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Speaker Thank You Letter Template:

[conference logo]




Dear [speaker name],

On behalf of the planning committee for the [conference name], I would like to extend our heartfelt
thanks for your participation as a speaker with your program [program name] on [date].

The feedback from this conference was extremely positive. Thank you not only for participating by
sharing your expertise with our participants, but in being willing to coordinate a program in a completely
virtual classroom setting. We know that this took extra care and skill to adapt your presentation to this
style of delivery. All responses were enthusiastic about the content and the overall quality of the
conference, and we had great feedback on your presentation. We are especially grateful that
[personalized comment about the presentation – could include participant feedback].

Please note that information/archives from your session can be found at:

[online locations for archive presentations and associated materials]

Once again, thank you for sharing your topic knowledge and helping to support [participants]. We know
that this would not have been as strong a conference without your contribution. Thank you for joining
us in this “adventure,” and best to you in your professional endeavors.


[coordinator or planning committee]

Making Continuing Education Happen –Details of Planning the Six-State Virtual Government Info
Conference (Presented at Fall 2010 DLC Meeting and Conference - October 18, 2010)

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