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ISD 110 Assessment Team

I. April 6, 2018
A. Elementary Building Evaluations
1. Evaluation/Re-Evaluation numbers for each building
a) Laketown 16 Initial/15 re-evaluation
2. 3-4 suggestions or statements of “Needs” or “Working Well”
a) List of students receiving reading/math interventions and ability to access
B. Protocol needs
1. Order WJ Ach - Forms A & C
a) WHS- WJ Form C
b) BV/SV - WJ Form A (only have 2 achievement and 4 OL)
C. Next year plan (Paul will address/answer questions; may be late)
1. New cog test? Melody, Heidi, Rebecca will look into options & propose
2. Achievement - TERA/TEMA/TEWL
a) Look at purchasing new TERA
b) TOWL?
3. Summer work - eval reports & considering changes in format?
a) Re-eval attendance - case managers run meeting
b) PLC possibility?
4. ASD - Lori Larson at elementary/B-5
a) May not be involved in re-evals
b) Initials at secondary level: case-by-case but use of ASD teachers/case
D. Discussion about Spec. Ed. Meetings and evaluation reports (Hime)
1. Regular ed teacher attendance is lacking.
2. Could the meetings be worked into the normal working hours more often?
3. Problem with eval reports - it seems like most people are not valuing/reading them,
including some sped. teachers. Perhaps with the implementation of Assessment
Teams, case managers have become more removed from the eval process and don’t
feel as invested into the results of the evaluation? This causes frustration as the eval
results should be driving the IEP goals and objectives.
a) Evaluation recommendations - what have we used in the past? Ideas for IEP
b) Data analysis (eg: SLD reading student & now recommending math - best
way to address and show a need)
c) Consistency in report formats - would this help?

II. February 16, 2018

A. Executive Function Skills Workshop - Melody presenting what was learned
- Time management is huge for our students - not aware of how long things take
- Begins with:
- Impulse control - learned skill that usually is naturally picked up
- Cannot plan without controlling impulses - need to stop and predict
- Working memory - society does not practice anymore
- Situational Intelligence
- Stop and read the room: Space, Time, Objects & People
- Model to instruction: Get read, Do, Done
- Plan backwards: end result and break down steps needed
- Colored paper on desktop to align with model (left to right)
- “Time robbers” - identify and remove
- Time & clocks
- Map out the day, use visuals to show students
- Model desk - teacher shows what desk should look like
- Use actual photos
B. TERA-4 available (2017) (
1. $394
2. TEMA-3 (2003) & TOWL-4 (2009)
A. Executive Function Workshop 11-16-17 Presenter: Sarah Ward, MS, CCC/SLP
a. Melody Hime attended and will share highlights. It was an excellent workshop!
B. Eval numbers and work loads

IV. December 15, 2017

A. Occupational Therapist visit
1. What is OT?
a) School OT versus outpatient OT
b) Outpatient - medical/insurance
c) School qualified - may have 5 others in classroom
2. When should we include OTs on evaluation plans?
a) Pre-referral observations; RTI & concrete interventions
(1) 80% resolved by intervention & gen ed support
3. How do we deal with initial requests?
a) Parent: SLD with handwriting or ADHD
(1) OT would be a related service, cannot help unless qualify
(2) Need to service related to a SpEd need (sensory goal, writing
goal, etc)
4. Qualify SpEd. Address needs through RTI
a) If behavior, sensory, attention, organization
(1) OT can observe
5. In evaluation:
a) Communicate, clearly identify needs (in observation)
b) Write initial IEP
c) If there is a related service need; OTs will be included after PWN to
change service grid
6. Re-evaluation
a) At beginning of the year share evaluation list with OTs
(1) They will identify for us which ones need OT to be included
b) After evaluation is signed - clear out evaluation report & set up new date
(1) Beth deletes all upcoming re-evals at the beginning of the year
7. If on eval plan or IEP, invite OTs to meetings
B. What if a student does not qualify?
1. How do we discuss recommendations (without requiring district to serve)
a) What information would be helpful to SAT procedures
2. Wording to note that all people have unique needs and strengths and list them??
3. Working with T&L TEAM on this
C. WHS student - assessment results & finding ways to support student
D. Psychs - New ABAS teacher - missing pages??
Rebecca will call company and get an exchange or something.
E. Melody EF Update (waiting until January meeting)
V. November 17, 2017
A. Positives
1. Melody has been using: Strengths, Needs, & Plan model in meetings
2. Sara K standards-based training has been making progress
3. Melody attended executive functioning training - really good information
4. Beth - celebrating her birthday month
5. Andrea - the assessment team & using us as resources
6. Heidi - standards training increases awareness of “intervention” and hopeful that it
will help us as an assessment team
7. Rebecca - Sara’s back!
B. Sara Klitze and Teaching & Learning team (K-5 manager, SAT processes, Title 1, Standards-
based information)
1. Train Assessment team on View Point and gathering information to assist in
2. Student Summary in View Point
a) “Student Details”
b) Student search - summary
c) Risk definition & ranges
(1) Benchmarks - shared & will be in assessment team drive
(2) Can be found in Fast (FastBridge Learning) - general
information/results also on View Point
(a) High risk is based on percentile: 0-15
(b) Some 15-35
(c) Low risk above
3. Fast Bridge
a) If need a Fast account - email Sara K.
b) Progress Monitoring - only current year
(1) Can look at fluency
c) “Training and Resources” tab that looks at how numbers are developed
d) Individual skills report
(1) Mastered skills, Developing skills versus Future skills - can be used
in reports to drive Needs statements
C. SAT & Title 1 list
1. Is there a way to share what students have been receiving services in past years
(e.g. WMS looking for documentation of past reading services)
a) Keith Baune may know more
D. Interventions versus accommodations
1. GenEd are identifying differences
2. As soon as parent request comes in, student in brought to SAT team and
interventions are started - if we cannot identify an intervention, should eval be done?
E. LIst of interventions in each building and grade level? Reading Corps, Title, Reading
Specialist, etc.
VI. October 27, 2017
A. MDE Updates
1. Comprehensive report
a) Incorporates all information
2. Materials and procedures
a) Mentions using MTS/SRBI data
3. Summary
a) Needs to summarize all areas evaluated
b) Summary should inform educational needs & present levels in IEP
4. Eligibility
a) Meet criteria AND
b) Need SpEd services
5. Accommodations/Modifications
a) Really is “additions” or what do we recommend as changes to an IEP
● Bullet points from MDE manual include:
● Reevaluations ERs must consider additions or modifications to
special education programming
● Necessary to meet annual goals
● Necessary to participate as appropriate in gen ed programming
● Focus is off eligibility and on improving results
● Need to make a statement that areas are being addressed or
what/how needs are being addressed
● IE. (from Jenn) - Student’s current needs are XYZ, however
additional needs include XYZ; Student currently receives indirect
services in the area of XYZ, there are relevant needs now in the
areas of XYZ.
● May reference Re-Eval plan of what was addressed in the pre-
planning for the re-eval;
● Put info in the Accommodations/Modifications section. A statement
of what needs to be added or changed to the IEP.
b) If do not qualify, change “needs derived from a disability” into:
(1) “Does not meet special education criteria but had personal
weaknesses and could benefit from…”
(2) Does struggle with….
c) Document in PWN - tell story of discussion and decision
(1) Yes, there is a weakness but we can meet the need outside of
services - what does student need to make growth? What does
team provide in general education? How can we address needs
without IEP/SpEd?
B. Evaluation Results Mtg.
1. Strengths, Needs, Plan - for each section of the report. Jenn talked about having a
Google Doc that can be filled in with three columns and that is presented at the eval.
results/IEP meeting.
2. Keep it succinct and quick summaries.
3. Combination of Eval results and IEP as it is discussed. Then there is a better flow
and it is less overwhelming to everyone.
C. Instrument & Protocol Inventory
1. Do we have a list?
2. Document shared in Assessment team drive (2017-2018 Inventory…)
D. Beth/ Melody - share where to find elementary SAT info on Sped Forms.

VII. September 27, 2017

A. Updates/Questions
1. Next meeting - agenda will be updated in “Ongoing assessment team agenda”
2. Assessment team “mission”
a) PLC - learning community & sharing with each other
3. How frequently do we want to meet?
a) Let’s try to schedule a regular time throughout the year (easier to cancel
than schedule around current events)
b) Next meeting 10/27/17 @ 9:00
c) Created/invited team through January - will adjust when Sara returns
4. Creating informational sheets for staff meetings
a) Accommodations versus interventions
b) Data tracking
5. Invite Sara K/Tim in regarding district testing data?
a) Check in with them Nov/Dec
B. Focus on the evaluation report: “Reason for Referral”
1. Bring examples of what we’ve included on past reports
2. Discuss differences - adjustments to align team in creating more unified
C. Administration updates
1. Initial SLD:
a) Need to address all categories of SLD - need to give an acceptable
(1) WJ-ach does not address Listening Comprehension & Oral
b) WJ Test of Oral Language needs to be given
(1) Break out the two assessments in the evaluation permission
(2) If SLPs have an assessment that can count & are doing it, then
use it for SLD (have not identified a measure that works)
D. Additional comments & plans for next meeting
1. For October meeting - MDE updates and compliance training
- Develop guiding questions to ask when considering SLPs as a
related service to SLD

VIII. September 6, 2017

A. Assessment Team meeting Vision
1. Consistency in sections across district
2. Where to put what sections or information in what sections
3. Ability to discuss current evals and address questions
B. Team norms
1. One question at a time
2. No side conversations
C. Location - ESC Conf A
D. SAT - referral form for initials
1. What does SpEd require
E. SLP continuity - Paul
1. When to involve assessment team if SL/I needs more?
F. ASD evaluations - Joanna will meet with us individually

II. September 6, 2017

A. Recent Question from MDE Q and A regarding assessments:
1. When a district conducts a reevaluation for a student with a disability, is it always
necessary to address each eligibility criteria component in the respective rule,
including observations?
B. Answer:
No. When a district conducts a reevaluation of a student, the evaluation team must
review existing evaluation data and input from the student’s parents to identify
what additional data, if any, is needed to determine whether the student continues
to have the identified disability and the educational needs of the student. The
evaluation report must document the student’s present levels of performance and
educational needs that derive from the disability, so in some cases additional data
(including observational data) is necessary to document the student’s present
levels and education needs. But if the data is sufficient, additional evaluations,
including observations, are unnecessary.
2. Gray area students: is intervention/instruction meaningful?
3. PWN - addressing what is being addressed or not being addressed through 5
a) Reason for referral in evaluation: Expand rationale & “tell the story”
C. Summary of eval - ability to drop in as PLAAFP

● Assessment materials (still need to order)

○ WJ
● Instructional
○ System 44 - missing materials (WMS)

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