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By :
Name : Safira Dwi Oktaviani
Student ID : B1B015002
Entourage :3
Group : II
Asisstant : Hasby Ghoni Asidiqi




A. Introduction

Indonesia has a good potential to develop and utilize its marine wealth,
including seaweed. Seaweed contains both primary and secondary metabolites.
Primary metabolite content such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, alginate, karaginan and
so much used as a cosmetic ingredient for skin maintenance. In addition to its
economically valuable primary content, the secondary metabolite content of seaweed
has the potential of being a diverse bioactive metabolite producer with a very wide
range of activities as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and cytotoxic (Zainudin,

Green, red or brown seaweed is a potential source of bioactive compounds that

are very beneficial to the development of (1) pharmaceutical industries such as anti-
bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-cancer or as reversal agent and (2) agrochemical industry
especially for fungicide and herbicide. Seaweed also contains enzymes, nucleic
acids, amino acids, vitamins, calcium and selenium as well as micro minerals, such
as iron, magnesium and sodium. The algae synthetize a variety of compounds such as
carotenoids, terpenoids, xanthophylls, chlorophyll, vitamins, saturated and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, acetogenins, antioxidants such as
polyphenols, alkaloids, halogenated compounds and polysaccharides such as agar,
carrageenan, proteoglycans, alginate, laminaran, rhamnan sulfate, galactosyl glycerol
and fucoidan. These compounds probably have diverse simultaneous functions for
the seaweeds and can act as allelopathic, antimicrobial, antifouling, and herbivore
deterrents, or as ultraviolet-screening agents. They are also used by the
pharmaceutical industry in drug development to treat diseases like cancer, acquired
immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), inflammation, pain, arthritis, infection for
virus, bacteria and fungus (De Almeida,2011).

Recent studies show 160 species of the genus Gracilaria which has anti-
bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-protozoan, antifungal, antiviral, and toxic only 19
species. Utilization of Gracilaria seaweed is very wide as industrial raw material, so
that seaweed cultivation Gracilaria many developed in Indonesia, including species
G. verrucosa and G. gigas. Gracilaria is a species of seaweed that increased
production from 1990 to 2010 but the world market demand for seaweed continues to
increase to 3-5% per year. In addition, the extract content of several genera
Gracilaria able to minimize the effect of HIV by killing retroviruses (De Almeida et
al., 2011).

B. Objective
The objective of this laboratory activity is comprehensives of seaweed post-
harvest processing namely drying and bleaching

A. Material

The materials used in post-harvest practice / drying of seaweed are Gracilaria

giggas, fresh water and plastic.
The tools used in post-harvest practice / drying of seaweed are tubs, buckets
and trays.

B. Method

Drying with fresh water washing

seaweed (Gracilaria giggas) is cleaned

Dried until 1-2 days

Washed with water to dissolve the salt

Dryed until 1-2 days until the seaweed color is


Dryed until 1-2 days until the seaweed color is



A. Result

Figure 3.1. Seaweed after drying

B. Discussion

Seaweeds are floating and submerged plants of shallow marine meadows.

They have salt tolerance because the osmolarity of cytoplasm is adjusted to match
the osmolarity of the seawater so that desiccation does not occur. They lack true
stems, roots and leaves; however, they possess a blade that is leaf like, a stipe that is
stem like, and a holdfast that resembles roots like terrestrial plants. Seaweeds contain
photosynthetic pigments and use sunlight to produce food and oxygen from carbon
dioxide, and the water (De Almeida,2011). Algae belonging to the genus Gracilaria
is a type of algae that is easy to be cultivated and widely spread especially in the
tropics. This species is commonly found in shallow coastal areas, depths between 2-
5. Gracilaria is one species of seaweed that functioned as food products. Both in the
form of salads and fast food. In addition, Gracilaria is known to be very potential in
tackling waste or water pollution. In every cultivation done will go through several
stages, from the start of planting until harvest and post-harvest until the cultivation
can be utilized. Harvest and postharvest are the steps that will determine the quality
and quantity of the harvest itself. Another thing that is also very important to note is
the age of the crop at the time of harvest, harvest and postharvest conducted (Fahrul,
The process of post-harvest handling of seaweed includes washing with
water, drying, sorting, weighing and packaging. The process of fresh water
immersion is to eliminate or reduce the salt content in seaweed. Seaweed that has
been harvested, washed with fresh water until clean then dried up to 2 - 3 days
depending on the weather conditions at that time. Laundry with fresh water has a
negative side that causes a decrease in the content of the seaweed itself. The next
process is drying or drying. Drying is a method for removing or partially removing
water from a material by evaporating water in the material using heat energy. Drying
of the crop is done in direct sunlight. Drying is carried out during the day during
sunny weather (Anggadiredja et al., 2006).
Drying can be done in two ways, by way of using an oven or naturally by
drying in the sun, and cheap and practical drying is by drying in the sun for 2-3 days,
depending on the condition of solar heat. This drying should use a base, such as
plastic sheeting and others to avoid mixing of seaweed with dirt like sand or gravel
and others. After dry and clean of all kinds of dirt, seaweed is inserted into a plastic
bag to be ready for sale or stored in the warehouse. At the time of storage avoid
contamination with oil or fresh water. The process of drying and storage is very
necessary to get attention, because although the harvest is good but if the post-
harvest handling is not good then it will reduce the quality of seaweed (Sujatmiko &
Angkasa, 2009)
Seaweed drying method (Anggadiredja et al., 2006)
1. Direct drying. Seaweed is dried in the oven or under the sun for 2-3 days
2. Drying with fresh water washing. Seaweed cleansed, dried in the sun for 1-2
days, washed again to soluble salt solution, dried 1-2 days to white and then
3. Drying with soaked lime tohor. The grass is cleaned, washed with water to
dissolve the sticky salt, soaked in 1-2 hour water cohorts, dried in 1-2 days, then
4. Drying with fermented. Seaweed cleaned wrapped in plastic and soaked in a
water-filled tub for 2-3 days, in drying for 2-3 days, stored.
Factors affecting product quality are the process of harvesting, sorting
process, washing process, drying process, drying process, packaging and storage.
Process harvesting and handling results determine the quality of seaweed produced.
according to Fahrul (2006), seaweed quality is influenced by three important things,
namely cultivation technique, harvest age and postharvest handling. Postharvest
handling is an activity or process that starts after harvesting crops that include
washing, drying, dirt or salt cleaning (sorting), packing, transportation, and
storage.The quality of the resulting agar can also be affected from the seaweed
ingredients used and also the processing done (Santika & Alaerts, 2014).
Based on the results of experiments conducted found that seaweed Gracilaria
giggas after washing with fresh water then dry in the sun for 1-2 days, this drying
resulted color change in a pale white, drying was done again for 1-2 days, drying
caused the change of color to be yellowish. The drying is done to reduce the water
content stored in the seawater that causes the physical changes of the seaweed itself,
when the seaweed seaweed looks transparent, while the seaweed that has gone
through the drying process becomes pale , wrinkles and shrinks.
G. gigas are classified in agarofit groups as they may produce agar, or more
specifically known onesof agarofite agar and keraginan groups. The content that
many of the algae can be reduced by way of drying is done. Proper drying will make
the content of algae well preserved. Saah alginate which is a polymer in algae and
can be used as a medicine or thickener. Alginate content in drying uses oven more
than in drying dry wind and in the sun. This is due to the nature of the alginate that is
not affected by the drying temperature. Oven drying has more alginate content than
others because the moisture content contained less than the others. Water content is
very influential on the quality of a material. Alginat is one of the ingredients of
seaweed quality, especially brown seaweed. The lower the water content in the
seaweed the better the quality of the seaweed (Fuad, 2014).
In addition, drying using oven is better than others because drying with this
oven has a stable and centralized temperature so that the heating can be evenly and
thoroughly. Incorrect drying process, too long or fast draining and uneven drying and
sudden temperature changes will result in certain chemical changes. The uneven
drying process and fluctuating temperature changes affect the water content in the
seaweed which allows it to affect the quantity and quality of the resulting alginate.
This is what causes alginate content in drying wind and lower sun than oven drying
(Fuad, 2014).

A. Conclusion

Based on result above, can be conlcude :

1. Postharvest drying can be done by drying method dried directly, sailing with
fresh water leaching, basking with soaked lime water and drying, drying with

B. Suggestion

Preferably the drying is done using a tool such as a temperature-adjusted oven to

facilitate and speed drying and produce a constant dry.

Anggadiredja, Jana T., A. Zatnika, H. Purwoto dan S. Istini. 2006. Rumput Laut.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

Sujatmiko, W., & W. I. Angkasa. 2009. Teknik Budidaya Rumput Laut dengan
Metode Tali Panjang. Jakarta : Erlangga.

De Almeida, Cynthia Layse F., Heloina de S. Falcao, Gedson R. de M. Lima, Camila

de A. Montenegro, Narlize S. Lira, Petronio F. de Athayde-Filho, Luis C.
Rodrigues, Maria de Fatima V. de Souza, Jose M. Barbosa-Filho and Leonia
M. Batista. 2011. Bioactivities from Marine Algae of the Genus Gracilaria.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 4550-4573.

Fahrul. 2006. Pelatihan Budidaya Laut Coremap Fase II Kabupaten Selayar.

Yayasan Mattirotasi, Makassar.

Fuad, A Masduqi. 2014. Efek Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Kandungan Bahan

Kimia Dalam Rumput Laut Sargassumpolycystum. Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi
Volume XXII, Nomor 1. Fakultas Sains dan Matematika UNDIP. Semarang

Rukmi, A.S., Sunaryo, dan A. Djunaedi. 2012. Sistem Budidaya Rumput Laut
Gracilaria verrucosa di Pertambakan dengan Perbedaan Waktu Perendaman di
Dalam Larutan NPK. Journal of Marine Research 1(1): 90-94.

Santika S & Alaerts G. 2014. Metode Penelitian Air. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional

Zainuddin, E. N & Malina, A, C. 2009. Skrining Rumput Laut Asal Sulawesi Selatan
sebagai Antibiotik Melawan Bakteri Patogen pada Ikan. Laporan Penelitian
Research Grant, Biaya IMHERE-DIKTI
(Each student must attached 1 English and 1 Indonesia journal in 1 group, there is no
tollerance/harm of any duplicate/the same journal in those 1 group. Citated words on
journal that attached in the report must be marked/stabilo. Journal time is within
updated 5 years.

Explanation :

 Margin : left 4 cm, right, top and bottom 2,5 cm

 Font : Times New Roman, font size 12, A4 paper
 If within result contain picture and table, table is a must to be placed at first
 Conclusion is answering the objective
 et al. Written italicized (italic)
 Only Cover & citated page of the journal that attached for the
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 Writing guideleine that have not been listed, will be adjusted with the final
thesis guideline of Biology Faculty.

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