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H-25 Fun Fact #1: Ramadhan moves back by about 11 days each year

H-24 Things that You Need to Prepare #1: Finish all pending fasts: If you had missed any
fasts during the previous Ramadhan, now is the time to complete them!
H-23 Fun Fact #2: Muslims all over the world experience fasting in different conditions
(depends on daylight hours)
H-22 Things that You Need to Prepare #2: Make the intention: We must make the intention
that we go into Ramadhan with the intention of fasting for Allah and doing all other
deeds for Allah alone.
H-21 Fun Fact #3: Ramadhan is a month-long reminder: to abstain from transgression, to get
closer to God, and to be better fellow human beings.
H-20 Things that You Need to Prepare #3: Clean the house: The purpose is to get as many
chores done in preparation for Ramadhan so you won’t need to do them during the
H-19 Fun Fact #4: Break of fast (Iftar) is regarded as a social event that involves family and
community members.
H-18 Things that You Need to Prepare #4: Get your shopping done: All of us are excited
about Eid, even before Ramadhan begins, but don’t let that be your sole focus during
the month.
H-17 Fun Fact #5: Boosting brain power: fasting triggers a ‘mild stress response’ in the brain,
and when it is stressed, it becomes more active. More brain cells are produced, thus
improving brain function.
H-16 Things that You Need to Prepare #5: Pre-make meals: You can make large batches of
food and store them in the freezer in individual portions, so when the time comes you
can just take out one of them and heat them through!
H-15 Fun Fact #6: Naturally detoxify: Chemicals, such as DDT that is known for its insecticidal
properties, are not found in food but are absorbed from one;s environment. These are
stored in fat reserves that may be released during a fast too.
H-14 Things that You Need to Prepare #6: Visit the doctor: If you are having some concerns,
discussing them with your doctor and treating them beforehand will save you a lot of
trouble during Ramadhan.
H-13 Fun Fact #7: Slight dehydration is not bad: No detrimental effects on health have as yet
been directly attributed to intermittent negative water balance at the levels that may
be produced during Ramadhan.
H-12 Things that You Need to Prepare #7: Clear your schedule: Make sure whatever you
need done is taken care of, and whatever you can putt off until after Ramadhan can be
set aside.
H-11 Fun Fact #8: Nurturing patience: Psychologists agree that people who can control their
desire of hunger can also control their other desires, such as hunger, happiness, etc.
H-10 Things that You Need to Prepare #8: Prepare a Ramadhan checklist: Having your
“goals” listed out in a checklist will help keep you on track and to maximize productivity
during Ramadhan.
H-9 Fun Fact #9: Healing the mind, body, and soul: During a fast, energy is diverted away
from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism and
immune system
H-8 Things that You Need to Prepare #9: Print out some Ramadhan supplications: Print out
them and hang around the house, so, whenever you look at them, you will be reminded
to recite them.
H-7 Fun Fact #10: Sharing matters: Muslims take the time to explain, discuss, and elaborate
on people who find out and practices in Ramadhan, there is important contribution
towards interfaith dialogue and bridging understanding between one another.
H-6 Things that You Need to Prepare #10: More dua’s: Ask for lot of forgiveness. Allah
wants to forgive you!
H-5 Fun Fact #11: Supporting humanity: Ramadhan helps Muslims to focus on aspects of
H-4 Things that You Need to Prepare #11: More Quran time: Befriend Quran, learn
tajweed, read with understanding.
H-3 Fun Fact #12: Learning to forgive: Forgiveness is sought by Muslims at the very
presence of God, without any intermediaries.
H-2 Things that You Need to Prepare #12: Gather Information: Get your local prayer
timings, along with iftar and fajr timings and hang up them up in your house.
H-1 Fun Fact #13: A season of fasting and prayer, Ramadhan may seem difficult to observe,
but Muslims truly wish Ramadhan would never end. Are you ready to welcoming


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