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Step-by-Step Lesson Elements

Student Name: Kasey Jacobs

Grade Level: 7th grade Subject Area: Science

1. State Standards:
2. Students know that plants and animals have levels of organization for structure and function, including cells, tissues, organs,
organ systems, and the whole organism.
3. Students know the structures and processes by which flowering plants generate pollen, ovules, seeds, and fruit.
4. Students know that mitochondria liberate energy for the work that cells do and that chloroplasts capture sunlight energy for
5. Students know cells function similarly in all living organisms. b. Students know the characteristics that distinguish plant cells
from animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls.
6. Students know the nucleus is the repository for genetic information in plant and animal cells.

7. Lesson Objective(s) & Targeted Outcome(s):

● Students will be able to name the main parts of a flower.
● Students will explain the purpose of seeds, roots, stems, leaves, and flowers
● Students will explain the process of photosynthesis
● Students will be able to name parts of a seed
● Students will be able to distinguish between different stems and roots

8. Materials & Resources:

jeopardy online
9. Knowing the Students:
Students will have to be able to know what plants are and the basic functions of plants
10. Literacy Connection:
Students will read questions and answers on plants jeopardy
11. Technology Integration:
online jeopardy

Estimated 12. Instructional Procedures 9. UDL, Differentiation, and

Time Accommodations
Introduction/Activate Prior Knowledge:
5 min Before starting jeopardy, put students into two teams. Ask the students if they have
any questions on plants before beginning the game
Step-By-Step Procedures​:
1. Ask students in both groups to guess a number 1-5, hold the number 2 behind
your back. The student that guesses the number closest to 2 gets to go first.
2. Ask students what category they want on jeopardy, the options are seeds,
roots, stems, plants, leaves, and flowers. Then ask students what number
they want 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500. Remind them that the bigger the
Draw a diagram of what it looks like on
number, the harder the questions are and if one group gets answer incorrect,
40 min the board if they are confused on a
the other team can steal their answer and get the points. Whoever has the
most points at the end of the game wins. certain question
3. Have students go back and forth answering the questions they choose on
Plants Jeopardy Repeat questions if needed
4. Add points for the team that gets the correct answer
5. Compare scores of the two teams and see who wins

2 min Closure
Ask students what was one thing they learned about plants the passed few weeks
10. Assessment & Evaluation:
Ask students questions on plants jeopardy, if they are unsure on some questions, I
know I have to go back and reteach or remind students certain plant parts.

11. Reflection (after teaching lesson):

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