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1. Simple Present Tense

Explanation :
Simple present ense menyatakan sebuah perbuatan, fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang
dilKUKn berulang kali dan telah menjadi kebiasan
Jenis : Nominal (kata sifat) dan Verbal (kata kerja)
Formula :
a. Nominal : (+) S + Tobe + Object
(- ) S + Not + Object
(?) Tobe + S + Object

Tobe : am, are, is

- I=am
- They/we/you=are
- He/she/it=is
b. Verbal : (+) S + V1 + s/es + Objec
(-) S + do / does + not + V1 + object
(?) Do/ does + S + V1 + object
He/she/it = V1+es

Exsample :

 Nominal
(+) You are beautiful
(-) You are not beutiful
(?) Are you beautiful
 Verbal
(+) He buys a ball
(-) He does not buy a ball
(?) Does he buy a ball
2. Present Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang
Formula : (+) S + Tobe + V1 + ing
(-) S + Tobe + not + V1 + ing
(?) Tobe + S + V1 + ing
Tobe : am, are, is
- I = am
- They/we/you = are
- He/she/it = is
Example :

(+) She is watching television right now

(-) She is not watching television right now
(?) Is she watching television right now
3. Present Prfect Tense
Explanation :
Digunakn untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang dikerjakan pada masa lampau, baru saja, dan
masih berlanjut hingga sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu waktu tertentu di masalalu
namun efeknya masih berlanjut.
Formula :
- Nominal : (+) S + have / has + been
(-) S + have / has + not + been
(?) Have / has + S + been
They/we/I/You = have been
He/She/It = has been
- Verbal : (+) S + have / has + V3
(-) S + have / has + not + V3
(?) Have / has + S + V3
They/we/I/You = have + V3
He/She/It = Has + V3

Exsample :

 Nominal : (+) You have been here for three hours

(-) You have not been here for three hours
(?) Have you been here for three hours
 Verbal : (+) Student has met the president
(-) Student has not met the president
(?) Has student met the president
4. PresentPerfect Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau, berlangsung
sampai sekarang, dan mungkin akan berlanjut dimasa yang akn datang.
Formula :
(+) S + Have/has + been + V1+ing
(-) S + have + S + been + V1 + ing
(?) Have/has + S + been + V1 + ing

They/we/I/You == have been

He/ she/It = has been

Example :

- (+) I have been sitting in my office since seven o’clock in the morning
- (-) I have not been sitting in my office since seven o’clock in the morning.
- (?) Have I been sitting in my office since seven o’clock in the morning ?

Past/ Masa Lalu

5. SImple Past Tense

Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi pada masa lampau dan tidak ada
hubungannya sama sekali denagn masa sekarang.
Formula :
- Nominal : (+) S + To be (was/were)
(-) S + To be (was/were) + not
(?) To be (was/were) + S

They/we/you = were, I/he/she/it = was

- Verbal : (+) S + V2
(-) S + did + not + V1
(?) Did + S + V1

Exsample :

Nominal :

- (+) I was in my house yesterday

- (-) I was not in my house yesterday
- (?) Was I in my house yesterday ?

Verbal :

- (+)I visited Bali last Holiday

- (-) I did not visit bali last holiday
- (?) Did I visit Bali last holiday
6. Past Continuous Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang telah terjdi pada masa lampau dan masih
berlangsung pada masa lampau.
Formula :
- (+) S + To be (was/were) + V1 + ing
- (-) S + To be (was/were) + not + ing
- (?) To be (was/were) + S + To be
They/we/you = were
I/he/she = was

Example :

- (+) She was sleeping yesterday

- (-) She was not sleeping yesterday
- (?) Was she sleeping yesterday
7. Past Perfect Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa pada masa lampau yng telah
selesai sebelum perbuatan lain dilakukan.
Formula :
a. Nominal : (+) S + Had + Been
(-) S + Had + Not + been
(?) Had + S + Been
b. Verbal : (+) S + Had + V3
(-) S + Had + Not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3

Example :

a. Nominal :
- (+) He had been at school
- (-) He had not been at school
- (?) had he been at school
b. Verbal :
- (+) Dhini had lived in pasar minggu for twenty five years
- (-) Dhini had not lived in Pasar Minggu for twenty five years
- (?) Had Dhini lived in Pasar minggu for twenty five years?
8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi dan masih
berlangsung di Waktu lampau dengan menunjukkan durasi waktu.
Formula :
- (+) S + Had + Ben + V1 + Ing
- (-) S + not + Been + V1 + Ing
- (?) Had + S + Been + V1 + Ing

Example :

- (+)Tomi had been working when she came

- (-) Tomi had not been working when she came
- (?) Had Tomi been working when she came

Future / Akan Datang

9. Simple Future Tense

Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan pada masa
yang akan datang.

Formula :
a. Nominal : (+) S + will / shall + be
(-) S + will/shall + not + be
(?) will/shall + S + be
b. Verbal : (+) S + will/shall + V1
(-) S + will/shall + not + V1
(?) Will/shall + S + V1

I/We = shall

He/she/you/they/it = will


Nominal :

- (+) She will be mine

- (-) She will not be mine
- (?) Will she be mine

Verbal :

- (+) I will married with her next month

- (-) I wiil not married with her next month
- (?) Will he married with her next month
10. Future Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digubakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan datang berlangsung pada saat
tertentu pada waktu yang akan datang.
Formula :
- (+) S + Shall/will + be + V1 + ing
- (-) S + shall/will + not + be + V1 + ing
- (?) Shall/ will + S + be + V1 +ing
I/We/ = Shall be
He/ she/you/they/It = Will be

Example :

- (+) He will be watching football tomorrow night

- (-) He will not be watching football tomorrow night
- (?) Will he be watching football tomorrow night
11. Future Perfect Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah akan terjadi atau telah selesai pada
waktu yang akan datang.
Formula :
- (+) S + shall/will + have + V3
- (-) S + shall/will + not + have + V3
- (?) Shall/will + S + have + V3

Example :

- (+) I do will have finished her work at 4.00p.m

- (-) I do will not have finished her work at 4.00 p.m
- (?) Will i o have finished her work at 4.00 p.m
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sudah dan masih akan berlangsing pada
waktu yang akan datang.
Formula :
- (+)S + Shall/will + have + been + V1 + ing
- (-) S + shall/will + not + have + been + V1 + ing
- (?) Shall/will + S + have + been + V1 + ing

Example :

- (+) They will have been studying english for almost three months by the end of
- (-)They will not have been studying english for almost three months by the end
of april
- (?) Will they have been studyin english for almost three months by the end of

Future Past / Akan datang di masa lalu

13. Simple Future Past Tense

Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan datang pada waktu lampau atau
untuk menyatkan suatu kejadian atau aksi yang akan dilakukan baik direncanakan ataupun
tidak pada saat berada di masa lalu. Perbuatan tesebut sudah direncanakan tetapi sering kali
tidak terlaksana.
Formula :
a. Nominal : (+) S + Should/ would + be
(-) S + Should / Would + Not + be
(?) Should/would + S + be
b. Verbal : (+) S + Should/would + V1
(-) S + should/would + Not + V1
(?) Should/would + S + V1
- I / we = Should
- They / you / he / she / it = would

Example :

a. Nominal :
- (+) She would be here yesterday
- (-) She would not be here yesterday
- (?) Would she be here yesterday
b. Verbal :
- (+) He would help you if came to the meeting yesterday
- (-) He would not help you if came to the meeting yesterday
- (?) Would he help you if came to the meeting yesterday ?
14. Future Past Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan datang sedang
berlangsung di masa lampau.
Formula :
- (+) S + Should/would + be + V1 + ing
- (-) S + should/would + not + be + V1 + ing
- (?) Should / would + S + be + V1 + ing
I / we = should
They / you / he / she / it = would

Example :

- (+) He would be reading a book on Tuesday last week

- (-) He would not be reading a book on Tuesday last week
- (?) Would He be reading a book on Tuesday last week ?
15. Future Past Perfect Tense
Explanation :
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan telah selesai pada
waktu lampau.
Formula :
a. Nominal : (+) S + Should/Would + Have + Been
(-) S + Should/Would + Not + Have + Been
(?) Should/Would + S + Have + Been
b. Verbal : (+) S + Should/ Would + Have + V3
(-) S + Should/Would + Not + Have + V3
(?) Should/Would + S + Have + V3

Example :

a. Nominal :
- (+) I thought you would have been here at seven o’clock yesterday
- (-) I thought you would not have been here at seven o’clock yesterday
- (?) Would you have been here at seven o’clock yesterday
b. Verbal :
- (+) She would have bought a new car if shehad enough money
- (-) She would not have bought a new car if she had enough money
- (?) Would she have bought a new car if she had enough money
16. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Explanation :
Digunakn untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan telah sedang
berlangsung pada waktu lampau.
Formula :
- (+) S + Should/Would + Have + Been + V1 + Ing
- (-) S + Should/Would + Not + Have + Been + V1 + Ing
- (?) Should/Would + S + Have + Been + V1 + Ing
I / We = Should
They / You / He / She / It = would

Example :

- (+) I should have been learning english for three months by last january
- (-) I should not have been learning english for three months by last january
- (?) Should I have been learning english for three months by last january

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