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28e of April 2010

The adventure of North Carolina – Part 2

A great Call and Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry’s Lifted up,
receiving of a new fresh and greater anointing and much more!

This and much more in this News Letter consisting out of different parts

It started all as I received a Personal invitation on one of the Networks where they have
invited me to come to in 2008. Apostle Addie Robinson contacted me. Now this was nothing
special for me as many man and woman of God contacted me over the last few years, but this
time there was an inclination in the Spirit which I felt almost immediately. And it was as if I
heard my Father say: “This is for you John; I have prepared this for you.” Let me share with
you in this News Letter part 2 of the start of one of my first and very surely not my last
Adventure in a walk with God.

The 11 hours flight to North Carolina

It was so Adventures as I looked out of the
window and everything down below started
to get smaller and smaller. The sound of the
machine was just thrilling me that I just
couldn’t be silent and had to give some kind
of sound like, wow and this is genius and
what a feeling. At the left side of me sat my
neighbor Udo, German and of my age, and
he was just like me looking out of the
window being exited of the flight. Just as
with me was it his very first flight! We
prepared ourselves for a very long flight. I
took of my shoes and started to relax. Yes an
almost 9 hours flight with Delta and it didn’t took very long until we had had a great time:
having some very good conversations about God and religion.

I told Udo about my visit in North Carolina and that I had to preach there. And from here
our conversation went into the direction God wanted it to have. He started actually to
criticize all the different religions and I think that he thought that I would start to argue
against his criticism. But I didn’t and as I fully agreed with him, he was astonished. As I told
him how I was seeing it as a man of God, he was all ear and heart. Than I could explain him
that we humans are responsible for our own decisions and the consequences of it and that it is
not Gods fault that there are so many wars. In short fervent words I pictured again why Jesus
had come and why He had to die.

I explained him with my very own words that his sight of how he sees it concerning the
Christians is actually as it is, but that God is coming in action now and that a lot of things
will start to change and that by no means, it would be a coincidence that he sits just right now
at the side of a man of God. He got really curious and wanted to know more; why I am exactly
flying to North Carolina? I took a deep breath, listened to the Spirit of God and started to
give him my testimony how my live started in a walk with God. He hung at my lips and
sometimes he was shaking unbelieving his head, but he could not get enough of it and he
heard a great part of my live, how God worked in and through my live and how I became a
Prophet of the Most High God who was now on his way to present his books in North
Carolina. He was so impressed that he stated:

Wow, John you are a brilliant rhetorician, you have put me to think about a lot of things.
When you are right than… hmm… well I want to know more...

So I told him more and more, carefully listening to the Spirit of God. A nine hours flight is a
long time and we slept in between. But we kept our conversation lively and it was for him and
also for me as if we had found a new friendship, although he was not yet a born again
Christian. He started to tell me about the reason of his flight to Atlanta; His son! He had not
seen his son for many years and now he was on his way to his married son. The reason that
he was now on his way to Atlanta, was that his son phoned him in Germany with a cry in his
heart telling his daddy and confessing him that as a little boy he was been misused and raped.
He told me about the pain he felt now and that he felt guilty. That it was just right now that he
was asking God why? And how he started to accuse God about this what has happened and
that just this day… he was sitting besides a Prophet. And that actually without knowing it I
had answered ALL his questions.

This was daddy, He had planned this already very far before we would have been able to
think about it. We had both such a great time and I explained him why I had to write the
books; so that the Christians are able to have a relationship with God without that they need
to be depended upon so called servants, who were not serving but practicing might. It was so
cool and genius from daddy the whole conversation. The 9 hours went over like nothing and
we stayed together as we went to the customs to cross the border. I gave him my card in the
plain and he stated explicitly: “Yes very surely will I download your book from your website
and I will keep an eye on you. I will also try to read it with my son.” At the customs we lost
each other but he went his way with great joy in his heart.

Touchdown at Atlanta and a second conversation

Having come at the customs to cross the border and to touch the ground of USA, they asked
me for the reason of my stay. The young black smiling lady looked at me and was waiting for
my answer. I listened…and than I knew I could tell this young black woman that I was
heading for an Apostolic & Prophetic Conference and that I was one of the guest speakers.
Her eyes started to glance and she asked me some things more. So I started to tell her about
my books and as I told her, her heart and eyes showed excitement. She wished me all the best
and hoped that I would come back more often to North Carolina. I got my stamp in my pass
and off I went through some paths, heading to my next flight from Atlanta to Charlotte and to
my next conversation. I had to go through some check points of the customs, putting of my
shoes and again going through the detector as I had also to go through it at the start of my
travel. But than I was on my way to gateway 32 and there I met a man who was on his way to
North Carolina. It didn’t take very long and we were in a very lively conversation. He told me
where he was coming from and I told him the reason of my visit to North Carolina. Well I got
to know that he was a Christian himself and we had a very good conversation about all the
unrighteous things which were going on in the leadership of so called Christianity. I could
explain him what was the reason of my visit; too also bring some things to the light and to be
Gods voice to the Nations! He was very interested and asked me for my email address. So I
gave him my card, told him about the Books and that he could download them for free from
my Website, just like that. He was impressed and the look at his face as I told him that amused
me greatly. He also stated that he would download one of my books and would keep an eye on
me. We shook hands as I had to go through the gateway and he went his way with joy in his
heart. And I knew that he had a very interesting story to tell to his mother as she was a born
again Christian also. He told me that he would spread it in his family and that he loved our

One hour later I arrived at Charlotte Airport, but two hours later as planned. Some things
had happened and the airplanes that arrived at the Airport in Atlanta had already 30 Minutes
delay. To it came that my first flight had also an hour delay. I didn’t know why but it made
that I stood in the hot afternoon sun at charlotte Airport two hours later and nobody was
there to pick me up. I waited almost 30 minutes, than I had an idea! I had the two cell phone
numbers, one from Addie and the other one from Juanita. As I had no money on me to be able
to phone I went to the baggage claim asking if they could call one of the two numbers I gave
them, which was written down on a little piece of paper which I pulled out of my pocket; I had
taken it with me not knowing exactly why but I did. So at the baggage claim they remembered
me very well as I had 30 minutes before been there asking for my bag because it seemed that
it wasn’t there. They told me that I had to wait until the next plain arrives so they gave me a
meal receipt. But suddenly I saw my bag on the transport band and wanted to give the meal
receipt back. No so she told me it is okay and so I could eat and drink with it what ever I
wanted for 7 Dollars. But I had no time for it and went outside and as I came back, well of
course did she remember me; she laughed at me and with a friendly face she dialed the first
number. Nobody picked up, than she said let us try the next number… and yes somebody
picked up and I got Juanita at the Phone:

“Prophet John where are you we are waiting here

already for many hours. We have seen your plain had
delay; where are you, we are upstairs!” But I was
downstairs and she told me to stay where I was, she
would be there within 10 minutes. So I went quickly again
outside to the exit waiting upon Juanita. And yes, 10
minutes later two black people came walking towards me
with a big smile on their faces. One was Brother Wesley
and the other Prophetess Juanita his fiancée as I found
out later. She was also the right hand and help of Apostle
Addie and they were happy and so exited. After that we
walked to the car, which Wesley had parked in a parking
lot in one of the parking houses, she immediately called
Addie telling: “We have him, he is there. Prophet John is
here” They were so worried after having waited for more
than two hours, but stayed where they were and trusted
God to bring me through. And yes He did.
At the Marriott Courtyard Hotel
This beautiful couple brought me to
a place called Matthews so around
35 Miles away from the Airport. The
trip to my Hotel was full of
excitement and of an anticipation of
the coming days. The weather was
hot, almost 29 degrees and Wesley,
the driver told about all the
thoughts they had as they were
waiting. How they called Addie and
how she stated that I would come
and that they had to wait and to
seek for me. Twenty minutes later I
was at my Hotel, they checked me
in, carried my bag and left me for a short time alone in my suite. Yes I had come to the place
of my destiny and I felt the Spirit of God working on me, around me and in me and it was as if
I could here Him speak to me that after this trip to North Carolina I would be another man.
Juanita and Wesley went quickly to a Market bringing me some fresh fruit like bananas and
apples and such and some bottles of water. Wesley came back after 20 minutes, knocked at my
door, asked me if everything was okay! Yes, I felt okay… tired but so satisfied. Than they left
me telling me to pick me up later tomorrow to go to the congregation. They could not tell the
exact time as they had to arrange still a lot of things for other guests who were coming to the
conference, but they would come to pick me up. This was where I had my stay.

The entrance and check in

The Lobby and The busyness corner

Well let me also show you the place and the room where I had to spend my time the coming
few days until Sunday, the day of my leave.

This was the start of every morning, many

things to eat which was included at the price of
my Hotel. In the morning I could eat as much
as I liked. Drink coffee as much as I wanted
and this even 24 hours a day. Breakfast was
every morning from 6.30 till 9 pm. But coffee I
could drink all time through.

They had chopped eggs, bacon and oh yes,

fresh orange juice. I felt like a King and in my
heart I was feeling so honored.

This is the room where I had my

stay at the third floor, looking
directly at the front side of the
Hotel. A balcony and a chair, to
relax in the warm North
Carolina climate!

As I looked at the two beds, I

missed my Petra, which brought
to me the idea to go downstairs
as soon as Wesley and Juanita
were gone to check out the
business corner to get into the
Internet and to write my honey
the first email that I had arrived
safely. The idea was good, but it was far too early in Germany and still deep night there. But
a first sign of live is what I wanted to give, so I went downstairs with the elevator to the
business corner to write my honey an email.

I opened my Yahoo Messenger and yes my Petra had written me a few lines: “Darling, since
today you are in North Carolina and I miss you totally, I love you honey!”

I wrote my honey the following email back, in German language of course: Hey honey, yes I
miss you also very much! I had a very good arrival, although we had two hours delay, but
everything went fine. I had a little pain in my ears at the moment of the landing, and this both
times, but else was it super-cool and genius. They told me that they had planned the King
suite for me, but well it wasn’t free today so they plan to move me there tomorrow. They knew
that I would love it to have Internet at my room so that I can check my Mails and chat with
you honey. I love you so very much; have already placed your picture at my desk. I am feeling
great and I am so pleased about your message. What else shall I say? I had two very cool
conversations and I was able to give both men my card with my Website on it. They were both
very much interested in my Website. One was a Christian and the other wasn’t… Oh my
honey the day will come than will we undertake these both together as man and wife and I
rejoice already now about that day… My heart love one, loves you and loves, and loves you
and loves and loves and loves you…
It was not much I wrote, normally I write more but I decided to set my alarm clock at 4.30
am, to wake up and to try to catch Petra to have a chat with my honey. I took a shower before
I wanted to go to bed but… It became 4.30 and I woke up, went again into the Internet and I
was looking for it if she maybe was already online or not. But she wasn’t and had written me
already a note back: Hey honey, I am totally pleased to hear from you and of course also that
you are doing fine and that it is all like genius to you. Have read just this morning in the
Newspapers that yesterday at Island a volcano had broken out and that a gigantic ash-cloud
had paralyzed all the Air traffic, maybe this is why you had 2 hours delay? I send you mega
much Kisses my darling.

This was so sweet of her and on Thursday night / Friday morning I wrote my honey back:
Good morning honey… I woke extra for you early up – 4.30 in the early morning hours so
that I can write you an email at your time, hoping to catch you online. I will try to be online
tomorrow at the same time that is so around 10 in the morning your time honey – maybe will
we than be able to chat with each other. Honey, after that the Spirit of God at 12.00 till
almost 1.00 came over me I started to pray very intensively in tongues and than he fell over
me with even more power and strength and I started to travail and to have spiritual pains like
a birthing. It was just as the other times of which I told you. Father God, Jesus and the Spirit
of God were so present that you could almost touch them…it was so very mega super
genius… It was not any sooner as an hour later that there was a release from the Spirit of
God and that I could go to bed again. I love you honey and this mega super much...*sigh and
more sigh* everything will be very good here honey… Love you my darling, your John, your
little man… <3 Kiss Kiss!!

I didn’t think at the volcano anymore and went to my room again, took again a shower;
shaved and than was it time for breakfast. I thought that they would pick me up at 10 or
something like that… but it was not at all like that. So I went to my room and started to
prepare my self and the Material I needed for the next day; printing some things out, praying
it through. In between I went down to the lobby to try to catch my honey, writing her some
lines… and yes, it took some time and some hurdles but than we had a good time with each
other.. Chatting about all the good things which had happened until that moment! She was so
proud my little lady, my fiancé Petra. As I started to tell her all the little details, starting at
the check in, in Düsseldorf, telling about Udo and the other passenger.. We were both
praising our God over the Internet … how God provided all along the way.

But I missed her, so alone in a far away country almost 8000 Miles away from her heart. If I
had not listened to her counsel to travel already on a Thursday, I would never ever have been
able to come to North Carolina. Because the delay we had was because of the Volcano who
had broken out and after my flight… all the flights were cancelled from Atlanta to Europe and
from Charlotte to North Carolina. I went through a very narrow time window and without
Gods help I still would have been in Germany. Trust for trust did Petra say to me as a Word
from God, and these words remained with me all along the line as I started to travel to North
Carolina and still are there in my heart, sealed and locked in my most deepest heart chamber.
She is not even three months a Christian now, but what an awesome lady she is running with
the Spirit of God like she is doing today.

As I was ending our love chat, Brother Wesley tipped on my shoulder at short before 08.00
am: “Are you ready Prophet John he asked me?” Oh yes I was! “We go to the meeting now.
Quickly we went upstairs, I put on some nice clothes and of we went to the first evening
meeting. I felt an inner excitement a thrill and a whispering of the Spirit of God that He would
surprise me. And o how He did surprise me…
Coming home after more than 25 years
In an old Baptist Church

From here I will go on with writing and sharing the audio’s and the videos
As soon that they have arrived at my postal address.

Love you all,

Apostle Prophet Minstrel Johannes John

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