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2 minutes 1. T greets Ss and Ss greet T and This brief T>Ss, Ss>T Whiteboard
introduces herself. T listen to T introduction is
tells Ss they are having introducing herself. meant to get Ss
the English class ready for the new Whole class,
together and that she lesson and to individual
hopes they’ll enjoy it as create a dynamic
much as usual. Then T and balanced
asks if anyone is absent. atmosphere in the

2. T introduces the topic

of the reading text: A
New Dimension to Art
and writes it on the

T encourages Ss to start
warm-up conversation
by inviting them to take Warm-up
Lead in a closer look to the title conversation
and asking what kind of makes the abstract
3 minutes topic more
dimension, more exactly Ss write down the
Speaking innovation, do they think new title in their concrete and
about in this particular notebooks and represents a
(fluency, answer T’s passage from the
phrase. E.g.: abstract
pronuncia questions. general towards
art, experimental
tion) the particular
dimension, technology
as support for creation, aspects of the
digitalization of art, a theme.
new art technique, a new
art movement, the way in
which we perceive art
T gets answers from Ss.

8 Pre - reading Visual 1. T projects two short Ss watch the Videos make the T>Ss, Ss>T Computer
insight film excerpts, extremely videos. abstract topic even
minutes Data
contrastive from the more concrete and
point of view of the art illustrate it Whole class,
techniques they display. making the target individual Video
The first one is a piece topic more materials
of Luis Buñuel’s An meaningful,
Andalusian Dog (1929) especially for Whiteboard
and the other video visual learners.
represents James
Ss will find the
Cameron’s Avatar
lesson more
(2009) trailer .
attractive and their
cultural and art
enthusiasm will be
1. T writes on the
activated from the
whiteboard the names of
very beginning.
the two movies and
Moreover, Ss
those of their directors.
learn new
She explains that Luis
Buñuel was a Spanish
information while
Cultural and filmmaker and a leader
being relaxed.
artistic approach of the avant-garde
surrealism. An Some of the Ss
Andalusian Dog, his first may find Buñuel’s
picture, was called ‘the imagery a bit
most famous short film disturbing, but T
ever’ and it was made in will make them
the silent era. Buñuel understand that
used as main techniques the cutting of the
sound editing and music eye is a powerful
effects. The script was metaphor for the
written by Salvador need of freedom
Dali. of expression in
art, and that the
On the other hand,
eye represents the
Avatar, a science-fiction
artist’s soul, both
film, set in the mid-22nd
beautiful and deep
century, is spectacular
and sometimes
because of the various
disturbed. What
innovative visual effects
makes the film
techniques used during
more realistic is
production. Both Buñuel
the fact that all
and Cameron were
visual effects are
pioneers in the film
created by means
making area. T
of directorial
encourages Ss to do
further research on the

2. T asks Ss which of the Sharing their ideas

two film excerpts with the whole
attracts them most and class provides Ss
which one they would with feedback
like to watch entirely. T both from their
also asks which one Ss classmates and
consider to be more teacher.
Speaking Ss argue their
preference and
5 minutes Listening & Listening T asks Ss to open their Ss listen the text Advising Ss to be Whole class Audio
textbooks at page 70 and and read it silently careful about new material
Reading &
to listen and follow in while listening. vocabulary and
Reading their textbooks a text main ideas in the
for about technical text they are Textbook
general innovations in the listening is
informa- production of visual arts important since
(Computer-generated they are related to
tion imagery) and about how skimming and
James Cameron’s Avatar scanning skills
was made. and this increases
their awareness
about what they
Note: T recommends Ss need while doing
to be careful about comprehension
new vocabulary and exercises.
main ideas while
5 minutes Comprehension Reading T asks Ss if they enjoyed Ss answer T’s Conversation with T>Ss, Ss>T Textbook
for gist/ the text they have just questions. Ss relaxes them
specific listened and if they and makes them
informa- consider it difficult. aware of what Whole class,
comes next in individual
lesson stages
T asks Ss what they succession.
think ‘avatar’ means and Ss try to guess or to
explains that the word express the
has two meanings: meaning of Ss understand
‘avatar’. better the title of
questions a) the incarnation of a
the movie they
on a text superior conciousness in
have read about.
a humanlike body;
b) an icon or figure
representing a person in
video games, social
media, etc.

T asks Ss the questions

in Task 4 (p. 71) and Answering
allows Ss to scan the text comprehension
again if they need to. questions
Ss scan the text immediately after
1. Why did it take again if they need
reading the text
Cameron a long time to and answer the
shows Ss’
produce Avatar? questions in Task comprehension
2. How did Cameron level and helps T
manage to combine live 4. to mould the way
- action scenes with in which she
computer-generated conducts the next
scenes? activities.
1. It took Cameron
a long time to
produce Avatar
because the
technology he
needed to make the
film totally realistic
wasn’t available.
2. He developed a
special 3D camera.
He used a virtual
camera and a
simulation camera
to create a 3D
fusion camera.
7 minutes Comprehension Reading T tells Ss they are going Ss receive the Pair work T>Ss, Ss>Ss, Textbook
for to do some pair work. T worksheets and get increases Ss>T
specific provides Ss worksheets ready for pair work. interaction among
informa- on which she has listed Ss. Appendix 1
the words in the Check Whole class,
tion Understanding the Whiteboard
these words box, from 1 pair work
meaning of new
to 27, and their mingled
vocabulary items
definitions from a to z2.
Vocabula- helps Ss to set in
ry context the
conceptual frame
T asks Ss to match the
of the text and to
words with the right
draw a clearer
definitions and to read
image of the
the answers when they Ss match the words
global meaning of
are ready. on the first sheet the text.
with their
definitions on the
T checks Ss’ answers, second sheet.
writes the correct
When they are
matchings on the
ready, Ss read their
whiteboard and gives
further explanations, if
Right answers:
1-h, 2-l, 3-z1, 4-j,
Note: T monitors Ss
5-c, 6-n, 7-s, 8-q,
while they are doing the
9-f, 10-m, 11-e,
activity so that she can
12-t, 13-r, 14-w,
see whether they are
15-a, 16-y, 17-i,
able to do the task.
18-b, 19-u, 20-o,
21-z2, 22-k, 23-p,
24-g, 25-x, 26-d, 27

8 minutes Comprehension Reading T asks Ss to turn to Task Ss turn to Task 3 in This activity T>Ss, Ss>T Textbook
for 3 (pp. 70-71) in the their textbooks and reinforces Ss’
specific textbooks and to read the read the questions scanning skills in
informa- questions 1-8 and the 1-8 and the possible reading. Whole class,
possible answers aloud. answers aloud. individual

T asks Ss to choose the Ss scan the text

correct answers and again and choose
gives them time to scan the correct answers.
the text again.
Ss tell T the
answers they have
T checks Ss’ answers chosen.
around the class and
asks Ss to justify their
answers with examples Right answers:
from the text.
1. D (l. 7-9)
T corrects possible
mistakes. 2. B (l. 12-13)
3. C (l. 26-27)
4. A (‘special’)
5. C (l. 41-44)
6. D (l. 47-48)
7. B (l. 57-60)
8. B (l. 62-64)
10 minutes Production Creative T divides Ss into three Ss follow T’s This kind of T>Ss, Ss>Ss>Ss, Words cut
stage writing groups. Each group has instructions and activity is unusual Ss>T out from the
to extract randomly ten after they and at the same text
words from a bowl. The accomplish the time exciting. (Appendix 2)
Vocabula- words have been cut out task, they read their Finally, Ss are Whole class,
Glass bowl
from the text (Appendix on-the-spot-made given the group work
ry 2). Ss are free to arrange poems aloud. opportunity to Sheets of
the words as they wish reorganise and paper
and to add at most three reinvest with new
other words so as to meanings the
create an experimental target language in
poem. a much freer
context. At their
turn, Ss become
Ss are asked to write the themselves artists
words in the order that and art creators.
they choose on a sheet of This activity
paper and to read the triggers their
result. creative skills and
group work
T explains that in interaction among
experimental art form Ss.
and, in this case,
The possibility of
intonation, are more
sharing their
important than content
and that meaning is
poems with the
arbitrary, so Ss shouldn’t
whole class will
be concerned about the
plainly grow Ss’
fact that their poems
satisfaction at the
may not have full
end of the lesson.
meaning. The pleasure
of creating and reading
them will derive from
their utmost originality.
2 minutes Feedback T gives Ss positive Doing the T>Ss
feedback for their feedback session
involvement during the at the end of the
class. lesson creates a Whole class
smooth closure for
the lesson.
T assigns homework:
What makes Avatar a
special film? Write your Ss write down in
opinion in two - three their notebooks the
sentences. homework task.

T greets Ss and wishes

them a nice day.
Ss greet T.

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