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3:07 / 7:31
Deceiver of Fools - Within Temptation (Lyrics)
Published on Jun 12, 2010

Deceiver of Fools, by Within Temptation (with lyrics). All credits to them.

Standard YouTube License
"Deceiver Of Fools" by Within Temptation (Google Play • iTunes)


Rory Turing
4 years ago (edited)
I think of this as a song about Abrahamic religions as a whole...the belief in a vicious, genocidal
monster called god/yahweh/allah, who people love and worship, who makes people believe love
is wrong, and women are less than men. Talk about a deceiver of hearts, fools, and hopes, who
rules with fear(genocide(in Judaism)/going to hell if you don't believe in him(in
Christianity)/Jahannam(same as hell in Islam)...).
4 years ago
I think it's political not religions, religions don't do any harm unless it hurts someone in some
way emotional/mental/physical, deceiver of fools aka governments and bad people who want to
control us :), shall they rule again? she is indicating we all have a choice to let them walk all over
us again and believe them or take a true stand and take back your true freedom and your earth,
they tell us we are free but we are not at all.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 Religions do more harm than any other man made force. Not just in body count,
but in making people ignorant, bigoted, hateful, and actually train people out of their
empathy.Where an Atheist thanks a doctor for the hard work they did to save their lives,
religious people take that away and thank god, but if the doctor makes a mistake or simply can't
save the patient, it's their fault, not even the supposed evil known as the devil. Religons tell us to
cut our babies' genitalia in a gruesome, harmful, painful, and ENTIRELY unnecessary "sacrifice"
to god. It tells us women are to obey men, marry their rapists, and that they are not allowed to
speak out of turn. It tells us slavery is okay, that homosexuality is wrong, and that children who
disobey are to be killed...And it tells us that non-believers, or even those who believe in
ANOTHER idiotic delusion are to be killed, ignored, or hated, and people "warn" us of hell and
the tortures that come with it as a result. It's hateful, vicious, disgusting, and it NEEDS TO END!!!
Religion is poison. End of story.
4 years ago
Sorry to say but that's the way you think of it bt it's not nessicari;y true, it is only that way if the
people make it so but there are many other cults out there that only want peace not
destruction, you just need to look harder.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 To be fair, my views are almost strictly aimed at Abrahamic religion...and fact is,
those who follow it BEST(as in closest to how their holy books tell them to), are the Westboro
Baptist Church, Taliban/Sharia law, and other extremists. In my mind, those who don't follow
their holy texts to the letter might as well just be atheists, or, at least, agnostics. And yes, the
way I think IS true. It's the way the RELIGION wants to be, and it depends how well people obey.
Thank goodness less and less people blindly follow such evil books these days. They clearly
reason for themselves, and just use their books as a show of their belief, without actually
reading or following them. It's those people I have no problem with.
4 years ago
Nobody is any better than each other these days lol so nobody can call anyone but that's what
people do these days even when they have made their own mistakes, i think people need to not
call others when their own hands are not clean, every single one of has done something we
were not proud of and things we just had to do to get by, nobody is perfect but you have to
remember there is so much that goes into it with religions from the fact that people are not born
that way but their parents and family teach them in these ways and a lot of people from
religions run away to get away from their families and start their lives on their own without
religion, many muslims here in the UK move here to scrap most of their religion but even
atheists these days have no direction of where they are really going, if it's not them judging and
criticizing others it's listening to today's music and copying what the lyrics tell them to do or
twerking, nobody is different. I know there is and always will be a handful of us though who
won't do this so find them and don't focus on this stuff, never mind what others do.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 That's just it...I don't call people evil, or think they're less than me...Religion does.
Religion is evil. Religion is poison. The worst people in history, MOST of them, by a VAST majority,
were religious...Hitler was Christian, but his fuel was just that...His religion. He was inspired by
"god" to do what he did...I've seen videos that show he wasn't just some monster, like we see
him, thanks to the history books. What he did in the name of religion was monstrous, but there
is footage of him being flirtatious, sweet, and even CUTE...You are right. All people are equal.
And of course there are other things than religion that breed violence, such as
power/control(which was Stalin's drive). But the worst crimes in history are 99% thanks to
religion. The Crusades, Dark Ages, people being sacrificed by having their heart's cut from their
chests, people cutting their children's genitalia(which is NOT a hygienic necessity, by the way,
and not only performed on boys for that matter), racism, homophobia, "faith healing", giving
credit to god/blaming doctors, and I haven't even BEGUN to scratch the surface, are ALL in the
name of religion. People are equal. Religion is poison.
4 years ago
Keep your ignorant comments to yourself. If you believe religion is poison then that's your choice
but, don't go around saying crap like that. How would you like if i bashed something you strongly
believed in? Shut the fuck up and learn some RESPECT since apparently your parents didn't
teach you to have any.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Heatherfeatherz5 Tell me...Who is disrespectful? Those who believe people are doomed to and
eternity of suffering and torture for believing in the "wrong" god(s), or for LOVING the "wrong"
sex? Or is it those who believe we are all equal, born good and without evil, who UNDERSTAND
that love is pure no matter the genders/sexes involved, and who UNDERSTAND that morality is
subjective? Is it respectful to believe people are to be sent to hell? Is it respectful to believe
women are beneath men? That gays are committing abomination in loving the same sex? Tell
me...Who is disrespectful? I respect people for what they are born with. Their sex, gender,
sexuality, race, any birth defects, genetic mutations, or mental disorders and the like...I DO NOT
respect things people are raised with if they are hateful, and religion is one of those hateful
things. There has NEVER been a reason for any of the things I listed before that were not
religious issues, so before you comment about my "lack of respect", look at who I'm calling out.
THEN we can talk.
Lilly kola
Lilly kola
4 years ago
+Silver Starr
What is your problem? You can´t say, you hate every religion, because you can´t know every
religion. Your right, some religions are bad for the normal people, like this extremists, but not all
religions are harmful or evil. What is with the ones, who believe in god and think, that noone is
evil in his heart and can do good things, IF HE WANT. Some people are just believing, because
they haven´t learn something else, they don´t think like you or me. And the ones, who do evil
things just don´t think, that they doing bad things, because there´s something wrong with their
brains... And, you must see, not every crime comes from religion. There are enough crimes in
this world, and there are enough atheists, who are also murderer or something else. For
example a war. There you have many reasons, like greed, or anger, or hypersensitivity on both
sites, that you can´t only make religion responsible for this.
4 years ago
Lol he's a troll guys... don't reply to him, people like him are just toxic to people around them
and they intentionally disagree or say bad things to get a reaction even when that's not what
they necessarily believe, it's the same when people ask for advice a lot of people are just not
genuine about their intentions they just want attention and they could say they have problems
and even if they do they may not actually be telling you their real problems because they are
convinced everyone are judgmental hypocrites but this isn't the right way to get it i'm afraid... so
i would stop reacting to people like this.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 Actually, I was just stating my opinion. Also, I'm a girl. If my opinion is
controversial, why is it suddenly okay to tell me to shut up and attack me? I'm not a troll. I just
say what I think. If people get pissed for it, I WILL fight back.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Lilly kola Okay, fair enough...I hate all the Abrahamic religions because they cause more death
and destruction than ANY OTHER KNOWN CAUSE!!! Yes, power and money are issues too, but
religion has both money AND power. It's the ultimate weapon.
4 years ago
Lol then it's not worth it, everyone has different opinions you can't win against anyone because
everyone has a different way of seeing what's bad and good, ain't no point in arguing with
anyone, most people these days only wanna see what they want to so it's not worth getting your
opinion to be seen when people are just going to frustrate you, people think friends should be
quantity not quality these days but in each of our life times only a few people will ever really be
open enough to see past all the prejudices, the rest you just can't talk to them they are as hard
headed and stubborn as each other, just no point in these arguments we get online lol.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 I can't help it. If I post my opinion, and I get bullshit for it, I'm fighting back. It's
what I do online and off. It doesn't matter where I am, I WILL state my opinions, and if they're
attacked because they're "not popular", I will fight back. Funny enough I have both quality AND
quantity in all of my friends as a result. They know I won't lie to them, and if I'm harsh, it's
because I care.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Diana Relmore *Sigh* Yet another person who thinks theirs is the "right" religion...There are
well over 30,000 interpretations of the bible alone. What's to say yours is right? Also, the fact is, I
WAS Xian once. I believed devoutly. Fact of the matter is, a little logic, and the whole thing fell
apart. The slightest amount of thought, and every word became part of a horrible fairy tale,
praising the ultimate monsters...Yes, I have cracked open a bible, as you put it...Fact is, I don't
blame god, I blame RELIGION, which, yes, is a man-made concept...There is no god. I don't blame
Voldemort, for instance, for anything. He's not real...Granted, though there are really obsessive
fans, no one over the age of 12 believes Harry Potter is real...The bible is just as ridiculous...To
believe in the Abrahamic god is the same delusion as believing in Zeus, Ra, Thor, or Cthulu..There
is NO "right" religion. They're all just myths that will end up being shown as VERY good
imagination...if they haven't been already...So believe in your invisible sky-Hitler all you like, but
don't EVER tell someone they should follow you. It's not going to save them from a non-existent
hell...or help them into the equally fake heaven. There is NO afterlife. This is the ONLY existence
we get, so treat it like a rare and incredible treasure...because that's what it is. When we die,
that's it.
4 years ago
Shush your pie holes people and stop trollin' each other, your addicted to arguments lol, cos
they be trollin' they hatin' do do do.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 In my experience, the biggest trolls are the ones who ask people to stop arguing.
I'm not even arguing, to be honest, just commenting. If you don't want this showing up in your
alerts, must the post.
4 years ago
You post knowing that people will respond... you make it seem like a good convo at first then
turn it into some silly political argument and you only want people to always get your point all
the time and you intentionally disagree with each other to try and pull each other down, why do
you have to try and pull each other down?.

You hide behind a computer screen but i bet you couldn't say any of this to each others faces, so
i don't want to see no more in my notifications so shh!, it's been going on long enough and all
i'm thinking is how silly you all sound. Just breath... and realize someone getting your point all
the time is silly, because people won't... people are as stubborn as each other and they only
want to see what they want to, so tell me is it worth attacking each other all the time?,
noop...There was one comment i made that wasn't really serious at all and guess how long
people debated over such a light hearted comment? since November 20th... and just the other
day is when they stopped because i pointed out how long they were arguing and picking at such
little things that are not even there...
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 No. Actually, I didn't expect anyone to comment to me to begin with. I just posted
my opinion. Kind of funny though, the double standard, here...Someone else thinks the song is
about the devil. One comment in Spanish (Translated to "I think it goes well with the church"),
and not for nearly a month after the first comment (I know it says 1 month ago on Victoria's
comment, but it's almost at 2 months). I post, and I will give you that it took you longer to
comment, but it's annoying that one person gets a very brief comment in agreement, but I get a
long comment that really has NOTHING to do with what I said. The POINT of this song is to
interpret it how a person wants. I saw people commenting with how they viewed it, so I posted
my own. Yeah, I fight back after that. It's stupid to comment when the person you're replying to
didn't provoke a comment to begin with. Why didn't you comment the same way to Victoria? Is
it because my opinion is more controversial? If so, how is that fair?
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Diana Relmore 1: " is you who has not tried with an open mind to go on the search for the
RIGHT religion." Uh...yeah...that sounds like a really pathetic attempt at reverse psychology to
make me follow your religion. NO religion is right...I have made a conclusion because after
leaving Xianity I searched through NUMEROUS other religions, from Wicca, Pagan, and even the
ancient mythologies to Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, etc...(Hell, I even tried
Scientology!!!) I have found that ONLY Buddhism is worth a damn, and that's because, though
it's called a religion, it's a PHILOSOPHY, not a least by my definition(belief in a specific
higher power, like a god/gods/spirits, etc...). Every full-on religion is foolishness. It's a simple fact.

2: Uh...No...The more logic I use, the more stupid the bible becomes. The more I think, the more
I realize how utterly childish all Abrahamic religions are...just like Norse, Greek, and Native
American mythologies...or like Hinduism, Paganism, and so on.

3: I HAVE looked for the truth my entire life. The only truth resides in evidence, proof, logic,
reason, and a LACK of blind faith in some non-existent creature(s). What you said however IS
right...If you don't search for the truth, you do yourself an injustice. Thank humanity for science.
I found it through that.
4 years ago
See what i mean guys.... just trollin' :\ id stop commenting if i were you because this will go on
for months on end if you don't.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 *sigh* Again, just commenting in reply to state my opinion, and fight back against
the people who are so utterly AGAINST how I think is NOT TROLLING! Trolling is looking for a
fight. I never wanted one, but defending myself against trolls is fully within my rights. It's find to
not like someone's opinions. But the way I see it, as long as an opinion doesn't flat out attack a
group of people(ie. gay people, people of other races, the other sex, people of non-binary
gender, etc...), then you have the 1st Amendment(but so does the Westboro Baptist Church), but
you still SHOULDN'T attack someone, as people on this comment section have done me, but if
you do anyway, EXPECT to have the first person fight back! It's all I've been doing. YOU are the
troll, Emmabee11...Why? Because you initiated a fight. I just posted my opinion. That's it. I'm not
a troll. I'm just posting against the trolls here. But yes. DO leave me alone. You keep telling
everyone else to, so why aren't you gone? Hm? Is it because you feel I shouldn't get a final say?
Is my opinion so inferior? Or are you blind to what a troll really is...?
4 years ago
Found a way to mute an entire post, go right to the top and click the little arrow and click "Mute
post", you won't have to see this crap any more, a point is a point but people go overboard so if i
were you i would do this on all these posts, nobody should have to put up with this.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+emmabee11 .......................I told you to mute the post a few comments ago...
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Diana Relmore I agree, then, and I am sorry...Truly, I am. Even if people don't know my exact
views on religion (though, I honestly don't care if you just happen to believe...), the moment
they find out I'm an Atheist, they freak out, and I always get lines like that trying to pull me into
the cult(sorry, but that is what all religion is to me, even Buddhism, even though I see it as
philosophy that is treated as a religion, and not a 'real' religion). I can't help but get defensive
when it comes to the subject. Also, I'm not a kid...Most Bronies are adults(actually...ALL of us
are, as "Bronies" are literally adult fans of My Little Pony). I'm 23 (okay, so I'm a "kid" to older
people, but really, what's the point in growing up? You lose that wonder and love for life kids
have. I'll stay a kid, thanks XD). I've figured out who I am though, without a shadow of a doubt.
What I'll do with my life is another story. I love acting, and pretty much everything to do with the
film and theatre I do hope for something there, even though I know it's extremely
unlikely. No idea why I'm telling you this...My point is, I do have a life off the internet, and
outside just being an Atheist, and I wish more people were like you and actually didn't care what
I do or don't believe in. There's more to me than that...
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Vincent Klep I agree, but then, all god/spirit based religions ARE still delusions, and blind people
to science and logic. But if someone wants to believe, I don't have an issue. It's when people's
rights are taken away or wars are caused that I get angry.
Zachary Repassy
Zachary Repassy
4 years ago
Wow, the lack of understanding you have baffles me. Human's are imperfect creatures, a corrupt
person cause lead crowds of faithful people only cause they are blind, blind to his teachings. God
said he would spare a whole city if just 1 person was faithful. That isn't a god who rules with fear,
but with compassion
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Zachary Repassy And instead of the still-innocent babies and young children(it's a city, they
were in there and could have been adopted by "just" people), he spared a man who offered up
his daughters to be raped, both of whom later raped their own father, got pregnant(on the first
try, which is EXTREMELY unlikely), and whose mother was turned into salt for LOOKING AT THE
CITY!!! Yep! God's great...! Or how about the whole being all-knowing and "all-loving" and letting
a man he KNEW was truly faithful to him be TORTURED with the POINTLESS murder of his 10
children, the loss of his wife, the destruction of his crops, murder of his animals, betrayal of his
friends, SEVERE disease, etc...? He knew the outcome, but couldn't just IGNORE the little asshole
who placed the bet in the first place? Yep! Great guy again! OR telling a man to murder his own
son(which proved Abraham INSANE as a result, because the sick fuck actually was going to do
it!!!!), only to back out at the last second to introduce the pointless, unnecessary, and PAINFUL
ritual of circumcision to the world...Seriously, can you give me ONE good thing he did?
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Vincent Klep Erm...No. Life is about living. Be yourself, but don't hurt or attack others. We only
have this ONE life. When we die, that's it. Make the most of your life, while doing your best not
to fuck it over for someone else by hating them for something they can't control, as long as it
doesn't hurt people. Homosexuality does not hurt anyone, so there is no reason to hate it.
Pedophilia DOES hurt people specifically kids, obviously, so there IS reason to hate it. Violent
psychosis DOES hurt people. It's okay to hate it. Religion is the #1 cause of hate, bigotry, death,
and prejudice in the world, and therefore deserves hate. Sexuality regarding the
same/opposite/other gender(s) is 100% harmless, and there is NOTHING there to hate. My point
is, perfection has nothing to do with it. I don't aim to be perfect, not by a LONG shot. I aim to be
happy, and to make other people happy in the long as they aren't using this life to
ruin the lives of others (ie. taking marriage rights away)
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Vincent Klep There is nothing to hate about a skin color, yet people hate it. There is no reason
for it, but it exists. Just because there is nothing to hate doesn't mean hate can't exist. There is
no god, yet people believe in one. There is nothing there TO believe in, but people do. It's the
same issue.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Vincent Klep No. Not in the slightest. Actually, that's about the stupidest thing I'e ever read.
Kids believe in unicorns, leprechauns, Santa Claus, etc...NONE of them actually exist. You don't
have to be able to literally touch something to know it's there, but there has to be EVIDENCE of
its existence, and it has to be something more than just one person can experience/test/etc...
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Vincent Klep Fair enough, but emotions don't point to reason. One can hate without something
TO hate
3 years ago
Not a religious person but I must say... it's not the god it's people using it to manipulate others
into doing stupid shit like that. It's also people reading into it thinking it's a literal way they
should live their life instead of lessons to be better people. And no one seems to realize that it
wasn't a god that wrote that book.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
3 years ago
+warhawk9566 I know all that...But that's why I put some blame on the fictional character. It's
disturbing to me that people think putting cartoony versions of Noah's ark, a fucking GENOCIDE
STORY in their babies' bedrooms, or wear torture devices in honor of one man who may or may
not have existed...and use those things and anything else in that book to threaten people, or
excuse themselves from crime and intolerance. I think of how things WOULD have been today if
Hitler had won WWII, and we were all made to think what he did was right, and excuse his
genocide with the same crap. "He did it for the right reasons" "It was necessary at the time" "He
did what he had to do" "Those people were bad, and deserved to die", etc...The same bullshit
excuses people give for the flood or Sodom and Gomorrah...And it's disgusting...I don't know
who wrote the bible...but I blame them too, however, the character of god and the character of
Jesus are to blame as well, just because people think they're real.
3 years ago
Ummm... no one thought hitler was right but a few germans, and even then most didn't know he
was committing a genocide (that word also didn't even exist at the time) They knew he was
separating Jews from the rest of the German people and sending them off to work camps but
most thought that's all it was, not a mass extermination. Also, Hitler rarely used religion to
excuse his actions or convince people to side with him, only when he was desperate. And as for
the war, the German people were wronged by the ww1 allies, they really were, and Hitler
convinced them he was going to rebuild Germany to it's former state of glory, when at the time
he came in power the Deutschmark was worthless and just about every German lived in poverty.
That was Godwins law at it's finest dude.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
3 years ago
+warhawk9566 Read Mein Kampf. The entire central view of the Nazis was that they were doing
the Christian god's work! Yeah, it was VERY religious! Also, I'm talking about how the world
would view things if he'd won...not how they did then or do now. History is written by the
victors. He'd make it "okay". Also, whether the word was used or not, is entirely moot. It's
unnecessary to point that out. That doesn't mean that stories of genocide didn't exist. They just
didn't use the word. The point of what I am saying is simply this: If the biblical god were real, and
he were human, he would have been EXACTLY like Hitler. Think about it. Telling people he was
the way to glory, and tossing those who didn't love him and follow his laws into a lake of fire(or a
gas chamber/human oven)...But people who believe the biblical god exists excuse his mass
murders and the ideology of burning those who don't bow to his will...It's the same thing, but
under the regime of a fictional character in a book that claims to be fact.
Erica Darkward
Erica Darkward
3 years ago
+Silver Starr
i'm a Christian, and i don't believe that women are less than men or that homosexuality is
wrong, or that having sex before marriage or being in open relationships are wrong. Not ALL
Christians believe everything the Bible says lol
Erica Darkward
Erica Darkward
3 years ago
+Silver Starr
And I would never hurt or kill anyone for not believing in God. I would hurt them if they attacked
me or someone else, but not just for no reason, oh and also I might consider hurting someone if
they were constantly threatening my friend, but that's pretty much it
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
3 years ago
+Erica Darkward Then you pick and choose what you trust the bible for. I am confused by that
mentality. Either it's god's perfect word, or it isn't. I don't get it...And I really was Christian once.
It never made sense then, and it really doesn't now that I'm off the religious drug, but...That's
honestly just me.
((Also...I am sorry if this particular comment was incoherent...I feel fine, but I just had oral
surgery a couple days ago, and I'm on quite a bit of medicine for pain and might
be more loopy than I realize.))
3 years ago
Hold up hold up. Let me get this straight. You insult religious people for blindly worshipping a
book and doing every little thing it says. But when one guy comes up and says "Not true, I'm
religious, but I think for myself, and I personally don't believe every little thing the bible says."
You insult him for it? I'm not religious whatsoever but i don't see why people just can't let each
other believe what they want to believe
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
3 years ago
+warhawk9566 Please pay closer attention. That's not what was going on.
3 years ago
you start it off with how god makes people kill and teaches horrible things. And when someone
disagrees with you, "Why would you pick and choose? It's either gods perfect world or not." So
enlighten, me, what part of that did I miss? And you realize that the Bible was written by a man
write? And that it's been rewritten and "edited" more times than you or I could possibly count.
Chic Bryant
Chic Bryant
1 year ago
its about the illlumenauti ik. that
Spencer Koelle
Spencer Koelle
10 months ago
Frellnacker, you don't know jack shit about the Illumenauti.
Scarlet Hyacinth
Scarlet Hyacinth
3 weeks ago
Interesting interpretation. I actually think you may have a point. I just came off another song
"The Truth Behind The Rose", where the singer says "I've lost my faith in holy wars". I don't know
if WT intended this particular song to be taken that way, but nevertheless, it does make sense in
a way.
I personally think that religion is a product of mankind, and is thus fundamentally flawed. That is
why it is so dangerous - because people turn something they themselves have created into
something divine. My belief is that divinity does exist, but we don't have the capacity to truly
understand it. As such, we add our own interpretations to it. If you really look at religions, you'll
realize all of them - Abrahamic or not - are very similar, all containing some sort of ritualistic
practices, involving singing, offerings, burning substances that can have an affect on your mind
and so on and so forth. So, basically, I don't think any of them are particularly wrong or
particularly right - it's just all interpretation, and the core is the same. The problem is that, more
often than not, that interpretation involves hatred of anything that is different/considered
inferior. It's a vicious circle. People mentally create this because of their own hatred, then that
hatred is perpetuated and justified through their creation.
In the end, I think that, when it comes to faith, all you have to do is believe that whoever is out
there watching is good and kind, and would not want you to do harm unto others. And those
others includes everyone, not just the people like you. That is the only divinity that I can ever
accept - something that is beyond petty things like hatred. So, basically, be a decent person, and
you're good.
3 weeks ago (edited)
Spoken like a true fool fed on the lies of the deceived. The Bible says that God made Eve from
Adam's rib. The rib's purpose is to protect the heart and lungs; quite literally they guard your life
and breath. So, you could say the Bible says that a woman is the sanctuary in which her man
lives and breathes; without which his life feels hollow and every breath empty. I can see why the
relationship between man and woman was twisted. Psychologically, men are more interested in
things while women are more interested in people. An interest in things can manifest as an
unhealthy desire for material wealth; which the Bible preaches heavily against. 4 of the 7 Deadly
Sins are aspects of unhealthy desire based on what that desire reflects whether it be sex, food,
what others have, or merely earthly possessions. The Bible warns against all four specifically;
which is why they are "deadly" sins.

Throughout history, this unhealthy obsession with things is reflected in the world to be
mistakenly taught as the right path and to draw the envy of those who don't have those things. It
is only natural for that unbiblical attitude to seek to possess women as if they were just a
commodity and to completely warp the truth surrounding man's position versus woman's
position. Family and Love are the most valuable 'commodities' in this world because Family and
Love are quite possibly the only things that cannot become someone else's when the former
owner dies. Women got to stay at home with the family all day while men had to leave the
family while they went to work to provide for their family. The best part of a man's day would
have been when he came home to his family and the love it held in his heart while the worst
part was when he had to leave again for work. But, having turned away from the Bible and its
teachings, society turned the position of man into the enviable position rather than the pitiable
position that it actually was. The blame for that is not the Bible's or God's. If you actually
followed God, you could come to know this. It's sad that Feminism has robbed women of the
world they once held in exchange for a measly mountain of hollow pride rather than attacking
the real problem but what hope does mankind have when they think they know everything.

There is much in the Bible that reinforces the notion of Love. The greatest of the 7 Deadly Sins is
Pride and Pride will destroy everything. A heart filled with vain Pride is one devoid and incapable
of Love. I have so little Pride that I have to force myself to think of myself from time to time for
the sake of my mental health, and the notion of Love burns so fiercely in my heart that even the
anger I used to shake with does not compare. If you think the Bible preaches all you just said
against it, then you know nothing about its true message.

Religion is the venomous additive to God's Word that poisons it and causes the destruction.
Religion is man's interpretation of and behaviors surrounding a subject, and it can be added to
anything; even Atheism. Atheism is actually the perfect host because most atheists are too
ignorant in their carelessness to recognize its poisonous presence in their attitudes as they have
irrationally tied "religion" to "belief in God." It's like the main characters in Equilibrium: They
spurned emotion to rid themselves of war and its senseless murder, but their lack of emotion
left them open to the non-emotional dangers of Arrogance and Fear which drive the root of all
war. In that Arrogance and Fear, men justify everything in the name of security. And, Atheists
have left themselves open to the poisonous behaviors and attitudes that come with religious
cultism. Also, I know you are most likely going to laugh. You would not be the first and laughter
always follows when an ignorant atheist reads the previous point. Please surprise me by taking a
different route in response than "Atheism is a religion like..." response that I have received ad
nauseam. I have that street corner marked and mined, and I really would like a refreshing change
of pace.
2 weeks ago
+Scarlet Hyacinth If you read all through the Bible, you will find passages where God/Jesus (One
of the two though there is no distinction in the belief) spoke against the traditions carried out in
the belief towards God. The 10 Commandments speak against idolatry in all forms. When you
tear away the fluff surrounding such things, you realize that the hollow practices surrounding
religion, like wearing your Sunday Bests, are forms of idolatry because the Bible doesn't really
speak about doing that. Those behaviors are condemned by God and Jesus as they put an idol
between God and man.

"Holy Wars" does not really refer to God. A "Holy War" is a conflict born of some supreme
importance to those fighting. Traditionally, that is God, but the notion could easily be stolen by
those who don't actually stand for God but act like they do. Any unenlightened fool would follow
and fight in a said war because of that pretention to divinity. But that war will never be "Holy".
Start with the 10 Commandments and the 7 Deadly Sins as a point of reference. Consider the 10
Commandments in an existential light and define each of the 7 Deadly Sins and where to avoid
them. I can give you a hint for the 10 Commandments: The 1st Commandment "Thou shalt have
no other gods before me" can be translated, given what we know, to "put nothing and no one
between yourself and the source." This can also be interpreted as "Avoid Gatekeepers and
Middle-Men of Facts." In the day the Commandments were written, no one had a concept of
such a thing and God was the ultimate source, so it was worded as it was for simplicity sake.
Now, we have all forms of information sources. That Commandment tells us to seek the source
directly and never trust anyone to give it to us secondhand. If you've ever played "Telephone,"
you know exactly why. John 3:16 can easily become "I will call an elephant." The 1st
Commandment warns of how a message can be twisted the more 'links' in a chain that it has to
travel to and you have no idea who or what the person you put between yourself and the given
source puts between them and that source. The chain could be thousands, or millions, of people
long. It could even double back on itself a few hundred times. So, 1st Commandment: Get your
information from the source and trust no one to relay it. You can cross-reference what you are
reading with others, but you must get the facts straight from the source itself.
Milo Kovet
Milo Kovet
1 year ago
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine
10 months ago
HILLARY = PURE HONESTY! Even I am laughing to death with you...
Ahmet Mutlu
Ahmet Mutlu
7 months ago
wasnt it obama.
6 months ago
Emperor Palpatine obvious strawman is obvious.
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine
6 months ago
randomflashbacks Oh please...
4 months ago
Let's face facts; when we scrolled down to the comments section we all knew we where going to
see this comment from an idiotic 3rd world animal.
Frida Nyberg
Frida Nyberg
4 years ago
I don't get where people get the idea that the lyrics are about the devil from.
It sounds to me like your average tyrannical dictator, like we had so many of last century.
And cough Yahweh.
Luka Tyer
Luka Tyer
2 years ago
How about an Evanescence and Within Temptation crossover?
1 year ago
+Luka Tyer <
Hai :P
Hai :P
1 year ago
1 year ago
Nope. Never.
I am just disappointed the Tarja one happened when W.T. was like they are now. I will always
love W.T., but still sucks they don't make music like they used to.
I would love to see them work with Epica. Hell, even Lacuna Coil.
Hai :P
Hai :P
1 year ago
+PayneintheKass i agree they sound so different now i miss there old style.
Matheus Andrade Rodrigues
Matheus Andrade Rodrigues
1 year ago
Evanescence is so unoriginal :/
Hai :P
Hai :P
1 year ago
+Matheus Andrade Rodrigues that is so not true.
1 year ago
Its not unoriginal, they just dont have symphonic arrangements so their songs dont feel so epic
Kitty Cat Lolipop
Kitty Cat Lolipop
4 months ago
Luka Tyer omg yesssssssss
Michelle S
Michelle S
1 year ago
This was the first song on my Spotify shuffle after Trump got chosen.. Its obviously trying to tell
me something.
1 year ago
REsistANDce IS NOT FUTILE, indeed;)
Ahmet Mutlu
Ahmet Mutlu
7 months ago
deceiver of fools allready god the worls.but its not trump. he is not that good at lying like the
master of fools
3 years ago
Good lord almighty the comments section of Youtube are some of the most self-righteous,
opinionated, and moronic places in all of the internet. At least other sites who bother with
comments sections know that the majority will be troll comments. Here though? I get the
distressing notion that most of you part time philosophers believe you are in some way making a
bold and daring statement for all to hear. As if you are breaking some sort of political or cultural
ground on discussing deep matters that affect everyone, ON YOUTUBE!
I mean wow, as someone who says live and let freaking live I don't know how many videos I've
come across where people prattle on about things and topics and beliefs that at the end of the
day no one will give one, not ONE damn about. "Religion is evil, no it's not you are, Obama is the
devil, no he's not. The government is great, no it's evil."

I mean you people do realize nothing you say nothing you comment on matters right? Look at
me! I am typing this monster of a comment knowing not a one person will care about this, but I
am sick and tired of the Youtube part time philosophers club of DEEP thinkers running around
this site with thousands of videos of cats, dogs, Harlem Shake, Gangam Style and whatever else
and thinking the whole world wants to and needs to hear your bull! It does nothing more then
frustrate and annoy people, and not just those who feel like countering a statement and causing
a comment war, it frustrates those of us who are apparently foolish enough to want to see what
they thought would be fellow fans of a song say about the song and not walls of text devoted to
nothing but spiteful and argumentative comments.

So what if someone says this song represents religion? That's their opinion, and like your
backside everyone has one, get over it, it will LIKELY differ from person to person. Does this song
represent Satan? For you it does, and that's a wonderful thing! That means this song was crafted
in such a way that it could be interpreted in many different ways from different viewpoints. Like
any good media would do it gives someone meaning where it does not another. I'm
the fool for posting such a long winded comment no one will give a damn about, but that's my
statement against a phenomena that will never die. So thank you Youtube, for all the great
entertainment and bull part time politicians, activists and philosophers you have unleashed upon


2 years ago
Your mom!
Sheep Is for the weak
Sheep Is for the weak
2 years ago
+YouKnowYouLike is a nice lady
Captain Zork
Captain Zork
2 years ago
+dxeka1994 I give a damn about your comment. I'm not sure what to say by now though ...
Ps: I friggin' enjoy this song. I can give it my own little relevant meaning to it ^^
1 year ago
This was smart. I respect that.
Spencer Koelle
Spencer Koelle
10 months ago
Yannow, this song is kind of inherently political?
Hannah Browning
Hannah Browning
8 months ago
dxeka1994 PREACH!!!!!!!
5 months ago
I like your comment. It´s so true. All these ridiculous discussions where you can just shake your
head and think: What the heck is wrong with the people?
KC Hilaire Stories
KC Hilaire Stories
2 months ago
Well said!
2 weeks ago
Not everyone can be that smart. Besides, the information still sits in the mind of the reader
regardless of their take on it. That information builds and pulls, in large or small ways, on the
minds of readers. So, they might as well have both sides. Information is a beautiful thing. Just
ignore the pretentions to profound talk and take it at face value. If it's profound, it's so because
you find it profound and not because they claim it is.

Besides, 10 to 12 years ago, I had no understandings of God that I could trust, and Youtube was
the perfect cesspool to troll for information from the other side. Loud Atheists LOVE to dump all
their hate on any theist that they lay eyes upon. If you use your resources correctly, they will give
you something to look up, consider and rectify. You can also learn to examine, consider and
rectify such things in real time by throwing back and forth with said people; especially since they
tend to be cowardly losers that gang up on you 3 against 1 and try to spam-bomb you from the
chat. You build valuable skills if you do such correctly and you can learn a LOT that way. Seriously,
such a person would be like a kid on Christmas Morning; at least, until that person hears all that
the other side has to vomit forth. Youtube is the perfect proving ground for such mindsets; and it
is all disguised behind cat videos and fart-flamethrowers from the "Hey, Y'all! Watch this!"
4 years ago
These lyrics seem to point towards Satan.
4 years ago
creo que va mas bien a la iglesia
4 years ago
+Andres Salazar Yes.
Drini Bardhi
Drini Bardhi
3 years ago
Why should we fear him?
Ultra AL
Ultra AL
3 years ago
Probably, the title would fit, he deceives fools? lol.
Lazar Djurdjevic
Lazar Djurdjevic
3 years ago
+Andres Salazar
Madara Uchiha
Madara Uchiha
2 years ago
+Andres Salazar Nada que ver idiota, vuelve a escuchar la canción y analiza su letra imbécil.
Emperor Palpatine
Emperor Palpatine
10 months ago
Or the Antichrist...
Liz Cullen
Liz Cullen
7 months ago
Victoria she wrote the song about Satan which make the song so more amazing
Liz Cullen
Liz Cullen
7 months ago
Drini Bardhi because he can and will enslave the human race.
Drini Bardhi
Drini Bardhi
7 months ago
No! Because He'll see who I am, i'll break through the surface, reach for your hand and show
them that we can free our mind and find a way, the world is in Our Hands!
2 months ago
It reminded me more of Jesus. Another false messiah spreading false hope.
Leigh-Ann H
Leigh-Ann H
1 year ago
Reminds me of Voldemort
Cassandra Phelps
Cassandra Phelps
1 year ago
Leigh-Ann H LMFAO
2 years ago
Please awake
And see the truth
He can only be
If you believe what he tells you!
Remember who you are
What you stand for
And there will always be a way!
1 year ago
reminds me of Trump
4 years ago
Perfekt song for Loki! :D
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
I'd almost say it fits Odin better...Like this is Loki's song about him(if he could sing like this, of
course XD)
4 years ago
+Silver Starr
Odin? Nah. He lied that time, yes, and it was a HUGE lie to boot, but he's not the embodiment of
lies...there is only one certain someone who fools others over and over again. Like, um, faking his
death etc...

Remember his line to Thor in The Avengers:

"Are you ever not going to fall for that"?
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Ravenprincess He lied more than once XDD Yeah, he hid his adoption...but think about it...that's
about 2000-2500 YEARS of not knowing who he really was...Loki had no choice in life but to fight
against Thor for the kingdom, and while he was most capable and most worthy, Odin gave it to
Thor anyway...Before the attack, Loki was told he would be king, told he had a chance, and he
didn't...Also, look at Thor 2...Odin is a TOTAL dick to Thor the whole movie. When is the one and
ONLY time he is a good parent? When he's Loki...
4 years ago
+Silver Starr I never said Loki didn't have better qualities and skills at both parenting or ruling
than his father and brother - we can clearly see that he does! I think he'll make a better king than
Odin for one thing.

I just said that he's the most talented trickster and liar in Asgard. He's the Silvertongue for a
good reason - both diplomatic AND pragmatic. So the being good at lieing bit comes in
handy...but I agree that probably none of his many lies compare to that one giant lie (no pun
intended) Odin told him all along.

And didn't the battle with the Frost Giants where Odin found Loki take place in the year 965? I
think so, if I remember that correctly from the first movie. That makes Loki exactly 1048 years 2013, that is. So he was 1046 years old when he found out about his true parentage, not
2500 years.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Ravenprincess Where did you get the year o.O??? I never saw/heard that number at all XDD
But as it is, "Deceiver of hearts, Deceiver of fools, He rules with fear" sounds a LOOOOOOT more
"Odin" to me...Especially after his bullshit about not being different from the Dark Elves because
he will win, and nothing else...Like, that sounds like a tyrant right there.
4 years ago
+Silver Starr
You can see the year if you watch the dvd again. Once Jane Foster, Erik Selvig and Darcy Lewis
have been introduced at the beginning of Thor (after they run said God of Thunder over with the
car) - we see a flashback to he battle where the Frost Giants assaulted and killed people
somewhere in Norway, in 965 AD. It says so on the screen, if you pay attention.

This event is what caused Odin to take the Casket of Ancient Winters away to make sure the
Jotun wouldn't threaten humans ever again. It is also after THAT battle that he finds Loki and
takes him back home. Like Loki said, "The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim
that day, was it?"

Odin is definitely a bit of a tyrant in TDW, I agree. He was such a dick in that movie. No wonder
Thor and Loki ended up at each other's throats with a father like this who basically pitted them
against each other...

"No light in the darkness is too small to see" is a perfect reference to the good core that is still
hidden inside Loki underneath all that darkness, the part of him that he despises but cannot
snuff out no matter how hard he tries.
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Ravenprincess I always just thought that was the war they fought with the Norse, not
connected to the war with the Jotun XD I know it seems stupid, but I haven't watched the first
movie in some time, and I don't know...I just put in way too much logic XP Like, the Norse knew
who Loki was and what he was(Trickster god), so, how did they know without having met him?
Either he aged incredibly slowly as a baby, or he grew /fast/(given an Asgardian/Jotun lifespan)
so the Norse could know him as an adult. I mean, if they really have the stories we know of Loki,
I know they got some things VERY wrong, like Sleipnir was there when Odin found Loki, so it's
not like there are any good psychics among the Norse, so......Yeah...It doesn't add up XP
4 years ago
+Silver Starr
I know, I know. The cinematic Marvel universe doesn't do things like they happened in the
myths...or even like in the Marvel comics. And sure there are some plot holes/inconsistencies.
But still, it gave us a bit of an idea how old Loki is. After all, we don't even know when Thor was
Rory Turing
Rory Turing
4 years ago
+Ravenprincess True. I'm just saying XD I still see the song as more about Odin, though I will give
you that one song about light in the darkness...
Timothy Huff, jr.
Timothy Huff, jr.
3 years ago
Sauron the Deceiver.... Good day.
Radia Khan
Radia Khan
3 years ago
she's talking about satan
2 years ago
Most of the comments are about religion. As for mine?

I think about Bill Cipher when I listen to this song.

Rachel Moody
Rachel Moody
1 year ago
+ShidesuHejjihoggu Yasss.....
Kendra Benoit
Kendra Benoit
1 year ago
Now I won't be able to think of anything else.
2 years ago
I can genuinely hear Within Temptation doing a song with this strange of me? O.O
Marie Bloodwood
Marie Bloodwood
2 years ago
Best idea ever!
2 years ago
+Marie Bloodwood I know right? I'm the smartest. X)
2 years ago
+Marie Bloodwood I know right? I'm the smartest. X)
2 years ago
+Marie Bloodwood I know right? I'm ingenious
Tryx Nexus
Tryx Nexus
1 year ago
+Cryogenius333 If WT performed with A7X I would die. Legitimately my two favorite bands.
Azuris Gaming
Azuris Gaming
1 year ago
Godaime Tsunade Senju they are my favorite bands aswell. I really wanted them to play together
since I was 10
3 years ago
fucking masterpiece
1 year ago
3 years ago
The song is about evil dictators in general. The opening of the song describes how they always
come to power - In particular, "As faith for the future faded fast, he grows strong with their
displeasure." Look at Napoleon - he came to power in France after the turmoil of their violent
revolution. Hitler came to power as the Weimar Republic was falling apart.and the currency was
so debased it required a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.

The lines about lies and the title "Deceiver of Fools" fits as well. Mao and Lenin came to power
promising to raise up the oppressed masses but only oppressed them even more, but anyone
with a basic understanding of human nature should have known communism was a death
sentence. However, people with no hope will cling to anything out of desperation, and this is
how these types always come to power.
8 months ago
Is it just me or does this song fit Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious?
2 years ago
One of their best! And one of the few songs that could possibly reflect my current mood.
John Washington
John Washington
2 years ago
nice song, and im sorry for you. hope you get well now
2 years ago
+Ahmed al Akhbar
Thanks :)
Katherine Garlock
Katherine Garlock
1 year ago
At first I thought that the annotation at the beginning said Andariel. Diablo 2 anyone?
Chris tine
Chris tine
9 months ago
i thought about Diablo or Mephisto.
1 year ago (edited)
At your service - Pim Fortuyn (A democracy in shock) At your service!
4 years ago
These lyrics seem to point out the devil!! Such a well done song (:
2 years ago
Don't know why anyone thinks this song has anything to do with religion. This entire album was
about environmentalist causes, this song likely reflecting the greedy who exploit the planet to
their benefit at the expense of everyone else. The album is CALLED "Mother Earth."
Mia McDavid
Mia McDavid
2 years ago
+TrippingOnWit Oh, maybe because "Deceiver" is one of the most common titles for the devil,
the song talks consistently of the deceiver leading the weak-willed astray, and the consistent use
of the word of faith in this song. Seems pretty friggin' obvious to me. Context is important for
understanding what the artist is trying to convey, but people that don't know about the
environmentalist angle of the album might not immediately interpret that. It could be anything
from religion, repressive government, all kinds of things.
Liz Cullen
Liz Cullen
7 months ago
TrippingOnWit which is solely based on Satan's return to earth to enslave the humans
Valerie C.
Valerie C.
3 years ago
This song is about sponge bob
10 months ago (edited)
Love this song, To me it's not about the devil, or any external supernatural evil, or even human
tyrant, but the deceiver within our own hearts. There is both good and bad in even the nicest
person. The deceiver is the dark, negative side within all of us, and it's both about not letting our
fear or other negative emotions rule or destroy us or dictate our actions, and the same struggle
with darkness going on in the world in general. The sheltering light is the opposing force, the
good and hope that also exists in the world and within us.
julie peanut
julie peanut
2 years ago
Sean Tate
Sean Tate
4 years ago
Good song
4 years ago
illuminati song guys ^^
Nenad Militarevic
Nenad Militarevic
1 year ago
I dedicate this to Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic
Vinícius Ferreira
Vinícius Ferreira
4 years ago
The song talks so well about the Christian Church in my opinion.
2 months ago (edited)
I don't care what kind of interpretation anyone has of this song, I just love singing it is all
especially hitting the high notes.
Marco Ruiz
Marco Ruiz
3 months ago
Yo creo que habla sobre la violencia y el maltrato machista, tiene toda la pinta
4 years ago
That's nice. Explains why all mass-murderers and rapists turn religious in prison. It's because
then they will be forgiven...

4 years ago
This song describes so many evil villains, but to me it fit two particularly well. Naraku from Inu-
Yasha and the Emperor in Star Wars, Darth Sidious.
Joe Joseph
Joe Joseph
1 year ago
i feel that this song is about the antichrist who's with me
Jonathan Goodwin
Jonathan Goodwin
4 months ago
Joe Joseph honestly, it's about whatever you interpret it to be. Personally, I don't care about any
meaning, as long as the song is good.
2 years ago
I'm fascinated by this song. You're right. There's always a way.
Kat Knapp
Kat Knapp
3 years ago
I think it's completely open to one's own interpretation. Personally, I always see the "Deceiver of
Fools" as a personification of my own anxieties.
Simona Ciobanu
Simona Ciobanu
2 years ago
Awesome song! It`s like an opera song to me.
Janina Katrine Lenea Nikita Skancke
Janina Katrine Lenea Nikita Skancke
2 years ago
This song reminds me of so many things.

People that are so christian that 95% + of what they talk about, is that.
People that believe 110% in everything media writes.
Emotional froustration (related to depression and anxiety)

The list goes on. Just.. can't be arsed listing up more.

Grace Delphine
Grace Delphine
1 year ago
Man. Most of the time I'm happy being an alto, but right now I wish I could sing like this! How
does anyone go that high for that long!
1 year ago
Me too
Zachary Repassy
Zachary Repassy
4 years ago
This song is directed at the worlds political leaders, not religion, how many of our politicians are
supported by those who know none? by those who fear what they say will come true if they
don't do what they want?
Edward P
Edward P
2 years ago
Song is about the deceiver within ourselves.
James Hurtubise
James Hurtubise
1 year ago
4 years ago
im just gonna enjoy the music. let the people who believe in most of the Fox news crap keep
concocting falsehoods.
Makoto Tachibana
Makoto Tachibana
2 years ago
damaris galeano
damaris galeano
3 years ago
What if they aren't talking about any person or god in particular? What if the he in this song
represents the world's hate and its twisted thoughts? Why does it have to be a religion even if it
sounds that way? And anyway in the beginning of the song she sings that no light is toy small to
offer hope which means there is hope in the world after all.
Morph Verse
Morph Verse
3 years ago
2 years ago
+damaris galeano I don't think It's about God. Because they're not really religious.. Maybe It's
about a fictional character, since they often get inspired by movies, comics and fantasy books.
2 years ago
+winter Realistically speaking, you wouldn't identify yourself as being religious or part of any
particular religion or belief, if you are seriously and literally standing in and for only the "TRUTH"
and seeking the truth, no matter how uncomfortable the truth causes you to feel. Jesus said, "I
came here to bring the truth," (paraphrasing). Also, God says, "You are all equal," which means
we are all equal based on the Natural Law's, Morals & Rights, discovered through studying the
Natural Law's and Morals. If we actually learned, as a whole, and comprehended these subjects
to come to this obvious understanding and conclusion, it would be clear that there cannot be
such a thing as human authorities/authority, since we are all equal and God is the only one
above us. The basic Law is, do not cause any harm, injury or loss to anyone and you own
yourself, therefore no one can force you to do anything against your will or they are violating you
and the Law. Only God can make Laws, therefore the government (govern=control, ment
(Latin)=mind) is actually illegitimate and a violator of Gods Laws. The "TRUTH" is always simple,
anything that is complicated, is most of the time riddled with deception, lies and irrelevant
garbage to deliberately complicate it. If you are religious, then you cannot really be seeking the
"TRUTH", because you are being faithful to a rigid belief system, which means you cannot go
beyond its boundaries, even if the truth is beyond these rigid views. No one, who loves the
"TRUTH", would want to control others or be controlled by others, since this is violated others
rights, assuming ownership of them as slaves, since they are forced to obey you, which opposes
freedom and self ownership, but also denies the truth and therefore God and Jesus. I could go
on and on, but what I really wanted to point out is that the lyrics are about Satan coming back. I
have been heavy into the research of this subject over recent years. Look into RoundSaturnsEye
Channel and Killuminati Channel (there are 2 Killuminati Channels, so you may want to search
this channel with keywords like, freemason, illuminati architecture/monuments, to get the
correct channel). These are a start to exploring this rabbit hole and learn the language of
symbolism, this is how the dark occult communicate without us noticing. They use movies and
television often to do this, but dates are significant as well as geometric shapes, certain key
words and phrases, colours, animals, etc. Basically, think of how tribes used drawing, glyphs and
other symbolism to record their history or other such things, considered today to be artifacts.
Also look into CERN on the FrancoSwiss border and what they are involved in concerning their
own claims of opening portals to other dimensions. Mind blowing and kind of disturbing.
3 years ago
The ending always grabs me, such a soft song but the lyrics sound like something I would hear
from tech death metal bands who are really anti-religion.
Cor Poelmans
Cor Poelmans
3 years ago
I think it's about the choice you will make..........The choice to be free or the choice to be led by
someone else that makes the choice for you.
midnightsun 1864
midnightsun 1864
3 years ago
Am I the only one who doesn't think of religion first, but of Adolf Hitler and the whole Nazi-
8 months ago (edited)
I'm thinking of capitalism. Actually it's about everything human.
Zelena Hull
Zelena Hull
3 years ago
i think this song is about the type of people who try to bend others to their will, like people who
seem pretty but then they will take advantage you. also never judge any one based on
appearances because we don't know what who they really are when no one is watching. It's not
really about how life starts its how it ends that truthfully tells who you really are. what's inside is
what really matters.
2 months ago
If someone gets slaughtered at the end of his/her life, or succumbs to a disease, it tells you very
little of who he/she actually was during their life.
Anders Midnatt
Anders Midnatt
3 years ago
This song seems to be about (and against) the deceit of religion. Belief doesn't suppress the
knowledge, but religion does. Also the religion has to suppress people's will, freedom and mind
to gain some zealots instead of peaceful believers on their own.
2 years ago
Not really, it is about violent totalitarianism.
3 years ago
Damn straight and withought a question, this song is about uncle sam in general, and baraca
pumba in particular. America have caused nothing but misery and pain, americans, go home!
2 years ago
Oh fuck off you cunt!
2 months ago
There is plenty of misery and pain for Americans at home as well. Just study a bit of American
2 years ago
This song is freaking awesome. I love the instrumentation, I love the poetic imagery in the lyrics,
I love Sharon's voice, and I love how it all comes together. It's just so beautiful. Easy to over-
analyze though. Granted, I over-analyze everything. Bad habit of mine.
1 year ago
Tfw when your fav songs from your youth are relevant again but you can't enjoy it because the
reason is a tyrant
1 year ago
this song was from spyro the dragon comic when the master dragons trained malefor the purple
Cassandra Phelps
Cassandra Phelps
1 year ago
Trevon Washington "Hewwo, Spywo!"
3 years ago
Makes me think of Megatron.
5 years ago
reminds me of Loki <3
Emilie Elegy
Emilie Elegy
5 years ago
This makes me think of the victims of bullying.
2 years ago
Какая же классная песня.
Cara Antoinette
Cara Antoinette
5 years ago
I think that their songs suit both! ^__^ Real Loki with the pretty red hair AND sexy Marvel Loki.
Vicks's Walkthroughs
Vicks's Walkthroughs
6 years ago
Sam Bentley
Sam Bentley
3 years ago
this is so homestuck
3 years ago
5 years ago
New pope. Great. He rules again. :C
5 years ago
For some reason... I can't stop the image of the Joker from Batman from appearing in my mind
whenever I hear this song...
5 years ago
Within Temptation was amazing.... WAS.........
5 years ago
lol man i wish she still sang like this...
Rezz Atrana
Rezz Atrana
4 years ago
Best lyrics of within temptation, anyone?
2 years ago
this song just gets me every time... :o
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
I do believe it all happened, and the prophecies of the end times are coming to pass, just as God
said they would. I'm also familiar with the terms
sum, difference, quotient and... the one for 'multiply by' that I can't think of right now!
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
That was back during the Iraq-Iran Conflict when we had better relations with Iraq when we sold
them the weapons.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Such as Ace Combat fan art.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
God: Believes in unbelievers and believers alike.
Satan: Only goal is to steal, kill and destroy.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Yes, I did mean 'sum', but wasn't paying much attention to spelling. I did take Geometry in High
School, so I'm familiar with unreal numbers and rogue square roots (or whatever they're called).
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
No, Dragon Force is power metal. Wikipedia says they're a symphonic metal band.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Yes, and good thing it was Kit from Blade Kitten... I guess.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Actually, this is symphonic metal.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
There is the possibility that I may have rephrased one of my statements, but I have in no way
insulted your intellect.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I see more truth in smoke than I do in any Liberal News outlet.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Perhaps you should brush up on your history, because everything you just said are complete
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
I can't stop thinking of Sheogorath when I hear this song. It fits him so well.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
*pukes on you*
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Evanescence is more gothic than Within Temptation.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
I actually think they more or less match with Sheogorath.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
That doesn't mean he can't forge one. Also, let's not forget that he and some of his pals secretly
tried to pass a Gun Control Bill while Congress had their Independence Day recess.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
I have never heard truer words in my life; outside of church, anyway.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
I'm not going to that link, but I've seen at least a hundred pieces involving mlp and Ace Combat,
and at east another hundred involving other video games or animes.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
But it should still be up to state and possibly even city governments whether they want to
enforce it or not. Don't you think?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Then I guess Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny are also real.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I guess it's only natural for Liberals to do a research on more sites than one that's run by Liberals.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Keep in mind that I'm not talking about the Egyptian government, here. I'm referring to the
Muslim Brotherhood.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Nay! It can't be true!
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Thank you.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Who's Anadriel?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Good to see there's someone with some good sense on the internet.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
At least they ADMITTED their failures. The Obama administration has done no such thing, and
they are currently violating the 10th Amendment by saying they are going to enforce their new
healthcare plan on the state level, which only the states can decide. They also violate the 1st
Amendment with their 'Political Correctness (a bit ridiculous, if you ask me), and the 2nd
Amendment by taking the very same measures the Nazis took to rid the citizens of their guns, all
starting with gun registration
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Who was the nut again? Morsi or Mubarak?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Perhaps some people don't like shows that are overly popularized and where the fanart's
everywhere,especially in places it doesn't belong.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
And where did that little ball of mass come from? Tell me!
I can some the beginning up in two words: God said.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I put that sentence way wrong. What I meant was: I guess it's only natural for Liberals to not do
research on more sites than ones they know are run by Liberals.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
And has Obama actually made education better? No. Cleaner energy? No. Cutting deficit
spending? Double nope. Also, we're still in the 21st C.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I don't think Christianity is made of false claims. If you were to just look in the book of
Revelations, you would find that all the prophecies are coming to pass.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he actually tell the Egyptian Prime Minister(?) that's what his
religion was? Not to mention his several multimillion dollar trips (the most any of Bush's cost
was about $200k... I think), the cutting of funds for the military, the cancellation of the Marine's
fireworks shows on July 4th, and a whole bouquet of other things that he's done. And that's just
scratching the surface.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
And what makes it worse is, mlp doesn't even begin to associate with Ace Combat in any way,
and it shouldn't.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Is it possible Within Temptation saw Obama's presidency 2 years before his first election?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
You liberals will come to regret the day that you elected a tyrant. I would sooner die than submit
to the likes of him.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I don't think spending US $12 trillion in 5 years is spending less than any previous president.
Bush spent 'only' 4.9 trillion in 8 years. Also, Obama has to approve the cleaner energy thing in
order for the scientists to be able to go through with it, and you know what else? For every
'green' car sold, that's money lost for car companies.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Still, the government does not have the right to impose something such as Obamacare, which is
a Socialist healthcare agenda, over the American people.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
The fact remains that Bush passed a budget, which expired when Obama took office, and Obama
has not since passed a budget, even with a Democratic majority in the Legislative branch.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
You know what really grinds my gears? When someone makes assumptions about a particular
religion or Faith without any historical proof.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Are you okay? You look a bit horse.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Then why is it I don't see the Liberal media reporting in on everything the Obama
administration's doing that would be considered high treason? Such as, oh, I don't know... giving
20 fighter jets and M1 Abrams MBTs to the enemy!?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
This song describes Obama to a Tee!
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
It wasn't meant to...
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
For what?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Oh, so you want to talk about the Patriot Act? Very well. The Patriot Act was passed under the
Busch administration after the September 11th attacks on the Twin Towers to tap into the phone
lines of suspected terrorists on US soil. The Obama Administration inflated that like a hot air
balloon to the point where they got the phone records of Verizon customers. So, who's the
tyrant now? Also, it was the Democrats that opposed the 13th Amendment and started the KKK,
not the Republicans.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
If I don't know which comment or series of comments you're referring to, I can't even pretend to
be giving you a bro fist.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
If you even payed the smallest amounts of attention to history, you would find the truths to be
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Actually, Saddam Hussein had Soviet-era weapons, like the T-72 MBT. And no, I don't hate the
rest of the world. I just despise those that think everyone has to think as they do, or else they
should die.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
The thing is, he's serving the government branch that manages spending a mountain of ice
cream and removed the sprinkles because he felt they were 'eating too much.'
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
And let's not forget about the time he shed fake tears for the children at Newtown, CN, or sat
back with Hillary Clinton for 7 hours as he watched our Navy SEALS die in Benghazi OR how
about the time he gave 20 F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets to the Muslim Brotherhood?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Old text books. From a time before the Liberal Democrat take-over.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Do note that I never mentioned Trump's birth certificate.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
People think we start wars, and point to the Crusades. Actually, those were European Christians
defending their land from Muslim aggressors. No, I'm not angry.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
What happened to this Anadriel woman?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I see now that trying to educate a most brainwashed Liberal on the real past has been a
complete and utter waste of my time.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
At least Bush left the White House trying to help the US. Obama's doing nothing but destroying
it, and it's been 5 years, so stop playing the Bush card!
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
The problem I have with this is that Obama lied about his Faith in public. He called himself a
Christian, and later revealed himself to be a Muslim and he has friends in the Muslim
Brotherhood, and pays people to keep his birth certificate secret, so if he has nothing to hide,
why is he cloaked in a thick fog of lies and deceit?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
What is this world coming too...?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
5 years ago
this song reads pretty true, especially with politics today. turn on the tv and its 29 minutes of
doom, gloom,death and commercials, with one minute of good news. everybody is afraid of
their neighbor and Washington has made additions to the patriot act every year, eroding away
our constitutional rights under the guise of protecting us from terror. maybe its just me but the
phrase from star wars episode 3 relates to today " so this is how democracy dies, with
thunderous applause".
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Umm, I have no idea what that is.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Okay, so you want to play history trivia? The former Dixie-crats (Democrats) started the KKK, had
63% opposition to the 13th Amendment, opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and even today
are constantly changing their story to fit their agenda. Obama, for example calls the Syrian rebels
that beheaded a Catholic priest for his refusal to convert to Islam freedom fighters, while
branding Israeli troops as terrorists. Can you tell me where honor is in that worm's
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Because, you know. He could've just asked for those weapons to keep his citizens from revolting.
Like what the Nazis and Soviets did. Not to mention, he received praise from the UN for telling
everyone that they have to convert to Islam. Do you know what would happen if a US president
said everyone has to convert to Christianity? There'd be global outrage, and the UN would order
the President to be ousted from office after impeachment!
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
As if I would believe that. Have you not seen what he does with taxpayer dollars? Have you not
seen how he's giving weapons to Muslim extremists- our ENEMIES!?
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Do you know what Obama's 'future America', as he calls it looks like if people keep voting
Democrat? Detroit, Michigan, instead of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
4 years ago
This song reminds me of anti christs.
5 years ago
Hmm...Sharon and Amy have very different voices, in my opinion. I love both bands and if they
did a song together, I'd certainly be willing to listen to it. I'm just not sure what the result would
be. Whether or not they'd blend well, I think, would be something of a toss-up.
2 years ago
5 years ago
One of my fav WT songs. Sharon rocks!
Enderson Daniel mujica plaza
Enderson Daniel mujica plaza
4 years ago
I just jizz my pants for this song
5 years ago
I hope you mean real Loki. Not Villain of the Avengers.
5 years ago
half their songs suits loki :')
Begum Lincoln
Begum Lincoln
4 years ago
Begum Lincoln
Begum Lincoln
4 years ago
Allah will never ..
Begum Lincoln
Begum Lincoln
4 years ago
he called Mohammed "a deceiver"
3 years ago
Sun arise in hell
Dewi Nurul
Dewi Nurul
2 years ago
4 years ago
love this song
Thomas Castrovillo
Thomas Castrovillo
1 month ago
It's about Satan that destroys everything good inside man
6 months ago
I see hitler.
5 years ago
I was just thinking the same thing. Amy and sharon, what a epic combination. :D
4 years ago
Triplets on the Deceiver. Triplets are used in music to represent the Trinity. But I tend to read too
much into things, so there goes.
4 years ago
You tell them! Since when is it forbidden to like more than one band?
5 years ago
I want those gothic years back..
5 years ago
Latin Prophet
Latin Prophet
10 months ago
Alright, i'm seeing all these comments about this being about ourselves, Trump, Hitler, the
Antichrist, ect. Am I the only one thinking North Korea and the Kim dynasty? (Probably not,
whenever a comment says "am I the only one..." there's always like 500 other people thinking
the same thing.)
Asgardian Olympian
Asgardian Olympian
2 months ago
I love it love it love it!
3 years ago
All these comments about it being about something political, something religious etc. What if it's
just about your good ol' fashioned player? This song was recorded many years ago, keep that in
Vladimir Baginski
Vladimir Baginski
1 year ago
nossa essa musica é linda demais queria que ela viece ao brasil ,,,,,, na verdade no rio grande do
matt dowsett
matt dowsett
4 years ago
Within Temptation IS gothic. Evenescence is the cardboard usa copy n paste attempt at making
6 years ago
6:38 on "ooh ohh ohhh- oooh ooh ooh- ..." *jumping*
Justyna kraków
Justyna kraków
4 years ago
ale zajebisty ma głos....pozazdrościć
4 years ago
Sorry but Evanescence isn't gothic. And they have never been. If they use some gothic resource,
it doesn't mean that they are gothic.
Gothic bands are (or were in their beginning, in some cases) Tristania, Theater of Tragedy, The
Sins of Thy Beloved, Sirenia, Xandria, Penumbra, etc...
Evanescence is more alternative rock/metal.
4 years ago
This song can be refer to many things: religion, politics, Loki...
Spencer Koelle
Spencer Koelle
10 months ago
Yeah, this is about dictators in general...but, dear gods. It is disturbingly relevant now.

Every person who voted for him is a fool he deceived.

Oto Magaldadze
Oto Magaldadze
5 years ago
Rick Unknown
Rick Unknown
5 years ago
WOW, This would be a great themesong for the next Hitman game!! I love WT!!!
5 years ago
i'm not here to argue.
just to be clear.i don't have time for it.
i am spiritual satanist,u wanna know what we believe in?
if u do just go to JoS site,everything is explained.
if u don't ,that's fine by me too.
but it is the fact that christianity is made up story,...stolen from pagan books.
have a good day.
5 years ago
phahahahah,that's actually christianity you're talking about,just ppl following what they don't
know anything about.
it's just bunch of fairy tales based on Egyptian religion.
Iambic Pendragon
Iambic Pendragon
4 years ago
Politics- Derived from the words Poly and Ticks.

(Attempts to feign innocence).

5 years ago
that looks like a remembral :P

Han Lando
Han Lando
5 years ago
NO DOUBT! have you seen the live version? if not check it out as it is AWESOME!!!
Michael King
Michael King
4 years ago
Same here.

Zeno Nysho
Zeno Nysho
3 years ago
5 years ago
I actually think it's on Mother Earth (the album)
5 years ago
But are you sure? You think that the theory of evolution has merit? That in
general was created by a random explosion that dates back sense the beginning of time. Or do
you believe in an all powerful being that has apparently always existed for no explained reason
whatsoever and decided in his boredom to create the universe and humanity in his own image?
Wow they both sound kinda nonsensical don't they.

Explosions destroy not create...and supernatural power does what it wants.

Adventures with Lethal
Adventures with Lethal
6 years ago
This is my favorite song!!!! I LUV Within Temptation!!
PrettyBoy G
PrettyBoy G
4 years ago
and this is alternative rock my kind sir :3
Tiffany Lundy
Tiffany Lundy
5 years ago
i would love for this band and evanecence to do a song together <3

i would die of happiness :)

Mohamed Omar
Mohamed Omar
4 years ago
may allah forgive you
6 years ago
Okay... So did anyone else think the opening sounded like the Legend of Zelda?
5 years ago
Deceiver: Lucifer
Fools: Everyone who lives blindly in society adhering to the rules created by man, rules designed
to make you a puppet with an endlessly false sense of freedom and choice, when in reality you
are completely under society's control. You'll deny this and call me crazy, but that is why you may
be one of the deceived fools that she speaks of. Its not just a cool song with a badass beat. Its a
5 years ago
Don't discount theory until you've done the research, if you look hard enough you'll be surprised
what kind of ridiculously irrefutable evidence you'll come across that God is real. Forget about
religion just remember that God is real...if you are willing to accept that of course...if
not...woe...just woe upon those who don't believe when he comes.
5 years ago
The lyrics match my kitty perfectly, actually...
5 years ago
They sound alike, and are amazing :D
Mohamed Omar
Mohamed Omar
4 years ago
Allah will always forgive
4 years ago
"look at Iraq with all their flamethrowers, tanks, and weapons". Well duh you sold them to Iraq.
4 years ago
"The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the
budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House.
Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008
Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office."
4 years ago
"The first year of any incoming president term is saddled—for better or for worse—with the
budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House.
Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush—and passed by the 2008
Congress—it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office." - Forbes
4 years ago
nope but neither is your "truths". You certainly live up to your name "Motormouth."
4 years ago
lol yeah ok. if you look into old textbooks they tell you the same. Just like the other things I
4 years ago
and (even though there has been some debate about this but I'm sure will eventually get settled)
if obamacare is backed by the supremacy clause. Even John Boehner admitted that obamacare is
"the law of the land".
4 years ago
all stuff conservatives wanted.
4 years ago
AAAAAAAAA lot more truths than fox news.
4 years ago
AAAAAAAAA lot more truths than fox news.
4 years ago
AAAAAAAAA lot more truths than fox news.
4 years ago
and just look up "Southern Democrats" on Wikipedia. Don't say its just Wikipedia because they
have sources down at the bottom "Byron E. Shafer and Richard Johnston, The End of Southern
Exceptionalism: Class, Race, and Partisan Change in the Postwar South (2009) p 173-4", "Roger
Chapman, Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia (2010) vol 1 Page 136".
4 years ago
he gave them to the Egyptian government. The reason why I disagree with it is because it was
originally intended for Hosni Mubarak in 2010. Apparently they didn't get the memo that he is
not in office anymore. but it was a gift to thank him for helping keep weapons out of Gaza but,
like I said, he is not in power anymore Mohamed Morsi is.
4 years ago
I can understand Obama wanting to keep his word but Morsi is part of the Muslim Brotherhood
has you said. However I don't know if he is going to stay in power much longer. As I said before it
was originally intended for Mubarak for helping keep weapons and explosives out of Gaza.
However I think that he owes Mubarak that not Morsi. but this recalls me to when Bush senior
sold arms to Iraq before his re-election then said things along the lines of "the world is a
dangerous place look at Iraq"
4 years ago
lol, no he didn't. even if you search it you wont find anything. But like I said you don't have any
proof of this. Just spitting accusations without evidence. The funny thing was that Trump didn't
accept the birth certificate because it isn't signed by the attending physician. Then come to find
out later neither is Trumps. Hypocritical much?
4 years ago
having good health is not a right just reserved for the rich who can afford it. Obamacare also
makes it so that insurance companies must have a good reason for taking someone off their
insurance. Before they could take you off simply because you were sick (which is the whole point
of having it). And if our health care system was so great then why were we ranked 37th by the
World Health Organization?
4 years ago
no. States don't get to select what they like from the federal government and what they don't.
Now who hates the constitution?
4 years ago
and Egypt had plenty of planes, tanks and other weapons before his gift. Bush senior just helped
them with weapons, money and tanks which is what seems to be conservatives big problem with
his gift.
4 years ago
nope complete truths
4 years ago
and political scandals? Bush's administration was ripe with them. They get on Obama about
checking on a reporter's email yet they PRAISED Bush for doing that during the CIA leak scandals.
Conservatives get on Obama about his gift to Egypt yet they praised Bush senior for selling arms,
tanks, money, and weapons to Iraq then talked about how "the world is a dangerous place. Just
look at Iraq with all their tanks and weapons." And like I said before he has done many things
that conservatives wanted
4 years ago
I'm sure you would like to think they are fake tears. And you want to talk about sitting back and
watching remember Hurricane Katrina. Bush's slow reaction made it so the death toll rose to
1,836 people. The administration even admitted later that they screwed up the response to
hurricane Katrina. Lets not forget who tortured many people, violating the 8th amendment.
4 years ago
and like I said watch Jon Stewarts response to Glenn Beck's Utopia. Like I said it clearly shows
that the conservatives are not interested in freedom. Just freedom from the people they
disagree with. Historically Bush tried to take away freedom of speech (no one could make a
negative website about him without having anyone who tried to access it being redirected to the
white house website.
4 years ago
do you know what Glenn Beck's utopia looks like. Marxist. Obama talked about making better
education, making cleaner energy, cutting the deficit and making government more ready for
situations that we had in the 21st century.
4 years ago
yeah the government does. The states do not get to choose what they like from the constitution
and what they don't. If that were the case then New York could suddenly choose not to like the
first amendment and limit freedom of speech or California could choose to ignore the 8th
amendment. Or all states could choose to ignore the 2nd Amendment. You want anarchy? Fine
then for that matter I could choose to ignore the law against stealing. Or I could say that I can
assault someone.
4 years ago
those are text books. the references I mean.
4 years ago
The government has checks and balances. And its not a socialist agenda. It helps businesses too.
Especially small businesses. Before Obamacare most of the individuals who didn't have health
care were small business owners, employees, and their dependents. Now if small businesses
have health care and pay for their full time employees then they can get a tax reduction. Health
care was made to make it affordable for middle and lower class individuals to be better able to
afford having good health.
4 years ago
That is because, oh, I don't know Egypt has helped stop certain arms and explosive shipments to
Gaza, and because we classify them as an ally. I will admit, though, it is one of his more
questionable decisions. He is not perfect but no other president has. I have agreed with most
things that he does but not all. This is one of them. However, why then were most of the Bush
administration's scandals not reported on more? You never saw fox news or any other
conservative network on those.
4 years ago
Saddam's people did not have tanks, flamethrowers, and some of the other weapons Bush
senior gave them. Don't know who you are saying received praise from the UN. It seems like you
hate the rest of the world (not Christian-like), and you have to remember that Christianity is still
the biggest religion in the world. I highly doubt that there would be such a big uproar. If there is
then we can reference whoever said that at the UN conference. Show them who is being
4 years ago
and if you want to talk about tyranny and freedom limitations by a president then remember the
"Patriot Act" set by Bush. Or you could just watch Jon Stewart take apart Glenn Beck's Utopia. It
clearly shows that conservatives "don't really believe in freedom. 'Freedom to' they believe in
'freedom from'. Freedom from liberals, from those they disagree with, from the sensibly priced
clothing of Ann Taylor".
4 years ago
you can keep talking about the Nazis taking away guns but it doesn't matter. The Nazis had gas,
superior weaponry and tactics. It would have been a slaughter. And no Obama has admitted to
failures: admitted to failure in Libya, admitted to the Benghazi failure, and admitted to being
unable to turn Washington around from bitter partisan politics. You want to talk about violating
the first amendment watch Glenn Beck's utopia where he flat out talked about violating freedom
of speech and press.
4 years ago
actually I am moderate and don't pertain to any party but you can believe otherwise if it makes
you feel better. Keep your Fox news brainwashed mind if you want. And as for your comment
yep that's normally what losers say.
4 years ago
Obama has in fact saved this country. He has spent less 1/7 of what Bush did, got people out of
Afghanistan, stabilized the economy, got Bin Laden (something Bush couldn't do in 8 years),
saved the automotive industry, should I go on. Stop watching Fox news.
4 years ago
exactly, he is a moderate. He has done many things that the conservatives have asked him to do.
They wanted less spending, which I agree with, not break up the "too big to fail banks" they only
got bigger, conservatives wanted that. Palin chanted at 28th convention "drill baby, drill", under
Obama there is more than ever, that's what conservatives wanted not environmentalists. The
Dow Jones is up 60 percent since the time he took office. Corporate profits are at their highest
4 years ago
and he did approve for scientists to pursue it. I said it before but obviously you have short term
memory loss, the ONLY reason the debt went up was because Bush's budget plan went into
effect right before Obama entered office. And you want to talk about car companies, Obama
effectively saved the automotive industry. Just search politifact "Did President Obama save the
auto industry?", or google for that matter "how Obama saved the auto industry."
4 years ago
I agree with everything past the political correctness part. Political Correctness is something put
in place so that other parties, countries, and religions can use against us. So that we don't look
like the bad guy. Which is important when you are the country that everyone looks to. Of course
our forefathers told us to stay out of foreign affairs but it seems a little late for that now.
4 years ago
said the fox news moron without any proof to back up anything
4 years ago
no he gave them weapons then said "look at Iraq with all their flamethrowers, tanks, and
weapons." he didn't bother to say that he was the one who supplied them with their weapons.
Nor did FOX news or any conservative network tell you that. Egypt IS an ally. Even the state
department said that. They are also a democratic country and Iraq was monarchy. Yeah he gave
weapons to Egypt, lead by a member of the muslim brotherhood. And who knows how long that
will last.
4 years ago
starting an unjust war and running up the debt then republicans blame Obama. Yeah, it is the
truth card.
4 years ago
yeah and those were conservative democrats. As I said earlier. Obviously you are ignoring the
facts. Have not heard or seen anything about him calling Israeli troops terrorists but I could be
wrong. And you do realize that the leader of Syria is backed by Iran. Remember, their leader?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the guy who thought that the 9-11 attacks were a done by the Bush
administration (essentially Bush conspired to attack our own towers) in order to invade
Afghanistan. Anti-American leader.
4 years ago
But yes I do agree that they were wrong for beheading a Catholic priest. Islam has not had a
good track record so far.
4 years ago
nope, just Bush's
4 years ago
its not a liberal site. its an unbiased one, if you bother to check.
4 years ago
Because that would be a double standard saying that it is tyrannical to think that we THINK
everyone should convert to Christianity but it is alright and praiseworthy to say that everyone
should convert to Islam.
4 years ago
As I said before he has cut spending if you bother to check. He spent much less than any
president since Eisenhower. It seems to be a liberal thing to cut spending because Clinton was
the second lowest.
4 years ago
Bush started it. It makes it so the government can invade our freedom of privacy. Ransack our
homes (even back then) without our knowing it. So don't kid yourself conservatives limit
freedoms just as much if not more than liberals. Like I said before they did all of that plus ended
segregation (giving freedom to use whatever BATHROOM African-Americans wanted). And
conservatives not liberals started the KKK and opposed the 13th amendment.
4 years ago
2.) so what the Nazi Germans did that? It wouldn't have mattered. The Nazi Germans had tanks,
planes, poison gases, grenades, etc. the people would have gotten their butts kicked. Just the
same as those in this country who think they need assault rifles because the have these
delusions that they would be some kind of heroes when they are not. Government has planes,
choppers, RPGs, etc. you guys wouldn't last 2 seconds. BTW Hitler was conservative, just so you
4 years ago
You are both wrong, its power metal. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Power_metal
4 years ago
he must have really done something that the angered the Foreign Minister, get your facts
straight it wasn't the prime Minister that said that. Or Obama could have been joking as he has
before about it and the Minister didn't take it that way. Either way like I said before he search
politiFACTS website "Obama a Muslim? No he's not. The EVIDENCE has not changed." But its
only natural for right wings to take what they like and dismiss what they don't.
4 years ago
Dunno. History? You HAVE to agree that theres a lot a "christians" (which is the political term,
morons doesnt really have that much in common with catholics, for example) do a helluva lotta
things thats "the polar opposite of what they are taught", like torture, genocide, etc etc. Dont
mean to start a pooflinging match here, just trying to explain myself and give an answer to your
very reasonable question. I guess the track record is why we think so.
4 years ago
Apart from the pun-esque joke related to the title, which i guess got you the upvotes, you should
really keep religion the hell away from the internet tbh. Let those fools rot in their sick, dont feed
their publicity. Or in other words "dont feed the trolls (even if they love to rape children)".
4 years ago
Wikipedia is the fools tool.
Ryan Fraser
Ryan Fraser
5 years ago
Why would you waste the awesomeness of Within Temptation on the mediocrity of

Within Temptation with Blind Guardian, however, would be amazing. Oh Hansi, y u no marry
Ryan Fraser
Ryan Fraser
5 years ago
Holy shit, you've got to be kidding. Are you serious? Do people actually think the crap in the
christian bible actually happened?

I thought it was just obviously a joke. Holy shit, you're so stupid. Also you meant "sum". See,
"sum" is a math term, which is probably not a concept you're familiar with.
Essi Daven
Essi Daven
4 years ago
My first thought was George Bush, but I must say Loki is the most interesting idea I've come
across so far.
5 years ago
4 are fools
Hagane Luka
Hagane Luka
3 years ago
Ein gutes Stück Musikgeschichte! Damit wurde die alte Generation auf die Welt vorbereitet^^
Hier hat Sharon noch gerne die Technik Koloratur eingesetzt, solch Können...:-) Nicht wie
4 years ago
even in "all in the Family", who was it that got accepted into the KKK? Archie the conservative.
Who slammed African-Americans on the show? Archie the conservative. Sure Archie later
declined to get into the KKK but who was the KKK after? Mike the liberal. And don't say it is just
TV because the conservatives all agreed with Archie back then and still do today. Just look at the
comments on the youtube clips from the show.
4 years ago
Your proof being...?
4 years ago
Right, because that totally solves everything. Anyone can give a one word explanation. How
about you specify? Sources, quotes from historians, or even some sort of story passed down in
the family? Seriously, just 'history' does not provide a valid answer.
4 years ago
I rest my case, sir. You still have not given a single fact. Not only have you insulted my
intelligence, but you have also simply rephrased what you've been saying. Thanks for your time,
but I think I can spend my own elsewhere. Bye.
JohnNy Plesa
JohnNy Plesa
6 years ago
4 years ago
with Obama's gift I mean.
5 years ago
they never went away...
5 years ago
This Song is more for Loki. He feeds on Fear, he feeds on pain. *cough* But he looks hot when he
does it*

5 years ago
LOKI Why are you stalking my songs o.O
5 years ago
That is debateable
Sainye kaname
Sainye kaname
1 year ago
lmao good song for a lesbian(like me) or a girl that has been damage by many guys and exs well
thats how i see it in my point of view,this song inspired me so much makes me remember to no
get fooled by a guy again and stand up thanks WT<3!!
Maxwell Newns
Maxwell Newns
5 years ago
The word you're looking for is "product" :)
5 years ago
This song reminds me of Loki so much
5 years ago
See, they lyrics match so well XD
5 years ago
*after looking back at this video 4 months later*

holy crap, I started so many pony conversations here XD Brohoofs all around!
6 years ago
the lyrics, they match the first 2 episodes of Season 2 of MLP:FIM
6 years ago
4 years ago
actually that book in the bible can be so loosely interpreted in many terms that we didn't even
cover it in my basic religion class on the bible and actually the whole prophesy of the end of the
world was first seen in the book of Daniel in the old testament. So many religions and cultures
have told such stories thats its just rediclous to believe i like to look at it as a metaphorical
implication to mans evil and destructive tendencies than a world cataclysmic event.
Sarah Jade
Sarah Jade
5 years ago
i love this song so much she holds high notes for so long <3
5 years ago
The adopted brother of Thor. Basically, the bad guy in the recent Avengers movie.
4 years ago
And so many of mans violent and destructive tendencies can be seen its its birth place of Africa
and (middle east for toughs who believe in the whole creationism) I mean i recently did a term
paper over the genocide regarding albinos in africa the witch doctors proclaimed a heavy bounty
on albino limbs and flesh to make potions that people who are very poor in Tanzania are
mutlating poor albinos as if they didnt have enough what does that say about
mankind as a whole?
Starr Cobryn
Starr Cobryn
5 years ago
Its My Little Poney: Friendship is Magic.
3 years ago
When I listen to this, I think it's about inner anxiety, a voice that says that you won't accomplish
anything. It causes fear which often is a reason that we abandon our goals. If we listen to that
voice, we grow bitter and cold. But Sauron from LOTR also fits in greatly, there are a lot of
interpretations I guess :D
Melissa Slate
Melissa Slate
5 months ago
OMG! This song is so so so beautiful!!!
4 years ago
if you still think that he is a Muslim search politifact website "Obama a Muslim? No he's not. The
evidence has not changed."
Schnaider 978
Schnaider 978
4 years ago
I wonder why they are so negative
Patrick Reijersen
Patrick Reijersen
1 year ago
Awake!!! she is illuminati and giving tons of clues in all her music!!!
leydyanne esmeralda artemisa
leydyanne esmeralda artemisa
1 year ago
traduz para portugues
2 months ago
The Illuminati got persecuted and disbanded back in 1785. "The society's goals were to oppose
superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power."

Unfortunately they are long gone and the evils they sought to stop are still with us.
1 year ago
Religión, para mi de eso trata
10 months ago (edited)
I remove this song from favorites and add it again just so it can be on top of the list.
Nidia Santos
Nidia Santos
4 years ago
Ah they are awesome
Captain Zork
Captain Zork
4 years ago
Yes, I agree. Stay on topic people! Or else we shall put angry messages in the top comments >:Y
Captain Zork
Captain Zork
4 years ago
I know right!
Ahmet Mutlu
Ahmet Mutlu
7 months ago
the is allways a sparkle of hope. if you belive :D
this is true. but the hard part is seeing the exit light .
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
Okay, let's stop with the gay jokes. I mean, cum on, guys! But really. I'm not a 'brony' and don't
see what all the damn hype's about.
5 years ago
Within Temptation and Epica!!!
5 years ago
You say prove to me that God exists. I say prove to me that he doesn't. Evolution is only an
unproven theory too.

5 years ago
God believes in even the unbelievers too.
4 years ago
yes there were liberals back then in the republican party. And it doesn't matter the party but the
ideals that made it possible, can see that your desperate. And for the second part 1.) Obama is
not "taking away all our guns" as the republicans put it. Just making it harder for those who
don't deserve to have them to acquire them. And what do you need assault rifles for? You gonna
mow down a deer? We don't know what the forefathers would have said about assault rifles.
Begum Lincoln
Begum Lincoln
4 years ago
No, he is R.T. Erdogan
Tau Noctua
Tau Noctua
4 years ago
This song is about the Demiurge. Glad I decided to read the lyrics.
3 weeks ago
Wow, I do not like the style of this song. I love Within Temptation, but this song falls flat.
Shadow Seeker
Shadow Seeker
4 years ago
Guys, click here to go to Narnia!
nina lopez
nina lopez
5 years ago
who is loki?
Brendan Toal
Brendan Toal
5 years ago
who gives a shit, no one....just enjoy the music
4 years ago
maybe but its not Obama's fault. Plus he HAS spent less go check the Forbes website. Article
entitled "Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would you believe it's
Barack Obama?" He spent 1/7 of what Bush did. If you read the whole article it talks about how
it is Bush's fault. So stop kidding yourself and, like I said, stop watching fox news.
5 years ago
this song reminds me religions
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Perhaps there were liberals in the Republican party, but it was the REPUBLICAN party, not the
Democratic party that did all that. 63% of Democrats opposed the 13th Amendment. The
Democrats focus on big government, and there are quite a few that hate the US Constitution.
Look at what they're trying to do to the 2nd Amendment. Gun registration was only one of the
first measures the pre-WWII Nazi Germans took before stripping the people of their guns, and
murdering millions.
4 years ago
You also chose to reply to a tiny fraction of my comment, so you clearly have no interest in truth.
Also, you showed up 56 times when i searched for your name to reply to your comment, so you
probably have some sorta issues. Get off the net, build your selfworth somewhere else and try
to accept the fact that theres a lot of people who dont like christians, because they have a worse
track record than nazis. Im sure you people could turn the other cheek and forgive us? (while
raping children).
5 years ago
I really like this song..But what REALLY got me was the way they played that horn (Idk what kind
it is) But it was amazing!
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
Best part: "He will sell your soul,
To bitterness and cold,
Oh fear him"
at 6:04
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
YES! I've finally memorized all of the lyrics, with much gratitude to this video :-)
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
Completely XD
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
I love this song, and it's said to be on The Silent Force, but when I got the cd, it didn't have this
song on it. Is it a bonus track?
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
Okay, thanks :-)
Charlie Rickle
Charlie Rickle
5 years ago
Within Temptation is just phenomenal. How the hell is this not recognized? All the shit everyone
likes isn't any percentage of this!
4 years ago
And if you want to talk about freedom fighters historically liberals have ended slavery, given
women the right to vote, given African-Americans the right to vote, created Health Care (lifting
millions of elderly people out of poverty) created Medicare, passed the civil rights act and voting
rights act, passed the clean air and clean water act. And do you know what the "freedom
fighting" conservatives did on all those? They opposed every single one of them.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
I hope you are aware that with just a click of a button, history can be completely re-written. I get
my facts from old text books.
Albert Sánchez
Albert Sánchez
5 years ago
ahahhaha cant you see that this song, and the whole album is about paganism and mother
earth? (just as its title...) so, this song talks about yhvh/alah that rules over the world with fear
and dead to those who are against him or just not with him. This song if about all the things that
he has done, or at least the people in his name-
4 years ago
yeah, I could own this moron and all these others. Just gonna let you guys enjoy the songs now.
I'm getting tired of going over the same crap with these fox news brainwashed morons. It is a
good song. I like most of within temptation's songs.
4 years ago
Liberals, conservatives, what's the difference? The conservatives take measures like rescuing the
banks even if that implies adding more taxes to the people, the liberals take measures to rescue
the earnings of people from bankrupt banks and let the multimillionaire pay what it's due.
Obama has taken no liberal action actually, he's mistakenly labeled liberal because of his party.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
What is wrong with people? In a video called "Scout finally gets a girlfriend, some people were
actually expecting it to be rainbow dash! WTF!?!!?!?!?
4 years ago
another fox news brainwashed moron. Just because he had some teachers who were that way
doesn't make him that way. I had a teacher who taught the muslim faith, because that was what
the class was about, so I guess that makes me muslim. If you had a teacher who murdered or
stole then that makes you a criminal by that same logic. And foreign affairs? The forefathers told
us to stay out of foreign affairs. Apparently you guys don't know history.
4 years ago
what has he done for education? lol read on the whatisobamadoing website: "what Obama has
done for education". The cleaner energy part yeah he hasn't really done anything because he is
not the one who can make cleaner energy. Scientists do that. And like I said multiple times
before he has spent less than every president since Eisenhower.
3 years ago
Once Upon a Time's Rumpelstiltskin
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
5 years ago
But I really don't get what's with all these 'bronies' walking around surprise-butt-secks-ing each
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Actually, what I was saying earlier is that Obama gave weapons to the Muslim Brotherhood. You
know, the guys that beheaded a Catholic Priest, suicide-bombed Israel, bombed a Boston Parade
and all that?
The Phoenix-Feathered Raven
The Phoenix-Feathered Raven
5 years ago
Does any other Whovian think this song fit's the Master?
5 years ago
"there's always a SPARKLE of hope..."

Son of a bitch you are right.

Peacefully Drowning
Peacefully Drowning
4 years ago
GIVE THIS MAN A TROPHY. You are completely right, I agree with you.
Darth vader
Darth vader
4 years ago
or those who believe in nothing but thier own ideas and serve only themselves
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
It is a double standard set by this plague called Political Correctness, meaning that you can't
refer to a black person as a 'nigger', but it's just fine to call a white person a 'cracker'. Also, by
this double standard, it is perfectly okay to harass and even terrorize Christians, but not to insult
Muslims in the slightest, lest you be called a bigot and a Nazi.
4 years ago
he never admitted to being muslim. And yeah I have a friend that is Jewish so I suppose that it
makes me a Jew. and obviously he is not hiding his birth certificate otherwise Trump would have
found it by now. Obama even offered a birth certificate as proof.
4 years ago
You mean that the song reminds you of false claims of current popular religions?
4 years ago
and if you actually watch "Jon Stewart" he uses footage from past and present news
conferences, debates, reports, etc. It is completely factual. As for the Liberal Republicans part:
The south was and still is conservative. Why do you think that they always vote for conservatives
in elections? Who was the first party to put a black president into office? In Gettysburg, which I
have been to see, they always talk about the "conservative south".
PrettyBoy G
PrettyBoy G
4 years ago
And you are just a cardboard copynpaste of an hater that needs to juss listen to the song and
stop talking shit about Evenescence. THIER BOTH GREAT BANDS!
5 years ago
No. it does fit Loki.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Why is it everyone thinks us Christians like to rape children? That is a polar opposite of what we
are taught.
4 years ago
yeah like I said before he doesn't spend it. Obviously you don't know the facts or are in denial of
them. Like I said read the article. Its FACTUALLY true.
Nancy Carreño
Nancy Carreño
3 years ago
Within Temptation has the best lyrics ever!
mickey mouse
mickey mouse
5 years ago
sorta reminds me of this this character in D. gray man.. (millennium earl!) lol :D
jade Stone
jade Stone
5 years ago
It all depends on how you personally see a character I say ..
brugada baby
brugada baby
4 years ago
When I hear this song I think of Kagura talking about Naraku from Inuyasha...
2 years ago
When i first listened to this it reminded me or Francis from house of cards lol
Carla López Maldonado
Carla López Maldonado
6 years ago
WT rules my heart
4 years ago
One word bengazi, 4 people dead and he he decided to fundraise and blame on a video that
didn't reflect the view of the Libyan. In fact, his own talking point alienated the Libyan president
to extent that we wouldn't help us. He might of save general motors but they decided to ship
jobs to China instead to generate job here. Btw, he's America's Number One hypocrite, do as I
and not as I do. If you're going to drink the Kool-Aid at least drink the poisoned stuff!
José Cano
José Cano
5 years ago
Tawnya Whorton
Tawnya Whorton
4 years ago
Yay Inuyasha! They defeated the "deceiver of fools".
Rindert Walinga
Rindert Walinga
4 years ago
This ain't evanescene, its Within Temptation.
Martin Ros
Martin Ros
1 year ago
That instrumental part sends shivers up my body lol
5 years ago
Hay! That was a bit of unbridled humor!
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
5 years ago
This song makes me think of the Lich King (World of Warcraft).
5 years ago
i have never heard someone so talented as a whole, band and singer both, the harmonys are
awsome!!! I wish they would come to america more often especially here where i live!!!!!!!!!
5 years ago
It would behoof you to admit it.
Johnny Jillky
Johnny Jillky
4 years ago
i guess people can't like multiple bands in related (not the same) genres these days
5 years ago
She has the voice of an angel...
4 years ago
If anyone believe that Obama isn't an uber-liberal than I have beach front property in Arizona.
One of his mentors is Bill Ayers. A marxist-socialist. He believe in social justice, he believes in
racial justice, he believes in class warfare, he politically cynical, and lightweight in foreign affairs.
He's fucked up so much that term Obama will be synomous with political scandals.
5 years ago
Good call.
5 years ago
evenecence stole their syle. within temptation has been around for over 15 years and are from
holland. i like evenecence but they stole her syle and within temptation is much much better
Selma Nielson
Selma Nielson
4 years ago
Great Song.......
Thunder Wolf
Thunder Wolf
4 years ago
Hate to say this folks but songs have always tolds tales of politics, religion events going on that
has happened, is has been this way since man started making music, for all we know she could
be singing about Hitler, stallion and countless other though history and in our governments in
our time, maybe this is just an attempt to get people to wake up!!!!!!
Connor Priebe
Connor Priebe
4 years ago
*Sigh* what a stupid thread of comments anyway. . .
4 years ago
nickninja27, the only America that Obama will give us, is one that will be further in debt paying
for programs we can afford. Btw, his scandals are for worse because the disrespect America, and
show a big government that is willing to destroy, obfuscate and generally lie to face of the public.
Only Kool-Aid drinking fools like you believe else.
4 years ago
actually if you look at his "multimillion dollar trips" and actual cost it isn't even close. Just a
conservative imagination. And yeah he cut funding to the military, canceled the show. I thought
that you guys wanted him to spend less but apparently its alright when conservatives do that but
not alright when Obama or any liberal does it. As for the muslim thing I still say prove it. All you
have is the word of a diplomat from a country that you yourself do not like.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
Do you know who else has a worse track record than the Nazi's that's been going for the past
1400 years? Muslims.
5 years ago
sorry,i did not know you are religious
Jillian Fire
Jillian Fire
4 years ago
When a Nazi War criminal is the voice of reason it is a sad sad day.
Paul Valéry
Paul Valéry
4 years ago
Today's false religion, golden calf, prince of lies. Get back to the light.
When you pull off the heist just right
When you pull off the heist just right
4 years ago
The debt when Bush left: $4.9 trillion. Obama's debt now: over 3x what Bush had and climbing
rapidly. Stop kidding yourself!
4 years ago
you mentioned the birth certificate and Trump spearheads the search for Obama's real one. Just
showing how fake the leading disbeliever in his birth certificate is. He has come up with nothing
to prove Obama's is fake.
5 years ago
Holy crap, bronies are everywhere..... really nice song, really ^^
4 years ago
I agree it's stupid lol people just so negative these days they can't enjoy the music, enjoy it
fuckers lol.
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
they talk about Discord god of chaos, one of the villains in mlp fim. a deceiver and chaotich crazy
dragon like thing that match this song.

now you get it?

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
Like this: ???

tinyurl dot com/cljjh7z

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
Fuck them!!! LOL.
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
in 2:55 explains how Discord scaped from his stone
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
:) i love that you liked it. thanks /)
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
Someone must do a PMV with this song and Discord awakening from the stone
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
MMM so you don´t have the open mind to analize a HASBRO show, that means that you are a
super macho, and the people that doesn´t give a fuck about it but still see it to evaluate it are

Sorry boy but you are wrong, i use to see the show with my wife and my nephews. Don´t critisice
what you don´t know

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain

Discord Shadow Lord of the Black Mountain
5 years ago
Melissa Slate
Melissa Slate
9 months ago
I love this song
Adelaide Dupont
Adelaide Dupont
1 month ago
#diaryofapainfullyshyintrovert shared #deceiveroffools on #facebook. #respect!

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