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Complex Problem Solving Course


Before problem solving, identify the actors involved.

Problem Statement

 Different per each problem


 Goal trees enable you to get a well-balanced set of criteria representing the perspectives of the
involved actors
 Design your goal trees in such a way that all the operational goals in the lowest layer of the goal
tree can easily be transformed into criteria. Simply removing words like ‘low’, or ‘high’ should
do this.
 Goal-tree is one per each actor
 We do this by creating a goal tree. The problem statement is the point of departure for the goal
tree. The bottom layer of the goal tree shows operationalized goals. We use the goal trees to
select the criteria which will be used later for evaluation of alternatives.

Causal Analysis

 Now we finally want to know what influences these criteria. Criteria represent everything the
actors consider important. So solving the problem for them means doing something that
influences the criteria in a positive way. Therefore we need to identify causal relations in our
problem situation. What leads to what? Causal chains.
 Now we finally want to know what influences these criteria. Criteria represent what the actors
consider important. So, solving the problem for them means doing something that influences the
criteria in a positive way. Therefore we need to identify causal relations in our problem situation.
What leads to what? Causal chains. Identifying these makes it possible to, later, in the next step,
identify potential solutions to the problem.

Problem Diagram

1. Relate actor’s alternatives to factors in your diagram

Identify potential solutions (the alternatives), e.g., using the desired solutions of all
the actors, by searching the internet to find alternatives, or, by using the creative
brainstorming, brainsketching and brainwriting techniques we present in Chapter 3
of the book. But also, by asking ‘what action can I take to influence this factor?’ for
every factor in your causal diagram.
It is this last question that will provide you with many ideas about novel potential
2. Construct a problem diagram
Design a problem diagram for your complex problem situation. Make sure everything
is in there. Start from the actors, their criteria and the causal diagram. Identify the
external factors. Also, show how potential alternatives influence at least one factor in
the diagram each. Since the criteria represent what the actors find important, the
proposed alternatives should, somehow, be capable of influencing the criteria

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