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A. Background Of The Paper

Wound dressing is a material used to cover the wound. The purpose of this
wound closure is to protect the wound from external infections to wound healing
(Johnson, 2004). Selection of appropriate dressing, is essential in wound care. The
basic principle in choosing an optimal wound dressing among others, if the wound
is dry it must be moistened, if the wound has a wide exudate then the fluid should
be absorbed, if the wound has necrotic tissue then it should be discarded, and if
the wound is infected then it should be treated with antibiotics (Medika Jurnal
Kedokteran Indonesia, 2010).

Using appropriate dressing needs to be accompanied by an understanding

of wound healing. Various types of dressing options have been sold freely. If the
dressing does not match the characteristics, then the dressing can interfere with
wound healing (Erwin-Toth dan Hocevar 1995 ; Motta, 1995).

On the surgical wounds with primary healing, dressing generally opened

after the drainage stopped. Conversely, if the nurse wrap for an open wound with
secondary healing, then the material may be a means for transporting the exudates
and necrotic tissues mechanically.

B. Problem Formulation

 How to change the correct dressing ?

C. Purpose of The Paper

 To find out how to replace the correct dressing



A. Defenition of Dressing

An action to speed up the wound healing process

B. The Purpose of Dressing

1. Protecting wounds from contamination of microorganisms

2. Help homeostatic

3. Accelerate healing by absorbing drainage and do wound debridement

4. Buffer or tighten the edges of the wound

5. Protecting clients from injuries ( if the wound is not pleasant )

6. Increase the isolation of temperature on the surface of the wound

7. Maintaining high moisture between wounds and dressing

C. Indication

In a dirty dressing

D. Contraindicated

1. Dressing can cause a dark, warm and humid situation, so that

microorganisms can live

2. dressing can cause irritation to the wound

E. Implementation Procedures

1. Tool

The content of paratus case :

 Thumb forceps

 Tissue forceps

 Scissors of debridement

 Sterile gauze

 Gallipot : 3

Other Equipment :

 spuit 5 cc atau 10 cc

 gloves

 bandage scissors

 plaster

 disinfectant

 NaCl 0,9 %

 2 kidney tray, 1 contains desinfectant solution

 Verband

 Wound medicine according to the needs

2. Pre-interaction Phase

a. Verify client treatment program

b. Washing hands

c. Placing the tool, near the patient properly

3. Orientation Phase

a. Greeting as a therapeutic approach

b. Explain the purpose and procedure of action on the client/family

c. Asking clients readiness, before taking action

4. Work Phase

a. Keep privacy

b. Set the patients position so that the wound can be seen clearly

c. Open the equipment

d. Wear gloves

e. Open the dressing carefully, when it is difficult to wet with 0,9 % NaCl

f. Cleaning the wound using 0,9 % NaCl

g. Do debridement when there is necrotic tissue

h. Clean again the wound using 0,9 % NaCl

i. Drying the wound with sterile gauze

j. Give topical medication according to wound condition

k. Closing the wound with sterile gauze

l. Then pairs of bandage, and plaster

m. Tidy up the patient

5. Termination Phase

a. Evaluate the outcome of the action

b. Greeting the patient when will out of the room

c. Clean up and return the equipment to its original place

d. Washing hands

e. Make a note activities in nursing documentation

F. Things That Must be Considered

1. Bandage should be flat, dont be to loose and dont get too tight, this is to
prevent the occurrence of damming. Examples of the foot and hands

2. Dressing should be appropriate with the purpose

3. Cut the plaster not too long or too short

4. A dirty or wet bandage is replaced immediately

5. See if there is bleeding, or other dirt, to determine when the drain can be

6. Pay attention to surgical wound complication



A. Conclusion

Wound dressing is a material used to cover the wound. The purpose of this
wound closure is to protect the wound from external infections to wound healing
(Johnson, 2004). Selection of appropriate dressing, is essential in wound care. The
basic principle in choosing an optimal wound dressing among others, if the wound
is dry it must be moistened, if the wound has a wide exudate then the fluid should
be absorbed, if the wound has necrotic tissue then it should be discarded, and if
the wound is infected then it should be treated with antibiotics. Contraindicated :
dressing can cause a dark, warm and humid situation, so that microorganisms can
live, dressing can cause irritation to the wound. Indication : in a dirty dressing.

B. Suggestion

1. Use this paper as a guide in learning wound care

2. Be a competent and competitive nurse candidates


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