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Sam Jones 12 Lang Drive Lane 281.855.2960 Houston, 1X 77077 Date: (Contnct Name) (Contact Job Tithe (Company Name) (Company Address) (City, State, ZIP) Dear Mr/MrsJ/Ms (Last Nemo) Asan experienced server and systems administrator, Ihave worked on numerous projets invalving ‘mutching omanizaticnal expectations and server uptime with the tough requirements nttonding new hhordware and applicatien intoration. Ihave attached my sésumé in Word to illustrate my expertise and talents. As youll see, my strong experience positions me uniquely to serve leompeny name] asa srwr manager. 1 particular, the server migration projects T have spearbweeded demenstrate my ability to plan the process ins, and costs—as wells hardwareand application needs—oflnrge'seale conversion projects. T [know that Tean bring this expertise to your company in a way that will add velue to your erganization T wil intiveated in elingr orth you to Stasan the vahie thal my atveigthe aid ecperiénes cain bring to [company namel. Team be reached in confidence at the above telephone number or email address, Thole forward ta heating from you. With best regards Bem doime Enclosure! Résumé

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