………. Which of
the following correctly substitutes the missing words?
a. the periphery the periphery
b. the fovea the fovea
c. the fovea the periphery

65. Which of the following events will cause an individual the most stress:
a. divorce
b. bereavement of a partner
c. redundancy

66. Our model of the world is based upon:

a. past experience only
b. sensual perception only
c. sensual perception and past experience

67. What is the most common cause of long or short sight?

a. stiffening of the lens with age
b. shape of the eyeball
c. stiffening of the cornea with age

68. The body removes alcohol from the system at 1 to 1.5 units per hour. What is
the minimum time that total abstinence should be observed by a prudent pilot
before flying:
a. 12 hours
b. 16 hours
c. 24 hours

69. The long term memory can be classified as two types, semantic and episodic. How
do these compare?
a. semantic is more accurate and longer lasting than episodic
b. episodic is more accurate and longer lasting than semantic
c. semantic is less accurate and longer lasting than episodic
70. The relative stimulation and response of the brain to stimuli from the senses
varies. Which of the following is true?
a. Visual stimuli attract attention faster than auditory but result in less accurate
b. Visual stimuli attract attention slower than auditory but result in a
more accurate response
c. Visual stimuli attract attention faster than auditory and result in a more
accurate response

71. Stress:
a. improves performance
b. can have a positive effect on ability
c. has an adverse effect on our ability

72. Stress management consists of:

a. avoiding stress
b. coping with stress
c. isolating the stressor and evolving a coping strategy

73. A consumption of alcohol above the following level can cause permanent damage
in the body of a male:
a. 5 units daily/21 units a week
b. 6 units daily/21 units a week
c. 5 units daily/25 units a week

74. Skin contact with aviation fuels should be immediately treated by:
a. washing of the skin with detergent and copious warm water
b. copious washing of the skin with cold water only
c. wipe skin with dry cloth followed by washing with soap and water

75. At the fovea resolving power:

a. gradually decreases a small number of degrees from its centre
b. rapidly increases a small number of degrees from its centre
c. rapidly decreases a small number of degrees from its centre

76. Conductive deafness:

a. increases with age
b. is related to the total noise energy
c. can be caused by damage to the ossicles

77. 70 – 80% of the total focusing ability of the eye is carried out by:
a. the iris
b. the lens
c. the cornea
78. At rest, the eyes tend to focus at a distance of:
a. 1 metre
b. infinity
c. 10 metres

79. An attention gaining mechanism is required in information processing since:

a. the memory cannot assimilate all the stimuli around us
b. the processing capacity and working memory are limited
c. the sensory store is limited

80. A good scan is best achieved by:

a. frequent and small eye movements
b. a steady sweep of the eyes
c. quartering the area

81. Stress is caused by:

a. the perceived ability is insufficient to cope with the actual demand
b. the perceived ability is insufficient to cope with the perceived
c. the actual ability is insufficient to cope with the perceived demand

82. A major source of error using checklists is:

a. they may be responded to automatically
b. they may be mis-read
c. interruptions from outside sources

83. Detail is best sensed by the ………… and movement best sensed by the ………
a. the periphery the fovea
b. the periphery the periphery
c. the fovea the periphery

84. Echoic memory is the ………… sensory store and lasts for …………… whereas
Iconic memory is the …………… sensory store and last for ………………
a. Visual 2 – 8 seconds, Auditory 0.5 – 1 second
b. Auditory 2 – 8 seconds, Visual 5 – 10 seconds
c. Auditory 2 – 8 second, Visual 0.5 – 1 seconds

85. Paradoxical sleep is a term which refers to:

a. Stage 2 sleep
b. Stage 4 sleep
c. REM sleep
86. Hypermetropia is ……………… and can be corrected by a ………… lens
a. short sightedness, convex
b. long sightedness, convex
c. short sightedness, concave

87. Complicated tasks requiring a measured approach are best performed when:
a. arousal level is at its peak
b. the optimum level of arousal
c. at the lowest level of arousal

88. Stress management is:

a. the removal of stress
b. the avoidance of stress
c. coping with stress

89. Action coping involves:

a. changing the situation
b. taking the initiative
c. leading the group

90. Symptom directed coping of stress is achieved by:

a. changing the situation
b. taking a cup of coffee
c. delegating to others
d. pausing to think about the symptoms and reasons for the stress

91. The most common cause of myopia is:

a. An elongated eyeball
b. A shortened eyeball
c. Weak accommodation

92. What light sensitive cells are on the fovea?

a. cones and rods
b. rods only
c. cones only

93. The automatic phase of a motor programme may revert to the …………… phase
when stress is introduced
a. Cognitive
b. Declarative
c. Associative
94. The light sensitive cells on the optic nerve are:
a. cones
b. rods
c. none

95. Skill-based behaviour is associated with:

a. past experience
b. checklists
c. motor programmes

96. Personality is:

a. resistant to change
b. changed with experience and age
c. stable but can be relatively easily changed with discipline

97. Counseling is a tool that can be used to cope with stress. It is a form of:
a. action coping
b. cognitive coping
c. symptom directed coping

98. The Otoliths detect:

a. angular acceleration
b. linear acceleration
c. both angular and linear acceleration

99. The normal recovery for Circadian disrhythmia is:

a. moving the passenger from the window or away from the sun
b. at a rate of 1.5 hours a day
c. at a rate of 2 hours a day
1. Clinical insomnia can be caused by:
a. A change of environment
b. Caffeine
c. Jet lag

2. Rule based behaviours are stored in the:

a. long term memory
b. short term memory
c. episodic memory

3. If REM sleep is insufficient it will:

a. be made up during the following night’s sleep
b. disrupt sleep patterns for several nights
c. it will have no effect as the brain compensates

4. The most reliable sense for spatial orientation is:

a. Vision
b. Balance
c. You cannot trust any of the senses when suffering from disorientation

5. Selective attention is another name for:

a. situational awareness
b. cognitive attention
c. cocktail party effect

6. An individual is likely to comply with a decision made by someone of:

a. greater experience
b. greater status
c. more forceful personality

7. Having attained night adaption, maximum visual acuity is achieved by looking:

a. slightly to one side
b. directly at the object
c. away from bright lights

8. For a person suffering from short-sightedness, close objects are seen …………
and distant objects are seen …………………
a. out of focus, in focus
b. in focus, out of focus
c. out of focus, unclearly
9. Linear acceleration is sensed by the:
a. otoliths
b. semi circular canals
c. tympanum

10. The normal response time is:

a. 2 seconds
b. 0.3 seconds
c. 200 milliseconds

11. Which of the following is true?

a. Semantic memory tends to be lost in cases of amnesia
b. Episodic memory can be influenced by expectations as to what
should have happened
c. Episodic memory lasts between 5 – 10 seconds

12. Stress in an individual is largely dependent on:

a. evaluation of ability and the demands placed on it
b. physiological reaction to stimuli
c. psychological reaction to stimuli

13. Conductive deafness can be caused by damage to the:

a. cochlea
b. semi-circular canals
c. otoliths

14. Most of the time of a typical sleep is spent in:

a. Paradoxical sleep
b. Stage 3 sleep
c. Stage 2 sleep
d. Stage 4 sleep

15. The shape of the graph when stress is plotted against performance could be
described as:
a. A hyperbolic curve
b. An inverted curve
c. A straight line

16. One unit of alcohol is approximately:

a. one pint of beer or one standard glass of wine or spirits
b. half a pint of beer or one standard glass of wine or spirits
c. one pint of beer of half a standard glass of wine or spirits
17. It is generally true that a decision reached by a group is ………… than the
average decision made by an individual within that group:
a. worse
b. prone to more errors
c. better

18. Alcohol is broken down by the body at an approximate rate of:

a. 1 unit per hour
b. 2 units per hour
c. 1.5 units per hour

19. The maximum number of sleep credits which can be obtained is:
a. 24
b. 12
c. 16

20. How does a company best facilitate a shift handover?

a. Every individual from the on-coming shift must get a personal handover of
the job they are taking over
b. Quality control
c. The shift supervisor briefs the on-coming shift
d. Verbal and written

21. If a person is colour blind which colours would be most difficult to see?
a. yellow and red
b. red and green
c. blue and red

22. If an aircraft engineer suffers from colour blindness (Daltonism) which colours
would he/she have the greatest difficulty differentiating between
a. Yellow/Green
b. Blue/Green
c. Red/Green

23. When eye defect has been corrected by glasses or contact lenses, what is an
acceptable value?
a. 18/20 vision should be restored
b. An acceptable level of vision should be restored
c. Eye defects cannot be restored to an acceptable level

24. What is the acceptable minimum eye sight standard for aircraft engineers?
a. 18/20
b. A reasonable standard with corrective spectacles
c. A reasonable standard without corrective spectacles
25. Long shift work will:
a. increase your maintenance ability
b. decrease your maintenance ability
c. you get use to it

26. The most common maintenance error is?

a. incorrect function
b. incorrect installation
c. incorrect fluid

27. What is the most likely cause of maintenance related accidents?

a. incorrect verbal communications
b. incorrect written communications
c. wrong installation of mechanical components

28. What is the only stimulant which is permitted whilst working on aircraft?
a. Pro-plus
b. Caffeine
c. Tamazapan

29. At what time of day are you most susceptible to error?

a. 01.00 hrs
b. 05.00 hrs
c. 12.00 hrs

30. When is the body at its lowest temperature?

a. 05.00 hrs
b. 01.00 hrs
c. 09.00 hrs

31. In accordance to AWN 47 what are the main symptoms and causes of stress
a. Cause: heat, cold, humidity, vibration, ill health, bereavements,
domestic upsets and financial or legal difficulties. Can lead to
sickness/absence, mistakes and alcohol/drug abuse

32. In accordance with AWN 47 the main causes and symptoms of stress are:
a. Bereavements, domestic, financial or legal difficulties can lead to
over-eating, mistakes, sickness, alcohol and drug abuse.
b. Bereavements, domestic, financial or legal difficulties can lead to under-eating,
mistakes, sickness, alcohol and drug abuse.
c. Bereavements, domestic, financial or legal difficulties can lead to sickness,
alcohol and drug abuse.
33. In an actual incident in 1995 an aircraft diverted due to loss of oil pressure. This
was due to?
a. Incorrect assembly after inspection
b. Crossed over oil gauges not working
c. Not fully carrying out Boroscope inspection

The high pressure rotor drive covers, one on each engine, had not been refitted,
resulting in the loss of almost all of the oil from both engines.

34. Drink and work-are you allowed?

a. To drink a small amount and work
b. Drink to the legal limit to drive
c. Not work for at least 8 hours after (heavy) drinking

35. What causes temporary deafness?

a. Noise above 65 db
b. Loud short period of noise

36. What is the best method of aiding long term memory?

a. Checklists
b. Some method of re-enhancing memory

37. Sleep: what is most important?

a. Quality
b. Quantity
c. Both

38. Troubleshooting is:

a. Skill based
b. Knowledge based
c. Rule based

39. Working errors are made:

a. When working in continuous noise
b. Noise is directly proportional to the errors made
c. Occasional loud noise will cause continuous errors

40. Resourceful means of human factors when fault found with L.A.E’s are
a. Always punitive action to be taken
b. Should be a no blame policy
c. Depends upon the circumstances under which negligence occurred
41. Working errors made:
a. noise is directly proportional to the errors made
b. noise is not directly proportional to the errors made
c. noise does not affect working efficiency

42. Due to pressure from a superior, an L.A.E. performs work not specified in the
maintenance manual (to rectify a defect).
a. It is a violation
b. It improves maintenance efficiency
c. He should be commended for his resourcefulness

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