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here is a variation of non-materia offering that i have developed and am playing around with.

would say it's quite advanced, and needs good access to the void/no-mind/zero point field, but i am
sure some here will get it. just felt like posting. here it is:

black hole offering

1. create by intent a black hole between your hands, while optionally channeling energy into it and
between the hands. Intent could also be to open a micro black hole. Theoretically, this should work
fine, since black holes are everywhere, and we just have to get the right acces points. Those who
have them will know what i mean.

2. intend offrng as usual, which classes of spirits etc.

3. intend that the black hole is accessing zero point energy, and multiplay this infintely while feeling
it spanning the entire universe

4. add intent and gratitude with smiling into all of this, and mixing energy with the zero point
energy in the black hole. Which could also be seen as vortex accessing infinite ammounts of energy
out of the void. Also can be specific energy types.

5. intend that not only is the energy accessed like that multiplied infinitely, but also intend that
a) it is attuned to the most auspicious energies, frequencies and vibrational patterns for this offering,
taking the form of whatever the guests most desire
b) intend and feel the offering splitting itself into countless multiple dimensions, sideways, up and
down, and otherdimensional, with the intent that all of the guests get their perfect version of this
offering, whatever this may mean in their respective dimensional systems. This also includes very
dense vibrations in lower realms, and high vibrations as offering to higher realms. Do all of this
fast. It is not intellectual, but feeling.

6. Let it expand, split itself, and explode into the void

7. optional: intend that this offering in the void is linked up with items in the local zone you are in,
asking that this benefits all beings. Ask to be shown what you get permission to offer, and (like for
____ min.) offer items from the locale you live in. There is much to offer in a zone, like food, fire,
light, whatever. This can not be done intellectually, but requires good inner guidance, and
connection to infinite self, zero point field, whatever. It's about not-knowing. Otherwise, i would
consider it immoral to make offerings from stuff in an entire city, but then, tibetans also offer entire
grocery stores to the gods etc.; i do it, since nobody else seems to do it. Intent is everything. I ask
that those offerings are blessing all beings, and that every being gets the perfect share out of this.
Like offering waste to lower beings, and food from mall to light beings that govern abundance,
health, whatever, so that all beings may profit, also those who partake in this food. Tricky business,
still experimental.

this is basically it. Hard to put in words, should anyone pla ywith this, let me know how it works,
and also if you have questions. A variation of this is using ones own dantiens as the black hole,
which obviously need to be quite clear and open to do this. This can included kind of bilocating
awareness in both side channels, like merging them, and thereby creating a scalar wave in the
sushumna, which first charges stuff up and then fires the offering into the black hole in the middle
dantien. Kind of imploding the spell. I am also spellcasting with this tech. Works with chakras for
sure, too, or the bindus, but i never played with this. Peace :)

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