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Everyone wants to achieve Success…Only few achieve what they have set out for.

Your Mindset decides the level of Success You achieve

Your Strategies make up your Mindset…

Build a Success Mindset by having well formed strategies in life..

Raghavender Matam is an International Certified Coach and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
Programming). Having over a decade of experience in the fields of…

I will not promise the Sun and The Moon to my clients.

Not use very unreal terms like Skyrocket to success , Infinite happiness…I am a realist and I love to keep
it real.

I do not categorize Coaching into categories, if I will I will be going against the grain to what coaching
really stands for. I believe that for any role in life the individual uses the same brain. Hence I coach
individuals with a Mind.

If you are accessing this information on my website, it means you are successful in life and want More!

What is success if you are not happy about it.

My purpose is to – Help you make explosive and sustainable changes in your life through fun.

Organic Growth to Proactive growth? Requires new strategies, practices that become new habits

Appreciate that the shift is a process which does not happen overnight. Stay committed, persistent, and
patient as you get through the “Hot Coals,” whether it takes months or—in many cases—years.

My goal for this book is to help you get through the hot coals as quickly, easily and profitably as possible.

That will only happen if…

What frustrations, challenges or failures are you facing right now, in life or work? Do you understand
that from these challenges can come your biggest successes?
Have you ever had a dream die? (I've been divorced too, which was even more painful. But don't hold
your breath for a book on Predictable Love!) Have you ever been so excited about something in your
life—more excited than about anything else, ever—onlv to have it crash and burn?

What a coachee has to be:

Optimistic Attitude

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back— Concerning all
acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of
which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits
oneself, then Providence moves too. A ll sorts of things occur to help one that would
never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material
assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever
you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic
in it. Begin it now.” - Goethe

"Coaching is an art and it's far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer
up advice, provide and answer, or unleash a solution. giving another person the opportunity to find their
own way, make their own mistakes, and create their own wisdom is both brave and vulnerable. In this
practical and inspiring book, Michael shares seven transformative questions that can make a difference
in how we lead and support. And he guides us through the tricky part - how to take this new information
and turn it into habits and a daily practice.

--Brené Brown, author of Rising Strong and Daring Greatly

Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it.

This is what usually any person who asks for advice must be thinking unconsciously. Any advice or
solution given has a failure rate of 99.9%. There is a simple reason for it, people only want to follow
what they think is right and believe me they have already made it up. There is a scientific reason too,
because the person has not made new neural pathways to execute that solution.
Coaching is not Training, or Consultation or Mentoring even more not counselling.

What Coaching Really Is?

Teaching you to fish, rather than serve fish in your plate.

Coaching is a process to inspire, empower and engage the coachee in finding their own answers,
solutions and wisdom. In essence the process of unlocking the potential that lies within of you, increase
your capabilities to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Two questions you have to ask before taking up coaching.

What you really need now?

If you want to have suggestions, advice or a soundboard (to whine) then coaching is not for you.

But, if you have a real burning challenge and YOU want to really achieve it then you are in.

How much price are you ready to pay?

Of course besides the coach fee.

What are you ready to pay the price for achieving your goals in life or work?

The price is

Commitment with regards to time, keeping up appointments with the coach.

Commitment with regards to energy, about doing what you have agreed upon to change yourself.

Commitment with regards to self-development, holistically rather than instant gratifications in life.

E + Life

Everybody from Alexander to Sage on an mountain wants more in life. You might be looking for More
Emotional Connect with yourself and your children, parents, or partner.

More Empowerment at job, business and self

More Excellence at your hobby or career

More Energy in your health and spirit

We always want E+ to make our living successful, purposeful and bountiful

Now you have to decide what is “More” according to you might be.

More health, more wealth, more love in life. Not necessarily in the same order.

You might be wondering where is the course structure and fee?

This is not a course for passing out of a college where we have a structured curriculum.

Each person is unique and each person has unique challenges in his life. I would not pre-assume that my
formulae of success will work for everybody.

Hence here is what we can do. Register with the below form and we can schedule a call.

There are many fancy names like Chemistry Session, Laser Session, Strategy session etc it just means lets
understand each other. If I can work with each other to achieve your goals.

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