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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

13 May 2018 Solemnity of the Ascension Year B



Tasked to Build God’s Kingdom

esus’ ascension marks the climax of his glorification, but it
does not mean that he has severed his relationship with us.
It only means that, while still remaining the great “protago-
nist” in the history of salvation, Jesus recedes for a time into the
background to let the members of the Church play their role in
the construction of God’s Kingdom with a greater sense of re-
All of us are involved in this great enterprise which is the core
of God’s plan for mankind. We do our share in it by contributing
to the proclamation of the Gospel and by making the Kingdom
present through a life of authentic Christian witness.
Today we also observe the 52nd World Communication Sun-
day. Let us keep in our prayers all the Media practitioners and the
recipients of their service.
This is also a wonderful opportunity to show our love and
gratitude to our mother, as we celebrate Mother’s Day. We will
do that not only by offering them flowers and hugs, but also by
praying for them, especially in this Eucharistic celebration.

to celebrate the ascension into Gloria

heaven of the Risen Christ, let us All – Glory to God in the high-
reflect on what prevents us from est, and on earth peace to peo-
soaring high in our spiritual life. ple of good will. We praise you,
Entrance Antiphon (Pause) we bless you, we adore you,
(To be recited only when no Entrance P –You are exalted at the right we glorify you, we give you
Hymn is sung.) hand of the Father. Lord, thanks for your great glory,
Men of Galilee, why gaze have mercy! Lord God, heavenly King, O
in wonder at the heavens? This All – Lord, have mercy! God, almighty Father.
Jesus whom you saw ascending P –You are the hope of all the Lord Jesus Christ, Only
into heaven will return as you living and the dead. Christ, Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
saw him go. Alleluia! have mercy! of God, Son of the Father, you
All – Christ, have mercy! take away the sins of the world,
Greeting P –You sent your apostles to have mercy on us; you take away
P –Blessed be Jesus, our glori- preach the Good News to the sins of the world, receive our
ous Lord, who ascended into prayer; you are seated at the
all nations. Lord, have mer-
heaven and sits at the right hand right hand of the Father, have
of the Father. May his grace and cy! mercy on us. For you alone are
peace be with you all! All – Lord, have mercy! the Holy One, you alone are the
All – And with your spirit! P – May almighty God have Lord, you alone are the Most
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, High, Jesus Christ, with the
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
P – As we prepare ourselves All – Amen! the Father. Amen!
Collect (Opening Prayer) power when the Holy Spirit R – A proclamation from the
P –Gladden us with holy joys, comes upon you, and you will Letter of Paul to the Ephe-
almighty God, and make us re- be my witnesses in Jerusa- sians
joice with devout thanksgiving, lem, throughout Judea and Brothers and sisters:
for the Ascension of Christ your Samaria, and to the ends of May the God of our Lord
Son is our exaltation, and, where the earth.” When he had said Jesus Christ, the Father of glo-
the Head has gone before in glo- this, as they were looking on, ry, give you a Spirit of wisdom
ry, the Body is called to follow in he was lifted up, and a cloud and revelation, resulting in
hope. took him from their sight. knowledge of him. May the
Through our Lord Jesus While they were looking eyes of your hearts be enlight-
Christ, your Son, who lives and intently at the sky as he was go- ened, that you may know what
reigns with you in the unity of ing, suddenly two men dressed is the hope that belongs to his
the Holy Spirit, one God, for in white garments stood beside call, what are the riches of glo-
ever and ever. them. They said, “Men of Gali- ry in his inheritance among the
All – Amen! lee, why are you standing there holy ones, and what is the sur-
looking at the sky? This Jesus, passing greatness of his power
who has been taken up from for us who believe.
you into heaven, will return in This power working in us
the same way as you have seen is the same as the great might,
him going into heaven.” which he worked in Christ,
1st Reading Acts 1:1-11 The Word of the Lord! raising him from the dead and
The Book of the Acts of the All – Thanks be to God! seating him at his right hand
Apostles begins where the Gos- in the heavens, far above every
pels of Mark and Luke end: the Responsorial Psalm Ps 47 principality, authority, power,
ascension of Jesus into heaven. and dominion, and every name
He leaves his disciples with the R –God mounts his throne to that is named not only in this
promise of the Holy Spirit and shouts of joy; a blare of age but also in the one to come.
the mission to be his witnesses trumpets for the Lord! He put all things beneath his
to the ends of the earth. feet and gave him as head over
R. M. Velez all things to the Church, which
F Bb F
R – A proclamation from the is his body, the fullness of the
    
 
Acts of the Apostles one who fills all things in every
In the first book, Theophi- way.
lus, I dealt with all that Jesus God mounts his throne to shouts of joy; The Word of the Lord!

    
did and taught until the day C Bb C F All – Thanks be to God!
 

he was taken up, after giving 
instructions through the Holy Gospel Acclamation
Spirit to the apostles whom he a blare of trumpets for the Lord! All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
had chosen. Go and teach all nations,
He presented himself alive * All you peoples, clap your says the Lord. I am with
to them by many proofs after hands, shout to God with cries you always, until the end
he had suffered, appearing to of gladness. For the Lord, the of the world.
them during forty days and Most High, the Awesome, is the Alleluia! Alleluia!
speaking about the kingdom great king over all the earth.
of God. While meeting with R. Gospel Mk 16:15-20
them, he enjoined them not to The episode of Jesus’ as-
* God mounts his throne cension into heaven brings to
depart from Jerusalem, but
amid shouts of joy; the Lord, a close his visible presence
to wait for “the promise of the
amid trumpet blasts. Sing among his disciples. At the same
Father about which you have
praise to God, sing praise; sing time, it ushers in the “Time of
heard me speak; for John bap-
praise to our king, sing praise. the Church” which is the direct
tized with water, but in a few
R. continuation of the evangelizing
days you will be baptized with
and saving mission of Christ.
the Holy Spirit.” * For king of all the earth
When they had gathered is God; sing hymns of praise. P –The Lord be with you!
together they asked him, God reigns over the nations, All –And with your spirit!
“Lord, are you at this time go- God sits upon his holy throne. P – A proclamation from the
ing to restore the kingdom to R. holy Gospel according to
Israel?” Mark
He answered them, “It is 2nd Reading Eph 1:17-23 All – Glory to you, O Lord!
not for you to know the times Here is a beautiful prayer of Jesus said to his disciples:
or seasons that the Father has petition and a reflection on the “Go into the whole world and
established by his own au- exaltation of Christ above every proclaim the gospel to every
thority. But you will receive principality and power. creature. Whoever believes

13 May 2018
and is baptized will be saved. I believe in one, holy, cath-
Whoever does not believe will olic and apostolic Church. I
be condemned. confess one Baptism for the
These signs will accom- forgiveness of sins and I look
pany those who believe: in forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts
my name they will drive out the dead and the life of the world P –Pray, brethren . . .
demons, they will speak new to come. Amen! All – May the Lord accept the
languages. They will pick up sacrifice at your hands, for the
serpents with their hands, and Prayer of the Faithful
praise and glory of his name,
if they drink any deadly thing, P –The Ascension of our Lord
it will not harm them. They for our good and the good of all
reminds us of our final destiny. his holy Church.
will lay hands on the sick, and It also reminds us of our duty to
they will recover.” work in building God’s Kingdom Prayer over the Offerings
So then the Lord Jesus, af- on earth through a life of unwav-
ter he spoke to them, was taken ering Christian commitment. P –We offer sacrifice now in
up into heaven and took his Aware of all our limitations and supplication, O Lord, to honor
seat at the right hand of God. weaknesses, we pray: the wondrous Ascension of your
But they went forth and Son: grant, we pray, that through
preached everywhere, while All –Ascending Christ, hear us! this most holy exchange we, too,
the Lord worked with them C –That the Church and her may rise up to the heavenly
and confirmed the word leaders may faithfully accom- realms.
through accompanying signs. plish their mission to lead the Through Christ our Lord.
The Gospel of the Lord! whole of mankind in a continu- All – Amen!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus ous moral and spiritual progress,
let us pray! R. Preface of Ascension I
C –That those who feel so at- P –The Lord be with you!
Homily tracted to earthly values as to All –And with your spirit!
forget the heavenly ones may P –Lift up your hearts!
Profession of Faith All – We lift them up to the Lord!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) find in our good example an in-
vitation to raise the level of their P –Let us give thanks to the
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- aspirations, let us pray! R. Lord our God!
ther almighty, maker of heaven All –It is right and just!
C –That all those who have P – It is truly right and just,
and earth, of all things visible reached the bottom of human
and invisible. our duty and our salvation, al-
perversion may heed the call of ways and everywhere to give
I believe in one Lord Jesus the ascending Christ to a sincere
Christ, the Only Begotten Son you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
conversion, let us pray! R.
of God, born of the Father be- almighty and eternal God.
fore all ages. God from God, C –That all the media practitio- For the Lord Jesus, the King
Light from Light, true God from ners and all those involved in the of glory, conqueror of sin and
true God, begotten, not made, world of social communication death, ascended today to the
consubstantial with the Father; may practice their profession highest heavens, as the Angels
through him all things were effectively for the upliftment of gazed in wonder.
made. For us men and for our all human beings, and for the Mediator between God and
salvation he came down from promotion of peace and justice man, judge of the world and Lord
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy throughout the world, let us of hosts, he ascended, not to dis-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- pray! R. tance himself from our lowly
gin Mary, and became man.* For C –That all the mothers through- state but that we, his members,
our sake he was crucified under out the world may have the might be confident of following
Pontius Pilate, he suffered death strength and good health to ful- where he, our Head and Founder,
and was buried, and rose again fill their duties with loving dedi- has gone before.
on the third day in accordance cation, let us pray! R. Therefore, overcome with
with the Scriptures. He ascended paschal joy, every land, every
into heaven and is seated at the C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) people exults in your praise and
right hand of the Father. He will even the heavenly Powers, with
come again in glory to judge Let us pray! R.
the angelic hosts, sing together
the living and the dead and his P –Lord Jesus, keep our hearts the unending hymn of your glo-
kingdom will have no end. set on the “great hope” to which ry, as they acclaim:
I believe in the Holy Spirit, you calls us. May we do our best All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
the Lord, the giver of life, who to promote on earth the Kingdom God of hosts. Heaven and
proceeds from the Father and of justice, peace and love which earth are full of your glory.
the Son, who with the Father you came to establish, and in Hosanna in the highest!
and the Son is adored and glori- which you live and reign for ever Blessed is he who comes in
fied, who has spoken through and ever. the name of the Lord. Hosanna
the prophets. All – Amen! in the highest!

Solemnity of the Ascension (B)

Memorial Acclamation P –Bow your heads and pray P –May you be strengthened by
for God’s blessing. (Pause) God’s grace as you fulfill
P –The mystery of faith!
Jesus has taken his seat at your task to be heralds and
All –We proclaim your Death,
O Lord, and profess your the right hand of the Father. witnesses of the Gospel.
Resurrection until you May you have the joy of ex- All – Amen!
come again! periencing that he is also P –May almighty God bless
with you till the end of time. you: the Father, and the
All – Amen! Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –May almighty God look All – Amen!
with love on you this day P –Go in the peace of the glori-
when his only Son ascend- fied Christ.
All – Our Father . . . ed into heaven to prepare a All – Thanks be to God!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . place for you.
All –For the kingdom, the All – Amen!
power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever.
Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
All – Lamb of God . . .
P –This is the Lamb of God
T he glorification of Christ at his
Ascension ushered in the time
of the Church – the time of the proc-
beings to Himself in Jesus Christ
(see Rom 5:10-11), and has exalted
Jesus above all creatures by seat-
who ascended into heaven lamation of the Gospel addressed to ing him at His right hand (see Eph
after offering his life to take all peoples through the voice of men 1:20.22 and Mk 16:19).
away the sins of the world. who were themselves frail and sinful. The “Good News” is also about
Blessed are those called to the the saving effects on all men and
By human standards, their preaching
Supper of the Lamb.
would have been doomed to fail from women of all times and places,
All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under the very start. And yet, after almost of Christ’s sacrificial death and
my roof, but only say the word two thousand years and millions of resurrection, for he has gone to
and my soul shall be healed. setbacks, the preaching goes on, as prepare “a place” for all, so that
relevant and as challenging as ever. where he is, his brothers and sis-
Communion Antiphon
The reason for this astonishing ters may also be. (See Jn 14:13.) In
(To be recited only when no Com-
munion Hymn is sung.) phenomenon is the fact that Christ this way, the wonder of Jesus’ res-
has been keeping the promise he urrection and mankind’s redemption
Behold, I am with you al- is announced not as an event of a
made to his apostles: “I am with
ways, even to the end of the age,
you always, until the end of the distant past, but as a saving reality
world” (Mt 28:20). Indeed, the Ris- rooted in history, affecting positively
Prayer after Communion en Christ has been all along with his all human beings.
P –Almighty ever-living God, people “working with them and con- Such a blessing can be expe-
who allow those on earth to cel- firming the word with accompanying rienced personally by all through
ebrate divine mysteries, grant, signs.” (See end of today’s Gospel.) a response of faith to the procla-
we pray, that Christian hope may It is thanks to the unfailing pres- mation of the “Good News” and
draw us onward to where our ence of the Risen Christ that his by living its values. We are also
nature is united with you. Word displays a freshness which expected to proclaim it to others
Through Christ our Lord. makes it contemporary with all gen- through all the means of social
All – Amen! erations, and possesses a richness communication, and to witness
which makes it relevant to all cul- to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
tures and circumstances. through a life characterized by
The heart of the Word pro- serenity, generosity, peace, purity
claimed by the Church is the and all other qualities that make
P –The Lord be with you. GOSPEL, the GOOD NEWS that the environment in which we live
All –And with your spirit! God has reconciled all human a little heaven.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
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