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Metode SCS
Penyajian grafis salah satu unsur aliran
terhadap waktu

 Hidrograf Tinggi Muka Air (Stage Hydrograph)

 HidrografDebit (Discharge Hydrograph)
 Hidrograf Sedimen (Sediment Hydrograph)
Metode SCS
(Victor Mockus, 1950)
Types of unit hydrographs
A unit hydrograph can be characterized by
 duration of the unit rainfall (tr)
 lag time (tl) defined as the time difference between the centre of the unit rainfall
event and the runoff peak.
 time to peak (Tp), the time from the start of the storm event until the occurrence
of peak runoff can be calculated as:
The Unit Hydrograph Routing Model
Basic Assumptions
The unit hydrograph is the unit pulse response function of a linear hydrological
system, i.e. the direct runoff hydrograph resulting from one unit of excess rain
with the duration, tr.

One of the basic

assumptions that inherent
in this model is;
the principle of
superposition applies to
hydrographs resulting from
continuous and/or isolated
periods of uniform-
intensity excess rain
SCS dimensionless hydrograph
The SCS dimensionless hydrograph is pre-specified in the
model. Dimensionless hydrograph specified as the flow
divided by the peak flow (Q/Qp) as a function of the time
divided by the time to peak (t/tp).
Metode SCS

 Lag Time (tl), waktu dari pusat masa hujan

sampai debit puncak banjir (jam)
 Waktu Naik (tp), waktu dari awal hujan
sampai puncak banjir (jam)
 Time Base(tb), Waktu dasar hidrograf
satuan tidak berdimensi (jam)
 Debit Puncak (qp)

tl, tp, tb dalam Jam

Qp (m3/det), A (km2)

𝐿0,8 2540−22,86 𝐶𝑁 0,7

- 𝑇𝑙 = …. untuk luas DAS < 16 km2
14,104𝐶𝑁0,7 𝑥 𝑆 0,5

- 𝑇𝑙 = 0,6𝑇𝑐 ….. untuk luas DAS >= 16 km2

- 𝑇𝑝 = + 𝑇𝑙
2,08 𝑥 𝐴
- 𝑄𝑝 =
- 𝑇𝑏 = 𝑇𝑝 … … 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑘 𝐴 < 2 𝑘𝑚2
- 𝑇𝑏 = 5 20 𝑇𝑝
Menghitung Time of Concentration (Tc)
Rumus Hathaway

0.606 (𝐿.𝑛)0.467
𝑇𝑐 =
𝑆 0.234

Tc = Waktu konsentrasi (jam)

L = Panjang lintasan air dari titik terjauh sampai outlet (km)
S = kemiringan lahan antara elevasi maksimum dan minimum (m/m)
n = koefisien kekasaran lahan
Tata Guna Lahan n
Kedap air 0.02
Timbunan tanah 0.1
Tanaman pangan/tegalan dengan sedikit rumput 0.2
Padang rumput 0.4
Tanah gundul yg kasar dengan runtuhan dedaunan 0.6
Hutan dan sejumlah semak belukar 0.8
Uhm (unit hydrograph model)

 The UHM Module provides for several options for

hydrologic modeling including the use of the SCS
method to determine runoff volume and hydrograph
 The excess rain is calculated assuming that the losses
to infiltration can be describe by the SCS curve number
 The excess rainfall is routed to the river by unit
hydrograph methods.
Mengubah hujan harian
menjadi hujan jam-jaman
 Hujan Rencana yang didapat berupa hujan harian.
 Data masukan hujan untuk HSS, harus berupa hujan
 Hujan Rencana harus dirubah menjadi hujan jam-
jaman menggunakan Pola Distribusi Hujan Daerah.

Tabel. Pola Distribusi Hujan Daerah Manado- Minahasa

Jam ke- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
% hujan 51 25 9 5 4 3 2 1
Hujan Rencana dengan kala ulang 100 tahun = 150 mm

Pola distribusi hujan daerah Manado:

Jam ke- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
% hujan 51 25 9 5 4 3 2 1

Distribusi hujan jam-jaman

Jam ke- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Hujan (mm) 76.5 37.5 13.5 7.5 6 4.5 3 1.5 150
Hujan Efektif

 Hujan Efektif (Pe) adalah hujan yang menyebabkan

limpasan di sungai.

 Pe = Hujan Total - Losses

The loss model

 During a storm a part of the total rainfall infiltrates

the soil.
 Large parts of the infiltration evaporates or reaches
the river a long time after the end of storm as
 Hence in event models as the present one, it is
reasonable to describe the major part of the
infiltration as loss.
 The amount of rain actually reaching the river, i.e.
the total amount of rainfall less the loss is termed
the excess rainfall.
SCS loss method
The US Soil Conservation Service , developed this
method for computing losses from storm rainfall.
For the storm as a whole, the depth of excess precipitation or direct runoff
(Pe) is always less than or equal to the depth of precipitation P; likewise,
after runoff begins, the additional depth of water retained in the watershed,
Fa, is less than or equal to some potential maximum retention S. There is
some of rainfall Ia, (initial loss before ponding) for which no runoff will occur,
so the potential runoff is P-Ia.
The basic equation used in this model is

S is calculated from a dimensionless curve number (CN) using the

empirical formula derived by SCS

Where: Ia = initial abstraction,

Pe = accumulated excess rain,
Fa = continuing abstraction,
P = total rainfall
S = potential maximum retention
CN = Curve number
Contoh Soal
Pada Suatu DAS seluas 15 km2, panjang sungai
7 km, kemiringan rerata sungai 0.5. DAS berupa
hutan (CN=76).
Hitung debit Rencana (Q100) yang terjadi jika
terjadi hujan sebesar hujan Rencana (R100) 180
mm selama 3 jam (Pola distribusi jam-jaman
diketahui). Gunakan metode HSS-SCS
L (km) CN S (m/m) A (km2) Tr (Jam)
7 76 0.5 15 3

𝐿0,8 2540−22,86 𝐶𝑁 0,7

- 𝑇𝑙 = …. untuk luas DAS < 16 km2
14,104𝐶𝑁0,7 𝑥 𝑆 0,5

- 𝑇𝑙 = 0,6𝑇𝑐 ….. untuk luas DAS >= 16 km2

- 𝑇𝑝 = + 𝑇𝑙
2,08 𝑥 𝐴
- 𝑄𝑝 =
- 𝑇𝑏 = 𝑇𝑝 … … 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑘 𝐴 < 2 𝑘𝑚2
- 𝑇𝑏 = 5 20 𝑇𝑝
Parameter HSS-SCS

Dihitung menggunakan rumus

Tl (Jam) Tp (Jam) Qp (m3/det) Tb (Jam)
2.477 3.977 7.846 19.883
t/Tp Qt/Qp t Qt
0 0 0 0
0.1 0.015 0.398 0.118
0.2 0.075 0.795 0.588
0.3 0.16 1.193 1.255
0.4 0.28 1.591 2.197
Setelah Qp dan Tp diketahui, 0.5 0.43 1.988 3.374
hitung HSS-SCS dengan 0.6
menggunakan Tabel 0.8 0.89 3.181 6.983
0.9 0.97 3.579 7.611
(Yang dihitung adalah t dan Qt) 1 1 3.977 7.846
1.1 0.98 4.374 7.689
1.2 0.92 4.772 7.218
1.3 0.84 5.170 6.591
1.4 0.75 5.567 5.885
Tp = 3.977 Jam 1.5 0.66 5.965 5.178
Qp = 7.846 m3/det 1.6 0.56 6.362 4.394
1.8 0.42 7.158 3.295
2 0.32 7.953 2.511
2.2 0.24 8.748 1.883
2.4 0.18 9.544 1.412
2.6 0.13 10.339 1.020
2.8 0.098 11.134 0.769
3 0.075 11.930 0.588
3.5 0.036 13.918 0.282
4 0.018 15.906 0.141
4.5 0.009 17.894 0.071
5 0.004 19.883 0.031
Hidrograf yang terjadi akibat
hujan 1 satuan (1 cm) di DAS
Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik SCS
Debit (m3/det)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Waktu (Jam)
Merubah Hujan Rencana Harian
menjadi Hujan Rencana Jam-Jaman

Hujan Rencana (R100) = 180 mm

Pola Distribusi Hujan Jam-Jaman (%)

Jam ke- 1 2 3
% Distribusi 25 55 20

Hujan Rencana Jam-Jaman (mm)

Jam ke- 1 2 3
Hujan (mm) 45 99 36
Menghitung Hujan Efektif
Hujan Rencana Jam-Jaman (mm)
Jam ke- 1 2 3
Hujan (mm) 45 99 36

CN = 76
S = 80 (pakai rumus)

P Efektif Jam Ke- (mm)

1 2 3
8 42 4

P efektif disalin dalam Cm

P Efektif Jam Ke- (cm)
1 2 3
0.8 4.2 0.4
Hujan Efektif (cm) Base Debit
No t (Jam) HSS Flow Total
Analisis Banjir 0.8 4.2 0.4
(m3/det) (m3/det)
1 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1
akibat hujan 3 2 0.398 0.118 0.090 0 0 1.1 1.190
jam 3 0.795 0.588 0.452 0 0 1.1 1.552
4 1.193 1.255 0.964 0.496 0 1.1 2.561
5 1.591 2.197 1.687 2.482 0 1.1 5.269
Base Flow 6 1.988 3.374 2.592 5.295 0.047 1.1 9.033
diketahui 7 2.386 4.708 3.616 9.266 0.234 1.1 14.216
8 2.784 6.041 4.641 14.230 0.499 1.1 20.470
= 1.1 m3/det 9 3.181 6.983 5.364 19.855 0.874 1.1 27.193
10 3.579 7.611 5.846 25.481 1.342 1.1 33.769
11 3.977 7.846 6.027 29.452 1.872 1.1 38.451
12 4.374 7.689 5.906 32.100 2.402 1.1 41.508
13 4.772 7.218 5.545 33.092 2.777 1.1 42.514
14 5.170 6.591 5.062 32.431 3.026 1.1 41.619
Debit Banjir 15 5.567 5.885 4.520 30.445 3.120 1.1 39.185
Rencana (Q100), 16 5.965 5.178 3.978 27.798 3.058 1.1 35.933
17 6.362 4.394 3.375 24.819 2.870 1.1 32.165
adalah debit puncak 18 7.158 3.295 2.531 21.841 2.621 1.1 28.093
yg terjadi 19 7.953 2.511 1.929 18.532 2.340 1.1 23.900
20 8.748 1.883 1.446 13.899 2.059 1.1 18.504
21 9.544 1.412 1.085 10.590 1.747 1.1 14.522
Q100 = 42.514 22 10.339 1.020 0.783 7.942 1.310 1.1 11.136
m3/det 23 11.134 0.769 0.591 5.957 0.998 1.1 8.646
24 11.930 0.588 0.452 4.302 0.749 1.1 6.603
25 13.918 0.282 0.217 3.243 0.562 1.1 5.122
26 15.906 0.141 0.108 2.482 0.406 1.1 4.096
27 17.894 0.071 0.054 1.191 0.306 1.1 2.651
28 19.883 0.031 0.024 0.596 0.234 1.1 1.954
Hidrograf Banjir Rencana
Hidrograf Banjir
Debit (m3/det)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Waktu (Jam)
Hujan jam 1 Hujan jam 2 Hujan jam 3 Base Flow Debit Total

Debit Banjir Rencana (Q100),

adalah debit puncak yg terjadi = 42.514 m3/det
Soal Latihan

- DAS (Seperti Tugas 1 anda)
- Hujan Rencana (Seperti Tugas 3)
- Pola Sistribusi hujan Jam-jaman, seperti Tabel

Debit Rencana, dengan menggunakan Metode HSS-SCS

Pola distribusi hujan daerah Manado:

Jam ke- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
% hujan 51 25 9 5 4 3 2 1

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