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Allosaurus 3 Megalodon 12

Amphicoelias 3 Metriacanthosaurus 13

Ankylosaurus 4 Mosasaurus 13

Appalachiosaurus 4 Plesiosaurus 14

Archaeopteryx 5 Pteranodon 14

Brachiosaurus 5 Purussaurus 15

Brontosaurus 6 Quetzalcoatlus 15

Chialingosaurus 6 Serrasalmidae 16

Deinonychus 7 Smilodon 16

Dilophosaurus 7 Spinosaurus 17

Dimetrodon 8 Spinosaurus, Young 17

Diplodocus 8 Stegosaurus 18

Dunkleosteus 9 Therizinosaurus 18

Elasmosaurus 9 Triceratops 19

Eotyrannus 10 Troodon 19

Gigantopithecus 10 Tyrannosaurus Rex 20

Hadrosaurus 11 Velociraptor 20

Hyaenodon 11

Lambeosaurus 12

With the upcoming release of Tomb of Annihilation, I wanted to have a good selection of dinosaurs available as random
encounters. Not being particularly up on my dino-knowledge, I had to look them all up to see how big they were and if
they were meat eaters or not. Obviously, I didn’t include every type of dino but tried to give a broad selection of body
types and sizes. Hope this helps with any of your games, have fun!

10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
12 | P a g e
13 | P a g e
14 | P a g e
15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
18 | P a g e
19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e

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