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Manajemen Reproduksi pada

• Apa yg anda ketahui tentang reproduksi?


 Proses?

 Efisiensi?  Apa ukurannya?

Reproductive outcomes in British-Friesian versus
Holstein-Friesian cows (Diskin et al., 2006).
Sapi Perah
Saat utk
Objektif manajemen reproduksi
• Manajemen proses reproduksi yg efisien sangat penting dalam menentukan
produktivitas dan profitabilitas usaha ternak perah.

• Biologi reproduksi pd ternak perah sangat kompleks. Di sisi lain, pemahaman

yg komprehensif tentang biologi reproduksi esensial untuk mengembangkan
sistim manajemen reproduksi yg efisien.

• Performan reproduksi yg maksimal sangat tergantung kepada tingkat

keberhasilan deteksi birahi dan angka konsepsi yang tinggi.

• Deteksi birahi yg efektif memerlukan sistim pengamatan birahi yg

terprogram dan terpadu.

• Waktu inseminasi/pengawinan (timing of breeding/insemination) yg tepat yg

memungkinkan sperma mencapai oviduct pd saat ovum berada pd tingkat
fertilitas dan kualitas maksimal sangat esesnsial utk mencapai laju konsepsi yg
II. Hubungan Efisiensi Reproduksi dengan
Profitabilitas Usaha Ternak Perah
• Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi
reproduksi sangat berpengaruh terhadap
profitabilitas usaha ternak perah.
• Target ideal manajemen reproduksi pd usaha ternak
sapi perah adalah berhasil mencapai interval
beranak (calving interval = CI) 12 – 13 bulan. Alasan
utama mengapa CI sangat berpengaruh terhadap
profitabilitas usaha ternak perah ada tiga aspek yi:
a) Produksi susu
b) Masa kering
c) Replacements (calon bibit/ternak pengganti
a) Produksi Susu

• Produksi kumulatif air susu yg dihasilkan oleh seekor

sapi per laktasi sangat ditentukan oleh produksi
puncak (peak production) yg dicapai pd awal hingga
90 hari laktasi. Semakin banyak ‘’peak production”
yg dicapai seekor sapi semakin tinggi produksi air
susunya secara kumulatif.

• Untuk memperoleh sebanyak mungkin “peak

production”, seekor sapi harus berhasil mencapai CI
12 – 13 bulan.
b) Masa kering yg lebih lama
• Sapi dengan CI yg panjang cenderung mengalami masa kering
yg lebih lama. Kendati dikompensasi dengan jumlah hari
(lama) laktasi yg lebih banyak, namun CI yg panjang
menyebabkan masa kering yg lebih lama yg berarti lebih lama
tanpa produksi namun biaya pemeliharaan tetap harus
CI (months) Days in milk Days dry
11.7 297 60
12 305 60
12.5 320 60
13 330 65
14 351 75
15 376 80
16 401 85
c) Produksi anak lebih sedikit

• Dampak ketiga dari CI yg CI Calves

panjang adalah produksi (months) obtained
per year (%)
pedet yg lebih sedikit yg 12 100
akan mempengaruhi
ketersediaan sapi 13 92
pengganti yg pd gilirannya 14 86
menyebabkan 15 80
berkurangnya peluang utk
melakukan seleksi dan 16 75
lebih sedikit pedet atai 17 71
sapi dara yg dapat dijual. 18 67
III. Sistim Reproduksi

Saluran Produksi Sapi Perah

Anatomi sel telur

sel telur

zona pelindung
Karakteristik Sel Telur
• Hanya tahan selama maksimal 24 jam (ada
juga yang mengatakan 8 jam) setelah
dilepaskan dari ovarium.

• Hanya menerima 1 sperma.

• Sangat tergantung pada kondisi induk.



Anatomi sel sperma

Karakteristik Sperma

• Hanya tahan 24 - 30 jam setelah memasuki

saluran reproduksi betina

• Membutuhkan 16 jam dalam saluran

reproduksi betina untuk menyiapkan diri
sebelum pembuahan (kapasitasi)

Faktor Penentu keberhasilan


• Kondisi umum sapi

• Ketepatan deteksi berahi
• Proses perkawinan
• Kesehatan saluran reproduksi
• Kualitas sperma dan oosit
Sapi dengan BCS kurang dari 2, berpeluang untuk
memiliki kualitas reproduksi buruk

• Siklus Berahi

• Kontrol Berahi
Deteksi Birahi
• Poor oestrus (heat) detection can be considered
the biggest and most common problem in
reproductive management in the dairy herd. It
leads to reduced fertility, which is clearly seen in
an extended open period and in extended inter-
calving periods.

• Where cows are bred by artificial insemination

(A.I.), accurate heat detection is essential. Cows
can then be separated from the herd, and
inseminated at the appropriate time.
• Oestrus is the physiological state during which a cow will
stand to be mounted. The regular recurrence of mating
behaviour (oestrus), together with changes in the
reproductive hormones and genital organs, is referred to as
the oestrous cycle.

• The oestrous cycle lasts from 18 to 24 days (average 21 days),

and the cow should show signs of oestrus on average every 21
days. Oestrous activity (ovarian activity with the production of
oestrogen) normally recommences during the first three
weeks after calving.

• The first observed oestrus (heat) occurs 3 to 6 weeks after

calving, although there is a considerable variation between
cows and herds. It is essential, however, to give the cow a
voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 45 to 60 days after calving
before rebreeding. This period is necessary for involution of
the uterus, which may continue for up to 6 weeks after
Research indicates that, on average, 50% of all heats are
missed. This is because the most reliable sign of oestrus,
standing to be mounted, often goes unnoticed. A number of
factors contribute to the difficulties in accurate oestrus

 The oestrous cycle length varies between 18 and 24 days, the

average being 21 days.

 The duration of oestrus may vary from 2 to 30 hours, the

average being 15 hours.

 Research has shown that 70% of the mounting activity

occurs at night, between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

 Research has also shown that mounting activity increases

markedly when more than one cow is in heat.
Pengamatan berahi pada 45-85 hari
setelah melahirkan
Siklus Berahi
The Estrous Cycle
• The period of time from the beginning of one estrus
period (heat) to the beginning of the next estrus
period (heat). The estrus cycle length varies from
18-24 days, with the average about 21 days for cows
and about 19 days for heifers.

• Phases of the Estrus Cycle:

 Estrus
 Metestrus
 Diestrus
 Proestrus
Estrus (Heat)

•Estrus is the period of •Average length of

time the female will Estrus is 12 to 18
stand to be ridden by hours.
another cow or is •Ovulation normally
receptive to be mated occurs 10 to 12 hours
by the bull. after the end of
Ovulation occures 10 12 hours after the end of estrus

Estrus Metestrus
• Metestrus is the • Ovulated eggs are
period immediately picked up by the
following estrus and oviducts and
ovulation. transported to the
• Characterized by the uterine horns.
formation of the • 2-4 days after Estrus
Corpus Luteum. lasting for 3 days.
• Diestrus is the most • The corpus luteum
lengthy period of the continues throughout
estrous cycle which is the pregnancy.
period of corpus luteum • If pregnancy does not
function. occur the corpus luteum
• Days 5 to 16-17 will degenerate after
• The corpus luteum approximately 15 days.
produces large amount of
Progesterone that will
affect mammary
development and uterine
Days 17 to 21
•Proestrus is the
period just prior to •Cows may show
estrus increased
(heat).Regression of excitability but not
CL. to the stage of
•Estrogens secreted actual mating.
by the ovaries (Rapid
Follicle Growth) which
stimulate blood supply
to the genital tract
causing swelling and
reddening of the vulva.
sapi berahi
Vulva dan vagina berwarna
vulva merah
vulva bengkak
Vulva bengkak
Keluar lendir bening dari vagina

keluar lendir dari vulva

Menaiki sapi lain

diam jika dinaiki


• Terjadi setiap 18-24 hari

• Berlangsung hanya selama 24 jam
• Hanya menghasilkan 1 sel telur
• Tidak selalu menunjukkan semua
tanda berahi yang jelas
• Observation of the cow's behaviour is still the most commonly used method
for the detection of oestrus. A cow coming into oestrus shows interest in other
cows, and displays this interest in many ways, as depicted by the shaded cows
in Figure 1.

• As already mentioned, the best positive sign of oestrus is that the cow in
oestrus will stand to be mounted and will not move away as depicted by the
shaded cow in Figure 1 (ix). Other external signs include frequent urination, red
swollen vulva with mucous discharge, and milk yield fluctuations on a daily
basis. There is usually a 12 to 16% drop in milk yield on the day before oestrus.
It is important to note that the abovementioned behavioural and external signs
are noticeable to varying degrees as the cow comes into oestrus, goes through
standing oestrus, and goes out of oestrus again. The times of these periods are
6 to 24 hours for coming into oestrus, 6 to 18 hours for standing oestrus
(period during which cow will stand to be mounted), and 12 to 24 hours for
going out of oestrus.
The following points will assist in improving oestrus
i) It is best that one person be made responsible for
oestrus observation, and for recording the correct
identity of those cows in oestrus. This person must
realize the importance of the job, take the task
seriously, and ensure that the necessary action is

ii) Observe the relevant group of cows, or heifers, for

heat for a period of 20 to 30 minutes, two to three
times each day. These observations should not take
place when other activities, such as feeding and
milking, are in progress.
IMPROVING ….. (cont.)

iii) Observations should be done early in the morning and late

afternoon or early evening, keeping in mind that most of the
mounting activity occurs between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Ensure
that the cows are not on slippery, steep, rocky areas (or
under a low roof) during observation : cows will hesitate to
mount one another if they don't have a good footing.

iv) Oestrous periods of cows one month before the end of the
VWP, i.e. one month prior to breeding, should be recorded
to determine whether the cows are cycling, and also to
ensure that oestrus detection is adequate.

v) Blood stained mucous may appear from the vagina 2 days

after oestrus. This should be recorded, as this sign is a
valuable aid in predicting a cow's next oestrus.
There is no real substitute for skilled observation, but heat
detection aids can be useful. Listed below are some useful aids:

• The presence of a bull in the vicinity of the cows. This will

stimulate oestrous behaviour in otherwise quiet cows. If the bull
is placed in a pen sited in such a way that the cows can pass
closely and regularly, those in oestrus will generally migrate
towards the bull.

• Marker animals. Vasectomized bulls (bulls which have been

surgically modified so that they are unable to fertilize cows, but
are still able and keen to mount them) or cystic cows can be used
as heat detectors. If these animals are fitted with a "chin ball
marker", they will mark the backs of those cows which they have
OESTRUS ….(Cont.)
• Heat mount detectors. These are pressure pads in the form of
sachets, containing coloured dye, which are glued in place on
the tailhead. The pressure exerted by a mounting cow on this
pad on the back of a cow in oestrus induces a colour change
in the dye. False positives do occur, for example the banging
or brushing of the detectors on obstacles such as cubicle rails.
Their use is therefore best restricted to those cows which
prove difficult to observe in oestrus.

• Tail "paint". A well-placed strip of paint on the tailhead is a

cheap and effective aid. This paint will be rubbed off or at
least cracked when the painted cow is mounted by another.
Again, false positives can be a problem, as in heat mount
detectors. The technique demands good management, in the
sense that cows should be checked at least once a day,
otherwise heats may be missed.
• Ukuran efisiensi reproduksi dalam usaha
peternakan sapi perah sangat penting, karena
untuk mendapatkan produksi susu dan
keuntungan yang optimal sangat bergantung
kepada pengaturan reproduksi sapi perah
• Ada beberapa ukuran efisensi reproduksi
untuk sapi perah berdasarkan performans
reproduksi selama satu periode laktasi yaitu :
1) Periode kosong (days open) yaitu periode atau selang waktu
sejak sapi beranak sampai dikawinkan kembali dan terjadi
kebuntingan. Apabila kawin pertama setelah beranak terjadi
kebuntingan, maka periode kosong sama dengan selang waktu
kawin pertama setelah beranak (first service postpartus).

2) Kawin pertama setelah beranak (first service postpartus) yaitu

selang waktusejak sapi beranak sampai dikawinkan kembali.
Kawin pertama setelah beranak yang baik berkisar 45-60 hari
(pada berahi kedua atau berahi ketiga).

3) Periode kawin (service period) yaitu selang waktu sejak sapi

kawin pertama setelah beranak sampai kawin terakhir terjadi
kebuntingan. Lamanya periode kawin dipengaruhi oleh jumlah
kawin perkebuntingan (S/C, service per conseption).
4) Jumlah kawin perkebuntingan (S/C, service per
conseption) yaitu berapa kali sapi dikawinkan sampai
terjadi kebuntingan. S/C yang ideal berkisar 1-3.

5) Jarak beranak (calving interval) yaitu selang waktu

antara beranak sampai beranak berikutnya. Jarak
beranak yang ideal berkisar 12-14 bulan.

6) Indeks beranak (calving index) yaitu perbandingan

antara annual calving dengan calving interval yang
didapat dari seekor sapi perah. Annual calving yang ideal
di Indonesia 12 bulan (365 hari).
Performans reproduksi lainnya yang
harus mendapat perhatian adalah :
a. Siklus berahi (heat period) yaitu selang waktu dari berahi
sampai berahi berikutnya. Siklus berahi pada sapi dewasa berkisar
18-24 hari atau rata-rata 21 hari, sedangkan pada sapi dara
biasanya lebih pendek yaitu 15-17 hari.

b. Lama berahi (heat of duration) yaitu selang waktu sejak sapi

mulai berahi sampai sapi normal kembali. Lamanya berahi pada
sapi perah berkisar 6-36 jam atau rata-rata 18 jam. Pada sapi dara
lebih cepat yaitu rata-rata 15 jam. Awal berahi dan lamanya berahi
sangat penting untuk menentukan waktu perkawinan yang tepat.

c. Lama bunting (gestation period) yaitu selang waktu sejak sapi

dikawinkan dan terjadi kebuntingan sampai beranak. Lama
bunting pada sapi perah 283±5 hari atau sembilan bulan.
Parameter Keberhasilan
Manajemen Reproduksi

• Heat Detection Efficiency (HDE), > 70%

• Service per Conception (SPC), <2
• Conception Rate (CR), > 70%
• Pregnancy Rate (PR), + 50 %
• Calving Interval Rate (CIR), 365 hari
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
efisiensi reproduksi antara lain :
1) Pakan. Telah dijelaskan bahwa ransum yang diberikan kepada sapi perah harus
benar-benar diperhatikan dan dihitung sesuai kondisi dan kebutuhan ternak
tersebut. Nutrisi yang terkandung di dalam ransum harus dalam keadaan
seimbang dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Apabila ada kekurangan salah satu
nutrisi, maka keseimbangan nutrisi di dalam ransum turun, sehingga
mengakibatkan mundurnya fungsi organ-organ reproduksi dan fungsi
kelenjarkelenjar yang memproduksi hormon.

2) Suhu udara dan musim. Suhu udara sangat berpengaruh terhadap sifat
reproduksi misalnya pada sapi yang dikandangkan dengan suhu udara 24-35
oC, lama berahi kurang lebih 11 jam, sedangkan pada suhu udara 17-18 oC
lama berahi rata-rata 20 jam. Dari hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa sapi
perah yang mempunyai siklus berahi kurang dari 18 hari sebanyak 5%, 18-24
hari sebanyak 85% dan yang lebih dari 24 hari sebanyak 10%.
3) Manajemen. Sapi perah sangat sensitif terhadap
perubahan-perubahan manajemen terutama
yang berhubungan langsung dengan termaknya.
Dalam tatalaksana reproduksi yang penting
adalah adanya catatan yang menginformasikan
segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan
reproduksi. Catatan ini harus lengkap dan jelas.

4) Penyakit. Apabila ternak terserang penyakit,

maka biaya yang dikeluarkan cukup besar. Oleh
karena itu, sebaiknya dilakukan pencegahan baik
melalui seleksi maupun vaksinasi secara rutin.
Penanganan Retensi
VI. Successful Reproductive Managers
• Successful reproductive managers have only
so many hours every day to accomplish a
multitude of tasks. We have highlighted 10
areas that successful reproductive managers
spend their time perfecting and how other
producers can make the same adjustments to
their herd.
1. The numbers.
Successful reproductive managers know the facts, rather
than trying to estimate. They record all of the
reproductive information so they can calculate important
herd averages, such as services per conception,
pregnancy rate, days open and days to first service. Once
they have the numbers, their job is just beginning—now
it’s time to put a plan into action that will help their herd
achieve even higher goals.

Even when their current numbers are exceptional,

successful managers want to reach even higher and
achieve even more. Here are some reproductive goals
that top producers focus on meeting and exceeding:
Reproductive area Goal
1st Service Conception Rate > 40%
% bred at VWP >95%
Pregnancy Rate > 20%
Days Open < 100 days
Heat Detection Rate > 70%
Services/Conception < 1.8
Minimum # of NEW pregnancies / week >2.1%
% total herd pregnant >50%
Interpretation of various intervals for
days to first breeding
Level Interpretation
60 to 75 excellent
76 to 82 adequate efficiency
83 to 90 slight problem
91 to 100 moderate problem
Over 100 severe problem
Heat detection efficiency as measured by the percent
of possible breeding detected as reported by DHI.

Over 71 excellent
61 to 70 adequate efficiency
51 to 60 slight problem
41 to 50 moderate problem
Under 40 severe problem

Heat detection rates can be increased if dairymen (1) recognize

factors that affect expression of heat, (2) record all observed
heats and use records in predicting subsequent heats, (3) use
heat detection aids carefully, and (4) know the percentage of
breedable heats detected (DHI).
Relationship between breedings per conception and level of

Level Interpretation
< 1.8 excellent
1.8 to 2.0 adequate
2.0 to 2.3 slight problem
2.3 to 2.8 moderate problem
> 2.8 severe problem
• The first step to improving your reproductive
program is to define your starting place and
find out how you are currently doing. Anyone
can guess at success, but actually putting a
value with the reproductive program will give
you a place to start. From there you can set
goals to improve your current reproductive
program. No goals = Poor performance
2. Heat detection.
• It’s impossible to get cows bred without knowing which cows are in heat.
Good managers focus on finding cows in heat and getting them bred when
the time is right. There are many different heat detection methods that
herds utilize, and successful managers choose those that work best for their

• The surest sign that a cow is in heat is to actually see her stand to be
mounted. But in the busy lifestyles that many dairymen have today, watching
the cows all day is not always possible. Many dairies have personnel
responsible for watching for heats every morning and night for about an hour
each session. If this is what you prefer, have posted standard operating
procedures (SOPs) so that employees know what signs to look for, what they
should do if they think an animal is in heat and who they should report any
suspected heats to.

• If you rely on heat detection devices, such as pedometers, tail chalking and
heatmount detectors, remember to look for visual signs after you’ve
identified cows you think may be in heat. Even though technology has helped
to improve heat detection ability, sometimes cows aren’t actually in heat and
technology doesn’t always perform as it should. Look for signs of heat such
as decreased dry matter intake (DMI), standing to be ridden, increased
walking, a swollen vulva or restless and unusual behavior.
3. Nutrition
• Everyday we are learning more about how feeding programs are
impacting reproduction on dairy farms. Rather than focusing solely
on reproduction, leading managers realize that the ration has just
as big of an impact as heat detection and cow comfort. If the ration
provides too much energy, cows will become fat and conception
rates will decline. On the other hand, if cows are energy deficient,
they will spend more energy on maintenance rather than on
reproductive performance. The fine balance between too little and
too much energy is where successful reproductive managers will
find their ration.

• Don’t forget about protein levels, as unbalanced levels can have

adverse effects on reproduction. Also, research is showing that
vitamin and mineral deficiencies can increase the chances of calving
disorders and reduced conception rates.
4. Employee training
• Busy managers may not always be the ones
looking after the cows every day, but they are
always in contact with the people who are.
Employees can make all the difference when it
comes to caring for heifers and fresh cows,
identifying cows in heat and breeding cows.
Mangers have to trust that their employees
are doing what they are asking them to and
ensure their employees have all the tools they
need by:
• Posting protocols. What should employees do if
you’re not around and they have questions?
Posting protocols of how cows should be handled
if they are in heat, calving or become sick can
help employees continue their tasks when you’re
not available.

• Providing Training. Breeder training and

refresher courses ensure that you and your
employees are on the same page when it comes
to getting cows pregnant. Reminders of proper
technique can eliminate any poor habits your
breeders have picked up from other employees
or previous jobs.
• Offering Incentives. Many managers offer incentives to
ensure that their employees are taking these important
tasks seriously. Set goals for your employees and
reward them when they are reached. These goals could
range from improved pregnancy rate to cows detected
in heat.

• Making them part of the team. Employees are more

likely to improve their work habits if they know their
position matters. If you are having troubles with your
reproduction program, ask for their opinion and what
they think could be done for improvement.
5. Cow comfort
• Stress can have many negative effects on cows, and
hindering reproductive performance is one of them. There
are plenty of environmental stressors that can negatively
affect cows in their normal day-to-day routine, like
overcrowding, poor ventilation, poor footing,
uncomfortable stalls and rough handling. In extremely
stressful situations, dry matter intake (DMI), milk
production and, eventually, reproduction are compromised
as animals spend available energy attempting to remove
themselves from the situation.

• To ensure cow comfort for your herd, focus on the following

areas, which can all positively impact reproductive
 Comfortable stalls. Cows will spend more time lying down
if the stalls are comfortable, which can lead to higher milk
production and improved health. They will also spend less
time on their feet, which can be beneficial for hoof health.

 Proper footing. You can detect more cows in heat because

they will stand to be ridden and jump on other animals
that are in heat.

 Proper space for everyone. Stocking density can be a

problem when cow numbers are too high. Research has
shown that stocking rates above 110 percent have adverse
effects on lactating cows, especially fresh and young cows.
And these are the cows we are focusing on—fresh cows
need to get rebred and young cows that will be a part of
the lactating herd for a long time to come.
6. Heifer raising
• . Reproductive success starts long before the two-year-
old enters the milking string. Although top managers
know fresh cows are important, they also know that
the road to a successful reproduction program starts
long before maternity.
The ration is key to reproduction when it comes to
heifers. Fat heifers have trouble getting bred while
energy-deficient heifers may not show signs of estrus.
Much like the lactating herd, ration plays a large role in
getting heifers bred. Focus on nutrition and heifer
rearing so heifers are ready to be bred between 13 and
15 months.
7. New technologies, new information
• The dairy industry is ever-changing and top
managers know they must change to stay a
part of it. To learn about new technologies in
the industry, smart managers read
publications, meet with industry specialists
and attend trade shows and conferences to
learn more about what’s really going. Getting
off the farm may be a hard task, but there’s a
lot to learn when you get the chance.
8. Other success stories
• Astute reproductive managers have a great story to tell
about how their program works, and they know that other
producers do, too. Successful managers aren’t afraid to
hear how others are making changes on their farms and
how their reproduction rates are improving, and to
implement change if they see an idea that can work for
their operation.

• Visit other farms and take advantage of the wealth of

knowledge others producers possess. With so many
different ways to run a successful reproductive program,
there’s no one right answer. Form alliances with others, as
another perspective can help when you’re troubleshooting
problems and making changes on your own farm.
9. What the experts are saying
• Excellent reproductive managers listen intently to what
the best in the business have to say. They consult with
nutritionists, veterinarians, extension specialists and
sales representatives. They ask good questions that can
improve their current operation. By fully engaging,
these top producers set their operation in the right
direction by getting the facts.

• Many successful managers lean heavily on the

knowledge that outside sources share. Consultants
visiting the farm have a very different perspective and
may identify problems that you missed. You spend
everyday on your farm while professionals see a wide
range of dairies on a daily basis.
10. The bottom line
Reproductive performance has significant financial
implications. Operations with poor reproductive
programs suffer from money they never see and
additional expenditures spent on fixing
reproductive challenges. Below is a list of the cost
for producers if goals are not met.
• Excessive days open: $2 – $5/day
• Services/conception: An additional $1.5 for every
0.1 above 1.8
• Heat detection: One missed heat could cost $42
to $105 per cow
• By recognizing the financial implications, top producers
know that a poor reproductive program affects the
success of the whole operation. The effects of money
lost come in the form of profits never seen. For
example, feeding an open cow for 21 more days when
she’s not pregnant can be a large expense.

• Now think of what it’s costing you for feed alone, not
to mention the lost milk production. The program is
only magnified more if the heat detection program
suffers severely. By putting financial numbers with
what you’re losing, it will help you see the added
benefits of improving reproduction.
VII. Permasalahan Reproduksi Sapi
Perah di Indonesia
 Calving interval (jarak beranak) > 400 hari. Pada umumnya induk-induk sapi
perah peternak rakyat memiliki calving lebih dari 14 bulan. Hal ini merupakan
suatu kerugian karena jumlah pedet dan susu yang dihasilkan semakin sedikit
selama periode kehidupan induk sapi perah.

 Jarak dari melahiran sampai bunting kembali lebih dari 120 hari., induk yang
normal akan kembali birahi. Menunggu involusi kembali uterus, maka harus
dikawinkan setelah berumur 50-60 hari pasca melahirkan dan perkawinan
terakhir diusahakan setelah 90 hari pasca melahirkan.

 Angka konsepsi kurang dari 50%. Dalam satu kali proses IB atau mengawinkan
induk-induk yang birahi diharapkan tingkat kebuntingan tinggi (lebih dari 50%
dari semua induk yang di-IB).

 Service preconception lebih dari 2. Idealnya seekor induk yang normal untuk
sekali bunting hanya membutuhkan sekali pelayanan perkawinan (satu kali
proses IB).
A. Gangguan reproduksi pasca melahirkan :
Beberapa faktor yang memperparah keadaan stress tersebut, (misalnya
pakan yang tidak tercukupi, lingkungan yang tidak mendukung), maka
akan berakibat terjadinya gangguan keseimbangan hormon reproduksi.

1. Anestrus Pasca Melahirkan

• tidak menunjukkan gejala birahi dalam waktu yang lama setelah

• ovarium tidak pernah menghasilkan ovum.

• beberapa faktor : Laktasi yang berat atau pedet yang dibiarkan

menyusu pada induk, pakan defisiensi misalnya kekurangan
mineral P atau vitamin E atau terjadinya gangguan/ kelinan
organ reproduksi
• kelainan organ reproduksi yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya
anestrus diantaranya; involusi uteri terlambat, radang uteri,
retensi plasenta, hidrop amnion atau alantois.

• birahi tenang dan birahi pendek (sub uterus)

• Birahi tenang adalah induk sapi yang tidak memperlihatkan

gejala birahi, tetapi pada ovarium terjadi ovulasi

• birahi pendek adalah induk sapi yang birahinya berjalan sangat

cepat (2-3 jam) disertai ovulasi. Kedua keadaan ini disebabkan
oleh karena korpus luteum dari ovulasi pertama menghasilkan
sedikit progresteron, sehingga ovarium kurang respontif
terhadap LH.
2. Kawin Berulang; dapat disebabkan oleh:
a) Populasi mikro organisme dalam saluran kelamin yang banyak.
Keadaan ini menyebabkan spermatozoa atau embryo terganggu
atau bahkan terbunuh oleh mikro organisme tersebut

b) Kelainan organ reproduksi seperti kelainan servix yang terlalu

sempit, tuba fallopi yang buntu yang semua ini dapat berakibat
sperma tidak dapat bertemu dengan ovum sehingga fertilisasi
tidak terjadi

c) Ovum bentuknya abnormal. Ovum terlalu kecil, bentuknya

terlalu lonjong, pipih, zona pellucida yang rapuh atau sobek
atau vakuola ovum dan polar body yang terlalu besar. Keadaan
ovum yang abnormal ini menyebabkan sperma tidak bisa
membuai atau kalaupun terjadi pembuahan embryo yang
dihasilkan cepat mati dalam perjalanan hidupnya.

d) Faktor teknis dalam IB/ perkawinan. Pejantan yang kurang

subur atau waktu inseminasi yang kurang tepat merupakan
penyebab terjadinya kawin ulang.
3. Kematian Embryo Dini
Kematian embryo dini menurut Hubbert (1971) adalah
kematian embryo yang terjadi pada hari pertama
pembuahan sampai hari ke-42 masa bunting.

Kematian embryo dini mencapai 24,8% pada

perkawinan sapi dara dan 32,5% pada sapi induk

Kematian embryo muda biasa terjadi pada umur

kebuntingan 8 sampai 19 setelah perkawinan dan ini
merupakan stadium kritis pada masa kebuntingan.

Banyak faktor : pakan, genetik dan faktor hormonal

Defisiensi karoten, selenium, fosfor dan tembaga

Kelainan kromosom karena kelainan genetic

menurunnya kadar progesterone karena

ketidakmampuan embryo menghasilkan bahan
luteotropik tersebut

sel telur atau spermatozoa yang tua atau faktor


penyakit menular menyebabkan abortus,

misalnya Brucellosis, yang dapat menyebar
melalui berbagai cara
B. Permasalahan Reproduksi Periode Bunting

• Kejadian terbesar gangguan reproduksi periode

bunting adalah terjadinya abortus.
• Abortus terjadi apabila kematian sudah dalam
keadaan foetus, yaitu pada umur kebuntingan
45 sampai dengan 260 hari
• Suhu Lingkungan (hipotensi, hypoxia dan
acidosis pada tubuh foetus yang diikuti dengan
kematian )
• Racun yang terkandung dalam tanaman seperti
nitrat, nitrit HCN dapat mengakibatkan
kematian foetus.

• Endotoxemia pada induk

• Induk yang menderita infeksi gram negatif pada

kuku, ambing, paru-paru dan usus mensekresi
prostaglandin PGF2 alpha yang menyebabkan
kontraksi dinding uterus dan diikuti dengan
3. Permasalahan Reproduksi Periode kelahiran

 Gangguan reproduksi periode kelahiran yang sering dijumpai

adalah distokia (kesulitan melahirkan), kematian pedet dan
prolapus uteri.

 Kelahiran dikatakan abnormal jika lebih dari 24 jam setelah

tanda-tanda kelahiran pertama tidak disusul oleh kelahiran

 Beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan distokia berasal dari

foetus yang terlalu besar, situs dan salah posisi atau dari induk
berupa kelemahan kontraksi uterus, indurasi servix sehingga
sulit membuka dan mengganggu proses keluarnya foetus
Beberapa preparat hormon yang sering dipergunakan
untuk menyerentakkan birahi

1. Preparat Progesteron. merupakan preparat yang terbaik

untuk menyerentakkan birahi, karena dapat menghambat
pelepasan LH, pertumbuhan follikel, estrus dan ovulasi. Bila
dipergunakan 15 hari sesudah akhir estrus, penyuntikan 50 mg
progesterone setiap hari, maka birahi akan muncul 4-6 hari
setelah penyuntikan.

2. Preparat Prostalglandin yaitu TGF2 alpha. Pemberian

TGF2 alpha dapat menghambat aliran darah yang
menyebabkan regresi corpus luteum.

3. MAP (6 Methy -17 actoxyprogesteron). Induk diberi

pakan yang dicampur dengan 500 ug MAP setiap hari selama
20 hari menunjukkan birahi yang bersamaan dengan angka
konsepsi 20-70% (Tollihere, 1985).

(inseminasi buatan)


Because the rumen displaces the reproductive tract to the right, it is
much easier to locate and manipulate the tract with your left hand.
The cervix is located on the floor of the pelvic cavity near
the anterior end of the pelvic bone.
The opening into the cervix protrudes
back into the vagina.
As you insert the breeding gun into the vagina, keep your
gloved hand even with the gun tip.
Keep your open hand flat against the floor of the rectum,
allowing manure to pass over the top of your hand and
To relax rectal constriction rings, insert two fingers
the center of the ring and massage back and forth.
Grasp the cervix and push it forward to
straighten vaginal folds
Grasp the external opening to the cervix with the thumb on
top and the forefingers underneath to close the fornix and
guide the gun tip into the cervix.
Using the flexibility of your wrist, twist and bend the cervix
until you feel the second ring slide over the gun tip
Use your index finger to check gun placement (1/4 inch
past the end of the cervix) before depositing semen.
Push the plunger slowly so that drops of semen fall
directly into the uterine body
With proper A.I. technique and gun placement, semen will
be deposited in the uterine body and contractions will
transport spermatozoa forward to the horns and oviducts
If the gun is more than 1 inch through the cervix, all the
semen will be deposited into only one horn.
If you encounter cervical mucous which feels thick and
sticky on the gun in a cow that has been previously inseminated,
she may be pregnant. In this case, deposit the
semen halfway through the cervix.
Make sure you push in with the plunger and do not pull
back on the gun. Pulling back may result in much of the
semen dose being deposited in the cervix and vagina.

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