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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify rhyme and meter as an element of poetry.

b. Determine the rhyme and meter of the selected poems

c. Apply rhyme and meter in selected poems

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Elements of Poetry for Specific Forms


III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

2. Checking of Attendance

3. Review

B. Motivation

Present the Sonnet 130 in the class by William Shakespeare

C. Presentation

Sonnet, specially Shakespearean sonnets are written with Iambic pentameter. Today we are going
to thoroughly discuss how measure poems using rhyme and meter as an element of poetry for specific

D. Discussion

 RHYTHM is a literary device which demonstrates the long and short patterns through stressed
and unstressed syllabes particularly in verse form.

Traditional forms of verse use established rhythmic patterns called METERS. Premeasured
patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Feet are the individual building blocks of meter. Each individual unit of rhythm is called FOOT.

 Rhyme - is the repetition of similar sounds. In poetry, the most common kind of rhyme is the end
rhyme, which occurs at the end of two or more lines.

 Foot - A foot is a combination of stressed and unstressed syllabled in a line of poetry.

Iamb: (dah-DUM), unstressed stressed: enJOY

Trochee: (DUM-dah), stressed unstressed: PIzza

Anapest: (dah-dah-DUM), unstressed unstressed stressed: but of COURSE!

Dactyl: (DUM-dah-dah) stressed unstressed unstressed: HOnestly

Spondee: (DUM-DUM) stressed stressed:


 Meter - This is the number of feet tht is in a line of poetry. A line poetry can have any number of
feet, and can have more than one type of foot. There are some meters that are used more often
than others.

Types of Meter:

Monometer: a line with 1 foot

Dimeter: a line with 2 feet

Trimeter: a line with 3 feet

Tetrameter: a line with 4 feet

Pentameter: a line with 5 feet

Hexameter: a line with 6 feet

Heptameter: a line with 7 feet

Octameter: a line with 8 feet

E. Generalization/Application

Present Examples and let the students identify the rhyme and meter of the lines/poems

IV. Evaluation

Identify the rhyme and meter of the following lines/poems.

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