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Research Proposal

Emily Harvey
Independent Research 1

Research Title: Controversy: Genetically Modified Crops and Cancer

Overview of Research
What is the effect of the consumption of genetically modified crops on the likelihood of
the consumer developing cancer? In order to find an answer to this problem, I will be
investigating previous research done by leading scientists all around this world. By analyzing
laboratory investigations, I will be able to compare the results to previously known factors that
increase the risk of cancer. Based on my secondary research, my hypothesis is that the
consumption of genetically modified crops does not increase the consumer’s likelihood of
developing cancer anymore than the consumption of organic crops does.

Background and History of the Issue

Humans have been genetically modifying crops for millennia, but only recently have
crops been genetically modified in labs. As a result of these lab-produced crops, scientists have
been conducting extensive research on the effects of these crops on the human body. In 2012, a
report surfaced that genetically modified crops could increase the consumer’s risk of cancer.
French scientist, Gilles-Éric Séralini, tested on mice, discovering that the mice that consumed
crops genetically engineered to be resistant to glyphosate (an herbicide) developed cancer. In
2013, the study was retracted under the basis that the data was inconclusive and there was not
enough of a control variable.
Following the Séralini study, an increasing number of scientists around the world have
begun conducting their own investigations into the question of the relationship between
genetically modified crops and risk of developing cancer. It seems that the controversy over
genetically modified crops has opened up a new and promising field of study for oncologists and

Problem Statement and Rationale

This issue is important because we, as humans, require food to survive. If our food is
affected in a way that is detrimental to our health, that is important to be aware of. The
controversy over whether genetically modified crops are safe for consumption is only increasing
in size and complexity as new information is discovered and shared with the public. This new
information, however, is sometimes false or misleading. There is so much research that appears
to prove that genetically modified crops are “safe,” but equally as many reports proving the
opposite. At this point in time, there is no definite answer to the research question.
Research Methodology

Basis of Hypothesis
I focused my hypothesis specifically on whether or not consuming genetically modified
crops have an effect on the likelihood of a person developing cancer because of the controversy
surrounding glyphosate, Monsanto, and Séralini. I would like to find and read more laboratory
reports along with their analyses to try to identify the bias and inconclusive data. There has been
no clear winner in the controversy over genetically modified crops, but hopefully more reports
will surface to clear up the falsehoods. The one issue I have run into is author bias, but generally
laboratory reports remain objective and only analyze the data that was produced. The more
reliable studies will also provide a statement stating that they were not financially encouraged by
any corporation to research or publish their findings.

Research Design
I will be conducting quantitative research and, more specifically, causal-comparative
research. I will read and analyze reliable laboratory reports to find commonalities and
differences. I will conduct interviews with oncologists and biotechnicians to learn their opinions
on genetically modified crops and the studies conducted concerning them. I would also like to
interview a worker for a genetic corporation such as Monsanto. My research will be a
combination of experiment analysis and information directly from experts.

Operational Definitions
● Genetically Modified Crop: Plants engineered, produced, or created in a laboratory
● Carcinogen: Any substance that could lead to the formation of cancer.
● Reliable Studies: Laboratory research that contains minimal bias, provides an adequate
control variable, completes several trials, and includes a statement about influences or a
financial disclaimer.
● Oncologist: A doctor or medical professional that deals specifically with cancer.
● Biotechnician: Scientists that specialize in biology and laboratory science to conduct
experiments and tests.
● Monsanto: Global agricultural company that produces several breakthrough genetically
modified products.
● Inconclusive Data: Scientific findings that do not offer enough information to make a
concrete conclusion about the research question.
● Lack of a Control Variable: A laboratory experiment that does not offer a
constant/unchanged variable to compare the new data to.

Product Overview
● The product will be a written, and possibly published, newspaper article.
● The intended audience is the general public, so I will use more simplified terms to
describe what I have learned over the course of my research. As there is a controversy
surrounding genetically modified crops and their links to cancer, the article intends to
share the science behind the issue with the public. Newspapers are a commonly used way
of sharing information and the public will be able to evaluate my product based on its
reliable sources.

Logistical Considerations
In order to publish a newspaper article, I will need to contact the publishers of a
newspaper. My goal is to have the newspaper article featured in either the Columbia News or the
Howard County Times, as that will allow me to reach more people than if I only published my
article in a school newspaper. I will contact the publishers of those newspapers once the article is
written to see if they would be interested in publishing it. If they are unwilling, I would next
contact the publishers of Howard High School’s school newspaper to see if they would be
willing to publish the article.

Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________

G/T Resource Teacher Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________

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