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INVERTEBRADOS 2018 – Ciclos biológicos Giardia intestinalis

Cysts are resistant forms and are responsible for transmission of giardiasis. Both cysts and trophozoites can be found in
the feces (diagnostic stages) . The cysts are hardy and can survive several months in cold water. Infection occurs by
the ingestion of cysts in contaminated water, food, or by the fecal-oral route (hands or fomites) . In the small intestine,
excystation releases trophozoites (each cyst produces two trophozoites) . Trophozoites multiply by longitudinal
binary fission, remaining in the lumen of the proximal small bowel where they can be free or attached to the mucosa by a
ventral sucking disk . Encystation occurs as the parasites transit toward the colon. The cyst is the stage found most
commonly in nondiarrheal feces . Because the cysts are infectious when passed in the stool or shortly afterward,
person-to-person transmission is possible. While animals are infected with Giardia, their importance as a reservoir is

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 1

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 – Ciclos biológicos Balantidium coli

Cysts are the parasite stage responsible for transmission of balantidiasis . The host most often acquires the cyst through
ingestion of contaminated food or water . Following ingestion, excystation occurs in the small intestine, and the
trophozoites colonize the large intestine . The trophozoites reside in the lumen of the large intestine of humans and
animals, where they replicate by binary fission, during which conjugation may occur . Trophozoites undergo encystation
to produce infective cysts . Some trophozoites invade the wall of the colon and multiply. Some return to the lumen and
disintegrate. Mature cysts are passed with feces.
Worldwide distribution. Because pigs are an animal reservoir, human infections occur more frequently in areas where pigs
are raised. Other potential animal reservoirs include rodents and nonhuman primates.

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 2

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos Entamoeba histolytica

(1) infección de Entamoeba histolytica por ingestión de QUISTES MADUROS en alimentos, agua o manos contaminados
con heces. (2) Desenquistamiento en el intestino delgado, (3) TROFOZOÍTOS son liberados y migran al colon, y se
reproducen por FISIÓN BINARIA y producen quistes * que van madurando. (4) quistes maduros se eliminan con las heces.
Debido a la protección de la pared, los quistes pueden sobrevivir días o semanas en el medio externo y son los
responsables de transmisión; los trofozoítos en el medio externo mueren rápidamente.
En muchos casos los trofozoítos permanecen en la luz intestinal de los infectados (A: infección no invasiva), quienes son
entonces portadores asintomáticos o eliminadores de quistes. En algunos individuos los trofozoítos invaden la mucosa
intestinal (B: enfermedad intestinal), o vía circulación sanguínea, invaden el hígado, pulmones cerebro etc. (C: enfermedad
Las formas invasivas y no invasivas representan especies separadas: E. histolytica y E dispar respectivamente, que son
morfológicamente indistinguibles. La transmisión también puede ocurrir por exposición fecal durante el contacto sexual (en
tal caso no sólo los quiste sino también los trofozoítos son infectantes)
Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 3
INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos Trypanosoma cruzi


Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 4

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos Leishmania spp


Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 5

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 – Ciclos biológicos Plasmodium spp


Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 6

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos Opalina ranarum

1: Q 4-nucleados en el agua, ingeridos x un renacuajo. 2: Exquistación, el gamonte migra a la cloaca. 3->4 Formación de
micro- y macrogametos (meiosis). 5: Fusión de gametos. 6: Enquistación del cigote, quistes salen en las heces del
renacuajo. 7- 8: Otro renacuajo ingiere quiste, y el TFZ se desarrolla en la cloaca, forma quistes, y …. (8.1, 8.2)
9: cuando se completa la metamorfosis (renacuajo a sapo), los trofozoitos crecen (agamonts, trophonts) y forman dentro
hasta 2000 nucleos. 10 Antes de la estación de apareamiento, los TFZ se multiplican x fbl u fb oblicua.11- 12: Durante la
estación de apareamiento, las hormonas del sapo inducen divisiones de los TFZs (pero sin div nuclear) -> PREQuistes. 1:
PQ con 2–12 núcleos, se enquistan, y salen en las heces.

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 7

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos

TAENIASIS (T.solium, T. saginata, T. asiatica)


3 formas de infectarse, incluyendo peristalsis


Immature eggs in feces . Under appropriate

conditions, the eggs mature and yield
ONCOSPHERES which develop into a
CORACIDIA . After ingestion by a
HOST) the coracidia develop into
ingestion of the copepod by a suitable SECOND
INTERMEDIATE HOST, typically minnows and
other small FRESHWATER FISH, the procercoid
larvae are released from the crustacean and
migrate into the fish flesh where they develop
into a PLEROCERCOID larvae . The
not represent an important source of infection,
because . . .. . Nevertheless, these small second
intermediate hosts can be eaten by larger
predator species, e.g., trout, perch, walleyed
pike . In this case, the sparganum
(plerocercoid) can migrate to the musculature of
the larger predator fish and humans can acquire
the disease by eating these later intermediate
infected host fish raw or undercooked . After
ingestion of the infected fish, the plerocercoid
develop into IMMATURE ADULTS and then into
mature ADULT TAPEWORMS which will reside
in the small intestine. The adults of D.
latum attach to the intestinal mucosa by means
of bothria of their scolex . The Immature
eggs are discharged from the proglottids and
are passed in the feces .

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 8

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos
Tenia in the small bowel of the
definitive hosts, dogs or other canids.
Gravid proglottids release eggs that
are passed in the feces. After ingestion
by a suitable intermediate host (under
natural conditions: sheep, goat, swine,
cattle, horses, camel), the egg hatches in
the small bowel and releases an
oncosphere that penetrates the
intestinal wall and migrates through the
circulatory system into various organs,
especially the liver and lungs. In these
organs, the oncosphere develops into a
cyst that enlarges gradually,
producing protoscolices and daughter
cysts that fill the cyst interior. The
definitive host becomes infected by
ingesting the cyst-containing organs of
the infected intermediate host. After
ingestion, the protoscolices evaginate,
attach to the intestinal mucosa , and
develop into adult stages in 32 to 80
1.) Adultos en la luz del intestino delgado.
2.) Huevos eliminados con las heces. 3.)
En los huevos fértiles se desarrollan las
larvas L1 y L2, la forma infectante
(HUEVOS LARVADOS), madura entre
14 días y varias semanas, según
condiciones del ambiente.
4.) Ingestion de …..
5.) larvas eclosionan, penetran la pared
intestinal, migran por vénulas hepáticas,
corazón derecho, circulación pulmonar,
atraviesan a
6.) los espacios alveolares, donde mudan
en 2 ocasiones, ascienden hasta laringe
y faringe, son deglutidos y se desarrollan
como 7.) adultos en intestino delgado,
después de una larga trayectoria,
La infección producida únicamente por
hembras da lugar a huevos infértiles, la
causada por machos redundará en la
ausencia de huevos.
Transmisión: x ingesta de huevos
embrionados con L2:
- en agua o alimentos contaminados.
- geofagia
- fomites.
- Se ha reportado inhalación.

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 9

INVERTEBRADOS 2018 - Ciclos biológicos
Eggs are shed in the feces of the definitive
hosts , which are usually rats for M.
moniliformis and swine for M. hirudinaceous,
although carnivores and primates, including
humans, may serve as accidental hosts. The
eggs contain a fully-developed acanthor when
shed in feces. The eggs are ingested by an
intermediate host , which is an insect
(usually scarabaeoid or hydrophilid beetles
for M. hirudinaceous and beetles or
cockroaches for M. moniliformis). Within the
hemocoelom of the insect, the
acanthor molts into a second larval stage,
called an acanthella . After 6-12 weeks, the
worm reaches the infective stage called a
cystacanth . The definitive host becomes
infected upon ingestion of intermediate hosts
containing infective cystacanths . In the
definitive host, liberated juveniles attach to the
wall of the small intestine, where they mature
and mate in about 8-12 weeks. In
humans the worms seldom mature, or
mature but will rarely produce eggs.

Blga. MSc. Isabel Bohórquez M. (UNFV-FCCNNM) C- 10

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