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"A Call to the Blood": E.M.

Forster's A Room with a View as a

Precursor to D.H. Lawrence'sLady Chatterley's Lover
David McCracken
Coker College

There may not be any recorded evidence that D. H. Lawrence

read E. M. Forster's 1908 novel, but the similarities between A
Room with a View and Lady Chatterley's Lover suggest that
Lawrence must have been at least familiar with the works plot.
Although the two writers address sexuality differently, the awaken-
ing of Lucy Honeychurch is similar to that of Constance
Chatterley, and although Forster is not as explicit as his contempo-
rary, the theme of his novel relates closely to Lawrence's theory of
"blood consciousness."
Lawrence believed that the essence of each individual is located
in the blood. In an essay entitled "Two Principles", he asserts that
in the blood "we have our strongest self-knowledge, our most
powerful conscience" (236). In "A Propos to Lady Chatterley's
Lover," Lawrence adds that "the blood is the substance of the
soul, and of the deepest consciousness. It is by blood that we are.
[. . .J In the blood, knowing and being, or feeling, are one and
undivided" (349). According to Lawrence, men and women are
charged with opposite nerve impulses which mystically attract and
repulse. The connection between these impulses causes "blood
consciousness": "There in the sexual passion the very blood
surges into communion, in the terrible sensual oneing. There all
the darkness of the deeps, the primal flood, is perfected, as the two
great waves of separated blood surge to consummation" ("Two
Principles" 236). When two people have sexual intercourse, when
the bloods physically merge, the couple experiences overwhelming-
ly strong spiritual sensations that Lawrence called "phallic con-
sciousness." In a letter written in 1928, Lawrence describes Lady
Chatterley's Lover as a "phallic" novel:
It is strictly a novel of the phallic consciousness as against the
mental consciousness of today. For some things, you will
probably dislike it: because you are still squeamish, and
scared of the phallic reality. It is perfectly wholesome and acknowledge sexuality as a basic need, and because of this, the
normal, and [a] man and a woman. But I protest against its population condemned sexual desire. Unfortunately, he claimed,
being labelled "sex." Sex is a mental reaction nowadays, and this repression produced a sexual lust leading to prostitution and
a hopelessly cerebral affair: and what I believe in is the true other unhealthy social practices. Carpenter's stance against sexual
phallic consciousness. (qtd. in Huxley 721) repression, particularly concerning women, is clearly illustrated in
Of course, readers considered Lawrence's novel pornographic, but Lady Chatterley's Lover and A Room with a View.
the writer vehemently defended his work as a literary response In Lawrence's novel, Clifford despises every aspect of physical
against his culture's repression of normal human behavior. union. To him, "sex was merely an accident, or an adjunct: one
The rhetoric is not as obvious in A Room with a View, which of the curious obsolete, organic processes which persisted in its
was published twenty years before Lady Chatterley's Lover, but own clumsiness, but was not really necessary" (9). He is the
Forster's message clearly anticipates Lawrence's radical ideology. Victorian intellectual who "lives in his books" (17), leaving
Claude Summers argues that the eventual marriage of George and Constance a "half-virgin" (15) because he-being physically impo-
Lucy rebels against the established anarchy of the English upper- tent--cannot satisfy her sexual needs. Cecil Vyse, Lucy's fiance, is
class: they create "a new chivalry, a new aristocracy of the spirit described as medieval, "Like a Gothic statue. Tall and refined, [. .
[. . .Hthe kind] Forster hoped to find in all the nations and classes" .] Well educated, well endowed, and not deficient physically [but]
(90). Tony Brown believes that Lucy is the feminist representative he remained in the grip of a certain devil whom the modern world
of this new social order: knows as self-consciousness. [. . .] A Gothic statue implies celibacy,
In its published version, A Room with a View ultimately cen just as a Greek statue implies fruition. (100). Cecil and Clifford
ters, then, on Lucy's deciding between two versions of the personify the sexual repression that Forster and Lawrence set out
relationship which should exist between a man and a woman to destroy. Both characters are pedantic, selfish shells of men who
in marriage, and, implicitly, between two versions of social are products of the aridity of their intellectual worlds.
organization. She ultimately rejects the hierarchical struc On the other hand, George and Mellors function as catalysts to
tures, both social and sexual, which are fundamental to the Lucy's and Constance's spiritual transformations. When the
"chivalric" code of her class, according to which the lady is women first meet these men, they treat them as threats, as intrud-
protected and treasured by the gentleman, in favour of a ers upon the established patterns of their lives. Constance first
Carpenterian vision of social equality and sexual comrade meets Mellors as he strolls down a lane (46) and Lucy first sees
ship. (292) George while they are eating supper at the Pension Bertolini (8).
Significantly, both Forster and Lawrence were deeply influenced by However, both women sense that these men will disrupt their safe,
Edward Carpenter's treatise Love Coming of Age. Daniel routine lifestyles. Constance notices that Mellors emerged from
Schneider (50-54) and Emile Delavenay (78-86) argue that the lane as "a swift menace" (46). Lucy does not react so intu-
Carpenter's theories provided the foundation on which Lawrence itively, but her fascination with the Emersons is partially a
built his concept of blood consciousness. Brown points out that response to their alternative ideas. The two women do not feel the
Forster and Carpenter both believed "men in their lust for material surge of blood conscious impulses until they notice the physical
possessions have denied their emotional sensitivity and capacity for qualities of these men. Constance witnesses the gamekeeper wash-
tenderness," the relations between the sexes cannot improve unless ing himself at his hut, and she encounters "in some curious way [.
physical sexuality is seen as "pure and beautiful," and society can . .] a visionary experience: it had hit her in the middle of her body.
only heal itself when men and women can openly express their [. . .] Not the stuff of beauty, not even the body of beauty, but a
physical sexuality (282). Carpenter believed his culture refused to lambency, the warm, white flame of a single life, revealing itself in
46 47
contours that one might tOuch: a body!" (68). Afterward, ated with not having a clear vision of the landscape. But now,
Constance examines her own body in a mirror, renouncing the when Lucy notes that "the view was forming at last" (79), view
mental life for the physical (73). Constance and Mellors's subse- connotates an inner seeing, a mystical balance of the cerebral with
quent lovemaking illustrates graphically the phallic connection; the physical which enables her consciousness to react spontaneous-
Lucy and George's embraces are not described as explicitly. ly with the natural setting. This is quite similar to the effect
Instead, in A Room with a View, there is a more subtle portrayal Sherwood Forest has upon Constance: the environment around
of sexual awakening. the gamekeeper's hut allows her to feel "passionate like a
Lucy's spiritual transformation occurs slowly. When the Italian Bacchante, like a Bacchanal; fleeting through the woods" (144).
falls at her feet, she is overwhelmed by the spontaneity of the inci- Similarly, the Fiesole contains a "mysterious stillness" (124) for
dent. When Lucy regains consciousness from fainting, she realizes Lucy: "Light and beauty enveloped her. She had fallen on to a lit-
that she "as well as the dying man, had crossed some spiritual tle open terrace, which was covered with violets from end to end.
boundary" (50). The blood on Lucy's pictures symbolize the . . this terrace was the well-head, the primal source whence beauty
awakening of blood consciousness inside her: Lucy must acknowl- gushed out to water the earth" (79-80). There she meets George,
edge that her image of the world based upon reason is being and "For a moment he contemplated her, as one who had fallen
undercut by spontaneous reaction and raw instinct. When asked out of heaven. He saw radiant joy in her face, he saw the flowers
to throw the photos into the stream, George realizes that he will beat against her dress in blue waves. The bushes above them
become the agent to accelerate this process. He even states, "For closed. He stepped quickly forward and kissed her" (80).
something tremendous has happened; I must face it without getting Appropriately, on the way back to the Pension Bertolini,
muddled. It isn't exactly that a man has died" (51). When Lucy "There was a general sense of groping and bewilderment Pan had
returns to the Pension Bertolini, Beebe notices a change in her: been amongst them [. . .]" (81). Lucy Honeychurch's sexuality has
"Was there more in her frank beauty than met the eye-the power, been awakened, and keeping with Victorian standards, the best
perhaps, to evoke passions, good and bad, and to bring them remedy for this is to pretend that it never occurred. At Windy
speedily to fulfillment?" (65). Her passions are not truly evoked Corner, which has "no view" (122), Lucy's decision to marry Cecil
until she is kissed by George. When Forster attributes the names Vyse is obviously the backlash of her feelings for George. Lucy's
Phaethon to the carriage driver and Persephone to his [quote] "sis- relatives support the farcical engagement and fail to recognize the
ter" (72), he foreshadows the symbolic action which will make misdirection of her love. Mrs. Honeychurch even tells Cecil that
Lucy feel the "primordial tenderness" (Chatterley 187) that Lucy "has learnt what it is to love: the greatest lesson, some people
Constance feels with Mellors. In fact, the entire journey of the will tell you, that our earthly life provides" (108). However, Cecil
tourists to Fiesole is rhetorically significant. Mr. Eager and Mr. and Lucy treat their engagement with indifference, and at times
Emerson's argument about whether or not the lovers may remain irritation (110-11); they have simply not felt, or will ever feel, the
together provides a synopsis of the Victorian and Romantic dialec- mystical attractive and repulsive impulses associated with true
tic to that point. Mr. Eager believes that the public display of love.
affection is indecent; Mr. Emerson honors it as special: "Do we Cecil believes that he is going to "rescue" (126) Lucy from
find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it Windy Corner. His family is wealthier than the Honeychurches
happens to sit there? To be driven by lovers-A king might envy and he believes himself superior to those around him. Fortunately,
us [. . .]" (73). Lucy's experience with George has given her the strength to
In the middle of the novel, the "view" refers to Lucy's spiritual become more independent: "A rebel she was, but not the kind
clarity. Before this, not occupying a room with a view was associ- [Cecil] understood-a rebel who desired, not a wider
48 49
dwelling-room, but equality beside the man she loved. For Italy conflict between private passion and public duty. Confused,
was offering her the most priceless of all possessions-her own Constance tries to persuade herself that she loves Clifford. Lucy is
soul" (128). Lucy has felt the cerebral and the physical sensations thrown into a world of chaos after the second kiss with George:
of genuine passion, and as a result, she is now empowered to resist The contest lay not between love and duty. Perhaps there
Cecil's acts of male dominance. This new attitude is clearly evi- never is such a contest. It lay between the real and the pre
dent when Cecil says that he believes the classes should intermarry, tended.[. . .] Remembering that she was engaged to Cecil,
that he supports democracy, and Lucy clearly recognizes his insin- she compelled herself to confused remembrances of George;
cerity (136). She is the only character who has the assertiveness to he was nothing to her; he never had been anything; he had
transcend class barriers. Being moderately wealthy, she falls in behaved abominably; she had never encouraged him. The
love with a clerk and sheds the constraints applied by socio-eco- armour of falsehood is subtly wrought out of darkness. (189)
nomic mores, and her feelings for George are obvious after the When Lucy remembers the kiss, she "had to subdue a rush in her
famous pond scene: "That evening and all the night the water ran blood" (192), and in turn, George admits that he cannot ignore
away. On the morrow the pool had shrunk to its old size and lost the uncontrollable impulses he feels when he is near her.
its glory. It had been a call to the blood and to the relaxed will, a Lucy rationalizes that she can control her passion, but Mr.
passing benediction whose influence did not pass, a holiness, a Emerson (who may perhaps express Forster's own ideology) recog-
spell, a momentary chalice for youth" (153). nizes her self-deception. When she decides to leave Windy Corner
However, Lucy will not totally trust her instincts. When for the romantic world of Italy, she is attempting to run away from
Charlotte visits Windy Corner, she seemingly becomes both Lucy's her emotions. Mr. Emerson tells her that she is too "muddled"
confidant and her betrayer. While confessing to Charlotte that (236) to run away, and he perceives that she is fleeing from the
George had kissed her, Lucy attempts to rationalize why it hap- intuitive "view" (227) that George has opened into her conscious-
pened: "Cecil said one day-and I thought it so profound-that ness. In the most philosophical part of the novel, Mr. Emerson
there are two types of cads-the conscious and the unconscious. [. persuades Lucy that she is in love with his son: "When love
. .] What I mean by subconscious is that Mr. Emerson lost his comes, that is reality. [. ..] Passion does not blind. [. . .] Passion is
head. I fell into all those violets, and he was silly and surprised" sanity" (230). He finally exclaims, "You love George!" (236). In
(170). Lucy attempts to intellectualize the physical sensations that words that hit Lucy "like waves from the open sea" (237), he
she and George both felt, and aggressively contends that George asserts that "love is of the body; not the body, but of the body. . . .
was not a "cad" just as she was not a "tart." Actually, she tries to Ah! for a little directness to liberate your sou!!" (237). He
define the experience by proper expressions of Victorian sexuality. instructs her to trust the "holiness of direct desire" (240), or in
Lucy and George's kiss was a natural reaction that occurred as a other words, to believe in the spontaneous instinctive impulses
result of their attracting impulses. When Lucy seesGeorge again, associated with her blood conscious reaction to George. As Lucy
she remembers instinctively the feelings she had for him at the responds to his advice, "as the darkness was withdrawn, veil after
Piazza Signoria and at Fiesole. As luck would have it, Cecil's read- veil, [. . .] she saw to the bottom of her soul" (235).
ing aloud of the "kiss" section, "the thing about the view" (185) In the last chapter of A Room with a View, Lucy's requests for
in Lavish's Under the Loggia, only intensifies those sensations. George to kiss her body illustrate that after this "unveiling," when
During George's second kiss Lucy tries to defend herself, just as "all feelings grow to passions" (242), there is spiritual rebirth. In
Constance attempts to ward off Mellors's rape (141), but her the conclusion of Lady Chatterley's Lover, Mellors sends
instinctive passion will not allow her to avoid the physical contact. Constance his famous letter advocating the "forked flame" (327)
Both women react by questioning their feelings, wrestling with the between them. He also argues that more people should believe in
50 51
Pan, which compares to Forster's reference to the mythological -. Lady Chatterley'sLover. 1928. New York: Bantam, 1968.
character in his novel. More important, Constance is pregnant -. "Two Principles." Phoenix II: Uncollected,Unpublished,and
with a child created out of her and Mellors's love, out of their Other Prose Works_byD. H. Lawrence. Ed. Warren Roberts and
phallic consciousness. At the end of A Room with a View, Lucy Harry Moore. New York: Viking, 1968.227-37.
and George's sexual activity is not revealed, but the relaxed, physi- Summers,Claude. E. M. Forster.New York: Ungar, 1983.
cal description of the scene and the reference that their room at the
Pension Bertolini has a magnificent view imply that even if they
have not reached phallic consciousness, they are not far from get-
ting there. In the final paragraph of the novel, Forster tries to
define this natural, but definitely mystical love: "Youth
enwrapped them; the on~ of Phaethon announced passion requit-
ed, love attained. But they were conscious of a love more mysteri-
ous than this. The song died away; they heard the river, bearing
down the snows of winter into the Mediterranean" (246).
In 1896, Edward Carpenter argued that the mystical sensations
felt during sexual intercourse enable men and women to achieve
cosmic harmony. In 1908, through George and Lucy, Forster
described how two lovers break through social and cultural barri-
ers to reach the threshold of this experience. Twenty years later,
through Mellors and Constance, Lawrence not only illustrated the
actual experience of phallic consciousness, but he demonstrated
how, in his own words, "Sex is the balance of male and female in
the universe" ("A Propos" 332).

Works Cited

Brown, Tony. "Edward Carpenter, Forster, and the Evolution of A

Room with a View." English Literature in Transition (1880-
1920) 30.2 (1987): 279-300.
Carpenter, Edward. Love's Coming of Age. 1896. London: Swan
Sonnenschein, 1909.
Delavenay, Emile. D. H. Lawrence: The Man and His Work: The
Formative Years (1885-1919). Trans. Katherine Delavenay.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1972.
Forster, E. M. A Room with a View. 1908. New York: Vintage,
Lawrence, D. H. "A Propos to Lady Chatterley's Lover." Lady
Chatterley's Lover New York: Bantam, 1968. 329-60.
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