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1. Teresa __________ French at morning classes next term.

Opción 1 is studying

Opción 2 studies

Opción 3 study

Opción 4 was studying

Opción 5 has studied

Opción 6 studied

2. I don't know what this sentence __________.

Opción 1 is meaning

Opción 2 means

Opción 3 mean

Opción 4 has meant

Opción 5 will be meaning

Opción 6 had meant

3. Clive was driving into town when he __________ out of petrol.

Opción 1 was running

Opción 2 run

Opción 3 ran

Opción 4 would have run

Opción 5is running

Opción 6 will run

4. I don't enjoy computer games now, but I __________ like them when I was younger.

Choice 1 : was used to

Choice 2 : used to

Choice 3: would

Choice 4: had

Choice 5: have

Choice 6: am

5. We expected George at 9.00 but he ___________ yet.

Choice 1: hasn't arrived

Choice 2: has arrrived

Choice 3: didn't arrive

Choice 4: won't arrive

Choice 5: wouldn't arrive

Choice 6: isn't arriving

6. The film started ___________ so you've missed quite a lot.

Choice 1: for half an hour

Choice 2: half an hour ago

Choice 3: since half an hour

Choice 4: in half an hour

Choice 5: at half an hour

Choice 6: on half an hour

7. When ___________ the picnic, they went for a swim in the lake.

Choice 1: they'd been eating

Choice 2: they'd eaten

Choice 3: they've eaten

Choice 4: they were eating

Choice 5: they're eaten

Choice 6: they'll eat

8. __________ my sister three times today but her number's always engaged.

Choice 1: I'd phoned

Choice 2: I've been phoning

Choice 3: I've phoned

Choice 4: I'll be phoning

Choice 5: I'll phone

Choice 6: I'd phone

9. Anna: Shall I ring you at one o'clock?

Ben: No, my lunch hour is earlier tomorrow so ____________ my lunch in the canteen then.
Ring me at about one-thirty.

Choice 1: I'm eating

Choice 2: I'll be eating

Choice 3: I eat

Choice 4: I ate

Choice 5: I shouldn't eat

Choice 6: I was eating

10. ___________ to the dentist after college so I can't play squash with you.
Choice 1: I'm going

Choice 2: I'll go

Choice 3: I go

Choice 4: I can go

Choice 5: I went

Choice 6: I was going

11. I'll write to you as soon as _________ my exam results.

Choice 1: I know

Choice 2: I'll know

Choice 3: I'm going to know

Choice 4: I knew

Choice 5: I'll be knowing

Choice 6: I have to know

12. The builders __________ the house by the end of this month.

Choice 1: have finished

Choice 2: will have finished

Choice 3: will haven been finishing

Choice 4: has finished

Choice 5: were finished

Choice 6: can be finished

13. This dictionary is __________ useful than that one.

Choice 1: less

Choice 2: as

Choice 3: so

Choice 4: much

Choice 5: such

Choice 6: than

14. I keep my grammar notes in a ___________ folder.

Choice 1: plastic big red

Choice 2: red big plastic

Choice 3: big red plastic

Choice 4: plastical big red

Choice 5: red bigger plastic

Choice 6: plastic redder big

15. Until last week, he __________ a motorbike before.

Choice 1 had never ridden

Choice 2 never had ridden

Choice 3 had ridden never

Choice 4 has never ridden

Choice 5 has ever ridden

Choice 6 hasn't ridden

16. The day before the holiday, the men worked __________ than usual.

Choice 1hardly

Choice 2 hardest

Choice 3 harder

Choice 4 harden

Choice 5 hardened

Choice 6 hard-and-fast

17. Doesn't your brother ___________ discos?

Choice 1 enjoy

Choice 2 enjoys

Choice 3 enjoying

Choice 4 enjoyed

Choice 5 has enjoyed

Choice 6 can enjoy

18. Let's take a break soon, __________ ?

Choice 1: is it

Choice 2 will you

Choice 3 shall we

Choice 4 don't we

Choice 5 aren't we

Choice 6 won't we

19. Most of the houses in this country have __________.

Choice 1 a garden

Choice 2 the garden

Choice 3 garden
Choice 4 those garden

Choice 5 these garden

Choice 6 this gardens

20. My father normally reads the paper while eating __________.

Choice 1 a breakfast

Choice 2 the breakfast

Choice 3 breakfast

Choice 4 one breakfast

Choice 5 the breakfasts

Choice 6 breakfasts

21. The first thing they did when they met after twenty years was to hug __________ .

Choice 1 each other

Choice 2 someone else

Choice 3 themselves

Choice 4 between them

Choice 5 among them

Choice 6 among themselves

22. __________ the children look like their mother.

Choice 1 either

Choice 2 both

Choice 3 neither

Choice 4 none

Choice 5 one

Choice 6 some

23. My manager says we __________ take more than ten minutes for our break and, if we do,
he'll make us work extra hours.

Choice 1 don't have to

Choice 2 don't need to

Choice 3 mustn't

Choice 4 shouldn't

Choice 5 haven't to

Choice 6 needn't
24. I ran all the way to the station but when I got there I realised that _________ because all the
trains were delayed.

Choice 1 hurry

Choice 2 I needn't have hurried

Choice 3 I didn't have to hurry

Choice 4 needed to hurry

Choice 5 would need to hurry

Choice 6 wouldn't need to hurry

25. __________ to take a spare T-shirt as you'll probably get really hot playing tennis.

Choice 1 You'd better

Choice 2 You should

Choice 3 You ought

Choice 4 You'd rather

Choice 5 You must

Choice 6 You can

26. You look really busy. __________ I put shopping away for you?

Choice 1 Would

Choice 2 Shall

Choice 3 Will

Choice 4 Must

Choice 5 Might

Choice 6 Ought to

27. When I got home I looked at the bill and realised the restaurant ___________ added it up
wrong so I'd paid too much.

Choice 1 must have

Choice 2 should have

Choice 3 could have

Choice 4 ought to have

Choice 5 will have

Choice 6 would have

28. That bicycle __________ belong to Judy - it's much too big for her.

Choice 1 mustn't

Choice 2 mightn't
Choice 3 can't

Choice 4 shouldn't

Choice 5 wouldn't

Choice 6 don't

29. While my car __________ I wandered round the city centre.

Choice 1 be repaired

Choice 2 was repairing

Choice 3 was being repaired

Choice 4 is being repaired

Choice 5 is repairing

Choice 6 repairs

30. Katie __________ her hair cut short when she left school.

Choice 1 had

Choice 2 did

Choice 3 made

Choice 4 has

Choice 5 decided

Choice 6 asked

31. Gareth __________ he was never going to lend Robert anything again.

Choice 1 informed

Choice 2 said

Choice 3 told

Choice 4 said to

Choice 5 told to

Choice 6 asked

32. I asked Ruth where ___________ her coat.

Choice 1 did she buy

Choice 2 had she bought

Choice 3 she had bought

Choice 4 does she buy

Choice 5 can she buy

Choice 6 could she buy

33. I always avoid __________ on the bus because it makes me feel ill.
Choice 1 to read

Choice 2 reading

Choice 3 read

Choice 4 reads

Choice 5 ridding

Choice 6 about reading

34. My grandfather remembers __________ into this house when he was a very small boy.

Choice 1 moving

Choice 2 move

Choice 3 to move

Choice 4 remove

Choice 5 inhabit

Choice 6 inhabits

35. If you don't know a word, you can look __________ in your dictionary.

Choice 1 it up

Choice 2 up it

Choice 3 it

Choice 4 about it

Choice 5 at it

Choice 6 for it

36. I've never really got __________ my neighbour, probably because we're so different.

Choice 1 up to

Choice 2 through

Choice 3 on with

Choice 4 good with

Choice 5 pleased with

Choice 6 nice with

37. I'll book seats for the concert, if there __________ any good ones avaliable.

Choice 1 will be

Choice 2 were

Choice 3 are
Choice 4 can be

Choice 5 must be

Choice 6 should be

38. Lian would have saved a lot of money, if he __________ to my advice.

Choice 1 would listen

Choice 2 had listened

Choice 3 was listening

Choice 4 listens

Choice 5 listened

Choice 6 listen

39. We’ll go for a walk…………… it’s foggy- I hate walking in the fog.

Choice 1 If

Choice 2 In case

Choice 3 Unless

Choice 4

Choice 5

40. I wish I ____________ a good memory - it would make learning English much easier.

Choice 1 had had

Choice 2 had

Choice 3 would have

Choice 4 can have

Choice 5 have had

Choice 6 have

41. Philip wears an old coat ____________ his suit when walking to work.

Choice 1 on

Choice 2 above

Choice 3 over

Choice 4 under

Choice 5 round

Choice 6 inside

42. We're having a party __________ the last day of term.

Choice 1 in

Choice 2 on
Choice 3 at

Choice 4 for

Choice 5 with

Choice 6 up

43. As we can't agree ___________ this subject, we won't discuss it again.

Choice 1 about

Choice 2 in

Choice 3 with

Choice 4 at

Choice 5 up

Choice 6 for

44. All the nurses were very kind ___________ me when I was ill.

Choice 1 with

Choice 2 to

Choice 3 of

Choice 4 on

Choice 5 off

Choice 6 at

45. I enjoyed ___________ last week.

Choice 1 the book you lent me

Choice 2 the book which you lent it to me

Choice 3 the book, that you lent me

Choice 4 the book the which you lent me

Choice 5 the book lent me

Choice 6 the book you lent

46. This is the room in __________ the famous poet died.

Choice 1 which

Choice 2 where

Choice 3 that

Choice 4 this

Choice 5 there

Choice 6 which one

47. I left the cinema __________ I had a headache and the film was very noisy.
Choice 1 as

Choice 2 so that

Choice 3 therefore

Choice 4 course

Choice 5 so

Choice 6 even

48. I'm __________ tired to work tonight. I'll finish my homework in the morning.

Choice 1 very

Choice 2 too

Choice 3 so that

Choice 4 so

Choice 5 so far

Choice 6 so forth

49. __________ Martin could easily afford to go on holiday, he never does.

Choice 1 Although

Choice 2 Despite

Choice 3 In spite of

Choice 4 Furthermost

Choice 5 Nevertheless

Choice 6 Furthermore

50. Since ___________ school, Sandra has had several interesting jobs.

Choice 1 left

Choice 2 leaving

Choice 3 to live

Choice 4 living

Choice 5 has left

Choice 6 has lived

51. I've read and heard so many good reports of the Thai restaurant The Golden Spoon that I
decided to try it myself. The menu appeared to be all in Thai but then we noticed the English
translations. When the waitress realised it was our first visit, she came across as she knew it
would take us a long time to choose. In the end we ordered what she recommended because we
didn't know where to start – there was so much choice. Because it was early on a Monday
evening (they are open from midday to midnight without a day off), it wasn't too busy but it got
busier later and in fact, they recommend that you book, even on Mondays.

The Golden Spoon offers a wide range of extremely tasty food, mostly quite spicy, but that was
fine with me. Even the vegetarian among us had plenty of choice. Everything was cooked quickly
and perfectly.

The first course looked rather small, but there were six more courses to follow and we couldn't
finish all of them.

The entrance to the restaurant is rather dark and the inside isn't much better. The Thai family
who run it (the father and grandfather do all the cooking) have been there since 1975 and haven't
really changed it since then. There are some Thai paintings on the wall which are probably rather
beautiful but they are very dusty so it's difficult to tell. But none of that is important because I
didn't go there to look at the walls. What I did look at was our meal being prepared in the kitchen,
which is in one corner of the restaurant, and that was a wonderful sight. The meal cost more than
I had expected but was worth it.

What is the writer trying to do?

Choice 1 suggest changes a restaurant could make

Choice 2 recommend the food in a restaurant

Choice 3 describe what he ate in a restaurant

Choice 4 complain about the service in a restaurant

Choice 5 reject food at a restaurant

Choice 6 praise Thai restaurants

52. What does the writer say about the waitress?

Choice 1 it was impossible for her to serve so many customers.

Choice 2 It was difficult to choose from the menu without her help.

Choice 3 She translated the menu from Thai for them.

Choice 4 She took a long time to take their order.

Choice 5 She hurried to wait on them.

Choice 6 She was the best waitress in the restaurant.

53. What did the writer think of the food?

Choice 1 It was too spicy for him.

Choice 2 There weren't enough vegetarian dishes.

Choice 3 There was too much of it.

Choice 4 It was not cooked properly.

Choice 5 It was easy to make up your mind about what to eat.

Choice 6 Most dishes were vegetarian dishes.

54. What did the writer particularly like about the restaurant?

Choice 1 The paintings on the walls.

Choice 2 The entrance

Choice 3 The prices

Choice 4 The position of the kitchen

Choice 5 The inside

Choice 6 The restaurant hours

55. Which of the following is an advertisement for the restaurant?

Choice 1

The Golden Spoon. Run by the same Thai family for more than 25 years. Recommended in local
guidebooks. Booking advised. Open 12-12 every day.

Choice 2

The Golden Spoon. Local restaurant recently improved - more space available. Run by the same
Thai family since 1975. Book early so you are not disappointed. Open 12- 12 every day.

Choice 3

The Golden Spoon. New chef from Bangkok Restaurant. Meals available to eat in the restaurant
every day from 12-12 or take away.

Choice 4

The Golden Spoon. Compare our prices with other Thai restaurants and you will be pleasantly
surprised. Open every day except Monday from 12-12.

Choice 5

The Golden Spoon. Compare our prices with other Thai restaurants and you will be pleasantly
surprised. Open every day except Monday morning.

Choice 6

The Golden Spoon. Compare our prices with other Thai restaurants and you will be pleasantly
surprised. Open every day except Mondays.

56. The contaminated meat has been declared unfit ________ human consumption.

Choice 1 for

Choice 2 to

Choice 3 attached to

Choice 4 regarding

Choice 5 about

Choice 6 in

57. I was just about to apologise for having forgotten to meet her after work when she hung
_____ on me.
Choice 1 off

Choice 2 of

Choice 3 up

Choice 4 <0>

Choice 5out

Choice 6 around

58. That woman joined the protection league shortly after its foundation and she's been a
______ all these years.

Choice 1 post

Choice 2 pillar

Choice 3 staff

Choice 4 pole

Choice 5 stick

Choice 6 stake

59. He gave me a _______ of pain as we tried to move him.

Choice 1 blurb

Choice 2 kiln

Choice 3 rumble

Choice 4 gasp

Choice 5 belch

Choice 6 retch

60. We were so hungry we ________ ourselves on the wild berries.

Choice 1 creaked

Choice 2 gorged

Choice 3 trickled

Choice 4 fed

Choice 5 squeaked

Choice 6 choke

61. My car's making a terrible noise. I'll have ________.

Choice 1 to get someone to look

Choice 2 to get it to look

Choice 3 to get it looked at

Choice 4 it to look at
Choice 5 gotten a look at it

Choice 6 been getting a look at it

62. Several tourists ________ back from entering the cave, as they were unsure what they
would find in there.

Choice 1 hung

Choice 2 broke

Choice 3 run

Choice 4 cut

Choice 5 got

Choice 6 get

63. The valuable paintings were given to the state by the millionaire _______ of taxes.

Choice 1 in lieu

Choice 2 on the fringe

Choice 3 on the edge

Choice 4 in the region

Choice 5 on the verge

Choice 6 because

64. I have no _________ to your coming camping with us.

Choice 1 interest

Choice 2 regrets

Choice 3 hesitation

Choice 4 objection

Choice 5 decision

Choice 6 interrogation

65. Alice promised to live with Hugh through _______.

Choice 1 fortune and fame

Choice 2 thick and thin

Choice 3 soul and life

Choice 4 blood and flesh

Choice 5 thunder and rain

Choice 6 weakness and strength

66. ______ lightning tends to strike the nearest high point, you would do well not to stand
under a tall tree during a thunderstorm.
Choice 1 Given that

Choice 2 As long as

Choice 3 But for

Choice 4 Unless

Choice 5 For instance

Choice 6 Regardless

67. In all walks of life, music is just what the doctor ______, improving the quality of sleep for
anxious people, calming overactive children and encouraging and strengthening the sick.

Choice 1 decreed

Choice 2 ordered

Choice 3 told

Choice 4 required

Choice 5 said

Choice 6 specified

68. Cities need old buildings so ________ it is probably impossible for vigorous streets and
districts to grow without them.

Choice 1 seriously

Choice 2 greatly

Choice 3 exceedingly

Choice 4 badly

Choice 5 urgently

Choice 6 imperatively

69. In my opinion the menu _____ of various starters, main courses and desserts are all
designed to please the eye rather than the palate.

Choice 1 comprised

Choice 2 contained

Choice 3 composed

Choice 4 consisted

Choice 5 imprinted

Choice 6 dealt

70. Under the table ______ with bright, beady eyes.

Choice 1 sat a tiny mouse (also correct)

Choice 2 there sat a tiny mouse

Choice 3 a tiny mouse sat

Choice 4 it sat a tiny mouse

Choice 5 was sat a tiny mouse

Choice 6 seated a tiny mouse

71. No sooner had I returned from the supermarket ______ I realized I had forgotten my wallet.

Choice 1 when

Choice 2 than

Choice 3 that

Choice 4 and

Choice 5 how

Choice 6 if

72. Lionel ______ a grudge against the head teacher for many years.

Choice 1 fostered

Choice 2 constrained

Choice 3 subdued

Choice 4 harboured

Choice 5 kept

Choice 6 maintained

73. In psychological discourse, the term `quality of life´ refers to mental _______ such as
realism and vitality.

Choice 1 propensities

Choice 2 susceptibilities

Choice 3 weaknesses

Choice 4 inhibitions

Choice 5 sensitivities

Choice 6 sensibleness

74. Poltergeists have always been with us; there are ______ cases as far back as AD 530, and
from all parts of the world.

Choice 1 inscribed

Choice 2 recorded

Choice 3 minuted

Choice 4 registered

Choice 5 noted

Choice 6 downloaded
75. Wherever you go, you meet people who think that foreigners have either no sense of
humour or at best, a _____ one.

Choice 1 raw

Choice 2 rude

Choice 3 clumsy

Choice 4 crude

Choice 5 moody

Choice 6 black


77. After 3 days wandering in the forest John had to ______ drinking water from a small dirty-
looking pond.

Choice 1 take on

Choice 2 resort with

Choice 3 force to

Choice 4 resort to

Choice 5 take off

Choice 6 force on

78. Her parents never _______________ her career choice.

Choice 1 approved of

Choice 2 forced on

Choice 3 approved

Choice 4 took up

Choice 5 forced in

Choice 6 took

79. Companies should always pay good salaries and offer good work conditions,
___________________ of the country’s labor laws.

Choice 1 disallowed

Choice 2 irrespective

Choice 3 complying

Choice 4 respective

Choice 5 non-complying

Choice 6 allowing
80. It is rumoured that the senator was involved in the embezzlement for over a decade without
anyone noticing, which is truly _______ the Secretary of Treasury.

Choice 1 preoccupied

Choice 2 saddened

Choice 3 disputing

Choice 4 baffling

Choice 5 craving

Choice 6 provisioned

81. I’ll _____________________ my assistant call you in the morning.

Choice 1 ask

Choice 2 tell

Choice 3 have

Choice 4 demand

Choice 5 request

Choice 6 consider

82. It was recently discovered that even the Dead Sea is __________ with life.

Choice 1 full

Choice 2 plenty

Choice 3 profuse

Choice 4 abundant

Choice 5 teeming

Choice 6 crowded

83. Many landlords contrived to__________ the rights of lodgers in the area.

Choice 1 curtail

Choice 2 lengthen

Choice 3 dwarf

Choice 4 lessen of

Choice 5 abbreviate

Choice 6 turn off

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