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Electrical Properties II


“How can we modify electrical conductivity in


Learning objectives
• Explain electrical conductivity of conductors,
insulators and semi-conductors using band
• Explain electrical conductivity in intrinsic and
extrinsic semi-conductors using free electrons
and holes
• Perform simple calculations of conductivity in

Electrical Insulators

Energy Band Structures: Insulators vs. conductors

Schematics (a) and (b) for metals, (c) for insulator.

Understanding Insulators low electrical conductivity

• The energy required to excite an electron

into the conduction band is high and
approximately equal to the band gap
energy, Eg (several eV)
• Generally, voltages required are very large
and thermal excitation is also necessary.
• Alternatively, viewing from the perspective
of bonding theory, the bonding in these
materials is predominantly ionic (some
covalent), the valence atoms are tightly
bound to or shared with adjacent atoms

• (Insulators):
- low density of available charge carriers (most important)
- sometimes, also low mobility

Therefore, low conductivity


Energy Band Structures: Conductors vs.
Insulators vs. Semi-Conductors

Schematics (a) and (b) for metals, (c) for insulator, (d) semi-conductor.
Band diagrams for insulators and semiconductors

Insulators semiconductors
have large have small band
band gaps gaps
e.g. diamond, e.g. Si, 1.1 eV,
5.5 eV GaAs, 1.4 ev
Understanding semi-conductors intermediate electrical

• The energy required to excite an electron

into the conduction band is lower in semi-
conductors because Eg is smaller.
• The voltages required are lower, holes can
also play a role.
• Covalent bonds dominate, which are

Why semiconductor materials?

• Semi-conductors belong to a class of materials that

have unique electrical characteristics making them
useful for a number of commercial applications.

• Examples include: MOSFET (metal oxide

semiconductor field effect transistor), Light Emitting
Diodes (LED), lasers, solar cells, photo-detectors
(CCD digital camera)

Commercial consumer products based on semi-
conductor technology

Integrated Circuit - A CCD chip from

Light emitting diodes
digital camera -made
MOSFET (LED) from Si
Red: AlGaAs, GaAsP etc.
Green: InGaN, GaP
Blue: ZnSe, InGaN
Major semiconductor materials

• There are two types of semi-conductors:

1. Intrinsic - electrical conductivity based on the electronic structure
present in the pure material
2. Extrinsic - electrical conductivity based on additional elements
added to the base semiconductor (dopant or “impurity atoms”). s
can be extremely sensitive to even tiny amounts of the dopant.
• Dominant material is Si
• Si-based devices occupy 93% of semiconductor market in 2004

Insulators, Semiconductors, Conductors

• Key point – we can “engineer” the conductive
properties of extrinsic semi-conductors.

Bonding in Si

Electron behaviour in pure Si (intrinsic semi-
conductor) at low temperature

• At low-temperatures there are no free electrons or holes

– insufficient thermal excitation of electrons into the
conduction band.
• Very low electrical conductivity
Electron behaviour in pure Si (intrinsic semi-
conductor) at elevated temperature

In semiconductors (i.e. small band gap materials), thermal energy

in the crystal can excite electrons from the valence band to the
conduction band
Charge Carriers in Semiconductors

Two types of electronic charge

Free Electron in conduction band
– negative charge becomes

Hole created in valence band

– positive charge becomes

Free electrons and holes have different mobilities

Charge carrier behaviour in pure Si (intrinsic semi-conductor)
at elevated temperature subject to and electric field

• Electrical Conductivity given by:

# holes/m3
s  n e e  p e h
hole mobility
# electrons/m3 electron mobility
Charge carrier behaviour in pure Si (intrinsic semi-conductor)
at elevated temperature subject to and electric field

• Electrical Conductivity given by:

# holes/m3
s  n e e  p e h
hole mobility
# electrons/m3 electron mobility

e; Electron mobility = 0.14 m2/V/s
h; Hole mobility = 0.05 m2/V/s (note: previously m2/Vs)
n; Number of Charge Carries = ~1016 /m3
e; Charge on an Electron = 1.6x10-19C

where: V is volts, C Coloumbs

s = m-3 × C × m2V-1s-1= W-1m-1

Intrinsic Semiconductors: Conductivity vs T
• Data for Pure Silicon:
- s increases with T (opposite to metals)
s  ni e e  h 

E gap / kT
ni  e

material band gap (eV)

Si 1.11
 Ge
CdS 2.40
Selected values from Table 18.3,
Callister & Rethwisch 8e.

Intrinsic Semiconductors
• Pure material semiconductors: e.g., silicon &
– Group IVA materials
• Compound semiconductors
– III-V compounds
• Ex: GaAs & InSb
– II-VI compounds
• Ex: CdS & ZnTe
– The wider the electronegativity difference between
the elements the wider the energy gap.

Number of charge carriers in Intrinsic semi-
Intrinsic Conductivity
s = n e me + p e mh

• for intrinsic semiconductor n = p = ni

 s = n e (me + mh )
• Ex: GaAs
s 3 x10 7 (W  m) 1
ni  
e  e   h  (1.6 x10 19 C)(0.80  0.04 m 2 /V  s)

For GaAs ni = 2.2 x 1012 m-3

For Si ni = 1.1 x 1016 m-3
Extrinsic semi-conductors
• Intrinsic:
- # electrons = # holes (n = p)

• Extrinsic:
- electrical behavior is determined by presence of “impurities”
that introduce excess electrons or holes
• n-type Extrinsic: (n >> p) • p-type Extrinsic: (p >> n)

s  n e e s  p e h

Conduction in n-type Si

Excitation of donor electron to

conduction band is easy!

Conduction in p-type Si

Excitation of valence electron to

acceptor state is easy and leaves a
hole that can move

Comparison of mobility in p-type Si
Extrinsic Semiconductors: Conductivity vs. Temperature

• Comparison: intrinsic vs
extrinsic conduction...
- extrinsic doping level:
1021/m3 of a n-type donor
impurity (such as P).
- for T < 100 K: "freeze-out“,
thermal energy insufficient to
excite electrons.
- for 150 K < T < 450 K: "extrinsic"
- for T >> 450 K: "intrinsic"

Pure Si
Si doped with P 30

“How can we modify electrical conductivity in


Learning objectives
• Explain electrical conductivity of conductors,
insulators and semi-conductors using band
• Explain electrical conductivity in intrinsic and
extrinsic semi-conductors using free electrons
and holes
• Perform simple calculations of conductivity in

Homework Problems
• Callister
– L3,L4: 18.1, 18.3, 18.21, 18.25, 18.28,
18.1FE, 18.2FE, 18.4.FE, 18.5FE

APSC278 by Warren Poole and

Anoush Poursartip
Example problem
• 18.28 Predict whether each of the following elements
will act as a donor or an acceptor when added to the
indicated semiconducting material. Assume that the
impurity elements are substitutional.

Impurity Semiconductor

N Si

B Ge

S InSb

In CdS

As ZnTe

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