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MAY-JUN, 1944 TO JULY, 1981


Article Title Author Issue

Action & Reaction........... Emily R. Plummer ..........10

Adoration of Principle ...........Dara Eklund ..........139
"AE" --- POET and THEOSOPHY ....Boris de Zirkoff .....112
After Death: You are Yourself ....G. de Purucker....119
Alchemy in the Nineteenth Century ....H. P. Blavatsky ....135
Alchemy & Science Meet, Where ....Boris de Zirkoff..... 21
Alexandrian Library, The .....Arthur L. Joquel .....21
All Aboard for the Moon! ....Boris de Zirkoff...... 74
Alone Without Loneliness ......Alice Comerford ..........112
Am I Forgiven? Dara Rittenhouse 64
... And a Happy New Year .....Boris de Zirloff....... 105
Anagarika Dharmapala, His Connection With the Early
Theosophical Movement .....101
Ancient Wisdom: The Gift from the Gods ......Harold W.
Dempster ................90
Ancient Wisdom in Modern Dress ...Boris de Zirkoff... 32
Ancient Wisdom Preserved Through Myth and Legend, The
......L. Gordon Plummer ......32
Another Milestone ........... Editorial .............34
Antiquity of Man & Civilizations ....H.P. Blavatsky .......96
Antiquity of Theosophy .....F. B. Finlayson ......1
Anthropological Association, Resolution of the American .....17
Aphorisms on Karma .....William Q. Judge ............57
Apreciating the Ancient Wisdom ....Harold W. Dempster .....68
Appreciation ............L.B. ...........54
Aquarian Doorway ..........Margaret Chamberlain.............89
Arch of Triumph, The ...........Dara Eklund ...........162
Are Chelas "Mediums"? ......H.P. Blavatsky ...............107
Are Dreams but Idle Visions? ......H. P. Blavatsky ......61
Arena of Fulfillment, The ......Montague A. Machell ......128
Are the "Flying" Saucers Really Flying?...Boris de Zirkoff ....52
Are There Limits to Striving?..... L. Gordon Plummer .....152
Are We Theosophists? ....Boris de Zirkoff .........60
Arthritis of the Psyche .......Montague A. Machell ......101
As the New Year Opens .....Editorial ....................81
Asia & the West Tomorrow .............Hector Tate ..........40
Astral Intoxication ..............William Q. Judge ...........91
Astral Prophet, An .......H.P. Blavatsky ................22
Astrology: A Key to Theosophy .......E. Hoffman Price .....69
Astrology and 1962 .......George Cardinal LeGros .........87
At Dawn .......Shelley von Strunckel ................152
At the Doorway of a New Year .......Boris de Zirkoff ......113
"At a Great Price...." .......... L. F. Morrish ................25
Atlantis and the Swastika ............Arthur L. Joquel .............37
Atma-Buddhi-Manas ...............Ernest Wood ............ 21
Atom, Man, Star ................L. Gordon Plummer .................70
Atomic Bomb and You, The ............Boris de Zirkoff .......15
"Authority of the Torches, The" .....Dara Eklund .........144
Autumn Night .........George Cardinal LeGros .........96
Avalokitesvara .................L. Gordon Plummer ........135
Avoiding Delusion ...............Harold W. Dempster .....43
Awake & Hearken ...............Lina Psaltiss ....................105

Basic Principles of Theosophy .......Editorial ...........147

Basic Teachings of Theosophy -Who Are We? -What Are We?
-What is Our Destiny? .....W. Emmett Small ....98, 99
Beacon of the Unkown, The ......H.P. Blavatsky ...1, 134
Bend in the Road, A ..............Dara Rittenhouse ...........77
Bereavement? What of ..........Boris de Zirkoff ..............10
Blavatsky & Col. H. S. Olcott in 1883 ........Editorial ..........35
Blavatsky & Spiritualism ........Mary K. Neff .......26, 27
Blavatsl~y & the New Physics, H.P. .....Boris de Zirkoff ......17
Blavatsky as an Occultist, H.P. .....Boris de Zirkoff ......111
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna ......Boris de Zirkoff .......115
Blavatsky, H.P., From the Writings of ........H.P. Blavatsky...123
Blavatsky, Letter from H.P. ......H.P. Blavatsky ..........28
Blavatsky Meets Her Teacher .....Mary K. Neff ......29, 30
Blavatsky on Her American Citizenship, H.P. ....H.P.
Blavatsky .................115
Blavatsky to Her Correspondents ........H.P. Blavatsky ......35
Blavatsky, Traces of H.P. Gen. P.S. Nikolayeff .......19
Blavatsky, Two Letters from H.P. .......H.P. Blavatsky ......78
Blavatsky's Family, Note on H.P.....................19
Blooming, The ................Dara Eklund..................152
Boy Who Forgot Christmas, The .......Waldo A. Perez ......52
Brotherhood of Man, The............ H. Willard ................3
Brotherhood: The Only Way Out .........Boris de Zirkoff ......30
Builders of the New Age ...............Boris de Zirkoff .......132
Burial--Long Overdue, A .................Boris de Zirkoff ........96
But What Am I? ......W. Emmett Small ..............158

Campaign of Fear - And a Crusade of Love .....Polly Carr .....25

Can the Fighting Spirit Be Transmuted, and How?.......
Josephine Ransome ................86
Can the Mahatmas Be Selfish? .........H.P. Blavatsky .......32
Cant about the Masters, The ......Dudley W. Barr ........33
Case of Obsession, A .......H.P. Blavatsky ................161
Caste System of India,The - It's Deeper Meaning ......Judith
Tyberg ................46
Ceiling Zero ........Montague A. Machell ................94
Center of Stillness, A ................Dag Hammaskjold ............113
Challenge of Theosophy, The .............Boris de Zirkoff ......14
Challenge That Is Ours, The ........Boris de Zirkoff ......50
Chance or Justice Rule Our Lives, Does? (a Discussion) ......2
Chaos or Cosmos ......George Cardinal LeGros .....130
Character-Building .......James O'Connell .............51
Chariots of the Celestial Spheres .......Dara Eklund ....153, 154
Chelas and Knowers ..........Tsong-ka Un-Ghien ............61
Chelas "Mediums"? Are, ..........H.P. Blavatsky .............20
Christmas in Our Hearts .............Boris de Zirkoff ...........46
Christmas Obsolete? Is, ..........Boris de Zirkoff ..............22
Christmas Then and Christmas Now ..........H.P. Blavatsky ....40
Closing Cycle, The .....William Q. Judge ..........62, 124
Clouds ................Shelley von Strunckel ..........153, 154
Co-Creators with God ...............Ruth Pratt ...............43
Color Slip Shoiiing? Is Your, ...........Lee C. Ellsworth .......24
Communication Between Worlds .......H.P. Blavatsky ......148
Communications Revolution, The .......Lina Psaltis ........150
Company with the Searchers, In and "Companionship" .........
G. White Hickerson ...............95
Concerning Monadic Centers ......G. A. Barborka ........99
Constancy .......Montague A. Machell ...............121
Constant Vigilance .............Montague A. Machell ........125
Contribution to Moral Delinquency ...G. White Hickerson ......72
Cosmic Clock, The .............L. Gordon Plummer .............20
Cover Picture: California Redwoods ...............164
Creative Listening .............Dr. Laurence J. Bendit ...........136
"Credo" .................Giuseppe Mazzini ..........................31
Criterion, The ......................Jan H. Venema ...................20
Cross and Fire ................H.P. Blavatsky ..............65, 110
Crucible for Self-Discovery, A .................Dara Eklund ........136
Cry from Out of the Darkness, A .......M. del. Phillips ..........117
Currents of Solar Forces at Work ...........Boris de Zirkoff ....150
Cycles and Human Habits ..........Boris de Zirkoff ................38
Cycles and Numbers ............Robert F. Kerr ....................9
Cyclic Ebb and Flow, The ..........Boris de Zirkoff .............83
Cyclic Law............ Boris de Zirkoff ........................61
Cyclic Periodicity and Thought Habits .......G. de Purucker .....9

Danger - High Voltage ............Dudley W. Barr ..........31

Dangers of Black Magic, The .........Col. Henry S. Olcott .......84
Date to Remember, A ..................Boris de Zirkoff ...........89
Death: A New Life ................Sven Eek .............50
Death: Continuance of Life ......L Gordon Plummer .......100-101
Death or Transfiguration .............Dara Eklund ............138
Deep Thought - Determined Action ........Dick Cutting ........8
Deity & Karman ...................G. de Purucker ................133
Desiderata (Max Ehrmann) ...............Ehrmann Version ......24
Delusions of Clairvoyance ............William Q. Judge .............91
Devachan ..................H.P. Blavatsky ...............8
Difference Between Spiritual and Psychic Vision, The..........
.......... Phoebe D. Bendit..............156
Discipline & Authority ..........Henriette de Hoog ..............60
(Hetty Manske's pen name)
Discipleship in the West ............L. Gordon Plummer ..........22
Discipline is Where the Action Is .......Vonda Urban .......140
Discipline Precedes the Mysteries .......Vonda Urban .....144
Divine Forgiveness in the Light of Theosophy .......F. C.
Clemeshaw ...............4
Divine Serial - Life, The ......Montague A. Machell .....164
Divine Participation .....Montague A. Machell..........130
Doctrine of Rebirth, The ..........Bandusia Wakefield ........116
Doctrine We Promulgate The .........Boris de Zirkoff...119, 146
Doing ...........Harold W. Dempster ...............63
Dory, The .............Joan Sutcliffe ............148
Don't Copy - Create! ............Montague A. Machell ..........136
Do We Dare to Doubt? .....Eileen Margaret Walker ........51
Doubles & Ex-Doubles ...........Eastern School of Theosophy
(circular) ..............153, 154
Dream, A ..............Iverson L. Harris ..............41
Dream, Art Thou A .............F. Arteche ................23
Dream That Never Dies, The ...........Boris de Zirkoff ..........69
Dreaming? Are We Afraid of, ..........Boris de Zirkoff ...........28
Duality, Desires & Self-Analysis, On ............Editorial ......41
Dust to Cosmos, From ............Nancy Browning .............27
Dynamic Movement, A ...............Boris de Zirkoff ...............130

Easter Again ...........Boris de Zirkoff ...............36

Easter Morning Meditations, 1951 .........Iverson L. Harris .....42
East of Tomorrow ......Boris de Zirkoff ......85, 121, 155
Eblis, The Great Trans-Neptunian Planet ...Arthur L. Joquel ...32
Echoes of the Orient ......William Q. Judge (Review by Joy
Mills).......... 164
Ecology of the Spirit ............Dara Eklund ...........126
Editorials - One Each Issue ................Boris de Zirkoff
Education for Life ...........Montague A. Machell .............146
Efficient Thinking ................Ruth Pratt ...........31
1888 .............H.P. Blavatsky .............121
Eloquent, Just and Right Death ..................C. J. ...........74
Enduring Foundation, An ............Boris de Zirkoff.............. 76
Environment (reprint from THE PATH, Feb. 1887) ....Hadji
Erinn (W. Q. Judge)...............72
Equally True Today ............H.P. Blavatsky (Excerpts).......76
Era of Western Occultism, The ............Lina Psaltis .......126
"E.S." - What it was, What it is, The ....W. Emmett Small .....161
Esotericism of Christian Dogma, The .....H.P. Blavatsky.......45
Esoteric Saviour, The .............Iverson L. Harris ...........28
Establishing the Self .............Dara Eklund ...............121
Eternal Splendor, The ...........George Cardinal LeGros .......125
Ethical Aspect of Theosophy Not the Only Aspect, The.....
... Henry T. Edge .............71
Ethics as a Living Power ............Boris de Zirkoff ............39
Ethics of Survival, The ..........Boris de Zirkoff ............43
Everyday Immortality ..............Montague A. Machell ........97
Every Man Potentially a Theosophist ...Weno R. Bergstrom ....4
Evolution & Enlightenment ......Eldon B. Tuciter III .........156
Evolution, Emanation & Creation .....Eldon B. Tucker III .....138
Excerpts: From the Writings of Dr. G. de Purucker
- The Path Leading to the Mysteries; On the Messianic Cycle; On Shambhala; On the
Negroes; On the Nature of the Moon; On Initiation; On H. P. B.; On the Interior of the
Earth; On Chelaship; On the Sun & Comets; Meteoric Continent; Why the Sky Is
Blue; The Open Portal of Initiation..........137
From the Writings of H. P. Blavatsky in 1883 ............34
Exiled Ones, The ............Dara Eklund ................160

Face of Courage, The .............Vonda Urban ................145

Facts & Phantasies ...............T. Marriott ..................68
Fairy Tale Facts ...............Polly Carr .....................12
Farewell to Matter ..............Boris de Zirkoff ..................18
Feeding the Hungry ............Grace Finlayson ................3
Few Questions to "Hiraf", A .............H.P. Blavatsky .....36,.37
Fidelity & the Future of the Theosophical Society .......G.
de Purucker ................12
Fillers: See the index at Wheaton for numerous entries of small items quoted by Boris
in various issues over the decades.
Final War, The ..............Dara Eklund ...............13
First Things First ............Newton Weber ...............8
Force Akin to the Sun, A ...............Boris de Zirkoff ............84
"Forgive Us Our Debts!" .............Montague A. Machell .......119
"For Mind Is Like a Mirror"....... L. Gordon Plummer .......125
Forward With H. P. Blavatsky .........F. Arteche .......24
Forward with the Sun!............. Editorial ................40
Fossil Finds & The Secret Doctrine .........A. Herbert Peron ...47
Fountains Old But Ever New Boris de Zirkoff 101
Framments .............H.P. Blavatsky ..............50
Fragments ...........William Q. Judge ................12
Freedom ...............Finvara ...............69
Freedom of Self-Expression in the Theosophical Society .....G.
de Purucker.................. 3
Freedom of Thought .................Annie Besant .....................18
Friendship ...............Boris de Zirkoff................... 76
Friends in Council ................T.B. Marriott .................80
From Letters to a Friend ...........W. Emmett Small ......104, 110,
117, 121, 122, 131, 134, 135, 139, 141 (SERIES)
From The Caves & Jungles of India .......H.P. Blavatsky ......31
Future: A Few Reflections, On the .....William Q. Judge ......42

Genes & Genius ..........L. Gordon Plummer .............148

Genius of the New Era, The ..............Editorial .............82
Gentle Art of Spiritual Self-Discipline, The ......Carle A.
Christensen .............73
Getting to Heaven on a Primissory Note .....Montague A.
Machell ..............124
Gift of Theosophy, The ............Mollie Griffith ........153, 154
Giving of the Self, The ............George Cardinal LeGros ......126
Glorious Combatant, A ............Karen Shannon ..........49
Go Forth in Light..............Montague A. Machell ..............105
Golden Opportunity, A ...............Boris de Zirkoff .............123
Gold of Silence, The ..............Dara Eklund ...............134
Gossamer Albatross, The ..................Dara Eklund ............164
Gottfried de Purucker, A Biographical Sketch .........Boris de
Zirkoff ................137
Great Actions ...............James O'Connell ..................52
"Greatheart, Mr." ............Dudley W. Barr ..............42
Great Quest, The ............H.P. Blavatsky ...............46, 47
Gurus & Chelas ................Edward Toronto Sturdy ..........163

H.P.B. (Also some entries under Blavatsky)....... 19

H.P.B.'s Challenge ...........Iverson L. Harris .............99
H.P.B.'s Literary Heritage .............Editorial ................105
H.P.B. Speaks ...................Review ....................40
H.P.B., The Exoteric & Esoteric .............G. de Purucker .....106
H.P.B. Today ..............W. Emmett Small .................91
H.P. Blavatsky and the Atomic Age .....W. Emmett Small .....106
H.P. Blavatsky to Her Correspondents ..................143
H.P. Blavatsky to the American Theosophists ..................108
Harmonies of Heaven, The ............Dara Eklund .............149
Have You Heard? (Fragments) ...........Boris de Zirkoff ..........22
Heavenly Threshold, The........... Montague A. Machell .......118
Here & There in "Isis Unveiled": Vol. Il pp. 587-590 .........151
Vol. II pp. 402-403 ................152
Vol. II p. 593................... ???
Heroic Drama We Call "Life", This ....Montague A. Machell...120

Heroic Enthusiasts ...........J. M. Prentice..............90

He Who Knows Is Without Fear! .....Montague A. Machell.....99
Hidden Harmonies .............L. Gordon Plummer ...............21
Hierarchical Government of the Theosophical Society ....J.
Emory Clapp............. 15
Higher Consciousness, The ..........Laura Gaunt ..............101
Hindu Trinity, The ............Nancy Browning........... 53
Hints on Theosophical Correspondence .....A.S. Malcolm .....62
History Does Not Wait!.......... Boris de Zirkoff ...............16
"Hodgson Report" Debunked................ Editorial ..............98
Home-Grown Theosophy .............Percy Leonard .............163
Hope ................L. B. .................40
Hopi Creation Myth, The ...............Lina Psaltis ..............110
Horizons of Higher Loyalty ........Boris de Zirkoff ............59
Horizons Without End ...........Boris de Zirkoff ..........53, 129
Horoscopes & Astrology ..........H.P. Blavatsky ................112
House of the Heart, The .............Dara Eklund ..............120
House Divided, A .............Montague A. Machell ..............93
How a "Chela" Found his "Guru" (Extracts from a letter to
Damodar) ..........S. Ramaswamier, F.T.S........... 58
How Can We Reach Another's Heart? .....Beth McGuire ......47
How Do We Know That We Know What We Know? ....Beth
McGuire ................4
How H.P.B. Taught Us ...........Jacob Bongren ............79
How Long is "Now"? ...........Montague A. Machell ........123
Humanity: What is It? ............T. Marriott ..............88
Human Kingdom Responsibility ...........T. Marriott .............84
Hundred Years Ago, A (Series) ..........Boris de Zirkoff.....
- I .........136
- II...........138
- II....................139
- IV ...............140
- V....................... 141
- VI.................... 142
- VII...................... 151
- VIII Authorship of "Isis Unveiled" ...............152
- IX H.P.B. on the VieWs of the Theosophist............ 155
- X The Real Madane Blavatsky ..............156
- XI From America to India ............157
- XII The Founding of "The Theosophist" ...............159
Hypnotism .............H.P. Blavatsky ..................43, 44
Hypnotism ............William Q. Judge .....................87
Hypnotism & Theosophy Reprint from Article in The Jenness
Miller Ilus. Monthly ................. 66
Hypnotism: Dangerous or Beneficial....Harold W. Dempster...67

"I am of Paul, and I of Apollos" ......Boris de Zirkoff ............27

I am the Resurrection and the Life ...Montague A. Machell...126
I and My Father Are One ................T. Marriott ................66
"I Die Daily" ...........George Cardinal LeGros ..............127
"I, Myself" Some Reflections ....Dr. Laurence J. Bendit.......129
I Want to be an Aspirant! ..............Sven Eek ...................52
I Would Like to Ask .....Question & Answer Dept. ............78,
79, 85, 86, 97, 102, 136
I Would Like to Ask .............L. Gordon Plummer .................100
Ideals & Idols ..............Dara Eklund ..................123
Ideas & Ideals .............G. de Purucker ..................74
Ideas That Endure Through the Ages ......Harold Dempster ....70
Ideas to Live By .............Clara Codd ..............83
Ignorant of Guilt ...............Lina Psaltis .................121
Illusion of Salvation, The ..............F. Arteche ...................29
Imperative Need of Ethics, The ...........Boris de Zirkoff ..........37
Impersonal Versus Indifferent ..............Vonda Urban ...........159
Implications of Intelligent Faith, The ....G. White Hickerson ....81
Important Asnect of Our Movement, An ......Laura Gaunt ......84
Inaugural Address of Col. H. S. Olcott ...............144
Incident with Madame Blavatsky, An ..........Marian B. Lull
F.T.S. ...............136
In Memoriam (Henry T. Edge, Solomon Hecht & Hubert S.
Turner).............16, 19
Interplanetary Thinking .........Montague A. Machell .........90
In the Buddha Fields ............Dara Eklund ................142
Interwoven Pattern of Life ..............Virginia J. Smith ............10
Into Century the Second ..........Boris de Zirkoff ............145
Into the Light ..............Editorial............. 18
Into the Second Century ............Boris de Zirkoff ...............141
lntra-Atomic Energy .............Richard H. Cutting ..................9
Intro- and Retrosnpective Dream - A Tale of the XXIV Century
H. P. Blavatsky .................75
Investment in Humanity .............E. M. Ingrahm ..............2
In What Sense is Theosophy Important? .....Montague A.
Machell ..................135
Is Suicide A Crime? ...........H.P. Blavatsky .........55, 122
Is the Desire to "Live" Selfish? ............H.P. Blavatsky .......53
Is Theosophy Cold? .............Mollie Griffith ....................131
Is There a Call? ............Boris de Zirkoff...................70
Is There a Teacher? ...............Dara Eklund .....................127
Is There Ever a Personal Problem? .......Ann Lloyd (Pen name
for Dara Eklund) ...............48
Is "The Secret Doctrine" Authoritative? ...Boris de Zirkoff .....72
It is Finished! ..............Cecil Hind ................13
It's Your Move! .............L. Gordon Plummer ...........123
"It's Your Own Karma" ..........L. Gordon Plummer...........150

Karma .................Frances Adams Moore ................113

Karma & Destiny .............George Cardinal LeGros ........121
Karma as a Habit of Nature ...........Boris de Zirkoff ......163
Karma - A Sevenfold Spectrum Of Desire....Vonda Urban.....147
Karma - Man's Perennial Opportunity ...........Montague A.
Machell ...............96
Karma in the Bible ..............Editorial ..................2
Karmic Agent ............Montague A. Machell.............. 96
Karmic Agents ............William Q. Judge ............... ??
Katherine Tingley as I Knew Her ....Boris de Zirkoff ........158
Keeper of the Light, A .......Montague A. Machell ........141
"Keep the Link Unbroken..."..... Boris de Zirkoff .........13, 149
Keep the Teachings Clear! ......Boris de Zirkoff .............133
Keightley, Bertram ....Biography................ 93
Keynotes Along the Path (Excerpts from: The Wisdom of the
Heart, Katherine Tingley, Ed. by W. Emmett Small ........158
Knout, The ...........H.P. Blavatsky ..................163
Knowledge as a Living Seed ............August Waldersee ......142
Knowledge Through Justice ........Emily L. Neresheimer .......23

Last Call For Tomorrow............. Editorial ..................20

Last Thoughts Before Sleep............. L. B. ................8
Legacy of Wisdom, A ..............Joy Mills ..................1
Lesson in Loneliness, A ............Dara Rittenhouse ...............70
Lesson in Loneliness, The ...........Charles Johnston.......84, 62
Lest We Forget ...............H.P. Blavatsky ...................14
Lest We Forget .............Boris de Zirkoff .............91
Letter from Soorb-Ovaness, A (Signed "X...F.T.S.") .........78, 79
Letter from William Q. Judge ......William Q. Judge ..........107
Letters to a Lodge ...........Jasper Niemand ............108
Letters to a Lodge from: Irish Theosophist Vol. 3, Nov. 1894,
Feb. 1895, May 1895 .................96, 97
Let Every Man Prove His Own Work....H.P. Blavatsky....48,100
Let's Go to Work!............. Boris de Zirkoff ...................6
Let's Keep an Open Mind .............Boris de Zirkoff ..............65
Let's Keep to the Road! ..............Boris de Zirkoff ..............104
Let's Transcend Ourselves ..........Boris de Zirkoff ...............134
Let Your Conscience be your Guide....L. Gordon Plummer...116
License Versus Freedom ................Boris de Zirkoff ..............29
"Life Flows by like a River...".......... John B.S. Coats .........162
Life Has its Pattern, Each ...........L. Kavonne ............23
Life - Relative or Absolute ..........Montague A. Machell .......98
Life - This Lordly Brotherhood .....Montague A. Machell .....139
Life Triumphant ..........Montague A. Machell ..................158
Life Worth Living, A .............Polly Carr ....................15
Light for the Mind ..........L.B. ................37
Lilith, The Dark Moon .............Arthur L. Joquel ...................26
Linear Discipline ................Dara Eklund ........................132
Lion Hearted, The ..............Montague A. Machell ..........106
"Listen to the March of the Future" ........Boris de Zirkoff .....144
Literary Jottings ........By an Unpopular Philosopher .......51
Looking Up....... L. Gordon Plummer................162
Lost and Found ..............Vonda Urban ......................157
Love and Compassion ................Editorial ................67
Love? What is ...................T. Marriott ...............4
Loyalty ................Karel Dekker ..................53
Lucifer - A World in Fragments.......... Arthur L. Joquel ...........35

Madam Blavatsky - A Tribute ...........Manly P. Hall .........19

Magic Key is Within Ourselves, The ......Mollie Griffith .......22
Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, The ..............80
Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts .....William O. Judge ..........130
Man: A Mirror of the Universe .....WIlliam W. Stevens ........20
Man and the Invisible Worlds ............Della A. Pierce ............3
Man Is a Composite Being ..........Boris de Zirkoff ......53, 56
Man or Souirrel?......... Montague A. Machell ................107
Man's Enduring Hope .........George Cardinal LeGros .........129
Man The Magnifier ....Montage A. Machell ................109
Man Who Was Not There, The .........Boris de Zirkoff ..........77
Many Are Called... But Few Have Chosen ..........Montague A.
Machell ...............108
Marvels of Sincerity, The ..........Dara Eklund .............125
Masters & Their Appearance, On .......Jasper Niemand .......111
Masters as Ideals & Facts, The .....William Q. Judge (also
under Mahatmas) ...................163
Mathematics of the Cosmic Mind .........L. Gordon Plummer
Maybe We Should Question Ourselves?..... G. White
Hickerson ................83
Meaning of Life, The ...........Montague A. Machell ...............138
Meditation ............L. Gordon Plummer .............140
Meditation - Concentration - Will .....William Q. Judge ......59
Meditation Through Action ...........Dara Eklund ..............146
Mediums & Yogis, What is the Differrence Between the Two?
(Signed ***)............68
Memorandum for Leaders ........Ruth Pratt ................41
Memory In the Dying ..............H.P. Blavatsky .................54
Mental Detergent, A ..........A.D.B. ..............58
Mental Healing: Is it Wise?.......... Grace Finlayson ..........14
Men to Match the Atom! ..........Boris de Zirkoff...........71
Merely Custodians of What We "Own" .......Vonda Urban ....152
Message to the Centenary World Congress of the Theosophical
Society in America ..........John B. S. Coats .............145
Middle Way, The .................Editorial ......................63
Mind & the Human Battleground ............Vonda Urban ........149
Mind in Nature, The ...............H. P. Blavatsky ................49
Mistaken Notions of the "Secret Doctrine".. H.P. Blavatsky....33
Modern Apostles & Pseudo-Messiahs....H.P. Blavatsky........41
Moment is Now, The ...........Margaret Chamberlain..............111
Monads, Rounds, & Astral Molds .......G. de Purucker .....137
Moon & Its Mystery, The .........Boris de Zirkoff .............120
Moral Law of Compensation, The .........An Ex-Asiatic ........16
More About the Monad ......Geoffrey A. Barborka .............100
Motion ..............Fleet B. Berry........... 153, 154
Mounting Tide, A ............Boris de Zirkoff ..................116
Musings Along the Path ...........Boris de Zirkoff ...............54
Musings Along the Road .........Boris de Zirkoff .............. 80
Musings on the New Year's Morrow..... Boris de Zirkoff ........11
Must I Remember? .........Montague A. Machell .............133
Mysterious Universe, Our ..........Nancy Browning ...............35
Mystery of All Time, The ..............Mabel Collins........ 83
Mystery Schools ..............Harold Dempster ................64
Mystery That is Man, The .........L. Gordon Plummer ....97, 98
Mysticism .............Montague A. Machell ..................134
Mystic Night, The ...........AE (George William Russell)........96

Narada.............. G. de Puruclrer ..............137

Nature & Cause of Evil, The Letters from the Adept-
Brothers ...............153, 154
Nature of Diseases & Their Cures, The....William Q. Judge....90
Nature's Veils ............Jasper Niemand ...............47
Nature-Worship........H.P. Blavatsky Commentary ..........159
Necessity for Ethics, The ............James O'Connell ..............61
Needed: A Leap Forward! ...........Boris de Zirkoff .........148
Need is Great, The .............Boris de Zirkoff .................7
Negro Race? What about the ............Edwina Booth .........12
Neo-Physics & "The Secret Doctrine" .....................19
New Cycle, The .............H. P. Blavatsky .........106, 163
Horizons ..........Dr. J.W.A. Croiset van Uchelen ............1
New Horizons ..........Dr. Gustaf Stromberg (Astronomer) .....26
New Trends in Science ..........F. Arteche ...................28
Nicholas de Roerich: A Centenary ...........Editorial .............140
Nicholas de Roerich: Pioneer of the Spirit ......Editorial....... 24
1980 -- On With the Work! ............Boris de Zirkoff ........161
Nineteen Fifty One ........Boris de Zirkoff ...........41
1975 Is No Magic Date ...........Boris de Zirkoff .........102
Ninety Years Ago ............Kip Van Vleck Geiger ...........112
Nirvana Now!......... George Cardinal LeGros ..............132
No Man's Land .........Dara Eklund................ 141
Northward With the Sun ...................Editorial ...............52
Notes on Chelaship ..............L. Gordon Plummer .............133
Number Magic ................Editorial ................33

Object of Living, The ..............T. Marriott ................87

Occult Arts ...........William Q. Judge ...............88, 89
Occultism Versus the Occult Arts.....H.P. Blavatsky......141, 142
"Ode to Immortality" ..............Dara Eklund ...........150
Olcott, Col. Henry Steel & William Q. Judge.....Boris de Zirkoff
(Short Biography of Each) ................113
On Being Aware ..........Harold W. Dempster ...........48
On Being Brotherly .........Harold W. Dempster ...............50
On Being Dependable ............Harold Dempster .............44
On Being Free .............Harold Dempster ............46
On Being Integrated ..............Harold Dempster ............47
On Being Patient ..........Harold W. Dempster ..............49
On Being Universal .............Harold Dempster ............45
On Clairvoyance & the Astral Light (Excerpts from the writings
of H. P. Blavatsky & William Q. Judge) ...............60
On Disease & Methods of Healing .....William Q. Judge.......114
Oneness of Life, The All Pervading ......Boris de Zirkoff..........4
One Teaching - Many Channels ........Verna E. Ott...........53
One World ................R. H. Cutting ..................18
On Failure, Conscience & Intuition ......Boris de Zirkoff .........43
On Finding Fault ...........Ann Lloyd (Pen name for Dara
Eklund)............. 52
On Helping Others .............Signed "A"............. 71
On Inner Stability ...............Boris de Zirkoff .............114
On the Nature of Theosophy ..........H. P. Blavatsky........?
On the New Year's Morrow....... H.P. Blavatsky ......52, 93
On the Threshold of Tomorrow .....Boris de Zirkoff ........25
Opening Doors Together ......Eileen Margaret Walker ........54
Operation "Megalomania"....... Boris de Zirkoff ........62
Our Character - Ownership in Full .......Vonda Urban.....153, 154
Our Cycle and the Next .......H.P. Blavatsky ....10, 73
Our Distant Relatives ..........Nancy Browning .............30
Our Forgotten Past ...........E. M. Geiger ...............6
Our Immediate Opportunity ........Boris de Zirkoff...........45
Our Title-Page Illustration .......(Short Biography of Dr. Henry
Travers Edge)...........Boris de Zirkoff.........82
Our Universal Objectives ........Boris de Zirkof............126
Our Untapped Resources ..........Boris de Zirkoff ........136
Outdistancing the Personal Man ........Dara Eklund .........140
Out of Eternity into Time ........Montague A. Machell ......127

Path of Discipleship, The ............Editorial...........144

Pathway of Liberation, The .......George Cardinal LeGros .....53
Pathways of Light ......L. Gordon Plummer ......102, 103, 104
Pause for Spring ...........W. Emmett Small .............94
Pendulum of Life, The ..............Vonda Urban .............162
Perennial Challenge, The ............Boris de Zirkoff .........49
Perfection of Change, The .........Dara Eklund............155
Pernicious Quality of Fear, The ........Nancy Browning.........43
Personality ..........Reini Roos ............7
Philosophy & Art as Healing Powers .....Antonio Mendez .....45
Philosophy for Tomorrow ........Richard Sattelberg......134
Pioneers of the Spirit ..........Boris de Zirltoff ............75, 122
Place for Each, The Irish Theosophist, Vol. V, Oct.1896......81
Planning for Tomorrow..... John Coats (reprinted) .........136
Platform Worthy of Theosophists, A ....W. Emmett Small .....55
Politics & Theosophy .........Henry Steel Olcott ..........43, 115
Possessions Versus Character ........Boris de Zirkoff ........47
Powers of Darkness ...............Lina Psaltis ............122
Practical Occultism ........George Cardinal LeGros ...........117
Practical Occultism ..........H.P. Blavatsky .............129
Practical Occultism ............Laura Gaunt...............99
Practical Side of Theosophy, The ......William Q. Judge .......4
Precipitation ...............H. P. Blavatsky .................56
Prejudice ....................Waldo A. Perez ............55
Preparation for the Farvest ...........Henrietta de Hoog ........84
Present Conflicts .................L. B. ................62
Priorities ...............Vonda Urban ................146
Progress and Culture ..................H. P. Blavatsky .........7
Prologue to a Study of Death ........W. Emmett Small ........102
Prove It! .................L. Gordon Plummer ..................121
Psychic Versus Spiritual .............Boris de Zirkoff ..........128
Punishment or - Purification .....Dr. John W. Campbell ........127
Pyramids of Atlantis, The............. Arthur L. Joquel ...........46

Quest, The ..........Mary Ellen Walters ...............12

Quiet, Please! ..............Montague A. Machell ..........110
Quietude ...............Dara Eklund ..............117

Racism? Are You Up On............ Editorial ................17

Reading of Books, The ..............Dara Eklund ................114
Reality, An Ideal Worth Living For ....Montgue A. Machell ......92
Real Knowledge ......Damodar K. Mavalankar .............104
Reflections on "The Known" ..............Cecil Hind ...........16
Reflections on Universal Tradition .....William W. Stevens......45
Reincarnation .............Montague A. Machell ...............132
Reincarnation & Christianity .....Harold W. Dempster ......84, 85
Reincarnation: Immediate or Deferred ....J.M. Prentice .........93
Remembrance of William Q. Judge, A .....Arthur P. Moran......91
Reminiscences ..............Katie E. Smith .............138
Reminiscences of H.P. Blavatsky ............Dr. Archibald
Keightley ..................78, 79
Renewal of The World ............Stephan Hoeller ...........59
Rent in the Veil of Isis, A ..............Editorial ..............19
Resnonsibility .........Montague A. Machell ..........131
Resurrection! ...............Jan H. Venema ..............16
Resurrection - A Perennial Requisite .........Montague A.
Machell .................102
Retreat From Hurry ..........G. White Hickerson................. 60
Reviews & Ads, Readers Guide, etc ........135
- The Perennial Philosophy .........Huxley........15
- Studies in Occult Philosophy....G. de Purucker......11
- Wind of the Spirit .........G. de Purucker ........1
- The Seachers .....Dr. Gustaf Stromberg .......24
- Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge.............3
Reward and Punishment .............James O'Connell.........53
Rhythms In Our Movement ........Boris de Zirkoff ..........63
Rising Tide of Change, The ..............Boris de Zirkoff .......162
Rocket Flights & Occultism .........Boris de Zirkoff .........20
Rough Weather Ahead! ........Boris de Zirkoff.........103

Science & Mental Dynamics ......Lina Psaltis ..........127, 128

Science & the Lemurian Continent ......Boris de Zirkoff ........40
Science Meets Astrology .........E. Hoffman Price ..........51
Science of Magicic, The ..........H. P. Blavatsky ..........77
Scientific Basis for Ethics ..............G. de Purucker ...........4
Scientific Vindications of Occultism .......Boris de Zirkoff ......31
Sculptor's Appreciation, A (Unveiling Bust of W. Q.
Judge)..........August Lindstrom (Reprint from N. Y. Journal
May 7, 1896)...........66
Search for Identity, The ..........Dara Eklund ............133
Search for Universality, A .......Boris de Zirkoff ..........64
"Second Wave, The", .........Charles Johnston ...............2
Seeking Fundamentals ...........J. Cevanu...............11
Seeking the High Purpose ..........Ruth Pratt ............36
Self-Knowledge ...............Unsigned..............135
Self-Reliance .........AE (George W. Russell) ..........59
Sermon of a Rose, The ......Montague A. Machell ........129
Seventy-Five Years Ago (With Facsimile of Minutes) .....Boris
de Zirkoff .........................39
Seventy-Five Years Later ............Boris de Zirkoff ..........108
Shadow & Substance ........AE (George Russell) ............57
Shall We Look and See? .......G. White Dickerson......59
Significance of the Bhagavad Gita, The .......Harold W.
Dempster ..........77, 81
Significance of the "Popol Vuh", The ............Harold W.
Dempster .................75
Silent Brother, The .........Count E...A... F.T.S........... 83
Sing Thy Song, O Minstrel! .....Montague A. Machell .......140
Sinner & the Great Law, The ......Mollie Griffith ..........74
Solar Force at Work, A ........Boris de Zirkoff ..............118
Soldier, Sailor or Marine, To the .............Editorial ............2
Solidarity Among Theosophists .......Iverson L. Harris ........75
Some Basic Facts of Reincarnation ....Boris de Zirkoff .......67
Some Facts Concerning Mars ......Boris de Zirkoff ..........68
Some Healthy Doubts ........Boris de Zirkoff .........98
Some Reflections on Enlightement......Eldon D. Tucker III....145
Some Speculations on the Cycles....G. White Hickerson ......73
Some Steps Along the Age-old Path .....Boris de Zirlcoff ....156
Some Words on Daily Life .............Editorial.............3
Some Words on Ddaiy Life (Lucifer, London, Vol. I, Jan. 1888,
pp. 344-46) ......(A Master of Wisdom).......149
Space: "A Magnificent Obsession" ......Margaret Chamberlain
Soul of Things", The ...........H. P. Blavatsky ............113
Sound & its Potentialities ..........Basil P. Howell ..........68
"Spaced Out" .........Dara Eklund.........163
Spaces Of Space ...............Dara Eklund ............157
Sparks From the Anvil ........H.P. Blavatky (excerpts) .........80
Spirit of Giving, The ................A. L. Conger .............14
Spirit of Service, The ..........Harold W. Dempster ............1
Spiritual Impulses of the Great Cycles, The ......G. White
Hickerson .............63
Spiritual Parochialism ..........Montague A. Machell ........117
Spiritual Progress............H. P. Blavatsky .............45
Splendor of Immensity, The ......George Cardinal LeGros....128
Spring Tide, The ..........G. White Hicherson .............102
Standd Firm!....... Montague A. Machell .............112
Still Viaters Run Deep ..........L. Gordon Plummer ..........158
Storing Wisdom for the Future ..........Mollie Griffith ........129
Storming Tower, The ..............Dara Eklund ..........147
Strange Experience, A .........Violet Tweesdale ............78 ,79
Study Classes, From Our ...............Editorial .............2
Suicide ever Justifiable?, Is .........Irene R. Ponsonby .......11
Summary of the Principles of Magic, A .....H.P. Blavatsky....126
Sun - A Beating Heart!, The .........Boris de Zirkoff ........164
Sunset Prayer .............George Cardinal LeGros .........131
Superstition & the Psychic Realm .........Lina Psaitis ........132
Supreme Duty, The ............Annie Besant ............21
Supreme Experience, The.........Montague A. Machell......111
Supreme Relationship, The .....Montague A. Machell......157

Taint of Time, The ........Montague A. Machell ..........151

Talk by the Euphrates, A ......George William Russell ........112
Talk to Members, A .....C. Jinarajadasa ..............34
Task Ahead, The .........Boris de Zirkoff ..............106
Teacher & Disciple of Old, The .........Herbert A. Coryn ......73
Teaching and Authority .........Dr. Henry A. Smith .......145
Teenager Looks At Theosophy, A .......Tim Genodette .......107
Tender of the Flame ..........Joan Sutcliffe ..........153, 154
Test of Excellence, A ...............Dara Eklund .........145
Then and Now............... Editorial ........36
Theosophical ...........W. Emmett Small ...........149
Theosophical Ecology ..............Boris de Zirkoff ........3
Theosophical Literature, Standard (A Series)....Boris de Zirkoff ......1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9,
10, 14
Theosophical Merry-Go-Round ......G. White Hickerson ......71
Theosophical Movement, The ......L. Gordon Plummer .......143
Theoqophical Movement, The .......William Q. Judge .......3, 42
Theosophical Society & Its Aims, The .......Col. Henry S.
Olcott ..........14
Theosophical Society, A Statement about the ......Boris de
Zirkoff ................1
Theosophical Society: Its Mission and Its Future, The ......H. P.
Blavatsky .............23
Theosophical Society, Lodge #60 Activities ..........1 to 13
Theosophical Society, San Diego Lodge Activities ......1 to 16
Theosophical Society, The ........Col. Henry S. Olcott .........39
Theosophical Society, The (Its Origin, Plan and Aims) ..... Col.
Henry S. Olcott .............144
Theosophical Society, The .........William Q. Judge ........44
Theosophical Society, Why a ........Dr. Sven Eek .........6
Theosophical Sponge, The............ D. Cutting .........71
Theosophic Task, The ..........Henry Marquis.......36
Theosophist a Leader, Every....... G. de Purucker ........2
Theosophist - An Artist in Living, The .....Jan H. Venema......14
Theosophist, A Representative .......Jan H. Venema .......11
Theosophists, In Search of .........Boris de Zirkoff ......26
Theosophist Views Buddhism, A .... H. W. Dempster ........72
Theosophy a Doctrine? Is .......Boris de Zirkoff .........92
Theosophy and Adversity .........D. L. Kerst ........2
Theosophy and Capital Punishment .......William Q. Judge.......
........ 63,115,132
Theosophy and Education .........Iverson L. Harris .........33
Theosophy and Faith ............Arien Smit .........162
Theosophy and Healing, Q & A in the Theosophcal Forum,
Edited by William Q. Judge ............139
Theosophy and Modern Astronomy.....L. Gordon Plummer.....71
Theosophy and Mythology ......Joan Sutcliffe ..............147
Theosophy and Science Meet, Where ....Boris de Zirkoff .....24
Theosophy and the Jesus Problem....Richard Sattelberg.....131
Theosophy and The Theosophical Society....Henry T. Edge...75
Theosophy and Youth ..........Elinor Hufty............45
Theosophy a Religion? Is .........H. P. Blavatsky...........13
Theosophy as a Creative Power ......C. Jinarajadasa .......14
Theosophy as a Living Power .........Boris de Zirkoff ........33
Theosophy as a Living Reality .........Joy Mills ............147
Theosophy as a Way of Life........ Boris de Zirkoff............90
Theosophy - A Scientific Discipline .....Boris de Zirkoff .......87
Theosophy Generally Stated .......William Q. Judge .......74
Theosophy Help Us? Can .........Pat Warfield .............16
Theosophy In Action ............Boris de Zirkoff ..............139
Theosophy On the Hoof ..............E. Hoffman Price ..........41
Theosophy On the March ............Boris de Zirkoff .........76
"Theosophy Speaks" Radio Talks
- What is Theosophy? ..............1
- What is Man? ...............2
- Reincarnation .................3, 4, 5, 6
- Character, Heredity & Environment............... 7
- Personal Karman ...............8
- National Karman ...................10
Theosophy: The Need of the Hour ........Boris de Zirkoff .......1
Theosophy Today ........W. R. Bergstrom ............1
Theosophy Today .............W. R. Bergstrbm ............123
Theosophy Yesterday and Today .........Theodore Heline ......1
"There Is a Tide in the Affairs of Men"...... Emily L. Neresheimer
.................. 13
Think Beautiful .............Vonda Urban............. 1
Third Choir, The................ Dara Rittenhouse ..............67
This Divine Serial - Life ......Montague A. Machell ......164
This Treasure - Serenity .......Montague A. Machell .....114
Thorn in My Side, The ............L. Kavonne ......81
Those Amazing Life-Atoms ........L. Gordon Plummer ..........118
Thought ..............T. Marriott ............67
Thought & Thoughts, On ..........G. de Purucker ...........125
Thoughts by The Way ........Montague A. Machell .......148
Thoughts by the Wayside ......The Wayfarer....2 to 15, 17, 18
Thoughts on a New Race .......Cecil Hind ..........15
Thoughts on Kama-Loka an Eastern F.T.S. ........69
Thoughts on the Life Atoms .......Mollie Griffith ........147
THOUGHTS TO REMEMBER: A short Quotation or even a page Was inserted at the
beginning of each Theosophia issue,
selected from some timely or classic book or journal. All
these are listed consecutively in the de Zirkoff archive files
in Wheaton, Illinois.
Three Approaches to Knowledgee....L. Gordon Plummer.....128
Three Fundamental Propositions of "The Secret Doctrine", The
G. de Purucker ..............115
Three Planes of Human Life: The Jagata, Swapna, Sushupti
(Waking, Dreaming, Dreamless Sleep) .....William Q. Judge
Three Score Years & Then ............Harriet Bliss .........72
Thyself & Thy King ..............unsigned ................72
Tibetan Teachings ..............H. P. Blavatsky ............29
Tidal Wave, The ............H. P. Blavatsky..............19
Tide is Rising, The ...........Boris de Zirkoff ..............97
"To Dissipate the Shadow"...... Montague A. Machell .........122
Tolerance & Understanding ........Mary Ellen Walters .........9
Tomorrow Does Not Wait!....... Boris de Zirkoff .............23
Tones & Overtones ............L. Gordon Plummer ...........114
To Stem the Tide of Psychism .........Boris de Zirkoff ............93
Towards a New Dawn .........Roberto Hack..............94
Towards a New Stage-Setting ........Boris de Zirkoff .........135
Towards a Spring-Cleaning .........Boris de Zirkoff ...........94
Towards an Unified Mankind ........Boris de Zirkoff ...........44
Towards the City of the Sun ............Boris de Zirkoff ........125
Training for a Higher Life ...............Herbert Coryn ..........32
Traveler, The ..........George Cardinal LeGros ............155
Tributes to Dr. G. de Purucker - Special Issue with
Appreciations from old and New Students ................137
True to its Mission .............W. Emmett Small .............144
Truth and Its Perception, On ......William W. Stevens ..........3
Turn of the Century, The .........Boris de Zirkoff .........35
Turning the Pages of "Isis Unveled" ......H.P. Blavatsky ......119
Twilight of Life, The ..........Montague A. Machell .........156
Time and Eternity .............Montague A. Machell ............145
Two Schools of Thought ............Boris de Zirkoff ..........127

Unconquerable, The .............T. ............76

Understanding is our Common Ground ......Vonda Urban .....141
Undying Message, An ..........Boris de Zirkoff .............78, 79
Undying Urge, The ...........Boris de Zirkoff............ 66
United in Brotherhood .........Margaret Chamberlain...........91
United in Objective .........Boris de Zirkoff ..........110
United Movement, A ..........J. E. Clapp ........... 30
United on a Sure Foundation .......Boris de Zirkoff ...........107
United Yet Independent........... Henry T. Edge .........39
Unity By Multiplication, Multiplication by Units..John Roberts..48
Unity of Our Movement, The .........Boris de Zirkoff .........140
Universal Brotherhood ............Talbot Mundy ..........130
Universal Brotherhood .............Boris de Zirkoff ...........58
Universal Brotherhood, as a Vital Force ....Boris de Zirkoff ....8
Universality of the Movement, The .......Boris de Zirkoff .......42
Universal Kinship.......... Boris de Zirkoff.......... 95
Universe: True or False? The ......L. Gordon Plummer.......109
Unknown Theosophy, The .....Eileen Margaret Walker .......53
Upward & Onward .......Leo P. de Lavallade ........55
Use of Abuse, The ..............Dara Eklund .........131

Vagrant Thoughts on Karma .........J. M. Prentice ...........92

Vexing Texts & the Hearts' Peace ........Eileen Margaret
Walker ...............57
Vibrational Bases of Character ............T. Marriott...........11
Views of the Theosophists .........H. P. Blavatsly .............25
Virtue in Action ............Dara Eklund ...........120
Virtue in an Age of Iron ............Judith Tyberg ..........18
Vision of Emperor Paul I, The ...........Oleg Kurbsky .........28
Visit to Kanchipuram & the Shankaracharya .........Shelley von
Strunckel .............161
Vivisection? So this is ..............Editorial ..........31
Voices of the East .............Lina Psaltis ..........102
Vulcan: The Intra-Mercurial Planet..... Arthur L. Joauel ......24

Wake Up to the New Age! ............F. Arteche .........22

Wanted: A Higher Sense of Ethics ........Editorial ..........55
Wanted: A Rebirth of Ethics ...........Boris de Zirkoff .........45
Wanted: Common Sense ..............L. B. ........16
Wanted: Universality ..............Boris de Zirkoff ..........51
War on Hate ............F. Arteche ...........31
Watching Our Thoughts ........Norine G. Chadil ........45
We Are Still At War! ...........Edwina Booth ..........14
We Can Be Young with Them ........Boris de Zirkoff ........8
We Owe a Debt ............Audree Benner .........33
We Therefore Resolve .............Editorial .........61
What About Venus & Mercury ......L. Gordon Plummer .......139
What Are the Theosonhists?..... ..H. P. Blavatsky....109, 160
What are You Doing for Theosophy? ........A. B...... 17
What Can I Do? .......Montague A. Machell .........95
What Do We Mean by "Psychic"?....Boris de Zirkoff....153, 154
What Do We Mean by "Sacrifice"?...Montague A. Machell...103
What Do We Mean by Soul? ........L. B......... 23
What is Man's Place in the Universe?..........Emily L.
What is Our Responsibility I-Q? .........Vonda Urban ........164
What is Pure Theosophy? ..........Dara Eklund ..........151
What is Theosophy? .........H. P. Blavatsky ........159
What is "The Secret Doctrine"? ..........Editorial .........115
What is Truth? ...........Harold W. Dempster ..........86
What of H.P.B.? ............Herbert Coryn ..............49
What of the Future? ..............Boris de Zirkoff ............143
What of the Moon? .........Boris de Zirkollf .........117
What the Master Taught Me .......C.J. .......... 32
What They Think ............Editor,Theosophia ..........82
- Hla Bu, Burmese Philosopher
- C.S. Lews, Novelist
- Melvin Calvin, Biochemist
- Harlow Shapley, Astronomer
When the Sleeper Wakes ......W. Emmett Small....... 78, 79
When War Comes Again ..........Leo Tolstoy ........38
Where is the Infinite? ...........L. Gordon Plummer ..........17
Where is the Soul? .............L. B. ............58
Where is the Weak Spot in My Armor? ........Emily L.
Neresheimer ........... 28
Where is Truth? .............L. Gordon Plummer ...........93
White Lotus Day ............Editorial...........1
Who and What Am I?...... Emily L. Neresheimer ...........20
Who Are the Devas?........... A Collation ...........82
Who Are the Todas? ..........Arthur L. Joquel ....56, 57, 58
Who Are We? .............Vonda Urban ..........143
Who Is My Brother? ............Sudara .........57
Whole-Heartedness .........Henriette de Hoog .........51
Who Played that Trick on H.P.B.? .....Boris de Zirkoff ......113
"Whose Service is Perfect Freedom" .....J. M. Prentice .......94
Why do we quote the Teachings? .....Dara Rittenhouse .....159
Why I Became a Theosophist ....Dr. Henry Travers Edge ....82
Why I Believe in that Mysterious Thing - Reincarnation
............Lawrence Easterbrook .........86
Why I Do Not Return to India ........H. P. Blavatsky.......... 124
Why Remain an "Integer"?..... Montague A. Machell ......113
Wider Patterns of Christianity ......L. Kavonne .........52
Widow's Mite, The ............Vonda Urban ............142
William Q. Judge: His Occult Status .....Boris de Zirkoff ....142
Wisdom ........Harold W. Dempster ........57
Wisdom Religion of the Hopi People, The .....Lina Psaltis....118
Wisdom Religion, The .........Dr. Theodore Heline ........7
With Heart in Mind .............Vonda Urban .........160
Within Hailing Distance ........G. White Hickerson .........94
With Undimed Vision ...........Editorial ......57
Wizards Boolshelf 1972-1980......... Richard I. Robb ......161
Words of Spiritual Worth ...........Editorial .........64
Work in Holland, Our .............Editorial .........14
World of Tomorrow - A Challenge to Youth, The .......Boris de
Zirkoff.............. 9
Worlds to Conquer .........Henriette de Hoog ...........64
World's Trouble and Its Cure, The.... G. de Purucker .......117
World-Wide Fellowship .......Boris de Zirkoff .........88
World-Without End-Hour, The ..........C. J. ........76
Writings of H. P. Blavatsky, The ....Boris de Zirkoff .......34


Xifre, Don Jose A Biography ....Editor, Theosophia ........92

"Ye are Gods" ..........Laon ........65
Year Is New, The ...........Boris de Zirkoff .........73
--- "Yes, and Hope" .........AE (George W. Russell) ........65
Yoga ............L. B. .................44
Your Horoscope is Your Wheel of Life....Ralph Sterling......122
"Yours Till Death and After, H.P.B." ....William Q. Judge......106
Youth Can Do It ............Boris de Zirkoff ..............56


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