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Kua Number 2

You belong to the West Group and your Kua Number is 2.

Gua 2 people are of the EARTH element. They are the soft earth or soil. They are loyal, family
and community oriented, compassionate, exploring, imaginative, sensitive, spiritual, and kind.
They are consistent, centered, receptive and nurturing. They tend to put others first. They are self

They are detail minded and perfectionists. They have a helpful nature. They are natural teachers.
They are also extremely creative, multi-dimensional, and love music, song, and dance.

When they are not in balance they can be self-absorbed and self-centered, stubborn, adverse to
risk, uncomfortable with change, moody, manipulative, a worrier, and always thinking.

Mother Earth belongs to the South West (colors brown, beige, and yellow), and is fed by fire
(red, pink or purple). These elements or colors are good for clothing, automobiles, food,
bedrooms, and to have around.

Gua 2 people can experience malfunctions of the stomach, abdomen when out of balance.

Four Best Directions For Kua 2

Sheng Qi (Life Generating) - Northeast

The energy from this direction attracts prosperity, vitality, respectability and reputation. It is also
known as Life Generating Energy. It helps you in your personal and business endeavors.

Personally - this is your best magnetic direction. If you are looking for advancement in your
career or to improve your business, locate your work desk in your office or study to face this
direction. Strive to face this direction when conducting or doing anything important, e.g.
planning, working, business negotiation etc.

On the flip side, a person sleeping in his Sheng Qi direction may get less sleep and may become
a loner. Remember, top of the ladder is a very lonely place. S/he may also become more
aggressive because they are on a different wavelength and it’s tough to match up to their

Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor) - West

Tian Yi is known as “Heavenly doctor” in Chinese. This energy fosters good health. Persons
under this influence are patient, agreeable, appreciative as well as secure and confident in
themselves. This is a good position to place your stove.

Personally - this would be a good direction for the bed head to point when locating beds if you
are looking to improve your health in general or if you want to recover from a particular illness.

This is also a good direction for adolescents going through growing pains
Yan Nian (Longevity and relationships) - Northwest
Yan Nian helps in “building relationships”. It can be romantic, family, friends or office
relationships. This energy enhances the quality of relationships, promotes longevity and self-
sufficiency. This is a good sector for the master bedroom.

For those who work in human resources or are into networking, this is the direction to face when
working at one's desk.

Fu Wei (Harmony, peace and stability) - Southwest

Fu Wei can be translated to mean “Calming Position” or “Stability”. This Chi helps you with
grounding your energies, allowing you to relax and gain mental clarity. This location is
considered a good site for an altar.

Personally – if you wish to cultivate your life, meditate or improve your thoughts then tapping
into this direction will enable you to achieve your goals faster. Meditating in this direction will
also help you with concentration.

Four inauspicious directions to be avoided are:

Ho Hai (Obstacles and mishaps)-East

This energy is considered the least harmful but has been known to lead to all kinds of
intermittent difficulty and frustration. It brings mischief and disturbances to your endeavors.
Persons under this influence may tire easily and feel insecure.

For those with personal Guas that are different from their partner's, this direction can be used to
compromise on the sleeping direction.

Wu Gui (Bad Relationships) - Southeast

This energy generates the kind of events that leads to fire, loss of income, and burglary. It also
causes misbehavior, treachery, gossips, slander, back-stabbing, quarrels and misunderstandings.

Avoid placing the stove here or cures will have to be implemented.

Liu Sha (Bad Health) - South

This direction represents scandals, missed opportunities, legal entanglements (lawsuits, divorce
and embezzlement) and illnesses. It can bring about bodily harm involving accidents, robberies
or medical operations. Persons under this influence may experience fitful sleep, lack of focus,
lethargy in their everyday being and may even become alcoholic.

A bathroom or storeroom placed in this sector will suppress its negative effects.

Chueh Ming (Life Endangering) - North

Chueh Ming means “Life Threatening” in Chinese. This is the most harmful and dangerous
energy in Eight Mansions Feng Shui. This energy can cause poor finance and unproductive
career. Persons under this influence can experience difficulties in every endeavor. It can cause
depression, mental illness, major accidents, business failures, corruption, major illnesses, serious
relationship problems and suicidal feelings.

Tapping into this direction is highly discouraged

This is only for Kua 2

Sheng Chi - Life Generating -North East:

Your desk or PC should face this direction to increase business success.

Sleeping with your head pointing towards the North East draws on wealth energies while you
rest and helps you awake refreshed .
Placing wealth symbols in the North East attracts good fortune. Use gold ingots, coins, God of
Wealth figures, or the powerful Carp as an image, not a real fish tank here .
Keep the North East sector clear of clutter to ensure a clear mind to cope with life.
Semi precious stones or natural quartz crystals are also items that will energize prosperity. Place
a wealth vase in this area - hidden from the view of others.
Having a wealth ship or 3 coins in this area will also bring about prosperity and career luck. The
wealth ship should be placed as though it is coming into port FROM the NE. If you put a money
frog here, make sure it is facing towards the NE.
If you want to become famous or recognized, make certain the area is brightly lit. Or you might
want to place a small grouping of horses along with some red silk flowers, which signifies fame.
Try using a globe or a map of the world in the NE area of the room or desk for success.

TIEN YI - Heavenly Doctor - West:

Choose your bedroom in the west part of the home for improved Health and fortune if possible
and point your head towards the West while you sleep to further improve your Health and
wellbeing .
Place a pair of brass Kei Loons in the west corner of your home to safeguard your health.
To encourage good health place Brass gourds in the west of the home or west of your living
room to increase longevity luck.

NIEN YIN - Relationships Longevity-North West :

Activate this location to enhance your networking skills or improve your love life.
Sleeping in the North West room will help you improve relationships with your children and
your partner, keep it active with moving metal, clocks etc .
Enhance the North West with metal or brass objects, wind chimes clocks etc .
Attract new love into your life by placing a set of Mandarin Ducks, made of jasper next to the
picture of the partner you desire in this corner of your bedroom.
If your focus is on romantic love, marital prospects, or marital bliss, use one or more of the
following in the NW sector of the room or desk: crystals, plants, red silk roses or peonies,
Dragon and Phoenix symbols, the Chinese character for "Double Happiness," a pair of Mandarin
ducks or lovebirds, figurines or paintings of horses, or two red hearts in the NW sector of your
room or desk. Keep this area brightly lit as well.

FU WEI - Stability -South West :

Good room for meditation and self development, a wise and relaxing area for you .
Face this direction to mediate when in stress and under pressure, especially whilst working.
Enhance this sector with Crystals and porcelain or ceramic plates etc.
Use the Fire element, candles lights etc, or the colors red in soft furnishings is also helpful, Red
flowers also help enhances this sector.
For peace, harmony and overall fortune, you can use a unicorn, Chinese vase, or Peacock picture
in the SW area of your room or desk. If personal development is your main focus, sleep with
your head pointing SW. You may also position your desk so that you are facing SW when seated
at the desk. A tortoise in this area (alive or otherwise) will enhance the element of protection and
stability. Use paintings or figurines of an elephant to symbolize strength and staying on course.

HO HAI - Mishaps -East :

Working in this sector of the house gives you a lot of problems and worries, try and avoid it.
Avoid facing this direction while working, eating or sleeping.
Red or the fire element helps weaken the element of this sector as it destroys wood.

WU GWEI - Five Ghosts -South East :

Facing this direction may cause you to lose business due to internal errors and staff back
stabbing, change at once.
Display a red resin dragon in this sector. The dragon is a good symbol for the east and a red one
will help weaken the negative wood energy. You may also want to put a painting or drawing of
some mountains in this area of your room.
Diffuse the negative chi from this direction by placing EARTH objects like porcelain vases,
colored pebbles and crystals.
Destroy the negative sector with fire, lights candles, red furnishings.

LUI SHA - Six Killings South :

Facing this direction whilst you work will destroy your career, Change at once.
Sleeping in this direction weakens your health and destroys your ability to develop in your work
Display crystals in the south to weaken the six Killings.
Display your China collection in the South.

CHUEH MING - Total Loss North :

Avoid this direction at all costs.
Your main door should not face or be located in the North sector of your home. If it is, try to use
another door to enter your home if at all possible.
Negate the sha-chi from this direction with a Brass Mirror facing North
Place some agate here to combat illness and misfortune.
The element here is water so using wood elements in this area should help to dispel the negative
chi because wood weakens the negative water energy.

Please note these suggetions work best when you live alone or live with people who have the
same good and bad directions otherwise if you weaken an bad area for you you may weaken a
good area for them. Kua 2 people are compatible with 5, 8, 6 and 7.

Kua number 2 • Auspicious & Inauspicious directions

Kua numbers are associated with four auspicious and four inauspicious directions. It also
provides suggestions as to how to increase the positive energy and prevent the bad effects of the
negative directions.
Feng Shui Kua number calculator : Find your Kua number, lucky directions, unlucky directios

Auspicious directions for Kua Number 2

Sheng Chi • Direction for Prosperity

This auspicious direction brings in wealth and success.
Direction - Northeast

1. Face this direction while performing important activities.

2. Display pictures of carp fish in this direction as it signifies wealth.
3. Sleep with the head pointing this direction.
4. There should be no clutter.
5. Main door of the house should face this direction.

Related Link How to use feng shui to attract love

Tien Yi • Direction for Health

This auspicious direction is meant for good health.
Direction - West
1. For protection against ailments place a pair of Ki-lin’s in this direction.
2. Precious Gourds symbolize good health and long life. Hang these in the west corner.
3. Sleep facing this direction. It is better if the bedroom is placed in the west corner of the

Nien Yen • Direction for Romantic life

This auspicious direction strengthens bonds be it professional or personal.
Direction - Northwest

1. Place a pair of Mandarin duck in this corner.

2. Place tortoise in this direction. It symbolizes healthy relationship.
3. A pair of Rose quartz hearts can be placed in the northwest direction of the bedroom.

Fu Wei • Direction for Personal Growth

This auspicious direction brings in good luck and personal development.
Direction - Southwest

1. Place Statues of Elephant for personal growth.

2. Money Turtle symbolizes stability and thus should be placed in this direction.
3. If there is any corner in this direction of the house sit there to meditate.
4. Place a crystal globe in this direction and spin it to activate personal growth.
5. Place a picture of carp fishes preferably 9 of them to stimulate wealth.

Related Link Tips to use feng shui for wealth

Kua Number 2 Inauspicious directions • Neutralizing their effect

Ho Hai • Direction bringing Bad luck

This inauspicious direction leads to failure and struggle. Negative energy brings in bad luck and
Direction - East

1. Display pictures of mountains in this area.

2. Do not face this direction while working.
3. Do not place any water feature in this direction.

Related Link Important feng shui symbols for homes

Wu Gui • Direction of Five Ghosts

This inauspicious direction causes miscommunication and deceit with its negative energy.
Direction - Southeast
1. Earth elements such as porcelain vases should be placed in this direction.
2. Place Kuan Kung and the Four Heavenly Kings. These protect from evil or fraudulent

Liu Sha • Direction of Six Killings

This inauspicious direction causes physical harm like accidents or surgeries with its negative
energy. Legal problems such as lawsuits and divorces increase.
Direction - South

1. Do not sleep with the head pointing in this direction.

2. Do not work in this direction.
3. Crystals should be displayed in this area.

Jueh Ming • Direction of Total Loss

It is the worst direction. This inauspicious direction causes trouble in relationships and career. It
harms health and financial stability with its negative energy.
Direction - North

1. Avoid using this direction for all activities.

2. Do not live in a house that has its main door in this direction.
3. Do not place any water feature in this direction.
4. If one needs to use this direction for work, place a statue of Kuan Kung behind you.

Kua Number Two People

Kua Number Two Quick Facts:

Your Element: Big Earth
Your Colors: Yellow, Beige, Taupe, Pale Orange
Your Group: West
Your Chinese Trigram: Kun, the energy of dark, soft, weak, persistence and dependability.
Energized Body Parts: Abdomen, Spleen, Stomach
Best Time of Day: Afternoon
Power Objects: Square Items, Clothes, Silk, Tiles, Clay Objects (especially in beige or pale
Lucky Numbers: 2, 11, 20 (and all numbers that when its digits are added together result in a
sum that can be reduced to 2)
Overall Description of Kua Number Two People (this does not need to be an exact match):
You are born under the year of the KUN trigram with the Kua Number Two of the element
Earth. You are under the element of Earth which means that you are likely to be a traditionalist.
You are conservative, stable and when it comes to work, you tend to be thorough before making
the final decision. You stand out to be the most loyal and self-sacrificing person, as compared
with the rest of the kua numbers. Your motto is others come first before you. You can be
classified as Soft Earth (Soil). Being a strong-minded person, you tend to be stubborn and do not
budge easily. You can either be a best friend or a deadly foe to others.

How Kua Number Two Earth People are Compatible with the Other Kua Element People
• EARTH: Able to get along well together without any complication.
• METAL: Likely to be compatible as mates, siblings, friends or business partners but
occasionally might lock horns.
• WATER: You are likely to be controlling a person with a water element. To be harmonious, do
try a give way sometimes.
• WOOD: Wood element tends to control and dominate earth element. It will be best to avoid
each other otherwise learn to be tolerant with each other.
• FIRE: Likely to be good allies and fire is your biggest fan. There is no problem with
understanding each other.

Source: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feng Shui, Third Edition

Your Four Personal BEST Directions and Areas in a Room or House

The Meaning of Your 8 Lifetime Directions

Based on the time of your birth, your Kua Number (also called your Gau number or the Pau Kau
number) reveals the four best energy areas in your environment that support your continued
growth in success and happiness.

The Kua number also warns you of the four energies in your space that sap your strength and
cause problems. It’s best to stay out of these four most disturbing energy areas, which can
increase your stress and keep you feeling down. These best and worst energy areas are specific to
your birth date and stay with you for life.

As you are learning how to use your personal feng shui energies (by simply spending more time
in the four good ones and avoiding the four stressful ones), consider putting a sticky note on your
walls to show where all eight directions are.
For more attractive feng shui, order the feng shui posters (a sample is shown below) which are
already labeled with your compass direction and your purpose for that area and the physical
element needed in that area. These posters are very helpful when you hang them in spaces where
you spend a lot of time (like an office, classroom, or conference room).
Once you have them up, you are able to choose one of your four best seats in the room, with just
a quick glance at the walls. These posters will keep you in your best directions and help you
avoid the four dangerous ones.

Your goal is to always sit and sleep in your best areas because you are then tapping into
supportive energy which gives you great benefits, such as an edge in your creativity, more
influence over other people and a boost to your health.

Note: It’s most important to FIRST create a strong feng shui organized home, bedroom or work
environment (clutter-reduced and color-coded with appropriate objects) BEFORE you use the
secrets revealed here. So, check that each of your nine bagua areas is color coded and has at least
one appropriate element object

Your #1 Best Direction (which the Chinese call: Sheng Chi; or English translation: Life Chi
Energy) is the North East.
If you spend lots of time in the North East it will bring you: personal wealth, great prosperity,
success and respectability.

Your "Sheng Chi" is known as the Wealth and Success Area and Direction. This is the strongest,
most supportive energy direction and location to spend time in. Try to enter your home through a
door that is located in this area of your home.
Although you could certainly sleep with the top of your head pointing in this direction, it may be
too much good energy and not calm enough to offer the most peaceful sleep. Use your health
direction (below) instead.
You should face this direction when you are doing business with clients, customers or patients.
Teachers and presenters should face this direction when lecturing, as well as, when conferencing
with parents, students or clients.
When you work alone and need to concentrate, it’s very good to have your BACK toward this
direction, because it props you up like a strong, comfy chair.

How To Decorate Your Kua Number Two Wealth and Success Area and Direction:
This fortunate area for you is in the northeast, which is energized by earth elements, such as
crystals, stones, clay, porcelain, dirt, tile, and ceramics. The earth colors are pale yellow, beige
and very light tan.
The number eight builds up the energy in the northeast, so a group of eight rocks or crystals is
supportive. Any earthen objects that represent education or wisdom, and things that are short and
square (like square clay pots) will enhance the power in this space.
Earth is created from fire, so splashes of red and eight candles or lights will be effective here.
Earth is weakened by wood, so avoid wood objects and don’t have any permanent green décor
The color turquoise matches the wisdom and education color of the northeast and so it is a strong
northeast energizer. The poster below shows a turquoise-colored stone sculpture of an owl
(wisdom) on top of a stone pillar. Placing this image in the northeast will strengthen your
personal feng shui direction for wealth and success. Place it in a red frame or add a red lamp near
this image to add the strength of the fire element. Then remember to spend lots of time near this

Your Health Area and Direction: West

Your 2nd best direction is West and it brings good health and safety. Activating this sector will
cure illness and sickness. The source of this Tien Yi energy brings good health and cures to those
who are suffering from illnesses. It is good if the bedroom or dining hall is located in the west.
When your oven door points to this direction it enhances the curing effect of this energy.
A front door located here will also bring honor from someone of prominence. Enhance this
location with metal objects or stone objects to give health a boost. Eat or work in this location
when getting over an illness. Use objects in groups of seven, such as seven crystal balls.
Decorate in colors of white, gray, or silver.
Your Love Area and Direction: Northwest
Your 3rd best direction is Northwest and it is for good relationships. Activating this sector will
create harmonious family relationships. Where there are quarrels or bickering, it will be best to
activate this location with feng shui cures resulting in a more harmonious relationship.
The northwest is the "heaven" location and benefits from having round shapes here. Stimulate
romance by putting a small fan on a 6-rod hollow wind chime. Enhance this area to create good
relationships with anyone. Add a stereo or radio here to enhance your love life.
Your Growth Area and Direction: Southwest
Your 4th best direction is Southwest and it is represented as stability, clear thinking and good
life. It is the best area for children to study and this space creates kindness, respect and
In personal feng shui, the Southwest is your growth and wisdom direction. Work in this location
to improve your standing, study in this direction, and locate beneficial activities here, such as
dining to improve all areas of life. Are you trying to start over from any kind of setback? If so,
this is direction to face or be in. Enhance this area with globes, vases, or pictures of mountains or

How to Tap into These Kua Number Two Best Energy Areas
• Try to sleep, eat, work, or be in these sectors of your home
• Do as many activities as possible in these sectors
• Face these directions when working, eating, or sitting in your living room
• Sleep with the top of your head pointed in one of these directions
• Enter your home or office from a door that faces one of these directions

Your Kua Number Two Unfortunate Directions and Areas: East, Southeast, South, North

Your 4th Worst direction is East and this sector brings mishaps and accidents that leads to
disaster. It will create arrogance, arguments, losses and losing money.
Try to avoid the east sector and/or direction. This area can cause arguments and legal problems
or some kind of accident. You will be blamed for problems, if you occupy this sector too much.
Your 3rd Worst direction is Southeast and it is called the 5 Ghosts. This direction will bring fire,
accidents, backstabbing and result in many quarrels within the household. It will lead to losses,
confusion, sex scandals and burglary. To suppress the ill effect, it is best to locate your toilet or
kitchen in this Wu Kuei sector.
The southeast and south can cause accidents, misfortune, and difficulties, such as lawsuits,
burglary or fire. If your front door faces this direction, your family may leave you. If you have a
business with a front door facing this direction, employees may leave. This is a good location for
a kitchen or toilet.
Your 2nd Worst direction is South and it causes legal problems, conflict or grievous harm to
your family. Family members will constantly get ill which could lead to death. This location is
best for a toilet or kitchen area which suppresses this negative energy.
Your Worst direction is North and it is called Total Loss. This direction will bring a demotion or
job loss and if your main door faces here then you will lose your descendants or family members.
This sector can cause misfortune, bankruptcy, broken marriages, illness or death.
Strenuously avoid the north because it is the VERY worst direction for you. A front door facing
this direction can lead to a loss of children or other close family members. Infertility can also
arise, causing the family name to die out. Wealth will also be lost. This is a good location for a
kitchen or a toilet.

Your Kua #2 Dress for Success Tip

As you are an Earth element, you may be best wearing your success direction palette of Earth
colors , including beige, sand, soft tan, and cream. Since Fire builds Earth, you may also benefit
from wearing Red, either as an accent or as the main color near your face. Wearing colors from
these two families will also make you more appealing to others. Do you also love to wear white?
That's fine, because it helps you make a statement. Wearing clothes that are too baggy and
clothes that fit tightly around your middle are not a good choice for you.
Kua 2 people like belts, comfortable waistbands and untucked shirts- hospital scrubs could be
one of your favorites. They also prefer to buy traditional, high quality clothing that can last for
Following these special Kua number guidelines for dressing can make you feel more confident
and help you be more successful out in the business world.
Kua # Sheng Chi Tien Yi Nien Yen Fu Wei
(Money & (Health &
(Love & Family) (Personal Development)
Success) Mentors)
1 Light Green Deep Green Red, Orange, Pink Blue, Black
White, Gold,
2 Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
3 Red, Orange, Pink Blue, Black Light Green Deep Green
4 Blue, Black Red, Orange, Pink Deep Green Light Green
5 Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
White, Gold,
6 Yellow, Brown Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver
White, Gold,
7 Yellow, Brown Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver
8 Yellow, Brown White, Gold, Silver White, Gold, Silver Yellow, Brown
9 Deep Green Light Green Blue, Black Red, Orange, Pink

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