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Points to keep in mind

1. Non living things cannot move by themselves so movement is used as criteria to

decide whether something is living/alive or not. Plants show movement in various
ways like they respond to stimulus like sunlight such as they bend towards
sunlight (please remember sunlight is not same as any other source of light), they
grow with their shoot growing upward and root growing downward, etc.

2. Metabolic Activities- The chemical processes occurring in the human body in

order to maintain life. These chemical processes either use or liberate energy
which is required for various life processes common to all living organisms.
These life processes are Nutrition and Respiration, Transport and Excretion,
Control and Coordination, Growth, Movement and Reproduction.

3. The chemical energy is obtained from food by breaking of food or organic matter
through various chemical reactions like respiration (respiration is a process that
releases energy from food absorbed by the body).Carbohydrates and fats are most
common food for providing energy.

Example of carbohydrates – Glucose (simple sugar), spinach

Example of fats – Oil

Life processes also require energy for building for biosynthesis of body constituents
like cells,tissues and organs. These processes consume the energy liberated by other
chemical reactions. Proteins and minerals are nutrients used for biosynthesis.
Examples of proteins: milk, eggs etc

Modes of nutrition
1. Autotrophic mode: Organism synthesizes its own food from simple inorganic
materials like CO2 and H 2 O in presence of sunlight (solar energy) (absorb blue
and red light and reflect green light) and green color pigment called chlorophyll.
Examples of autotrophs:green plants (not all plants are green), autotrophic
bacteria (not all bacteria are autotrophs)

2. Heterotrophs: They cannot prepare their own food from simple inorganic
materials like CO2 and H 2 O and depend on other heterotrophs or autotrophs for

What are three ways in which heterotrophs obtain their food from other orvganisms?
(Modes of nutrition)

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1. Saprotrophic nutrition- Sapro means rotten, trophe means nutrition So food is

obtained from dead plants and decaying animal bodies.As saprophytes secrete
digestive enzymes on dead plants and animals to decompose them into simple
molecules or absorbable nutrients for themselves and others. They help in
recycling dead waste. Examples saprophytes – fungi like mushrooms, yeast and
bread moulds.
*Scavangers like crow,vultures also feed on dead animals So the word
saprophytes is generally used for microbes
2. Parasitic nutrition: Obtain nutrition from the body of other living organisms
(without killing them).Since parasytes consume food and nutrition meant for
maintaining life processes in host, parasites harm the host.
3. Holozoic- Intake of food by ingestion, ingested food is then digested and
absorbed by the body cells of organism.Example :human beings,cat,dogs and
most of the animals have holozoic mode of nutrion.

Common points for experiments involving photosynthesis

a) Before Testing for starch:To test for the formation of starch in these experiments,
starch first needs to be removed.This is done by keeping the plant in dark room
for 3 days atleast.It won't make any more food due to absence of sunlight and the
plant will consume all the stored food i.e.starch during respiration.This process is
called destarching.

b) Test for starch: Starch gives blue black color with Iodine.Chlorophyll being green
in color interferes with the test for starch.So it needs to be removed from leaf by
putting the leaf in a beaker containing alcohol and heating over water
bath.Alcohol is inflammable I.e. catches fire easily so alcohol beaker is placed in
a beaker containing water which is then heated.Boiling alcohol will extract
chlorophyll making the leaf colorless or pale yellow. Leaf is then washed with
water to remove any remaining chlorophyll sticking to the it.Place the decolorised
leaf in a petri dish and drop Iodine solution and observe the color change.

Note *I am writing the common point above so that it is easy to remember these
experiment.If asked in exams, write the experiment explaining the details about
destarching and test for starch.

*Support your answers with diagrams wherever possible depending on marks.Diagrams

are good 3/5 marks questions

Experiment to show sunlight is needed for photosynthesis

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