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A “Mobile Classroom Project” for Indonesian Sisters in Singapore

The Why and For Who
Because dream is for everyone. And the term “everyone” includes our 70,000-80,000 Indonesian sisters who work in Singapore as domestic assistants.
Among these Indonesian sisters, many of them have tremendous potential and aspiration to be clerical staff, teachers, successful businesswomen, or won-
derful mothers. They can become people who inspire, empower and add value to their humble society back in Indonesia. They all have dreams, waiting to
be materialized into reality; they just need the right tools.

They should have access to knowledge and skills, just like you and me. Education is a necessary tool for them to pursue their dream, a tool for them to
build their future. Education will boost their confidence that they are the same, regardless their often seen as the lower caste profession.

However, there are constraints along the way. Knowledge requires monetary investment, let alone the nature of their 24/7 job which allows them to have
only one Sunday off within 1 week or even none for some of them. Thus, the less traveling time means more time to study. We also need mobility to ex-
pand our coverage, to be able to reach more sisters at various locations.

Therefore, The Smile Team wishes to bring education closer to our sisters. A mobile classroom would be an answer.


The What and Where
We believe that practical skills are the most effective way to empower our sisters. The shorter time span required compared to formal education lowers
the risk of completion failure. Furthermore, these skills are ready-to-use. One of the most practicable would be computer skill.

A few examples to strengthen the case:

• A sister who knows how to operate computer programs can write this skill in their resume to apply for jobs in their hometown.
• A sister who knows how to browse the WWW can download recipes and cook yummy food.
This will surely lead to happier employers, and they may even receive orders!
• A more entrepreneurial sister who knows more about computers can even open an internet café or a computer course back home. They can
be their own bosses and even help their neighbors’ economy!

Thus, our plan is to run a computer skills classroom for our sisters, mobile !

The How and Where

This is how dreams,unlimited work. The Smile Team will design curriculum for practical computer skills i.e. we will only give what they need
and will be useful for them.

For instance, as the first step we will design a curriculum of skills that increase their bargaining power for those who intend to apply for job in Indonesia or
open their own business. The package consists of media design/layout (helps if they want to create a bulletin/any printed media!), financial management
using excel, and simple database administration. This is for those who already have the basic knowledge. We may also design a curriculum for students
with limited or no computer knowledge.

To ensure that the participants are those who are most interested and at the proper knowledge level, we will conduct a screening for the potential stu-
dents. The screening is made possible by the effort of one of the Team’s member, who is a domestic assistant herself and trust us, she has an EXTENSIVE

The class size will be small to ensure effectiveness, 15 people at the max (this also depends on how many laptops we have). We plan to hold more than
one class in a Sunday to maximize coverage. Since our class is a mobile class, the venue is anywhere at the students’ convenience i.e. public places like
gardens, university bench, or even HDB void decks.

The How Much

The basic logistic requirement to bring dreams,unlimited to reality is:

• 10 laptops
• Teaching materials i.e. handouts, small whiteboard, markers, etc.

Assuming we purchase the laptops (ASUS EEE), the proposed budget looks like this:

Laptops (10x$500) SGD 5,000

Materials SGD 250

The Smile Team’s Fund SGD 210

Fund required SGD 5,040

Note: This is a flexible budget which depends on the laptop donation. If we receive more used laptops, we buy less new ones.

The Who
The Smile Team is just a circle of friends who believe that good intention, sincerity and perseverance are the ingredients to make a change.
We are strictly not affiliated to any organizations, because we believe that flexibility is an asset . The core value of our team is to pass on what we’ve been
endowed, to spread smiles to others.The movement was started in Singapore in May 2006, when a massive earthquake struck Yogyakarta. A few students
from Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University spotted an opportunity to spread positivity to others.

We started designing a concept to boost the spirit of primary school students in Yogyakarta by giving them what we call a “Smile Parcel”, a specially de-
signed cute parcels with stationary, school bag, story book, gameboard, etc. What is more, the Pack-a-Smile event was complemented with games and
storytelling session from our kind facilitators. We collaborated with other students from UGM, ITB, UNAIR, UNPAD, and even those from Japan, the US, and
Netherland. What was initially thought to be a small effort ended up providing more than 1,000 Smile Parcels involving more than 70 volunteers. These
were realized through good intention, words of mouth, and friendship network.

After Pack-a-Smile, the Smile Team continues to search any ways to bring smiles to others. We fundraised and collected donation for the Jakarta flood. In
the context of migrant workers in Singapore, the Smile Team has set up a mini-library in one of the Smile Friends’ house and lend the books to interested
sisters. We have also conducted two picnic and motivational games sessions thoroughly designed by our Smile Friend with background in psychology to
promote friendship and confidence to our Indonesian sisters.

The Team
Project Manager
Adinda Presanti
Researcher for a consulting firm

Program Manager
Dewi Pramudi
Software engineer for a smart card manufacturer

Student Screening Manager

Domestic assistant and an aspiring “Universitas Terbuka” student majoring in Communication Studies

Financial Controller and Public Relations

Ainun Najib
Software consultant

Media Design Manager

Project Officer School of Computer Engineering NTU

… and other volunteers i.e. Smile Friends!

You can help making dreams unlimited!
Your support and contribution is essential to help bring their dreams to reality.

Do you share the same concern with us? If you also believe that dream should be unlimited and would like to help bringing knowledge closer to our sisters,
you can do so through several possible ways:

1.Donate a used laptop(s). We are willing to pick up your donation at your convenience.
2.Monetary donation.
You can either donate any amount or ADOPT-A-DREAM (1 laptop @ SGD 500)
Donation can be transferred to:
- OCBC Account Adinda Presanti 5811-6287-2001
- POSB Savings Adinda Presanti 207-29200-1
3.Your moral support would also be valuable to us! Feel free to e-mail or ring us if you have any suggestion to improve this program.

Note: Rest assured that we always try to pass on the benefits of your donation.
If in the future the program should discontinue (which we really hope not!),
we will pass or cash the assets for other meaningful programs and let you know.

The Smile Team
Adinda Presanti!Messenger:alvaliant

Ainun Najib 81131571/Y!Messenger:ainunnajib

Dewi Pramudi!Messenger:pramoedya_2112

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