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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-101, No.

8 August 1982 2747

Adam Semlyen Dariush Shirmohammadi
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Abstract - The paper addresses the problem of phase effects. Therefore, analytical derivation will be
induction effects of a three phase transmission line on needed to maintain accuracy if distance effects are
a parallel circuit, in the presence of homogeneous earth. considered. For the above-ground conductors this
It is based on the simple expression' T=Ykn(V'/D') implies distances of several hundred meters from the
of a mutual impedance (where I" is complex) which line butfrom the complex images the distance to a con-
approximates well earth return effects as calculated ductor above ground is always large.
by Carson2. This expression is used to derive equa-
tions for the magnetic field intensity IT of a single
phase line, and for both Z and H of three phase lines YA
related to a parallel conductor with ground return.

The magnetic field and the related self and mutual
inductances and impedances of transmission lines are
significantly affected by return currents in earth.
For homogeneous earth the calculations are usually
performed using Carson's equations2. Their evaluation
requires the calculation of inf inite integrals
or, equivalently, of series given by Carson. This is
often inconvenient because of the need for a computer
program. Also, unfortunately, intuitive insight is
not provided by any classical approach. The paper of
Reference 1 proposes simplified formulae for the cal-
culation of the self andmutual impedances of conductors
with homogeneous earth return. The expression of a
mutual impedance, according to Reference 1, is:

where (see Fig.

1, K=(1)
where (see Fig. 1)

2 2
D' = V(h-h') + D (2')

D"= (h+h'+2p)2 + D (2")

Fig. 1 Complex geometry for
calculation of Z and H
/jw}i a

k ,- _ D' C
In (3) p represents a complexdepth and consequent-
ly D" of (2") is also complex.3'4 We will call,there- / 1/ / //I/J/I/ /I///f/
fore, the image k' of conductor k a complex image.
A bar is used on symbols for complex quantities.
For f=6OHz and a=10-2 S//m p=460l 450 Therefore, at . p D"
power frequency, the complex images lie deep. At the
earth surface the images of a three phase line are
expected to act as a tight bundle (Fig.2) and there-
fore we expect to encounter some computational
problems. Indeed, in expressions (2) for distances, Pi
variations in quadrature,resulting when one phase is
considered after the other, will affect very little
the resultant distance and single precision computa- / / ,/ '/J, /////, // / .// / / / /
tion may not produce the required accuracy for three
k' ,ip

Fig. 2 Geometry for three phase line

If sufficiently high precision arithmetic may
82 WM 033-9 A paper recommended and approved by the always take care of "catastrophic cancellation" effects
IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of the and therefore the use of special formulae may (theore-
IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the tically) not be needed, such simplified equations are
IEEE PES 1982 Winter Meeting, New York, New
York, still useful to provide insight and to predict
January 31-February 5, 1982. Manuscript submitted the induction effects at relatively large distances.
August 7, 1981; made available for printing October

27, 1981. Induction effects on a loop of two parallel con-

0018-9510/82/0800-2747$00.75 1982 IEEE

ductors can be obtained by taking the dif f erence of two distances from the current carrying conductor and/or
mutual impedances. Again, a numerical problem mayarise smaller skin depths (higher frequencies and/or higher
but, clearly, a local quantity H, obtained analytically, ground conductivities). Even for smaller values of r
fully solves the problem. Of course, the calculation the errors involved are within 10% of the values of
of the magnetic field intensity H of a three phase line the Carson's correction terms and 1% of the total im-
is slightly more difficult. pedance values.
The paper derives expressions for Z and H result-
ing from a single phase or from the three phases of a 0
transmission line.
Equation (1) is fundamental to our discussion and
therefore its accuracy is important. This equation has
been initially proposed by Dubanton at Electricit4 de
France, on an intuitive bases, and published by Gary3.
It has also been deduced in a pure mathematical analy-
sis by J.R. Wait et al4. This latter analysis also
suggests the error terms and the conditions under which
these terms tend to diminish. Here we extract from (1)
a term which corresponds to Carson's correction and
compare it to Carson's formulae.
Equation (1) can be written as follows:

Z = j w 2Qn
Dk + jw 2° Q D'" (4)

,= (h + h')2 + D2 (2"')

is obtained from D' of (2") for p = 0.

From (4) we obtain the approximation to Carson's
Pt + jQt = i2n D" (5)
With the intention to express P' and Q' in terms of
Carson's parameters
r = - (6')

e = cos-l h + h

the ratio D' is written as

D, =\1 +
(1-j) 2" cos
Dg r r

Substitution of (7) into (5) results in the

following expressions for the simplified correction

Pt= 1 -1 (-)

4-tan a

QI =
1 Zn


a = 1 +
cos e (8"')
4br (8"1")
r r
Fig. 3 Impedance correction term.
Figure 3 compares these simplified correction P,Q - Carson's values
terms with those of Carson for e = 00 and 900 and r Pt ,Q'- Analytically obtained values
ranging from 10-2 to 102. The comparison demonstrates
the accuracy of the complex 4epth techniques for lar-
ger values of r (r > 4). This corresponds to larger


Expression (1) gives directly the f lux linkage of So far our main results are equations (1) and (16)
circuit C due to a current I in the primary conductor: giving Z and 1Hx , H ,resulting from a single conductor
of the transmissionyline. In what follows we will
consider the transmission line in normal three phase
+= = I 2i fn D' (9) 2peration and will denote the resulting quantities by
Z3¢ and HX3¢, Hy3p
By moving conductor C infinitesimally in the vertical General Procedure
direction, we can identify the horizontal component Hx
of the magnetic field: We assume balanced positive sequence currents:

3D1 1 9D'
D' 3y /
Ib =
Ia ' Ic =
aIa ( ej 1200 (17t)
x P0 Dy yY
Thus the whole set of currents is defined in terms of a
and by moving C horizontally, we obtain single variable Ia- We note that this statement is
valid even if currents flow in ground wires, as long as
H = _ D'3x (10") zIkk=°(k = a,b,c,...) (17")
Iny P ax 2T
1 3D' Again, we ignore temporarily, for convenience, the
In equations (10) we will temporarily ignore the above-ground conductors but take care of their effect
second term but account for its eff ect later. We then later.
calculate, using equation (2"): The individual distances Dk of each conductor k'
with respect to C will now be diff erent corresponding
xD"x 3D3~D"D= s in" (11') to horizontal and vertical separations between wires.
These however are small compared to D". Therefore we
can use linear expansions of D" to obtain each D".
3D"1 = aD" h+h+2p = h(11") This procedure assumes a reference value of D", given
by (2"), with h and D without subscripts. For con-
ductor k', however, we would have hk and Dk, respec-
and substituting (11.) into (10), we obtain tively. A conductor to the left of, and higher than
the reference would have ADk = Dk - D and Ahk = hk - h
both positive. Of course, the reference could coincide
I h+h'+2p
x "r" I cose" (12') with one of the conductors.
The linear expansion yielding Dk is:
ID _ I sin" K"Ah
k D" +DK!AD k
(12) = + h k (18)
27TD" D" 2rrD"
The resultant field intensity is: -1~,l D -
K; D _y= sin8"
H=t=."2 + ', 2 -I (13) WI h+h'+2p
x y 2irD" h31-x=
osO"- (19")
as expected for real geometry. The vector H" is repre- These coefficients (19) are the same complex projection
sented in Fig. 1, perpendicular to the line D". functions as given in (11). Thus the increments in
One would similarly obtain
(18) have a simple geometrical interpretation.
Whether we calculate Z3¢ or Hx3< and Hy3, we are
=2nD' (13') interested in the resultant effect
also represented in Fig. 1. Its components are: UI k f"(D"p Dk, hk) (k = a, b, c) (20)
k k
Hix =2-n7DI cosO' (14') where f" (-) is a general function. We can expand it
around D" , D, h using (18):

H' = 2rD sine' (14't) -() f f,+a (D-"

+ a+3D (Dk-D) + af "

(h kkh)
o k 3h
wher e
sine' D (15') f"(.) = "+ a ((ADk+K1Ah) + aD + ah k

cosE' D' (15") The partial derivatives are evaluated at D", D, h.
Substituting (21) into (20), and taking into
By adding (12) and (14) we obtain account (17), we obtain:

I cosO' + cosO" I h-h' -'+2p)

Hx -(
21T D' D Dr2' + (16') I"k
=[ ---
) E"e AD

- I sine' sine" I D D
( 16") - K" )e Ahhk ]Ia (22')
2 + ( + -a
y 2ir D
3V h

We can notice already in (16") the possibility of a where

cancellation effect at large distances. acx
aa = 1, CLb = ac = OL ( 22tl)

with aL given in (17') . Consequently, we obtain for (26):

Consequently, (22') becomes:
i"t I
j Kv
EI f "t( *) = I "Ah)
(f '$A + f h (23')
k a DD z
= K((-
Ps -tT)AD + (-,, DT)Ah) (29)
or with (19) and (25):

= af |-,+ af"
D aD
aD" (23"l) z3 = K((-_
D - h+h'+2 h-h'-
P A + 22)h) (30)

af V~I'
aD" h
+ -f3h i

with A Ds A h calculated from (23"'').

Calculation of H and HY3<
A D =AD a --(AD-+-AD)
f2 b c + j- 2 (ADc-AD b ) The three phase field intensity Hx3, can be
(23''') obtained by means of equation (16'):
Ah =ha
Ah (tb+tc
- + i ..32 (Ah
(8c-Ah~,b) Ik hk-h' h
with KD , Kh given in (19). X3 2E r'( D,2 + k
It is interesting to note that in the new expres- Consequently, in (26),
sion (23') of the combined effect of the three phases,
the original functions f(*) are replaced by the deriva- h -h'
tives f fh . Therefore, the law of variation (with f'() = k
distance) of the combined effect is different from (32')
that of a single conductor.
For the above-ground conductors we obtain an
equation similar to (23'): hkhk+h'+2p
= I a(f'A
+ f'A
hh (24t) For (24") and (23") we calculate
where fDf -2 2rD'3

ft= +
D t KD g
(24") hf' -2 2¶TD'3 h +1
fh aD' + afh f
fD= 2
2 7rD",
+ 2K"
IA 2h+h'+2pj, 1
K = DjD = sine'
.o (25') h 2 3
-,,h -

Kh=- h-h'
D' =oQ
cose' (25"1 Substitution of (33) into (26) yields:
The resultant effect is obtained by subtracting H- = a 2(h-ht)K' D 2(h+h'+2p)K +
Hx34) D'~~~~~)AD
= D'- 3 - +
(23') from (24'): 2i
Dv -1

EI (ft(-)_ ) = I ((f'-f")AA + (fh Ah) (26) 2(h-h')K'h 2(h+h'+2p)Kj 1

Expression (26) of the combined effect of above- Dt3 DP,3 12

ground three phase conductors and of their complex
images becomes meaningful when applied to the concrete + 2 )Ah) (34')
problems of interest: calculation of and of Hx34)
and Hy34,. This will be discussed next.
Calculation of Z3) or, with K1, Kl, Kj, Kh from (25) and (19):
The three phase mutual impedance can be obtained Ia 2D(h-h) 2D(h+h'+2p) )A
by means of equation (1): ED
x3 _ 2 (h- D'4 4
z 34 = E kKQn D ' Ia = 1 (27) +-2(h-h') 2 2(h+ht+2p) (3411)
D' 4 -4
Comparing (27) to (26) shows that
f(') = -Kfn(*) (28') +,
-L2 p )Ah)
Therefore in (24") and (23"):
The vertical component Hy- I is calculated in a
D -' similar way. We have from (16'":
D D' pf D' = -K_
-D = -h
D D" (28") aTk7
a Dk Dkk
H (35)
= -K--
K- 3
D' D
h D- h D"

Consequently, in (26),

Dk (36"1)
For (24") and (23") we calculate

fD = -2 K + 2rD * 2 Fig. 4 Example for the calculation

of AD and Ah
f h' = -2 K'h a = 10 S/im (p = 460 m) the range of the results trans-
2irD'3-3 lates in a lateral distance D from the centre phase
(37) between 30 m to 30 km.
fD --2 + Fig. 5 clearly indicates that, while compact ex-
pressions for Hxx3~ and Hy3J expectedly fail to produce
21TrD 2TrD"T very accurate results for smaller values of r, they
become quite accurate for larger values of this para-
f = -2 D -
to meter. The figure also demonstrates the accuracy of
h 2rD-,3 the simple analytical equations for Hx and H (equation
16) over the whole range of interest. Clear{y, the
Substitution of (37) into (26) yields: errors are small, except for a very limited range of r.
An important conclusion of Fig. 5 is the effect
I 2DKD 2DSK of round-off error which causes Carson's method,
a K? 1
H in single precision, to yield completely erroneous
Y34 7
2iTr D3 D"3 D-2 +- 2)A D results for relatively large values of r (very large
distances from the transmission line and/or very small
2DK% 2DK" skin depths). In double precision, Carson's approach
+ (- 3 h
(38') yields, for larger values of r, identical results to.
D' D' the analytical method introduced in this paper. It
or, with K1) , Kh , K;, Kg from (25) and (19):
should be mentioned that for such large distances from
the transmission line the computation time for the
evaluation of Carson's integral form formulae has been
found excessive, which represents another disadvantage
for their use.
2D(h-h') 2D(h+h'+2p)) -
4 + - 4 ~~~h) (38") The simple expression of a mutual impedance, in-
corporating a complex return depth, has permitted to
derive equations for the direct calculation of magnetic
field intensities and of effects of three phase lines.
CALCULATION OF MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY These equations remove the numerical difficulties which
may appear due to cancellation effects and permit to
We have derived-compact expressions for the fol- clarify the behaviour of these variables with respect
lowing quantities: to distance and transmission line geometry.
1. Z ... equation (1)
2. lx ... equation (16?) ACKNOWLEDGMIENT
... equation (16")
Financial support by the Natural Sciences and
3. Hy (39) Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully
4. z3q ... equation (30) acknowledged.
5. Hx3?, ... equation (34") REFERENCES
6. H ... equation (38")
Y3~ [1] A. Deri, G. Tevan, A. Semlyen, and A. Castanheira,
Using equation (39), absolute values of the hori-
"The Complex Ground Return Plane, a Simplified
Model for Homogeneous and Multi-Layer Earth Re-
zontal and vertical components of the magnetic field turn", IEEE paper no. 81 WM 222-9, presented at
intensity for a three phase line carrying a balanced the 1981 Winter Power Meeting in Atlanta, Ga.
current of 1 p.u. are computed. The line geometry is
shown in Fig. 4. The relevant parameters are [2] J.R. Carson, "Wave Propagation on Overhead Wires
with Ground Return", Bell Syst. Techn. J., 1926,
ADa OO, ADb = -Td, ADc= d Vol. 5, pp. 539-554.
-Aha = 0, Ahb = -d Ahc =-d [3] C. Gary, "Approche Complete de al Propagation
Multifilaire en Haute Frdquence par Utilisation
des Matrices Complexes", EDF Bulletin de la
The results are calculated for d = 5m, h = 25m and Direction- des ftudes et Recherches-Serie B, No.
h = lOm (h': the height of the points above ground for 3/4, 1976, pp. 5-20
which the values of magnetic field inter sity are calcu-
lated) and presented in Fig. 5. The computations are per- [4] J.R. Wait, K.P. Spies, "On the Image Representation
formed for various values of the dimensionless para- of the Quasi-static Fields of a Line Current
meter r, hence, they are applicable to different fre- Source above the Ground.", Canadian Journal of
quencies and ground conductivities. For f = 60 Hz and Physics, Vol. 49, 1969, pp. 2731-2733.

X3O H 2


3,4 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ,


I U,
, 1 I|§|| i01r l 21 - lo 1
Fig 5 anti el itest forteln emer 2fFg


() (a) Horizontal component H 1- 1 (b

( b) Vertical component H3
Curve 1. Carson's integral formulae; single precision.
Culrve 2. Carson''s integral formulae; double precision.
Curve 3. Complex depth apSproach; single conductor effects combined (equation 16)
Curve 4. Co,mplex depth approach; combined 3-ph,ase effect (equations 34", 38")

Digcussions I 0-s

John Dabkowski and. Marvin Frazier (Scilence Applications, Inc., 1

Schaumburg, IL):, The autors' have provided a useful result in the com-
parison of the derived correction terms (Eq. 8) with Carson's values in
Fig. 3 of the paper. In essence, the results illustrate that the' use of -the 7:7~~~~~~~~~~:
complex depth concept results in a closed form coupling expression for
a single current carrying conductor that is very close to those obtained

by use of the Carson Series.

The complex image depth expressions resented in Equation 1-3 by
the authors should be of considerable practical use. The simplified ex-
pression for the coupling impedance Z3+, (Eq. 30) due to three phase Semlyen et al.
transmission line geometries presented by the authors should also be z 10o ___________Dommnel/Carson 'Eq. 27 1~
useful for direct calculations. However, this expression is onily accurate
at distances in excess of several hundred meters from the line for power 9
frequencies and representative line geometries and soil conditions. Th'us
caution must be exercised in the use of this expression. This limitation is
due to the fact that although a linear (differential) expression forD" to
obtain D5"k is likely to be valid for most conditions of interest, the cor- 1CF,
responding expression in D' (Eq. 24) is not. Values of ED and 'Ek are I2 1 3
likely to be small relative to but not 15' for values of D close to the
A simple expression for the three phase coupling impedance near the Figure 2 Three Phase Coupling Impedance By Carson And
line has been presented by Dabkowski (1). A comparison of these two
Complex Image Plane Expressions For Line of Fig. I
simplified mutual coupling impedance expressions is illustra'ted by the
curves of Figure 1. The curves show the magnitude of the three phase

coupling impedance for a horizontal circuit with phase configura'tion

wires spaced 8 meters apart at a' height of 12 meters, for a ground REFERENCES

resistivity of 10 Kg cm. These two simp le analytical results provide

quite reasonable approximations (for the different regions) to the three (1) J. Dabkowski, "The Calculation of Coupling from Over- Mag'netic
phase coupling impedance. The three phase derivation of the present head Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans. on Power App. Systems,

paper (dash'ed curve) is quite accurate at ranges in excess of se-veral huin- Vol. PAS-100, Aug. 1981 pp. 3850-3860.
dred meters, while that. of Dabkowski (solid curve) is accurate for (2) H. W. Dommel et al, Discussion, IEEE Trans. on Power App.
ranges less than 100 to 200 meters, depending on soil conductivity., Systems, Vol. PAS-92, pp. 900-904.
By way of comparison, Figure 2 illustrates the three phase coupling (3) J. Dabkowski et al, Mutual Design Considerations for Overhead
A C Transmission Lines and Gas Transmission Pipelines. Final
impedance for the same line using the recursive formulation 'of Carson's
impedance of Dommel (2) which has been adapted to a TI-59 program- Report EPRI EL-904, A.G.A. Cat. No. L51278, Sept. 1978.
mable hand calculator (3) and the authors' closed form expression of
Published by the Electric Power Research Institute and the

.Eq. (27). For practical purposes, the solid curve approximiation of. Fig.
Amierican Gas Association.

is congruent with the curves of Figure 2 for D < 200m, while the dash-
ed curve of Figure is congruent. with the dashed curve of Figure 2 for Manuscri-pt received Januaiy 22, 1982.

D> 700 meters.

The discussors have not checked the accuracy of the ma'gnetic fi'eld Benson Boss (Gibbs & Hill, Inc., New York, NY): The practical method
components' derivation for the three phase power line. It appears developed by the authors has been convincingly presented for the case
however, that a simnilar expansion for DI was made, and hence their 'ac- of a lonk
induced circuit tremote 'from a transmission-line carryi'ng
curacy should be verified for small values of D. balanced currents and which has, flat or triangular phase arraLngement

and two symmetrically positioned overhead ground wires (GWs).. Cur-

rent cir-culates in the GW-s (no c'urrent returns via earth) and produces

negligible net mhagnetic effects at a re~mote lo-cation; henrce, it is accep-

table that the GWs are ignored in the method of the authors.
The method will be in error if app lied to A line with only one GW.
The GW -curr'ent (it returns. -via earth) will contribute to induction on a
paralleling' cir'cuit. At a remote location, the contribution will be par-
10C ticularly significant relative to thr-ee-phase induction for a line w'ith ver-
tical pha-se a'rrangement.
(Some lines with vertical phase arrangement
h ave two GWs, but these act a's o'ne c-onducto'r insofar -as induction' is

- ''~~~~~*'''''I'''' 1~~~~~~~~I concerned.) For -a lin'e with onie GW, it'appears

corretct 'solution is t-hat
possble by in addition to using the line c'urrent -anad three-phase
mutual 'impeda'nce, Z3+ making use of the produce of 'the GW current
I CF5 F*
and the -mutual impedanice ass ociated with the GW, 'Z. The latter may
be calcul'ated from. e'quation (I).
A 7,Dabkowski For short exposures anid larg'e separations, Carson results, closely so

matched by the auth-ors, -are likely to b'e in error. Carson Assumed very
long wires. For sho'rt eixpoue,Carson answers are accuaei

tion is relatively small, but'ar'e qUestionable -if separation is large. Con-
1 b-r' ______
tq. Al0 sider two conductors of equal length, with feet separation, 60-Hz
current in one, earth resistivity 100 oh'm-meters. From the Well-known
m book by Sunde, Carson mutual impedance was calculate'd from equa-
tion 4.34, short-length mutuial impedances .were obtained from curves
similar to those of Fig. 4.7 but based upon the co'mbinatioti of equa-

b-, ti-ons 4.76 and 4.80, and answers expressed in ohms per mile are as
D(uenters)lIO 1 02 03 10

Very lonig wires:, 0.084 + j 0.129

Wires one mil.e long., 0.075 + 0.092
Wires one-half mile long: 0.050 + j 0.072
.Figure Simplified Three Phase Coupling Imp'edance
Approximations For Representative Horizontal Lin'e Manuscript received February 25, 1982.
Fariborz S. Mahjouri (Henningson, Durham & Richardson, Min-
neapolis, MN): The authors are to be congratulated for presenting a
unique approach for calculating the mutual induction on parallel circuit
in the presence of homogeneous earth. The definition of "complex
earth" or "complex depth" is basically simple and straightforward, on
the surface.
There were some limitation for which any user must be cautioned
such as soil conditions, working frequency range and the effect of shield
wires. These are not simple and straightforward and can seriously affect
the usefulness of the results.
The introduced concept is developed for homogeneous one layer
earth. However, its application on multi-layer soil conditions is ques-
tionable and seems to be very simple. Furthermore the authors leave the
effect of shield wires totally open which increases the complexity of
Finally, I would appreciate comments on the validation of presented

approach in respect of frequency range which requires special caution in

its application in transient analysis.

Manuscript received March 1, 1982.



:-; ::;
Ft'* ' t~ - ~ :-i\.-§
D(meters).... .. : .:
b -;' :'-

,,- ,,;,: ': ,' ,,,

:;i' f:\ 0::. ij. . . .

- \- 1- '"

J r)







Fig. 6 Three phase coupling impedance for the line geometry

suggested by Dabkowski and Frazier using the Dommel/
Carson method and the complex depth approach (eqn. (30)).
A. Semlyen and D. Shirmohammadi: We wish to thank the discussers To Dr. Mahjouri: The concept of "complex depth" has been shown to
for their interest in our paper and for their valuable comments, and of- produce accurate results for the whole range of frequencies for which
fer the following answers and remarks. are valid (i.e. up to several MHz); see Figs. 3 and 5
To Messrs. Dabkowski and Frazier: The simplified expression for the Carson's formulae [5] and [6], with the remark that r = 0.1 corresponds to
three phase coupling impedance Z3f of equation (30) is quite accurate and references
to distances as low as 30 m from the central phase. This can be seen imagesHzcanand be
r = 10 corresponds to \,106 Hz. Consequently complex
used, and have been used5 for the calculation of tran-
from Fig. 6 which represents the correct plot of Z3+ found to be in error sients on transmission In reference [1] (IEEE Trans. Vol.
in the discussers' Figure 1. For smaller distances the Dabkowski for- PAS-100, August 1981,lines. pp. 3686-3693) the complex depth p is
mulation is still accurate. Fig. 5 (curve 4) also confirms the accuracy of calculated (based on a plausability argument) for stratified earth mak-
the three phase formulae since the lower limit 10- 1 of the Carson ing possible simple impedance calculations. is interesting to note that
parameter r corresponds at 60 Hz to a distance of the order of 30 m. We complex image conductors are expected toItgive results (due to
appreciate that the discussers have provided Figure 2 which compares their depth of "-1000 m at 60 Hz) even for buriedgood cables or pipelines
the results of the calculation of coupling impedance using the complex running parallel to a transmission line.
depth approach with those of Dommel/Carson.
To Mr. Boss: It is correct that our results, similarly to Carson's, are REFERENCES
valid for lines which are long compared to the distance considered from
the line. We appreciate the discusser's clarifications and data regarding [5] A Semlyen and M. H. Abdel-Rahman, "Transmission Line Model-
the error which may result if the equations are applied for shorter line ling by Rational Transfer Functions", IEEE Paper No. 82 WM
segments. We also agree that in applications where the effect of one or 150-1, presented at the 1982 Winter Power Meeting in New York,
several ground wires has to be taken into account, this can be achieved NY.
by superposition, using formulae for single phase effects. In general, in [61 A. Semlyen, "Approximation to Carson's Loss Formulae", Cana-
a situation of any complexity, one can of course resort to superposition dian Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1981, pp. 30-31.
of the effects of individual conductors, equations (I) and (16). In this
context we should mention that equation (35) has to be corrected to: Manuscript received March 29, 1982.

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