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Review of Secondary Level

Mathematics Education Curriculum

The National Education System Plan, NESP, had proposed the first well developed
Mathematics curriculum with great movement which is regarded as the milestone in the history
of Nepalese educational edifice. In the rapid growth of science and information technology in
education enforces the changing pattern in the learning styles and methods including new
contents of curriculum, new structure of education and new approach of teaching. The new and
addendum contents of the course designed in 2009 emphasis in the demand driven, applicable,
and visible math supposing that it would be beneficial for the students as its application in the
intended workplace.

Modernization of education in Nepal was started after the establishment of democracy

in 2007 B.S.., the managerial aspects of Nepalese education was weak before democracy there
was fixed and prescribes educational objectives and curriculum framework at that time. After
the establishment of democracy national education board was formulated in 2009 B.S. for
recommending proper and need based education for a country by the consequence of this board
Nepal National Education Planning commission 1954 A.D. Was formulated. These
commissions recommend the detail outline of curriculum of school level for the first time. Then
after different education commission recommend curriculum for secondary level at different
time. In 1993 B.S. the S.L.C. board was established after that in high school level the
curriculum consist of altogether 700 full marks, among which 100 marks for compulsory
mathematics education and extra 100 marks added as an optional mathematics education. In
this way the education system as well as mathematics education forwarded and new education
system plan (NESP,1971) was introduced after that people were feelings the greater challenges
in education system. Now a days from class 1 to class 10 mathematics education is included as
a compulsory subject furthermore optional subject for a class 9 and 10 also.

The existing curriculum of Nepal is revised in 2063/064 B.S. since the social status and
educational levels are changed as result rapid change in information technology. The
philosophy of life style has changed and consequently the philosophy of education has under
gone changed. Thus the curriculum has to be managed in the light of these above mention
changed. Now a day secondary level denotes class 9 and 10. The students are in the range of
age 14 to 16 years. In this level mathematics taught as a core subject with the weighted of five.

At the end of class 9 compulsory mathematics the students will be able to do the following

1. Different operations on set and use of Venn-diagram in set.

2. Will be able to solve two or three variation problems of unitary methods

3. Will be able to solve problems on Percentage

4. Will be able to solve problems on Allegations.

5. Will be able to solve problems on commission. Taxation and Bonus.

6. Will be able to solve problems on simple Interest.

7. Behavioral problems, related to daily life like; Meter reading, Electricity, water ,telephone
bills and money exchange rate.

8. Will be able to solve area related problems like; Estimation of the cost of carpeting, painting
and plastering.

9. Rectangular, square, curricular, area and area of pathways related problems and cost
Estimation related problems.

10. Lateral surface area, cross-sectional area and volume of solid figure like; cube, cuboids and
triangular prism.

11. Factorization of algebraic expressions.

12. To solve indices related problems (Negative and rational) with algebraic expressions and
exponential related equation.

13. To solve ratio and proportional related problems

14. To solve simultaneous linear equation with elimination method, substitution method and
graphical method.

15. Solving Quadratic equation with factorization, perfect square method and formula method.

16. To solve simple inequalities of two variable in graphical method.

17. To prove theorems on triangle and quadrilateral, experimentation on those theorems which
are not needed to prove.

18. To solve problems on similarity.

19. Theoretical proof experimental proof and problems related to centre of a circle and its

20. To construct different types of triangles and quadrilaterals.

21. To familiar with fundamental trigonometric ratios and to solve right angle triangle using
these ratios.

22. To construct and solve problems of cumulative frequency table ling graph and pie-chart.

23. To give introduction and construct histogram and ogive curve.

24. To solve ungrouped data of statistics in median, mean mode and quartile.

25. To introduce probability and to solve problems on probability.

Specific Objectives (Class 10)

At the end of the completion of the class 10 compulsory mathematics the students will be able

1. To solve verbal problems of sets using Venn-diagram.

2. To solve problems on time and work.
3. Behaviourable problems of daily life related to profit and loss.
4. To solve simple problems of compound interest population growth and depreciation.
5. To find area of triangular surface.
6. To find surface area and volume of solid objects (cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, triangular
prisms, cone and pyramid)
7. To find L.C.M. and H.C.F. of algebraic expressions by factorization (not more than three
8. To solve problems on radical surds using four simple law.
9. Simplification of indices related algebraic expressions and to solve equations.
10. To solve radical algebraic equations.
11. Verbal problems leading to two simultaneous equations and verbal problems on quadratic
12. Simplification of algebraic fractions.
13. To prove theorems related to area of triangle and quadrilateral and to solve problems.
14. To prove theorems using the characteristic of circle, to experiment on these and to solve
15. To construct the triangles and quadrilaterals related area
16. To solve the problems related to tangents.
17. To find the area of triangle and quadrilateral using trigonometric ratio.
18. To find height and distance using trigonometric ratios.
19. To find mean, median and quartile of continuous series.

20. Additive low and multiplicative law for mutually exclusive events and to find probability
using tree diagram.
21. To give example on dependent events and to solve problems on this.
22. To give example on dependent events and to solve problems on this.

Class: 9

Subject: Compulsory Mathematics

Existing content
S.N. Area
-Review of the sets
-Operations on sets
1. Set 6
-Solving problems related to two sets using Venn-
-Unitary Method (Application of direct and Indirect
variations, mixed ration and compound proportion)
-Problems related to percentage
2. Arithmetic
-Commission, taxation and bonus
- Home arithmetic (Meter reading, and payment of bills
and money exchange rate)
-Problem on Area (carpeting, painting and plastering)
and estimation of their cost.
-Pathways outside rectangular square and circular area,
estimation of the cost of required marbles, bricks and
3. Menstruation other expense. 20
-Prism (Surface area, area of cross section and volume
of cube and Cuboids)
-Estimation of number of bricks required for a wall and
their costing related problems.
-Problems on indices (equations with positive and
4. Algebra negative indices.
-Exponential equations (not in the form of quadratic

-Ratio and proportion related simple problems
-Solution o simultaneous linear equation(Substitution
method, Elimination method and graphical method)
-Solving quadratic inequalities (Factorization method,
perfect square method, formula
-Simple inequalities.(Graph of inequities in two
-Sum of three angles of triangle is equal to two right
-Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two
interior angles.
-In any triangle opposite side of greatest angle is bigger
than the opposite side smaller angled.
-Line drawn from the external point to a line segenment
shortest is the perpendicular.
-Pythagoras theorem and its converse theorem.
-Base angles of an isosceles triangles are equal.
-If two angles of triangles are equal than opposite sides
of these angles will be equal.
5. Geometry
-If two angles of triangles are equal then opposite sides
of these angles will be equal.
-In isosceles triangle, bisector of vertex angle is
perpendicular to base and it bisects the base.
-Line drawn from the vertex of an isosceles triangle is
perpendicular to its base and bisects the vertex angle.
-Parallel lines drawn from midpoint of any side of
triangle bisects other sides.
-The line joining the midpoint of any side is parallel to
third side and half of it.
-Parallelogram quad -(Two lines joining the end points
of equal and parallel lines are also equal and parallel.
-Opposite angle of parallelograms are also equal.

-Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
-Converse of above mentioned theorems.
-Two equal angles triangle are similar.
If two corresponding sides are proportional than the
triangles are similar.
-Two angles of the triangles are equal and the
corresponding sides are proportional then the triangles
are similar.
-Simple problems on similar triangles.
-A perpendicular drawn from a centre of a circle to its
chord bisects the chord.
-The ling joining centre of the circle and midpoint
chord is perpendicular to the chord.
-The perpendicular of the chord of the circle passes
through the centre of the circle.
-Two equal chords of the circle are at equal distance
from the centre.
-Two chords are equal if they are at equal distance from
the centre.
-Triangle and quadrilateral(square, rectangle,
equilateral, parallelogram and trapezium construction)
-Introduction of the ration to trigonometry based on
right angle triangle.
6. Trigonometry -Ratios on sine, cosine, and tangent and measurement
and problems related to these.
-Introduction and use of trigonometric table for
0,30,45,60 and 90 (without using trigonometric table)
-cumulative frequency, pie-chart and line graph.

7. Statistics -To find median and quartile of ungrouped data with

the help of cumulative curve.

-Median, mean, mode and quartiles of ungrouped data.

-Introduction of probability.
-Use of simple probability and introduction of
probability scale (0-1). Assumption of probability and
8. Probability introduction of formula.
a) Empirical probability
b) Probability of any events

Class: 10

Subject: Compulsory Mathematics

S.N. Area Existing content

-Solving word problems of 2 or 3 sets using Venn-

1. Set diagram. 5

-Unitary Method (Time and work related problems)

-Problems on profit and loss including marked price,
discount amount value added tax (VAT)
2. Arithmetic -Compound interest(2 years in Half-Yearly compound
interest and 3 years and nearly compound interest
-Population growth and compound depreciation.

-Problem on Area of tr4iangle (Right angle triangle,
equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle and scalene
-Behavioral problems on triangular surface.
-Problems on triangular prism (total surface area, lateral
3. Menstruation surface area and volume related problems. 20
-Problems related to total surface area, curved surface
area and volume of cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, cone
and a solid figure made of these (at most 2) problems on
pyramid (square base and based on equilateral triangles
only). Total surface area and volume related problems.
- HCF and LCM (Factorization of the expression of the
form included in class 9 Factorization).
-Roots and surds (+,-,*, ……..)
- Additional problems on exponentional equation ( not in
the form of quadratic equations).
-Radical equations
4. Algebra 34
-Simplification of algebraic fractions(not more than four
-Verbal problems leading to two simultaneous equations.
-Verbal problems leading to two simultaneous equations.
- Verbal problems on quadratic equations.

-Area of triangle and quadrilateral.

-Area of parallelograms on the same base and between
the same parallel lines are equal in area.
-Area of triangle is half of the area of parallelogram on
the same base and between the same parallel lines.
5. Geometry 14
-Area of the triangle is equal if they are on the same base
and between the same parallel.
-Two arcs are equal if the centre angle made by them
also equal (concept only)

-Equal chords make equal; angles at the centre.
-If two chords of a circle are equal then the arcs made by
them are also equal (only concept with its converse).
-Centre angle made by an arc to its circumference.
-Circumference angle in a semi-circle is a right angle.
-Two angles on the same segment of the circle are equal.
-Opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral are
-Tangent of a circle and radius drawn to the tangent is
perpendicular(only concept)
-Tangents drawn from external point to the circle are
equal (concept only).
-Chord drawn from a circle.
-Construction of triangle and quadrilateral having equal
-Length of two sides and the angle made by these two
sides and to find area of triangle with these
-Area of triangle = 2 abSinC
6. Trigonometry 8
=2 bcSinA

-Simple problems on height and distance having only

one angle.
-Median, mean and quartiles of continuous series.

7. Statistics -Median, mean, mode and quartiles of grouped data 14

using cumulative curve.

- Additive law and multiplicative law to solve

mutually exclusive events.
8. Probability - Tree diagram related to 2 steps in 3 events only. 7
- Probability of simple dependent events related
problems (to draw balls from a bag)

Introduction of probability.
-Use of simple probability and introduction of
probability scale (0-1). Assumption of probability and
introduction of formula.
a) Empirical probability
b) Probability of any events

In Nepal, various educational reforms have been practiced in order to rectify the
subsisting school curriculum regarding math curriculum. In this way National curriculum
framework, NCF, adhered to the new education practice based on the present demands of the
country that was first conceptualized in 2005 from pre-primary to grade 12 in order to integrate
the national education edifice in terms of curriculum principles, structure and approaches upon
which specific curriculum elements are to be developed. How far this framework guides us to
bring change in mathematics education? is a question to us. NCF has suggested comprehensive
review of the context and concerns of educational development with reference to national needs
and international perspectives.

Objectives evaluation

The stated objective in the curriculum is realistic. There are four general objectives of
secondary level with class wise specific objectives namely 25 objectives in class 9 and 21
objectives in class 10. The objectives are attainable, specific, measurable, time bound. There is
strong correlation between general objectives and specific objectives. The mention objectives
are developed on the basis of hierarchy of class and age of students. The maxim of objective
formulation is simple to complex and based on utility view but less culture friendly. The
content of secondary mathematics curriculum is arranged on the basis of objectives and
context. It includes almost all aspects of modern mathematics. Such as set theory, probability,
statistics etc. on the basis of students maturity. This curriculum gives attention for practical and
useable mathematical content eg.VAT, tax, commission, household arithmetic, etc. Teaching
learning strategy mention in curriculum is almost all teachers centered; only a few places of
student involvement are given in curriculum. Most of the teaching strategy is based on

behaviorist learning theory. There is no place of constructivist learning approaches and child
friendly learning strategy. Now days the role of teacher is shift in to as a mentor, fascinator
environment creator and knowledge inductor so teaching learning strategy. Mentioned in
curriculum is revised accordingly on the basis of child interest. Teaching learning materials is
mention in a holistic way there is a lacking of content and chapter specific teaching learning
materials, dearth of audio video materials in learning only focus is given in printed materials.
There is no direction of preparing low cost and no cost materials available in local area for
teachers. In secondary level students' evaluation procedures is only paper pencil test. Most
focus is given in summative evaluation. The concept of continuous evaluation is not mention in
curriculum so class repetition and dropout rate is increasing due to this evaluation procedures.


Basic dimensions of the curriculum are connected strongly with each other, by
analyzing overall aspect of curriculum of secondary level; what I observed that content
language of the subsisting curriculum and focal aspects of the curriculum are simply match
each. There is some weak aspects can be realized in the contents of the curriculum such as it
has been developed beyond the use of technology, in fact it is not useful for the purpose of the
problem based learning in math that integrates various technology in the learning atmosphere.
Besides, it becomes as root based ignoring the child friendly curriculum concepts. It focuses to
produce the students as problem solvers based on the knowledge supplied by the lecturers.

Review of Higher Secondary Level

Mathematics Education Curriculum


The aim of higher secondary education is producing low level manpower. After the
phase out of proficiency certificate level in 2065 B.S. the higher Secondary education is
expanded all over the country and higher Secondary education is taken as a part of School
education and governs by higher secondary education Board (HSEB).

The present mathematics Curriculum of Class XI and XII was revised thoroughly in
2066 B.S. In every five years mathematics Curriculum of Class XI and Xii is thoroughly
revised due to expansion of knowledge and technology.

In Nepal, higher Secondary education is single track system of education. There are two
papers of mathematics namely Mathematics: I and Mathematics: II the course Mathematics: I is
for grad Xi and Mathematics: II is for grad: Xii. Each papers contains 150 teaching hours This
course of mathematics enables to acquire basic knowledge of mathematics for higher study of
science and engineering as well as to social sciences. The general objectives as this
mathematics Course for grade XI are as:


Grade: XI
Specific Objectives:
On completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Use principles of elementary logic to find the validity of statement:

2. State field and order axioms of Real number system;
3. Define functions and illustrate them graphically;
4. Sketch the curves;
5. Use trigonometrically relations to find the general values, understand inverse circular
functions and their properties and to find property & solution of triangle;
6. State properties of A. S., G. S. and H. S. Understand infinite series and use method of
mathematical induction to establish the result;
7. Define transpose, adjoint and inverse of matrix, state properties of determinants;
8. Use matrix and determinant to solve system of linear equations'
9. Explain the idea of a complex number, verify their properties, prove De-Moiver's
theorem and use it;
10. Define polynomial equations, establish fundamental theorem of algebra and quadratic
equation, and find relation between roots and coefficients of a quadratic polynomials;
11. Define straight lines, pair of lines in terms of co-ordinates and establish their properties;
12. Define circle in terms of coordinates and establish their properties;
13. Define limit of a function, establish properties of limits;
14. Define continuity of a function using the concept of limit;
15. Define derivative of a function and give its geometrical interpretation as rate of change;

16. Use derivative to determine the nature of the function and determine the maxima and
minima of a function and apply differentiation to find tangent & normal, increasing &
decreasing function;
17. Define anti- derivative as an inverse process of derivative and use various methods of
integration; and
18. Define integration as the area of the sum, and apply definite integral to find the area
between the curves.

Course Contents
Unit 1 Sets, Real Number System and Logic 10 hrs
Sets: Sets and set operations. Theorems based on set operations.
Real Number System: Real numbers. Field axioms, Order axioms, Interval, Absolute value
Geometrical representation of the real numbers.
Logic: Introduction Statements, Logical connectives, Truth tables, Basic laws of logic.
Unit 2: Relations Functions and Graphs 10 hrs
Relations: Ordered pairs, Cartesian product, Geometric representation of Cartesian product,
Relation Domain and range of a relation, Inverse of a relation.
Functions: Definition, domain and range of a function, Functions defined as mapping, Inverse
function, Composite function, Special functions (Identity, constant, Absolute value,
Greatest integer), Algebraic ( Linear, Quadratic and Cubic), Trigonometric, Exponential
, Logarithmic functions and their graphs.
Unit 3: Curve Sketching
Odd and even functions, Periodicity of a function, Symmetry (about x-axis, y-axis and
origin) of elementary functions, Monotonocity of a function, Sketching graphs of
1 𝑥 2 −𝑎2 1
polynomial functions (𝑥 , , 𝑥+𝑎 , 𝑥 2 , 𝑥 3 ), Trigonometric, Exponential, Logarithmic

functions (simple cases only).

Unit 4: Trigonometry 12 hrs
Inverse circular functions, Trigonometric equations and general values, Properties of a triangle
(sine law, cosine law, tangent law, projection law. half angle laws), The area of a
triangle, solution of a triangle (simple cases).
Unit 5: Sequence and Series and Mathematical Induction 10 hrs

Sequence and Series : Sequence and series (Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic), Properties of
arithmetic, geometric and harmonic sequences, A.M., G.M. and H.M. Relation among
A.M., G.M. and H.M. Sum of infinite geometric series.
Mathematical Induction: Sum of first n natural numbers, Sum of the squares of first n natural
numbers, Sum of cubes of first n natural numbers, Intuition and induction, Principles of
mathematical induction.
Unit 6: Matrices and Determinants 8 hrs
Matrices and operation on matrices (Review), Transpose of a matrix and its properties, Minors
and cofactors, Adjoint of a matrix. Determinant of a square marrix, Properties of
determinants (without proof) up to 3×3, Inverse matrix.

Unit 7: System of Linear Equations 10 hrs

Consistency of system of linear equations, Solution of a system of linear equations by

Crammer's rule, Matrix method (Row-equivalent and Inverse) up to three variables
Unit 8: Complex Numbers 10 hrs
Definition of a complex number, Imaginary unit, Algebra of complex numbers,
Geometric representation of a complex number, conjugate and absolute value (modulus) of
complex numbers and their properties, Square roots of a complex numbers, De-Moiver's
theorem and its application in finding the roots of a complex number, properties of cube roots
of unity

Unit 9: Polynomial Equations 10 hrs

Polynomial function and polynomial equations, Fundamental theorem of algebra
(without proof), Quadratic equation, Nature of the roots of a quadratic equation, Relation
between roots and coefficients, Formation of quadratic equation, Symmetric functions of roots,
one or both roots common.

Unit 10: Coordinate Geometry 10 hrs

Straight Line: Review of various forms of equation of straight lines, Angle between
two straight lines. Condition of parallelism and perpendicularity, Length of perpendicular from
a given point to a given line, Bisectors of the angles between two straight lines.
Pair of Lines: General equation so second degree in x and y, Condition for representing
a pair of lines, Homogeneous second degree equation in x and y. Angle between pair of lines,
Bisectors of the angles between pair of lines.

Unit 11: Circle 12 hrs
Equation of a circle in various forms (centre at origin, centre at and point, general
equation of a circle with a given diameter), Condition of tangency of a line at a point to the
circle. Tangent and normal to a circle.
Unit 12: Limits and Continuity 10 hrs
Limits of a function, Indeterminate forms. Algebraic properties of limits (without
proof), Theorems on limits of algebraic, trigonometric exponential and logarithmic functions
𝑥 𝑛 −𝑎𝑛 sin 𝑥 𝑒 𝑥 −1 log(1+𝑥)
(lim , lim sin 𝑥, lim , lim , lim ), Continuity of a function, Types of
𝑥→𝑎 𝑥−𝑎 𝑥→0 𝑥→0 𝑥 𝑥→0 𝑥 𝑥→0 𝑥

discontinuity, Graphs of discontinuous function.

Unit 13: The derivatives 10 hrs

Derivative of a function, Derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions by definition (simple forms), Rules of differentiations, Derivatives of
parametric and implicit functions, Higher order derivatives
Unit 14: Application of Derivatives 8 hrs
Geometric interpretation of derivative, Monotonocity of a function, Interval of
monotonocity, Extrema of function, Concavity, Points of inflection, Derivative as a rate
Unit 15: Anti-derivatives and Its Applications 10 hrs
Anti-derivative, Integration using basic integrals, Integration by substitution and by
parts method, The definite integral, The definite integral as an area under the given curve, Area
between two curves.

Grade: XII

The general objectives of mathematics of grade XII are as:

a. To create an interest in mathematics in those students who show a promise for higher
study in mathematics.
b. To create confidence in other for equipping themselves with the mathematic needed for
the areas in natural and social sciences and specific objectives are as:
I. To provide to the students sufficient background in basic mathematics needed
for university education in general and applied science and social science.

II. To create confidence in applying mathematical techniques in solving practical
problems or problems of the chosen disciplines.
Specific Objectives:
 State basic principles of counting and find number of permutations and combinations of
set of objects with various conditions;
 prove binomial theorem for positive index, state exponential and logarithmic series, and
apply them in solving problems;
 understand group as algebraic structure and establish simple results on finite and
infinite groups;
 derive equations of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, and find tangent & normal to the
 locate points in space and derive the equation of plane;
 define product of vectors and give their geometrical meaning and use it to find various
results of geometry and trigonometry;
 establish the relation between continuity and differentiability of a function, compute,
derivatives of exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic and inverse circular functions
apply Hospital's rule;
 determine standard integrals, use partial fractions of integrate rational function;
 define differential equations and different forms of solutions and use them in
 state measures of dispersion and find coefficient of correlation and equation of
 define probability, establish basic laws of probability;
 define parallelogram of forces, composition and resolution of forces, triangle of forces,
and prove Lami's theorem;
 find resultant of like and unlike parallel forces, moment of a force and moment of
couple of forces;
 State and use Newton's laws of motion. Find Impulse, work Energy & Power, and
acquaint with a projectile;
 formulate linear programming problem, solve LPP graphically and by simplex method;
 Determine a root of equations by numerical methods; and
 Evaluate integrals by trapezoid and Simpson's rules.

Course Contents:
Group A
Unit 1: Permutation and Combination 10 hrs
Basic principle of counting, Permutation of (a) set of objects all different (b) set of
objects not all different (c) circular arrangement (d) repeated use of the same object.
Combination of things all different, Properties of combination.

Unit 2: Binomial Theorem 10 hrs

Binomial theorem for a positive integral index, general term. Binomial coefficients,
Binomial theorem for any index (without proof), Application to approximation, Euler's
number, Expansion of 𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑎 𝑥 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 log(1 + 𝑥) (without proof)
Unit 3: Elementary Group Theory 8 hrs
Binary operation, Binary operation on sets of integers and their properties, Definition of
a group, Groups whose element are not numbers, Finite and infinite groups, Uniqueness
of identity, Uniqueness of inverse, Cancellation law, Abelian Group
Unit 4: Conic Sections 12 hrs
Standard equation of parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola Equations of tangent and normal
to a parabola at a given point.
Unit 5: Coordinates in Space 12 hrs
Coordinate axes, Coordinate planes, The octants, Distance between two points, External
and internal point of division, Direction cosines and ratios, Fundamental relation
between direction cosines. Projections, Angle between two lines.

General equation of a plane, Equation of a plane in intercept and normal form, plane
through three given points, plane through the intersection of two given planes, Parallel
and perpendicular planes, angle between two planes distance of a point from a plane.

Unit 6: Vectors and its Applications 14 hrs

Cartesian representation of vectors, Collinear and non collinear vectors, Coplanar and
non-coplanar vectors. Linear combinations of vectors.
Scalar product of two vectors, Angle between two vectors Geometric interpretation of
scalar product, Properties of scalar product, Condition of perpendicularity.
Vector product of two vectors, Geometric interpretation of vector product, Properties of
vector product Application of product of vectors in plane trigonometry.
Unit 7: Derivative and its Application 14 hrs
Derivative of inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions by
definition, Relationship between continuity and differentiability, Rules for
differentiating hyperbolic function and inverse hyperbolic function, Composite function
and function of the type 𝑓(𝑥) 𝑔(𝑥)
L-Hospital's rule (for 0⁄0, ∞⁄∞), Differentials, Tangent and Normal, Geometric
interpretation and application of Rolle's theorem and Mean value theorem.
Unit 8: Antiderivatives 7 hrs
Antiderivatives, Standard integrals, Integrals reducible to standard forms, Integrals of
rational functions.
Unit 9: Differential Equations and their Applications 7 hrs
Differential equation and its order and degree, Differential equations of first order and
first degree; Differential equations with separable variables, homogeneous and exact
differential equations.

Unit 10: Dispersion, Correlation and Regression 12 hrs

Dispersion, Measures of dispersion (Range, Semi inter quartile range, Mean deviation,
Standard deviation) Variance, Coefficient of variation, Skewness, Karl Pearson' and
Bowley's Coefficient of Skewness, Bivariate distribution, Correlation, Nature of
correlation, Correlation coefficient by Karl Pearson's method . Interpretation of
correlation coefficient, Properties of correlation coefficient (without proof)

Regression equation, Regression line of y on x and x on y.

Unit 11: Probability 8 hrs

Random experiment, Sample space, Event, Equally likely cases. Mutually exclusive
events, Exhaustive cases, Favorable cases, Independent and dependent cases,
Mathematical and empirical definition of probability, Two basic laws of probability,
conditional probability (without proof), Binomial distribution, Mean and standard
deviation of binomial distribution (without proof)

Group B
Unit 12: Static 9 hrs
Forces and resultant forces, Parallelogram of forces, Composition and resolution of
forces, Resultant of coplanar forces acting at a point, Triangle of forces and lami's
Unit 13: Static (continued) 9 hrs
Resultant of like and unlike parallel forces, Moment of force, Varignon's theorem,
couple and its properties (without proof)

Unit 14: Dynamics 9 hrs

Motion of particle in a straight line, Motion with uniform acceleration, Motion under
gravity. Motion down a smooth inclined plane, The concepts and theorems be restated
and formulated as application of calculus.
Unit 15: Dynamics (continued) 9 hrs
Newton's laws of motion, Impulse, Work, Energy and Power, Projectiles

Group C
Unit 16: Linear Programming 11 hrs
Introduction of linear programming problem (LPP), Graphical solution of LPP in two
variables, solution of LPP by simplex method (two variables)
Unit 17: Computational Method 9 hrs
Introduction to Numerical computing (characteristics fo Numerical computing
Accuracy, Rate of convergence, Numerical stability, Efficiency); Number systems
(Decimal, binary, Octal and Hexadecimal system conversion of one system into
another), approximations and error in computing Roots of nonlinear equation,
Algebraic, polynomial and transcendental equations and their solution by dissection and
Newton- Ralphsom Methods,
Unit 18: Computational Method (continued) 8 hrs
Solution of system of linear equations by Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Seidel
method, III conditioned systems, Matrix inversion method.
Unit 19: Numerical Integration 8 hrs

Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules, estimation of errors.

Objectives Evaluation:
The main theme of objectives of HDEB mathematics curriculum id to provides the
mathematical / Knowledge for producing low level manpower and providing the basic

knowledge of mathematics for preparation of University education The stated objectives in
HDEB Mathematics was precisely has SMART. The Objectives was formulated on the basics
of demand by mathematical knowledge in society, international Standard logical aspect and
utilitarian view. In objectives only lack is observed in chapter wise objective is not stated. As
we analyzed the trend of global mathematics curriculum the curriculum of HSEB Mathematics
is less cultural friendly and less place of ethno mathematical content. But in other hand, there is
a higher degree of relevancy between specific objectives and content of the lesson.
Content of the HSEB Curriculum:
The subject matter of the present HSEB Curriculum designed for the fulfillment of
stated objectives. The content of present curriculum is extremely based on the objectives; It is
also fulfill the need of knowledge of mathematics for Society This curriculum is based on
international standard in theoretical knowledge of mathematics. The content is based the
maturity level of students of that level.
Scope and Sequence analysis
 Scope and sequence is according to the logical order.
 Scope and sequence was on the basis of objectives
 Based on learners and society demand.
 In HSEB mathematics Curriculum the teaching learning Strategies are not mention so,
the teacher fill difficult in this Situation.
 The mention teaching learning materials are not easily available in the marketed.

The present HSEB mathematics Curriculum is Standard and relevant in varying aspect.
The content is relevant and utility oriented in View of the contemporary Society demand.
In spite of these facts the existing curriculum lacks the provision of vocational
orientation, lacks of integration in the objectives as well as the lack of Comprehensiveness,
commutative progressive and practical aspect. In this Curriculum lack of ethno mathematical
Content is observed.

Review of Undergraduate Level
Mathematics Education Curriculum


Faculty of Education (FOE), Tribhuvan University introduced three years B. Ed programme to

meet demands of school mathematics teachers to tech newly introduce mathematical topics in
schools and corroborate Nepalese education system with the education system of the worlds
since the academic session of 1996.

Accordingly, Department of Mathematics Education revised, restructured and reorganized

mathematics curriculum of B. Ed level. Many new mathematical topics and courses in different
subjects are included in the mathematics curriculum of B.Ed. Existing bachelor level
curriculum is especially FOE is designed for aiming for producing middle level manpower.
Undergraduate degree is mark of good academic qualification; Nation can get more benefits
from this manpower. This course contain design to focusing the student who studying in Bed
1st year. This course try to providing some basic concept of Conditional, Bio conditional,
Algebra of proportion, statement and compound statement, validity argument, truth table and
deductive method of proof and their application in the field of symbolic logic.

In the field of the infinite set, introduction of infinite sets, countable sets, cantors sets,
cardinality of infinite sets, Denurable sets, are introduced. Number theory is the next field
where Divisibility theory, division algorithms, Euclidean Algorithms, Diaphantus equation
prime and their distribution, Unique factorization theorem, Fermat theorem Eulers theorems etc
are introduced. The course “graph theory” as the addendum part of new course for Bachelor’s
degree. Which course refer the content of complete graph, Disparite graph connectivity sub
graph isomorphic graph. Travesibility : Euclidean and Hemeltion graph their problem and
application. Connectivity, transversibility tournament and traffic follows etc are introduced.

Linear programming is also introduced. The application and computation of correlation and is
also introduced. All basic foundation of probability distribution such as axiom of probability,
Random variable binomial distribution and other distribution, mean, variance, approximation
etc are introduced. The sampling distribution and estimation are also added bonus of this
course. The estimation of parameter s different errors of statics and central limit theorem are
introduced. In the field of hypothesis; different errors, region, z- test, chi-square test are
appeared in course. This course provide the foundation for the student for the further study in
math education. But there is no any connection the course with experiential activity. The course
structure is ignoring the computer, graphing cellular, different mathematical software which is
the current needs.

There are six papers of mathematics Education in Undergraduate level first year's offers two
papers of mathematics education the first one is titled as a Foundation of mathematics as
Course No. Math Ed. 316 which is offered for aiming to develop an understanding and to
acquire insights into the different aspects of mathematics and statistics. The course is divided

into two parts the first five units deal with symbolic logic, infinite sets, number theory, Graph
theory and linear programming, and the last four units cover correlation and regression
probability distributions, sampling distributions test of hypothesis (Z-test, T-test, Chi-Square
test and test for correlation coefficients). There are so general objectives in the curriculum of
foundation of mathematics content is developed on the basis of objectives.

The second course offer in first year is calculus. This course is designed to acquaint students
with the fundamental principles, techniques and application of differential calculus, integral
calculus and differential equation. It helps them to build foundation for higher studies in
mathematics. This course has in general objectives with chapter wise specific objectives.

There are three specializations in second year course namely Real Analysis, Geometry and
Teaching Secondary Level school mathematics. The curricular content Real Analysis is
designed for providing fundamental concepts of limits, continuity, derivatives, series,
integration and convergences.

The second paper of specialization is Math Ed. 322. Geometry. The course content of this
curriculum are divided into sixteen chapters. The content of curriculum are introduction of
historical development of geometry and axiomatic systems of geometry, The remaining
chapters provided methods, techniques, procedures and application of the Euclidean, Non-
Euclidean, transformational, projective, two-dimensional, Three-dimensional geometries and

The Third specialization is teaching Mathematics in secondary school curriculum of this

specialization has divided into two parts, Theory and practical. Its helps to prospective
secondary teachers to understand learning theories which confidence in selecting teaching
methods best suited for teaching secondary school mathematics. It also helps them select
pedagogically sound instructional strategies and contains practical directions on how to evaluate
the teaching of mathematics and how to super view mathematics classroom instruction. In
additions this course is field oriented and includes practical aspects of teaching like, teaching
strategies, visual aids, planning evaluation. In this way, this course is divided into two parts
theoretical and practical.

The Third year's curriculum of Undergraduate level mathematics Education is of Algebra and
vector Analysis. This course provides axiomatic foundations for further study of mathematics.
The algebraic structure deals in this course are groups, rings, fields and vector space. It also

provides fundamental knowledge of linear transformations, inner product space, theory of
polynomial equation and vector differentiation.


Overall aspect of bachelor level of mathematics education curriculum fully zeroes in on

theoretical aspects only, although it is necessary for the truly applied mathematics in the
demands of the workplace. There is no universal law and rules by which curriculum should be
revised and emended together with the changing nature of the time frame. Balance and
articulation dimensions of this curriculum go awry and may be reached to very low ebb and so
that there should be time frame for its revision as in whole as well as partial. It is based on the
guiding philosophy of mathematics education, industrial pragmatist and utility based but in
some respect such as ethno-mathematical perspectives, addressing the diversifying category of
learning, space of gifted students aspect is lack in curriculum although the curriculum is
possess international standard.


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