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Hyperemesis gravidarum:
pathogenesis and the use of
antiemetic agents
1. Introduction Olaleye Sanu & Ronald F Lamont†

2. Pathogenesis of hyperemesis Wayne State University/Hutzel Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Detroit,
gravidarum Michigan, USA
3. Antiemetics Introduction: Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy remains the most common
4. Conclusion cause of hospitalization in the first half of pregnancy. Although the exact
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

5. Expert opinion cause is largely unknown, an interaction of genetic, biological and psycholog-
ical factors is plausible. An endocrine trigger for hyperemesis has been linked
with both ovarian and placental hormones, but this association requires fur-
ther clarification. The use of type-3 serotonin receptor antagonists is increas-
ing but as yet there are no convincing data to demonstrate their superiority
over the other antiemetics.
Areas covered: A computerized search was conducted using PubMed,
Embase, Cinahl, Lilacs, ISI Web of Science, the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials (all from inception or 1960 to October 2010), and Research
Registries of ongoing trials. The key words used were nausea, vomiting,
emesis, hyperemesis gravidarum, morning sickness, pregnancy, pregnancy
For personal use only.

complications, treatment, efficacy, effectiveness, antiemetics, safety

and teratogenesis.
Expert opinion: The precise mechanism underlying hyperemesis gravidarum
remains unclear, but appears to be multifactorial. As yet there is no evidence
that any antiemetic class is superior to another with respect to effectiveness.

Keywords: antiemetics, benefit, effectiveness, hyperemesis gravidarum, management,

pathogenesis, safety

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5):737-748

1. Introduction

In contrast to simple nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), hyperemesis grav-

idarum (HG) is defined as intractable nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and
often -- but not universally -- accompanied by disturbances of serum electrolytes and
a moderate degree of ketonuria, which requires hospitalization. HG is the most
common cause of hospitalization in the first half pregnancy and the cost of care,
for hospitalization alone, is more than $500 million US annually [1]. Although
maternal deaths due to HG are now rare, failure to administer the appropriate inter-
ventions can be fatal [2]. The reduction in maternal deaths from HG is probably a
reflection of better understanding of how to treat women with this condition. Other
factors that may contribute to reduction in maternal deaths include increased accep-
tance of termination of pregnancy (TOP) and elective preterm delivery, although
many aspects of the condition require further investigation.
Simple NVP is common and can occur in 70 -- 80% of women [3]; two studies
from the Swedish birth registry reported HG prevalence of 3 -- 8/1000 deliveries [4,5].
The exact cause of HG is also unknown but low maternal age (< 20 years),

10.1517/14656566.2010.537655 © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 1465-6566 737

All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or in part not permitted
Hyperemesis gravidarum: pathogenesis and the use of antiemetic agents

of ongoing trials. The key words used were nausea, vomit-

Article highlights. ing, emesis, hyperemesis gravidarum, morning sickness,
. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy remains the pregnancy, pregnancy complications, treatment, efficacy,
commonest cause of hospitalization in the first half of effectiveness, antiemetics, safety and teratogenesis. This sys-
pregnancy, and the exact cause remain tematic review of the literature addresses the etiological factors
largely unknown.
for HG, with particular emphasis on the role of antiemetics in
A link between genetic, ovarian, placental, and
neurobehavioural factors is possible in the aetiology of the treatment of women with NVP or HG.
hyperemesis gravidarum.
. There is increasing use of type-3 serotonin receptor 2. Pathogenesis of hyperemesis gravidarum
antagonists, but as yet there are no convincing data to
demonstrate their superiority over other antiemetics. NVP may be induced by several stimuli, including visual, ves-
. Based on available evidence with respect to safety and
effectiveness of medications, treatment algorithm for tibular, olfactory, gustatory, gastrointestinal, psychogenic and
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

nausea and vomiting of pregnancy has been developed. emetogenic. HG has been described as an obstetric syndrome
. Further research on the genetics and epidemiology of because of its multifactorial influences [18].
hyperemesis gravidarum may yield more information
about how women with hyperemesis should 2.1Central nervous origins of response to emetic
be managed.
This box summarizes key points contained in the article. Non-pregnant animal studies demonstrate that vomiting
involves a complex reflex arc with vagal afferent and efferent
connections to a chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ), emetic
nulliparity, multiple pregnancy, lower educational attainment centre (EC) and vestibular centre (VC) in the brainstem and
and increased fetal female: male infant ratio and genetic fac- medulla oblongata [19,20]. These neuroanatomical regions
tors have been suggested [6-10] A background maternal family (area postrema for the CTZ; nucleus tractus solitarius, dorsal
history of HG is associated with development of HG and motor nucleus of the vagus, and nucleus ambiguous for the
For personal use only.

women who suffered from HG are more likely to have had EC, and lateral vestibular nucleus for the VC) have neurohor-
a first-degree relative who also suffered from HG than women monal receptors such as dopamine, histamine, muscarine,
who did not experience HG [10,11]. In addition, women who norepinephrine and serotonin [21-27]. Substance P, a member
experienced HG in their first pregnancy have a significant of the tachykinin family of bioactive peptides, activates the
risk of recurrence when compared to women who did not G-protein-coupled receptors (NK1, NK2 and NK3), which
experience the condition in their first pregnancy [12]. The are also involved in peripheral and central transmission of
recurrence risk can be reduced by a change in paternity, sug- emetogenic stimuli [28,29]. The involvement of these neuro-
gesting a paternal--fetal interaction [12], although this has hormonal receptors in NVP has been difficult to establish
been challenged by others who have not found a recurrence because there are no suitable pregnant animal models, but
risk with a change of partner or in association with human studies using electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings
consanguinity [13,14]. or functional magnetic source imaging show increased activity
Management of women with HG involves biological, (die- in the inferior frontal gyrus of the cerebral cortex during
tary changes and medications), physical (bedrest, massage, motion sickness and ingestion of emetogens [30,31].
acupressure) and general/professional support [15]. Women The possibility of cerebral cortical involvement in HG was
with persistent severe HG can be treated with parenteral highlighted by a case-control study of 35 pregnant women
nutrition [15] and, as a last resort, elective termination of preg- (17 with HG and 18 without NVP). Six of 17 (35.3%)
nancy due to severe maternal complications of HG has also with HG, compared with 1 of 18 women (5.5%) with
been reported [16]. In some women who elected to terminate NVP, demonstrated non-specific abnormal EEG findings,
their pregnancy due to HG, an uncaring attitude of care pro- although the sensory input leading to these EEG abnormali-
viders, and/or their failure to recognize the severity of the con- ties was not identified. There were no differences in the visual
dition have been linked significantly with the decision to evoked potential and brainstem auditory evoked response
terminate the pregnancy [16]. Professional support for women between the two groups [32].
with HG is vital throughout pregnancy. Women with NVP/HG have been observed to have aver-
HG usually resolves after 20 weeks of gestation; however, sions to certain smells and tastes, and the sight of certain kinds
in a survey of 819 women, 22% experienced symptoms of of food may induce the sensation of nausea. Learned food
HG, which persisted throughout pregnancy. However, their aversion, a neurobehavioral phenomenon linked with cortical
worst symptoms occurred during the first 3 months of preg- cholinergic neurons, has been linked with nausea of preg-
nancy [17]. A computerized search was conducted using nancy but not with vomiting [33,34]. In addition, higher olfac-
PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, Lilacs, ISI Web of Science, the tory sensitivity has not been shown to be associated with
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (all from NVP [35]. Pregnant women with a history of motion sickness
inception or 1960 to October 2010), and Research Registries are more likely to experience NVP/HG than women with no

738 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5)

Sanu & Lamont

such history [36]. Goodwin et al. demonstrated increased not usually lead to clinical hyperthyroidism [51] and resolution
abnormalities in the vestibulo-ocular reflex in pregnant of biochemical hyperthyroidism occurs over a period of
women with HG compared with those without HG, between one and 10 weeks. However, familial gestational
but it remains unproven whether these abnormalities hyperthyroidism due to mutant thyrotropin receptor
induced the sensation of NVP [37]. As HG is peculiar to hypersensitivity to hCG has been reported [52].
pregnancy, many studies have also focused on the role of The concept of hCG being the trigger for HG has been
the placenta. challenged by recent evidence in favor of an E2-related factor.
Three women, with a history of severe HG sufficient to need
2.2 Placental factors and hyperemesis gravidarum total parenteral nutrition (TPN), opted for programmed
In normal pregnancy, placental tissue is markedly infiltrated ovarian stimulation for IVF followed by surrogacy. They all
with lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes [38,39]; one developed ‘HG type’ symptoms and ovarian hyperstimulation
of the main functions of the placenta is the production of syndrome, with high levels of E2 [53]. Their symptoms
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cytokines, which are of importance in the maintenance of resolved following oocyte retrieval and the three surrogate
pregnancy. Trophoblast-derived tumor necrosis factor mothers, when pregnant, reported normal levels of nausea
(TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 regulate the production and vomiting during the surrogate pregnancy.
and release of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) [39]. It remains unclear whether the link between trophoblastic
Yoneyama et al. investigated the role of CD4-positive and ovarian hormones with HG is through central neurore-
T-helper (Th)1 and Th2 cells in the etiology of HG and con- ceptor activation or emetogenic factors. The CTZ within
cluded that overproduction of Th1 leads to miscarriage and the area postrema of the brain is likely to be involved with
pre-eclampsia and that Th2 production under the influence chemical emetogenesis because it is outside the blood--brain
of oestradiol (E2) and progesterone promote normal preg- barrier and the cerebrospinal fluid [28]. hCG does not appear
nancy. In women with HG, the proportion of IL-4 produced in the CSF until a high serum threshold is reached [54];
by Th2 cells, as well as the plasma levels of hCG, E2 and pro- the threshold value of hCG and/or E2 at which NVP will
gesterone, were statistically significantly higher than in normal inevitably occur has yet to be established.
For personal use only.

pregnant controls [40]. However, within the HG group, there

was no correlation between IL-4 and trophoblastic hor- 2.4Gastrointestinal factors and hyperemesis
mone levels, which might indicate that other factors are gravidarum
involved [40]. Gastrointestinal stimuli probably play a role in the pathogen-
Cytokines, via nociceptors, have been shown to induce esis of HG. Most women admitted to hospital with HG for
emesis through peripheral and central stimulation of the vom- intravenous rehydration, and who are kept ‘nil by mouth’ in
iting reflex arc [41]. Other placentally mediated mechanisms the first 24 h, usually stop vomiting. Recurrence of vomiting
investigated were the mean plasma levels of adenosine is observed in many women when they resume eating. Proges-
(a metabolic modulator) and norepinephrine. Both factors terone has an inhibitory effect on gastrointestinal smooth
were significantly increased in women with HG com- muscle, which can lead to slower transit through the small
pared with normal pregnant women [42]. This is believed to intestinal and colon [55-57]. However, using the C-octanoic
be due to over activation of the sympathetic nervous system breath test, no abnormalities in the timing of gastric emptying
and enhanced production of TNF-a. It is uncertain whether of women with HG, compared with those without HG, were
this finding is the primary event leading to HG but detected [58].
catecholamines have been shown to induce emesis
through sensitization of peripheral and central adrenergic 2.5Psychological factors and hyperemesis
receptors [42-44]. gravidarum
There are unsubstantiated opinions that HG is a symbolic
2.3 Hormonal factors and hyperemesis gravidarum rejection of pregnancy. Infantile personality, hysteria and con-
Another prime function of the placenta is the production of version disorder, which is a condition in which a patient dis-
hormones. Of the three hormones (hCG, E2, progesterone) plays neurological symptoms such as numbness, paralysis, or
implicated in the pathogenesis of hyperemesis, most is fits, even though no neurological explanation is found and it
known about hCG, followed by E2 [45-50]. As pregnancy pro- is determined that the symptoms are due to the patient’s psy-
gresses, hCG levels, which appear to be genetically influ- chological response to stress, were once linked with HG [59,60].
enced [10], plateau or decline in a similar manner to the This belief, when considering the management of women
resolution of HG, while E2 and progesterone levels continue with HG, can lead to psychosocial, marital and financial bur-
to rise. An increased proportion of acidic hCG isoforms dens on these women [61]. In contrast, Simpson et al. demon-
(pH 5.2 -- 4.61 and 4.6 -- 4.01), and not the total serum strated that HG can lead to conversion disorder, as opposed to
hCG, appears to play a role in HG and correlates with levels conversion disorder being the cause of HG [62]. Overactivity
of E2, free thyroxine (FT4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone of the hypothalamic--pituitary--adrenal (HPA) axis has also
(TSH) [10]. The correlation of hCG with FT4 and TSH does been linked with HG. Kauppila et al. showed significantly

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5) 739

Hyperemesis gravidarum: pathogenesis and the use of antiemetic agents

higher mean levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hor- IV hydration with multivitamin (pyridoxine and thiamine)
mone in women with HG than in those without HG and in supplementation is advised [15] but may require the use of
non-pregnant controls, suggesting that stress and psychologi- antiemetics. A short course of corticosteroids has been shown
cal influences may contribute to the occurrence of HG [63]. to be effective in women with persistent symptoms [73] and
However, it could also be argued that overactivity of the other therapies have included the use of acupressure and pow-
HPA axis might be secondary to HG. The link between HG dered ginger [74,75]. Antiemetics have been used to alleviate
and subsequent psychosocial stress may also be inferred HG/NVP symptoms for almost 60 years. A comparative
from the study by Ditto et al., which demonstrated the European study revealed that, in addition to dietary changes,
effectiveness of parenteral diazepam in the treatment of multivitamins, oral and/or parenteral antiemetics are often
hospitalized patients with HG [64]. used to treat women with NVP and HG [76]. The choice
and route of administration of antiemetics differs between
2.6Evolutionary perspective and hyperemesis countries, suggesting that there is no evidence-based informa-
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

gravidarum tion to guide clinical practice [76]. Although the use of antie-
Simple NVP has been described as a protective function metics is well established for motion sickness (histamine/
against ingestion of potentially harmful substances like caf- cholinergic receptor antagonists) [77], gastroparesis (dopamine
feinated beverages, tobacco and alcohol [65,66]. The association receptor antagonists) [78] and emetogenic agents (serotonin/
of NVP with sugars, sweeteners, stimulants, meat, milk and dopamine receptor antagonists) [79], outcome measures of
eggs was stronger than the association with cereals, starchy the effectiveness of antiemetics in NVP are often subjective.
roots and oil crops. However, the evolutionary concept of In addition, there are no recent well-designed, randomized,
NVP is not applicable to persistent HG, which is a potentially placebo-controlled trials to evaluate their effectiveness. It is
debilitating condition. not known whether their effectiveness in treating NVP is
due to direct antagonism of neurotransmitter receptors in
2.7Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency and the vomiting reflex arc in the brainstem and/or suppression
hyperemesis gravidarum of spontaneous cortical neuronal impulses. A placebo-
For personal use only.

Deficiency of functional vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxal controlled trial of 50 women at less than 16 weeks gestation,
5¢-phosphate (PLP) is recognized in pregnancy, and mothers using parenteral diazepam to treat HG, showed a shorter
of higher gravidity are usually slightly more deficient than mean hospital stay (4.5 ± 1.9 versus 6 ± 1.6 days, p < 0.05)
women of lower gravidity [67]. This being the case, if pyridox- in favor of diazepam. The rehospitalization rate was 4% in
ine deficiency was associated with HG this does not equate the diazepam group versus 27% in the placebo group
with NVP becoming milder with each subsequent pregnancy. (p < 0.05) [64]. Nevertheless, studies which compared the effi-
In a study of 180 pregnant women, an increased incidence of cacy of oral antiemetics with placebo for NVP have suggested
PLP deficiency in HG patients was not evident [68]. However, that antiemetics are effective [80-88], though in one study, the
double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated placebo response rate was as high as 70% [85].
that pyridoxine is an effective therapy for NVP, although
the proportions of women who required hospitalization for 3.1 Thiamine
persistent symptoms of NVP were not included in the out- The active form of thiamine -- thiamine diphosphate -- is a
come criteria [69,70]. If pyridoxine deficiency is indeed associ- cofactor for enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
ated with HG then primigravid women should be more Thiamine depletion can occur within 3 weeks of persistent
pyridoxine deficient than women of higher gravidity. vomiting [89]. In contrast to pyridoxine, which is used to
In a placebo-controlled trial of 92 women performed to treat NVP, thiamine supplementation is essential for hospi-
evaluate the effectiveness of oral pyridoxine for hospitalized talized HG patients to prevent Wernicke--Korsakoff
HG patients receiving intravenous (IV) rehydration and IV encephalopathy [89].
metoclopramide, the rate of rehospitalization was not statisti-
cally significantly different between the pyridoxine group 3.2 Antihistamines
(37.5%) and the placebo group (21.1%) [71]. Abnormal liver The most commonly used medication for NVP and HG is
enzymes observed in women with HG are likely to be second- the antihistamine class of antiemetics [90]. However, the
ary to increased metabolic load from inactivation of tropho- effectiveness of antihistamines in hospitalized HG patients,
blastic hormones and possibly other emetogens associated compared with other antiemetics, is yet to be established.
with pregnancy [72]. The use of antihistamines may be related to the fact that
serum histamine levels are elevated in the first trimester
3. Antiemetics from the 8th to the 13th week of gestation, which
corresponds to the period of increased prevalence of NVP.
The treatment of women with NVP/HG should be multidis- Elevated histaminuria is associated with pregnancies compli-
ciplinary and should begin with dietary advice, reassurance cated by HG compared with only traces of histaminuria in
and support [15]. For those women with persistent vomiting, normal pregnancies [91,92].

740 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5)

Sanu & Lamont

3.2.1 Placebo-controlled trials of oral antihistamines administration of phenothiazines is considered poor, com-
Placebo-controlled trials of oral antihistamines such as etha- pared with the parenteral route. The phenothiazines have dif-
nolamines (doxylamine and diphenhyderamine), ethylenedi- ferent neuroreceptor blocking abilities. Chlorpromazine and
amines (mepyramine), and piperazines (hydroxyzine and triethylperazine have more anti-dopaminergic actions but
buclizine) have recruited relatively small numbers of NVP have minimal H1 receptor affinity compared with prometha-
patients with mostly mild to moderate symptoms, not severe zine, which has potent anti-H1 receptor activity and less anti-
enough to warrant hospitalization [80-88]. Nevertheless, these dopaminergic activity [81,101]. All the phenothiazines have
studies demonstrated benefit with respect to symptoms and central depressant activity but promethazine causes more
a meta-analysis of 24 observational studies demonstrated their drowsiness and extrapyramidal side effects can occur with
safety with respect to teratogenesis [93]. The bioavailability of phenothiazines that have significant anti-D2 activity [94].
orally administered antihistamines can be poor when com- Rumeau-Rouquette et al. [102] demonstrated that phenothia-
pared to the parenteral route of administration [94]. A meta- zines with a 3-carbon aliphatic side chain (chlorpromazine,
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

analysis of the effectiveness of antihistamines versus placebo methoxy-promazine, methotrimeprazine) are associated with
comprising 775 women with NVP compared to 415 controls a significant increase in teratogenesis but a meta-analysis of
demonstrated that the treatment failure rate was 11% observational studies including chlorpromazine, perphena-
(84/775) versus 36% (148/415), [relative risk (RR) 0.34, zine, prochlorperazine, promethazine and trifluoperazine
95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27, 0.43] in favor of antihist- demonstrated that these are not associated with an increased
amines [95]. The largest trial (597 women) included in the risk of teratogenesis [95].
meta-analysis used Bendectin (known as Debendox in
the UK), which is a combination of an antihistamine (doxyl- 3.3.1 Placebo-controlled trials of phenothiazines
amine), an anticholinergic agent (dicyclomine) and a vitamin Placebo-controlled trials of phenothiazines such as prometha-
(pyridoxine) [96]. Ethanolamines such as doxylamine possess zine and triethlyperazine have demonstrated their benefits in
more antimuscarinic effects than the other class of antihista- treating non-hospitalized NVP patients. In a meta-analysis
minic agents (e.g., the ethylenediamines and piperazines) [97]. of three small trials, treatment failure with phenothiazines
For personal use only.

Bendectin has been withdrawn from the market because of occurred in only 43/203 (21%) of pregnant women with
an alleged teratogenic risk, although this has not been con- NVP compared with 132/195 (68%) of those treated with
firmed by meta-analysis of 15 observational studies [95]. How- placebo (RR 0.31, 95% CI 0.24, 0.42) [95]. In one of the
ever a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of antihistamines for included trials comprising 120 patients with NVP, treatment
NVP excluded trials that used Bendectin and confirmed with active tablets was either promethazine or mepyramine
their superiority over placebo [98]. (antihistamine). The findings were not reported according
Drowsiness is the most common side effect reported to the type of antiemetic agent used, the proportion of
with the use of antihistamines; it can lead to non- patients requiring hospital admission for treatment failure or
compliance and affect quality of life. The ability to perform those who progressed to HG in the two groups. The
daily routine functioning due to drowsiness was not addressed placebo-controlled trial of promethazine included women
by placebo-controlled trials involving antihistamines to who had reached 24 -- 32 weeks of gestation [87]. However,
treat NVP. the Cochrane review that excluded this trial, because women
There are no placebo-controlled trials of the use of oral in the trial had reached 24 -- 32 weeks of gestation, did not
or parenteral antihistamines for hospitalized patients with demonstrate any significant benefit of phenothiazines
HG, nor are there prospective comparative trials of antihista- versus placebo [98]. In the trial using triethylperazine, the
mine versus any other antiemetic drug. However, we have side effects were judged to be similar between active treat-
identified two retrospective comparative trials that used a ment and placebo [81]. There was no mention of side effects
combination of antihistamines with another antiemetic class in the placebo-controlled trial of promethazine [87]. There
of drug and compared these with other combinations of antie- are comparative trials of phenothiazines versus other antie-
metics [99,100]. Antihistamines are often combined with other metics for hospitalized (HG) and non-hospitalized (NVP)
antiemetics for hospitalized HG patients, presumably to patients [103,104] but there is no placebo-controlled trial of
minimize the risk of side effects (i.e., extrapyramidal phenothiazine versus placebo for HG patients.
symptoms) [100].
Comparative trials of phenothiazines versus
3.3 Phenothiazines other antiemetics
The use of phenothiazines for the treatment of NVP may be One trial of 156 women with NVP compared: i) oral meto-
linked to the fact that they have a wide range of neurotrans- clopramide (a benzamide) and intramuscular pyridoxine;
mitter receptor blocking activity, including histamine, dopa- ii) rectal/oral prochlorperazine; and iii) oral promethazine.
mine, muscarine, serotonin, and a-adrenergic receptors [94]. Women in the metoclopramide/pyridoxine group had
Activation of dopamine receptors in the stomach inhibits significantly fewer emetic episodes than those in the
gastric motility [78] but the bioavilability following oral prochlorperazine and promethazine groups, but the

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5) 741

Hyperemesis gravidarum: pathogenesis and the use of antiemetic agents

Table 1. Summary of prospective comparative trials of antiemetic versus antiemetic, or other pharmacological/
non-pharmacological agents for hospitalized patients with hyperemesis gravidarum.

Study design Year of study Antiemetics included Effectiveness

RCT 1996 Promethazine versus ondasetron Equally effective, but promethazine caused
more drowsiness
RCT 1998 Promethazine versus methylprednisolone Equally effective, but rehospitalization was more
in the promethazine group
RCT 2005 Metoclopramide versus acupuncture Equally effective, but improved functioning in the
and acupressure acupressure/acupuncture group
RCT 2006 Metoclopramide versus hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone was more effective
than metoclopramide
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

RCT 2010 Metoclopramide versus promethazine Equally effective, but promethazine caused more
side effects (i.e., drowsiness)

RCT: randomized controlled trial.

subsequent hospitalization rate for failed treatment (i.e., HG with promethzine, and no sedative effect [105], it may well be
patients) was not significantly different between the three the preferred antiemetic in women who have responded to
groups (5.6 vs 6.0% vs 11.5%). One patient in the metoclo- antiemetics but who experience significant sedation. This
pramide group experienced an acute dystonic reaction, which argument can also be applied to the use of ginger because it
resolved spontaneously [103]. has no sedative side effects.
Tan et al. randomized 149 hospitalized HG patients to
For personal use only.

receive intravenous (IV) promethazine (76 patients) versus 3.5 Benzamides

IV metoclopramide (73 patients). Both drugs showed similar Another example of an antiemetic agent with good bioavail-
therapeutic effects (vomiting episodes within 24 h of admis- ability following oral administration is metoclopramide. Ben-
sion), but drowsiness was significantly more prevalent in the zamides have a central dopamine receptor antagonistic effect
promethazine (83.6%) than the metoclopramide (58.6%) on the CTZ. The two benzamides used in studies involving
group [104]. NVP/HG patients are trimethobenzamide (NVP patients)
In a comparative pilot study of IV ondansetron (a type- and metoclopramide (HG patients). Both agents have been
3 serotonin receptor antagonist) versus IV promethazine shown to be free of an increased risk of congenital malforma-
for treatment of HG, ondansetron was not superior to tion in the fetus [107,108]. Metoclopramide has been shown to
promethazine with respect to treatment failure and number have central serotonin 5HT3 receptor antagonism and periph-
of days of hospitalization, but only 15 women in each eral serotonin 5HT4 agonism [78]. Receptors for 5HT4 exist in
group were tested [105]. Drowsiness, which was the only several parts of the alimentary tract and act predominantly on
side effect experienced, occurred in 8/15 (53%) in the the motility and secretory functions of the gut [78,79]. The only
promethazine group and none in the ondansetron group, placebo-controlled trial of benzamide for NVP used
but treatment with ondansetron was more expensive trimethobenzamide ± pyridoxine on 394 women. Treatment
than promethazine. failure ranged between 9 and 15% for the active group versus
57 -- 66% in the placebo group. Drowsiness was reported as
3.4 Serotonin receptor antagonists rare in the active group, and the hospitalization rate for treat-
Serotonin 5HT3 receptor antagonists (e.g., ondansetron) have ment failure/progression to HG between active and placebo
good bioavailability following oral administration. There is groups was not stated [80].
limited information on the safety profile of 5HT3 receptor In a retrospective trial of 646 women with HG who
antagonists with respect to teratogenesis. In a study of received at-home continuous subcutaneous metoclopramide
176 women exposed to ondansetron in first trimester, its use at a rate of 1.28 mg/h (30.8 mg/day), 192/646 (30%) experi-
appeared to be safe for the treatment of NVP [106]. There enced side effects, of whom 30/646 (5%) had extrapyramidal
are no placebo-controlled trials of the effectiveness of ondan- symptoms, and 72/646 (11%) had agitation. The hospitaliza-
setron in the management of NVP/HG patients but it has tion rate (i.e., failure rate) after the use of subcutaneous
been suggested that serotonin receptor antagonists are the metoclopramide was less than 7% [109].
most effective antiemetic drug, based on patients’ recall of
their symptoms [90]. In the United States, these agents are 3.6Butryophenones
used more for the treatment of HG than in other countries [90]. Other antiemetics with dopamine receptor antagonist activity
Bearing in mind equal effectiveness of ondasetron compared are the butryophenones. Butryophenones that have been

742 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5)

Sanu & Lamont

Systemic emetogens –
endocrine/placental factors, Gastric, visual, olfactory,
cytokines vestibular afferents

Receptors: histamine, serotonin, dopamine and cholinergic

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r Area postrema Nucleus tractus solitarius


Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, nucleus ambiguous, lateral vestibular

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Vagal afferents

Gastrointestinal tract – dopamine, serotonin,

cholinergic receptors


Figure 1. Diagram showing central nervous response to emetic stimuli.

reported to treat NVP include domperidone and droperidol. of data on its safe use in pregnancy [111]. Ginger is effective in
As a dopamine and serotonin 5HT3 receptor antagonist, treating women with NVP but we identified one double-
and peripheral serotonin 5HT4 receptor agonist, domperi- blind, randomized, cross-over trial of the efficacy of powdered
done is similar to metoclopramide in its mode of action but ginger versus placebo for HG. Ginger was more effective
does not easily cross the blood--brain barrier [78]. There are (p = 0.035) than placebo with respect to relief of HG
no published human data on the risk of teratogenesis with symptoms [74].
the use of these two antiemetics in pregnancy, and no
controlled trial has been reported. 3.8Antiemetics versus acupuncture
A randomized study of 88 hospitalized HG patients com-
3.7 Ginger pared metoclopramide infusion (20 mg/500 ml saline for
Ginger acts on the gastrointestinal tract as a dopamine and 60 min) twice a week for 2 weeks and oral supplementation
serotonin antagonist, thus enhancing gastric motility; it has with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), to acupuncture sessions
no central nervous side effects [110]. However, there is paucity and acupressure. HG symptoms were equally relieved in

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5) 743

Hyperemesis gravidarum: pathogenesis and the use of antiemetic agents

both groups with respect to vomiting episodes, but the is no convincing evidence that any antiemetic class is superior
acupuncture group demonstrated significant improvement to another with respect to effectiveness. However, their bene-
in daily routine activity compared to metoclopramide fit in the treatment of NVP needs to be balanced against
group [112]. relative maternal side effects, fetal safety and cost.

3.9 Antiemetics versus steroids 5. Expert opinion

Safari et al. compared the effectiveness of oral promethazine
to methylprednisolone for the treatment of HG in a random- The possibility of a genetic component to HG was suggested
ized trial of 40 hospitalized patients [73]. There was no differ- by Zhang et al. [117]. However, the mechanism linking genet-
ence between the two groups with respect to therapeutic ics with HG needs to be evaluated. We feel that HG might
failure. However, 5/17 (29%) patients in the promethazine also indicate an exaggerated central nervous response to
group, compared with none in the steroid group, who initially multiple emetic stimuli encountered in pregnancy.
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by University of Connecticut on 10/28/14

responded to treatment were re-admitted within 2 weeks of The role of antiemetics in reducing the frequency of nausea
hospital discharge (p < 0.0001). Intravenous (IV) hydrocorti- and vomiting episodes in non-hospitalized patients has been
sone was compared with IV metoclopramide in 40 HG established by meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials.
patients admitted to the intensive care unit. Hydrocortisone Based on available evidence on safety and effectiveness of
demonstrated a significant reduction in therapeutic failure medications, treatment algorithm for NVP has been devel-
during admission and rehospitalization rates compared to oped [118] and adopted by the American College of Obstetri-
metoclopramide group (p < 0.0001) [113]. The reduction cians and Gynaecologists (ACOG), and the Society of
in rehospitalization rate was not confirmed by another Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC). How-
randomized placebo-controlled trial of steroids, for the ever, the impact of the use of treatment algorithm on reducing
treatment of HG [114]. Nevertheless, concerns have been raised the risk of hospitalization needs to be evaluated.
about the association of cleft lip with the use of steroids in Hospitalized HG patients, who initially respond to
first trimester [115]. A summary of comparative trials of antie- antiemetics but relapse after hospital discharge despite
For personal use only.

metics and with steroids or acupuncture is shown in Table 1; adequate intake of medications, may reflect tolerance at the
the emetic pathways and receptors involved are shown neuroreceptor sites to the antiemetic agents.
in Figure 1. Although the risk of hospital admission for therapeutic fail-
ure following treatment of patients with NVP with antiemet-
4. Conclusion ics is unknown, there is indirect evidence of reduced hospital
admissions with the use of antiemetics. The voluntary with-
The precise mechanisms underlying HG remain unknown drawal of Bendectin in 1983 by Merrell Dow Pharmaceut-
but appear to be multifactorial. Studies that focus on a genetic icals, Inc. resulted in increased hospital admission and excess
influence in the etiology of HG may improve our understand- hospital costs. In Canada and United States, US$16 million
ing of this condition. It is possible that genetic, endocrine and US$37 million, respectively, were incurred from hospital
(ovarian and placental) and neurobehavioral factors are inter- admissions between 1983 and 1987 [119].
linked. The on-going study by the Hyperemesis Education
and Research Foundation into the genetics and epidemiology Declaration of interest
of HG may reveal the association between these factors. This
study might also highlight those women likely to benefit most The authors state no conflict of interest and have received no
from pre-emptive therapy with antiemetics [116]. As yet, there payment in preparation of this manuscript.

744 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(5)

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