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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City


Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ChE

(ChE 56)
Second Semester 2016 – 2017


Course Activity: RESEARCH

Name of Students: MAGANNON, JUDY ANN


Program: BSChE

Year Level: III

Date Submitted: May 12, 2012

Instructor: Engr. CAESAR P. LLAPITAN Rating:________

Date Checked: ________

Table of Contents
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
II. Bracketing Method ..................................................................................................... 2
A. Bisection Method…………………………………………………………..2
1. Theoretical Background…………………………………………...2
2. Numerical Analyis………………………………………………...4
a) General Algorithm…………………………………………….4
b) General Flowchart…………………………………………….5
c) BisectionMfile.m…………………………………...………… 6
B. False Position……………………………………………………………....7
1. Theoretical Background…………………… ……………………...7
2. Numerical Analysis………………………………………………..8
a) GeneralAlgorithm……………………………… ……..………8
b) GeneralFlowchart……………………………………..……….9
c) FalsePosMfile.m………………………...…………………….10
III. Open Methods………………………………………………………...………....11
A. Single-Fixed Point Iteration…………………………………….………….11
1. Theoretical Background……………………………………….…...11
2. Numerical Analyisis…………………………………………….….12
a) General Algorithm………………………………………….….12
b) General Flowchart……………………………………………...12
c) FixedPtIterMfile.m ………………………………………….…13
B. Newton-Raphson Method…………………………………………..…………..13
1. Theoretical Background……………………………….……………….13
2. Numerical Analysis………………………………….…………………14
a) General Algorithm………………………………..………………..14
b) General Flowchart……………………………………. …………...15
c) NewtraphMfile.m………………………………………………….. 16
C. Secant Method ……………………………………………………………..…...16
1. Theoretical Background………………………………..……………….16
2. Numerical Analysis…………………………………..…………………17
a) General Algorithm…………………………………………………..17
b) General Flowchart…………………………………….……………..18
c) SecantMfile.m……………………………………………………….19

IV. Generalization………………………………………………………………… .19

V. Numerical Examples………………………………….…………………....20
1. Problem 1……………………………………………………………….20
a) Mathematical Model………………………………………….21
b) Graph………………………….….………………………...…21
c) Bisection Method…………….……………………………….22
d) False Position………….……………………………………...23
e) Conclusion…….……………………………………………...25
2. Problem 2.………………..………………………………………………….26
a) Mathematical Model….………………………………………26
b) Graph….………………………………………………………27
c) Single-Fixed Point Iteration………..………………………….27
d) Newton- Raphson Method…………………..………………...28
e) Secant Method………………………………..……………….30
f) Conclusion……………………………..……………………...31
3. Problem 3……… …………………………………………………………. 31
a) Mathematical Mode……………………………………..…….31
b) Graph…………………………………….……………………32
c) Bisection Method…………………………………..………….33
d) False Position……………………………………..…………...37
e) Single-Fixed Point Iteration………………………………..….40
f) Newton-Raphson Method……………………………..………42
g) Secant Method……………………………...………………….44
h) Conclusion……………………………..………………………47
VI. References………………………………………… ….………………………...48
During our high school days, we learned different methods in how to calculate
f x   ax 2  bx  c  0 (1.0)
One of these methods is to use the quadratic formula

 b  b 2  4ac
2a (1.1)

whenever we can’t find the factors of f x . We can observe from Eq. 1.0 that f x   0 .
Basically, it’s the reason why the x values can be calculated through Eq. 1.1. The “roots” of
Eq. 1.0 are the values of x calculated from Eq. 1.0, also referred to as the zeroes of an equation.
Nevertheless, these roots are not only limited to the quadratic formula, in the fields of
engineering and sciences, its applications range from heat balance, mass balance, force balance
and energy balance to Newton’s law of motion and Kirchhoff’s laws. By studying it, we gain
further understanding on how we want to apply it in real world problems.
Graphically, the roots are portrayed in Fig. 1.0

Figure 1.0: Roots of an equation f x 

in which they are found in the x-axis, making the f x  equivalent to zero. In the past, one of
the ways to find the root is by locating it in the graph and through trial and error calculations,
however, the values obtained are not accurate since they are solely rough estimates. Due to
this, various methods are formulated to solve the roots of nonlinear equations. Now, with the
power of computers, solving roots can be easily done through diverse mathematical software.
In particular, we describe MATLAB®’s excellent built-in capabilities for this task. With the
combination of manual calculations and this software, we acquaint you with different methods
for finding the root of a single nonlinear equation.

There are two main methods used in root location. The first one focuses on bracketing
methods for finding roots. These methods start with guesses that bracket, or contain the root
and then systematically reduce the width of the bracket. Two specific methods are covered:
bisection and false position. Graphical methods are used to provide visual insight into the
techniques. Error formulations are developed to help you determine how much computational
effort is required to estimate the root to a prespecified level of precision. The second covers
open methods. These methods also involve systematic trial-and-error iterations but do not
require that the initial guesses bracket the root. We will discover that these methods are usually
more computationally efficient than bracketing methods but that they do not always work. We
illustrate several open methods including the fixed-point iteration, Newton-Raphson, and
secant methods.


If you had a roots problem in the days before computing, you do often be told to use
trial and error to come up with the root. That is, you do repeatedly make guesses until the
function was sufficiently close to zero. The process was greatly facilitated by the advent of
software tools such as spreadsheets. By allowing you to make many guesses rapidly, such tools
can actually make the trial-and-error approach attractive for some problems. But, for many
other problems, it is preferable to have methods that come up with the correct answer
automatically. Interestingly, as with trial and error, these approaches require an initial guess to
get started. Then they systematically home in on the root in an iterative fashion.

A. Bisection Method

1. Theoretical Background
The bisection method, which is alternatively called binary chopping, interval halving,
or Bolzano’s method, is one type of incremental search method in which the interval is always
divided in half. If a function changes sign over an interval, the function value at the midpoint
is evaluated. The location of the root is then determined as lying at the midpoint of the
subinterval within which the sign change occurs. The process is repeated to obtain refined
We attempt to find by inspection, or trial and error, two values of x, call them xl and
xu, such that f(xl) and f(xu) have different signs, i.e. f(xl)f(xu)<0. If we can find two such

values, the root must lie somewhere in the interval between them, since f(x) changes sign on
this interval (Fig. 2A)

Figure 2A: The Bisection Method

In the Bisection method, we estimate the root by xr, where xr is the mid-point of the
interval [xl,xu],
xr = (xl + xu)/2 (2A.1)
Then if f(xr) has the same sign as f(xl), as drawn in the figure, the root clearly lies
between xr and xl. We must then redefine the left-hand end of the interval as having the value
of xr, we let the new value of xl be xr. Otherwise, if f(xr) and f(xl) have different signs, we let
the new value of xu be xr, since the root must lie between xl and xr in that case. Having
redefined xl or xr, as the case may be, we bisect the new interval again according to Equation
(2A.1) and repeat the process until the distance between xl and xr is as small as we please.
We can calculate how many bisections are needed to obtain a certain accuracy, given
initial values of xl and xu. Suppose we start with xl=a, and xu=b. After the first bisection the
worst possible error (E1) in xr is E1=|a−b|/2, since we are estimating the root as being at the
mid-point of the interval [a,b]. The worst that can happen is that the root is actually at xl or xu,
in which case the error is E1. Carrying on like this, after n bisections the worst possible error
En is given by En=|a−b|/2n. If we want to be sure that this is less than some specified error E,
we must see to it that n satisfies the inequality |a−b|/2n <E.
log (| a - b | /E)
log (2) (2A.2)
Since n is the number of bisections, it must be an integer. The smallest integer n that
exceeds the right-hand side of Inequality (Eq. 2A.2) will do as the maximum number of
bisections required to guarantee the given accuracy E.
2. Numerical Analysis
General Algorithm:
Step 1.Start
Step 2. Input the values a, b and maxerr.
*a and b are upper and lower boundary, respectively and maxerr is the absolute
maximum error used to stop the criteria.*

Step 3. Compute c  a  b
Step 4. Test for the accuracy of c
if |f(c)| > maxerr
test = f(a)*f(c)
if test < 0, then b = c;
elseif test > 0, then a= c;
else maxerr = 0,
Step 5. Display the required root as c
Step 6. Stop

General Flowchart:
Define the starting point of the
START program.

Preparation or initialization of
memory space for data processing. It
a= 0, b= 0 also represents instructions that will
maxerr = 0 modify the program’s course

Input maxerrand
and Putting in the parameters and
other parameters
other parameters the stopping criteria.
Computing for the root c using
the bisection method’s general

The value of variable b is

assigned to variable c.
test < 0, b = c

The value of variable a is

if test > 0, a = cif assigned to variable c.

Process condition on whether

f (c) > maxerr using relational
NO operators. If No, repeat arithmetic
> maxerr operation of root c, if Yes, proceed
to the next step.

Display of the output c
Print c as solution

Termination of Flow Chart


Chart 1: Bisection Method

General M-file:

M-file 2A: BisectionMfile.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% BisectionMfile(@(x)("Enter the Function"),a,b,maxerr);
% [a,b] initial values and maxerr is maximum error tolerable.

function y = BisectionMfile(f,a,b,maxerr)

disp(' xl xu xr ');
disp([a b c ]);
while abs(f(c))> maxerr
test = f(a)*f(c);
if test < 0
b = c;
elseif test > 0
a = c;
maxerr = 0;
disp([a b c ]);
display(['Root is x=' num2str(c)]);

B. False Position

1. Theoretical Background
A shortcoming of the bisection method is that, in dividing the interval from xl to xu
into equal halves, no account is taken of the magnitudes of f(xl) and f(xu). For example, if f(xl)
is much closer to zero than f(xu), it is likely that the root is closer to xl than to xu (Figure 2B).
An alternative method that exploits this graphical insight is to join f(xl) and f(xu) by a straight
line. The intersection of this line with the x axis represents an improved estimate of the root.
The fact that the replacement of the curve by a straight line gives a “false position” of the root
is the origin of the name, method of false position, or in Latin, regula falsi. It is also called the
linear interpolation method.

Figure 2B: A graphical depiction of the method of false position

Using similar triangles (Figure 2B), the intersection of the straight line with the x axis
can be estimated as
f(xl) f(xu)

xr - xl xr  xu (2B.1)
This can be solved for
f(xu)(xl  xu)
xr  xu 
f(xl)  f(xu) (2B.2)
This is the false-position formula. The value of xr computed with Eq. 2B.B then
replaces whichever of the two initial guesses, xl or xu, yields a function value with the same
sign as f(xr). In this way, the values of xl and xu always bracket the true root. The process is
repeated until the root is estimated adequately.

2. Numerical Analysis
General Algorithm:
Step 1.Start
Step 2. Input the values xl, xu and ea.
*xl and xr are upper and lower boundary of x, respectively and ea is the absolute
maximum error used to stop the criteria.*
f(xu)(xl  xu)
Step 3. Compute xr  xu 
f(xl)  f(xu)
Step 4. Test for the accuracy of xr
if |f(xr)| > ea
test = f(xl)  f(xr)
if test < 0, then xu = xr;
elseif test > 0, then xl = xr;
else ea = 0,
Step 5. Display the required root as xr
Step 6. Stop

General Flowchart:

STAR Define the starting point of the

Preparation or initialization of
memory space for data processing. It
xl = 0, xu = 0
also represents instructions that will
ea = 0
modify the program’s course

Input xl, xu, ea and Putting in the parameters and

other parameters the stopping criteria.

Computing for the root c using

the secant method’s general

The value of variable xu is

test < 0, xu = xr assigned to variable xr.

The value of variable xl is

if test > 0, xl = xrif
assigned to variable xr.

Process condition on whether

NO > ea using relational
> ea operators. If No, repeat arithmetic
operation of root xr, if Yes,
proceed to the next step.

Print xr as Display of the output xr


Termination of Flow Chart


Chart 2: False Position

General M-file:

M-file 2B: FalsePos.m

% uses the false position method to find the root of the function func
%You would require to run it in command window as
% FalsePos(@(x)("Enter the Function"),xl,xu,ea);
% xl, xu = lower and upper guesses
% ea = approximate relative error (%)

function y = FalsePos(f,xl,xu,ea)

xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));

fl = f(xl)
fu = f(xu)
disp(' xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr ');
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
while abs(f(xr))> ea
test = f(xl)*f(xr);
if test < 0
xu = xr;
fu = f(xu);
elseif test > 0
xl = xr;
fl = f(xl);
ea = 0;
xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter == 100)
display(['Root is x=' num2str(xr)]);

Open methods described in this chapter require only a single starting value or two
starting values that do not necessarily bracket the root. As such, they sometimes diverge or
move away from the true root as the computation progresses. However, when the open methods
converge they usually do so much more quickly than the bracketing methods. We will begin
our discussion of open techniques with a simple approach that is useful for illustrating their
general form.

A. Single-Fixed Point Iteration

1. Theoretical Background
Iteration method, also known as the fixed point iteration method, is one of the most
popular approaches to find the real roots of a nonlinear function. It requires just one initial
guess and has a fast rate of convergence which is linear.
As just mentioned, open methods employ a formula to predict the root. Such a formula can be
developed for simple fixed-point iteration (or, as it is also called, one-point iteration or
successive substitution) by rearranging the function f ( x )  0 so that x is on the left-hand side
of the equation:
x  g(x ) (3A.1)
This transformation can be accomplished either by algebraic manipulation or by simply adding
x to both sides of the original equation. The utility of Eq. 3A.1 is that it provides a formula to
predict a new value of x as a function of an old value of x. Thus, given an initial guess at the

root xi , Eq. 3A.1 can be used to compute a new estimate xi 1 as expressed by the iterative
x i 1  g(x i ) (3A.2)
As with many other iterative formulas in this book, the approximate error for this equation can
be determined using the error estimator:
x i 1  x i
a   100%
x i 1

2. Numerical Analysis

General Algorithm:
Step 1.Start
Step 2. Input x(1), n and other given parameters.
*Where, x(1) is the value of initial guess while n is the number of iterations *
Step 3. Compute x  n  1

Step 4. Display a and the root x(n)

Step 5. Stop.

General Flowchart:

Defines the beginning of the


Preparation of memory space

n=0 for data processing. It also
represents the instructions that
x (n) = 0 will modify the program’s
course execution.

Inputting all the given

Input x(1), n and
parameters and the stopping
other parameters

The general arithmetic

operations of single-fixed point
iteration where f xn  is the
manipulated given function.

Print the n and x(n)as

solution Display the output.

Defines the end of the

STOP program.

Chart 3: Single-Fixed Point Iteration

General M-file:

M-file 3A: FixedPtIterMfile.m

%% Matlab m-file for Fixed-Point Iteration %%

%% To find the root of a given function in [0,1] %%
%% Matlab's default is 4 digits after the decimal %%
format short;
%% set initial guess - Matlab requires indices to start at 1 %%
x(1) = 3.5;
for n = 1:3

x(n+1) = %"Enter function"

disp ( ' n x(n+1) ' );
disp ( [ n x(n) ] );
x(n) =(x(n+1));

B. Newton-Raphson Method

1. Theoretical Background

One of the problems in practical operations is root finding. Newton-Raphson method is

the most widely used of all root-locating formulas because it is a very fast and effective as
compared to the other methods. It is based on the simple idea of linear approximation like the
differential equation.

Figure 3B
In Figure 3B, the Newton-Raphson method can be derived by using the slope (tangent)
of the function f(x) at the current iterative solution ( x i ) to find the solution ( x i ) in the next
iteration. The slope x i , f x i  is given by

f x i   0
f ' x i   (3B.1)
x i  x i 1

And rearranged to
f x i 
x i 1  x n  , i=0, 1... (3B.2)
f 1 x i 
This is called the Newton-Raphson formula.

2. Numerical Analysis
General Algorithm:
Step 1. Start
Step 2. Input the values of a, maxerr and other given parameters.
*Here , a is the value of the initial guess while maxerr is the stopping criteria,
absolute error or the desired degree of accuracy*
Step 3. Compute f(a) and df(a)
f a 
Step 4. Compute c  a
df a 
Step 5. Test for the accuracy of c

If f c < maxerr

then assign a =c
go to step 4
go to step 6
Step 6. Display the required root as c.
Step 7. Stop.

General Flowchart:

Designates the beginning of

START the program

Preparation of memory space

a=0 for data processing. It also
c=0 represents the instructions that
maxerr = 0 will modify the program’s
course execution.

Input a, maxerr and Inputting all the given

other parameters parameters and the stopping

The arithmetic operation of the

Newton-Raphson method for
calculating the root c.

The value of the variable a is

assigned to variable c.

Process conditions in whether

< f c < maxerr using relational
maxerr operators. If No, repeat the
arithmetic operation of root c,
if Yes, proceed to the next step.

Display the output.

Print solution

Designates the end of the


Chart 4: Newton-Raphson Method

General M-file:

M-file 3B: NewtraphMfile.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% f = "Enter a function";
% df = "Enter the first derivative of the function";
% NewtraphMfile(f,df,a,maxerr)
% where f is function, [a] initial guess and maxerr is maximum error

function y = NewtraphMfile(f,df,a,maxerr)

c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp(' Xn f(Xn) df(Xn) Xn+1 ');
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = c;
c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)
C. Secant Method
y = c;

C. Secant Method
1. Theoretical Background
A potential problem in implementing the Newton-Raphson method is the evaluation of
the derivative. Although this is not inconvenient for polynomials and many other functions,
there are certain functions whose derivatives may be difficult or inconvenient to evaluate. For
these cases, the derivative can be approximated by a backward finite divided difference:
f x i 1   f x i 
f ' x  
x i 1  x i (3C.1)
This approximation can be substituted into Eq. (3C.1) to yield the following iterative equation:
f x i x i1  x i 
x i1  x i 
f x i 1   f x i  (3C.2)

Equation (3C.2) is the formula for the secant method. Notice that the approach requires two
initial estimates of x. However, because f (x) is not required to change signs between the
estimates, it is not classified as a bracketing method.
2. Numerical Analysis
General Flowchart:
Step 1. Start
Step 2. Input the values a, b, maxerr and other parameters.
*Here a and b are the two initial guesses, maxerr is the stopping criteria,
absolute error or the desired degree of accuracy.*
Step 3. Compute f(a) and f(b).
a  f b   b  f a 
Step 4. Compute c 
f b   f a 
Step 5. Test for the accuracy of c
If f c < maxerr
then assign a = b and b = c
go to step 4
go to step 6
Step 6. Display the required root as c.
Step 7. Stop.

General Flowchart:
Define the starting point of the
START program.

Preparation or initialization of
memory space for data processing. It
a = 0, c = 0, b = 0, also represents instructions that will
maxerr = 0 modify the program’s course

Inputting the parameters and the

Input a, b, maxerr stopping criteria.
and other parameters
parameter Computing for the root c using
the secant method’s general

The value of variable a is

assigned to variable b.

The value of variable b is

a=b assigned to variable c.

Process condition on whether

f (c) < maxerr using relational
operators. If No, repeat arithmetic
operation of root c, if Yes, proceed
to the next step.

NO Display the output c.

< maxerr

Since we use START in the

opening of our flowchart for
YES consistency we should use STOP
to terminate.
Print c as solution


Chart 5: Secant Method

General M-file:

M-file 3C: SecantMfile.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Secant_prob1 (@(x)("Enter the Function"),a,b,maxerr);
% [a,b] initial values and maxerr is maximum error tolerable.

function y = SecantMfile(f,a,b,maxerr)

c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));

disp(' Xn-1 f(Xn-1) Xn f(Xn) Xn+1 f(Xn+1)');
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = b;
b = c;
c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
iter = 3:1000;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

display(['Root is x = ' num2str(c)]);

y = c;

The two main methods in determining the roots of nonlinear equations are the
bracketing methods and the open methods. The bracketing methods require two initial guesses
that bracket the root and then systematically reduce the width of the bracket. It is a method
where convergence occurs. Graphical methods are usually used to provide visual insight into
the techniques of solving it. Under it are two specific methods, the bisection method and the
false position. The bisection method has slow convergence compared with other methods and
it is unsuitable to even multiple roots. The false position converges faster than bisection method
in most cases, but it exhibits very slow convergence when function has significant curvature.
Other than that, it is also unsuitable to even multiple roots like bisection.

Open methods are described to require only a single starting value or two starting values
that do not necessarily bracket the root. As such, they sometimes diverge or move away from
the true root as the computation progresses. However, when the open methods converge they

usually do so much more quickly than the bracketing methods. Several of these are the Single-
Fixed Point Iteration, Newton-Raphson, and Secant methods.

The Single-Fixed Point Iteration only converges when the g ' x   1 , hence it is

unsuitable for functions with g ' x   1. The Newton-Raphson Method is the most commonly

used method. When it converges, it does faster than the previous methods. However, the
derivative f ' is sometimes not easy to find and needs individually designed program code. This
is why in some cases it may diverge and exhibit poor convergence. The Newton-Raphson
Method is unsuitable on functions where the root lies on a reflection point, it is also unsuitable
when x i lies near a local optimum and when the tangent at x i has zero or near zero slope. On
the other hand, the secant method is created to ease the difficulties from the Newton-Raphson
Method by replacing the derivative f ' with the difference quotient. It uses two initial guesses
with no restrictions on the function sign at these guesses, thus it does not belong to the
bracketing methods. When this method converges, it does relatively fast. Generally, it is the
fastest among the five methods. Nonetheless, similar to Newton-Raphson, it may also diverge
or exhibit poor convergence when the two initial guesses are not selected carefully. Also, the
function where Secant Method is unsuitable is the same from the Newton-Raphson Method.

However computationally efficient these five methods are but that they do not always
work. But through comparing their results and their true percentage relative error we can
estimate the root nearest to the true root of a nonlinear equation.

Problem 1
Use bisection method and false position to determine the drag coefficient needed so that an 80-
kg bungee jumper has a velocity of 36 m/s after 4s of free fall. Note: The acceleration of gravity
is 9.81m/s2. Start with initial guesses of xl =0.1 and xu =0.2 and iterate until the approximate
relative error falls below 2%.

(a) Mathematical Model
cd = drag coefficient
g = acceleration due to gravity
v(t) = velocity
t = time of free fall.
m = mass of the bungee jumper

 gc 
f m   tanh  d t   vt 
cd  m 

9.81(m)  9.81(0.25) 
f ( m)  tanh  (4)   36
0.25  ( m) 

b) Graph

M-file 5.1b: graph1.m

As shown in the graph above, when mass is 80 kg, the cd is approximately 0.14.

(b) Bisection Method
The function to evaluate is

 gc d 
f c d   t   vt 
tanh 
cd  m 
 
substituting the given values

 9.81c d 
f c d  
tanh  4   36
cd  80 
 
Given the general formula of the Bisection Method
xr = (xl + xu)/2

The estimated root can be found.

M-file 5.1c: Bisection_Prob1.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.
% You would require to run it in command window as
% Bisection_Prob1 (@(x)(sqrt(9.81*80/x))*tanh(sqrt(9.81*x/80)*4)-
% [0.1,0.2] initial values and maxerr is maximum error tolerable.

function y = Bisection_Prob1(f,a,b,maxerr)

disp(' xl xu xr ');
disp([a b c ]);
while abs(f(c))> maxerr
test = f(a)*f(c);
if test < 0
b = c;
elseif test > 0
a = c;
maxerr = 0;
disp([a b c ]);
display(['Root is x=' num2str(c)]);

MATLAB® Output:

After five iterations, we obtain a root estimate cd of 0.14063 having an approximate
relative percent error of above 2%. Since it is still above, we can still do an additional iteration
until we obtain an approximate relative percent error of below 2%.
Hence for the sixth iteration,
0.1375  0.140625
xr   0.1390625

0.1390625  0.140625
e a | | 100%  1.12%

At 6th iteration the required approximate relative percent error which is below 2% is
finally achieved. The true percentage relative error from the theoretical root is 0.67%.

(c) False Position

The function to evaluate is
 9.81c d 
f c d  
tanh  4   36
cd  80 
 
The first iteration is

 1.19738(0.1  0.2)
xr  0.2   0.141809
0.86029  (1.19738)
f 0.1f 0.141809  0.860291 0.03521  0.030292
Therefore, the root is in the first interval and the upper guess is redefined as xu = 0.141809.
The second iteration is
 0.03521(0.1  0.141809)
xr  0.141809   0.140165
0.86029  (0.03521)
0.140165  0.141809
e a | | 100%  1.17%
M-file 5.1d: FP_Prob1.m

% uses the false position method to find the root of the function func
%You would require to run it in command window as
% FP_Prob1(@(@(x)(sqrt(9.81*80/x))*tanh(sqrt(9.81*x/80)*4)-
% xl, xu = lower and upper guesses(0.1,0.2)
% ea = approximate relative error (%)

function y = FP_Prob1(f,xl,xu,ea)

xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));

fl = f(xl)
fu = f(xu)
disp(' xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr ');
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
while abs(f(xr))> ea
test = f(xl)*f(xr);
if test < 0
xu = xr;
fu = f(xu);
elseif test > 0
xl = xr;
fl = f(xl);
ea = 0;
xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter == 100)
display(['Root is x=' num2str(xr)]);

MATLAB® output:

After only two iterations we obtain a root estimate of 0.140165 with an approximate
error of 1.17% which is below the stopping criterion of 2%. The true percentage relative error
is equal to 0.12%.
(d) Conclusion
Using the graph1.m, the theoretical value of cd is equal to 0.14 in 80 kg mass. In the
bisection method cd is computed at the 6th iteration with a value of 0.1390625. It has an
approximate error of 1.12% and a true percentage relative error of 0.67%. While cd is
immediately obtained after only two iterations in false position with a value of 0.140165,
approximate error of 1.17% and true percentage relative error of 0.12%. This proves that the
calculated cd value of false position is more accurate.

Problem 2
Determine the highest real root of f x   x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1 :
(a) Using the Single-Fixed Point iteration (three iterations, x(i) =3.5).
(b) Using the Newton-Raphson method (three iterations, x i  3.5 ).
(c) Using the Secant method (three iterations, x(i−1) =2.5 and x(i) =3.5)

(a) Mathematical Model:

f x   x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1

(b) Graph:
M-file 5.2b: graph2.m

Figure 2.1: The roots are located approximately at 1.05, 1.9 and 3.05. From the range of
2.5  x  3.5 the root is approximately 3.05.

(c) Single-Fixed Point Iteration:

The general equation for the Simple Fixed-Point Iteration is
f (x)  0
So x is on the left side
x  gx 
Given the function
f (x)  x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1

x 3  6x 2  6.1
 11
M-file 5.2c: FixedPtIter_prob2.m
%% Matlab m-file for Fixed-Point Iteration %%
%% To find the root of f(x) = x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 in [0,1] %%
%% Matlab's default is 4 digits after the decimal %%
format short;
%% set initial guess - Matlab requires indices to start at 1 %%
x(1) = 3.5;
for n = 1:3

x(n+1) = (x(n)^3-6*x(n)^2-6.1)/-11;
disp ( ' n x(n+1) ' );
disp ( [ n x(n) ] );
x(n) =(x(n+1));

MATLAB® Output:

After third iteration the calculated root was 3.2514 which have true percent relative
error of 6.3%.

(d) Newton- Raphson Method:

The general equation for the Newton-Raphson Method is
f x 
x i 1  x 
f ' x 

Given the function

f x   x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1
Its first-order derivative is calculated as
f ' x   3x 2  12x  11
Substituting it to Eq. (2.1b),

x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1
x i 1  x 
3x 2  12x  11
2x 3  6x 2  6.1
x i1 
3x 2  12x  11
Starting with an initial value of x i  3.5 .
M-file 5.2d: Newtraph_prob2

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% f = @(t) x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1;
% df = @(t)3*x^2-12*x+11;
% Newtraph_prob3(f,df,0,0.0001)
% where x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 is function, [3.5] initial guess and 0.0001
is maximum
% error tolerable.
function y = Newtraph_prob2(f,df,a,maxerr)

c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp(' Xn f(Xn) df(Xn) Xn+1 ');
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = c;
c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)
y = c;

MATLAB® Output:

After the fourth iteration, the calculated root was 3.0467 which have true percent error
of 0.0001%.

(e) Secant Method:


The general equation for the Secant Method is

f x i x i 1  x i 
x i 1  x i 
f x i 1   f x i 
Given the function
f x   x 3  6x 2  11x  6.1
By substituting it to Eq. (2.1c),

x i 1  x i 
x 3 2

 6x i  11x i  6.1 x i 1  x i 
x   

 6x  11x i 1  6.1  x i  6x i  11x i  6.1

3 2 3 2
i 1 i 1

M-file 5.2e: Secant_prob2.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Secant_prob2 (@(x)(x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1),2.5,3.5,0.0001);
% where @(x)x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 is function, [2,5,3.5] initial values and
0.0001 is maximum
% error tolerable.

function y = Secant_prob2(f,a,b,maxerr)

c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));

disp(' Xn-1 f(Xn-1) Xn f(Xn) Xn+1 f(Xn+1)');
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = b;
b = c;
c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
iter = 3:1000;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

display(['Root is x = ' num2str(c)]);

y = c;

MATLAB® Output:

The calculated root, 3.0467, has 0.0001 true percent relative error after 7 iterations.
(f) Conclusion
After the third iteration, the calculated root of Single-Fixed Point Iteration was 3.2514 which
have true percent relative error of 6.3%. In Newton-Raphson Method, the calculated root was
3.0467 after the fourth iteration with a true percent error of 0.0001%. And lastly, the Secant
Method has a calculated root of 3.0467, 0.0001 true percent relative error and 7 iterations.
Comparing the three methods, the Single-Fixed point Iteration has the least accuracy while the
Newton-Raphson is the most efficient and accurate.

Problem 3
An oscillating current in an electric circuit is described by I  9e  t sin 2t  , where t is in
seconds. Determine all values of t such that I  3.5

(a) Mathematical model:

Given the general equation
I  9e  t sin 2t 
I = 3.5 Ampere
t = time in seconds
Substituting in Eq. 3.1, the mathematical model is
f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5

(b) Graph:
M-file 5.3c:graph3.m

The root is located at 0.0684 and 0.4013.

Using the fzero function of MATLAB®

(c) Bisection Method:
Given the function
f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5
M-file 5.3c: Bisect_prob3a.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Bisection_Prob3a (@(x)(9*exp(-x)*(sin(2*pi*x)-3.5),0,0.2,0.0001);
% [0,0.2] initial values and maxerr is maximum error tolerable.

function y = Bisection_Prob3a(f,a,b,maxerr)

disp(' xl xu xr ');
disp([a b c ]);
while abs(f(c))> maxerr
test = f(a)*f(c);
if test < 0
b = c;
elseif test > 0
a = c;
maxerr = 0;
disp([a b c ]);
display(['Root is x=' num2str(c)]);

M-file 5.3c: Bisect_prob3b.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Bisection_Prob3b (@(x)(9*exp(-x)*(sin(2*pi*x)-3.5),0.2,0.8,0.0001);
% [0.2,0.8] initial values and maxerr is maximum error tolerable.

function y = Bisection_Prob3a(f,a,b,maxerr)

disp(' xl xu xr ');
disp([a b c ]);
while abs(f(c))> maxerr
test = f(a)*f(c);
if test < 0
b = c;
elseif test > 0
a = c;
maxerr = 0;
disp([a b c ]);
display(['Root is x=' num2str(c)]);

MATLAB® Outputs:
1st root

2nd root


At 16th iteration the first root t=0.0684 seconds and at 13th iteration the 2nd root t=0.4013
seconds. The theoretical roots, 0.0684 seconds and 0.4013 seconds, are approximately equal to
the 1st and 2nd computed roots. Both have true percentage relative error of 0.0001%.

(d) False Position
Given the function
f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5
M-File 5.3d: FP_Prob3a
%uses the false position method to find the root of the function func
%You would require to run it in command window as
% FP_Prob3a(@(@(x) (@(x)(9*exp(-x)*(sin(2*pi*x)-3.5),0,0.2,0.0001);
% xl, xu = lower and upper guesses(0,0.2)
% ea = approximate relative error (%)

function y = FP_Prob3a(f,xl,xu,ea)

xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));

fl = f(xl)
fu = f(xu)
disp(' xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr ');
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
while abs(f(xr))> ea
test = f(xl)*f(xr);
if test < 0
xu = xr;
fu = f(xu);
elseif test > 0
xl = xr;
fl = f(xl);
ea = 0;
xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter == 100)
display(['Root is x=' num2str(xr)]);

M-File 5.3d: FP_Prob3b.m

%uses the false position method to find the root of the function func
%You would require to run it in command window as
% FP_Prob3b( (@(x)(9*exp(-x)*sin(2*pi*x)-3.5),0.2,0.8,0.0001);
% xl, xu = lower and upper guesses(0.2,0.3)
% ea = approximate relative error (%)

function y = FP_Prob3b(f,xl,xu,ea)

xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));

fl = f(xl)
fu = f(xu)
disp(' xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr ');
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
while abs(f(xr))> ea
test = f(xl)*f(xr);
if test < 0
xu = xr;
fu = f(xu);
elseif test > 0
xl = xr;
fl = f(xl);
ea = 0;
xr = xu - f(xu)*(xl - xu) / (f(xl) - f(xu));
disp([xl f(xl) xu f(xu) xr]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter == 100)
display(['Root is x=' num2str(xr)]);

MATLAB® Outputs:
1st root

2nd root

The approximate error of 0.0690 and 0.4013 are -5.9618 and 1.9159 respectively for
the 1st root and 2nd root.

(e) Single-Fixed Point Iteration:

f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5

0  9e  t sin 2t   3.5

3.5  9e  t sin 2t 

 sin 2t 
9e  t
 3.5 
2t  sin 1   t 
 9e 

 3.5 
sin 1   t 
t  9e 

M-file 5.3e: FixedPtIter_prob2.m

%% Matlab m-file for Fixed-Point Iteration %%

%% To find the root of f(x) = x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 in [0,1] %%
%% Matlab's default is 4 digits after the decimal %%
format short;
%% set initial guess - Matlab requires indices to start at 1 %%
x(1) = 0.2;
for n = 1:11
x(n+1) = (asin((3.5)/9*exp(-x(n))))/2*pi;
disp ( ' n x(n+1) ' );
disp ( [ n x(n) ] );
x(n) =(x(n+1));

MATLAB® Output:

The true percent relative error is 2.12%. The first theoretical root, 0.0684, did not appear
while the second root has an error of 2.18%.

(f) Newton-Raphson Method

f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5

f ' t   18e  t cos2t   9e  t sin 2t 

f t 
t i 1  t 
f ' t 

9e  t sin 2t   3.5

t i 1  t 
18e  t cos2t   9e  t sin 2t 

M-file 5.3f: Newtraph_prob3a.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% f = @(t) 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5;
% df = @(t)18*pi*exp(-t).*cos(2*pi*t)-9*exp(-t).*sin(2*pi*t);
% Newtraph_prob3(f,df,0,0.0001)
% where 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5 is function, [0] initial guess and
0.0001 is maximum
% error tolerable.
function y = Newtraph_prob3a(f,df,a,maxerr)

c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp(' Xn f(Xn) df(Xn) Xn+1 ');
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = c;
c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

y = c;

M-file 5.1c: Newtraph_prob3b.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% f = @(t) 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5;
% df = @(t)18*pi*exp(-t).*cos(2*pi*t)-9*exp(-t).*sin(2*pi*t);
% Newtraph_prob3(f,df,3.5,0.0001)
% where 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5 is function, [3.5] initial guess
and 0.0001 is maximum
% error tolerable.
function y = Newtraph_prob3b(f,df,a,maxerr)

c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp(' Xn f(Xn) df(Xn) Xn+1 ');
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = c;
c = (a)-(f(a)/df(a));
disp([a f(a) df(a) c]);
iter = 0;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

y = c;

MATLAB® Outputs:
1st root

2nd root

The calculated 1st and 2nd root is approximately equal to the theoretical root with 0.0001
true percent relative error.

(g) Secant Method:

f t   9e  t sin 2t   3.5

f t i t i 1  t i 
t i 1  t i 
f t i 1   f t i 

t i 1  t i 
9e ti

sin 2t i   3.5 t i 1  t i 
   
9e  t i 1 sin 2t i 1   3.5  9e  t i sin 2t i   3.5

M-file 5.1c: Secant_prob3a.m

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Secant_prob3a (@(t) 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5,0,0.2,0.0001);
% where @(x)x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 is function, [0,0.2] initial values and
0.0001 is maximum
% error tolerable.

function y = Secant_prob3a(f,a,b,maxerr)

c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));

disp(' Xn-1 f(Xn-1) Xn f(Xn) Xn+1 f(Xn+1)');
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = b;
b = c;
c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
iter = 3:1000;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

display(['Root is x = ' num2str(c)]);

y = c;

M-file 5.3g: Secant_prob3b.

%% It will take function and initial value as the input of function.

% You would require to run it in command window as
% Secant_prob3b (@(t) 9*exp(-t).*sin (2*pi*t)-3.5,0.2,0.8,0.0001);
% where @(x)x^3-6*x^2+11*x-6.1 is function, [0.2,0.8] initial values and
0.0001 is maximum
% error tolerable.

function y = Secant_prob3b(f,a,b,maxerr)

c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));

disp(' Xn-1 f(Xn-1) Xn f(Xn) Xn+1 f(Xn+1)');
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
while abs(f(c)) > maxerr
a = b;
b = c;
c = (a*f(b) - b*f(a))/(f(b) - f(a));
disp([a f(a) b f(b) c f(c)]);
iter = 3:1000;
iter = iter + 1;

if(iter == 100)

display(['Root is x = ' num2str(c)]);

y = c;

MATLAB® Outputs:
1st root

2nd root

The calculated 1st and 2nd root is approximately equal to the theoretical root with
0.0001 true percent relative error.
(h) Conclusion
The values of t at I = 3.5A is equal to 0.0684 seconds and 0.4013 seconds. Both the
Newton-Raphson Method and Secant Method are the most accurate methods in determining
the roots of t.


Chapra, S. C. (2012). Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB® for Engineers and
Scientists. In Open Methods (Third ed., pp. 151-181). McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.

Chapra, S. C. (2012). Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB® for Engineers and
Scientists. In Bracketing Method (Third ed., pp. 126-150). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Chapra, S. C. (2012). Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB® for Engineers and
Scientists. In Roots and Optimization (Third ed., pp. 123-125). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Kreysig, E. (2011). Avanced Engineering Mathematics. In Solutions of Equations by Iteration

(Tenth ed., pp. 798-807). RR Donnelley and Sons Company.

Steven C. Chapra and Raymond Canale. (2002). Numerical Methods for Engineers. McGraw-
Hill Companies, Inc.


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