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l C.S.f:-Pre :!

005 I of l4


A banery is used 10 ligl11 a bulb. run Sizing and rlmlog of specific hems
Qnd heal au electric iron m case elf~ p<Jwer produttion ltll
failure. If e~ch of the ~bO-'e systems has 2. Sequencing of individual orders orj obs
100 w rating and is run for 15 "'inutes. 3. Short tenn allocation of reSOtJrces tO

what are the work done fYV) and beat individual operalions
1ransfcrred (Q) by 1he baucry? 4. l'roducr design
a W = 90 kJ and Q = 90 kJ Selec1 Ute corr~l answer using the codes
b. W = .ISOkJandQ = O given. beiQw
c W = 270 kJ and Q= 0 a. 1. 2 and 4

d W = 90 kJ and Q c 180 kJ b. 2, 3 and 4
2. Mn1cb List I. wiJJJ List. U. and select the c. 1, 3 and4
correct Qnswer usrng the codes given d 1, 2aud3
below the lists;

5 Which one of the following forecasting 1 tecbniqtres is not suited for making
A Heat foreeasts for planning productioo

schedules in the ·shurt t".wge?
II llng.i.J ' a, Moving average
C. Stirring work
ra b. e,,poncntial smoothing method
c. Regressior1analysis
D Mechanical work
Lisl n d Delphi ntetl1od
Consider the foll owing stat~mer\lS.
I I'MM-2
Quewng Theory is used for
2. High g.rade energy
1. inventory problem$
J. arlable flow

-1 Nemst Simon sliltcment 2. rratllc congestion srudies

3. Job-sbop scheduling
S Dissipative worl;.
b, I.Jtexa.c t difie1·ential Which of 1/le statements given above are
7 PMl\.1·1
a. L. :2 and 3

b. I and 2
A 8 C D
c. 2and3
~; 2 5 4 3
d I andJ

b. 2 I 5 7
7 Which 0ne at' tlte following expressioos
c, 6 3 4 2 gives llre nue of depreciation by Ute
4. 6 1 5 2 straight Hne metltod ? (C = inirjal evs~ S =

J II system undergoes ·a change of State scrap value, N = life in yean.)

during wilicb I00 kJ of heat is transfen·ed a. D - (C-S)IN
to i1 iWd it doe.~ 50 kJ of work. The sys1em b_ D(C - S)IN

is brought batlr to its original stale through

c. DC - S
a process during which 120 kJ of heat is
d. DC '- S
transferred to it. What is the work dorle by
8 On whid t or r~e Followi ng factors does
the sy~tcm?
selection of mmerial handliog equipments-
a. 50 ld
b. 70 kJ
I, Cost
c 110 kJ
2 Material characteristics
d. 170 kl
3 Type of producllous
4 Which of the following activities pertain to
a master production schedule?
~ nllol
4. Equipment! ~··oilable n:nd their b. 1\ctivi1y clwt
ChGl'll ct«isti C$ c. S~IU chart
Seleet the correct an_~wet• USing lhe codes d. Process chllrt
giwu b~lo11 Ill. \VbnL i~ n clmt shmvmg scqu.;ncc of
:t. 1,2..3•nd4 OP'~falioos f<H niOt<: than uno item l.ior)\l rl
t.. 2 no<l 3 ••7
c. l •.hnd 4 a. Muliiple nctn-ity chart
d I 2 ~nd~ ~- ,\.!l$<l11lbly chart
9. Which <lr th~ fnii<JWing r.ctur" influences c. Orc:ration process ehnr1

·' plurtllnyC!ul'l d. Multi-~rod~J<:t process ohul
L Type of industry L5. For n gns. p....ssure p. volume '' ond
2 'fYJI<> of machines lempC'i'aluh> 1' arc dep~ndcnl QD e-ach
.3 Type of producl!! oll1.-r. 'lnen which one of the following p·
.J. Volume ofrroduclion v-T r•l•GIJn~hrps will be o!lcyoo1
Selecl lhe correct •nswer us ln1.4 the code
•· lapfiT )l', 111"'' ),lep
m·), -__ ,

giwn bdow
a. 2aud 3
b. l. 2 :tnd 4 b. (!;l(! J,(:l-

c. L. 3 ~ndd

cL 14nd~
Maximum pmblems in l chedullng are
c. l iJ,,)I "': ) (a/:)
{IT • 'i!l ' fJl •
tneount~red in
(~ J. -(! )J!::l
u. Job l.I'P<' J)rotluctiuu
b Bnkh pl")dudioll
ra 16.
If lh~ objectiw is lo po·ojccl th~: !r<md nod
c. 1\Jass production
scasonnJ variations in l"orccastinu. dam:md-
cl. Flow type production
lhen which Is theat>propnate modet/
tJ A rac!Ory is producing 1000 l>olbl ana 11111.<
a. Sionple movmg n\'el'llge
per lhlur on • m~chine. liS rMlcrhl oQ~t I>
R,. 3 75, l~bour cost i ~ R'i'. '24.5 uml U1c b. Time> ~erle:s deoompositibn

tlire<1 expense i~ R•. 110. 'll1e factol') nn c. Weighll:d movut!J a\eyagd

COKt ;,; 1 SO~~oftho iot~l l~b<Jur co••· \Vhzrt d. DonbJe. e;~pon<:ntinl •mooOting
iJI the total f3c!Pr)' cost'/ 17. A ro\·crsibtc cugino cxchnngcs heal .from
•• Rs. 1067.50 three (hermal reservoirs A. H And (.' al
tOOlJ 1-:. 800 K nnd 200 "- respelltivelr . Jf

b. Rs. 367.50
the engwo .o'eCeivcs 500 kJ Ji•otn A •nd ti{)tl
c. Rs. 320.25
kJ from B then wbot .~ the heal cx<:banged
tL lu. 1387.75
from thermal reservoir <.'1

12. Which of the f'~>llnwing lhrm the overt. en()

a, -1$0 l;J reject.ed to thermal reservoir C
b. 350 kJ rejected to tlt.:rmall'e8e"'oit C
L Foetory wq;cus.:s
"- 250 kJ 1~j.:.:ted ID lh=l rc...-volr C

2. Mlllcrinl expenses
3. Administrative CX'J>en•c• d. 2(10 kJ l'djected lo IJ•c-rmul ~"'' oir C
1. Snf.. 1lnd <fiKIJibutiou O<penses
J ll. _\ 100 Q rc::silllor o.:arry11\S .t conSIJwt
cumrnt of 0.5 A ioi k"fll nl • constant

:lelect the correct nnswer using the code

temper~ture nf 300 K by a ,!ream of
given below
<!tlOtill!l w~ter. ln ~ lillle int.,.val of .30
a. I.Z .tnil 3 minutes, wbJIL ""' the clllUlges iu .:nlrt>py
b. I. 3 OU!d 4 for Ute r.:<irrtor and t.hol of the unlv~m~e.
c. I noll 2 re~pectivelt/
d. 3and4 n, 0 and 150 J/K
13. What is ~ chart n>prescnting timd:rmental b. ($0 JIK •od 0
motions ofrwn hands known os'/ c. 300 IlK •ntl 0
n. '1\vo han~ pro~ess ehar1 d. 0 wd 300 IJ1.:
l ul l l
I !I A system .,r IUo kg n1m;s und"rgo"$ u a 2 J 4
llfO~CSS in which its Slli!Ciliu ~ntrop~' b. I 4 1 J
increases from 0~30 kJikg K to 0.35 kJikg c. 2 4 I 3
K. Ar lite srunc rime. tM entropy or the ll. I 3 1 4
surrnunuiugs doen::ascs !Tom 80 I.J/K hl 75 22 An •k-ctrolux sy$tcm Qrrcfngemllo" has
kJ{K . Whul i~ lhc type u( this prnc<~? a. No liqutd pump
IL Rcvcmblc b. One liquid pump
b, l.rrevet'S tble c. Two liquid pumps
a. Impossible d l'hrcc liquid pumps

d Nm rdenrfliuble "ith Lhe dam 1,1iven 23. In a ooupled separnling and llu'OIIIin!l
10 1\vo ~wrs•blc en1pnes tin! working '" calorfmet~, 0..\1 is d1~ dryn~ss rmalon or
serie<o bct\\1:CO a IJ_ish t.c:mrt:raturo Sh::<im in the .«pumtntg 11ni1 nnd O.lJ5t> lhc
reservoir at 1000 K uud a low l~ruperarure dryncs• fmctaon rn lhe lhnHITins unit
reservoir nt 300 K ls s uch o woy lhal lllc Whnt is the approximate value of the
heat rcjecrcll by Ute preceding Cllgine is dl') ness lrncuqn of the steam snmple'/

c"mpleLCI) a[Jj;(trbed by the su~ccxding u. 0.~55
engine nml bodt lh~ ~n~nes devdop the b. 0 925
s ame amount of work per cycle. WhotiS
c. 0.9H

1hc im<mtedimc t.empcralure between lir-st
und secoud cugim:s'l u U.9SO
24, A Be.II -Col~nmn ltir refrig;:rntflln systdln
a. 700 K
operates on \\hicb one of dte following
h 6SOK
c.. 350 .h. ra u. Reverse Diesel cycle
d. Nm possible to be esruuu1ed with the
b Reverse c'unt~l cvcle
gtw n dnUl
o:. Rev<~ Ar!l)'ttm cyd~
21 Mmch List I (Cycle) wilh l.tst II IP - ,.
d. llcvroc Otto cycle
Dil•grnm) nntl selccl the •~lrrtl<;t nnswcr
us in!! lhe cotks given below the lis!£ 25. Wheo lh< ln\\cr te.mpennure L'> fix~ h0\1
I isll ,,r
l'lln the c,o.IJ, u rclligcraung much inc be
1\ . Ouu <.:ycl~

a. By raisiu_g the !Jigbe.r lemperutur~

I~ Slirhng C) de
b. By lowcnng tl1c lngbcrtumpernntrc
c Crun~l cyd~
c. By operntin!l thl! mucbine ;n higher
D. Drayton ~ycle

d. By npernling 1hc mdchinc m ICI~<'er

26, \Vhal•sfarc the cffect{S) ol';upcrsaiurlltl(m

·- In nuu k nuw'l

1 11 mcreas.:s 1he muss now

t9 2 IJ tnQrcases lhe~ion in lhe nozzle

3 It Ull<l'llSl'S eXJI velocity

rl ~- It reduces dryn~s~ fm~1i1111 of steam

"oloc! lhc correct lt11S\~ct ~-tng, 111c ~'il(lo.

given bclm~
a. I onl)
b I ruu.l J
c. I. 2 ond ~
d. 3 only
27 Consider ~le tb.llowlug slau:mc1115 A tu~
sectit>n diverging In the direction Qf lluid
flo;>\\ can hc u.-cd as
Codes: l s upersonic nome
A B c I) Z subsonil: nome
l u( I I
l supersollJc !ltfTuser b~ndu'f. stress m bel~ as liwtr.:d to 5
4. subsruuc tltiiuser J'llrnuu ., (l'hc l.l.:ll oross .seouon Ill n
Whkll oflhe ~tntcments !\II•en nbow f$iare rl)(ltlli\&le 15 ntm Utick • 110 nuu wtde, £
C<l~l1 lb r bellmatenai is 100 Nlmn; 2 ~
a I only a. JO man
b 1 nml4 b 150 11Utl
c 3 onl~ c. JOOmm
(! 2 lllld 3 d 15mm
Consider the followmg staiemems; 33 A beam of liiUfoom cross Y:dJon 15 loodell

I. fusibl" plug IS ~ u~\lcc used I<) put otl' tiS oal\tolev~!' If the fo!ld at th~ ~nd t$
fire in the funtuc~ 11f il1< booleo wl1o111 increased. \\'her~ \\ ffi the fltiJUT~: IICCllr'/
the rev.: I of wruer in the booler filii > to a At tbc nnddlc
1111 unsaf~ lmnt b Atthc tip ool<l\l the lohJ
~ Super l~ut~r 13 n device •!Sdl ro o. lltth~ suppon
rocrease the tcmpcrnture of salurutcd d Anywhere

sle-dm wolhout r.tliing Its pressu~ 34. Three beams or ideoncal crnss-sectton but
J . An .eononuzer de<"reases the >lettlll ordiiTerent matcrutl {Stc~l, lllltber IUld AJ.
rnislng cap~cny of ooilcr Which of doe ulloyl 111\! subj«tcd to equal l•cnding

above star~menl< is!are correct? mom<>nt nt n certain section. Which one of
a !nod~ the followmg .suuemenl5 is corrcct7
b 2nnd3 a. M~t.xillllllll bcndll1g Wl'SS will be !!Wue
c I onl) ra in nil the lhree benm.;
d f, llltld3 b Maximum shearing $TreSS nl(lgntnocles
19. What is the callSe or reheat (aclur m .a wtll be diiT'~reon on the tho.:c beanll>
~ICUIIl lurbute? c. llcndf11g. strts. 111BJiHtlllrlc will be the
a. R~heatlng lomest In the steel beam
h Superheanng d_ Bend mg stress roagnlwde 111ll be th~
c Supersaturatoou hugcsl In the umber beam
d. Blnve fn~'loon 3) 11 scan tless pope of <Jituneter r 111 1> to
carry 11 uid under o press tore of 1 Nimm2

30, hl n $lmple tmpuls.! mrbme, th~ nou.le

angle at the entrance •& 30 Wh~l as tl~ What should be Ute mammum thic~ ness of
blude speed ratoo lor maxomum dlagr'.un pipe if !he llliiXIIlllllll ~lri.!SS ti> IIIII IU
i:Jiceed RO N/mm 2?
a. 12-Smm

ll 025
b o.s b. IOmm
e- L5mm
e.. IJ-433
,, 0.125 d 7.Smm

JJ. II round oor i• fixed ut the end PQR and J6 Match Li,q I IMt<:hllllical Propenyl With
loaded by W m tbe end 11. as sho11 n belo11 List II (Mtehanlcal Te~tl olltl scle~t tile
correct An~wet tosing tile c<!tles ~·v.:~t

bclow the list~

LiSt I

0~ A t>cre~nlllg~ ~IOU!!U11UI1

B llmdncss
-~ • C. T oughne;;s
D. Modulus of ngtdit~
Which J)Qint(Jl 11111 have mtt\fmum Sli'CSS'/
a p Ltstll
I Vk~cr,; Pyrnmod IC1!t
b. Q
2 iensik ICSt
c R
3. TDt:SIOD lei\
II BQth I' und Q
4 lmpuct test
32, Wlmt cli:nnetcr should the drivoug pulley
hove on whtch 11 rubb<r )Jell o'IJns so that
1\ D C D a. land2
a, 1 4 3 b. 1 ruod 4
h. 4 3 2 C". :! oud 3
c. ' 3 4 d. 1,3 1!lld4
d. I 2 J IU Mntclo List I (\.ear Tram) with Losl t I
37 A hollow corcular secifou c~lumu woth (Apphcauon) and select the com~ol answer
OUh!l diu1nerer 80 rum und i 1111or dnuu~tcr nsong ~oc rode govcn bclo11 rhe losos:
60 mm ts subJected to bucldmg. What is Ll!lll
the rndlus uf gyr:nton of the cuhum1 A. Couopowod gonr tmm

B. Epicyclic lll'"r gear tmin 11i1h bmke
n. 2$mm bauds
b lOmm C, Womo and m:nm•l\ heel geanmm
c, I.Smm D. Ep1cyd1c bevel gear tram
d IOmm LtS1 II
38 ,\iatcb LISI 1 1Hardness Test) wotb LIS! U I. Automobile gear box

IMei\Sute ilf Unrdllcss) and scl~ct lltc 2 Automntic 11'1Uismission or automob1lc
oorrccl ansWL'f usin~ the code.~ giwn 3, Speed reducers for li fts
bdbw the Us~. I Auturoo.bole dlll'n~nll al

l.isr I Codes:
A. lWei.\>C!ll A B c l)
B Brine.LI a.
C. Vickers ra b.
D Scil!ro$C0t)>; c. I I :; 2
Lis! II d. 3 1 4
I , li<ll'fuc~ noo::otJf uo(lcllhtllttu II Cyclo1du! toollo po·ofile or u cycloidnl gem
2. Pl'ojeetc.d arerl vfindcnl~llon
toollt is a combinal'ion of
i Depth or pcnetmriotl a. Uypocydoidnnd iuvo!lue ofn cirele
-1 Heil'l" nf rebound b. llypoc:ycloid and cpi~clnid
Codes. 1!. Epicydoid and in1olu1~ Qf a ~irele

A B C D d Straoglu h1u:flnd ep1cydoid

a. I .3 2 ~ ConSider !he fnllowwg SlaJemelllS
b ~ I 2 ~ regarding b-oundary lub1icmioo ouudllions
c. 3 I 4 2 m bydrodynrumc joumaJ bearings:

d. I l 4 2 I It" nu uudesilul)lc COIIdllion

39. Examine tile Jigure shown below whereto 1 ro a lways occurs dlll'ing staninJ! and
!hi! nlllnber~ 111dica1e the hnks 51Qppin!l of tbe jounml

' 3. It necessitates Ji'equent rcpmr of lhe

.( , This conduion con be completely

eloonmated by uStnJ!. l1igh VISCOSi ty

Wh1e1t or lhc !ilnltllienls govcn ahllve are

I) CliiTl~i?
Which or the statements gh en below ar~ a. l. 2 and4
~nrroo14J b. 2, 3 nnd 4
h.1i> ;u "'· verpcnclic.~llnr l11 QS c, I and 2
2 lu i~ :u "' pt'I'(Xltldlc.:ulur 10 QS (L 3 nnd ~
J h1 ism T 4J Whon tloc tuhritntlng oil is forc1.•d betwcc11
-1 !.;, Is ll.ll~ lit<' joumal t\11(1 IJ<'1'1nu~ b)' cxtcmnl
Sci.XI lh~ cdntcl ut\~\l<r IISIII~ t h~ l'<•Je rressuo e, the benrin~ct is knmvooa.~
given bdlh~ a. .lm'o film bearing
()ell 14
b, Doundnry lubricated bcmng r ae
c l{ydro~tatic bearing b. 1.Pfl! "' ih:
d. Hydrodynamic bearing
44. 11tc pcd'mmanec of n hydmilynnmi~ c. --L- 2!!..
~' U! fir
j nurn•l bearing ill a funttion uf
a.. .Reynolds number '• fJv
d. l p l/1 - d.t
b. Summorficld number 3 ~
c, '!';J~eed
50. Aor (kinematic vi<cosity = 15 x 10'" m't•)
d, Bearing modnhJS
wJllt a tree s tream ' 'elocily of 10 m1s flows

45 Which oue of t.lto: lilllowittg slnu:ments Jo o>-cr • smooth two-tlim~-n!iional Jlnt plate.
no! com:cl'l II the critical Reynolds number iJ 5 " 10,
·~ Rcsp0111<:. of •n incrtill governor io what is the n1o.~imnm dist.1nce from the
r.~tcr thnn that or ~ cenlrifugnl leading edge 1111 to wbieh laminar
govc:mor boundnty loy"" exists?
b An I.C. engme prime-mo,-er always •- 30 em

t'llquit·cs both go\lcmor liJtd tho
b. 75 c'tn
flywheel c. 150cm
~. Spring I<>Aded cenlrifugnl governor;
d. ~oo em

are c:ft<ld ive over :o " ide r.mge •Jf
S I. Vs1ng the. Pranlltl's mixint~ kngth concept;
IIJX!ruting ~pcod•
bow i• thi: luJ•bulo;ut s he:or s lrt:!ss
d. F lywh.._..,l is not n®,...~:ory iu ca•e of
oleclrk motordriven punch P"-"'~ ra ...Jdii
46, ll1o problem of hunting ol' a centdfi1gal a. I "'
govemar becomes very aeul;o when the .n-
g.ov=or bocnme• b
LC$~ .~ensltive

b. fl'igbly sensitive
c Highly •table e, nt[
,1. l..;ss $billie
d. pl·(:~r

41 What s hould be U1e angle between the

cylinder ax~ if llle pr1mary force!! of • 2-
cyllndar V-ongone nrc ID bo complotcly .52. Consider ~1 .: following stattom.,niS 'Ote
balanced') stntc of >llvss in • lluld coru.-l!lts of no1rual

a. 45'' press ure onl~ if the tluid

" · 61)" I. is nt rest
c. 9\)0 2. is m uni fonn mot;on
tL 120° 3. hll$ non-uniromovalochy proli le

-18. The vclo~ity di!tni!Ulion in lili1Uo1ar 4. h<os zcr() vi~Cl>Sit)

boundary layer i• glvc:n by lbe relatoon Which of tbe ! llltepootus glvun lobo1 c ""'
u 11., = yfo. What is the momentum

thickness for Ute boundru')' layer? a, 1, 2 and J
... Qi2 b-. I. lund 4

b. &'3 c. t. 3 and -1-

Q. 614 d. 2. 3nnd ~
(L 3/(J 53. The "'JWition orsw a:
49. Uow is Ow Von-Kaom1n momentum pv RT(l .B/v 1 CJv: Dl\'' • -·), is
intogr:ol ~quatitm exJlrcos<-d (0 i• known as
m<11nennom thickness)? a. Vander \\ oats equation
T (IQ h. Benedict- Webb - Rubin "'Jitntiun
•. .!. ,., r' = ar .:. G ibhHquation
:!.F" · d. Viti:il equatiuu
7 ur I ~
5~ In an operation process chan. wllicll ol'rhe b. Both II. and Rare individually ttue \lut
folluwlng arc rccnrdcd? R. is ofot tile correctu.~planalion of A
1. Operation c, A' is mte bul R Ts
2. luspcction d A is false but R is ltue
3 Storage S9 1\.ssenion (A)· Complex ~hapes which are
Select the con·ect answ•er using the code difli cult to prtld1oce by nny other method
given bd ow are possible by precisiou investruc.ul
a. I and 2 castiug 1

h I and 3 Reason (IU· In precision onvestment

casti ng, !Joe paueo,l is withdrawn by

c. '2 nnd ~
mtl ~ing it

d. l r l and3
;1. Both A and Rare individw~ly true and
55 Asscrt.luo tA ): t\ rod ot' cin:ular cross-
section when subjectccl to twisting action R is ~~~ COITL'Cl e-xplanation of A
does not experience tulJ change rn cross- b Both i\ nrtd R are individually lnoe but
!lectional geometry , R is nut the correct explanation uf A

Reason (R) Stress induced in the section c. A is tnoe but R Is fal$e
ls a~lsymmelric. d. A is f:1lsc· but R is tnoe
a. Both A and Rare individually rrue and 60 Assertion (A)' Fire 111be boilers dOJ not use

R i" ~tu correct txpl anaJiool of A high pressures unli ke water tube boiler:s
b Both A and R. are individually hue but Reason (R). rirc tubes fail duo to creep liL
R is IIOlthe correct Mplanadon or A high prL'SSUfCS
11, A is true bw R Is ta lse a. Both A aod Rare individually true aod
R is lbe currect e.xplanatiou ofA
d. A is false but ftis moe
Asscnlon (A). 14eningbonc gears are used
For high speed and ltcayy dtoty speed
ra b. Botl1 A and R are individually true but
R is not the correct explanation of A
reduction c. A os lf\te but R ts false
Reason (R)l T hese geurs produce larg~ d. A is fruse but.Ri.s true
axial thn1s1 on their shafts 61 Assenion (A)' R~frigeruntS R11 ~od R.,,
11. Both A and R are Indi"Vidually true and have a j!fe81er impact OIT O~One ,;iepletion

R. is lh~ ·corr.xt e.xpl ana~on of A than R27_

b Botb A and Rare individuall y true but Reason (R.}. R-:2 has a larger nt.1111ber of
R Is not the correct explanatfon ofA chlorine atoms.
e A i~ true but R is fltl$e ~ BoiL A and Rare iudividually IJu~tand
R is tlte correct explanation of i\

d A is false butlus true

57 Assertion (A) flydmsmtic bearings ate b. Both A and Rare individuaJiv true bul
suttnble for heavy load and low speed R is nut iJ1e correct explanation of A
applications, c. A is lnle but R is f.1lse

Reason (R)· SuRiciem hydrndynamio d . A is false but R is uue

pressure is not generated 111 the tluid film
a Both A and Rare individually true and

R IS thecorrect explanauon of A
b Both A and R are. Individually true but
R is not th~ corteet explanation of A

c. A is true hut R is false

d. A is falso but R is trve
Assertion (A); A shaper is unsuitable for
genera!io.g nat suofaces ou very lsrge parts.
., ..
T\\1<1 cylinclets are kept In 3 Ct>t1taincr as
Reason (R) . The ram has limifanons on lhe
su·oke and its overhang. shown In lhe ligure given above Top
a. Both A and Rare individually tnoe and .:yliuclcr has a weight W wd bo!(Om
~")'lind~ bns a weight or 2 W
R. is tlle correct explanation of A
8 J w
8 ol 1-1
b 2,S W I,
c 2.i w
" w __1.._, ..i"~
~ -~fi_•_ - - --- -

If a weoghl ~;~I' RO N i$ $tospended h) tw11
ljne light string& one of whoel!t~ hu~onl111
and Ihe other is mclllled nt an angle of JO•

n~ to the honzooldL lbco what os the ~enston
l'he ligur~ gJyen above showS n clumping, in JliC indmcd stFtnf!?
dcl'icc operated by the mpllt torce I· on the a. I (>UI ..fS N
1 up.: What is the ma!.lo utudc of oequirod
l> I60 N
onpul force if the claniPing force t$ 411 N'l
c. I-tON

a. :iN d 121) N
b. ION A spung of stit]jocss k os ~om pressed by a
c. 20 N
l<•nglh ' '\ ' Jnd a balloS pluotd (In Ill\: lop Clf

d. 40 N
II When the sr>rong is released the 1~11 IS
seen 10 rise through o height h When M<•
Slo"h :;pron.[l..~ am kl:fll n11e mer the nlher,
ra an<l rhc comhonauon IS compressed by
=~ l~ngtba. \~hat o;, the h~ogbt r~u~hed
by oh~ ball. kept oh lh.e combn\ed springs
''hen released•
a. h/2
·, ., ' " " " " ,, "" h h
A I'll»- i. l~ling on ~ lltlOr II llh Cl'!¢ffiCI~nl
offrftloon equallo () 4 At 11 h.11 mu~lmum
c. .nto
h~rght ' H'. may lht' bux he pllllelll rot "In
d lh

move 1~11h tonlfonn 1elocuy 111\1101rr Wmch one or ohc followmg

ovcrrumwg? pnncrplesllaws converts a dynamJcs
problem 10 an cquovalcot sraroc·s problcrt1?
• II = 30 mon
u. ~Nc1\ 1()11 's second of mouon
b II 1.10 mnt

c 'H ~ 75 111111 b. 0 ' Alembert'> pnneiple

d II = l50mm c. l'nncoplc of con.wrvation or cnurw
d. l'nncrplc or' conservnhon ol'

&_· '

Co1) A Stone ts droJlll<"ll !Tom n hetgho of h m

' \f\. At the sum~ umc anrolher Stone is pro;ected

upwnrds ltoon the ground w1th a velocrty

of h mls. After ho\\ much t:ime 11111 the

r "- - t\\U sroncs meet?
In the ubove given ~tnn:ture all the

mcmb\.'rs are equal '" length nnd the Jomts •
nre pmncd nnd ~month It cnries a fond l' n1
b Is
0 along DG Whot os the rencuon at a~
c. 2~
a. Zero
d (hltz)s
b VertJrn!ly up11atd$ and ~'-lual to P/4
c, Vcme<~lly upwarqs and equlll lo 1'/1
u Vcrtit:nlly upwunls Ond cquul 10 P
II nl II
Match Ut~ stress tn the four s.-cuons gjv~11
the code given below the lis~:
• Section
• B B
" c c
I Ia D D
Str~~s. MPa
SyStems A tin~ B hilvill!l tlltnUC<ll milS!. I. LO
and sprfogs !II\! set 111 simP,Ic htlnnonk 2 :!.IJ

motion Whicll Oil< "" t11e follnwmg 3. 0..5
s~<UCJnents is cor11ll:l''
4 0.11
o For S)'Sie:!11~ A ond B, 1he pcnod of COiles:
vrllration 1s same A B C D
b. System B has o penod or vibrn1ron a. I ~ ' 3
twocc that of system A b ~ J 4

e Sys1em B ha.~ 11 (>t!ritld of vibmnon half c. I J 1 4
lllnt of system A d 2 4 3
u System B bas 11 pc.nod of vitmuion 74 Cons1der tbe Colluwutg statements for u 2-

.fi rrtnes lhnl o( system A 0 pure she:•r wes,~ stale at o point
71. When n can of compre.~d atr os I The pnncipaJ stresses ul tile PQtnl h<l\ e
punctured. ntr blo1vs out Lo 1hc right t10d lltc srunc nta!lllitudc us the sh~ar stress
rhc con will move l'rom rrghtlo lt<fl, When
ra but oro of opposnc stgn
o vacuum cun 15 pwttlurcd such thm rur 2 The Mohr's mclc for the stress state
cmcn; from tlte right to len reduces to -zero.
a The can wi II move lcflm right J Princ.tll81 planes are tncltned 01 45(1 to
b. The con wlll move ri,glll tO Jell the pluncs ot' sh~ar 11resscs.
1!. Tho "'!111 wfn not tnOI ~ ~ Ma..'<tmu.m ~hear sires~ at rhe p<~mr r~
(I 'l'he CM ~>ill fnili~l l~ m11Vl' n-om right zero,
tu lcll uhd ih~TI reverse Ihe direction Which of the statl.'lllcnl~ given abo~e arc

r--==:!--.., ,. ~... a. 1 null4
b I and 4
c, I artd 3
1 l d 1, 2and 1

15 A ct1nrilcver l:leam IS >ltbjec1cd 10 loads n;

~ MPa;-~;:===----" shown bclol' '
~or tit~ br.1:<1al stress sys1~111 ~hown. whttl

ur~ the pnncop:ll s~"

I SO Ml'o (tensile)
::! SO MP,11 cOmpressive l

3 100 MPn (lchsllel
4 /.ero Wluch ulte Of llle fOllowing is ilS COtTt:l!t
Select ll!e correct unswcr uswg the code BM \li:)gtam?

g~vcn below
a. I andl
(D) ~'-----,
b ?and3 ~I
c 3 ond 4 (b)

d I and4
Consrdc.r o steel bar londcd ns shown
bt!lrow (<)
IIJ o( 14
79 Consider the followin~ stmenten!S ttl
respect of motion economy t~tawd to llle
use of human body
I Smooth continuous motioos of ~te
76 lf a simply s uppo11ed beam at iis ends is
h8J1d are pref-erable tO' zlg-zag
loaded by a contra! CO!lOOrltrated load, then
the maximum bending momenl js.M lfthe
same load is equally distributed over the z. Rhytl1m Is essential to the smootlt and
benm, tben what. is illi maximum bendimt automatic. performance of arl operation
t11oment'? - l . The hands should be relieved of all
work i hat can be done more

a, M
b, !vV2 advantageously bytJil!- lhturc or foot
c M/3 operated device.
d M/4 Whioh of the .statements given above are
77 Cooslder the shear force diagram shown c-6rrecr?
below a, I . 2 and 3

b laud2

.o ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~·· •H
c. 2and3
d. I and 3

em----+ 80 Moti()n economy is better achieved by
Whicb cype of loading give(s) this SFD2 a. Metlood study
A 4m c l'o•N
_ b rime study
o, Work space design
T10JcN ra d Process plaoning
o_\_-_ _ _.£:..,~lto
"'-:--+L-4_ kN
SL l'hCJ bligs are associated wrth
!Time; 6
a 111
- a. Fatigue allllwance in work
IQ kN b Efliciency of theopemh)r
l. ' liOkN]-
f 1m
c. Schedulio!! techniques
d. Blementary niotlous iu time &tudy

8.2. Matc.b List I (Jo~) wi1h List II (Reconling

Select tho correct IUISW(lJ" tJSin<> tbe code
given below ~ Technique Used) and select tl1e correct
answer using the q>des givmt belc"v the
a. J onlv U~ts
b t and2

List 1
t 2and 3
A, Seqt~enccs of manl•factllt'ing operations
ci I wld 3
B Factory layout to indicate the
78 Which one of the folh, win.g statementS is
tnOV~mCJll Of material~

C' factory layoot to indicate the
Gang process t hnrt
movement of workers
~. helps us in identifying the group
D f\Utomatic operations

b 1., used for 61Udying the acrivities of a
I Flow pmc~ss chart
group of people working together

2. SfMO chart
t , has the ba$iC piiJl!Ose to analyze the
activities of a gr011p so ns to reduce to 3 SLring diagram
minimum all 'l•ahlng time and delays. 4. Outline process cbart
d. uses operation and. trlltlspo•iation 5. Mulliplil acrtvity chart
symbols to IdentitY dotferenl activities Codes,
of people working together, so as to A B c D
reduce tO a minimum all non· a, ~ I 3 5
opermionaJ times. b 5 J 1 4
d "
3 4
II ot 14
83. The totn l ob•erved time for an operotion of SelCQt the correct amwer ~~Sing tlte code
ii.SSembliJ1il an .:lectric: switch is 1.0!1 mm . given l!elow
If lh<> mins is 120% ond nn allowan"" of a. I and 2
to•o i• ~uowcd fuo the IIJl"'"''ion, 1vhot i~ b. Land 3
doe ~l>t111nrd time? C. 2 Bl) d 3
o, l3 2 mm d. 1and 4
h. 1.2(1 mm Which of the lollowing {;"""" ~:an be used
c. 0,12 JllJn for GMAW -a; n •lnelditlj! !!!'-<1
d. L3Q fTWI 1. Argon

Wlmt is an aM lysis of methods. nUltoerinls. 2. Oxyg"n
tools ond equ ipmmts us"d o r to be used in 3. Cat'bou Jlo!dde
l)oc: perf()rm~n~ of;. piece gf work .:,1ll<:d'l Se1CC!t the o.nroct answer 115ing Ute oodc
n, Motlwd stutl~ given below
b. Tim¢ slud) a. I, 2 ''"d 3
.::, Work slu\ly b. I and 2

d. Wclr1uueaouretttent c. 2 and ;;
85. !\latch Lilli I wflb Uu fl and seicct Ute d. land 3
correct answ·..- using the rodc., g iven 89. Con• idcr the following s iiiiCtllcnl<

b~low the lisL•: asso<>iMed wiUt c:dtusion process
Li>LI I. In ronvord hut extru.<i<ln, the Jll'ol>lem
A. Wage lnedULive P latt .,r ft·octi<li.9S prevalc:nt hecausc: of tbe
B. Fiuandnl incentive ra rebti1·e motiou bocwecn the healed
C.. Serni-tju:~ndnl incentive metal biUIOII ond the aylindcr I\11Ds.
1>, Nrnt·finoncial incentive 2. Thu back:ward ho t ""'1ru3io.n
l.i<t Ll completely overoome5 ihe 6·ict ion.
I Jnh security J . ll Ui po~sil-1.: to make cmnponenL~
2. t>e.osiou racllity wh.i~h bave a "'ltibul'!S ~e<li011
3 . .Bono• 01,. any l.:ngth,
J . Straight piocu roto Which of t.h" s bt"'llenL• g:iven above or<:"

5. Energy • ;n-ings correct'/

Codc.•: a_ 1. 2 and J
A H c b. I and 2
1 2 c. 1and 3

b. 4 2 s d. 1 rutd 3
c. 4 3 2 Fur c.alcula1if!S the blank diameter P for
d. 1 2 :s .I lhln cylimlri<·al slt~ll of vuter diameter d
aud wiUt lteigbt or tb.c- -•nell h. 11 hich nne

Pl.,.tics :Lrc org:mi~ polymer~ with high

mol..:ulnweight, of th~ following formulae i" u!!ed when d ~
Wl~•t nr~ the mat~ <-on~tituenll< or 20r. Where r is the corner radius an tlto

. -
n. H•drogctL l!llrboll ttnd cltlorit1"
b. Cnrbon and ol<)'gon
a. D :. ../d' • 4ilh
" · tJ= .Jd' --kilt-115•·

"' c~rhon ~nd bydrogetl

d, Carbon. !1'-ygen and ohll)l'ine
C1 D ...:. .JJ L; ~dh r
87. Which nf llte lullowing parts """ be ·made II. f>= -.Jd' "-4Jh-l >r
<:eoniJmi~Utlly bypqwder rodollurgy1 Yt, Ho11 ore tootb·pii.Sle capsu le• produced'/
I. G t:llrs a. By boring operation.
2. Automobile cylindcn. b. By tube turning Otlcrntion
~- Filtem c. By impact ""trwolon
-1. (jun ltarrcl~ d. By lube drawutg
11cll 14 is Ute fon.t required to l>e exerted hy
the punch in order to shear otot lite blank d. - 6.v+* •")
(fmon ~ circulat di~c) ol' 2() nun diMtct~r 98. u· u r nx tond " - -•y give the -,·clucity
Jutil 1.5 mJll tbidnoe~• :sud huling o $hoar distribulion fur a "\ o- dimension:tl flow,
.• trength oqun l to 30() lv!P:t? \\hat ;. the equation ot' 3 ·•tre3m hne
o 'l.O i<N p•s•ins Uu··lUJ!}.11he (3. i)1
h. 18.0 kN u. .xy 3
c,. 2~.3 .kN h. " • y - .j
d. 45.0 kN c. -< + ~v : 6
In bitmking opcrollbn. Utd clenmnc~ l• d, ~~y ~9

pro1ided 99. 'The l;,..,._urc mside n IWap bubble o( 511
J, Qn the punch nuQ diacnotcr ~' 25 Jlilml ;l><tve the
I> on the dio: ntmosphc'l'ic Jll'l'll•ure, \Vbltt is U1o 5 udiloe
c. both on tltc pw1t.~1 and lhe die ltn•ion in soap tilm')
tL N"ollhor ou the puncb nor on tltc die •· 0, 15(1 Nlm

9-1. Duroy-Wol!baclt equation for the !toad IO>J> b. 0.312 N/m
in • flmv throu~h n pi~e is given by c. 0.624 Nlm
bo = 4 1 v'i(2gd) (the l$}'mh~b hnvc the d. 0.9.18 Nim

~u.'ll m¢:~ning), F<lf the laminnr 0011 Hit Jn • vopour comprossioll rruiger.tion
thriJu_gh u cireulitr pitte. how d()C>< lite cycle, fallowing dotn a ro: obtotoed :
fricti~n fuotor f Vlll') l<ith .1 Reynold•
Enthalpy at ~uetion to the compreo.snr -
number (Rc)'! ra ISO kJ/I(g
a, f = 8/Re
Enthalpy ul di.\clUiflle from the compr.,.sur
b r - 6/Re - 210 kJ/f.:£
c. r~ J21R~ Enthalpy nt lll<it from the condetl$cr - 80
li. f 64'Rc I;Jikg
95. The valobity dutrlbuLion m l=tinnr Whnr ~~ tho c.o.p. oftho eycld?
houndury layer ;, giv-.m by the relation a, 5.53
11 v.,, = ylij, Whot is Jh<> momentum b. 4..33

tloklmCRI! 1\tr lh<! houndm)' In yet? c. 3,33

a. 8 d. 233
h. 3'2 Jlll Con.tidcr tho tollowing sJmemenls
.:. 3'.3 pert.1imng l!> ltoom llensible Heal Ratio

d. 814 IRSHRIIlnc
96. \\'!Udt llno of U\u following ~uation~ i. lt i• Otc line drown on psj•dtomet.rie
gives the velocity distribution ncro$5 a ~h~rt through the room conditions-.

circular pipe having n ·iocous llow'l 2. Its <lo)Ji> is the rntio ~i •ett$ible cooling
n. ,. • .,_ 1 (r Rl'l load 10 room latetJlheat load.
3. Th~ SUJI)Iiy air C(ltldition tnl111l lie \111
n'- ,., ]

b. ,, _ """' !hill line foo !lltisfactory fleriOI'IIUlliCC:.

Which of 1ho sl:ctemenL• giwn abn\'e M'C:
c. u - Q,., . I - Ir Rlj' cqrrwt'/

cl, u - ~...,t l '{r R)J a. 1. 2 and 3

97. ln a twcrdirneusioWll Jluid i!ow. u ~ 6x b. I and 2
ocy. \Vhicll one of lite followin~ giVI;fl lh~ c. land 3
component of the velocity to ~ati!i'fy the d. hnd 3
cunliouity equalltm'l I()2. Wt'"" 4()" C and 25" C nr~ the dry l>hlb
tem~ntur"l! of oir ent.:ring :ono lenvlng a
u. Ji<+-':1'
CQOJing C<!ll tJt<>n tho; CCIQJillg C()i)
b. 6-.w lcmp<:f~luro is 25" C. \VIul i~ the- byp~
.:.. -t~.v-~·) foetor l'or U1e =e of sensil•lc cooling?
a, 0,20
13 ul I.!
b, 0.25 b. 3 2
c U,50 1 1. 3
cl. .0,<10 d 3 4
1(13, A water chiller with • cnpm:it) of 30 hln~ I00. \'onsitlt:l' t.hc I'<JIIOI• ing ~t•tc!monL•!
•>f rcfrigcr:tliQn cool> '20 mJibr of wotcr ln hydr•ulk power pl;mrs
ent«ing ot 12• C. \Vl,.t. i• the temperorurc l . Pellml (urbin.. ure ns•d fot•.bigb beods.
ofw•tcr leo\~ng the c~•ller1 2. K•1•l•n turhiu<"' are u~od lqo ttlcdiulll
•. s•t h¢~d•.
b. 6° l' .>, f:rnncL< turbines are used for low
7" c

1!. he.1ds.
cl. 7.5° c Which of ~1c o.b ow •> it/art:
MJitoh l.isl I (Rwctpr) with Li•t U correct?
(C'hurn~teri•Hc) •nd ~elect the "orrecl ~. I only
"'-'·~"er usil\!! the ccKI<:S givC!l below 11\e ~- l only
ll~ts : c. 3 onlv

List I tl. I, 2 and 3
A. Hl'l""lg"n~'Otu renctor 107 Which of lb~ following method. is/oft:
B. Condu reactor adopted to bring down the speed of nn

(' Boiling wnter re:•ctnr impul•e turbine to prnctical limltR'I
f'), f'nster breeder o•enctor I. Lise o~ llywhcels n 2. l Jse of governor
1. M•y not need moderator ra ~. t runpouuding
2. Nntur'lll uranium fuolli:d nnd hell\') 4. lJIUrcasing Ihe l(ldd
w:rtcr coo led Sele<:t the correct un>Wi!l' u~ins the eo<Ll
3 Fyel .md mc'l<ler:1fc)r we :ot ch1ferent given below
J)lllf~Q, a. I and 2
-4 . Coolant w•tec bolls in the ClOre of o.e b. I, 2 and 3
1-eactor c. 3 onl.l'
Codco: d. l. 2. 3a.od 4

A B c D LOS. At wbich uompetlltute i:l ~old working uf

L J 4 2 l metals caniedout7
h 2 4 3 a. At the rccoyll'lallisatil!n lemperplme
~ 3 ~ ~ 1 b. Below the.recrystalli•aloon Lemp=nu·e

d. I ~ 2 l e.. Ab!W'e U1c r<:ery~Uallisation lempt:l'ature

lOS. ~lntob Lin I (Type of1'urbino) with Li!t ll d. At any t.:mJlenture
(Specific Spc<!d) uod select thi> correct 109. !09. \\~tal .is thl! proccs• uf m:tking sh~eL
answer using th~ ~odes gil'l:lt belnw the

mrul eqmponent• lo the coulllur o.f • die

li>ts hy nr.~king use of an OXIllO$M impact
Lil.l J kno•1 nas'l

A Pcltott a. Explo&ivc cladding

H.. Frnnci•· b. Kxplo•ivc "cldiug
C. Propeller c. l!x1ilosiw fomting,

!), Kapl:m d. ll'<tll<>sivo joining

r.i.11 n 11(1, ln n flllllti-spindlo nutomatic:. mnohine. on
I O.J which one of ilte [ollowing. faetors does
2. 3.0 lho o)'de tin•~ for eoth opcrntinn d"Pen~'!
3. 4.0 ~. Sbort.c.l singlc-opc'1'ation
4 . LO b.. Shurtesl nmlti-OJlCration•
Codea: c. Longest single-operations
{\ B I) d. l.ongest multi-Oper-Jti(>ns

·'· + 2
II of 14
Il l . WI1ich of the following •tatements l$ tt1le n. High luirduess
lor the c:lSe of~ tmnofer line? b. High compt'tSllive strength
a, 'l'be work st.atiollll nHl<t form a closed- c. lli~h U1crmal e()nauctil'it)'
loop. d. High brilll<::·il¢8~
b, 'The "o\'Ulo lim!! is total lime t.akt.'O by 1 Hi. Which 11f the fnllowing ur~: !he re:t~()ns for
all the macltmmg opormti~ns. low vnlues of Unre(onned chip U1 ickness in
c. t\11 the m•~~ ~~c I()Ol't mu• t l>e gt,Jtdin&?
aulorn:tlie.. 1. Smoll !lf3lm
d. All lhc maclilile tools must be of 2. High culling speed
C(IO\'-etltlon.11 and generol purpose type. 3. Low f<>ed rnto:

11:2. Wlncb of ih" lbll0\11ng 1,;. not • S~lc\.'1 Ute com:ct " '" ''"' ll'>ug the code
ch.\roeterL,t.i~ uf the cllmb rrul lir1g (down given b~low
milling) optrariun? a. l,2 lind 3
b, 1 and 2
n. The wort: piece is fell m 1he opposite e. 2 J~Ud 3
din:cll<!n. d. I •nd 3
If l "" undct(mned cltip 1)\icl;n~s... ~ c.hip

b. Forces a!'C lcs~. 117.
c. High rigidity of lllo mochlne tool i> tllii:lnc.~• and •P ; •hoar angle. then "hut i•
required. the len,!!.th of the •hear plnne?
d. Chip U>itkness is maximum at the end a, I oiu <p

" f tlli: cu~ b. lc •in rj!
113. M11t<:h lJ• ll (Part) w ith List IJ (Method of c. tis i.n <l1
Holding on a Lathe) nnd selcd. tlu:t C()IJecl tl. 41• in ill
answ~r using the codes given below lh" ra 118. Whnt is the polnr plm lin the .llmclion
liiL~: I
wstl . ) where"' • l:mds ror the lrequency
( 11 )17'1
A. CylindriC~~ I parL•
B. No.n-eyllndtic•l pa~~ 1angular), T th" timu constnnl and
c_ 1/'o:y <:UIIlpli~3led s hape!! I .J:i•1
D, Malcrial in bar focm on s.n!JIIl L~thes a. Sc"'lli cirolc
L.1stll b. Parabola

I. C:il\:ulnr fuco plat" c. Ellipse

2. Collet d. Circle
J, 'l'hree Jaw chuck I 1.9_ SuppO!<e twQ rotors with inerlio.!f l 1 and l,
4 . l~our j aw chucl; Qn •bafls of lengHts I, and I, re!!pedively.
Co deli. are connected by gears .such U1at the 5peed

t\ 13 C D of lbc h rotor r.. ahvJ )'S G times !hal oil the

n, 1 I 4 l 1, rolor. ' l'his 5ptem nr.ry•. lor vibrnl'ion
b. 2 4 I 3 ano lysis, l>e treote<l as being on one •haA

c.. 3 4 I 2 (int.."gt'al w1ll1 11. ) lf

~ 2 l 4 3 a. It is changed to G! I t
JJ.J Jn l'he expresslon O( 3Vemge pl'Oduction b. h i• ohanged to(;~ J,

cost J)er C:OJIII><JOenl which th~ !ollnw iJ.1g. .:. J; is ch:lnged to J,t(J"
CI>SLS ore dependent oo Ute euuing <p""''? d. h is ch.tnged to T:!Gl
I. Mocltining c~l 120. Two .rotors •\ nnd D arc conncolod lo the

2. Tool eiulnging cost two ends of a shall of uniform diameter.

:). 'f(J(ol c()Sl Tht m•~~ mnment of i 11t:r~i~ i)f ro1or A
Select lite O())'l'oot UllliW<'t' [rc)llt tiJc. L"do aO.out lltc axi~ of the ~lll!fl i$ four tjmo~ Utal
given below: ofB. lf tbe lenglb of the ~ha il iR I m 3nd C
u. I. 2 and 3 ;, the (l05ition of noM fur torsional
b. l nnd 2 vibratilln5. then w hat is the leng th ()f Cl
~ 1 ;~nd 3 a. l/$ m
d. 1 •nd 3 h. 4/S m
115 Which one of the following properti"" i~ e, 1125 m
not pO!!s=e<l by c<:rnmic tools? d. t \)125 1M

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