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2011 4th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM), 17-19 May 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Design of Fuzzy Based Controller for Modern

Elevator Group with Floor Priority Constraints
M.M. Rashid, Banna Kasemi, Alias Faruq, AHM Zahirul Alam
Department of Mechatronics Engineering,
International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract- The elevator technologies are developed to The lower level task plays function in commanding
serve the requested passenger’s floors with high each elevator to move up or down, to stop or start and
consideration of passengers’ satisfaction and elevator to open and close the door. The higher level
optimal performance. Responding to the issue, this coordinates the movement of elevator group via a set
paper focuses on development of an elevator group
controller based on fuzzy algorithm. By introducing a
of logical rules crafted to improve the system
fuzzy controller in an elevator system, this project is performance [1].
developed to manage the required passenger traffic The primary function of an elevator group control
density keeping passenger waiting times within system is providing a decision on the most suitable
reasonable limits. To increase the performance of the car to be dispatched in response to a registered hall
elevator group three major linguistic variables are call, and simultaneously ensuring that all cars in the
introduced within a set of fuzzy rules. These include the group work together for the group’s overall, rather
average waiting time (AWT), power consumption (PC), than the cars’ individual. As a result, this approaching
and floor traffic (FT). When the passenger traffic is system directly able to minimize the waiting time and
high, the low fuzzy control values reduce the
importance of priority of floors rather the estimated
riding time spent by passengers, maximize passengers
arrival time is to be minimized. The simulation was capacities in a given time as well as optimize power
accomplished to check the priority of fuzzy system consumption of elevator system.
graphically while the actual prototype of elevator Elevator group control systems (EGCS)
system is programmed by PIC device as a controller. As systematically manage one or more elevators in high-
a result a set of fuzzy rules was drawn based on rise buildings to efficiently transport passengers from
practical considerations; mainly minimization of one oor to another. Industrial investigation had
waiting time and energy consumption. When a few hall started at late Eighties especially in USA and Japan
requests are registered, the elevator controller will [2–4] which is considered as the start point of
decide which one of the elevators will serve which of the
incoming hall requests. In order to manifest the work
implementation stage. Numerous studies have already
with actual elevator service, a computer simulation of a been published since mid Nineties [5-7]. Many of
four-cars-elevator controller in a twenty storied these studies have focused on call assignment method
building is accomplished by using MATLABTM fuzzy based on evaluation function [8]. After that the
logic toolbox and implements the prototype researchers have experimented with the impulse of
experimental model. the largest multinational companies [9–12]. By the
end of the Nineties the research in vertical trans-
Key-Words: Average waiting time, Floor traffic, Floor portation was a reality and the collaborations among
priority, Hall requests the private companies and the re-search centres were
reinforced, some examples are the Systems Analysis
Laboratory in the Helsinki University of Technology
with the KONE Corporation [13] or the Konrad-
Zuse-Zentrumfür Informations technik of Berlin [14]
In the contemporary world today, the intelligent
In modern buildings, the vertical transport of
elevator control system is badly needed for the fast
passengers is implemented by an elevator group
development of high rise building and skyscrapers in
control system and many micro-processed sub-
order to obtain optimum performance. In fact, an
systems implementing local control for each elevator
elevator system is a prominent system that transports
(LCS, local control system) [15–16]. Advances in
passengers from one floor to another in a building. In
EGCSs have been developed at the same time that
this circumstance, the elevator controller responds to
artificial intelligence techniques began to be explored
the passengers’ requests through press buttons which
in real situations. FPGA devices are widely used
consist of hall calls and car calls. Hall call is referred
among industrial automation, health, automotive and
to a passenger’s request who wishes to go to another
toy industry, digital signal processing, video and
floor, from elevator foyer of the current floor.
audio applications and home appliance, among
Whereas, the Car call indicates as the request made
others. These devices can be effectively applied to the
inside the elevator. Fundamentally, an elevator
realization of complex systems, with good
system is controlled by a two level control hierarchy.

978-1-61284-437-4/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

performance and flexibility, meeting the requirements prototype for a building with 5 floors and 3 elevator
of every process in a customized way [17]. cars. The elevator cars are assigned accordingly in
The overall performance of an EGCS is measured response to hall calls, so as to optimize waiting time,
by several criteria such as low average waiting time riding time, power consumption, passengers’ comfort,
of passengers, low power consumption of the of the etc. It has utilized the ordinal structure fuzzy logic
elevator system, the smallest number of passengers algorithm on a revolutionized elevator system, where
waiting at each oor. Unfortunately, it is difficult to instead of using the simple up and down hall call
satisfy all of these criteria at the same time. This is buttons, destination oriented keypads at each floor is
because as the number of oors (N) and the number used.
of elevator groups (M) increases, the system
complexity increases dramatically. For instance, if 2. ELEVATOR GROUP CONTROLLER
there are two call-buttons (up and down) at each
oor, the number of possible assignments for M cars Technically, whenever a few hall requests are
is M.N!.(2N)!. A total of all possible states registered, the elevator controller will cooperatively
M.N!.(2N!).C(N, M) has to be considered [18]. If P decide the most suitable elevator among others for
hall calls come, the controller has to consider serving the incoming hall requests that are registered.
MPcases to make a decision for the most suitable car. So, the main requirements of a control system in
All these cases cannot be evaluated within a limited serving both, car and hall calls, should be effective in
time for decision making. In addition there are providing service to every floor in a building,
several uncertainties such as the time of hall call, the minimizing the waiting time spent by passengers,
number of people who make the calls, the destination minimizing the riding time spent by passengers to
of the passengers who make the hall call, the number, move from one floor to another and optimizing the
physical conditions and age of passengers, etc. With capacity of lift. The Fig. 1 depicts a general
the excessive number of states and uncertainty architecture of an elevator group control system.
factors, it is not possible to achieve an optimal An elevator from floor 1 can pass N-1 floors in
decision [1]. To overcome all these difficulties, fuzzy respond to hall calls or car calls. Combining all the
approach has been extensively used for hall call possible movements of an elevator from every floor,
assignments in elevator groups. an elevator path for a building with 6 floors as shown
Approaches based on fuzzy logic methods which in Fig. 2 can be developed as example.
are capable to prescribe a correct assignment to a car In Fig. 2, the path from A1 to A2 depicts the
given a new hall-call are described in [18] and [19]. movement of elevator A from floor 1 to floor 2
Well-known criteria as Average and Residual (upward movement), and the path from A2’ to A1’
Waiting Time are discussed in [20]. Also, techniques illustrates the movement from floor 2 to floor 1
based on discrete-state Markov chains and Markov (downward movement). Most of the elevator group
decision problem formulation have been presented in control systems have used the hall call assignment
[20-22], local control system (LCS) based Field- method which assigns elevators in response to a
programmable Gate Array (FPGA) algorithm using passenger’s call. The hall call assignment method
Fuzzy approach is in [23] and others based on AI, assigns a new hall call to an elevator having the
neural networks and genetic algorithms in [24-28]. smallest evaluation function value among all the
This study presents the prototype designing, elevators [29]. The evaluation function for the k-th
development and simulation of a fuzzy control elevator is represented by the following formula:
algorithm for managing the traffic of elevator system

Figure 1.A general structure of an elevator group supervisory control system

Generally, in high rise buildings, elevator systems
with multiple elevator cars have to be used to ensure
users’ comfort and convenience. Therefore, fuzzy
algorithm is employed to achieve these following
visions of the elevator group controller as:
Minimizing waiting time of passengers, Minimizing
riding time of passengers, Minimizing loading of
elevator cars, Optimizing power consumption of an
elevator system. Fuzzy Inputs to satisfy multiple
Figure 2. Possible movements of elevator A from every floor objectives as mentioned above, the following inputs
are considered for decision making process of the
supervisory controller. A total of six inputs are
(1) [29]
chosen to solve the elevator dispatch problem. Fuzzy
Inputs are Waiting Time (Second), Riding Time
Where, estimated arrival time of the k-th
(Second), Loading (Floor), Traveling Distance
elevator, area value,  = area-weight, (Floor), Hall Call Area Weight, Destination Area
elevator’s status value. The area-weight is Weight
one of the most important variables in the evaluation
function which affects the system performance. The
fuzzy system is employed to determine the area-
weight used the following fuzzy inputs: Up-going
traffic, Down-going traffic, Average waiting time,
Long wait probability, Power consumption values
The traffic generation for this elevator system is
basically divided into three different modes. The
passenger demand rate and the request generation are
shown in Fig. 2 and Table. 2 respectively. The modes
Up-Peak Mode: These conditions exists when the
dominant and only traffic flow is in an upward
direction, with all, or the majority of passengers
entering the lift system at the main terminal of the
building. Figure 3. Traffic Pattern of Elevator System
Down-Peak Mode: These conditions exist when the Table 1. Standard Specification of Elevator Prototype design
dominant or only traffic flow is in downward
direction with all, or the majority of passengers Features Values
leaving the lift system as the main terminal of the Floor no. 5
building. Height of each floor 100mm
Busy Mode This pattern is called two-way traffic No. Elevators available 3 cars
whenever normally there are two combination sets of i) Time to open the door 1 sec
up-peak and down-peak modes. This represents a ii) Time to close the door 1 sec
situation where the occupants of the building take iii) Time for each passenger to get 5sec
two distinct lunch periods (i.e 12.00 to 13.00 and in
13.00 to 14.00). Speed 1.5m/s
Acceleration 1m/s2
A. Visions of Fuzzy Implementation in Elevator Maximum Load 300g
Group Control Design Passenger Capacity 10 Persons

Table 2. Modes of Traffic Generation

Interval Hall request Car Request

Traffic Mode Arrival Rate
generation Generation
1 hall request in every 10 – 25 hall requests floor 1 floor 2-20
12–30 seconds per 5 minutes
1 hall request in every 10 – 25 hall requests floor 2-20
Down-peak floor 1
12–30 seconds per 5 minutes
1 hall request in every 25 – 38 hall requests floor 1-20
Busy floor 1-20
8–12 seconds per 5 minutes
Interval is selected Arrival rate ranging
floor 1- 20 floor 1-20
Constant manually ranging from from 5 – 38 hall
8–60 Seconds request per 5 minutes
Figure 4. : Membership functions of inputs and output.

A. Membership Functions. Then, the realization of fuzzy algorithm was applied

to Programmable Interface Controller (PIC) by
In fuzzy logic algorithm, real world input values means of compiled source code. This algorithm (Fig.
will be converted to fuzzy values in the fuzzification 5) was designed its basic operation as follows:
process. The membership functions for the inputs and
output are shown in Fig 4. For simplicity, triangular i. When user presses an elevator button to go up.
membership functions are used for both inputs and The elevator button sensor sends the elevator
output fuzzification. button request to the system, identifying the
destination floor the user wishes to visit.
B. Hardware Development And operation Control ii. The new request is added to the list of floors to
visit. If the elevator is stationary, the system
After completion of simulation process, the determines in which direction the system should
implementation of hardware or physical system of move in order to service the next request. The
elevator group controller was done, the prototype of system commands the elevator door to close.
elevator system was developed. When the door has closed, the system commands
the motor to start moving the elevator, either up or
C. Elevator Specification Design down.
iii. As the elevator moves between floors, the arrival
The specifications design of elevator’s prototype sensor detects that the elevator is approaching a
is given in Table 1. floor and notifies the system. The system checks
 whether the elevator should stop at this floor. If
3. WORKING PRINCIPLE so, the system commands the motor to stop. When
the elevator has stopped, the system commands
The elevator group controllers principally work the elevator door to open. If there are other
according to designed fuzzy algorithm. This outstanding requests, the elevator visits these
algorithm is very essential to manage the group of floors on the way to the floor requested by the
elevator cars in complex situation in order for user. Eventually, the elevator arrives at the
fulfilling the satisfaction of passenger’s requests destination floor selected by the user.
either hall calls or car requests within short waiting In Fig.6 the CAD design and experimental
time. Therefore, this project initially implemented prototype design is given. Table 3 gives the
MATLAB fuzzy toolbox as simulation process to specification data of DC geared motor.
adapt the complex situations during real operation.

Initial Stage

UP request &
MEDIUM distance CASE 4
Receiving Input
Hall Request YES
NO DOWN request
CASE 5 distance
UP request & NO
SHORTEST distance CASE 2
YES UP request
NO Down request &

request & FAR
Receiving Input distance
Floor Request

Motor rotates Motor rotates

counterclockwise Remain At Static State
clockwise (CW)

Elevator Car moving Elevator Car moving


moving status = 1 moving status = 2

Floor_Request status= 1 for Floor_Request status= 1 for
requested floor requested floor
waiting time = |hall_request –
waiting time = |hall_request car_position|
– car_position| Distance= 3 x hall_request Receiving Input Hall Request
Distance= 3 x |hall_request- car_position| Hall request generated by pressing UP or DOWN button

Stop the Motor when reach Figure 5. Fuzzy Algorithm of Elevator group controller
at requested floor

Table . 3. DC Geared motor specification

Set Floor Request status= 0
for fulfilled floor Specification Values
Input voltage(v) 12
Speed(RPM) 103
Read updated floor
Torque(mNm) 127.4
Weight 160
If elevator car fulfilled Power(w) 1.1
all floor request Diameter(mm) 37
L(mm) 27
Motor rotates at previous direction

For UPWARD case For DOWNWARD case

Table 4. Assigning Elevator cars according to initial position of

Investigation Cases Elevator Cars

From Hall Floor

Request Request 1 2 3
UP 2 9 X X
FLOOR 1 UP 3 9 X X
UP 4 9 X X
UP 5 9 X X
UP 3 9 X X
UP 4 9 X X
UP 5 9 X X
DOWN 1 X 9 X
UP 4 X 9 X
FLOOR 3 UP 5 X 9 X
DOWN 2 X 9 X
DOWN 1 X 9 X
UP 5 X 9 X
a) CAD Design DOWN 3 X X 9
DOWN 2 X X 9
DOWN 1 X X 9
DOWN 4 X X 9
DOWN 3 X X 9
DOWN 2 X X 9
DOWN 1 X X 9

b) Experimental Design 1
Figure 6. CAD design and experimental design of the prototype

Figure 7. Initial Position of Elevator Cars: (1 3 5). one elevator car

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (right one) is a dummy

A. Evaluation of Assigning Elevator Cars

Based on Initial Position.

During system testing process, the elevator system

was initialized the position of every elevator cars at
floor 1, floor 3, and floor 5 for elevator car 1, 2, and 3
respectively. It was assumed that the elevator car 4
was designed as technical and backup purpose so that
only three elevators working at networked operation.
Elevator assignments are shown in table 5 below.
9 Elevator Car was assigned
X Other elevator cars were not selected
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows the position of the elevators.
Fig. 9 to Fig. 14 are showing that how priority
depends upon waiting time, riding time, loading
tome, destination area weight, hall call area weight Figure 8. Position of elevators (4 1 5).
and travelling distance. Fig. 15 shows the Fuzzy
Rules’ viewer includes all Membership Functions
Figure. 9. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Waiting Time Figure. 12. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Destination
(X) and Riding Time (Y) Area Weight (X) and Hall Call Area Weight (Y).

Figure. 10. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Waiting Time

Figure. 13. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Loading Time
(X) and Loading (Y)
(X) and Riding Time (Y)

Figure. 11. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Destination Figure. 14. 3D Surface Analysis of Priority (Z) vs. Waiting Time
Area Weight (X) and Travelling Distance(Y). (X) and Destination Area Weight (Y)

Figure. 15. Fuzzy Rules’ Viewer includes all Membership Functions

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