Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

The Need for a Better Abstraction

Classes and Objects
Establishing Boundaries
Object Management
UML Tutorial: Class Diagram Basics
 Working with Objects
Syntax Overview
Creating and Using Objects
Building Your First Object-Oriented Program
Getting Started with the Class Builder
Case Study: Working with Regular Expressions
UML Tutorial: Object Diagrams
 Encapsulation and Implementation Hiding
Lessons Learned from the Procedural Approach
Data Abstraction with Classes
Defining Component Visibilities
Hiding the Implementation
Designing by Contract
UML Tutorial: Sequence Diagrams
 Object Initialization and Cleanup
Creating Objects
Controlling Object Initialization with Constructors
Garbage Collection
Tuning Performance
 Inheritance
Generalization and Specialization
Inheriting Components
The Abstract and Final Keywords
Using the Refactoring Assistant
UML Tutorial: Advanced Class Diagrams Part I
 Polymorphism
Object Reference Assignments Revisited
Dynamic Method Call Binding
UML Tutorial: Advanced Class Diagrams Part II
 Error Handling with Exceptions
Lessons Learned from Prior Approaches
The Class-Based Exception Handling Concept
Dealing with Exceptions
Raising and Forwarding Exceptions
Creating Exception classes
UML Tutorial: Activity Diagrams Summary
 Working with the SAP List Viewer
Overview of the SAP Control Framework
Overview of the ALV Object Model
Getting Started with the Flight Query Report
Event Handling with the ALV Object Model
UML Tutorial: Communication Diagrams
 ABAP Object Services
Object-Relational Mapping Concepts
Persistence Service Overview
Building Persistent Classes
Working with Persistent Objects
UML Tutorial: Advanced Sequence Diagrams
 Debugging Objects
Debugging Objects Using the Classic ABAP Debugger
Debugging Objects Using the New ABAP Debugger

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