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Lateral seiismic forces X-direction Lateral seiismic forces X-direction

Floor Elevation Story force Overturning Floor Elevation Story force

(m) (kN) (kNm) (m) (kN)
Terrace 3.06 38.74 118.54 Terrace 3.06 108.38
sf 3.06 83.80 256.43 sf 3.06 325.15
f 3.06 143.19 438.16 f 3.06 541.91
gf 1.75 143.19 250.58 gf 1.75 541.91
base 0.00 0.00 0.00 base 0.00 0.00

Total shear force = 409 kN (X-direction)
Total overturning moment = 1064 kN (X-direction)

Total shear force = 1517.35 kN (Y-direction)
Total overturning moment = 3933.19 kN (Y-direction)
s X-direction
Overturning and resisting moments(X-direction) Overturning and resisting moments(Y-direction)
Floor Elevation Moments Floor Elevation Moments
(m) kNm (m) kNm
Terrace 3.06 118.54 Terrace 3.06 331.64
sf 3.06 256.43 sf 3.06 994.96
f 3.06 438.16 f 3.06 1658.24
gf 1.75 250.58 gf 1.75 948.34
base 0 0.00 base 0 0.00
Overturning moments = 1064 Overturning moments = 3933

Overturing check (X-direction)

Least diamention of structure (X-direction) = 37.95 m
Weiight of the structure = 12268.00 kN
Resisting Moment = 139671 kNm

Resisting moment > Overturing moment

139671 > 1064

Overturing check (Y-direction)

Least diamention of structure (X-direction) = 10.48 m
Weiight of the structure = 12268.00 kN
Resisting Moment = 38571 kNm

Resisting moment > Overturing moment

38571 > 3933
Torsional moments
Levels Center of mass Centre of Rigidity COR-COM
X(mm) Y(mm) X(mm) Y(mm) X(mm) Y(mm)
Second floor 18.92 4.52 18.97 4.99 -0.05 -0.47
1st floor 18.90 5.32 18.97 4.99 -0.07 0.33

Overall building torsion

Story level Factored COR-COM Moment
Lateral force Mt Mta Mt-total
(kN) (m) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm)
Second floor 125.7
1st floor 214.785

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